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The electron-cyclotron maser is believed to be the source of microwave spike bursts often observed during solar and stellar flares. Partial absorption of this radiation as it propagates through the corona can produce plasma heating and soft X-ray emission over an extended region. In this paper, the propagation and absorption of the maser radiation during solar flares are examined through linear theory and electro-magnetic particle simulations. It is shown using linear theory that strong absorption of the radiation should occur as it propagates towards the second harmonic layer where the magnetic field is half as strong as in the emission region. Only radiation propagating nearly parallel to the magnetic field in a low-temperature plasma may be able to escape under certain, limited conditions. Finite temperature effects can cause radiation propagating nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field to refract, causing enhanced absorption. Particle simulations are then used to evaluate the nonlinear response of the plasma as the maser radiation propagates through the absorption layer. It is shown that some of the maser radiation is able to escape through a process of absorption below the second harmonic of the local gyrofrequency and re-emission above it. The fraction able to escape is much higher than that predicted by linear theory, although the amount of escaping energy is only a small fraction of the incident energy. The bulk of incident energy goes into the perpendicular heating of the ambient electrons, with the rate of energy absorption showing no signs of leveling off during the simulations. This indicates that the absorption layer does not become optically thin after continuous heating by the maser radiation. A few electrons are accelerated to several tens of keVs as a result of the heating. 相似文献
Kunitomo Sakurai 《Planetary and Space Science》1973,21(5):793-798
This paper discusses the relationship between some characteristics of microwave type IV radio bursts and solar cosmic ray protons of MeV energy. It is shown that the peak flux intensity of those bursts is almost linearly correlated with the MeV proton peak flux observed by satellites near the Earth and that protons and electrons would be accelerated simultaneously by a similar mechanism during the explosive phase of solar flares.Brief discussion is given on the propagation of solar cosmic rays in the solar envelope after ejection from the flare regions. 相似文献
R. Pérez-Enríquez 《Solar physics》1985,97(1):131-144
The importance of energetic particles in the generation of solar flares and related phenomena has been underestimated if not completely neglected. A reexamination of their role in the light of recent observations carried out during the last solar maximum by a number of experiments on SMM and Hinotori satellites points out the continuous and violent evolution of the solar atmosphere. Most observed features can be better explained by the old idea that particles are trapped in magnetic loops above active regions where they are first heated and then accelerated by absorbing part of the wave energy flowing upwards continuously from the convection zone. Their catastrophic release into the chromosphere as a consequence of an instability in the region such as chromospheric heating or due to the emergence of new magnetic flux is considered as being the flare proper. Since the trapping of the particles involves the generation of resonant waves, a reassessment of the isotopic overabundance problem as well as a search for these waves in interplanetary space are proposed. 相似文献
The problem of producing the hard X-ray burst at the onset of solar flares may be thought of in terms of the problem of producing the non-thermal electrons which emit the X-rays via bremsstrahlung. Electron acceleration to relativistic energies without similar ion acceleration is difficult to achieve, even in an ad hoc theoretical model. Yet from global energetic considerations, it is not feasible to accelerate the electrons as a minor constituent of the total energetic particle population. Therefore, it is necessary to invoke a more sophisticated process for the electron acceleration. In this paper we describe a mechanism for achieving this via an initial acceleration of a neutralized ion beam. When such a beam impacts the chromosphere, the electrons start to scatter while the ions continue downwards, rapidly setting up an electric field which is either cancelled by the inflow of background chromospheric electrons or results in the runaway acceleration of beam electrons. In the former case the result is simply heating, whereas in the latter case much of the ion kinetic energy is transferred into electron kinetic energy. The final electron energy may be similar to the typical energy of the ions. The electrons that are accelerated are those in the neutral beam that experience an electric field greater than the critical Dreicer field. Thus there will be a low-energy cut-off to the electron spectrum which overcomes the well-known energetics problem at low energies with certain other spectral forms. 相似文献
We suggest a new differential method whereby we have detected the separation of a long-duration flare into intervals characterized by different regimes of plasma heating and cooling based on soft X-ray data. The rise phase of the flare is shown to consist of accelerated and decelerated heating regimes compared to an exponential law. Accelerated cooling takes place at the beginning of the decay phase, which is followed by decelerated one. The final part of the flare is a prolonged process of cooling according to a nearly exponential law. 相似文献
B. V. Somov 《Astronomy Letters》2012,38(2):128-138
The role of the electric currents distributed over the volume of an active region on the Sun is considered from the standpoint
of solar flare physics. We suggest including the electric currents in a topological model of the magnetic field in an active
region. Typical values of the mutual inductance and the interaction energy of the coronal electric currents flowing along
magnetic loops have been estimated for the M7/1N flare on April 27, 2006. We show that if these currents actually make a significant
contribution to the flare energetics, then they must manifest themselves in the photosphericmagnetic fields. Depending on
their orientation, the distributed currents can both help and hinder reconnection in the current layer at the separator during
the flare. Asymmetric reconnection of the currents is accompanied by their interruption and an inductive change in energy.
