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Using 10-year (2001 10) monthly evaporation, precipitation, and sea surface salinity (SSS) datasets, the relationship between local freshwater flux and SSS in the north Indian Ocean (NIO) is evaluated quantitatively. The results suggest a highly positive linear correlation between freshwater flux and SSS in the Arabian Sea (correlation coefficient, R=0.74) and the western equatorial Indian Ocean (R=0.73), whereas the linear relationships are relatively weaker in the Bay of Bengal (R=0.50) and the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean (R=0.40). Additionally, the interannual variations of freshwater flux and SSS and their mutual relationship are investigated in four sub- regions for pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon seasons separately. The satellite retrievals of SSS from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Aquarius missions can provide continuous and consistent SSS fields for a better understanding of its variability and the differences between the freshwater flux and SSS signals, which are commonly thought to be linearly related.  相似文献   

耦合模式热带太平洋云—气候反馈模拟误差评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李志强  俞永强 《大气科学》2011,35(3):457-472
云—气候反馈是热带海气相互作用的重要过程, 同时也是气候模拟的难点。本文利用IPCC AR4提供的耦合模式20世纪模拟试验结果和观测资料, 通过滤波和经验正交展开 (EOF) 的方法将热带太平洋海表温度的年际变化和年代际变化信号分别提取出来, 然后再分别计算观测和模式在年际和年代际时间尺度上云—辐射和热通量反馈特征, 发现在上述两个时间尺度上, 耦合模式模拟的云—辐射和热通量的反馈都要比观测和再分析资料的偏弱。反馈偏弱的可能原因是模式中热带大气对流和云对海表温度变化的敏感性比真实大气要偏弱。值得注意的是, 尽管耦合模式热带太平洋年代际热力反馈偏弱, 但是耦合模式模拟的热带太平洋南北纬10°之间海表温度的年代际增温趋势与观测相当。进一步分析表明, 只用年代际热力反馈来解释热带太平洋的气候变化是不够的, 还必须考虑动力反馈对于海表温度变化的调节作用。  相似文献   

As salinity stratification is necessary to form the barrier layer (BL), the quantification of its role in BL interannual variability is crucial. This study assessed salinity variability and its effect on the BL in the equatorial Pacific using outputs from Beijing Normal University Earth System Model (BNU-ESM) simulations. A comparison between observations and the BNU-ESM simulations demonstrated that BNU-ESM has good capability in reproducing most of the interannual features observed in nature. Despite some discrepancies in both magnitude and location of the interannual variability centers, the displacements of sea surface salinity (SSS), barrier layer thickness (BLT), and SST simulated by BNU-ESM in the equatorial Pacific are realistic. During El Niño, for example, the modeled interannual anomalies of BLT, mixed layer depth, and isothermal layer depth, exhibit good correspondence with observations, including the development and decay of El Niño in the central Pacific, whereas the intensity of the interannual variabilities is weaker relative to observations. Due to the bias in salinity simulations, the SSS front extends farther west along the equator, whereas BLT variability is weaker in the central Pacific than in observations. Further, the BNU-ESM simulations were examined to assess the relative effects of salinity and temperature variability on BLT. Consistent with previous observation-based analyses, the interannual salinity variability can make a significant contribution to BLT relative to temperature in the western-central equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   

利用卫星海面高度计资料,分析了赤道太平洋和印度洋海面高度变化的季节和年际变化特征,并与一个耦合气候系统模式FGCM0模拟的海面高度进行比较,评估模式模拟海面高度季节和年际变化的能力.结果表明,尽管耦合模式存在一定的系统误差,但仍然能在相当程度上模拟出海面高度季节和年际变化的基本特征.同时为检验模式中印度尼西亚贯穿流(ITF)对海面高度季节和年际变化的影响,还进行了印度尼西亚海道完全关闭的敏感性试验,与控制试验结果对比表明,印度尼西亚贯穿流可以显著影响热带太平洋和印度洋年际变化的特征.  相似文献   

