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The equilibrium partitioning of Fe2+ and Mg between olivine and liquid along a liquid line of descent has been determined for a calc-alkaline system, ranging in composition from picritic to andesitic. Experiments were conducted between 1000–1450° C and 1 bar to 30 kbar. Within the compositional range investigated and , the compositional dependence of the Fe2+ and Mg partitioning is a function of the Mg-content of the liquid. The Mg-content of the liquid correlates strongly with temperature. The variation of the Fe2+ and Mg partitioning were therefore evaluated individualy as functions of composition and temperature alone. The composition dependence of the cation-partitioning coefficients (Kd) is given by the following two equations:

Melt inclusions in ureilites occur only in the small augite- and orthopyroxene-bearing subgroups. Previously [Goodrich C.A., Fioretti A.M., Tribaudino M. and Molin G. (2001) Primary trapped melt inclusions in olivine in the olivine-augite-orthopyroxene ureilite Hughes 009. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta65, 621-652] we described melt inclusions in olivine in the olivine-augite-orthopyroxene ureilite Hughes 009 (Hughes). FRO 90054/93008 (FRO) is a near-twin of Hughes, and has abundant melt inclusions in all three primary silicates. We use these inclusions to reconstruct the major, minor and rare earth element composition of the Hughes/FRO parent magma and evaluate models for the petrogenesis of augite-bearing ureilites.Hughes and FRO consist of 23-47 vol % olivine (Fo 87.3 and 87.6, respectively), 7-52 vol % augite (mg 89.2, Wo 37.0 and mg 88.8, Wo 38.0, respectively), and 12-56 vol % orthopyroxene (mg 88.3, Wo 4.9 and mg 88.0, Wo 4.8, respectively). They have coarse-grained (?3 mm), highly-equilibrated textures, with poikilitic relationships indicating the crystallization sequence olivine → augite → orthopyroxene. FRO is more shocked than Hughes, experienced greater secondary reduction, and is more weathered. The two meteorites are probably derived from the same lithologic unit.Melt inclusions in olivine consist of glass ± daughter cpx ± metal-sulfide-phosphide spherules ± chromite, and have completely reequilibrated Fe/Mg with their hosts. We follow the method of Goodrich et al. (2001) for reconstructing the composition of the primary trapped liquid they represent (olPTL), but correct an error in our treatment of the effects of reequilibration. Inclusions in augite consist of glass, which shows only partial reequilibration of Fe/Mg. The composition of the primary trapped liquid they represent (augPTL) is reconstructed by reverse fractional crystallization of wall augite from the most ferroan glass. Inclusions in orthopyroxene consist of glass + 30-50 vol % daughter cpx. The cpx shows complete, but the glass only partial, reequilibration of Fe/Mg. A range of possible compositions for the primary trapped liquid they represent (opxPTL) is calculated by modal recombination of glass and cpx, followed by addition of wall orthopyroxene and adjustment of Fe/Mg for equilibrium with the primary orthopyroxene. Only a small subset of these compositions is plausible on the basis of being orthopyroxene-saturated.Results indicate that olPTL, assumed to represent the parent magma of these rocks, was saturated only with olivine and in equilibrium with Fo ∼ 83. AugPTL and opxPTL are very similar in composition; both are close to augite + orthopyroxene co-saturation and in equilibrium with Fo 87/8. We suggest that olPTL was reduced to Fo 87/8 due to smelting during ascent, and show that this produces a composition very similar to that of augPTL and opxPTL.REE data for each of the three primary silicates and the least evolved melt inclusions in olivine are used to calculate REE abundances in the Hughes/FRO parent magma. All four methods yield very similar results, indicating a REE pattern that is strongly LREE-depleted (Sm/La = 3.3-3.7), with a small negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.82) and slight HREE-depletion (Gd/Lu = 1.4-1.6).The Hughes/FRO parent magma provides a robust constraint on models for the petrogenesis of augite-bearing ureilites. Its major, minor and rare earth element composition suggests derivation through mixing and/or assimilation processes, rather than as a primary melt on the ureilite parent body.  相似文献   

