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An algal culture medium was developed which reflects the extreme chemical conditions of acidic mining lakes (pH 2.7, high concentrations of iron and sulfate) and remains stable without addition of organic carbon sources. It enables controlled experiments e.g. on the heterotrophic potential of pigmented flagellates in the laboratory. Various plankton organisms isolated from acidic lakes were successfully cultivated in this medium. The growth rates of a Chlamydomonas isolate from acidic mining lakes were assessed by measuring cell densities under pure autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions (with glucose as organic C‐source) and showed values of 0.74 and 0.40, respectively. 相似文献
J. Siepak 《洁净——土壤、空气、水》1999,27(5):282-285
This paper reports on total organic carbon (TOC) and its fractions dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) studied in different Polish rivers. The samples investigated came from the Vistula, Odra, and Warta rivers, and were compared with similar data on river waters available in the literature. The DOC concentrations ranged from 10.0 to 14.2 mg/L and did not vary during the vegetative season. The POC values considerably increased from May through September and reached a maximum in summer. Results for the years 1991τ1996 evidenced a significant increase in the POC value for the Polish rivers from 10.8 to 24.5 mg/L, in comparison with analogous values for West European rivers and North American ones. The enhanced values of TOC and POC were interpreted as being due to anthropogenic pollution. 相似文献
Edward D. Wallingford Francis A. DiGiano Cass T. Miller 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》1988,8(4):85-92
Monitoring of the vapor phase has emerged as a very convenient method for detecting volatile organic contaminants in the subsurface. It can provide a reliable way of placing ground water monitoring and recovery wells. The most common method uses a driveable ground probe (DGP) to extract a vapor-phase sample followed by direct injection of the vapor into a portable gas chromatograph (GC). However, many regional offices of regulatory agencies and consultants do not have ready access to such equipment. This research explores an alternative–the carbon adsorption method—in which the vapor is withdrawn by the DGP but concentrated on a small activated carbon trap (150mg). The carbon traps can be returned to a central laboratory for solvent extraction and GC analysis. This provides the advantages of increased sensitivity, reduction in field equipment and convenience of in-lab analyses (multiple GC injections are possible). A simple DGP and carbon trap system was constructed and tested at a field site. Vapor-phase concentrations of target compounds present in gasoline were mapped quite conveniently, ranging from 10,000μg/liter (vapor phase) to less than 10μg/L. These concentrations were also shown to decrease in the direction of the ground surface, as expected. Measurements of target compounds in soil showed that the vapor phase contributed a large fraction of the total contaminant burden where a non-aqueous-phase layer (NAPL) had been identified; as important, however, is the rather uniform contamination of the soil outside the NAPL region. Finally, the concentrations of target compounds in the vapor phase and ground water could be related in a manner roughly described by a simple equilibrium model, although exceptions were noted. 相似文献
Michael E. Rosen James F. Pankow Jacob Gibs Thomas E. Imbrigiotta 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》1992,12(1):126-133