The reconnection of currents in flares differs significantly from the ordinary coalescence instability of magnetic islands
in current layers. Highly accurate measurements of the magnetic fields in active regions are needed for a quantitative analysis
of the role of distributed currents in solar flares. 相似文献
L. I. Miroshnichenko 《Solar physics》1995,156(1):119-129
Based on the reconnection theory of a flare and on recent observational and statistical findings, the problem of the initial acceleration of solar cosmic rays (SCR) is discussed. Simple estimates of the electric fields required to start the electron acceleration are obtained and the problem of proton ionization losses for overcoming the Coulomb barrier is considered. We take into account also the possible differences between proton and electron spectra from the very beginning of the acceleration process. Special attention is paid to the distribution functions of solar flare events in various parameters (peak fluxes and/or energy fluences in X-ray and radio wave bursts, in proton and electron emissions, etc.). It is shown that the distribution functions allow the interpretation of some scale and time flare parameters in terms of expected threshold effects. However, these functions are still insufficient to evaluate the relative share of different emissions in the global energy budget of a flare. In this context, a more promising approach is to derive the direct ratio between the number of accelerated protons,N
p, and total flare energy,W
f, within the frame of a certain acceleration model. It is argued that an absolute threshold for proton production (in Hudson's formulation) does not exist. Meanwhile, the flux and threshold energy of accelerated protons overcoming the Coulomb loss maximum, in fact, may depend heavily on the global output of flare energy. 相似文献
B. V. Somov 《Astronomy Letters》2008,34(9):635-645
The possibility of studying the topological properties of the magnetic fields in solar active regions is considered in terms of simple models. Analysis of the field topology shows that the topological trigger effect should be taken into account when large eruptive flares are modeled. 相似文献
X-ray polarization measurements at three flares occurred in October 1969 were performed by means of a Thomson scattering type instrument installed on board the satellite Intercosmos-1. The polarization (P) at the wavelength of about 0,8 Å was detected at the rising phase and at the second maximum of intensity. The obtained averaged value of P for all three flares is 0.4 ± 0.2 at confidence level 0.9. 相似文献
Starting from the idea that the electrons accelerated during a solar flare have originally a preferred direction, the angular distribution and the polarization of bremsstrahlung below 10 Å is calculated taking into account the influence of the magnetic field. The energy distribution of the nonthermal electrons is based on X-ray spectra measured by the Leicester group during flares in 1962 and 1967. In addition to the case of a fixed angle between the electron velocity and the magnetic field, an angular distribution of the form sin
is considered. The results may be used to test flare models. Recent measurements of the polarization of solar X-radiation yield the expected order of magnitude.Paper presented to the Int. Symp. on Solar-Terr. Phys., Leningrad, May 1970. 相似文献
We have developed three types of mathematical models to describe the mechanisms of plasma heating in the corona by intense heat fluxes from a super-hot (T e ? 108 K) reconnecting current layer in connection with the problem of energy transport in solar flares. We show that the heat fluxes calculated within the framework of self-similar solutions using Fourier’s classical law exceed considerably the real energy fluxes known from present-day multi-wavelength observations of flares. This is because the conditions for the applicability of ordinary heat conduction due to Coulomb collisions of thermal plasma electrons are violated. Introducing anomalous heat conduction due to the interaction of thermal runaway electrons with ion-acoustic turbulence does not give a simple solution of the problem, because it produces unstable temperature profiles. Themodels incorporating the effect of collisional heat flux relaxation describe better the heat transport in flares than Fourier’s law and anomalous heat conduction. 相似文献
Hong-Wei Li 《Solar physics》1987,111(1):167-173
