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Three types of eclogite, together with a serpentinized harzburgite, coexist as blocks within granitic and pelitic gneisses along the Shaliuhe cross section, the eastern part of the North Qaidam continental-type ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, NW China. The olivine (Ol1) and orthopyroxene in the harzburgite are compositionally similar to present-day abyssal peridotites. The kyanite–eclogite is derived from a troctolitic protolith, whereas the epidote–eclogite from a gabbroic protolith, both having distinct positive Eu anomalies, low TiO2, and high Al2O3 and MgO. The kyanite–eclogite shows inherited cumulate layering. The phengite–eclogite has high TiO2, low Al2O3 and MgO with incompatible trace elements resembling enriched-type MORB. Sr–Nd isotope data indicate that the protoliths of both kyanite–eclogite and epidote–eclogite ([87Sr/86Sr]i ~ 0.703–0.704; εNd(T) ~ 5.9–8.0) are of mantle origin (e.g., ocean crust signatures). On the other hand, while the lower εNd(T) value (1.4–4.1) of phengite–eclogite is more or less consistent with an enriched MORB protolith, their high [87Sr/86Sr]i ratio (0.705–0.716) points to an additional enrichment in their history, probably in an subduction-zone environment. Field relations and geochemical analyses suggest that the serpentinized harzburgite and the three types of eclogite constitute the oceanic lithological section of an ophiolitic sequence from mantle peridotite, to cumulate, and to upper basaltic rocks. The presence of coesite pseudomorphs and quartz exsolution in omphacite plus thermobarometric calculations suggests that the eclogites have undergone ultrahigh pressure metamorphism (i.e., peak P ≥ 2.7 GPa). The harzburgite may also have experienced the same metamorphism, but the lack of garnet suggests that the pressure conditions of ≤ 3.0 GPa. Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP dating shows that the eclogites have a protolith age of 516 ± 8 Ma and a metamorphic age of 445 ± 7 Ma. These data indicate the presence of a Paleo-Qilian Ocean between Qaidam and Qilian blocks before the early Ordovician. The ophiolitic assemblage may be the relics of subducted oceanic crust prior to the subduction of continental materials during Ordovician–Silurian times and ultimate continent collision. These rocks, altogether, record a complete history of ocean crust subduction, to continental subduction, and to continental collision.  相似文献   


An integrated study including petrography, mineral chemistry, metamorphic P–T path modelling, and zircon U–Pb dating was conducted on a granitic gneiss and enclosed eclogite from South Dulan, North Qaidam UHP (ultrahigh-pressure) belt. The result shows that the granitic gneiss underwent a clockwise P–T path with a peak-P stage at 655–745°C, 30–34 kbar, and a subsequent peak-T stage at 815–870°C, 14–18 kbar, which is similar to the P–T estimates reported for coesite-bearing continental-type eclogites in this region. The enclosed eclogite resembles an olivine–pyroxene-rich cumulate in Qaidam block. It has a similar prograde P–T path with the country gneiss and experienced a peak-P stage of 682–748°C at 27–34 kbar. Zircon U–Pb dating yields an eclogite-facies metamorphic age of 447 ± 2 Ma for the granitic gneiss and 445 ± 6 Ma for the enclosed eclogite. These ages agree with metamorphic ages obtained from paragneisses (427–439 Ma), coesite-bearing continental-type eclogites (430–451 Ma), and UHPM (ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic) oceanic crust–mantle sequence (440–445 Ma) from South Dulan, as well as UHP eclogites, garnet peridotite, and gneisses from other units (460–420 Ma) within this belt reported by others. Similar metamorphic ages as well as P–T evolution documented in gneisses and intercalated eclogites imply that both rocks experienced a coeval UHP event. Summarizing all the published geochronology data, we argue that the North Qaidam UHP belt was mainly formed by continental deep subduction at ~460 to ~420 Ma. The UHPM oceanic crust-mantle sequence in South Dulan may represent oceanic lithosphere in the transition zone between oceanic and continental crust, which was dragged upward by the exhumed continental rocks after break-off of the dense oceanic crust.  相似文献   

