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吡虫啉是一种新烟碱类杀虫剂,环境中吡虫啉的残留会对水生生物产生潜在的慢性毒害作用,然而我国目前尚缺乏吡虫啉的淡水水生生物基准。为了构建吡虫啉的水质基准以及评估其对本土水生物种的生态风险,搜集筛选了吡虫啉对我国本土淡水水生生物的急慢性毒性数据,获得了来自5门14科的共21种急性毒性数据和来自5门11科的共15种慢性毒性数据。选取Log-normal和Log-logistic两种分布模型分别对毒性数据进行拟合以得到吡虫啉的物种敏感性分布。拟合优度检验结果表明Log-normal分布对急性和慢性数据均有更好的拟合效果。吡虫啉对我国本土水生物种的短期水质基准为6.95 μg/L,长期水质基准为0.47 μg/L,可作为保护我国水生生物的水质基准。采用风险商值法评估了吡虫啉在我国主要流域地表水的生态风险,结果显示研究区所包括流域地表水中78.95%的水体为低风险水体,15.79%的水体为中风险水体。本研究结论可为吡虫啉水质标准制定、水生生物保护和水生态环境管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This paper reviews much of the existing data on trace metal distributions in the Arctic. Numerous papers giving sediment data are reviewed, including some not yet published, fewer papers were found giving data on organisms and still fewer were found containing dissolved trace metal data. None of the data examined suggests that trace metals might be affecting the health of Arctic organisms. Rather, the trace metal concentrations found in Arctic waters, sediments and organisms, with few exceptions, are similar to those found in temperate areas thought to be largely free of pollutant levels of metals. Nevertheless, the existing data base for the Arctic is much smaller and more geographically restricted than that for temperate and tropical regions and the sensitivity of Arctic organisms to pollutant metals is not well known. Monitoring programs carefully designed to detect any influence of human activity on trace metal distributions in the Arctic should be initiated now.  相似文献   

利用2003年西苕溪TM数据和DEM模型计算了55个样点上游3种空间尺度下(亚流域、河岸带和局部)的土地利用类型,通过冗余分析筛选出能够在显著水平上最大程度解释西苕溪流域底栖动物分布的最小变量组合——氨氮、荫蔽度、电导率、亚流域农田百分比以及栖境复杂度.方差分解结果表明氨氮是研究区域影响底栖动物分布的最重要环境变量,亚流域尺度农田百分比也是一个重要影响变量.在50%-100%适合度范围内最终筛选得到短脉纹石蛾Cheumato-psyche sp.1和Cheumatopsyche sp.2作为关键环境变量指示种.在一定范围内短脉纹石蛾的数量随着水体氨氮浓度和亚流域尺度农田百分比的上升而增加.短脉纹石蛾分布广泛、采集容易、具备一定的耐污能力和主动漂流能力、幼虫个体较大且在水中的生活史较长以及具有一定的生态可塑性等优点决定了短脉纹石蛾可以作为西苕溪流域的受干扰水体氨氮和亚流域尺度农田百分比的指示种.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities from the lower Nysa Kłodzka River catchment, southern Poland, were analyzed seasonally, in order to assess changes in their composition and structure, in relation to water quality. Two major groups of sites, differing in both morphological structure and taxonomical composition by cluster analysis, were identified within the catchment area. Wider and deeper sites, located along the Nysa Kłodzka River, were associated with the dominance of Chironomidae. Sites assigned along tributaries were characterized by a diversified structure of dominant taxa, including Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Crustacea, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera and Diptera. The performance of the modified procedure, named BMWP(PL) index, in accurately classifying 26 sites has been assessed through comparison with saprobic, diversity and biotic indices as well as chemical data. Due to diversified taxa richness and the presence or absence of specific indicator groups, values of the BMWP(PL) index varied from 27 to 93, and were correlated with the other biological indices and chemical variables. It has been stated that there is strong potential for application of the BMWP(PL) system in Poland, although some further testing is recommended.  相似文献   

The expansion of industrial and defense activities in the Arctic as part of the execution of a state program on the development of its territory requires seismic safety assurance of constructed and existing critical facilities. The data presented in this paper show that the current understanding of the seismicity of the Arctic and particularly of its shelf given in building regulations is quite simplistic and does not reflect the complexity of the situation and the intensity of expected seismic effects. To a large extent, safety problems can be solved by the seismic monitoring of the area. For this purpose, it is necessary to expand existing networks of seismic stations, to equip them with tools for monitoring groups, and to increase the number of island seismic stations. The primary task is to refine the seismic zoning of Arctic territories based on the new data.  相似文献   