The relative precision and accuracy of sampling and analysis methods for the determination of trace concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ground water were compared. Samples were collected from a well containing nanogram-per-liter (ng/L) to microgram-per-liter (μg/L) levels of VOCs. A Keck helical rotor submersible pump was used to collect samples at the surface for analysis by purge and trap (P&T) and for analysis by adsorption/thermal desorption (ATD). Downhole samples were collected by passing water through an ATD cartridge. Although slight spontaneous bubble outgassing occurred when the water was brought to the surface, the relative precisions and comparabilities of the surface and downhole methods were generally found to be equivalent from a statistical point of view. A main conclusion of this study is that bringing sample water to the surface for placement in VOC vials (and subsequent analysis by P&T) can be done reliably under many circumstances. However, care must still be taken to prevent adsorption losses and cross contamination. Samples subject to strong bubble outgassing will need to be handled in a special fashion (e.g., by downhole ATD) to minimize volatilization losses. Additionally, the higher sensitivity of the ATD method allows lower detection limits than are possible with P&T. For example, several compounds present at the ng/L level could be determined with confidence by ATD, but not by P&T. 相似文献
In this study a field‐sampling technique for dissolved hydrogen (H2) in groundwater will be presented which allows the transport of gaseous samples into the laboratory for further analysis. The method consists of transferring the headspace trapped in a gas‐sampling bulb which is continuously purged by groundwater into previously evacuated vials using a gas‐tight syringe. Three transfer steps with preceding evacuation of the vial led to a H2‐recovery of 100 % in laboratory experiments. The method has been applied to determine H2 concentrations in an aquifer contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Tests concerning the effect of different pumping techniques on H2 concentrations revealed that most reliable values were obtained with a bladder pump, while an electrically driven submersible pump generated considerable amounts of hydrogen due to electrochemical interactions with the sampled water. Concentrations of dissolved hydrogen in field and laboratory samples were about two orders of magnitude higher when sampling was performed with the electrically driven submersible pump compared to sampling with the bladder pump and a peristaltic pump. Lab experiments with a Plexiglas reservoir to produce H2‐enriched water were used to study the effect of two tubing materials (PVC, polyamide) on H2 losses. PVC tubing turned out to allow transfer of H2‐enriched water over 25 m without significant losses, while PA‐tubing was not suitable for sampling of H2. 相似文献
A bloom of Chlamydomonas botryopara was observed in an extremely acid coal mining pond (pH 2.5) with high concentrations of iron and aluminium (1160...3760 mg L–1 Fe, 133...387 mg L–1 Al). Cell density of algae was counted as 6.45 · 106 mL–1 corresponding to 700 mg L–1 fresh weight and 2660 μg L–1 chlorophyll‐a. The nutrient concentrations were 3.5 mg L–1 soluble reactive phosphorus and 0.15 mg L–1 dissolved inorganic nitrogen. This observation supports the hypothesis that a low nutrient availability rather than extreme conditions (e.g. high acidity and low pH) limit the development of phytoplankton in many acidified lakes. 相似文献
Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon after a cyanobacterial bloom in hypereutrophic Lake Taihu (China) 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Linlin Ye Xiao Shi Xiaodong Wu Min Zhang Yang Yu Daming Li Fanxiang Kong 《Limnologica》2011,41(4):382-388
