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1INTRODUCTIONCommunity residents form an important part of tourismdestinations and play a crucial role in the protection anddevelopment oftourism resources. The Tourism Agenda21 advocates that the development of tourism industryshouldconsider the interestsofthe host residentsand en-sure long-term viability beneficial towards destinationcommunity (LIU, 2000). Yet in manyinstances tourismdevelopment proves detrimental to host communities(LANKFORD and HOWARD, 1994; LIU and VAR,1986)…  相似文献   

Tourism can have both positive and negative outcomes for residents in tourism destinations, It is a good method to analyze the status of tourism impact by means of investigating residents' perceptions of it. Various methods have been used in previous authoritative studies. However, owing to inherent imprecision, difficulties always exist in some conventional methodologies when describing the interpretation of linguistic or measured uncertainties for real-world randoln phenomena. The purpose of this research is to present the fuzzy synthetic evaluation method to investigate residents' perceptions of tourisln impacts. At first, basic attributes and a hierarchical framework of tourism impacts are defined and formed. Secondly, the weighted vectors are determined according to the knowledge and experience of experts. Thirdly, the weighted evaluation matrices are aggregated to get the fuzzy sets of tourism impacts. In the last stage, the final fuzzy sets are defuzzified to get the rank of the residents' perceptions of tourism impacts. A case study in Jiuzhaigou National Park of China is provided to demonstrate the application of this method.  相似文献   

lINTRODUCTIONAstotourismofdevelopingcountries,asPecialresearchfieldwasdividedfrompopuIartourismstudybysomewestemresearchers,manyspecialwordswereoftenusedsuchas"twosectors","enclaveconstrUction",j'developingscale","govemment'sin-terferenceandtheindustryroleoftourism"(MARTIN,l993;JENKIN,l982;JENKINetal.,l982,E-MANUL,l992)'AspecialattentiongiventoChinaisonlysomepoliticalanalyzingabouttourism(RICHTER,1983;HALL,l994;TREVoR,l998).AstoChineseleisurelife,recentlysomepapershadbeen…  相似文献   

In the forming of the Dynamic System of Tourism Development(DSTD)in developed regions from the view of supply side,the Dhlphi Method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used to count the weight of each component of the DSTD.It has been found that the attraction subsystem is the most important one of the three subsystems at the first hierarchical level of DSTD,which means that tourist attractions are always the principal factors for regional tourism development,even in developed regions.But it is also noteworthy that the significance of the attraction subsystem is not dominant in the DSTD.At the second hierarchical level,the physical attraction subsystem rand No.1,while the weight of the non-physical attraction subsystem is just a little larger than the weight of the hardware subsystem and that of software subsystem.And the weights of the three components in the medium subsystem are similar.The top 3 factors at the third hierarchical level are scenic spot,location and regional economic impact.The result verifies the conclusions of qualitative analysis,which depends on the market research and the study of historical date,that the most important compo-nent of the DSTD in Foshan is the impact of the developed economy.Knowing the weight of each component of the DSTD can be helpful to make out the most useful force,furthermore to determine the future orientation for regional tourism develop-ment.  相似文献   

Basedontheliteraturereview,previousqualitativeanalysis,andthemarketresearch,adynamicsystemoftourismdevelopmentfromtheviewofsupplysideisformedforthecityindevelopedregion,whichcanbeappliedtorealizewhichcomponentsaredrivingthede-velopmentofregionaltourism,whatthefunctionsofthemareandwhichfactoristhemainforcefortourismdevelopment.FoshanCityistakenasacaseinthispapertocarryoutquantitativeanalysisandfingeroutthefunctionofeachcomponentintheDynamicSystemofTourismDevelopment(DSTD).1DYNAM…  相似文献   

This study examines the issue of high-quality labor in rural enterprises of China. It develops a spatial strategy which consists of two dimensions: geographical space and administrative space. Different combinations of these two dimensions form a variety of approaches such as local internalization, local externalization, regional/national internalization, and regional/national externalization. In the local internalization approach, rural enterprises hire such high-quality labor and ask them to work on site, while in the local externalization approach, rural enterprises seek help from employees working in other local enterprises. In the regional/national internalization approach, rural enterprises set up research and development centers in big cities to take advantages of the high-quality labor pool there. Finally in the regional/national externalization approach, rural enterprises hire people from big cities on temporary contracts. Three approaches, hiring retired technical workers, shuttling between the rural site and country seats, and setting up R&D centers in big cities are demonstrated through cases in Zhangjiagang, a leading county-level city in the southern Jiangsu Province. It is argued that rural enterprises need to broaden their perspectives of administrative space and geographical space and think creatively to deal with the shortage of quality labor in rural settings.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) was considered to be a key index in evaluation of soil degradation and soil C sequestration. To discuss the spatial-temporal dynamics of SOC in arable layer in reversed desertification area, a case study was conducted in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, China. Data of SOC were based on general soil survey in 1982 and repeated soil sampling in 2003. Soil organic carbon content (SOCC) was determined by K2Cr3O2-FeSO4 titration method, and soil organic carbon density (SOCD) was calculated by arithmetic average and area weighted average method, respectively. On average, SOCC and SOCD of the arable layer in the study area from 1982 to 2003 had increased 0.5 Ig/kg and 0.16kg/m2, respectively. Considering main soil types, the widest distributed Arid-Sandic Entisols had lowest values and increments of SOCC and SOCD during the study period; while the second widest Los-Orthic Entisols had higher values and increments of SOCC and SOCD, compared to the mean values of the whole region. The results indicated that reversed desertification process was due to the modification of land use and management practices, such as natural vegetation recovery, planting grass, turning arable land to grassland, and soil and water conservation etc., which can improve SOCC and SOCD and thus enhance soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

