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赣北黄茅潭湖泊沉积记录的240年以来古洪水事件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
古洪水研究是近几十年来全球变化研究的一个热点,同时也是难点。本文利用赣北黄茅潭的湖泊沉积,建立了小冰期以来全球变暖背景下的区域洪水记录。采用210Pb和137Cs方法厘定了地层年代,基于粒度与元素地球化学指标的对比分析,揭示了器测记录(1950年)以来指标记录的特点与区域日降水超过50 mm天数的关系,认为黄茅潭HMT-01孔粒度(包括粗粉砂+砂/粘土比值、平均粒径)和Zr/Rb、Ti/Rb、Zr/Fe比值可作为洪水指标记录,共识别出1950-2010年期间记载的13次洪水事件中的11次。基于这些指标记录及指标特点,共识别1769-1950年间由历史文献记录的31次洪水事件中的23次,识别率达74.2%。研究表明:①湖泊沉积中Zr/Rb、Ti/Rb、Zr/Fe比值和粒度参数(平均粒径、粗粉砂+砂/粘土)作为洪水指标,对洪水事件沉积有较好的指示作用,且Zr/Rb比值对洪水事件的检出率较高;②黄茅潭流域洪水发生频率暖期高于冷期;③年代际尺度上,1820s-1840s,1860s-1870s为19世纪冷期黄茅潭洪水高频期,这两个阶段对应东亚夏季风偏强,长江中下游地区降雨较多;20世纪赣北黄茅潭洪水基本随1920s-1940s,1980s-1990s两个变暖阶段而高频出现,与长江中下游大洪水演变特点基本一致。研究结果为利用湖泊沉积记录反演过去的洪水变化,延长洪水序列、认识洪水规律提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

A tree-ring chronology derived from Norwegian timber structures made from Scots pine at locations near Trondheim dates back to AD 552. A chronology based on Norway spruce building timber from the same area has been constructed back to AD 1351. Both Trondheim chronologies, when tested for climatic signals, show a year-to-year pattern that correlates with the annual variation in the May–August tetratherm from Trondheim dating back to 1870. Particular years in both these chronologies show correspondence with historical notes about the summer weather and harvests from 1575 until the mid-19th century. Especially cold summers resulted in unripe harvests and narrow tree-rings in both chronologies. However, several exceptions suggest that the growth of conifers and harvests sometimes responded differently to the same environmental factors (or more than one factor was important). The spruce chronology does not show reported long-term (decadal, century) climatic trends, probably because many samples had too few tree-rings. The pine chronology also shows little correspondence with longer-term fluctuations, probably because of heterogeneous material and/or too few samples. However, generally narrow ring widths from 1570 to the early 18th century may reflect a cold period. The data are promising, but results suggest that more samples and possibly more powerful statistics are required to extract reliable climatic signals from building timber chronologies.  相似文献   

The dendrochronological study of shrubs is a new field, particularly with respect to desert areas. Using a dendrochronological perspective, we studied the radial growth and the climatic response model of the common beancaper (Zygophyllum xanthoxylum Maxim) in three sampling sites in the Badain Jaran Desert of northwestern China. The results showed that the radial growth of the common beancaper was primarily affected by precipitation during the pre-growing and growing seasons, especially during July. Variation in wet/drought periods over the last 160 years in the study area was analyzed using a radial growth climatic response model and data on regional chronology. Using decadal time scales, three wet periods were identified in the Badain Jaran Desert: the 1840s to early 1850s, the early 1890s to the 1900s and the late 1970s to the mid-1980s. Similarly, transitions from dry to wet periods over the last 160 years occurred in the late 1850s, mid-1870s, early 1880s, early 1900s, mid-1920s, early 1950s, early and late 1970s and early 1990s. These results are helpful for understanding regional climate change and the desertification process in arid desert regions.  相似文献   

