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With accompanying examples of initial visual experimentation from the fieldwork/field walking PhD project, the paper outlines some of the challenges of being an artist and using systems of understanding from science, the new ethnography, and cultural geography as a framework for making contemporary art. The PhD project is in its preliminary stages and is designed to explore the area of walking and fieldwork in art, and as art. Some of the challenges are the ambiguous role of the artist as scientist, ethnographer and researcher, the role of reflexivity in art practice; and the pitfalls of 'academic art'. While cultural geographers have used artworks as texts to explain places, this project endeavours to work with issues of place, landscapes, power, identity and representation in the art, to feed back into this dialogue. The bulk of the project will take place in the Kimberley region of Western Australia where the concepts of wilderness and wildness are most relevant. The research question posed by the fieldwork/field walking project is: within the discourse between art and science what is the connection between fieldwork and walking in the field?  相似文献   

包括公共艺术在内的艺术实践介入乡村建设(以下简称“艺术乡建”),旨在通过乡村新文化景观的再造和空间重构,传达对乡土文化的传承与创新的理想愿望。然而在艺术乡建的热潮之下,现有研究较少关注艺术乡建的失效案例,缺乏对消极影响因素及其内在机制的探讨。论文以一个以雕塑视觉艺术实践介入乡村建设的典型案例——云南省元阳阿者科村的公共艺术项目“哈尼娃”,一个构建与外部公共空间相协调的公共艺术场景为例,通过对起始、运营及后运营3个阶段的历时性过程分析,总结了公共艺术介入乡村建设的失效机制。研究认为:艺术话语构建而成的“艺术世界”与日常生活经验构成的“生活世界”之间存在价值错位,依赖于艺术家的单向培育,难以短期内形成乡建的“共同体”和持久的社会效应。权力主体、参与的行为主体及受众群体的波动和变化,都将对艺术实践的价值目标转化造成负面影响。在不同发展程度的乡村中,艺术乡建在面临着可操作性问题之外,更在根本上遭遇社会结构性问题,单一的艺术实践缺乏解决乡村问题的能力。对失效影响因素和过程的讨论,是对艺术乡建进行批判性思考的重要环节,有助于启发未来的具体实践。  相似文献   

艺术参与下的乡村空间重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄诗雨  李险峰 《地理研究》2020,39(3):709-720
21世纪以来,艺术参与乡村实践逐渐形成一股风潮,一定程度上影响着乡村发展转型与重构。本文基于乡村三重空间模型,结合以行动实践捕捉权力形式的框架,通过综合比较艺术参与乡村的不同实践模式,分析艺术参与下的乡村空间重构表现,并进一步探讨其影响机制,以期为艺术助推乡村振兴提供审慎参考。首先,乡村空间重构表现如下:乡村地区的突变往往作为显著特征,包含物质空间的结构性改变;乡村表征由话语权力主体进行再定义,以艺术方、当地政府和社会资本为主导力量;乡村生活则因此充满混杂与不确定性,与村民的日常生活、传统观念产生碰撞;此外,其每一部分都与其他部分相互作用。再者,乡村空间重构受到内源性因素和外源性因素的共同影响,二者持续相互作用,在一定时间的积累后,促进民众参与和集体认同,从而推动乡村在新阶段的转型与发展。  相似文献   

James R Faulconbridge 《Area》2004,36(3):235-244
The launch of the Euro and the location of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt initially was seen as a threat to London's pre-eminent position in European financial geographies. This paper explains why in fact this was not the case. To do this, the paper is divided in two. Firstly, it reviews the literatures that help to explain financial geographies. It is argued that we need to move away from investigating attribute properties such as financial turnover and instead examine the role of networks and interdependencies in producing financial geographies. Secondly, it identifies London's dominance and Frankfurt's growth as a complementary centre through quantitative analysis and then explains how European networks and interdependencies produce this, based on insights from interviews with investment bankers and insurance institution workers in the two cities.  相似文献   