To establish the influence of the cyanobacterial bloom collapse on the characteristics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Lake Taihu, high-molecular-weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM), with sizes between 1 kDa and 0.5 μm, were collected using cross-flow ultrafiltration, from three different eutrophic regions. Isolated HMW-DOM was further characterized by atomic carbon to nitrogen ratio and neutral sugars composition by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The results indicated that the cyanobacterial cell lysis induced by nitrate depletion is the likely mechanism for DOC release. The relatively high DOC level was associated with the high chlorophyll a concentration in Meiliang Bay, one of the most eutrophic bays in the northern part of the lake. However, no significant correlations were observed between chlorophyll a concentration and HMW-DOC concentration during the demise of the cyanobacterial bloom in Lake Taihu. No significant differences were found in the HMW-DOC concentration among the three sampling sites, which were selected to represent different eutrophic status. However, a significant difference in the HMW-DOC concentration was found between October 2009 and January 2010 in all three sampling sites (p = 0.02). The HMW-DOC release may be attributed to the cyanobacterial cell lysis after the peak of summer bloom. The similarity in neutral sugar composition between the HMW-DOM and cyanobacterial exopolysaccharides suggests that the cyanobacterial bloom is the source of HMW-DOM. However, the significant correlation between the carbon to nitrogen ratio in HMW-DOM and chlorophyll a concentration was only observed in Meiliang Bay, which implies that apart from the cyanobacteria-derived DOC, a fraction of DOC was from riverine input. The decline of the cyanobacterial bloom also changed the overall DOM pool, leading to a shift in the component of HMW-DOM from a C-enriched material to an N-enriched material, as revealed by the variation in the carbon to nitrogen ratios. Overall, these results demonstrate that the quantitative and qualitative DOM is affected by the post-cyanobacterial bloom in Lake Taihu. 相似文献
长江中下游湖泊沉积物生物可利用磷分布特征 总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24
利用化学提取方法对太湖6个样点,巢湖4个样点和龙感湖3个样点的表层沉积物和沉积物柱样进行了生物可利用磷(BAP)测定.北太湖表层沉积物的平均含量为259.5mg/kg,而西部湖区平均含量为114 6mg/kg,湖心区平均含量为40.6 mg/kg,而东太湖平均含量为50.7 mg/kg,呈显著北高南低的特点.巢湖西部湖区表层沉积物的BAP平均含量为 254.2 mg/kg,而东部湖区BAP含量降低为101.9mg/kg.龙感湖表层沉积物BAP平均含量为67.8 mg/kg.显著表明污染程度较高的湖区沉积物的BAP相应较高.BAP在沉积物中随深度呈指数降低,显示生物可利用磷在沉积作用下向稳定的非活性磷转化.夏季沉积物中的BAP由于生物活性的增强向溶解态活性磷转化过程增强,显示为较低的BAP含量.BAP 含量与水体溶解态活性磷呈正相关关系,且该相关性在BAP含量较低的样点好于高BAP的样点. 相似文献
The River Lippe is situated at the northern part of the rhenish-westphalian coal mining area, Germany and has a long history of being affected by mining water discharge. There has, however, been a massive decrease in the discharge of mining water over the past few decades. While early in the last century concentrations of up to 3500 mg l−1 of chloride were observed, the mean concentration is now below 400 mg l−1. At the same time the water quality has improved greatly so factors other than chloride concentration may be influencing the macroinvertebrate community.Macroinvertebrate data collected from three sites along the River Lippe was analyzed for a change in the occurrence of salt tolerant species in an area where mining water discharge ended in 2000. It was found that also during the period of discharges the macroinvertebrate community was dominated by freshwater species and therefore the impact of mining water discharges in the upper River Lippe is considered to be minor.It was also found that for some species (Nais elinguis, Bithynia tentaculata and Gammarus tigrinus) their proposed salinity preference did not correlate with their occurrence in the field. This may be an area that requires further research. 相似文献