The influence of El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the convectively coupled Kelvin waves over the tropical Pacific is investigated by comparing the Kelvin wave activity in the eastern Pacific (EP) El Nio, central Pacific (CP) El Nio, and La Nia years, respectively, to 30-yr (1982-2011) mean statistics. The convectively coupled Kelvin waves in this study are represented by the two leading modes of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of 2-25-day band-pass filtered daily outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), with the estimated zonal wavenumber of 3 or 4, period of 8 days, and eastward propagating speed of 17 ms-1 . The most significant impact of ENSO on the Kelvin wave activity is the intensification of the Kelvin waves during the EP El Nios. The impact of La Nia on the reduction of the Kelvin wave intensity is relatively weaker, reflecting the nonlinearity of tropical deep convection and the associated Kelvin waves in response to ENSO sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. The impact of the CP El Nio on the Kelvin waves is less significant due to relatively weaker SST anomalies and smaller spatial coverage. ENSO may also alter the frequency, wavelength, and phase speed of the Kelvin waves. This study demonstrates that low-frequency ENSO SST anomalies modulate high-frequency tropical disturbances, an example of weather-climate linkage.  相似文献   

The climatology and interannual variability of sea surface salinity(SSS) and freshwater flux(FWF) in the equatorial Pacific are analyzed and evaluated using simulations from the Beijing Normal University Earth System Model(BNU-ESM).The simulated annual climatology and interannual variations of SSS, FWF, mixed layer depth(MLD), and buoyancy flux agree with those observed in the equatorial Pacific. The relationships among the interannual anomaly fields simulated by BNU-ESM are analyzed to illustrate the climate feedbacks induced by FWF in the tropical Pacific. The largest interannual variations of SSS and FWF are located in the western-central equatorial Pacific. A positive FWF feedback effect on sea surface temperature(SST) in the equatorial Pacific is identified. As a response to El Ni ?no–Southern Oscillation(ENSO),the interannual variation of FWF induces ocean processes which, in turn, enhance ENSO. During El Ni ?no, a positive FWF anomaly in the western-central Pacific(an indication of increased precipitation rates) acts to enhance a negative salinity anomaly and a negative surface ocean density anomaly, leading to stable stratification in the upper ocean. Hence, the vertical mixing and entrainment of subsurface water into the mixed layer are reduced, and the associated El Ni ?no is enhanced. Related to this positive feedback, the simulated FWF bias is clearly reflected in SSS and SST simulations, with a positive FWF perturbation into the ocean corresponding to a low SSS and a small surface ocean density in the western-central equatorial Pacific warm pool.  相似文献   

郑玉琼  陈文  陈尚锋 《大气科学》2020,44(2):435-454
根据观测资料的研究指出春季北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation, AO)对随后冬季厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Nino–Southern Oscillation, ENSO)的影响具有明显不对称性。春季AO处于正位相时,它对随后冬季厄尔尼诺(El Nino)事件的影响显著,然而春季AO负位相对随后冬季拉尼娜(La Nina)的影响不明显。本研究分析了30个来自CMIP5的耦合模式对春季AO与随后冬季ENSO不对称性关系的模拟能力。30个CMIP5耦合模式中,只有CNRM-CM5和GISS-E2-H-CC模式能较好地抓住春季AO与冬季ENSO的联系。进一步分析这两个模式中春季AO与冬季ENSO的不对称性关系,发现CNRM-CM5模式能较好地再现春季AO与冬季ENSO的非对称关系,即春季AO正(负)位相会导致赤道中东太平洋出现El Nino(La Nina)型海表温度增暖(冷却)。然而,GISS-E2-H-CC模式的模拟结果显示,春季AO对随后冬季ENSO的影响是对称的。本文随后解释了CNRM-CM5(GISS-E2-H-CC)模式能(不能)模拟出春季AO与冬季ENSO不对称关系的原因。对于CNRMCM5模式,在春季AO正位相年,副热带西北太平洋上空存在明显的异常气旋和正降水异常,正降水异常通过Gill型大气响应对赤道西太平洋异常西风的形成和维持起着重要作用,异常西风通过激发向东传播的暖赤道Kelvin波对随后冬季El Nino事件的发生产生显著的影响;然而,在春季AO负位相年,副热带北太平洋的异常反气旋和负降水异常较弱,导致赤道西太平洋的异常东风不明显,因此,春季AO负异常对随后冬季La Nina的影响不显著。所以,CNRM-CM5模式能够较好地抓住春季AO对随后冬季ENSO事件的非对称性影响。相比之下,对于GISS-E2-H-CC模式,春季AO正(负)位相年副热带西北太平洋上存在显著的正(负)降水异常,通过Gill型大气响应在赤道西太平洋激发出明显的异常西(东)风从而影响随后冬季的El Nino(La Nina)事件。因此,在GISS-E2-H-CC模式中,春季AO对随后冬季ENSO具有对称性影响。另外,模式捕捉春季AO对随后冬季ENSO非对称性影响的能力与模式对春季AO空间结构的模拟能力有一定的联系。  相似文献   