柴北缘超高压带中锡铁山榴辉岩的变质时代   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
宋述光  张聪  李献华  张立飞 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1191-1197
锡铁山地体位于柴北缘超高压变质带的中部, 是柴北缘超高压变质带的重要组成部分。该地体由花岗质片麻岩、泥质片麻岩和相对较少的榴辉岩透镜体组成。大部分榴辉岩都经历了不同程度的后生合晶和角闪岩相退化变质改造。虽然近年来进行了大量的锆石U-Pb年代学研究,但榴辉岩相高压-超高压变质的时代一直存在争议,并且以前对锡铁山榴辉岩相变质时代的认识一直与相邻的绿梁山、鱼卡和其东部的都兰等地区的超高压变质年龄有明显的冲突。本文通过锡铁山榴辉岩锆石U-Pb年代学的研究,获得榴辉岩相变质锆石的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为433±3Ma,与鱼卡地区榴辉岩的形成年龄一致,代表大陆俯冲时期的高压-超高压变质年龄。该研究对进一步了解锡铁山榴辉岩地体的变质演化和大陆地壳深俯冲有重要意义。  相似文献   

Zhang Zeming  Xu Zhiqin  Xu Huifen 《Lithos》2000,52(1-4):35-50
The 558-m-deep ZK703 drillhole located near Donghai in the southern part of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, eastern China, penetrates alternating layers of eclogites, gneisses, jadeite quartzites, garnet peridotites, phengite–quartz schists, and kyanite quartzites. The preservation of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic minerals and their relics, together with the contact relationship and protolith types of the various rocks indicates that these are metamorphic supracrustal rocks and mafic-ultramafic rock assemblages that have experienced in-situ ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The eclogites can be divided into five types based on accessory minerals: rutile eclogite, phengite eclogite, kyanite–phengite eclogite, quartz eclogite, and common eclogite with rare minor minerals. Rutile eclogite forms a thick layer in the drillhole that contains sufficient rutile for potential mining. Two retrograde assemblages are observed in the eclogites: the first stage is characterized by the formation of sodic plagioclase+amphibole symplectite or symplectitic coronas after omphacite and garnet, plagioclase+biotite after garnet or phengite, and plagioclase coronas after kyanite; the second stage involved total replacement of omphacite and garnet by amphibole+albite+epidote+quartz. Peak metamorphic PT conditions of the eclogites were around 32 to 40 kbar and 720°C to 880°C. The retrograde PT path of the eclogites is characterized by rapidly decreasing pressure with slightly decreasing temperature. Micro-textures and compositional variations in symplectitic minerals suggest that the decompression breakdown of ultrahigh-pressure minerals is a domainal equilibrium reaction or disequilibrium reaction. The composition of the original minerals and the diffusion rate of elements involved in these reactions controlled the symplectitic mineral compositions.  相似文献   

The Maowu eclogite–pyroxenite body is a small (250×50 m) layered intrusion that occurs in the ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane of Dabieshan, China. Like the adjacent Bixiling complex, the Maowu intrusion was initially emplaced at a crustal level, then subducted along with the country gneisses to mantle depths and underwent UHP metamorphism during the collision of the North and South China Blocks in the Triassic. This paper presents the results of a geochemical and isotopic investigation on the metamorphosed Maowu body. The Maowu intrusion has undergone open system chemical and isotopic behavior three times. Early crustal contamination during magmatic differentiation is manifested by high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707–0.708) and inhomogeneous negative Nd(T) values of −3 to −10 at 500 Ma (probable protolith age). Post-magmatic and pre-UHP metamorphic metasomatism is indicated by sinusoidal REE patterns of garnet orthopyroxenites, lack of whole-rock (WR) Sm–Nd isochronal relationship, low δ18O values and an extreme enrichment of Th and REE in a clinopyroxenite. Finally, K and Rb depletion during UHP metamorphism is deduced from the high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios unsupported by in situ Rb/Sr ratios. Laser ICP-MS spot analyses on mineral grains show that (1) Grt and Cpx attained chemical equilibrium during UHP metamorphism, (2) Cpx/Grt partition coefficients for REE correlate with Ca, and (3) LREE abundances in whole rocks are not balanced by that of the principal phases (Grt and Cpx), implying that the presence of LREE-rich accessory phases, such as monazite and apatite, is required to account for the REE budget.

