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We report peculiar spectral activity of four large microwave bursts as obtained from the Solar Arrays at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory during observations of X-class flares on 1990 May 24 and 1991 March 7, 8, and 22. Main observational points that we newly uncovered are: (1) flat flux spectra over 1–18 GHz in large amounts of flux ranging from 102 to 104 s.f.u. at the maximum phase, (2) a common evolutionary pattern in which the spectral region of dominant flux shifts from high frequencies at the initial rise to low frequencies at the decaying phase, and (3) unusual time profiles that are impulsive at high frequencies but more extended at lower frequencies.In an attempt to elucidate these new properties, we carry out the model calculations of microwave spectra under assumptions of gyrosynchrotron mechanism and a dipole field configuration to reproduce the observational characteristics. Our results are summarized as follows. First, a flat microwave spectrum reaching up to 102–104 s.f.u. may occur in a case where a magnetic loop is extended to an angular size of (0.7–7.0) × 10–7 sterad and contains a huge number (N(E > 10 keV) 1036– 1038) of nonthermal electrons with power-law index 3–3.5 over the entire volume. Second, the observed spectral activity could adequately be accounted for by the shrinking of the region of nonthermal electrons to the loop top and by the softening of the power-law spectrum of electrons in a time scale ranging 3–45 min depending on the event. Third, the extended microwave activity at lower frequencies is probably due to electrons trapped in the loop top where magnetic fields are low. Finally, we clarify the physical distinction between these large, extended microwave bursts and the gradual/post-microwave bursts often seen in weak events, both of which are characterized by long-period activity and broadband spectra.  相似文献   

The active region NOAA 6555 had several locations of highly sheared magnetic field structure, yet, only one of them was the site for all the five X-class flares during its disk passage in March 1991. The pre-flare observations of high-resolution H filtergrams, vector magnetograms and H Dopplergrams of the 2B/X5.3 flare on 25 March 1991 show that the flaring site was characterized by a new rising emerging flux region (EFR) near the highly sheared magnetic field configuration. The polarity axis of the emerging flux was nearly perpendicular to the pre-existing magnetic neutral line. The location of the EFR was the site of initial brightening in H. The post-flare magnetograms show higher magnetic shear at the flare location compared to the post-flare magnetograms, which might indicate that the EFR was sheared at the time of its emergence. As the new EFR coincided with the occurrence of the flare, we suggest that it might have triggered the observed flare. Observations from Big Bear Solar Observatory and Marshall Space Flight Center also show that there was emergence of new flux at the same location prior to two other X-class flares. We find that out of five observed X-class flares in NOAA 6555, at least in three cases there are clear signatures of flare-related flux emergence. Therefore, it is concluded that EFRs might play an important role in destabilizing the observed sheared magnetic structures leading to large X-class flares of NOAA 6555.  相似文献   

We analyzed the data on the flares of the X-ray class X in the 24th solar activity cycle. Several properties of the active regions (their morphological structure, the changes in the structure of the magnetic fields of spots, the evolution dynamics, etc.) were also analyzed with the object of identifying the factors that influence the flare activity of a group the most. In order to gather the maximum amount of experimental data, we used the observational data that cover various levels of the solar atmosphere that were obtained both by terrestrial and space (SOHO, SDO, XRT, Hinode, etc.) telescopes.  相似文献   

We observed ten M- and X-class main-belt asteroids with the Arecibo Observatory's S-band (12.6 cm) radar. The X-class asteroids were targeted based on their albedos or other properties which suggested they might be M-class. This work brings the total number of main-belt M-class asteroids observed with radar to 14. We find that three of these asteroids have rotation rates significantly different from what was previously reported. Based on their high radar albedo, we find that only four of the fourteen—16 Psyche, 216 Kleopatra, 758 Mancunia, and 785 Zwetana—are almost certainly metallic. 129 Antigone has a moderately high radar albedo and we suggest it may be a CH/CB/Bencubbinite parent body. Three other asteroids, 97 Klotho, 224 Oceana, and 796 Sarita have radar albedos significantly higher than the average main belt asteroid and we cannot rule out a significant metal content for them. Five of our target asteroids, 16 Psyche, 129 Antigone, 135 Hertha, 758 Mancunia, and 785 Zwetana, show variations in their radar albedo with rotation. We can rule out shape and composition in most cases, leaving variations in thickness, porosity, or surface roughness of the regolith to be the most likely causes. With the exception of 129 Antigone, we find no hydrated M-class asteroids (W-class; Rivkin, A.S., Howell, E.S., Lebofsky, L.A., Clark, B.E., Britt, D.T., 2000. Icarus 145, 351-368) to have high radar albedos.  相似文献   

We present a multi-frequency and multi-instrument study of the 20 January 2005 event. We focus mainly on the complex radio signatures and their association with the active phenomena taking place: flares, CMEs, particle acceleration, and magnetic restructuring. As a variety of energetic-particle accelerators and sources of radio bursts are present, in the flare – ejecta combination, we investigate their relative importance in the progress of this event. The dynamic spectra of ARTEMIS-IV – Wind/Waves – HiRAS, with 2000 MHz – 20 kHz frequency coverage, were used to track the evolution of the event from the low corona to the interplanetary space; these were supplemented with SXR, HXR, and γ-ray recordings. The observations were compared with the expected radio signatures and energetic-particle populations envisaged by the Standard Flare – CME model and the reconnection outflow termination shock model. A proper combination of these mechanisms seems to provide an adequate model for the interpretation of the observational data.  相似文献   