The sandy littoral zone of Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany) was investigated during 2004–2006 down to sediment depths ≥26 cm to derive a scheme of seasonal carbon turnover under induced bank filtration conditions. Carbon turnover processes were quantified regarding external and internal sources of dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM), primary production, community respiration, redox potential as well as specific loads of soluble chemical compounds such as nitrogen, iron, manganese and DOC.Over the course of the year, infiltrating DOC decreased by about 13–20% within the upper 26 cm sediment of the infiltration stretch. Gradients of all observed soluble compounds that are highly cross-linked to biological activities were highest in the topmost centimetre. In this depth mass balances (output–input) were negative concerning NO3-N (−1 mg dm−2 d−1, summer mean) and DOC (−2 mg dm−2 d−1, winter mean), respectively, while specific loads of cations such as manganese reached up to 0.2 mg dm−2 d−1 during summer. Carbon mineralization ranged between 3 and 7 mg C dm−2 d−1 and was nearly twice as high in summer as in winter. The turnover of the infiltrating DOC contributed maximally 25% in summer to 50% in winter to the entire organic carbon mineralization. Gross and net primary production differed up to a factor of >10, indicating very fast turnover reactions and the predominance of community respiration and mineralization, respectively. The POC in the upper sediment layer (10 cm) temporally varied around 1% sediment d.w.; benthic algae, organic seston input and autumnal leaf fall contributed similar percentages to the POC pool. 相似文献
Effective biodegradation of organic compounds is one of the major objectives while optimizing biological drinking water treatment processes. Enhancing the biological activated carbon (BAC) filter performance with nutrient addition was studied using chemically pre-treated and ozonated lake water. Three parallel pilot-scale biofilters were operated: one with phosphorus addition, one with a mixture of inorganic nutrients addition, and one as a reference. The addition of nutrients had no statistically significant influence on the natural organic matter (NOM) removal when monitored by total organic carbon (TOC), UV absorbance, and assimilable organic carbon (AOC). However, the addition of nutrients significantly increased the heterotrophic plate count (HPC) bacteria of the filter effluent, while the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analysis of the attached bacteria did not show any increase in BAC filters. It seemed that in BAC filters the bacterial growth was limited by phosphorus, but the increased bacteria could not attach themselves during the relatively short acclimatization period. 相似文献
Polychaetes are suitable organisms for evaluation of impact of sediment pollution. We evaluated toxicity of cadmium and copper and measured metallothionein-like proteins (MTLPs) in the polychaete Perinereis nuntia. At the same concentration ranges copper was unexpectedly more toxic than cadmium. Copper also caused no significant increase in MTLPs in the polychaetes. When P. nuntia and another polychaete species, Cirratulus cirratus were cultured in the contaminated sediments collected from Lake Sihwa (Korea), a high mortality of 80% was observed on day 6 in P. nuntia in the sediment with the highest metal concentration. However, no mortality was observed up to 35 days in C. cirratus in any sediment. MTLP contents between two species also varied. These findings suggest that MTLP induction response in the polychaetes varies with the metal type and species and it may be used as a biomarker of sediment pollution in the polychaetes after further validation and field trials. 相似文献
Analysis of data characterizing the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation was presented, with an emphasis on components responsible for neutralization of rain acidity. For this purpose, chemometric methods were applied. Based on a principal component analysis (PCA) a strong correlation between precipitation pH and potassium and ammonium ions in the heating period (October–March) and potassium and sodium ions in the non‐heating period (April–September) was observed. Additionally, a classification of eight variables, i.e., Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, , , Cl?, and according to their similarities was made using a cluster analysis. Based on this study, two ions, potassium and ammonium, together with the