Considering the multiscale character of LFO (low-frequency oscillation) in the tropical atmosphere, the effects of SST on LFO in the tropical atmosphere are discussed by using an absolute ageostrophic, baroclinic model. Here, SST effects include sea surface heating and forcing of SST anomalies (SSTAs). Studies of the influences of sea surface heating on LFO frequency and stability show that sea surface heating can slow the speed of waves and lower their frequency when SST is comparatively low; while higher SST leads to unstable waves and less periods of LFO. Since the impact of a SSTA on ultra-long waves is more evident than that on kilometer-scale waves, long-wave approximation is used when we continue to study the effect of SSTAs. Results indicate that SSTAs can lead to a longer period of LFO, and make waves unstable. In other words, positive (negative) SSTAs can make waves decay (grow).  相似文献   

利用1979—2005年OAFlux (Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes) 观测资料以及CMIP5的15个耦合模式的模拟结果,评估了BCC_CSM1.1(m) 模式对热带太平洋年平均潜热通量气候态和变化趋势的模拟能力,并分析造成趋势偏差的可能原因。结果表明:BCC_CSM1.1(m) 模式模拟热带太平洋年平均潜热通量气候态在各纬度上差异较大, 其中在赤道的模拟能力较佳,而在10°N和8°S附近模拟偏差较大;BCC_CSM1.1(m) 模式对热带太平洋年平均潜热通量趋势的模拟能力一般,造成趋势偏差的主要原因是该模式低估了风速对潜热通量的局地贡献以及它对风速的非局地贡献的模拟存在较大偏差。此外,该模式未能较好地模拟出风速对全球变暖响应。因此,BCC_CSM1.1(m) 模式对热带太平洋年平均潜热通量趋势模拟的改进需加强其对风速模拟的改进。  相似文献   

利用CMIP5提供的25个工业革命前控制试验(piControl)模拟数据评估了热带太平洋两类El Ni(n)o(即东部EP和中部CP型El Ni(n)o)的海表盐度(SSS)空间结构差异及其与海表温度(SST)和降水的关系.结果表明:(1)大部分模式能够模拟出EP和CP型空间结构,两类El Ni(n)o中的SST、降水和SSS的空间技巧评分依次减小,其中,EP型SST和降水水平分布的模拟能力强于CP型,SSS则为CP型强于EP型,CP型模拟的SST、SSS和降水异常中心位置较EP型偏西且强度偏弱;(2) CP型SST、降水和SSS三者空间分布的线性一致性比EP型好,即在CP型中,SST影响降水,进而影响SSS,同时SSS对SST调制的反馈机制较显著,而对于EP型,由于海洋水平平流和非局地效应等因素,使得SST与SSS空间对应较差;(3)依据多模式模拟的SSS空间技巧评分高低将CMIP5模式分为两类,技巧评分低(高)的模式模拟的SST、SSS和降水异常值的中心位置偏西(偏东),引起中心位置偏移的原因与模式模拟赤道太平洋冷舌的位置有关,即赤道太平洋冷舌西伸显著,导致发生El Ni(n)o时SST异常变暖西伸显著,进而使得降水异常和SSS异常位置偏西.同时,技巧评分低的模式还易出现向东南延伸的负SSS异常,原因是双赤道辐合带的东南分支过于明显,即降水偏多,导致SSS偏淡.SSS变化会影响ENSO的发生发展.因此,探讨两类El Ni(n)o盐度分布的差异及相关物理场的关系,为提高模式的气候模拟和预测提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