Sm–Nd isotope analyses of minerals yielded three internal isochrons with ages of 221±5 Ma and (T)=−5.4 for an eclogite, 231±16 Ma and (T)=−6.2 for a garnet websterite, and 236±19 Ma and (T)=−6.9 for a garnet clinopyroxenite. The Cpx/Grt chemical equilibrium and the consistent mineral isochron ages indicate that the metasomatic processes mentioned above must have occurred prior to the UHP metamorphism. These Sm–Nd ages agree with published zircon and monazite U–Pb ages and constrain the time of UHP metamorphism to 220–236 Ma. The Maowu and Bixiling layered intrusions are similar in their in situ tectonic relationship with their country gneisses, but the two bodies are distinguished by their magma-chamber processes. The Bixiling magmas were contaminated by the lower crust, whereas the Maowu magmas were contaminated by the upper crustal rocks during their emplacement and differentiation. The two complexes represent two distinct suites of magmatic rocks, which have resided in the continental crust for about 300–400 Ma before their ultimate subduction to mantle depths, UHP metamorphism and return to the crustal level.  相似文献   

The major and trace element compositions of nine eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane in eastern China were determined for both whole rock and the main constituent minerals, garnet and clinopyroxene. The results indicate that the eclogite protoliths originated from a basaltic magma, which formed in a continental setting as shown by isotopic and immobile element data. Based on the garnet REE characteristics, the eclogites can be roughly divided into two groups. Group 1 has LREE enrichment with no Eu anomaly for whole rock, and smooth LREE depletion but HREE enrichment pattern for garnet, whereas group 2 shows a depletion of LREE with a pronounced positive Eu anomaly and flat HREE pattern for both whole rock and garnet. From these features, we suggest that the protoliths for group 2 are Fe–Ti–gabbros with relatively high cumulus plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxide, whereas the group 1 eclogites are probably from basalts. Therefore, the unusual garnet REE pattern observed in group 2 can be considered as an important signature for identifying gabbro protoliths for eclogites. The identification of gabbro protoliths from the eclogites in the Dabie–Sulu terrane provides evidence for Neoproterozoic rift magmatism in the northern margin of the Yangtze craton. During ultrahigh pressure metamorphism in the Dabie–Sulu terrane, LILEs (including Ba, Rb, Th, U, K) had high mobility, but REEs and HFSEs were immobile, and trace element distribution equilibrium was approached between garnet and clinopyroxene. An estimate of mass balance indicates that garnet and clinopyroxene host the majority of HREEs and Y, and clinopyroxene is a significant host for Sr, but minor and accessory minerals predominantly account for LREEs, Th, U, and Zr.  相似文献   

