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Blubber and liver samples were obtained for analysis of wide ranges of contaminants from killer whales (Orcinus orca) which were locked away in drifting sea ice on the coast of Rausu, the Shiretoko Peninsula in Eastern Hokkaido, Japan in February 2005. Among the organohalogen compounds analyzed, DDTs were the predominant contaminants with concentrations ranging from 28 to 220 microg/g on a lipid-weight basis followed by PCBs and other organochlorine pesticides. PBDEs levels were two or three orders of magnitude lower than those of PCBs and DDTs. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxic equivalents (TEQs) derived by WHO mammal-TEF in killer whales were in the range of 110-440 pgTEQ/g. Mono-ortho coplanar PCBs contributed to 75-98% of total TEQs, indicating coplanar PCBs are significant contaminants for risk assessment in this species. The fact that hepatic residue levels of butyltins (from 13 to 770 ng/g wet weight) were much higher than those of phenyltins may be reflecting extensive use of tributyltin as antifouling paint.  相似文献   

To clarify the sources and transformation of NO3 on the Pacific coast of Japan, observations over the continental shelf were conducted during the summer in 2005 and 2006 when the Kuroshio flowed close to and away from the coastal area, respectively. Below the halocline, there are two prominent salinity peaks that originated in two different waters. In the subsurface layer, the salinity maximum (Smax) was indicative of the Kuroshio Water (KW), while the salinity minimum (Smin) in the middle layer at ∼400 m depth was indicative of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW). δ15NNO3 ranged from 4.1‰ to 5.1‰ with a mean of 4.8±0.4‰ in the deeper water around Smin. Below 50 m depth over the shelf break, δ15NNO3 values (3.1±0.8‰ in 2005 and 4.6±0.3‰ in 2006) clearly increased as contribution of NPIW increased in 2006. On the contrary, subsurface δ15N of NO3 values (−1.1±0.1‰) remained unchanged in both years, although the contribution of the KW to the subsurface water changed significantly. This suggests that the source of NO3 has little effect on the δ15N of NO3 in this layer. The negative δ15N values also coincided with the base of the chlorophyll maximum layer suggesting that these isotopic signals must be evidence of active nitrification in the upper layer.  相似文献   

Abstract Carbon isotope fluctuations of sedimentary organic matter along the two geological traverses in the Yezo Group, Hokkaido, northern Japan, elucidate a detailed chemostratigraphy for the Cenomanian Stage on the northwestern Pacific margin. Visual characterization of the kerogen from mudstone samples shows that the major constituents of sedimentary organic matter originated as terrestrial higher plants. The atomic hydrogen/carbon ratios of the kerogen suggest that the original δ13C values of terrestrial organic matter (TOM) have not been affected significantly by thermal diagenesis. The patterns in two δ13CTOM curves are similar and independent of changes in lithology and total organic carbon contents, which suggests that TOM was mixed sufficiently before the deposition in the Yezo forearc basin for the δ13C composition having been homogenized. In addition, this implies that the Hokkaido δ13CTOM profiles represent the averaged temporal δ13C variations of terrestrial higher‐plant vegetation in the hinterlands of northeast Asia during Cenomanian time. Three shorter‐term (ca. 0.1 my duration) positive‐and‐negative δ13CTOM fluctuations of ∼1‰ are present in the Lower to Middle Cenomanian interval in the Yezo Group. On the basis of the age‐diagnostic taxa (ammonoids, inoceramids and planktic foraminifers), these discrete δ13CTOM events are interpreted to be correlated with those in the δ13C curves of pelagic carbonates from European basins. The correlation of δ13C events between the European and Yezo Group sections suggests that the shorter‐term δ13C fluctuations in Cenomanian ocean‐atmosphere carbon reservoirs are useful for global chemostratigraphic correlation of marine strata. In particular, the correlation of δ13C fluctuations of the so‐called ‘Mid‐Cenomanian event’ (MCE) implies: (i) the δ13C variations of global carbon reservoir during the MCE are precisely recorded in the δ13CTOM records; and (ii) the MCE δ13CTOM event is an efficient chronostratigraphic index for the Lower/Middle Cenomanian boundary of the Mid‐Cretaceous sequences.  相似文献   