先前的观测研究表明,南太平洋四极子海温模态(SPQ)可以有效地作为ENSO的前兆信号.本文利用20个CMIP6模式及其对应的20个先前的CMIP5模式的工业化前气候模拟试验数据,评估和比较了CMIP6以及CMIP5模式对SPQ与ENSO的关系的模拟能力.结果表明,大多数CMIP5和CMIP6模式可以合理地模拟SPQ的基...  相似文献   

热带大气季节内振荡对西北太平洋台风的调制作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
潘静  李崇银  宋洁 《大气科学》2010,34(6):1059-1070
利用澳大利亚气象局的RMM-MJO (Real-time Multivariate MJO) 指数, 分析研究了热带大气季节内振荡 (简称MJO) 对西北太平洋台风的调制作用及其机理, 结果表明MJO活动对西北太平洋台风的生成有比较明显调制作用。在MJO活跃期, 对流中心位于赤道东印度洋 (即MJO第2、3位相) 和对流中心越过海洋性大陆来到西太平洋地区 (即MJO 第5、6位相) 时台风生成的个数比例为2∶1。本文对西太平洋地区的大气环流场进行了多种气象要素的合成分析, 在MJO的不同位相, 西太平洋地区的动力因子分布形势有很明显不同。在第2、3位相, 各种因子均呈现出抑制西太平洋地区对流及台风发展的态势; 而在第5、6位相则明显有促进对流发生发展, 为台风生成和发展创造了有利条件的大尺度环流动力场。这说明MJO 在不断东移的过程中, 将改变大气环流形势, 最终影响了台风的生成和发展。接着, 我们从积云对流这个联系台风和MJO的重要因子出发, 研究了不同MJO位相时凝结加热的水平和垂直分布, 以及与台风环流、 水汽通量的配置情况。结果表明在MJO不同位相, 热源分布明显不同, 而这种水平和垂直方向的不同分布特征必然反映潜热释放和有效位能向有效动能转换的差异, 再与水汽的辐合辐散相配合, 就从台风获得的能量角度揭示了大气MJO调节台风的生成和发展, 造成不同位相时台风生成有根本差别的原因。  相似文献   

利用一个大洋环流模式LICOM, 通过1958~2001年风应力 (ERA40) 和热通量驱动下的两组模拟试验, 检验了二者在北太平洋年际和年代际变率形成中的作用。结果表明, 尽管在年际尺度上热带太平洋变率主要受风应力影响, 但合理考虑热通量异常的强迫作用能够显著改进模式对El Niño的模拟效果, 包括对El Niño周期非规则性的成功模拟; 北太平洋SST的年际和年代际异常主要受热通量异常的影响, 合理考虑热通量强迫的年代际变化能够改善模式对北太平洋年代际变率的模拟效果。在北太平洋海盆的不同区域, 导致SST变率异常的因子不同: 在加利福尼亚沿岸, 冬季平均海温的变率异常主要由热通量的异常决定; 在北太平洋中部, 温度趋势异常主要受热通量和水平平流的作用影响; 在黑潮及其延伸体区域, 对温度趋势异常起主导作用的是热通量和海洋非线性作用, 与此同时, 水平平流和扩散的作用亦不容忽视。  相似文献   

热带气旋潜势指数可以合理刻画热带气旋生成的位置与范围, 被广泛应用于评估气候系统模式对热带气旋的模拟。本文使用区域海—气耦合模式FROALS对西北太平洋地区1982~2007年的积分结果, 检验了该模式对热带气旋潜势指数的气候态和年际变率模拟能力, 并从决定热带气旋潜势的五个变量角度, 分析了造成模式模拟偏差的原因。结果表明, 模式可以合理再现西北太平洋地区热带气旋潜势指数的分布, 但由于西北太平洋季风槽模拟偏弱且耦合后模拟海温偏冷, 使得耦合试验模拟的热带气旋潜势指数分布偏弱, 尽管较之单独大气模式, 其模拟的空间分布有改善。在年际变率方面, 模式可以合理再现年际变率中热带气旋潜势指数对ENSO的响应, 且耦合模式优于单独大气模式, 分析表明其原因在于耦合模式模拟的850 hPa季风槽强度与年际变率优于单独大气模式。因此区域耦合模式在模拟热带气旋指数年际变率方面相较大气模式有优势。  相似文献   