Longitudinal (linear) sand dunes of the Simpson and Strzelecki dunefields in eastern central Australia present a paradox. Low levels of activity today stand in contrast to luminescence dating which has repeatedly shown deep deposits of sand on dune crests dating to within the late Holocene. In order to investigate the nature of dune activity in the Simpson–Strzelecki dunefield, vegetation and sand mobility were investigated by detailed vegetation survey and measurement of rippled area and loose sand depth of dunes at three sites along a climatic gradient. The response of both vegetation and sand movement to inter-annual climate variability was examined by repeat surveys of two sites in drought and non-drought conditions. Projected plant cover and plant + crust cover were found to have inverse linear relationships with rippled area and the area of deep loose sand. No relationship was found between these measures of sand movement and the plant frontal area index. A negative exponential relationship between equivalent mobile sand depth on dune surfaces and both vascular plant cover and vascular + crust cover was also found. There is no simple threshold of vegetation cover below which sand transport begins. Dunes with low perennial plant cover may form small dunes with slip faces leading to a positive feedback inhibiting ephemeral plant growth in wet years and accelerating sand transport rates. The linear dunefields are largely within the zone in which plant cover is sufficient to enforce low sand transport rates, and in which there is a strong response of vegetation and sand transport to inter-annual variation in rainfall. Both ephemeral plants (mostly forbs) and crust were found to respond rapidly to large (> 20 mm/month) rainfall events. On millennial time-scales, the level of dune activity is controlled by vegetation cover and probably not by fluctuations of wind strength. Land use or extreme, decadal time-scale, drought may destabilise dunes by removing perennial plant cover, accelerating wind erosion.  相似文献   

High-resolution terrestrial records of Holocene climate from Southern California are scarce. Moreover, there are no records of Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) variability, a major driver of decadal to multi-decadal climate variability for the region, older than 1,000 years. Recent research on Lake Elsinore, however, has shown that the lake’s sediments hold excellent potential for paleoenvironmental analysis and reconstruction. New 1-cm contiguous grain size data reveal a more complex Holocene climate history for Southern California than previously recognized at the site. A modern comparison between the twentieth century PDO index, lake level change, San Jacinto River discharge, and percent sand suggests that sand content is a reasonable, qualitative proxy for PDO-related, hydrologic variability at both multi-decadal-to-centennial as well as event (i.e. storm) timescales. A depositional model is proposed to explain the sand-hydrologic proxy. The sand-hydrologic proxy data reveal nine centennial-scale intervals of wet and dry climate throughout the Holocene. Percent total sand values >1.5 standard deviation above the 150–9,700 cal year BP average are frequent between 9,700 and 3,200 cal year BP (n = 41), but they are rare from 3,200 to 150 cal year BP (n = 6). This disparity is interpreted as a change in the frequency of exceptionally wet (high discharge) years and/or changes in large storm activity. A comparison to other regional hydrologic proxies (10 sites) shows more then occasional similarities across the region (i.e. 6 of 9 Elsinore wet intervals are present at >50% of the comparison sites). Only the early Holocene and the Little Ice Age intervals, however, are interpreted consistently across the region as uniformly wet (≥80% of the comparison sites). A comparison to two ENSO reconstructions indicates little, if any, correlation to the Elsinore data, suggesting that ENSO variability is not the predominant forcing of Holocene climate in Southern California.  相似文献   

