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东秦岭斑岩钼矿带的地质特征和成矿构造背景   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
东秦岭钼矿带包涵5个世界级超大型(>5×105tMo)、5个大型((5~10)×104tMo)和一些中小型(<5×104tMo)钼矿床,探明钼金属储量超过5×106t,是世界最大的钼矿带。钼矿带的北、南边界分别是三宝断裂和商丹断裂,两条断裂分别为秦岭造山带的反向边界逆冲断裂(RBT)和主中央滑脱断裂(MCT)。矿床类型有斑岩型、斑岩-夕卡岩型、夕卡岩型和碳酸岩脉型,以前两者为主。含钼岩浆岩主要是富硅、钾而贫铁、镁、钙的花岗斑岩,只有黄龙铺和黄水庵矿床为碳酸岩脉。同位素年龄资料显示,黄龙铺形成于220Ma左右,而其余的与花岗斑岩有关的钼矿床形成于160~110Ma。结合秦岭造山带构造演化分析,认为黄龙铺矿床形成于弧后伸展背景,而其他矿床及其成矿斑岩形成于陆-陆碰撞体制。  相似文献   

俄罗斯砂岩型铀矿的新近研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
俄罗斯地质学家А.Б.哈列佐夫博士于2002年1月14-25日在核工业北京地质研究院讲学和交流,系统地介绍了俄罗斯近年来在铀矿地质领域,特别是可地浸砂岩型铀矿床普查、钻探、预测工作和地浸矿床开采工艺上的一系列研究进展,并以达尔马托夫矿床为例,详细地介绍了古河谷型铀矿床的分布规律和赋存特征,地浸方法开采的地质工艺特性;最后,前瞻性地预测了俄罗斯渗入型铀矿成矿前景。我国北方与俄罗斯相邻,有些地区的地质构造背景、成矿地质特征与俄罗斯相似,介绍这些内容可为我们进行新一轮砂岩型铀矿成矿预测、找矿勘探工作等方面提供参考。  相似文献   

East Siberia comprises three petroleum provinces—Lena-Tunguska, Lena-Vilyuy, and Yenisey-Anabar—that occupy the area of the Siberian craton. Petroleum has been generated and has accumulated in Precambrian rifts beneath the sedimentary basins and, more importantly, within the section of the basin itself. The platformal deposits of the basins extend beneath overthrusts on the east and south and are covered by sedimentary rocks of the West Siberian overthrusts on the east and south and are covered by sedimentary rocks of the West Siberian province on the west. Permafrost and gas hydrate deposits are present throughout most of East Siberia.

In the Lena-Tunguska province, rifts that developed during Riphean time are filled by thick sedimentary rocks, in which petroleum deposits have formed. In Early Cambrian time a barrier reef extended across the East Siberian craton from southeast to northwest. A lagoon to the west of this reef was the site of thick rhythmic salt deposits, which are the main seal for petroleum in the province. The sedimentary section of the platform cover ranges in age from Late Proterozoic to Permian. More than 25 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the province, all in Riphean through Lower Cambrian rocks.

The Lena-Vilyuy province includes the Vilyuy basin and the Cis-Verkhoyansk foredeep. During Middle Devonian time, a rift formed along the axis of what was to become the Vilyuy basin. This rift is filled by Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous basalt, elastics, carbonates, and evaporites. During this rift stage the region that was to become the Cis-Verkhoyansk foredeep was an open geosynclinal sea. The sedimentary cover consists of Permian, coal-bearing sedimentary rocks as well as elastics from the Lower Triassic, Lower Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous, the latter only in the Vilyuy basin. In the Lena-Vilyuy petroleum province as many as nine gas and gas-condensate fields have been discovered.

The Yenisey-Anabar province is largely an extension of the West Siberian petroleum province. Permian sedimentary rocks are present only in the east, where they consist of elastics and some salt. The Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous each are represented by thick clastic deposits. Total thickness of the sedimentary cover is up to 15 km on the west and 8 km on the east. Twelve gas and gas-condensate fields have been discovered in the western part of the province.  相似文献   

Although diamonds from the kimberlite pipes and bodies of various provinces have similar features they differ considerably in a number of characteristics. New generalized data on the morphology, structure peculiarities, and physical properties of diamonds from the Arkhangelsk and Yakutsk diamondiferous provinces obtained by the authors based on the results of original investigations supplemented by information from the other sources are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