In this paper the evolution of the hollow beam distribution of energetic electrons giving rise to ECM instability is investigated and the spatial dispersion term is included in the equation of wave energy. The instability causes the growth of wave energy, while the propagation of waves evacuates the electromagnetic energy from the source region. By analysing these two effects spike-like time profiles of waves are obtained. It is found that the saturation time t
of ECM emission and the duration of spikes increase with the decrease of the frequency of solar radio spike emission. The approximate expressions of t
sand of the peak wave energy density are derived.Proceedings of the Second CESRA Workshop on Particle Acceleration and Trapping in Solar Flares, held at Aubigny-sur-Nère (France), 23–26 June, 1986.On leave from the Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University, Nanjing, People's Republic of China. 相似文献
We study the evolution of the mass motion velocity in the chromospheric condensation, when it propagates into the deeper atmosphere. The condensation is represented by a shock-like structure. Its momentum equation can be solved after some approximations. The computations are carried out for two cases, i.e., the case that the gas pressure just behind the condensation front is constant and the case that the pressure increase at the top of the condensation is constant. The results show that the duration of the condensation in the second case is considerably longer than that in the first case. The most evident difference of the velocity evolution between the two cases appears in their later phase. A comparison of the results in this paper with the dynamic simulations indicates that the second case may be closer to the real situation. 相似文献
For the period September 1978 to December 1982 we have identified 55 solar flare particle events for which our instruments on board the ISEE-3 (ICE) spacecraft detected electrons above 10 MeV. Combining our data with those from the ULEWAT spectrometer (MPI Garching and University of Maryland) electron spectra in the range from 0.1 to 100 MeV were obtained. The observed spectral shapes can be divided into two classes. The spectra of the one class can be fit by a single power law in rigidity over the entire observed range. The spectra of the other class deviate from a power law, instead exhibiting a steepening at low rigidities and a flattening at high rigidities. Events with power-law spectra are associated with impulsive (<1 hr duration) soft X-ray emission, whereas events with hardening spectra are associated with long-duration (<1 hr) soft X-ray emission. The characteristics of long-duration events are consistent with diffusive shock acceleration taking place high in the corona. Electron spectra of short-duration flares are well reproduced by the distribution functions derived from a model assuming simultaneous second-order Fermi acceleration and Coulomb losses operating in closed flare loops. 相似文献
A. A. Korchak 《Solar physics》1978,56(1):223-234
The formation of power-law energy spectrum of particles accelerated in solar flares is investigated. The distinct difference between the mechanism and the model of acceleration is pointed out. It is shown that Fermi's model is described by linear differential equation of the first order and therefore a power-law spectrum is formed only for some special conditions which apparently are not fulfilled for flares. A satisfactory alternative to Fermi's model hasn't yet been found. In conclusion the connection between the mechanism of acceleration and a charge spectrum of accelerated particles is examined. 相似文献
We simulate dynamically the downward propagation of the chromospheric condensation, which originates following the chromospheric evaporation during solar flares. Our attention is concentrated on the lower part of the atmosphere. The top of the chromosphere (base of the transition region) is regarded as the top boundary. The condensation is mimicked by assuming an impulsive pressure increase at the top boundary. Using such a method, we compute in detail the evolution process of a condensation. The results show that the condensation can penetrate into the deeper atmosphere, though it becomes very weak at the later phase. Moreover, we also discuss the possibility that the mass motions in the condensation may cause the asymmetries of some spectral lines as observations have indicated. 相似文献
H spectral observations of flares and moustaches using linear polarization analyser have been carried out. It is found that some flare knots and moustaches show strong polarization. 相似文献