Widespread evidence for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism is reported in the Dulan eclogite‐bearing terrane, the North Qaidam–Altun HP–UHP belt, northern Tibet. This includes: (1) coesite and associated UHP mineral inclusions in zircon separates from paragneiss and eclogite (identified by laser Raman spectroscopy); (2) inclusions of quartz pseudomorphs after coesite and polycrystalline K‐feldspar + quartz in eclogitic garnet and omphacite; and (3) densely oriented SiO2 lamellae in omphacitic clinopyroxene. These lines of evidence demonstrate that the Dulan region is a UHP metamorphic terrane. In the North Dulan Belt (NDB), eclogites are characterized by the peak assemblage Grt + Omp + Rt + Phn + Coe (pseudomorph) and retrograde symplectites of Cpx + Ab and Hbl + Pl. The peak conditions of the NDB eclogites are P = 2.9–3.2 GPa, and T = 631–687 °C; the eclogite shows a near‐isothermal decompression P–T path suggesting a fast exhumation. In the South Dulan Belt (SDB), three metamorphic stages are recognized in eclogites: (1) a peak eclogite facies stage with the assemblage Grt + Omp + Ky + Rt + Phn at P = 2.9–3.3 GPa and T = 729–746 °C; (2) a high‐pressure granulite facies stage with Grt + Cpx (Jd < 30) + Pl (An24–29) + Scp at P = 1.9–2.0 GPa, T = 873–948 °C; and (3) an amphibolite facies stage with the assemblage Hbl + Pl + Ep/Czo at P = 0.7–0.9 GPa and T = 660–695 °C. The clockwise P–T path of the SDB eclogites is different from the near‐isothermal decompression P–T path from the NDB eclogites, which suggests that the SDB was exhumed to a stable crustal depth at a slower rate. In essence these two sub‐belts formed in different tectonic settings; they both subducted to mantle depths of around 100 km, but were exhumed to the Earth's surface separately along different paths. This UHP terrane plays an important role in understanding continental collision in north‐western China.  相似文献   

A Paleozoic ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt extends along the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin, North Tibetan Plateau. Eclogites in the Yuka eclogite terrane, northwest part of this UHPM belt, occur as blocks or layers of varying size intercalated with granitic and pelitic gneisses. These eclogites have protoliths geochemically similar to enriched-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (E-MORB) and oceanic island basalts (OIB). On the basis of Ti/Y ratios, they can be divided into low-Ti and high-Ti groups. The low-Ti group (LTG) eclogites exhibit relatively low TiO2 (most <2.5 wt%) and Ti/Y (<500) but comparatively high Mg# (48–55), whereas the high-Ti group (HTG) eclogites have high TiO2 (most >2.5 wt%) and Ti/Y (>500) but lower Mg# (46–52). Zircons from two eclogite samples gave a magmatic crystallization (protolith) age of ∼850 Ma and a UHPM age of ∼433 Ma. The occurrence, geochemical features and age data of the Yuka eclogites suggest that their protoliths are segments of continental flood basalts (CFBs) with a mantle plume origin, similar to most typical CFBs. Our observation, together with the tectonic history and regional geologic context, lend support for the large scale onset of mantle plume within the Rodinia supercontinent at ∼850 Ma. The Qaidam block is probably one of the fragments of the Rodinia supercontinent with a volcanic-rifted passive margin. The latter may have been dragged to mantle depths by its subducting leading edge of the oceanic lithosphere in the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   

Coesite‐bearing eclogites from >100 km2 in the southern Dulan area, North Qaidam Mountains (NQM) of western China, contain zircon that records protolith crystallization and ultra high pressure (UHP) metamorphism. Sensitive High‐Resolution Ion Microprobe (Mass Spectrometer) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry U–Pb analyses from cathodoluminescence (CL)‐dark zircon cores in a coesite‐bearing eclogite yield an upper intercept age of 838 ± 50 Ma, and oscillatory zoned cores in a kyanite‐bearing eclogite gave a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 832 ± 20 Ma. These zircon cores yield steep heavy rare earth element (HREE) slopes and negative Eu anomalies that suggest a magmatic origin. Thus, c. 835 Ma is interpreted as the eclogite protolith age. Unzoned CL‐grey or ‐bright zircon and zircon rims from four samples yield weighted mean ages of 430 ± 4, 438 ± 2, 446 ± 10 and 446 ± 3 Ma, flat HREE patterns without Eu anomalies, and contain inclusions of garnet, omphacite, rutile, phengite and rare coesite. These ages are interpreted to record 16 ± 5 Myr of UHP metamorphism. These new UHP ages overlap the age range of both eclogite and paragneiss from the northern Dulan area, suggesting that all UHP rock types in the Dulan area belong to the same tectonic unit. Our results are consistent with slow continental subduction, but do not match oceanic subduction and diapiric exhumation UHP model predictions. These new data suggest that, similar to eclogites in other HP/UHP units of the NQM and South Altyn Tagh, protoliths of the eclogites in the Dulan area formed in a continental setting during the Neoproterozoic, and then subducted to mantle depth together with continental materials during the Early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