I.INT~IOWFOralOngthe,thesyStemofPermanentresidencempistrationhasdividedChineseampleintOthO8ewith"tirbanresidence"andthOSehaving"rUralresidence".TherationingsyStem,underwhichedibleoilandgrainwasdistributedonlytOthOSewith"urbanresidence"Calds,hasbeendondnant.Bothsystems,beingcentraltorestrictingthegrowthofurbanpopulation,havestagnatedrUral-tirbaningration.Duringthe30yearsbefore1978,thestatedidsPOnsorpopulationmovementsfromrUraltourbanareasbymeansofenrollingnewworkers,butingeneral,thiss…  相似文献   

MANDELBROT enunciated the uncertainty of the length of a coastline in his paper“How long is the coast-line of Britain?“ published in “Science“in 1967.The fractal concept was presented for the first time in that paper and has been applied to many fields ever since.According to the fractal theory and conditions of fractal research of coastline,the controls of faults and biologic function on the fractal character of coastline are preliminarily discussed on the basis of GIS in this paper.Finally,some significant conclusions are drawn:1)the faults control the basic trends of coastlines of two study areas;2)the fractal dimension of coastline of Taiwan is smaller than that of Changle-Lufent,because the faults of Taiwan more intensely control the trend and fractal dimension of the coastline;3)the larger the fractal dimension of the faults or the major faults ,the more the controlling effect of them on the trend and fractal dimension of coastline;4)the larger fractal dimension of the coastline of Changle-Lufeng indicates that the biologic function intensely shapes the coastline .In a word ,the controls of faults and biologic function on the fractal character of coastline are discussed with a case study of China in this paper,it can be seen that faults and biologic function both have influence over the trend and fractal dimension of coastline,the fractal mechanism of coastline of two study areas may be so.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONDesertification is one of the most serious land degrada-tion, which results in the deterioration of physical, che-mical, and biological characteristics of soils (UNEP, 1992). Soil organic carbon (SOC) was considered to be a key index in evaluation of soil quality, soil degradation and soil C sequestration(SCHLENGSINGER etal., 1990; FENG etal., 2002; WANG etal., 2003). Many researchers have reported the correlations among desertification restoration, soil C s…  相似文献   


The goal of land consolidation in China is still to develop agricultural production. The study of landscapeeffects of land consolidation projects (LCPs) faces many difficulties because of the lack of government's interest anddata. This paper, taking Tianmen City of Hubei Province in Central China as an example, presents a methodology foranalyzing landscape effects of LCPs by GIS and Fragstats3.3. It describes landscape effects with indexes of PatchDensity (PD), Largest Patch Index (LPI), Landscape Shape Index (LSI), Interspersion and Juxtaposition Index (IJI),Aggregation Index (AI), and Shannon's Diversity Index (SHDI), showing more regular shape, simpler structure andless habitat diversity after LCPs. It computes ten landscape indexes of four categories of patches including CultivatedLand, Road, Water Channel, and River and Pond. The indexes show that 1) cultivated land becomes more fragmentalin patch area, less irregular in patch shape and more concentrated in block; 2) the transport capacity of roads and irri-gation and drainage capacity of water channels have been improved; 3) the landscape change of river and pond can besummarized as decreasing scale, more regular shape, reducing connectivity and diversity of the class. LCPs can facili-tate agricultural production as well as protect cultivated land and food security. However, it is doubted that the increaseof cultivated land from LCPs results from the reducing in landscape diversity of water area.  相似文献   

Using three-phase remote sensing images of China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 02B (CBERS02B) and Landsat-5 TM, tobacco field was extracted by the analysis of time series image based on the different phenological characteristics between tobacco and other crops. The spectral characteristics of tobacco and corn in luxuriant growth stage are very similar, which makes them difficult to be distinguished using a single-phase remote sensing image. Field film after tobacco seedlings transplanting can be used as significant sign to identify tobacco. Remote sensing interpretation map based on the fusion image of TM and CBERS02B's High-Resolution (HR) camera image was used as standard reference material to evaluate the classification accuracy of Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) for time series image based on full samples test method. SAM has higher classification accuracy and stability than MLC in dealing with time series image. The accuracy and Kappa of tobacco coverage extracted by SAM are 83.4% and 0.692 respectively, which can achieve the accuracy required by tobacco coverage measurement in a large area.  相似文献   

