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The effects of solid organic wastes from a marine fish farm on sediment was tested using macrobenthic fauna as biological indicators. Impact on benthic fauna was evaluated in the vicinity of a fish farm in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean) between July 2001 and October 2002. Changes in benthic community structure were investigated using multivariate, distributional and univariate analyses (diversity indices, AMBI and M-AMBI). The results showed sharp disturbance of assemblages under the cages and no effects in the area more than 25 m from the cages. Sediment alterations were related to an increase in farmed biomass and its wastes, as well as to low current speed that allowed accumulation of organic matter on the sea floor. It was possible to follow the ecological succession from slightly altered assemblages to heavily polluted ones in the very short period of a single fish fattening cycle (15 months).  相似文献   

On rocky shores, sewage discharges can modify natural distribution patterns of sessile organisms. The impact of sewage on shallow hard substrate assemblages has been assessed along SW Apulian coast (Ionian Sea, Italy), providing a framework to evaluate the benefits of future sewage displacement to deeper waters. Four locations (three controls and one putatively impacted) were selected and three sites were chosen at each location. Each site was sampled by 10 replicate photographic records. Univariate analyses revealed that the outfall did not affect the spatial distribution of number of taxa, total cover and abundance of some dominant taxa (mostly algae, sponges and bryozoans). The outfall negatively influenced the natural distribution pattern of filamentous green algae, whilst some algae (i.e. Gelidiales and Colpomenia sinuosa) were exclusively present at the impacted location. Multivariate analyses revealed that the outfall heavily modified the natural pattern of variability in the structure of the assemblage.  相似文献   

Coastal reclamation and modifications are extensively carried out in Bahrain, which may physically smother the coastal and subtidal habitats resulting in changes to abundance and distribution of macrobenthic assemblages. A microcosm laboratory experiment using three common macrobenthic invertebrates from a proposed reclaimed coastal area was preformed to examine their responses to mud burial using marine sediment collected from a designated borrow area. Significant difference in numbers of survived organisms between control and experimental treatments with a survival percentage of 41.8% for all of the selected species was observed. The polychaete Perinereis nuntia showed the highest percentage of survival (57.1%) followed by the bivalve Tellinavaltonis (42.3%) and the gastropod Cerithidea cingulata (24.0%). Quantifying species responses to sediment burial resulted from dredging and reclamation will aid in predicting the expected ecological impacts associated with coastal developments and subsequently minimizing these impacts and maintaining a sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystems in the Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

Effects of eutrophication on marine ecosystems have been widely studied, even if both the effects on deep subtidal rocky assemblages and response of different successional stages to nutrients impact are still not clear. In this context, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of nutrient enrichment on Mediterranean macroalgal assemblages associated with coralligenous habitat. A manipulative field experiment was carried out by supplying both mature and early successional stages of assemblages with nutrients. A total of 62 macroalgal species were identified. Multivariate and univariate analyses showed that the structure of both mature and early successional macroalgal assemblages of coralligenous significantly varied between areas treated with nutrients and not treated areas. Moreover, differences were stronger when macroalgal assemblages were in the early successional stage than in the mature one. Results highlighted the role played by nutrients in determining the structure of macroalgal coralligenous assemblages, furthermore suggesting possible synergetic effects with other kinds of disturbances.  相似文献   

Sulina, the middle distributary of the Danube Delta, has been significantly changed by human activities over the past 150 yr. These include engineering works in the second half of the 19th century, when the channel was transformed for navigation and the construction of jetties which nowadays extend 8 km seawards. These interventions have strongly affected the natural processes of the Black Sea coast near the Sulina mouth. To the south of the Sulina mouth, the natural mild erosion has been reversed in the area close to the jetties where accretion is occurring, while southwards the greatest erosion rate along the entire Romanian coast, of more than 20 m/yr, has been recorded. Sediment accumulation in the northern part of the mouth is also huge and has brought to the creation and swift elongation of a sediment spit in several decades. Thus, the bay located here suffers from a rapid transformation into a lagoon.  相似文献   