张聪  张立飞  张贵宾  宋述光 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2247-2259
柴北缘锡铁山地区榴辉岩以透镜体的形式存在于花岗质片麻岩和副变质片麻岩中.根据矿物组合的不同,可以分为多硅白云母榴辉岩和角闪石榴辉岩.在多硅白云母榴辉岩中首次发现了柯石英假象.利用榴辉岩中Grt-Cpx-Phn矿物温压计.结合绿辉石中存在柯石英假象包体的现象,得到锡铁山榴辉岩的峰期温压条件为751~791℃,2.71~3.17GPa,证明了锡铁山地区与柴北缘其他地块一样,也经历了超高压变质作用.通过PT视剖面图计算了榴辉岩退变的PT轨迹具有2个阶段演化特征:即先等温降压,然后再降温降压的PT轨迹.详细的岩石学研究探讨了榴辉岩在退变过程中,各矿物的成分和结构的改变过程.石榴石在等温降压过程中成分变化不大,而在角闪石出现后,其边部镁铝榴石含量明显降低,进而形成了韭闪石+斜长石的冠状体.绿辉石在水饱和状态下经过贫硬玉化改造,而后形成了Di+Ab+Amp的后生合晶.多硅白云母分解形成白云母+黑云母及少量石英及钾长石的组合.角闪石随着温压条件的降低由钠钙质闪石逐渐向钙质闪石转化.  相似文献   

High grade granitoid orthogneisses occur in several metamorphic units of the Erzgebirge in the Saxothuringian Zone of the Variscan Belt. The determination of protolith ages and the geochemical characterization of these rocks permit a reconstruction of the Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic magmatic and geodynamic history of the Erzgebirge. Single zircon Pb-Pb evaporation and SHRIMP ages combined with major and trace element data and Sm-Nd isotope systematics indicate at least two discrete magmatic events concealed in the so-called red gneisses, one at ~550 Ma in rocks of the medium pressure—medium temperature (MP-MT) unit and the other at ~500–480 Ma in rocks of the high pressure units. The transition zones comprise both Neoproterozoic granitoids and early Palaeozoic metarhyolites. The granitoid gneisses represent Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline granitoids with REE patterns similar to those produced in Andean-type continental margins. The early Palaeozoic muscovite gneisses are geochemically distinct from the older granitoids and may be derived from melts generated in a back-arc setting. Initial Nd values in all samples overlap and range from –4.1 to –9.2, corresponding to crustal sources with average residence times of 1.5 to 1.9 Ga. Zircon xenocryst ages as old as 2992 Ma provide evidence for Grenvillian, Svecofennian-Birimian-Aazonian and older age components and suggest an association of the Erzgebirge with Avalonia.B. Mingram and A. Kröner have shared senior authorship  相似文献   

在柴北缘超高压变质带东段,新识别出一个高压麻粒岩单元,其主要的岩石组合包括基性(长英质)高压麻粒岩、花岗质片麻岩、富铝质片麻岩(片岩)、石榴角闪岩和英云闪长岩。岩相学和变质反应序列、矿物化学和温压估算结果表明,蓝晶-石榴-黑云-二长片麻岩共经历了4阶段的变质演化:Ⅰ早期进变质阶段,以石榴石核部发育的黑云母、白云母、斜长石和石英等矿物包裹体为特征;Ⅱ峰期高压麻粒岩相阶段,矿物组合为石榴石+蓝晶石+条纹长石+斜长石+石英,金红石Zr温度计和GASP压力计限定其峰期温压条件为:t=800~840℃和p=1.4~1.6GPa;Ⅲ高角闪岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合为石榴石(边部)+黑云母+长石+石英;Ⅳ晚期低角闪岩相-绿片岩相退变质阶段,以蓝晶石周围出现的Ms+Pl±Zo和Mrg+Qtz±Ms±Pl后成合晶为特征。锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb定年结果指示高压麻粒岩相变质时代为431Ma。蓝晶-石榴-黑云-二长片麻岩具有顺时针的pt演化轨迹,与基性高压麻粒岩形成于相同的动力学过程。  相似文献   