Concentrations and enantiomeric profiles for a range of organochlorine compounds are reported in blubber samples from a number of individual killer whales (Orcinus orca) from British and Irish waters. Elevated contaminant levels and enriched isotopic ratios were determined in one individual whale sampled in the Scottish Western Isles compared to the others suggesting marine mammal based dietary influences. The potential application of isotopic ratios to model contaminant uptake, enantioselective enrichment and accumulation is demonstrated. Data are presented which provide information on enantioselective enrichment factors (EFs) for o,p'-DDT, alpha-HCH and toxaphene congeners CHB26 and CHB 50. This dataset further improves the current database on reported levels of a number of contaminants and provides additional background information on potential metabolic processes in killer whales from British and Irish waters.  相似文献   

Increasing groundwater salinity and depletion of the aquifers are major concerns in the UAE. Isotopes of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon concentrations in groundwater were used to estimate evaporation loss using the isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, and using a carbon isotope to trace inorganic carbon cycling in two main aquifers in the eastern part of the United Arab Emirates. The δD‐δ18O of groundwater samples plotted on a line given by: δD = 4 δ18O + 4 ·4 (r2 = 0·4). In comparison, the local meteoric water line (LMWL) has been defined by the line: δD = 8 δ18O + 15. In order to better understand the system investigated, samples were separated into two groups based on the δD‐δ18O relationship. These are (1) samples that plot above the LMWL (δD = 6·1 δ18O + 12·4, r2 = 0·8) and which are located predominantly in the north of the study area, and (2) samples that plot below the LMWL (δD = 5·6 δ18O + 6·2, r2 = 0·8) and which are mostly distributed in the south. Slopes for both the groups are similar and lower than that for LMWL indicating potential evaporation of recharging water. However, the y‐intercept, which differs between the two groups, suggests evaporation of return flow and evapotranspiration in the unsaturated zone to be more significant in the south. This is attributed to intense agricultural activities in the region. Samples from the eastern Gravel Plain aquifer have δ13C and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) values in the range from ? 10 to 17‰, and 12–100 mg C/l, respectively, while the range for those from the Ophiolite aquifer is from ? 11 to ? 16.4‰, and 16–114 mg C/l respectively. This suggests the control of C‐3 and C‐4 plants on DIC formation, an observation supported by the range δ13C of soil organic matter (from ? 18·5 to ? 22·1‰.) Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tissue cadmium and zinc levels in Steller sea lions have been analysed to elucidate the body distribution of these metals and their age-related accumulation. A significant correlation between age (0.7–8.8 year old) and renal and hepatic cadmium concentration was noted. Of the tissues examined, the kidney manifested the highest cadmium content (mean: 20.9 μg g?1 dry wt). A similar zinc distribution pattern was observed; its concentration was more uniform among tissues than that of cadmium. The tissue cadmium concentration in the Steller sea lion was lower than in other pinnipeds from various areas, possibly due to their feeding habits which may represent a major pathway of metal accumulation.  相似文献   