Cryophenological records (i.e. observational series of freeze and breakup dates of ice) are of great importance when assessing the environmental variations in cold regions. Here we employed the extraordinarily long observational records of river ice breakup dates and air temperatures in northern Fennoscandia to examine their interrelations since 1802. Historical observations, along with modern data, comprise the informational setting for this analysis carried out using t-test. Temperature history of April-May season was used as cli- matic counterpart for the breakup timings. Both records (temperature and breakup) showed seven sub-periods during which their local means were distinctly different relative to preced- ing and subsequent sub-periods. The starting and ending years of these sub-periods oc- curred in temporal agreement. The main findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1) the synchrony between the temperature and river ice breakup records ruled out the possibility that the changes would have occurred due to quality of the historical series (i.e. inhomoge- neity problems often linked to historical time-series); (2) the studied records agreed to show lower spring temperatures and later river ice breakups during the 19th century, in comparison to the 20th century conditions, evidencing the prevalence of cooler spring temperatures in the study region, in agreement with the concept of the Little Ice Age (1570-1900) climate in North-West Europe; (3) the most recent sub-period demonstrate the highest spring tem- peratures with concomitantly earliest river ice breakups, showing the relative warmth of the current springtime climate in the study region in the context of the past two centuries; (4) the effects of anthropogenic changes in the river environment (e.g. construction and demolition of dams) during the 20th century should be considered for non-climatic variations in the breakup records; (5) this study emphasizes the importance of multi-centurial (i.e. historical) cryo- phenological information for highly interesting viewpoints of climate and environmental his- tory.  相似文献   

依据近期发表的古丝绸之路沿线若干地区(点)的温度重建序列,结合干湿变化等代用记录,分析了过去千年古丝绸之路沿线温度变化的基本特征,以及这些地区(点)在“中世纪气候异常期”(MCA,约950-1250年)和“小冰期”(LIA,约1450-1850年)的干湿特征异同。主要结论为:①过去2000年古丝绸之路的温度变化经历了1-3世纪温暖、4-7世纪前期寒冷、7世纪后期-11世纪初温暖、11世纪中期-12世纪初偏冷、12世纪中期-13世纪中期温暖、13世纪末-19世纪中期寒冷和20世纪快速增暖的百年际波动过程;但不同区域间的年代至百年尺度变化位相不完全同步,波动幅度也存在差异。②各地干湿特征在MCA和LIA也存在一定差异:中国的关中平原及河西走廊在MCA间的干湿变率较LIA大;中亚干旱区MCA期间气候偏干,LIA期间偏湿;欧洲中北部以及斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部等地在MCA间气候较LIA偏干,且中部地区LIA间的干湿变率较MCA大;芬兰和斯堪的纳维亚半岛北部以及俄罗斯等地MCA间的气候较LIA更湿润。  相似文献   

The nature of rainfall events is explored through six years of below average rainfall, associated with negative Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), and three years of above average rainfall, associated with positive SOI (and strong La Niña conditions), at arid Fowlers Gap, Australia. There is a greater probability of rainfall in wet years, but the events themselves also change significantly. Rainfall depth per event was 116% larger on average in wet years than dry, and average event rainfall rate was 85% higher. However, these results are influenced by a small number of very large events in the wet years, and events of <2 mm occur at about the same rate in dry and wet years. Rainfall event profiles in dry years showed more Huff first quartile events likely to promote partitioning of rain into infiltration. In contrast, larger events in wet years showed a preponderance of Huff third quartile profiles likely to be associated with greater partitioning of rainfall into overland flow. This co-variation in rainfall event profile with annual rainfall, not previously described, is reasoned to increase the amplitude of ecological impacts of the SOI-related rainfall variability at this site.  相似文献   

Exactly dated ring-width chronologies derived from Pyrenean oak and sweet chestnut trees growing in northern Extremadura, Spain, were evaluated for their potential as proxies for regional precipitation and North Atlantic Oscillation variability. The relationships among tree-rings, instrumental climatic records, and three versions of the NAO index were computed for different time subperiods over the last century. The results indicate that tree-ring records reflect, with variable intensity, both short-term and long-term variations in climate. Multiple correlation and regression analysis revealed that summer precipitation appeared to be the major factor affecting tree growth at inter-annual timescales. Moreover, since fluctuations in accumulated variability in annual rainfall over southwest Iberia are controlled by winter precipitation, the accumulated rainfall (August of the year n -1 to July of year n ) and winter NAO indices are also strongly correlated with tree-ring records at interdecadal timescales. This relationship appears to be especially strong during the second half of the 20th century, which is consistent with an increase of the NAO signal in the annual precipitation during the later part of the century. These results indicate that tree-rings from western Iberia are potential proxies of the NAO variability, useful to be included in palaeoclimatic model studies.  相似文献   