This paper investigates different methods for quantifying thaw subsidence using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) point clouds. Thaw subsidence is a slow (millimetre to centimetre per year) vertical displacement of the ground surface common in ice-rich permafrost-underlain landscapes. It is difficult to quantify thaw subsidence in tundra areas as they often lack stable reference frames. Also, there is no solid ground surface to serve as a basis for elevation measurements, due to a continuous moss–lichen cover. We investigate how an expert-driven method improves the accuracy of benchmark measurements at discrete locations within two sites using multitemporal TLS data of a 1-year period. Our method aggregates multiple experts’ determination of the ground surface in 3D point clouds, collected in a web-based tool. We then compare this to the performance of a fully automated ground surface determination method. Lastly, we quantify ground surface displacement by directly computing multitemporal point cloud distances, thereby extending thaw subsidence observation to an area-based assessment. Using the expert-driven quantification as reference, we validate the other methods, including in-situ benchmark measurements from a conventional field survey. This study demonstrates that quantifying the ground surface using 3D point clouds is more accurate than the field survey method. The expert-driven method achieves an accuracy of 0.1 ± 0.1 cm. Compared to this, in-situ benchmark measurements by single surveyors yield an accuracy of 0.4 ± 1.5 cm. This difference between the two methods is important, considering an observed displacement of 1.4 cm at the sites. Thaw subsidence quantification with the fully automatic benchmark-based method achieves an accuracy of 0.2 ± 0.5 cm and direct point cloud distance computation an accuracy of 0.2 ± 0.9 cm. The range in accuracy is largely influenced by properties of vegetation structure at locations within the sites. The developed methods enable a link of automated quantification and expert judgement for transparent long-term monitoring of permafrost subsidence. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

A wide range of biological responses have been used to identify exposure to contaminants, monitor spatial and temporal changes in contamination levels, provide early warning of environmental deterioration and indicate occurrences of adverse ecological consequences. To be useful in environmental monitoring, a biological response must reflect the environmental stress over time in a quantitative way. We here argue that the time required for initial induction, maximum induction, adaptation and recovery of these stress responses must first be fully understood and considered before they can be used in environmental monitoring, or else erroneous conclusions (both false-negative and false-positive) may be drawn when interpreting results. In this study, data on initial induction, maximum induction, adaptation and recovery of stress responses at various biological hierarchies (i.e., molecular, biochemical, physiological, behavioral, cytological, population and community responses) upon exposure to environmentally relevant levels of contaminants (i.e., metals, oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorines, organophosphates, endocrine disruptors) were extracted from 922 papers in the biomarker literature and analyzed. Statistical analyses showed that: (a) many stress responses may decline with time after induction (i.e., adaptation), even if the level of stress remains constant; (b) times for maximum induction and recovery of biochemical responses are positively related; (c) there is no evidence to support the general belief that time for induction of responses at a lower biological hierarchy (i.e., molecular responses and biochemical responses) is shorter than that at higher hierarchy (i.e., physiological, cytological and behavioral responses), although longer recovery time is found for population and community responses; (d) there are significant differences in times required for induction and adaptation of biological responses caused by different types of contaminants; (e) times required for initial and maximum induction of physiological responses in fish are significantly longer than those in crustaceans; and (f) there is a paucity of data on adaptation and recovery of responses, especially those at population and community levels. The above analyses highlight: (1) the limitations and possible erroneous conclusions in the present use of biomarkers in biomonitoring programs, (2) the importance of understanding the details of temporal changes of biological responses before employing them in environmental management, and (3) the suitability of using specific animal groups as bioindicator species.  相似文献   

Dinophysis acuminata and Dinophysis acuta produce lipophilic toxins that cause most shellfish harvesting closures in the Atlantic coastal waters of Europe. Dinophysis often exhibit patchy distributions and sampling with conventional methods may fail to detect them. A 6-month calibration study in 2006, plus an additional sampling in 2010 were carried out in Galicia to compare Dinophysis counts obtained from weekly high vertical resolution bottle samples with depth-integrated hose samples. Counts with these two methods were comparable at some depth-ranges, but hose maxima were over one order of magnitude lower under thin-layer scenarios. Estimates from hose samplers should be used with caution in programmes using a "Dinophysis index", either to trigger shellfish sampling or to establish precautionary harvesting closures. In general, hose samplers provide reliable information on the occurrence of Dinophysis except under extreme site-specific hydrodynamic conditions. This study adds new information about the heterogeneous, specific vertical distributions of two Dinophysis spp.  相似文献   

A statewide survey of Tasmanian coastal waters has shown that Platycephalus bassensis, a widespread, easily-caught, non-migratory demersal finfish, is a useful indicator species for mercury pollution. Using approximately twelve fish at each of 31 locations, the mean total mercury concentration in the muscle tissue ranged from 0.03 to 1.06 mg/kg (fresh wt basis), and clearly demonstrated a site dependence for mercury uptake in this species. The correlation between mercury concentration and fish size is shown to be valid only if the effect of location is taken into account. Even then, size accounts for only about 10% of the total variability in mercury concentration.  相似文献   