The ratios of D/H and O18/O16 in natural waters from streams, boreholes, soda springs, hot pools, ponds and larger bodies of water in the Ngawha hydrothermal area were determined. The results are considered in relation to the isotopic changes known to occur in water subjected to evaporation. Where applicable chemical and other work was also considered. It is assumed that stream water isotope composition is the mean value for the isotopic composition of meteoric waters. Measurements on waters taken from boreholes drilled to 65 feet and 350 feet and from the other water sources mentioned, indicate that they were of meteoric origin as judged by stream isotope composition. The waters from the soda springs appeared to be isotopically the same as the stream water, a finding consistent with the absence of evaporative surface. These borehole waters were similar but slightly different in O18 due probably to exchange between rock and water. Heavy isotope enrichment of the ponds and larger bodies of water appeared to be due to non-equilibrium evaporation at ambient temperature. The hot pools in the Ngawha springs area proper were enriched in the heavier isotopes probably due to non-equilibrium evaporation at the usual hot pool temperature of about 40°C and also to exchange of O18 between water and rock. The water from a further borehole drilled to approximately 2,000 feet appeared also to be of meteoric origin but was changed in O18 content to an extent consistent with the assumption that oxygen isotope exchange with rock had taken place at approximately 230°C. The results are used to illustrate possibilities for the use of oxygen and hydrogen isotope measurements in hydrothermal investigations.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships between streamwater chemistry and the topography of subcatchments in the Dorokawa watershed in Hokkaido Island, northern Japan, to examine the use of topography as a predictor of streamwater chemistry in a watershed with relatively moderate terrain compared with other regions of Japan. Topographic characteristics of the Dorokawa watershed and its subcatchments were expressed as topographic index (TI) values, which ranged from 4·5 to 20·4 for individual grid cells (50 × 50 m2), but averaged from 6·4 to 7·4 for the 20 subcatchments. Streamwater samples for chemical analyses were collected four times between June and October 2002 from 20 locations in the watershed. The pH of water that passed through the watershed increased from ~5·0 to 7·0, with major increases in Na+ and Ca2+ and marked decreases in NO3? and SO . Distinctive spatial patterns were observed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and NO3? concentrations of streamwater across the watershed. Statistical analyses indicated significant linear relationships between the average TI values of subcatchments and DOC, DON, and NO3? concentrations. Furthermore, the proportion of DOC in streamwaters in the wet season increased with TI values relative to other nitrogen species, whereas NO3? concentrations decreased with TI. The gradients of soil wetness and the presence of wetlands explained many of the observed spatial and temporal patterns of DOC, DON, and NO3? concentrations in the surface waters of the Dorokawa watershed. Our results suggest that the TI is especially useful for predicting the spatial distribution of DOC, DON and NO3? in the surface waters of Hokkaido, where topographical relief is moderate and wetlands more common than in other regions of Japan. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes have been used to assess sewage contamination of a sewage outfall, discharging milli-screened effluent into Moa Point Bay, New Zealand, and monitor the recovery of flora and fauna after the outfall's closure. An initial study characterising the extent of the discharge and the effects on seaweed (Ulva lactuca L.), blue mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and limpets (Cellana denticulata) from the area, showed effects of the sewage discharge on flora and fauna were localised within in the bay. The immediate area surrounding the discharge area was found to contain limited biodiversity, with an abundance of Ulva lactuca, a bright green lettuce-like seaweed, typically found in areas with high nutrient input, limpets and small blue mussels. The nitrogen isotopic signature (delta15N) is shown to be a good tracer of sewage pollution in seaweed and associated grazers (i.e. limpets) as a result of the increased contribution of urea and ammonia to seawater nitrogen derived from the effluent. The carbon isotopic signature (delta13C) is suggested as a more appropriate sewage tracer for mussels, which filter feed the effluent's particulate organic matter from the water. Lower carbon:nitrogen ratios were found in Ulva lactuca sampled from around the outfall region compared to uncontaminated control sites. However carbon:nitrogen ratios do not vary significantly amongst shellfish species.After closure, monitoring continued for 9 months and showed that the carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of algae (Ulva lactuca L.) returned to similar control site levels within 3 months. Limpet and blue mussels (Cellana denticulata and Mytilus galloprovincialis) showed slower recovery times than the Ulva lactuca, with detectable levels of the sewage-derived carbon and nitrogen remaining in the animal's tissue for up to 9 months.  相似文献   

Understanding the carbon cycle of the Han River system in Korea is of prime interest in managing and preserving this valuable water resource for more than 20 million residents in the area. As a part of a comprehensive carbon cycling study for the Han River system, this report focuses on the carbon isotope compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in its two major tributaries, the North and the South Han Rivers. The major difference in carbonate chemistry of the tributaries originates primarily from the lithology of the catchment areas. The South Han River, draining a carbonate‐dominant terrain, has much higher alkalinities and DIC concentrations, whereas the lower concentrations in the North Han River indicate little influence of carbonate weathering. Likewise, δ13CDIC values in the South Han River indicate that the DIC input from the carbonate rocks is important in controlling carbon isotope ratios of DIC. For the North Han River, the oxidation of organic material influences the amount of riverine DIC and δ13CDIC values to a greater extent. Overall, remarkable seasonal and spatial variations of river chemistry and carbon isotope compositions of DIC reflect the variability in geo‐hydrologic characteristics, in the water regime, and in metabolic activities in the river water and/or the drainage areas. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Isotopic analyses of organic carbon from the mid-Cretaceous sequence in Hokkaido, Japan, revealed a 2‰ positive excursion of δ13C values at the biostratigraphically defined Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary recognized in the Yezo Group. The planktonic foraminiferal Whiteinella archaeocretacea Zone, which is known to bracket the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary elsewhere in the world, was recognized in the Oyubari area of central Hokkaido based on the distribution of commonly occurring planktonic foraminifera. In the Tappu area of northwestern Hokkaido, where diagnostic planktonic foraminifera are rare but calcareous nannoplankton occur commonly, the interval coeval with the W. archaeocretacea Zone can also be established by recognizing the conjoined last appearance levels of Corollithion kennedyi and Axopodorhabdus albianus, both calcareous nannoplankton species. Carbon isotope profiles exhibit a similar pattern with comparable peaks and troughs occurring in the same stratigraphic position in the sequences. A prominent, positive 2‰ shift of δ13C values, here called ‘δ13C spike’ occurs in the middle of the W. archaeocretacea Zone in the Oyubari area and just above the conjoined last appearances of the two above-mentioned nannoplankton taxa in the Tappu area. The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary can be drawn just above the peak position of the spike in both sections. The Rock Eval analyses and biomarker analyses of organic carbon indicate that organic carbon subjected to our isotope analyses is of terrestrial origin. Therefore, the observed 2%o shift should reflect changes in the isotopic composition of the atmospheric CO2. A unique layer composed predominantly of sand-grain sized spumellarian Radiolaria is present immediately above the δ13C spike both in the Oyubari and Tappu areas, suggesting an increasing availability of both nutrients and silica in surface waters.  相似文献   