华东地区沉积变质型铁矿床(点)呈群落分布于皖北、赣中和东南沿海一带,查明的资源储量占全区铁矿总资源储量的1/3.选取“霍邱式”和“新余式”典型矿床进行对比研究,认为区内沉积变质型铁矿床具有“南新北老”的特征.二者古构造环境和成矿过程虽不同,但均为与火山作用相关的阿尔戈马型(Algoma)硅铁建造,火山活动为矿床提供了丰富的成矿物质.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been used to determine rare earth element concentrations in aqueous solutions extracted from fluid inclusions. Quartz has been sampled from ores of three major types of polygenic gold hydrothermal systems of North-Eastern Russia: (1) gold-quartz-sulphide (Au-Q, Nezhdaninsk); (2) gold-antimony (Au-Sb, Sarylakh) and (3) intrusion-related gold-bismuth-siderite-polysulphide (Au-Bi-Sid, Arkachan) large deposits located in terrigenous rocks of the Verkhoyansk fold belt. The total concentration of REE in the fluid inclusions is not high (up to 52 ppm). The contribution of LREE dominates in REE balance (??LREE/??HREE=7.4?C112.1). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of inclusion fluids for the Au-Q and Au-Bi-Sid deposits are characterized by LREE enrichment with a positive or negative Eu anomaly. REE patterns for the regenerated quartz from Au-Sb deposits are characterized by pronounced differentiation between light and heavy lanthanides in fluid inclusions. Significant total REE concentration decreasing (on 1?C2 order) from early to late stages of Nezhdaninsk and Arkachan deposits is revealed. The positive correlations of total REE concentrations with Rb, Cs, Li and B contents in fluid inclusions are shown. The REE distribution in fluid inclusions can be used as indicators of the contribution of magmatic fluid in the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

The work is aimed at litho-, bio- and magnetostratigraphic subdivision of the Middle-Upper Jurassic sedimentary succession in the northeast of the Ul’yanovsk-Saratov depression (the East Russian plate). Problems of regional and interregional correlation of distinguished subdivisions are considered. As is shown, the ammonite biostratigraphy is most effective method for solving problems of chronostratigraphy.  相似文献   

南岭东段是世界著名的钨多金属矿集中区,是由独特的地质环境构成多种类型的钨矿集中分布区.本文在探讨南岭东段地区钨多金属矿成矿特征、矿床类型、成矿系列及其分布规律的基础上,提出该区钨矿主攻矿床类型为石英脉型、破碎带-石英脉复合型、石英脉-岩体(蚀变花岗岩型和斑岩型)复合型.主攻找矿靶区为:湘赣相邻的桂东-汝城-遂川-崇义交界地区、湘粤相邻的九峰-西坑地区、赣南崇犹余地区、粤北瑶梅师地区、赣南青塘-银坑地区、赣南崎山地区、赣南三南地区、粤北九连山地区.以期为该区新一轮钨锡多金属矿资源调查提供重要理论和实践指导.  相似文献   

On the basis of field data, datings from both electron spin resonance – and optically stimulated luminescence, and micro- and macrofauna, in addition to presence of diatoms, three Late Pleistocene marine units have been identified in the coastal areas of the Kola Peninsula. The stratigraphically lowest sequence is correlated to the Ponoi Beds and the Boreal transgression, attributed to the marine isotope stages (MIS) 5e to 5d in the White Sea depression and to MIS 5e to 5c in the Barents Sea. Thermophilic fauna and diatoms indicate normal water salinity and a water temperature above zero. The second marine unit, referred as the Strel'na Beds, can be correlated with the Early Weischselian transgression, termed the Belomorian transgression. With low water salinity and a water temperature similar or colder than the present times, Belomorian transgressions are reliably detected in the White Sea and are not clearly found in the Barents Sea. The results obtained from the sediments of the Ponoi and Strel'na Beds indicate a continuously existing marine reservoir from 130 to 80–70 ka ago (entire MIS 5) in the White Sea depression. The early Middle Weichselian Barents–Kara ice-sheet invasion and its recession might have caused the glacioeustatic Middle Weichselian (MIS 3) transgression, and the third Late Pleistocene marine sequence has been deposited in the regressing shallow cold sea with less saline waters. The results help in the understanding of the history of Late Quaternary ice sheets in North Eurasia and provide evidence for the debatable Early and Middle Weichselian marine events.  相似文献   

A 2.73 m long sediment sequence from Loon Lake, located at 18 m a.s.l. on outer Geographical Society Ø, East Greenland, was investigated for its chronology and changes in physical and biogeochemical properties, macrofossils, and grain‐size distribution. The predominance of marine fossils throughout the sequence, dated by 14C AMS to between 8630 and 7535 cal. yr BP, shows that the Loon Lake at that time was a marine basin, which according to existing sea‐level curves was about 15–35 m deep. The sequence mainly consists of fine grained homogeneous sediments, which are interrupted by a 0.72 m thick sandy horizon with erosive basis and distinct fluctuations in the grain‐size distribution and in the physical and biogeochemical properties. According to the radiocarbon dates, this sandy horizon was deposited after 8500–8300 cal. yr BP and is interpreted as originating from the Storegga tsunami. The record from Loon Lake provides the first indication of Storegga tsunami deposits from East Greenland. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three Far East diatomites, Puzanov (Kunashir Island, Kuril Islands), Sergeevskii, and Terekhovka (Southern Primorye) are characterized in detail. Rock-forming taxa are identified (Puzanov—Aulacoseira subarctica (O. Mull.) Hawort and Stephanodiscus niagarae var. pusanovae Genkal et Cherepanova; Sergeevskii—Staurosira construens var. venter (Ehr.) Gran., Aulacoseira italica (Ehr.) Sim., and representatives of the genus Cymbella with large valves (up to 175 Jim in length); Terekhovka—Aulacoseira praegranulata var. praeislandica f. praeislandica (Sim.) Moiss.). Morphometric analysis of valves of the dominant taxa showed a low variability of valve parameters for the Puzanov diatomite and a high one for the Sergeevskii and Terekhovka diatomites. The lake environments of the diatoms forming the diatomites were reconstructed based on the elemental composition of diatom valves and the ecological structure of diatom paleocommunities. The high oxygen and low silicon concentrations in valves of the Puzanov diatomite, most likely, indicate that the diatoms were part of plankton communities formed in a large deep freshwater lake. Significant concentrations of silicon in valves of the Terekhovka diatomite, in contrast, suggest that the diatoms occurred in benthic ecotopes in a shallow lake. The age of the deposits was refined by detailed studies of Aulacoseira valves, using light and scanning electron microscopes. For example, the presence of Aulacoseira taxa of the “prae” group in the Terekhovka diatomite confirms its Pliocene age, and the presence of valves of the present species A. italica in the Sergeevskii diatomite points to its Late Pliocene age. The identified features of the diatomites permit their use in practice.  相似文献   