柴北缘都兰高压麻粒岩的变质演化及形成的动力学背景   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
于胜尧  张建新  李金平 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2224-2234
在柴北缘-阿尔金HP/UHP变质带东端,新识别出一个高压麻粒岩单元.高压基性麻粒岩是高压麻粒岩单元的主体,还包括少量高压中酸性麻粒岩.高压基性麻粒岩主要由平衡共生的石榴子石、单斜辉石、斜长石组成,还含有不等量的蓝晶石、角闪石、石英、金红石、黝帘石/斜黝帘石、钛铁矿、方柱石等矿物.高压长英质麻粒岩主要包括石榴子石、蓝晶石、钾长石、斜长石、石英等矿物,并具有少量的单斜辉石和角闪石.岩石学和矿物学数据显示高压麻粒岩经历了多阶段的变质演化,温压计算获得峰期高压麻粒岩相的变质条件为1.40~1.85GPa和800~925℃.退变质高角闪岩相的变质条件为P=0.80~1.05GPa和T=580~695℃:进一步的退变质作用发生在低角闪岩相/绿片岩相条件下(<0.8GPa和<550℃).岩石学、矿物学及年代学资料研究表明都兰地区的高压麻粒岩具有与相邻榴辉岩不同的变质演化历史,而不是榴辉岩在抬升过程中热松弛作用所致.高压麻粒岩可能形成于与陆壳俯冲相关的造山带增厚的陆壳根部环境,形成的深度为50~70km.  相似文献   

柴北缘鱼卡河榴辉岩围岩的变质时代及其地质意义   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
陈丹玲  孙勇  刘良 《地学前缘》2007,14(1):108-116
利用阴极发光和LA-ICP-MS原位分析方法,对柴北缘鱼卡河超高压榴辉岩的直接围岩——石榴石白云母角闪钠长片麻岩和含蓝晶石的石榴石云母片岩进行了详细的锆石微量元素和U-Th-Pb同位素分析。结果表明,石榴石白云母角闪钠长片麻岩中的锆石主体呈浑圆状形态,内部结构以扇状和冷杉树状为主,稀土总量和重稀土含量均较低,重稀土富集程度低,具明显正Eu异常,Th/U比值均小于0.1,指示其形成在与石榴石平衡共生而不含斜长石的变质条件下。而含蓝晶石的石榴石云母片岩中的锆石显示明显的核-边结构,核部显示碎屑锆石特征,边部为与石榴石共生的变质新生锆石。LA-ICP-MS原位定年获得两种围岩的峰期变质年龄分别为(431±3)Ma和(432±19)Ma。这两组年龄在误差范围内一致,而且与已获得的紧邻的两类超高压榴辉岩的变质年龄((436±3)Ma和(431±4)Ma)以及带内指示大陆深俯冲作用时代的都兰含柯石英副片麻岩锆石的柯石英微区年龄(424~432Ma)完全一致。参考这两类岩石与超高压榴辉岩的野外产状关系、含蓝晶石的石榴石云母片岩的原岩特征以及榴辉岩中超过变质年龄达300Ma的原岩残核的存在,共同表明,柴北缘鱼卡河超高压变质地体是典型的大陆深俯冲碰撞作用的产物,本区大陆深俯冲发生的时代为430~435Ma的早古生代。  相似文献   