Measurements of Pb isotopes in aerosols, precipitation, and size-fractionated particulate matter from the Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf and Labrador Sea are used to investigate the source of Pb. The 206Pb/207Pb ratio in aerosols and precipitation collected at New Castle, NH suggests that anthropogenic Pb is a mixture of US and Canadian sources. 206Pb/207Pb ratios in >53 μm particulate matter from the Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf slope waters are consistent with contaminant Pb inputs predominantly from US and Canadian sources, while in shelf waters 206Pb/207Pb ratios in >0.4 μm and >53 μm particles are consistent with a mixture of US and Canadian sources, as well as Pb associated with resuspended surface sediment. 206Pb/207Pb ratios in particulate matter (>0.4 μm, 10-53 μm, and >53 μm) from Labrador Sea surface waters range from 1.165 to 1.211 and are a mixture of Pb derived from ore compositions consistent with Broken Hill, Australia and southeast Missouri, US sources.  相似文献   

Twenty-five monoterpanes from six types of essential oils and hydrogenated turpentine oil have been identified and their stable carbon isotope composition determined.Monoterpanes in essential oils sourced from terrestrial higher plants display a δ13C value in the range of-34‰-26‰,and mostly between-29‰ and-27‰.The δ13C value of any single monoterpane is very consistent in different essential oils.Acyclic monoterpanes show closer isotope composition between-28.6‰ and-26.2‰,with an average value of-27.7‰.In contrast,the isotope composition of cyclic monoterpanes is more scattered with an average value of-28.6‰.Isotopic fractionation with 13C enrichment has been observed during both artificial and geological hydrogenation of monoterpenoids to monoterpanes,and this is more obvious for the acyclic monoterpenoids.In addition to higher plants,acyclic monoterpane 2,6-dimethylheptane in crude oil can also be originated from other organic inputs.  相似文献   

In winter, lakes and lagoons at high altitudes or high latitudes have interesting hydrological cycles that differ from those in other seasons or in other regions, because water surfaces are covered with ice. Hydrological balances of lakes and lagoons are complex dynamic systems, and to elucidate them, isotopic tracers of water have been used as effective tools along with observations of precipitation, evaporation, inflows, and outflows. Here, to understand hydrological processes during freezing periods in the brackish Saroma‐ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, northern Japan, we examined horizontal and vertical distributions of salinity and isotope compositions of lagoon water and ice in 2005 and 2006. Horizontal and vertical gradients of salinity and isotope compositions were observed from the river mouth to the sea channel, and factors determining these distributions were considered. The mixing of freshwater and seawater and a freezing effect were presumed to be factors in relationships between salinity and isotopes and in relationships between surface waters and ice just above the water. A simple box model for water balance was constructed based on these putative factors to reproduce the distributions of salinity and isotope compositions of surface waters and ice. An evaluation of the model revealed that this hydrological system is controlled primarily by horizontal advection of the epilimnion, freshwater influx, and the ice growth rate. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geothermal gases from submarine and subaerial hot springs in Ensenada, Baja California Norte, Mexico, were sampled for determination of gas chemistry and helium, nitrogen and stable carbon isotope composition. The submarine hot spring gas is primarily nitrogen (56.1% by volume) and methane (43.5% by volume), whereas nearby subaerial hot spring gases are predominantly nitrogen (95–99% by volume). The N2/Ar ratios and σ 15N values of the subaerial hot spring gas indicate that it is atmospheric air, depleted in oxygen and enriched in helium. The submarine hot spring gas is most probably derived from marine sediments of Cretaceous age rich in organic matter. CH4 is a major component of the gas mixture (σ 13C = −44.05%0), with only minor amounts of CO2 (σ13C= −10.46%0). The σ15N of N2 is + 0.2%0 with a very high N2/Ar ratio of 160. The calculated isotopic equilibra tion temperature for CH4---CO2 carbon exchange at depth in the Punta Banda submarine geothermal field is approximately 200°C in agreement with other geothermometry estimates. The 3He/4He ratios of the hot spring gases range from 0.3 to 0.6 times the atmospheric ratio, indicating that helium is predominantly derived from the radioactive decay of U and Th within the continental crust. Thus, not all submarine hydrothermal systems are effective vehicles for mantle degassing of primordial helium.  相似文献   