The aim of the article is to present and discuss functions of public monuments in relation to different dimensions of geographical space. The authors discuss public spaces, monuments, public art, based on a mixed-method approach and an analysis of scientific literature as the main research method. The theoretical discussion is supplemented with the results of Internet searches and an analysis of media supplements, and specific examples are given, including some from Poland. An additional method was autoethnography, which involved an analysis of cultural phenomena based on the authors’ experience. The analysis revealed that monuments were part of public art and thus enriched public spaces in cities. They fulfilled different important functions: artistic, symbolic, commemorative, political, social, religious, marketing, and mixed. Additionally, the monuments reflected the contemporary transformation of ideas and social orders and therefore also reflected contemporary urban debates. They were products of social relations, powers, ideas, identities, and the collective memory reflected in the urban spatial structure of cities. The authors conclude that the examples presented in the demonstrate that monuments perform various functions in urban public spaces. From a spatial perspective, the role of monuments depends on their different impacts on people’s perceptions and interpretations of space.  相似文献   

梅琳  薛德升 《地理科学进展》2012,31(10):1264-1273
在全球化的冲击下, 超越或嵌入国家地理疆界范围的行动者改变着世界政治地理格局。国际组织、国际非政府组织、跨国政府组织和跨国非政府组织等跨国机构在全球地缘政治中的角色越来越重要。地理学视角的研究认为, 不同类型的跨国机构在全球尺度上创造了复杂而多样化的全球政治地理结构, 也形成具有政治特色的世界城市体系。不仅如此, 跨国机构通过地方尺度的行动, 深入城市的全球化发展过程, 成为与世界城市紧密关联的影响因子, 对城市制度和内部空间等方面的变化发挥着不可忽视的作用。对当代西方地理学中跨国机构研究进行梳理和评述, 在此基础上指出目前存在的不足, 不仅是从地理学视角对跨国机构研究进展的把握, 也希望对中国当代政治地理和城市地理中跨国机构的研究有一定的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

2011年11月,云南省文物考古研究所与澳大利亚格里菲斯大学合作,首次用国际通行的考古学方法对迪庆州香格里拉县洛吉乡的岩布洛、花岩和腰岩3个岩画点进行详细的测量、三维摄影、摄像和描述,首次发现了二维和三维艺术形式同时出现的现象。金沙江岩画是有绝对年代数据的中国最古老的岩画,不同于中国其他地区岩画的一个独特类群而与欧洲法国、西班牙旧石器时代的岩画类似。金沙江岩画是来源于史前文化交流还是趋同进化还需进一步的研究。  相似文献   

世界集装箱港的形成演化及与国际贸易的耦合机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王成金  于良 《地理研究》2007,26(3):557-568
基于集装箱港研究历程和现状的评述,作者选取全球前100位港口,采用1970~2003年序列数据,分析了世界集装箱港的形成和发展过程,并设计指标分析集装箱航运的世界集聚趋势;同时分析了世界集装箱港口网络的形成和发展机理,尤其是与国际贸易网络的耦合机理。认为,世界集装箱港分布经历了欧美两大集群、欧美和东亚三足鼎立、东亚港口崛起和中国港口崛起的演变轨迹,全球集装箱航运的空间集散呈现一定的周期性,目前即将进入集聚时期,东亚尤其中国成为全球集装箱航运的重心,经济因素、航线网络和区位是集装箱港生成和演化的驱动力,尤其国际贸易是其形成和发展的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

在第二次青藏科考过程中,作者在西藏自治区拉萨市邱桑村的古泉华沉积上新发现了由5个手印和5个脚印组成 “岩面艺术” (parietal art)。对这一“岩面艺术”进行解剖学测量、3D 模型模拟、铀系测年和手脚印形态分析后,得到以下认识:① “岩面艺术”是在泉华没有成岩之前由古人类有意压上去的;② “岩面艺术”所在岩层的U/Th年代为226~169 ka B.P.,这其中包含一个手指印岩层的表面直接年龄(207~188 ka B.P.);③ 这一发现是迄今为止发表的古人类在青藏高原上活动的最早记录之一,也为古人类适应高寒、低氧环境提供了新的证据;④ 此岩面艺术是目前世界上已知的最古老的艺术,上面的手印也是古人类留下的最早的手印;⑤ 这一原始的岩面艺术表明,创作它的古老人种可能具有一定的认知和空间感知能力,此岩面艺术的发现也将有可能改写人类艺术史,并且加深我们对已消失的古人类认知水平的认识。  相似文献   