China is distinguished by a prominent monsoonal climate in the east of the country, a continental arid climate in the northwest and a highland cold climate on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Because of the long history of Chinese civilization, there are abundant and well-dated documentary records for climate variation over the whole of the country as well as many natural archives (e.g., tree-rings, ice cores, stalagmites, varved lake sediments and corals) that enable high-resolution paleoclimatic reconstruction. In this paper, we review recent advances in the reconstruction of climate and extreme events over the last 2000 years in China. In the last 10 years, many new reconstructions, based on multi-proxies with wide spatial coverage, have been published in China. These reconstructions enable us to understand the characteristics of climate change across the country as well as the uncertainties of regional reconstructions. Synthesized reconstructed temperature results show that warm intervals over the last 2000 years occurred in AD 1–200, AD 551–760, AD 951–1320, and after AD 1921, and also show that cold intervals were in AD 201–350, AD 441–530, AD 781–950, and AD 1321–1920. Extreme cold winters, seen between 1500 and 1900, were more frequent than those after 1950. The intensity of regional heat waves, in the context of recent global warming, may not in fact exceed natural climate variability seen over the last 2000 years. In the eastern monsoonal region of China, decadal, multi-decadal and centennial oscillations are seen in rainfall variability. While the ensemble mean for drought/flood spatial patterns across all cold periods shows a meridional distribution, there is a tri-pole pattern with respect to droughts south of 25°N, floods between 25° and 30°N, and droughts north of 30°N for all warm periods. Data show that extreme drought events were most frequent in the periods AD 301–400, AD 751–800, AD 1051–1150, AD 1501–1550, and AD 1601–1650, while extreme flood events were frequent in the periods AD 101–150, AD 251–300, AD 951–1000, AD 1701–1750, AD 1801–1850, and AD 1901–1950. Between AD 1551–1600, extreme droughts and flood events occurred frequently. In arid northwest China, climate was characterized by dry conditions in AD 1000–1350, wet conditions in AD 1500–1850, and has tended to be wet over recent decades. On the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, centennial-scale oscillations in precipitation have occurred over the last 1000 years, interrupted by several multi-decadal-scale severe drought events. Of these, the most severe were in the 1480s and 1710s. In southwest China, extreme droughts as severe as those seen in Sichuan and Chongqing in 2006 are known to have occurred during historical times.  相似文献   