Sandy shores on the West coast of the North Adriatic Sea are extensively protected by different types of defence structures to prevent coastal erosion. Coastal defence schemes modify the hydrodynamic regime, the sediment structure and composition thus affecting the benthic assemblages. This study examines the effectiveness in detecting changes in soft bottom assemblages caused by coastal defence structures by using different levels of taxonomic resolution, polychaetes and/or bivalves as surrogates and different data transformations. A synoptic analyses of three datasets of subtidal benthic macrofauna used in studies aimed at assessing the impact of breakwaters along the North Adriatic coast has been done. Analyses of similarities and correlations between distance matrices were done using matrices with different levels of taxonomic resolution, and with polychaetes or bivalves data alone. Lentidium mediterraneum was the most abundant species in all datasets. Its abundance was not consistently related to the presence of defence structures. Moreover, distribution patterns of L. mediterraneum were masking the structure of the whole macrofaunal assemblages. Removal of L. mediterraneum from the datasets allowed the detection of changes in benthic assemblages due to coastal defences. Analyses on different levels of taxonomic resolution showed that the level of family maintained sufficient information to detect the impacts of coastal defence structures on benthic assemblages. Moreover, the outcomes depended on the transformation used. Patterns of distribution of bivalves, used as surrogates, showed low correlations with the patterns of the total macrofaunal species assemblages. Patterns of polychaetes, if identified to the species or genus level showed higher correlations with the whole dataset. However, the identification of polychaetes to species and genus level is as costly as the identification of all macrobenthic taxa at family level.This study provided additional evidences that taxonomic sufficiency is a useful tool in environmental monitoring, also in investigations on the impacts of coastal defence structures on subtidal macrofauna. The use of coarser taxonomic level, being time-efficient, would allow improving sampling designs of monitoring programs by increasing replication in space and time and by allowing long term monitoring studies.  相似文献   

Within the framework of ecosystem-based management, we focused on the use of seasonal closures as effective measures to minimise the degradation of benthic communities by trawling. These closures imply the complete cessation of trawling fleet activity and are commonly used in the Mediterranean to reduce the annual fishing effort, with the ultimate goal of effective resource management. In this study, we aimed to investigate how epibenthic communities respond to seasonal closures. The potential benefits of short-term annual closures in two Mediterranean fishing grounds were evaluated by analysing changes in community structure and composition that were linked to the closure. A decrease of faunal abundance was observed with the resumption of fishing activity after the closure at both fishing grounds. Remarkably, results indicated that some large and mobile fauna were able to respond to these closures. We concluded that the currently planned closures are too short to benefit benthic communities.  相似文献   

The current study focuses on the issue of the decrease in sediment discharge to the Mediterranean Sea by the largest river in Algeria,the Wadi Cheliff(i.e.Cheliff River).This study clarifies the effect of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the changes in the sedimentary dynamics of the Cheliff River discharging to the sea.The data used(rainfall,water discharge,and sediment discharge)concern the Sidi Bel Attar gaging station on the Cheliff River,only 18 km from discharge to the Mediterranean Sea.A power-type statistical regression model was used to fill the 74.2% gap in Suspended Solids(SS)measurements in the establishment of a SS database for the period 1951e2012.The study results show that the transport of suspended sediment discharged to the sea is about 487 t/km^2/yr.Statistical tests of breaks highlight that rainfall decreased by 26% and that water and sediment input to the sea declined from 74%to 63% for the period of 1981e2012.The correlation analysis shows a decrease in the contribution of rainfall on sediment and water input at the outlet equal to 77.9% and 77.8%,respectively,during the period of 1980 e2012,compared to the period of 1968e1980.However,the double mass method reflects the contribution of factors other than rainfall to the decrease of sediment input to the sea.These other factors mainly include large dams,which intercepted about 71%of the total volume of sediment discharged to the sea during the period of 1968e2010.In addition the contribution of large dams to the reduction of sedimentary input to the sea is more important than that of the decrease in rainfall.The management of large dams also contributes to the increase in the sediment deficit to the sea through the prioritization of interception of sediment at the expense of releases,for socio-economic purposes,68.4%of the Cheliff River discharge is diverted for human use.This has led to an increase in the mean water bed level at bankfull downstream,where the Cheliff River gave up 51%of its width to the floodplain between 1996 and 2009.In the light of the scarcity of sediment transport data in North Africa and in many other areas,the current study provides a reference framework for other studies:providing useful information for the study of the transfer of sediment from land to sea,and the links with the socio-economic needs.  相似文献   