Diffusion coefficients of Co2+ and Ni2+ in synthetic single crystal forsterite along the c-axis were determined in the temperature ranges, 700–1200?°C and 800–1300?°C, respectively. The synthesized forsterite specimens were coated with thin evaporated films of CoO and NiO on the c-surface and annealed for diffusion experiments. The short penetration distance of diffusing ions in forsterite was measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry using the depth profile method. The diffusion coefficients of Co (700–1200?°C) and Ni (800–1300?°C) are given by: and The observed diffusion coefficient values show good linear relationships in Arrhenius plots and the activation energy values obtained agree well with the previous values, although the diffusion coefficient values observed at the high temperature end of the experimental range deviate from the previous values. These results indicate that Co and Ni diffuse in olivine with a single mechanism within the temperature range observed, possibly with an extrinsic in nature as in the case of Mg tracer diffusion observed by Chakraborty et?al. 1994 and of Fe-Mg interdiffusion by Chakraborty.  相似文献   

Near-liquidus phase relationships of a spinel lherzolite-bearing olivine melilitite from Tasmania were investigated over a P, T range with varying , , and . At 30 kb under MH-buffered conditions, systematic changes of liquidus phases occur with increasing ( = CO2/CO2 +H2O+olivine melilitite). Olivine is the liquidus phase in the presence of H2O alone and is joined by clinopyroxene at low . Increasing eliminates olivine and clinopyroxene becomes the only liquidus phase. Further addition of CO2 brings garnet+orthopyroxene onto the liquidus together with clinopyroxene, which disappears with even higher CO2. The same systematic changes appear to hold at higher and lower pressures also, only that the phase boundaries are shifted to different . The field with olivine- +clinopyroxene becomes stable to higher with lower pressure and approaches most closely the field with garnet+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene at about 27 kb, 1160 °C, 0.08 and 0.2 (i.e., 6–7% CO2+ 7–8% H2O). Olivine does not coexist with garnet+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene under these MH-buffered conditions. Lower oxygen fugacities do not increase the stability of olivine to higher and do not change the phase relationships and liquidus temperatures drastically. Thus, it is inferred that olivine melilitite 2927 originates as a 5% melt (inferred from K2 O and P2O5 content) from a pyrolite source at about 27kb, 1160 dg with about 6–7% CO2 and 7–8% H2O dissolved in the melt. The highly undersaturated character of the melt and the inability to find olivine together with garnet and orthopyroxene on the liquidus (in spite of the close approach of the respective liquidus fields) can be explained by reaction relationships of olivine and clinopyroxene with orthopyroxene, garnet and melt in the presence of CO2.  相似文献   

Mossbauer measurements have been carried out on three natural chromite minerals from different locations in China over the temperature range 50 to 750 K. The experiments showed these samples to be magnesioferrochromites. The Mossbauer spectra measured could be decomposed into three doublets: two attributed to the tetrahedral T-site Fe2+ ions and the third to the octahedral M-site Fe3+ ions. Thus for the chromite spinels the results strongly supported the ordered distribution with Fe2+ in the T-site and Fe3+ in M-site.  相似文献   

The role of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in synthetic Fe-substituted tetrahedrite   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Tetrahedrites with the composition between Cu12Sb4S13 and Cu10Fe2Sb4S13 were synthesized at 457 °C and 500 °C from the elements and carefully studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy of57Fe. Between Cu12Sb4S13 and Cu11Fe1Sb4S13 iron is predominantly ferric. Between Cu11Fe1Sb4S13 and Cu10Fe2Sb4S13 iron is predominantly ferrous and occupies the tetrahedral M1-sites.
Zusammenfassung Die Rolle von Fe2+ und Fe3+ in synthetischen Tetraedriten mit Fe-Substitution Tetraedrite mit einer Zusammensetzung zwischen Cu12Sb4S13 and Cu10Fe2Sb4S13 wurden bei 457 °C und 500 °C aus den Elementen synthetisiert und sorgfdltig mit Mössbauer-Spektroskopie von57Fe untersucht. Zwischen Cu12Sb4S13 and Cu11Fe1Sb4S13 ist Eisen überwiegend dreiwertig. Zwischen Cu11Fe1Sb4S13 and Cu11Fe2Sb4S13 ist Eisen überwiegend zweiwertig und besetzt die tetraedrisch koordinierten M1-Plätze.