The ecosystem response of Lake Redó (Central Pyrenees) to fluctuations in seasonal air temperature during the last two centuries was investigated by comparison of reconstructed air temperatures with the sediment record. Fine slicing allowed a resolution of 3–6 years according to the 210Pb dating, although it was still difficult to easily investigate the response to air temperature forcing, since extreme fluctuations in temperature occur on interannual time-scales. However, the resolution was sufficient to show responses on decadal and century scales. An overall tendency to warming in mean annual temperature in the Central Pyrenees has been caused by summer and in particular by autumn increases. Many of the measured sediment variables apparently responded to these long term trends, but the significance of the relationships was highly conditioned by the structure of the data. The variables responding most on the finer time scales were the microfossils. For diatoms, chironomids and chrysophytes the main variability correlated to summer and to autumn temperatures. For two planktonic species, Fragilaria nanana and Cyclotella pseudostelligera, we found a link of their variability with temperature fluctuations in their growing months (September and October, respectively). This relationship appeared at a certain point during a general warming trend, indicating a threshold in the response. On the other hand, no significant changes in the dominant species could be linked to temperature, nor in any significant subgroup of the 180 diatom species present in the core. In contrast, for most chironomids (particularly Paratanytarsus austriacus, Heterotrissocladius marcidus and Micropsectra radialis) a negative relationship with summer temperature extended throughout the studied period. This response of the whole group gives chironomids a more robust role as indicators for recording temperature changes on long time-scales (e.g., through the Holocene) and for lake signal inter-comparison. Finally, our results indicated that, in all cases, there was a significant resilience to high frequency changes and hysteresis despite extreme fluctuations. Although we were dealing with organisms with one or many generations per year, their populations seemed to follow the decadal trends in air temperature.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠包气带Cl-示踪与气候记录研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Cl-是自然界中最稳定的示踪剂, 包气带水Cl-浓度与降水中Cl-浓度的差异可以反映降水的有效入渗补给量和包气带水的年龄。基于CMB的氯累积年龄可以用36Cl/Cl在三个时间尺度上校正。利用CMB研究了巴丹吉林沙漠南缘的两个钻孔剖面的Cl-与含水量的分布状况, 计算了800a以来的地下水补给量及其所反映的气候波动特征。在该地区, 多年平均降雨量为89mm, 而平均补给量仅为1.3mm。干旱沙漠地区最近800a气候明显经历了4个干期和3个湿期。1500-1530年是干旱区气候突变的时期, 18世纪末至19世纪初是气候环境演化的又一个十分重要的时间界限, 自此以后的漫长时间, 干旱化进程进一步加剧。  相似文献   

An October–June precipitation reconstruction was developed from a Pinus halepensis regional tree-ring chronology from four sites in northwestern Tunisia for the period of 1771–2002. The reconstruction is based on a reliable and replicable statistical relationship between climate and tree-ring growth and shows climate variability on both interannual and interdecadal time scales. Thresholds (12th and 88th percentiles) based on the empirical cumulative distribution of observed precipitation for the 1902–2002 calibration period were used to delineate dry years and wet years of the long-term reconstruction. The longest reconstructed drought by this classification in the 232-year reconstruction is 2 years, which occurred in the 19th century. Analysis of 500 mb height data for the period 1948–2002 suggests reconstructed extreme dry and wet events can provide information on past atmospheric circulation anomalies over a broad region including the Mediterranean, Europe and eastern Asia.  相似文献   

基于清代雨雪档案和现代气象观测资料,利用自然降水入渗试验结果及雨雪分寸与降水量统计关系,重建南京1736~2006年逐季和年降水量。分析显示:(1) 18世纪春、冬季为多雨期,秋季为少雨期;19世纪秋、冬季和全年为多雨期,春季为少雨期;20世纪上半叶,4季和全年均为少雨期;自20世纪末期始夏季和全年进入多雨期。(2) 年降水变化存在2~5 a周期,经历1851~1860年和1893~1894年两次突变。研究结果与区域内其他旱涝等级或降水量序列有较好可比性。绝大多数粮食欠收年对应于降水异常年,生长期为干旱异常的欠收年数量多于为洪涝异常的欠收年。  相似文献   

According to the textual research into the historical documents dominated by ar-chives yearly, as well as the verification with several other kinds of data, the later or earlier starting time of the rainy seasons in Yunnan during 1711–1982 has been reconstructed. The analysis indicates that there are obvious fluctuations in the starting date of the rainy seasons in Yunnan in a year or years, and long fluctuation on the decadal scale. The rainy season comes earlier in the early 18th century, later in the 19th century and earlier again in the 20th century. This reflects to a certain degree the gradual change of the summer monsoon in Yunnan. There exists an obvious quasi-3 years cycle, which is related to El-Nino’s quasi-3 years cycle, and a 11.3-year cycle which is notably related to the 11-year cycle of the solar activity of starting date of the rainy seasons in Yunnan. Meanwhile, the dissertation finds that the El-Nino is very important to the starting date of the rainy seasons in Yunnan. The starting date of the rainy seasons in Yunnan often comes later or normally in the year of El-Nino. However, there is an obvious imperfect period in such influence, which in turn may mean that there is a certain fluctuation in the effect of ENSO on Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