We describe an early warning indicator for monitoring infectious diseases. The approach is illustrated with data from a major sheep pox epidemic, which occurred in the Evros prefecture of Greece, from August 2013 until the end of 2014. We present the epidemic data and identify factors affecting this major epidemic using a suitable methodological framework for the sequential analysis of such outbreaks. Environmental conditions and seasonality affect the spread of the epidemic: autumn seems to enhance disease occurrence and higher average temperatures facilitate disease spread. The on-line prediction of the disease potential is investigated through an early warning system that is based on the probability of the disease going extinct. The temporal stability of this indicator is extensively explored.  相似文献   

高效净化氮磷污水的湿地水生植物筛选与组合   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
抚仙湖流域未进行生态修复的磷矿废弃地面积142×10^4m^2,对磷矿废弃地污染物流失量和区域内径流污染物含量进行调查观测,并提出磷矿废弃地水污染防治对策.富磷矿石剖面和堆土场在风化作用和降雨淋溶作用下,大量氟、磷等元素释放,造成磷矿区内地表径流和地下渗流污染结合实测的磷矿废弃地面积和土柱淋溶实验得到的污染物淋溶量,估算得到磷矿废弃地每年F和TP的淋溶流失量为60.65t/a和2734t/a,随地表径流迁移进入抚仙湖的F和TP分别为22.58t/a和7.27t/a由此可见,磷矿开采是抚仙湖的一个持久污染源,对湖泊营养化演变进程起了推动作用。  相似文献   

Horizontal control networks for kinematic studies may be chosen following feasible criteria which are different from those used in classic geodetic methods. The regions which may show a kinematic. behaviour over neighbouring ones, as well as the network points, can be selected after local gravity field (geoid) information, in addition to other geophysical criteria. Then the optimization of such control networks concerns deciding upon the measurements which minimize the statistical uncertainty of points supposed to “move”.The discussion of the gravity field criteria is followed by an example in the Greek area. In two regions which are chosen under the above considerations, a second-order network design has been made. The results of this design are presented and remarks on the possibility of detecting crustal scale motions with classic geodetic methods in Greece are also made.  相似文献   

Information is presented on the concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (HCHs and DDT residues) and trace metals (Fe, Cu, Zn and Ni) in waters of 15 large Russian rivers flowing to the Arctic Ocean during 1990-1996. Estimates of the corresponding annual fluxes are made. Other contaminants (Hg, Pb, Cr, Mn, beta-HCH and dihydroheptachlor) were examined briefly. Concentration data are presented as averaged annual means for each of the seven years with the ranges, standard deviations and numbers of samples. Also given are data on locations, the methods of analysis and limited quality assurance data. Data on discharges to the Northern Seas for the more frequently monitored contaminants are given for rivers accounting for >70% of the total northerly flows. Scaled-up fluxes to account for unmonitored rivers as well are given for each sea; totals over the period were: Fe, 1452; Cu, 15; Zn, 59 (x 10(3) t yr(-1)); alpha-HCH, 25; gamma-HCH, 44 (t yr(-1)). Ni was monitored at too few rivers to estimate its total Russian flux. The fluxes for the HCHs considerably exceed previous estimates and indicate that the Arctic Ocean is not in balance as much as was previously believed.  相似文献   

Distribution of metals, PAH's and PCB's in lobsters, mussels, and sediments were used to assess marine environmental quality of the Bay of Fundy. This study demonstrates that the lobster (Homarus americanus) is a better bioindicator for monitoring contaminants in the marine environment and has a greater capacity for the uptake and accumulation of contaminants than the mussel (Mytilus edulis) and sediments. A definite pattern in the spatial distribution of lobster Cu, Cd, and Ag was evident. The distribution of organic contaminants for both mussels and lobsters in the Bay of Fundy lacked a spatial trend, and organic contaminants were undetectable in sediments from all sites. The Gulf Watch Programme, which monitors chemicals in mussels in the Bay of Fundy, did not indicate a problem with high levels of Cu, Cd, and Zn in the ecosystem. Analytes below the detection limit, such as in mussels and sediments, increase the difficulties of chemical analysis and detection for environmental monitoring. Deficiencies of mussels in monitoring the Bay of Fundy were discussed.  相似文献   

The withdrawing Arctic ice edge will facilitate future sea transport and exploration activities in the area, which calls for the establishment of relevant cold water monitoring species. The present study presents first results of field baseline levels for core oil pollution biomarkers in Polar cod (Boreogadussaida) sampled from pristine, Arctic waters. Furthermore, biomarker response levels were characterized in controlled laboratory exposure experiments running over 2 weeks. Fish exposed to a simulated petrogenic spill (1 ppm dispersed, crude oil) exhibited elevated hepatic EROD activity, bile PAH-metabolites, and hepatic DNA-adducts, whereas male individuals exposed to simulated produced water (30 ppb nonylphenol) exhibited a strong induction of plasma vitellogenin. In conclusion, the results demonstrated low and robust biomarker baseline levels that were clearly different from exposure responses. In combination with its high abundance and circumpolar distribution, the Polar cod seems well qualified for oil pollution monitoring in Arctic waters.  相似文献   

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