Optical absorption spectra are presented for taramellite, traskite and neptunite, all of which have both Fe2+ and Ti4+ as major elements. The spectra of each of these minerals are dominated by a single, intense absorption band in the 415 to 460 nm region with 7000 to 9000 cm?1 halfwidth. These transitions, assigned to Fe2+-Ti4+ intervalence charge transfer, showed little difference in intensity at 80 and 300 K and have molar absorptivities which range from ~100 to ~1300 M?1 cm?1. The Fe2+-Ti4+ absorptions in these standards generally compare well to other mineral spectra in which Fe2+ — Ti4+ intervalence absorption has previously been proposed with the exception of the most cited example, blue corundum.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectra of biotite at 4 K are reported. The biotite crystals were oriented with the c-axis parallel to the γ-ray direction and some spectra were recorded with external magnetic fields of 40 kOe applied at right angles to the c-axis. Decrease of the magnetic-hyperfine field of both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions on application of the external field shows that both Fe3+-Fe3+ pairs and Fe2+-Fe2+ pairs are coupled ferromagnetically.  相似文献   

The separate distributions for MgSiO3 and FeSiO3 in coexisting pyroxenes from the Skaergaard and Bushveld intrusions and charnockites, which were introduced in an earlier communication, indicate directly that significant amounts of both Fe2+ and Mg were present in the M(2) site of the Ca-rich pyroxene at the temperature of final intercrystalline equilibration. The calculated Fe2+ M(2) site occupancy in the Ca-rich pyroxene increases markedly with decrease in total MgSiO3 content but the corresponding Mg site occupancy appears largely independent of MgSiO3. The mean value of the distribution constant for intracrystalline exchange in the Ca-rich pyroxene decreases, away from unity, with decreasing temperature of equilibration. Occupancy of Mg and Fe2+ in the M (2) site of the Ca-rich pyroxene effectively compensates for the expected variation in K D with composition resulting from intracrystalline partition in Ca-poor pyroxene, and this largely accounts for the difference in K D between igneous and metamorphic pyroxenes. The variation of the augite limb of the pyroxene solvus within the pyroxene quadrilateral is developed as a possible geothermometer.  相似文献   

The color and spectroscopic properties of ironbearing tourmalines (elbaite, dravite, uvite, schorl) do not vary smoothly with iron concentration. Such behavior has often been ascribed to intervalence charge transfer between Fe2+ and Fe3+ which produces a new, intense absorption band in the visible portion of the spectrum. In the case of tourmaline, an entirely different manifestation of the interaction between Fe2+ and Fe3+ occurs in which the Fe2+ bands are intensified without an intense, new absorption band. At low iron concentrations, the intensity of light absorption from Fe2+ is about the same for Ec and Ec polarizations, but at high iron concentrations, the intensity of the Ec polarization increases more than ten times as much as Ec. This difference is related to intensification of Fe2+ absorption by adjacent Fe3+. Extrapolations indicate that pairs of Fe2+-Fe3+ have Fe2+ absorption intensity ~200 times as great as isolated Fe2+. Enhanced Fe2+ absorption bands are recognized in tourmaline by their intensity increase at 78 K of up to 50%. Enhancement of Fe2+ absorption intensity provides a severe limitration on the accuracy of determinations of Fe2+ concentration and site occupancy by optical spectroscopic methods. Details of the assignment of tourmaline spectra in the optical region are reconsidered.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed on the system MgO-SiO2-Cr-O at 0-2.88 GPa and 1100-1450℃,focusing on the stability of Cr^2 in olivine(O1),orthopyroxene(Opx) and spinel(Sp) and its partitioning between these phases.Analytical reagent grade chemicals,MgO,SiO2,Cr2O3.and Cr were used to make starting mixtures.Excess Cr(50%) was then added in these mixtures to ensure that the resultant phases were in equilibrium with the metal Cr.Flux of BaO B2O3(%) was added for facilitating experimental equilibrium and crystal growth.Cr was used as capsule material.All phases in the product were identified by X-ray and analyzed by electron microprobe,The contents of CrO in the different phases(O1,Opx and Sp)were calculated according to stoichiometry.The obtained results of calculation indicate that Cr^3 in Ol and Opx is negligible.The experimental results show;(a) with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure,Cr^2 solubility in Ol,Opx and Sp increases;(b) with in creasing temperature,the partitioning coefficient of Mg and Cr^2 between Ol and Opx decreases,that between Opx and Sp increases,and that between Ol and Sp remains almost unchanged;(c) the effect of pressure on all partitioning coefficients is negligible.  相似文献   