王云  杨宇  刘毅 《地理研究》2020,39(9):1958-1971
建设国际科技创新中心是粤港澳大湾区新时代最有共识、最有优势、最富挑战的战略方向,亟需国际科技创新中心建设的理论探索。国内外经典创新系统理论更加专注于创新系统内部,注重单一空间的创新要素与创新活动组织问题,忽视了全球和区域之间要素的关联模式,缺乏在全球视野下宏观与微观结合的综合观察。由此,本文在总结国内外经典创新系统理论的基础上,构建了全球视野下的以“科技”和“人才”为核心,以“科技-产业-全球生产网络”和“人才-环境-世界城市网络”为链条的国际科技创新中心理论模式,认为国际科技创新中心是全球创新网络、全球生产网络和世界城市网络三重网络结构的核心节点,建设国际科技创新中心需要实现三重网络的协同效应。在这样的理论框架下,分析了粤港澳大湾区双核心与双链条的发展情况,并以此提出了粤港澳大湾区建设国际科技创新中心的路径和相关建议。  相似文献   

A new mapping of the world for the new millennium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new mapping of the world derived from connections between cities is presented as a complement to the traditional world map of countries. Under conditions of contemporary globalization world cities have emerged as global service centres. These have been created by the location strategies of leading corporate service firms (e.g. in accountancy) in setting up their global office networks. Data on the offices of 46 global service firms in 55 world cities are used to define service connections between cities. Connections are converted into measures of network proximity and a multidimensional scaling is applied to these 'distances' to create a 'global service space' of cities. This new mapping of the world shows a distinctive centric structure with the major world cities (e.g. London) at the core. Investigation of this general structure reveals more subtle patterns of interacting regional and hierarchical tendencies.  相似文献   

20世纪末"生产网络范式"取代了"现代企业范式"成为世界生产组织方式的主流,随之生产网络成为了西方经济地理学的研究热点之一。本文综述了西方学者从不同视角对生产网络的理解,概括了生产网络所具有的几个重要特征,对生产网络在不同尺度的应用进行了评述。总体上看,生产网络对解释各尺度经济现象都具有重要的作用,但相比国际、区域和全球等大尺度生产网络的广泛研究,国家和地方中小尺度的生产网络明显受到忽视。事实上,在大尺度生产网络的研究基础和背景下,国家生产网络在构建国家创新系统上、地方生产网络在分析地方经济上将会发挥更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. When drawing and painting were the only ways to create visual documentation of new discoveries, artists played a central role in geographical exploration. The legacy of expeditionary art offers opportunities for building stronger linkages between art and geography. A framework is laid out for classifying expeditionary art, describing how it can be appraised as pictorial information. The work of two artists of the nineteenth century, Richard Kern and Frederick Catherwood, exemplifies key aspects of expeditionary art.  相似文献   

Hilda E Kurtz 《Area》2005,37(1):79-88
The United States environmental justice movement has grown in the last 20 years from tactical cooperation between civil rights and environmental activists on hazardous waste issues into a broad-based movement for social change. As dozens of organizations invest resources in an environmental justice agenda, it is important to examine how such organizations portray their stance toward the goals of the larger movement in order to better understand tensions within the movement between social justice and environmental protection, diversity and commonality, and localized and broader movement agendas. This paper explores what contemporary environmental justice imagery tells us about this social movement through a critical discourse analysis of environmental justice organizations' logos. The conceptual approach used here links a tradition of critical discourse analysis of textual materials with elements of a critical visual methodology. The paper examines how the social grievance of environmental injustice is constructed in relation to the social and natural world, and considers what these images tell us about the identities, relationships and modes of authority that constitute the contemporary environmental justice movement.  相似文献   