The goal of land consolidation in China is still to develop agricultural production. The study of landscape effects of land consolidation projects (LCPs) faces many difficulties because of the lack of government's interest and data. This paper, taking Tianmen City of Hubei Province in Central China as an example, presents a methodology for analyzing landscape effects of LCPs by GIS and Fragstats3.3. It describes landscape effects with indexes of Patch Density (PD), Largest Patch Index (LPI), Landscape Shape Index (LSI), Interspersion and Juxtaposition Index (IJI), Aggregation Index (AI), and Shannon's Diversity Index (SHDI), showing more regular shape, simpler structure and less habitat diversity after LCPs. It computes ten landscape indexes of four categories of patches including Cultivated Land, Road, Water Channel, and River and Pond. The indexes show that 1) cultivated land becomes more fragmental in patch area, less irregular in patch shape and more concentrated in block; 2) the transport capacity of roads and irrigation and drainage capacity of water channels have been improved; 3) the landscape change of river and pond can be summarized as decreasing scale, more regular shape, reducing connectivity and diversity of the class. LCPs can facilitate agricultural production as well as protect cultivated land and food security. However, it is doubted that the increase of cultivated land from LCPs results from the reducing in landscape diversity of water area.  相似文献   

The rocky desert in a karst area directly causes the lack of soil, water and forest, hence leading to the poverty there. In 1990, the villagers from the Muzhe Village in Benggu Township, Xichou County, Yunnan declared a war against rocky desert in an attempt to ask the fields for more yields. They invented a distinctive land rehabilitation and sustainable use pattern called "transforming heaven and earth" that had been practiced in Southwest China's karst areas. The key mechanism of the pattern was to develop terraced fields with well conserved soil, water and fertility by exploding rocks in the fields, building stone walls, gathering more soil, and improving soil quality and productivity for the fields in combination with building of irrigation facilities and roads, as well as with forestation and agriculture structure adjustment. The purpose of the pattern was to alleviate poverty in the karst areas by improving soil productivity and promoting agricultural development. A typical area was studied with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the pattern was carried out there for fifteen years, have produced excellent ecological benefits and good economic benefits. Its application in the area approved that it was a sustainable land use pattern for rocky desert areas.  相似文献   

This study uses the data from a sample survey conducted in April 2007 on 1 251 rural households in 11 villages of Henan Province, the largest less developed agricultural province in China, to examine how geography affects rural household income (RHI). The quantitative analysis indicates following results. 1) The significance of the traditional geographical factors reduces as RHI rank increases. 2) The landform does not affect the RHI significantly. The per capita income of rural household in a plain area is lower than that in a mountainous area. And 3) the capital endowment and status of non-farm economic activities contribute to the increase of RHI. But the probability and intensity of non-farm economic activities of rural households in urban outskirts villages are higher than that in non-urban outskirts villages. Based on the results, the paper further concludes that geography still plays a significant role in rural development, but it is changing over time. The agricultural resources (such as per capita arable land) significantly affect RHI with the relatively lower income level, while the geographical location shows a more significant impact on RHI with the relatively high income level. Along with economic development, the proximity replaces the traditional geographical factors such as landform and physical resources as the major determining factor in RHI.  相似文献   

Introduction Rocky desert is a distinguishing phenomenon in China’s subtropical karst region, and it is caused by serious soil erosion, large areas of bedrocks protruding above soil, or alternatively large amount of gravels piling up in the field, leading to reduction or complete loss of soil productivity. This is a form of surface soil deterioration similar to desert (WANG 2002, WANG et al. 2004). Now the rocky desert is being expanded at an astonishing speed, and now it accounts for 30 …  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO N Urban tourismisa broad concept includingallkindsof recreationaalctivitietshattakeplaceincitie.s With the development of post-industrializat,i oncomprehen sive strengthofcitieshas been enhanced, and theimprove- ment of urban environm…  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is a geo-ecological problem in Southwest China. The rocky desertification risk zone delineation could be used as a guide for the regional and hierarchical rocky desertification management and prevention. We chose the middle and lower reaches of the Houzhai underground basin on the karst plateau in Puding County, Guizhou Province, China as the study area and selected land use type, elevation, slope, aspect, lithology and settlement buffer as the main driving factors of the rocky desertification. The potential risk of rocky desertification was quantified with the factor-weights union method and statistical analysis method. Five grades of rocky desertification risk were delineated based on Geographic Information System. The extremely low, low, moderate, high and extremely high rocky desertification risk zones accounted for 5.01%, 44.17%, 33.92%, 15.59% and 1.30%, respectively. As a whole, the rocky desertification risk level was moderate because the area of low and moderate rocky desertification risk zones occupied 78.09% of the study area. However, more than half of the area (about 50.81%) was predicted to have moderate rocky desertification risk and above, indicating that the study area was subject to rocky desertification. Rocky desertification risk was higher in the southeast and lower in the northwest of the study area. Distinct differences in the distribution of rocky desertification risk zones corresponding to different factors have been found.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Ecological shelter construction (ESC) in the upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River has been an important component of Development Program of West- ern China. In recent years, most of the literatures dis- cussing the meanings and goals of ESC have been fo- cused on the macro-level, and the scholars have concep- tualized it as a comprehensive strategy to promote the sustainable development of regional economy, society and environment, in which forestry's construc…  相似文献   

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