A season-reliant empirical orthogonal function(S-EOF) analysis was applied to the seasonal mean SST anomalies(SSTAs) based on the HadISST1 dataset with linear trend removed at every grid point in the South Pacific(60.5-19.5 S,139.5 E-60.5 W) during the period 1979-2009.The spatiotemporal characteristics of the dominant modes and their relationships with ENSO were analyzed.The results show that there are two seasonally evolving dominant modes of SSTAs in the South Pacific with interannual and interdecadal variations;they account for nearly 40% of the total variance.Although the seasonal evolution of spatial patterns of the first S-EOF mode(S-EOF1) did not show remarkable propagation,it decays with season remarkably.The second S-EOF mode(S-EOF2) showed significant seasonal evolution and intensified with season,with distinct characteristics of eastward propagation of the negative SSTAs in southern New Zealand and positive SSTAs southeast of Australia.Both of these two modes have significant relationships with ENSO.These two modes correspond to the post-ENSO and ENSO turnabout years,respectively.The SEOF1 mode associated with the decay of the eastern Pacific(EP) and the central Pacific(CP) types of ENSO exhibited a more significant relationship with the EP/CP type of El Nin o than that with the EP/CP type of La Nin a.The S-EOF2 mode contacted with the EP type of El Nin o changing into the EP/CP type of La Nin a showed a more significant connection with the EP/CP type of La Nin a.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments are performed to simulate the response of the atmospheric circulation and pre-cipitation over East China in June to the sea surface temperature(SST)anomalies over the tropical eastern Pacific(TEP)from preceding September to June by using an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM).We constructed composite positive/negative SST anomalies(P-SSTAs/N-SSTAs)based on the observational SST anomalies over the TEP from September 1997 to June 1998.The results show that:(1) the response of the precipitation in the Yangtze River basin and its southern area(YRBS)to El Nino with different durations varies with the maximum amplitude of the precipitation anomalies appearing when the imposed duration is from November to next June,and the minimum appearing when the SST anomalies is only imposed in June.The anomalies of the precipitation are reduced when the duration of the forcing SST anomalies over the TEP is shortened and the positive SST anomalies in the preceding autumn tend to cause significantly more rainfall in the YRBS.This is in agreement with previous diagnostic analysis results.(2)The simulated precipitation anomalies over the YRBS are always obviously positive under strong or weak positive SST anomalies over the TEP.The intensity of the precipitation anomalies increases with increasing intensity of the SST anomalies in the experiments.The simulation results are consistent with the observations during the warm SST events,suggesting reasonable modeling results.(3)When negative SST anomalies in the TEP are put into the model,the results are different from those of the diagnostic analysis of La Nina events.Negative precipitation anomalies in YRBS could be reproduced only when the negative SST anomalies are strong enough.  相似文献   

1. Introduction South Asian monson is an important weather and climate phenomenon, and it is also an important con- stituent of the global atmospheric circulation, thus people pay more attention to it (Hahn and Manabe, 1975; Zhu and Zhao, 1987; Zhu et al., 1991; Zhou and Yang, 1994; Wu and Huang, 2001; Li et al., 1999). For example, Zhu and Zhao (1987) studied the effects of terrain on South Asian monsoon by the equato- rial atmospheric balance model, indicating that ter- rain effect is …  相似文献   