E. Schatzman 《Solar physics》1967,1(3-4):411-419
Some ideas are developed concerning solar flares which have been presented earlier by the author (Schatzman, 1966a). Emphasis is laid on the problem of energy transport; from the energy supply to the region of the optical flare, on the storage of low energy cosmic ray particles in a magnetic bottle before the beginning of the optical flare, and the mechanism which triggers both the optical flare, and the production of high-energy cosmic rays. The relation between solar and stellar flares is considered.Lecture given at Goddard Space Flight Center, November 4, 1966.  相似文献   

Umbral flares     
Frances Tang 《Solar physics》1978,60(1):119-122
H flare patches usually do not occur in sunspot umbrae. Presented here are cases of a type of umbral flare in which the flare patch originated in, and was confined to, the p spot umbra. All are H subflares. Two of the four flares were accompanied by type III radio bursts. The simplicity and similarity of the magnetic fields of these regions were striking.  相似文献   

D. J. Mullan 《Solar physics》1977,54(1):183-206
Short-lived increases in the brightness of many red dwarfs have been observed for the last 30 yr, and a variety of more or less exotic models have been proposed to account for such flares. Information about flares in the Sun has progressed greatly in recent years as a result of spacecraft experiments, and properties of coronal flare plasma are becoming increasingly better known. In this paper, after briefly reviewing optical, radio and X-ray observations of stellar flares, we show how a simplified model which describes conductive plus radiative cooling of the coronal flare plasma in solar flares has been modified to apply to optical and X-ray stellar flare phenomena. This model reproduces many characteristic features of stellar flares, including the mean UBV colors of flare light, the direction of flare decay in the two-color diagram, precursors, Stillstands, secondary maxima, lack of sensitivity of flare color to flare amplitude, low flux of flare X-rays, distinction between so-called spike flares and slow flares, Balmer jumps of as much as 6–8, and emission line redshifts up to 3000 km s–1. In all probability, therefore, stellar flares involve physical processes which are no more exotic (and no less!) than those in solar flares. Advantages of observing stellar flares include the possibilities of (i) applying optical diagnostics to coronal flare plasma, whereas this is almost impossible in the Sun, and (ii) testing solar flare models in environments which are not generally accessible in the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

Stellar flares     
Different aspects of stellar flares as one of the events of stellar activity with different levels of similarity to solar-activity phenomena are briefly discussed: those which are understandable by means of scaling of solar events, those that do not occur on the Sun but general solar features allow us to understand them, and such stellar events that have not been understood as yet.  相似文献   

Using the S-band radar at Arecibo Observatory, we observed six new M-class main-belt asteroids (MBAs), and re-observed one, bringing the total number of Tholen M-class asteroids observed with radar to 19. The mean radar albedo for all our targets is , significantly higher than the mean radar albedo of every other class (Magri, C., Nolan, M.C., Ostro, S.J., Giorgini, J.D. [2007]. Icarus 186, 126-151). Seven of these objects (Asteroids 16 Psyche, 129 Antigone, 216 Kleopatra, 347 Pariana, 758 Mancunia, 779 Nina, 785 Zwetana) have radar albedos indicative of a very high metal content , and consistent with a remnant iron/nickel core interpretation (irons) or exotic high metal meteorite types such as CB. We propose designating these high radar albedo objects as Mm. Two asteroids, 110 Lydia and 678 Fredegundis, have more moderate radar albedos , but exhibit high values at some rotation phases suggesting a significant metal content. The remaining 10 objects have moderate radar albedos at all rotation phases. Most of our targets have visible/near-infrared spectra (Hardersen, P.S., Gaffey, M.J., Abell, P.A. [2005]. Icarus 175, 141-158; Fornasier, S., Clark, B.E., Dotto, E., Migliorini, A., Ockert-Bell, M., Barucci, M.A. [2009]. Icarus, submitted for publication) that indicate the presence of at least some silicate phases. All of the non-Mm asteroids show a positive correlation between visual and radar albedo but the reasons for this are not clear. All of the higher radar albedo targets (the 7 Mm asteroids, Lydia, and Fredegundis) show moderate to large variations in radar albedo with rotation phase. We suggest that their high radar reflectivity exaggerates irregularities in the asteroid shape to cause this behavior. One-third of our targets show evidence for asteroid-scale concavities or bifurcation. Based on all the evidence available, we suggest that most Tholen M-class asteroids are not remnant iron cores or enstatite chondrites, but rather collisional composites of silicates and irons with compositions more analogous to stony-iron meteorites and high-iron carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