pH value were classified into one group (cluster) in the heating period while in the non‐heating period ions of potassium and sodium were clustered together with the pH. The results of the cluster analysis indicated that the selected ions contributed the most to the neutralization of the atmospheric precipitation acidity. This relationship was confirmed by a discriminant analysis in which potassium and ammonium ions were selected as components of the highest potential for precipitation classification according to its acidity degree. The relationship between the precipitation pH and the number of non‐precipitation days preceding the precipitation was also analyzed. It was found that although the observed an increase of the pH value was not very high, nevertheless, the effect of the duration of the period preceding the precipitation on the pH value recorded on the day of the precipitation occurrence was quite evident. 相似文献
鄱阳湖流域1955-2002年径流系数变化趋势及其与气候因子的关系 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
近些年来,由于人类活动的影响,湖泊普遍出现了萎缩、水位下降、水量锐减、水质污染等问题,研究湖泊最低生态水位,确保湖泊所必须的最小水量,对于解决我国湖泊生态退化问题具有重要意义.本文提出综合指标法来计算湖泊最低生态水位.根据博斯腾湖具体情况选取天然水位资料、湖泊形态和芦苇3种指标为依据分别计算博斯腾湖的最低生态水位,计算结果分别为1047.06 m,1047.41 m和1047.20 m,然后通过综合分析以上这3种指标所占权重,进行加权计算,最终确定博斯腾湖最低生态水位为1047.16 m,通过分析表明1047.16 m作为博斯腾湖最低生态水位是合理的,综合指标法作为湖泊最低生态水位的计算方法切实可行. 相似文献
Recent evaluations of acute and chronical toxicity of arsenic resulted in a reduction of the standard value for total arsenic from 40 μg/L to 10 μg/L in drinking water which will be valid in Germany after a transition period as from January 1996. Arsenic is well known as substance of deep groundwaters, mainly of geogenic origin and normally found as As(III) or As(V). As(V) is well removable by flocculation and filtration after adding iron salts. As(III), however, has to be oxidized first to As(V). Therefore, it is important for treatment techniques to be able to distinguish between As(III) and As(V). A modified determination of As(III) using flow injection analysis was installed and optimized in order to investigate whether As(III) may be oxidized to As(V) by bacteria in natural waters. The results showed that at 4°C, no As(III)-oxidation was observed within 14 days. At room temperature, however, in the bacteria-containing samples, an As(III)-oxidation was found starting after 3 to 7 days. After 14 days, no As(III) was left over. In contrast, in the sterile samples, no As(III)-oxidation could be observed within 14 days. These results demonstrated that microbial processes influence the oxidation of As(III) to As(V) in natural waters. 相似文献
洞庭湖流域气候变化特征(1961-2003年) 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以22个气象站1961-2003年的气象观测数据为基础,对洞庭湖流域的气温、降水和参照蒸散量进行趋势与突变分析.从1970年开始,洞庭湖流域经历了一个缓慢而稳定的增温过程,1990s发生突变进入快速增温时期;尤其是是在春、冬季节,这种突变式的增温特征非常显著;秋季持续而稳定增温,而夏季气温并无明显变化.进入1990s,洞庭湖流域降水有明显增多,尤其是夏季降水突变式增加;与此同时,夏季暴雨频率也突变式增大,但是暴雨强度并无明显变化.1900s迄今,参照蒸散量持续而稳定的减少,夏季减少量尤为显著.全球变暖的区域响应,驱动洞庭湖流域水循环速度加快,夏季降水增多,而蒸发能力减弱,这是1990s洞庭湖流域洪水频发的主要气候因子. 相似文献
湖北太白湖400多年来沉积硅藻记录及湖水总磷的定量重建 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
依据沉积物钻孔的高分辨率硅藻研究,利用长江中下游现代湖泊硅藻与总磷转换函数结果,定量重建了太白湖400余年来占湖水总磷浓度的变化.结果表明,约1630 AD前和1 800-1924 AD期间,湖水总磷浓度较低,在50-68μg/L之间;1630-1800 AD,总磷浓度偏高,总体上在50-160μg/L之间变化,变幅较大.1800-1924AD,总磷浓度明显下降为谷值段,且变化相对稳定(50μg/L左右);1924-1953AD,总磷浓度仍较低,但有增加趋势(50-63μg/L);20世纪50年代开始,总磷浓度出现快速增加;至1970年后,总磷浓度超过120μg/L左右.利用样品相似对比的方法发现约80%的样品具有较好的重建效果.古湖水总磷浓度值的变化揭示了该湖两次明显的富营养化过程,初步探讨了其驱动机制.根据重建结果提出:太白湖自然营养本底总磷值约为50μg/L左右,可作为该湖治理时的参考目标. 相似文献
太湖沉积物中的可培养细菌:Ⅰ.细菌多样性初步分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用牛肉膏培养基培养,从不同深度的太湖沉积物中共分离得到603个菌落形态不同的菌株,通过数值分析比较了40个形态表征性状,以不加权平均连锁聚类(UPGMA)的方式进行簇群归类,在0.75水平上可分成4个聚类群和51个亚群.从51个亚群中各随机选取一个菌株,测定其16SrDNA部分序列(约540bp)并据此进行分析,表明这些菌株分别属于Firmicutes、Actinobacteria、γ-Proteobacteria这三大类群,与数据库中已知的芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、类芽孢杆菌属(PaenibaciHus)、微球菌属(Micrococcus)、节杆菌属(Arthrobacter)、迪茨菌属(Dietzia)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)细菌具有很高的相似性.其中迪茨菌属在国内淡水湖泊沉积物中为首次报道. 相似文献