Sea surface temperature (SST) from four Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model simulations is analyzed to study the bulk flux parameterization to compute SST over the Hudson Bay Complex (HBC) for the summer months (August and September) from 2002 to 2009. The NEMO simulation was forced with two atmospheric forcing sets with different resolutions: the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiment, version 2 (COREv2), as the lower resolution and the Canadian Meteorological Centre’s Global Deterministic Prediction System Reforecasts (CGRF) as the higher resolution. The CGRF forcing is also implemented in the third and fourth runs using different runoff data and different NEMO resolutions (1/12° versus 1/4°). Results show that all four modelled SSTs followed observed SST patterns, with regional differences in SST bias between simulations with different atmospheric forcing. The SST differences are small between simulations forced with the same atmospheric forcing but with different model resolution or runoff. This implies that the model resolution and runoff have a small effect on the simulated SST in the HBC. Moreover, to better capture the effect of near-surface temperature (Tair) on simulated SST, we conducted three analyses using the Haney flux linearization formula. Results from these assessments did not indicate any direct influence on the model-simulated SSTs by Tair. Looking at the heat flux as a signature for SST showed that both averaged spatial distribution and time series of net heat flux produced by the three CGRF forcing simulations were higher than the net heat flux generated by the CORE 2 simulation. This was generally true for all four components of the total heat flux (sensible, latent, shortwave, and longwave) individually as well. Total heat flux in summer is governed by the shortwave heat flux, with values up to 120?W?m?2 in August, and the longwave heat flux is the main contributor to the total heat flux differences. These heat flux differences lead to corresponding colder model SSTs for the CGRF runs and warmer SSTs for the CORE 2 simulations.  相似文献   

评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体动力学数值模拟国家重点实验室海洋环流模式L30T63和海气耦合模式FGCM 0模拟的热带太平洋年平均状态 ,资料取自L30T63由观测的大气强迫驱动的Control试验、由NCARCCM3大气强迫驱动的Spinup试验、以及相应的海气耦合模式FGCM 0。主要的结论是 :( 1 )在“准确”的海表强迫下 ,Control模拟的海面温度和温跃层与观测结果相当接近 ,模式的固有误差是赤道冷舌过分西伸和东南太平洋温跃层偏浅。 ( 2 )Spinup能模拟出合理的热带太平洋上层海洋环流 ,但存在两个问题 ,即 :暖池区海面温度显著偏高、沿赤道的梯度过大 ;赤道温跃层偏浅、东西向坡度偏小 ,它们分别与CCM3提供的海表短波辐射通量和风应力的系统误差有关。这两个问题很可能是海气耦合模式FGCM 0运行初期误差迅速发展的重要原因。 ( 3)FGCM 0模拟的赤道暖池区上层 1 0 0m的平均温度比观测低 3℃。分析表明FGCM 0夸大了暖池区海洋动力过程的降温作用 ,使得模拟的“暖池”在一定程度上具有冷舌的属性。FGCM 0模拟的热带南太平洋温跃层比观测结果偏浅数十米到 1 0 0m ,以致赤道两侧的上层海洋温度分布趋于对称 ,成为“doubleITCZ”现象在上层海洋中的表现。风应力旋度的系统误差和垂直混合随深度衰减过快  相似文献   

白文蓉  智海  林鹏飞 《大气科学》2017,41(3):629-647
利用CMIP5提供的25个工业革命前控制试验(piControl)模拟数据评估了热带太平洋两类El Ni?o(即东部EP和中部CP型El Ni?o)的海表盐度(SSS)空间结构差异及其与海表温度(SST)和降水的关系。结果表明:(1)大部分模式能够模拟出EP和CP型空间结构,两类El Ni?o中的SST、降水和SSS的空间技巧评分依次减小,其中,EP型SST和降水水平分布的模拟能力强于CP型,SSS则为CP型强于EP型,CP型模拟的SST、SSS和降水异常中心位置较EP型偏西且强度偏弱;(2)CP型SST、降水和SSS三者空间分布的线性一致性比EP型好,即在CP型中,SST影响降水,进而影响SSS,同时SSS对SST调制的反馈机制较显著,而对于EP型,由于海洋水平平流和非局地效应等因素,使得SST与SSS空间对应较差;(3)依据多模式模拟的SSS空间技巧评分高低将CMIP5模式分为两类,技巧评分低(高)的模式模拟的SST、SSS和降水异常值的中心位置偏西(偏东),引起中心位置偏移的原因与模式模拟赤道太平洋冷舌的位置有关,即赤道太平洋冷舌西伸显著,导致发生El Ni?o时SST异常变暖西伸显著,进而使得降水异常和SSS异常位置偏西。同时,技巧评分低的模式还易出现向东南延伸的负SSS异常,原因是双赤道辐合带的东南分支过于明显,即降水偏多,导致SSS偏淡。SSS变化会影响ENSO的发生发展。因此,探讨两类El Ni?o盐度分布的差异及相关物理场的关系,为提高模式的气候模拟和预测提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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