P. A. Sturrock 《Solar physics》1982,113(1-2):13-30
This article is a very brief review and comparison of the observational properties of flares and theoretical concepts of models of flares, especially the concepts of magnetic topology and its evolution. We examine the environmental aspects of flare behavior. Some of these aspects must be consequences of unknown processes occurring below the photosphere. Other aspects involve structures--such as filaments--that are closely related to flares. We then examine properties of flares to try to distinguish the different phases of energy release that can occur in the course of a flare. Finally we offer a schematic scenario and attempt to interpret these phases in terms of this scenario.  相似文献   

Hugh S. Hudson 《Solar physics》1982,113(1-2):315-318
Subphotospheric current systems inferred from recent vector magnetograph observations (e.g. Gary et al., 1987) imply the existence of electric currents penetrating the photosphere and thus flowing deep in the solar convection zone. These currents presumably originate in an internal dynamo that supplies the observed photospheric magnetic fields through the buoyant motions of the initially deeply-buried flux tubes. The coronal fields resulting from this process therefore must carry slowly-varying currents driven by emf's remote from the surface. These currents may then drive solar-flare energy release. This paper discusses the consequences of such a deep origin of the coronal parallel currents. Simple estimates for a large active region suggest a mean current-closure depth 10,000 km, with a subphotospheric inductance 100 H and a subphotospheric stored energy 1033 ergs.  相似文献   

Using eighteen years of observations at Big Bear, we summarize the development of δ spots and the great flares they produce. We find δ groups to develop in three ways: eruption of a single complex active region formed below the surface, eruption of large satellite spots near (particularly in front of) a large older spot, or collision of spots of opposite polarity from different dipoles. Our sample of twenty-one δ spots shows that once they lock together, they never separate, although rarely an umbra is ejected. The δ spots are already disposed to their final form when they emerge. The driving force for the shear is spot motion, either flux emergence or the forward motion of p spots in an inverted magnetic configuration. We observe the following phenomena preceding great flares:
  1. δ spots, preferentially Types 1 and 2.
  2. Umbrae obscured by Hα emission.
  3. Bright Hα emission marking flux emergence and reconnection.
  4. Greatly sheared magnetic configurations, marked by penumbral and Hα fibrils parallel to the inversion line.
We assert that with adequate spatial resolution one may predict the occurrence of great flares with these indicators.  相似文献   

The degree of association between geoeffective (SID producing) flares (hereafter called SID flares) and sunspot morphology is examined. It is found that: (1) the frequency of SID flares associated with sunspot groups is linear function of sunspot area and rate of change in area; (2) the SID flare intensity is dependent on the sunspot area and on the magnetic morphology (field geometry); (3) the probability of a sunspot group being magnetically complex (henceforth called complex ratio) is a linear function of spot area, the larger this area the more likely a group is in the βγ or δ magnetic class; (4) the complex ratio exhibits the greatest degree of association to SID flare frequency. We conclude from these results that a higher frequency of D-region ionizing flares (emitting a soft X-ray flux >2 × 10?3 erg cm?2 s?1) is likely to accompany the disk transit of large area, complex spot groups. This combination of morphological factors reflects a shearing of the associated force-free magnetic field, with accumulation of free magnetic energy to power SID flares. Mutual polarity intrusion would be one observational signature of the pre-flare energy storing process.  相似文献   

Hudson  Hugh S. 《Solar physics》1987,113(1-2):315-318
Solar Physics - Subphotospheric current systems inferred from recent vector magnetograph observations (e.g. Gary et al., 1987) imply the existence of electric currents penetrating the photosphere...  相似文献   

Sturrock  P. A. 《Solar physics》1987,113(1-2):13-30
Solar Physics - This article is a very brief review and comparison of the observational properties of flares and theoretical concepts of models of flares, especially the concepts of magnetic...  相似文献   

Giannina Poletto 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):313-322
According to one of the most popular classifications, solar flares may be assigned either to the category of small short-lived events, or to the category of large, long-duration two-ribbon (2-R) flares. Even if such abroad division oversimplifies the flare phenomenon, our knowledge of the characteristics of stellar flares is so poor, that it is worthwhile to investigate the possibility of adopting this classification scheme for stellar flares as well. In particular we will analyze Einstein observations of a long duration flare on EQ Peg to establish whether it might be considered as a stellar analogy of 2-R solar events. To this end we apply to EQ Peg data a reconnection model, developed originally for solar 2-R flares, and conclude that stellar observations are consistent with model predictions, although additional information is required to identify uniquely the physical parameters of the flare region. Application of the model to integrated observations of a 2-R solar flare, for which high spatial resolution data are also available, shows, however, that future integrated observations may allow us to solve the ambiguities of the model and use it as a diagnostic tool for a better understanding of stellar flares.  相似文献   

Assuming that basic plasma processes associated with magnetospheric substorms and solar flares are similar and thus assuming also that a flare ribbon is produced by the impact of field-aligned current-carrying electrons on the chromosphere, a chain of processes leading to solar flares is considered, including the dynamo process in the photospheric level in the vicinity of bipolar sunspots, the formation of a sheet current in the lower coronal level, the interruption of the sheet current, the subsequent diversion of it to the chromosphere, the development of a potential drop along magnetic field lines, the acceleration of current-carrying electrons and their impact on the chromosphere, producing a pair of flare ribbons.  相似文献   

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