The stratiform base-metal Biksizak and Amur deposits, Kolpakovsky and Andree-Yul??evsky group of ore occurrences localized in the Eastern province of the Southern Urals and the adjacent Central Urals are considered in this paper. Their geology, composition of ore, and orebody morphology are characterized. These objects and occurrences occupy different geological positions, being hosted in (1) Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian limestones formed in an island-arc setting (Biksizak deposit, Kolpakovsky occurrence); (2) Middle and Upper Devonian flyschoid sequences at a distance from the active volcanic zone (Amur deposit); and (3) Riphean (?) platform cover (Andree-Yul??evsky group of occurrences). The objects considered differ in origin. The hydrothermal Pb-Zn ores of the Biksizak deposit and the Kolpakovsky occurrence are epigenetic with respect to the host rocks. They were formed in the Early Carboniferous and related to early collisional minor andesite and quartz diorite porphyry intrusions. The hydrothermal-sedimentary Amur massive sulfide Zn deposit of the Filizchai type was formed at the end of Middle Devonian. Zinc occurrences of the Andree-Yul??evsky group are probably products of regeneration of older stratiform lodes.  相似文献   

Genetic and mineralogical features of large deposits with complex Sn, W, and Mo mineralization in the Sikhote-Alin and Amur-Khingan metallogenic provinces are considered, as well as those of raremetal, rare earth, and uranium deposits in the Aldan-Stanovoi province. The spatiotemporal, geological, and mineralogical attributes of large deposits are set forth, and their geodynamic settings are determined. These attributes are exemplified in the large Tigriny Sn-W greisen-type deposit. The variation of regional tectonic settings and their spatial superposition are the main factor controlling formation of large deposits. Such a variation gives rise to multiple reactivation of the ore-magmatic system and long-term, multistage formation of deposits. Pulsatory mineralogical zoning with telescoped mineral assemblages related to different stages results in the formation of complex ores. The highest-grade zones of mass discharge of hydrothermal solutions are formed at the deposits. The promising greisen-type mineralization with complex Sn-W-Mo ore is suggested to be an additional source of tungsten and molybdenum. The Tigriny, Pravourminsky, and Arsen’evsky deposits, as well as deposits of the Komsomol’sk and Khingan-Olonoi ore districts are examples. Large and superlarge U, Ta, Nb, Be, and REE deposits are localized in the southeastern Aldan-Stanovoi Shield. The Ulkan and Arbarastakh ore districts attract special attention. The confirmed prospects of new large deposits with Sn, W, Mo, Ta, Nb, Be, REE, and U mineralization in the south of the Russian Far East assure expediency of further geological exploration in this territory.  相似文献   

Results of the study of carbonaceous metasedimentary rocks in the northern part of the Khanka and eastern part of the Bureya massifs (Primorye and Khabarovsk territories, JAR) and associated platinum mineralization are presented. It is shown that platinum minerals are represented by microparticle dispersion in shales of the greenschist-facies metamorphism (Sutyr and Kimkan sequences, Mitrofanovo Formation) and by Pt and PtO2 nanoparticles associated closely with graphite in shales of the amphibolite facies (Turgenev and Soyuznoe graphite deposits). The studied carbonaceous sequences were likely formed in the hemipelagic setting in a suprasubduction trench during the intense input of terrigenous material into basin. Carbon was derived from the marine biogenic material and superimposed graphitization related to a lower crustal material. Iron ores in the carbonaceous shales are hydrothermal formations. Platinum mineralization was likely related to two sources: (i) sedimentary-chemogenic source that made up the protolith of graphite–sericite–quartz shales of the Sutyr and Kimkan sequences (Mitrofanovo Formation); (ii) graphitizing fluid generated in deep magma chambers. Mineralization produced from these sources is transformed during the hydrothermal activity (coarsening of microparticles) and/or regional metamorphism (disintegration of microparticles and remobilization of Pt into graphite).  相似文献   

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