New polarized infrared reflectance spectra of pure synthetic forsterite and natural Fo86-olivine have been recorded from 5000 to 100cm-1. Out of the 35 expected infrared active modes, 33 have been observed (8 B1u, 12 B2u, 13 B3u). The observed frequency shift from pure forsterite to Fo86-olivine is consistent with the higher mass of the substituted iron. The substitution of only 14% of iron also reduces the overal far-infrared reflectivity of olivine as compared to pure forsterite. Several discrepancies associated with previous studies of forsterite are explained by our investigation. We suggest that some of the previous investigations were complicated by polarization mixing.  相似文献   

Diffusivities for calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and aluminum have been measured for St. John's olivine undergoing cation exchange with synthetic basaltic melts. The variety of temperature, pressure and fO2 conditions under which the diffusivities were measured complement the equilibrium-partitioning study of calcium in olivine-bearing basalts by Jurewicz and Watson, 1988. Olivine was found to be anisotropic with respect to the diffusion of calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese. This anisotropy is a weak function of temperature, but strongly dependent upon oxygen fugacity.Because diffusion is independent of olivine composition over the small range of compositions used in this study, it could be shown that the absolute values of the diffusion coefficients were also functions of temperature and fO2. At near-atmospheric total pressure and an oxygen fugacity of 10–8atm, D Fe>D Mn>D Ca and D MgD Mn for a range of geologically reasonable temperatures. These relative diffusivities were shown to change with oxygen fugacity. The power-law dependence of diffusion on oxygen partial-pressure was determined for each cation and the results are consistent with the range of values given by Stocker (1978) and by other workers.For Ca and Fe, the effect of hydrostatic pressure on diffusion appears to be weak, at least for transport parallel to the c crystallographic direction. Unfortunately, no true activation volumes (or other pressure-related parameters) could be computed because the oxygen fugacity was not held constant over changes in pressure, and because accurate post-experiment reconstruction of sample orientation was not possible. Al was found to enter high-pressure olivines at concentrations of up to 0.14 weight percent, thus allowing aluminum diffusion to be characterized. The diffusivity of aluminum is, within error, the same as iron at 20 kb at 1430° C at the ambient fO2 of our piston-cylinder cells. This correspondence suggests that diffusion of Al may depend on transport of either Fe or of Fe +3 defects. While the results of these experiments are generally consistent with results published elsewhere, there are important inconsistencies. Tracer diffusion and interdiffusion in pure, ordered, olivine endmembers (e.g., tephroite and forsterite) showed significantly higher activation energies. This discrepancy could reflect the role of Fe+3 defects in diffusion; however, it may also suggest that order-disorder phenomena may be significant factors influencing diffusion in analog systems.The results of this study are applied to four petrologic problems: (1) calculation of rates of equilibration for olivine xenocrysts; (2) calculation of closure temperatures for the CaO/MgO olivine/basalt geothermometer (Jurewicz and Watson 1988); (3) delineation of an intrinsic-/O2 geobarometer; and (4) investigation of the dependence of olivine dissolution upon crystallographic orientation. In addition, it is demonstrated that diffusion-exchange experiments are useful for studying the dominant point-defect mechanisms for cation diffusion.Currently, a visiting scientist with Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Materials Laboratory (MLLM), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433  相似文献   

We applied molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to finding likely paths of atomic migration of the Mg ion in forsterite (Mg2SiO4) and the oxygen ion in MgSiO3-perovskite to better understand atomic diffusion in minerals. Our simulations show that there exist two routes of Mg migration in the forsterite structure, that is, paths between the M1 and M2 sites and between the M1 and M1 sites. In the MgSiO3-perovskite structure, some oxygen ions migrate to the next sites all together through the O1 vacant site showing co-operative movements. The O ions are relatively mobile mainly along the b axis in the perovskite structure. Meta-stable sites are often present between a stable site and another stable site on atomic migration. In spite of many assumptions, our MD simulations may show likely paths of atomic migration in crystal.  相似文献   