Meiofauna serves as a link between microbial production and higher trophic levels, such as macroinvertebrates and juvenile fish. However, the role of meiofauna in the freshwater food web has not been accurately evaluated, and the influence of shrimp predation on freshwater meiofaunal assemblages is unknown. In this study, the predation effects of Neocaridina davidi, an ornamental freshwater shrimp native to inland water bodies in Asia, on meiofaunal density, biomass, structure, and secondary production were examined using model ecosystems (microcosms) that were sampled repeatedly over 42 days. Shrimp predation altered the structure of the meiofaunal community over the course of the experiment, in particular the density, biomass, and secondary production of nematodes, microcrustaceans, and oligochaetes. An analysis of the stomach contents of N. davidi indicated a high degree of omnivory and the frequent consumption of meiofaunal organisms. The results indicated that predation by the freshwater shrimp N. davidi depresses the overall abundance, biomass, and secondary production of meiofaunal assemblages. Moreover, they also provide insights into food-web ecology and the first evidence of freshwater shrimp predation on meiofaunal assemblages.  相似文献   


This article addresses the critical need for a better quantitative understanding of how water resources from the Hérault River catchment in France have been influenced by climate variability and the increasing pressure of human activity over the last 50 years. A method is proposed for assessing the relative impacts of climate and growing water demand on the decrease in discharge observed at various gauging stations in the periods 1961–1980 and 1981–2010. An annual water balance at the basin scale was calculated first, taking into account precipitation, actual evapotranspiration, water withdrawals and water discharge. Next, the evolution of the seasonal variability in hydroclimatic conditions and water withdrawals was studied. The catchment was then divided into zones according to the main geographical characteristics to investigate the heterogeneity of the climatic and human dynamics. This delimitation took into account the distribution of climate, topography, lithology, land cover and water uses, as well as the availability of discharge series. At the area scale, annual water balances were calculated to understand the internal changes that occurred in the catchment between both past periods. The decrease in runoff can be explained by the decrease in winter precipitation in the upstream areas and by the increase during summer in both water withdrawals and evapotranspiration in the downstream areas, mainly due to the increase in temperature. Thus, water stress increased in summer by 35%. This work is the first step of a larger research project to assess possible future changes in the capacity to satisfy water demand in the Hérault River catchment, using a model that combines hydrological processes and water demand.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

Mollusc death assemblages were recovered in 98 subtidal sampling stations on the seafloor of the shallow Pertuis Charentais Sea (Atlantic coast of France). Taxonomic composition and spatial distribution of death assemblages were investigated, as well as their response to sediment grain size (field data), bottom shear stress (coupled tide and wave hydrodynamic modelling), and sediment budget (bathymetric difference map). Results showed that molluscs are likely to be reliable paleoenvironmental indicators since death assemblages were able to acquire ecological changes within years (decadal-scale taphonomic inertia), and live–dead agreement inferred from existing data on living benthic communities was high, except close to river mouths and intertidal mudflats that provide terrestrial and intertidal species to subtidal death assemblages, respectively. Taxonomic composition of these within-habitat death assemblages strongly depended on sediment grain size and bottom shear stress, similarly to living subtidal communities. Post-mortem dispersal of shells, owing to relatively low bottom shear stress in the area, was only of a few 10s to 100s of meters, which shows that death assemblages preserved environmental gradients even at a fine spatial scale. Sediment budget had also a significant influence on death assemblages. Thick-shelled epifaunal species were correlated with erosion areas on one side, and thin-shelled infaunal species with deposition on the other, showing that mollusc fossil assemblages could be used as indicators of paleo-sedimentation rate. This new proxy was successfully tested on a previously published Holocene mollusc fossil record from the same area. It was possible to refine the paleoenvironmental interpretation already proposed, in accordance with existing stratigraphic and sedimentological data.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1989 surface sediment samples were collected in Lake Coeur d'Alene, the Coeur d'Alene River and the St Joe River, Idaho, at a density of approximately one sample per square kilometre. Additional samples were collected from the banks of the South Fork of the Coeur d'Alene and the Coeur d'Alene Rivers in 1991. All the samples were collected to determine trace element concentrations, partitioning and distribution patterns, and to relate them to mining, mining related and discharge operations that have occurred in the Coeur d'Alene district since the 1880s, some of which are ongoing. Most of the surface sediments in Lake Coeur d'Alene north of Conkling Point and Carey Bay are substantially enriched in Ag, As, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn relative to unaffected sediments in the southern portion of the lake near the St Joe River. All the trace element enriched sediments are extremely fine grained (mean grain sizes « 63 μm). Most of the enriched trace elements, based on both the chemical analyses of separated heavy and light mineral fractions and a two step sequential extraction procedure, are associated with an operationally defined Fe oxide phase; much smaller percentages are associated either with operationally defined organics/sulphides or refractory phases. The presence, concentration and distribution of the Fe oxides and heavy minerals indicates that a substantial portion of the enriched trace elements are probably coming from the Coeur d'Alene River, which is serving as a point source. Within the lake, this relatively simple point source pattern is complicated by a combination of (1) the formation of trace element rich authigenic Fe oxides that appear to have reprecipitated from material solubilized from anoxic bed sediments and (2) physical remobilization by currents and wind driven waves. The processes that have caused the trace element enrichment in the surface sediments of Lake Coeur d'Alene are likely to continue for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