过去千年中国不同区域干湿的多尺度变化特征评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑景云  张学珍  刘洋  郝志新 《地理学报》2020,75(7):1432-1450
依据近年发表的新成果,对中国过去千年干湿的年至百年尺度变化特征进行了总结梳理与对比分析,综合评估了20世纪干湿变幅的历史地位。主要结论是:① 根据历史文献记载重建的东中部各区干湿序列在1400年以后均达高信度,但其前因存在记录缺失,仅有半数时段的重建结果达高信度。在东北及内蒙古东部,根据不同地点湖沼沉积物记录揭示的区域干湿百年尺度变化特征在多数时段不一致。在西部的黄土高原、河西走廊、新疆中北部、青藏高原东北部和东南部等地区,利用不同地点树轮资料重建的干湿序列显示的干湿变化特征在区内一致性高。② 过去千年中国各地干湿变化均存在显著的年际、年代际和百年尺度周期。其中准2.5 a、60~80 a和110~120 a等尺度的周期为所有地区共有;3.5~5.0 a、20~35 a等尺度周期则主要发生在东北、东中部地区、黄土高原和青藏高原;而准45 a周期则只发生在东北和东中部地区(均超过90%信度水平);各区域间的干湿变化位相并不同步。③ 尽管已发现青藏高原东北部20世纪很可能是过去3000 a最湿的世纪之一,但其他大多数区域的重建结果显示:20世纪的干湿变幅在年代际尺度上均未超出其前各个时段的变率范围。  相似文献   

1736-1911年中国水灾多发区分布及空间迁移特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
重建历史时期极端气候灾害的时空格局,对于认识当前和未来的灾害演变趋势,辨识灾害高风险区,更好地应对气候变化的挑战具有重要意义。本文基于《清史·灾赈志》中的历史水灾记录,以县级政区为单元,逐年提取了1736-1911年间中国境内的8582个水灾发生地点;利用核密度估计法对这一时期及3个特征时段(1736-1795、1796-1850和1851-1911年)的水灾空间分布特征进行分析,并结合风险理论框架讨论水灾多发区的分布及迁移的影响因素。主要结论如下:①1736-1911年水灾多发区主要集中在华北平原北部的海河、黄河下游,淮河下游,长江中下游三大平原及沿江地带,与现代分布格局存在一定差异;②华北平原北部是清代水灾最为集中的区域,这与当时华北平原降水偏多有关,而进入19世纪后,当地社会经济系统的高脆弱度也大大加重了灾情;特别是1855年黄河改道后,因政府应对不力,使得1851-1911年间鲁西北地区沿黄河下游河道出现一个条带状水灾多发区;③19世纪长江中下游地区水灾频次激增,其原因除梅雨变化导致的极端降水事件增多外,人类不合理的农业开发活动大量挤占湿地和水体,也在相当程度上增大了当地面对水灾时的物理暴露度。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role that representatives of the London Missionary Society in central southern Africa during the nineteenth century may have played in the development of geographical debates concerning the long-term desiccation of the African continent. Observations on climate included within missionary documents are used to reconstruct a chronology of intra-decadal climatic variability for the period 1815–1900. This reveals six drought periods and seven wet phases that affected large areas of the region, but identifies no evidence for progressive desiccation. The chronology is then used as a framework within which to view missionary perspectives on drought and desiccation. Major influences upon the development of desiccationist theory appear to include the prevalence of contemporary moral economic explanations of climatic variability, as well as the uptake and acceptance of indigenous understanding of climate change. Significantly, many of the key observations by eminent missionaries used as supporting evidence for progressive desiccation are identified as having been made during periods of severe drought. This is used to suggest that the most widely propagated evidence for desiccation may, therefore, simply be the end-product of periods of short-term drought rather than long-term climatic deterioration.  相似文献   

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