Abstract Whole‐rock chemical and Sr and Nd isotope data are presented for gabbroic and dioritic rocks from a Cretaceous‐Paleogene granitic terrain in Southwest Japan. Age data indicate that they were emplaced in the late Cretaceous during the early stages of a voluminous intermediate‐felsic magmatic episode in Southwest Japan. Although these gabbroic and dioritic rocks have similar major and trace element chemistry, they show regional variations in terms of initial Sr and Nd isotope ratios. Samples from the South Zone have high initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7063–0.7076) and low initial Nd isotope ratios (?Nd, ?2.5 to ?5.3); whereas those from the North Zone have lower initial 87Sr/86Sr (usually less than 0.7060) and higher Nd isotope ratios (?Nd, ?0.8 to + 3.3). Regional variations in Sr and Nd isotope ratios are similar to those observed in granitic rocks, although gabbroic and dioritic rocks tend to have slightly lower Sr and higher Nd isotope ratios than granitic rocks in the respective zones. Limited variations in Sr and Nd isotope ratios among samples from individual zones may be attributed partly to a combination of upper crustal contamination and heterogeneity of the magma source. Contamination of magmas by upper crustal material cannot, however, explain the observed Sr and Nd isotope variations between samples from the North and South Zones. Between‐zone variations would reflect geochemical difference in magma sources. The gabbroic and dioritic rocks are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE), showing similar normal‐type mid‐ocean ridge basalt (N‐MORB) normalized patterns to arc magmas. Geochronological and isotopic data may suggest that some gabbroic and dioritic rocks are genetically related to high magnesian andesite. Alternatively, mantle‐derived mafic or intermediate rocks which were underplated beneath the crust may be also plausible sources for gabbroic and dioritic rocks. The magma sources (the mantle wedge and lower crust) were isotopically more enriched beneath the South Zone than the North Zone during the Cretaceous‐Paleogene. Sr and Nd isotope ratios of the lower crustal source of the granitic rocks was isotopically affected by mantle‐derived magmas, resulting in similar initial Sr and Nd isotope ratios for gabbroic, dioritic and granitic rocks in each zone.  相似文献   

We analyzed Hg, Zn and Cu concentrations in the liver and muscle of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) from the coast of Ishigaki Island, Japan. The Hg concentration in the muscle increased proportionally with body length in the tiger sharks, whereas that in the liver increased rapidly after maturity (defined by a length of over 2.7 m). Muscle Hg levels were higher than liver concentrations in immature sharks, with the inverse trend observed in mature sharks. Notably, the Zn and Cu concentrations in the liver tended to decrease with increasing body length. This rapid increase in hepatic Hg concentration concurrent with the onset of maturity in sharks may result from the continuous intake of Hg via food and the slower growth of mature sharks. The high concentrations of the essential metals Zn and Cu in immature sharks may be explained by the physiological demands related to rapid growth.  相似文献   

Hiroto  Ichishima 《Island Arc》1994,3(4):473-485
Abstract Kentriodon hobetsu , a new species, is described from a partial skull from the Middle Miocene Takinoue Formation, in Hokkaido, Japan. The holotype skull includes the base of the rostrum and a fairly well preserved braincase. The new species is distinguished clearly from previously described species of Kentriodon Kellogg, 1927, by the shape of the anterior margin of the pterygoid sinus fossa, the large premaxilla, rounded facial margin, and lesser development of rugosities and processes. This new record of Kentriodon , the first named kentriodontid dolphin from the western North Pacific, extends the geographic range of the genus significantly.  相似文献   

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