A 1-year survey of sediment dynamics on the Têt inner-shelf in the south-western part of the Gulf of Lions was conducted as part of the EUROSTRATAFORM program (European Margin Strata Formation) from October 2004 to November 2005. Several bottom instruments (ADCP, wave gauge and altimeters) were deployed at 28 m water depth on the Têt prodelta to measure forcing responsible for sediment erosion and transport on the inner-shelf.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was carried out to investigate the influence of the biomass content in the sediment on the rate of diagenesis of particulate organic materials (POM) and the consequent sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and nutrient fluxes. Fish food pellets were loaded into the sediment to simulate a sudden POM input. Three types of sediments with different biomass contents were tested, including a raw marine sediment, the marine sediment after one month of cultivation and an artificial sediment of sand and clay without any biomass. There was little difference in organic flux from the three different sediments. However, compared to the artificial sediment, the marine sediments had much higher SOD and ammonia flux. A mathematical model also has been developed for the SOD dynamics and nutrient fluxes. Both the experimental and simulation results indicate the important role of the biomass in the sediment in POM diagenesis, SOD and nutrient fluxes.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to estimate the influence of the seasonal variations of the Danube River particulate organic matter (POM) inputs on the Black Sea surface seawater POM and upper layer of sediments along the Romanian coast. Ratios of carbon ((13)C/(12)C) and nitrogen ((15)N/(14)N) stable isotopes allowed differentiating river and marine organic matter sources. Danube River POM presented significantly lower average values of delta(13)C (-27.52+/-0.88 per thousand) and delta(15)N (4.88+/-1.45 per thousand) than seawater POM (delta(13)C=-24.70+/-2.37 per thousand and delta(15)N=6.75+/-1.96 per thousand), whereas surface sediment presented average values similar to seawater POM (delta(13)C=-24.02+/-2.39 per thousand and delta(15)N=7.29+/-2.16 per thousand). Stable isotope values showed that the Danube River influence on marine ecosystems decreased from the North to the South of the Romanian coast. Strong seasonal variations of C and N isotopic signatures were observed in all compartments studied with generally higher values in spring when the river was flooding.  相似文献   

An essential prerequisite for the assessment of the ecological quality of marine ecosystems is the understanding of the natural variability and its effect on the performance of quality indices. This study is focused on the long-term natural variability of diversity, biotic and multimetric indices by using long-term macrofauna data of a coastal area in the southern North Sea (1978-2005). The univariate and most biotic and multimetric indices respond significantly on specific natural disturbance events such as cold winters, but the strength of response varied between indices as well as between events. As a result, the ecological quality status can decrease over a range of 3 (out of 5) classification units. The overall ecological quality was good to high, but an increase of indices occurred from the mid 1980s onwards due to changes in the climate regime. This long-term variability has to be considered within ecological quality assessment schemes.  相似文献   

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