The cation distribution in the synthetic samples of olivine-type structure with composition (Fe x Mn1?x )2SiO4 was determined at room temperature and confirms previous Mössbauer results. At low temperature an antiferromagnetic ordering is observed. The magnetic structures can be described in the crystallographic cell (i.e. k=0). They are interpreted on the basis of the irreducible representations (modes) of the symmetry groups which are compatible with Pnma. The dominant modes observed for all compounds, including Fe2SiO4 and Mn2SiO4, only differ in their direction. The main direction of magnetization is dominated by the Fe2+ single-ion anisotropy. At 4.2K, for x=0.29, it is parallel to the c-axis, whereas for x=0.76 the direction is parallel to the b-axis. The anisotropy of the M1-sites dominates in the first case, whereas M2-anisotropy dominates in the second case. The influence of temperature is demonstrated for x=0.50 where c is the main direction at 4.2K, when it is b at 38K.  相似文献   

The crystal structure and site preference of Co2+ in a synthetic Co1.10Mg0.90SiO4 olivine have been determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction data collected on an automatic diffractometer. The R factor is 0.044 for 612 reflections. The site occupancies are: Ml site: Co 0.730±0.006; Mg 0.270; M2 site: Co 0.370, Mg 0.630. The Gibbs free energy change, ΔG° for the ion-exchange reaction between M1 and M2 sites is ?4.06 kcals/mole, assuming ideal mixing at each set of sites. This energy may be called ‘site preference energy’ of Co2+ in olivine. The strong preference of Co2+ for the M1 site can be quantitatively explained by two competing forces: preference of ions larger than Mg2+ for the M2 site and stronger covalent bonding of transition metal ions at the M1 site. For Fe2+, Mg2+, these two effects nearly neutralize each other, explaining the lack of considerable cation-ordering in Fe-Mg olivines.  相似文献   

Fe2+-F avoidance, reported in the literature in micas and amphiboles, can be accounted for by crystal field theory. The crystal field splitting parameter, ΔO, of Fe2+ octahedrally coordinated to F? is significantly smaller than its value when (OH)? is the coordinating anion. Thus, the presence of Fe2+ is not favored at sites where F? substitutes for (OH)? due to smaller crystal field stabilization energy.  相似文献   

Ferrous and ferric iron concentrations in feldspars with low total iron content (<0.32 wt% total Fe) were determined from optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra to better than ±15 percent of the amount present. Optical spectra indicate that Fe2+ occupies two distorted M-sites in plagioclases of intermediate structural state. The linear dependence of the Fe2+/Fe total ratio on An content demonstrates that Fe2+ substitutes for Ca (not Na) so that the number of Ca-sites is a principal factor in iron partitioning in plagioclase. EPR powder spectra show that the number of sites for Fe3+ depends on structural state rather than on plagioclase chemistry. The observed linear correspondence of EPR double-integrated intensities with optical peak areas shows that all Fe3+ is tetrahedrally coordinated in both plagioclase and disordered potassium feldspar. Microcline perthites show, in addition to tetrahedral Fe3+, a signal due to axially coordinated ferric iron, which we associate with formation of hematite inclusions.  相似文献   

Partitioning of Ni2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Mn2+ and Mg2+ between olivine and silicate melts has been determined near the join (Mg0.5·-Fe0.5)2SiO4-K2O 4SiO2 and for seven different basaltic compositions. The experiments were made at 1 atm total pressure, 1500-1100°C, and under moderate to reducing oxygen fugacities. The concentration factor, defined as KMO = (MO)ol/(MO)liq (molar ratio), increases markedly for all the cations studied as the olivine component of the liquid decreases. Much of the increase in KMO is considered as due to the compositional effect of the coexisting liquid: the temperature effect on KMO is probably opposite to the compositional effect (KMO decreases as temperature decreases).The partition coefficient KMO-MgO = (MO/MgO)ol/(MO/MgO)liq for the reaction, Mol2+ + Mgliq2+ = Mliq2+ + Mgol2+. is relatively constant over a wide range of SiO2 content of the liquid, except in the case of Ni2+. The partition coefficients have similar ranges both in synthetic and natural rock systems: KNiO-MgO = 1.8–3.0, KCoO-MgO = 0.6–0.8, KFeO-MgO = 0.27–0.38, and KMnO-MgO = 0.23–0.32. There is a systematic variation in the partition coefficient KMO-MgO with the composition of liquid; KMO-MgO increases with increasing SiO2 content of melt. The partition coefficients for Co2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ are useful to test the equilibration of olivine with magma of a wide compositional range.  相似文献   

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