We report mineralogical and chemical compositions of spinel peridotite xenoliths from two Tertiary alkali basalt localities on the Archean North China craton (Hannuoba, located in the central orogenic block, and Qixia, in the eastern block). The two peridotite suites have major element compositions that are indistinguishable from each other and reflect variable degrees (0–25%) of melt extraction from a primitive mantle source. Their compositions are markedly different from typical cratonic lithosphere, consistent with previous suggestions for removal of the Archean mantle lithosphere beneath this craton. Our previously published Os isotopic results for these samples [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 198 (2002) 307] show that lithosphere replacement occurred in the Paleoproterozoic beneath Hannuoba, but in the Phanerozoic beneath Qixia. Thus, we see no evidence for a compositional distinction between Proterozoic and Phanerozoic continental lithospheric mantle. The Hannuoba xenoliths equilibrated over a more extensive temperature (hence depth) interval than the Qixia xenoliths. Neither suite shows a correlation between equilibration temperature and major element composition, indicating that the lithosphere is not chemically stratified in either area. Trace element and Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the Hannuoba xenoliths reflect recent metasomatic overprinting that is not related to the Tertiary magmatism in this area.  相似文献   

本次工作研究了柴达木地块和欧龙布鲁克地块中的古元古代莫河岩体、新元古代沙柳河岩体、早三叠世香日德岩体和察汉诺岩体以及晚三叠世可日岩体的主量元素、微量元素和Nd-Sr-Pb同位素组成.沙柳河岩体和可日岩体具S型过铝质花岗岩成因特征, 其他岩体具Ⅰ型花岗岩类成因特征.TDM和εNd(t) 值的对比揭示, 沙柳河岩体的源岩区为欧龙布鲁克地块的Ⅱ型基底变质表壳岩系, 其余岩体的岩浆都不可能源自暴露地表的基底变质表壳岩系.花岗岩类和基底变质表壳岩系的亏损地幔最大模式年龄集中在1.52.3Ga和0.91.3Ga, 在欧龙布鲁克地块中亦有2.5Ga及2.8Ga显示, 一般Pb同位素比值(206Pb/204Pb)t>18, (207Pb/204Pb)t>15.5, (208Pb/204Pb)t>38, 具高放射成因铅特征.这表明, 柴达木地块和欧龙布鲁克地块基底与扬子陆块具有密切的亲缘性, 现今的扬子陆块范围可扩大到中国西部阿尔金断裂东、西两侧的微陆块群, 昆中断裂带和柴北缘高压-超高压变质岩带代表扬子陆块内部裂解小地块的再汇聚带.   相似文献   

于胜尧  张建新 《岩石学报》2010,26(7):2083-2098
在柴北缘HP-UHP变质带东端的都兰地区,大量正、副片麻岩中包裹有少量榴辉岩和超基性岩。这些片麻岩普遍显示出角闪岩相变质作用特征,但是野外关系和少量副片麻岩中的柯石英包体显示这些片麻岩与榴辉岩一起经历了超高压变质作用。本文通过两个片麻岩样品的锆石U-Pb年代学测定,结合稀土元素和Hf同位素分析,来确定这些片麻岩的原岩起源和变质作用时代。锆石的阴极发光图像分析、稀土元素特征、U-Pb定年结果显示锆石具有明显的核、幔、边结构;岩浆成因的锆石核部获得的不一致线上交点年龄为2322~2365Ma,反映了源区经历过一期古元古代早期的岩浆热事件;岩浆和变质成因的幔部给出的不一致上交点年龄为1830~1837Ma,反映了片麻岩在古元古代晚期经历的变质和深熔作用。锆石幔部获得的不一致线下交点年龄451~465Ma与边部3个近于谐和点的加权平均年龄466Ma在误差范围内基本一致,结合锆石增生的边部较为平坦的重稀土配分型式、低的Th/U值,代表片麻岩发生榴辉岩相变质作用的时代。古元古代早期和晚期年龄的锆石大部分具有负的εHf(t)值,锆石的二阶段Hf模式年龄主要分布于2725~2835Ma之间,说明片麻岩的继承性碎屑锆石源区存在太古代的地壳生长事件,并在古元古代经历过两期再循环和改造事件。都兰地区的部分片麻岩具有与其北侧欧龙布鲁克微陆块中变质基底相似的早期演化历史,但前者在早古生代与所夹的榴辉岩的原岩一起发生了深俯冲作用。  相似文献   

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