Globalisation discourses increasingly depart from a network‐centred view of the world, and focus on the possibilities of leveraging economic globalisation – through incorporation in international production networks and global commodity chains (GCCs)– as a strategy for less developed countries (LDCs) to industrialise and advance their position in the world economy. This article goes beyond the question of incorporation and addresses the issue of sustaining positions, upgrading to more rewarding roles, and advancing to less dependent positions within production networks and GCCs. Drawing on experiences in the East Asian apparel industry, we present a framework for analysing such processes at both the firm and industry levels. We demonstrate that the East Asian experience provides a rather positive picture, despite a decline in the region's share of world trade. The present paper is a preliminary contribution; further research, using the framework presented, would enhance insights into competitive adjustment and advancement in GCCs, specifically, the forces underlying success or failure.  相似文献   

轴-辐侍服理念下的中国航空网络模式构筑   总被引:35,自引:7,他引:28  
金凤君  王成金 《地理研究》2005,24(5):774-784
在阐述国际轴-辐航空网络发展和国内外研究现状的基础上,作者分析了这种航空网络的基本内涵,讨论了它的竞争优势,并基于轴-辐侍服理念,设计了评价指标体系,选取35个样本机场,分层次对我国枢纽机场进行甄选;依据枢纽机场及相关标准,构筑了我国的干线网络和支线网络,从而构筑了我国轴-辐侍服航空网络体系。  相似文献   

This is the second part of a contribution to the debate on the possibilities of leveraging economic globalisation — through incorporation in international production networks and global commodity chains (GCCs) — as a strategy for developing countries to industrialise and advance their position in the world economy. In the first part, we analysed the experience of the East Asian apparel industry and addressed the issues of sustaining positions, upgrading to more rewarding roles, and advancing to less dependent positions within production networks and GCCs. We developed an analytical framework at both the firm and industry levels, and subsequently identified alternative firm- and industry-level strategies and trajectories. The present paper deals with these issues in the context of the Singapore apparel industry. Based on extensive empirical research, we demonstrate that although the East Asian experience of upgrading and repositioning within the GCC is to some extent emulated in the case of the Singapore apparel industry, the outcomes have been less favourable in terms of the depth, extent and strength of these trajectories. The differing outcomes can be explained in terms of different (systemic) conditions in the Singapore business environment, including the agency of local players, the geography of sourcing networks, and the role of the state and prevailing business attitudes. Our conclusions merit continued attention in both research and policy circles on the development of capabilities at the firm level, and the role of local business and institutional environments in local industry development processes under globalisation.  相似文献   

Observations include:
Ian Livingstone, London: a sustainable city?, p.77
Michael Parkinson, Key challenges for European cities: achieving competitiveness, cohesion and sustainability, p.78
Chris Hamnett, London's housing, p.80
Sarah Curtis, Health in London, p.84
Martin Frost, London's transport—investing for sustainability, p.92
Chris Birks, Mike Owen and Brian Arkell, London's water resources: threat or opportunity, p.92
Sean D Beevers, David C Carslaw and Gary W Fuller, London's air quality: nitrogen dioxide and particles (PM10) in London's air—present and future, p.97
Adam D Read, Where there's muck there's brass—the 'cost' of London'swaste?, p.103  相似文献   

马凌  陈浩然  朱竑 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1637-1651
景观研究是地理分析的关键单元。以往景观研究往往囿于物质景观的一面,忽视了观念景观的存在。本文以“珠江夜游——后珠三角景观”艺术展为案例,采用德国符号学家弗里克的“拟态理论”和焦点小组访谈法对其展开图像和内容分析,重新审视后城市化时代中观念景观所折射出来的乡愁与地方批判。研究发现,景观是研究人地关系议题的文化图像工具;观念景观是对物质景观的拟态,是基于真实世界之上的景观;“珠江夜游”艺术展通过大量的符号和观念景观的呈现,展现了后城市化时代珠三角地区民众独特的地方感知和地方记忆,也从直观和批判的视角展现了快速变化的社会现实下城市居民和城市之间的人地关系——城市本土居民表现出一种“不离地的乡愁”,并对人地关系失调的环境进行反思。研究对城市观念景观的图像和叙事分析是对传统文化地理学物质景观分析的有效补充,有利于从人的主体视角更深入地理解城市发展及其影响。  相似文献   

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