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李文光 《矿产与地质》2000,14(2):130-133
论述了地质专业图书馆科技期刊的收藏和开发利用途径 ,指出必须提高图书馆工作人员的业务素质 ,努力做到合理配置 ,深入科研课题为读者服务 ,同时开展多样化服务 ,拓宽科技期刊文献资源利用领域  相似文献   

(段海明)9月13日,市地勘局与中国地质图书馆签订文献资源共建共享协议。市地勘局局长魏连伟、中国地质图书馆馆长顾哓华分别讲话并代表双方在协议上签字,开展文献资源共建、服务合作。合作将大力提升地学丈献信息资源保障水平,有效促进地质科研进步,为落实国土资源部找矿新机制和地质找矿战略突破行动目标提供坚强保障。  相似文献   

本文主要通过我馆文献资源复制情况反映出我校文献资源利用率偏低,说明旧的管理模式已不适应当前信息社会。高校图书馆应尽快改革,建立并逐步完善适应市场竞争需要的期刊信息资源管理体制,使高校图书馆成为我国信息服务产业中的主力军之一。  相似文献   

<正>为了适应网络化、数字化的现代信息环境和地调科研人员对文献信息资源专业化和个性化需求,加强图书馆与地调科研单位的联系与沟通,更好地为地质找矿科研工作服务,开创主动服务新局面,中国地质图书馆决定从2010年开始建立学科馆员制度,开展学科馆员服务.学科馆员又称联络馆员、学科参考馆员或学科咨询馆员,是中国地质图书馆根据学科专业和课题研究需要  相似文献   

通过简要介绍国内外文献信息资源共建共享服务体系及现状,对比分析了中国地质调查局直属单位地学文献资源状况及中国地质图书馆文献资源现状及利用情况.在此基础上有针对性地提出了中国地质图书馆开展地学文献信息资源共建共享工作的初步思路.  相似文献   

关于探讨开展二次文献服务的论文,近几年发表了不少。普遍认为图书馆开展二次文献服务是直接为科研服务的一项重要工作。许多图书馆已做出了可喜的成绩。可是还有一些人觉得基础学科的图书馆没有必要搞二次文献。理由是,科技人员外语水平高,专业文献他们自己很清楚,自己完全可以收集,图书馆只要能开门借书就行了,以致影响了这项业务的顺利开展。 基础学科研究是否需要图书情报部门向他们提供二次文献服务呢?我们通过编辑《中国微体古生物文献目录》,得到的答案是肯定的。科研人员希望我们能定期地向他们  相似文献   

刘怀梅 《铀矿地质》2000,16(2):127-128
核工业北京地质研究院(以下简称地研院)图书馆成立于1959年,目前有各种藏书近8万册,期刊900多种。藏书以铀矿地质、物化探找矿方法、航空遥感与航测、岩矿分析测试及环境保护等专业书籍为主。众所周知,藏书的目的是合理开发和利用资源,更好地为科研生产服务。因而,图书馆的任务不仅仅是收藏文献,它已扩展到更能体现其社会的整理文献和利用文献两个方面。通过整理使文献有序化,为利用文献创造条件,进而利用文献,传递科技信息,使其社会作用得以实现。为了贯彻落实核工业总公司有关指示,地研院图书馆于1992年开始了馆藏文献数据库建设工作,迄今…  相似文献   

《岩土力学》将启用“科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统“。该系统是经新闻出版总署、科技部、全国科研诚信管理委员会等单位指导,由中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社与同方知网共同研制的世界首个以全文文献为比对资源的检测学术不端行为的系统。作为把好科技期刊内容质量关的重要辅助工具,“科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统“将成为切实提高我国学术期刊质量,遏制学术不正之风的重要手段。  相似文献   

本文分析了地矿系统图书馆文献资源建设与共享所面临的问题,结合地矿部门的特点,提出了文献资源建设与共享的原则及几点设想。  相似文献   

於顺然  徐思美 《江苏地质》1995,19(2):120-123
地质矿产文献的收集及其开发於顺然,徐思美江苏省地质矿产局图书馆,南京,210018南京地质学校图书馆,210008关键词:地质矿产,文献资源,文献开发,江苏CollectionandUtilizationofGeologicalandMineralD...  相似文献   

东戈壁钼矿赋存于东天山造山带内,属斑岩型钼矿床矿体形态受岩体形态、大小、围岩物理性质和次级裂隙发育程度控制矿化对围岩无选择性,与多期次构造活动所形成的次级裂隙密集程度有关蚀变演化划分为5个阶段,辉钼矿-石英脉阶段是蚀变、矿化最强烈阶段,也是钼主成矿期含矿热液在迁移过程中与围岩发生强烈流体-岩石反应,造成金属元素含量增加和钼富集研究矿床地质特征和围岩蚀变与钼矿化时空关系,对在东天山寻找同类型矿床具重要指导意义.  相似文献   

一个学科的技术发展现状和水平可以通过该学科的期刊文献来反映。通过对2006~2010年《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》杂志刊登的论文情况进行统计,从一个侧面分析探矿工程行业期刊文献的现状,找出自身的不足以及与其他学科专业期刊文献的差距,以提高探矿工程期刊文献的整体质量和水平,促进学科学术影响力的提高。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the development of a system with a spatial database and a webGIS able to store, validate and display the data to assist the decision makers in managing early warning systems for river embankment failure. In order to obtain precise results, it is essential to have a tool with ability of managing a large number of data for checking their reliability and for locating them in the space. In this paper, special emphasis was given in the development of procedures to assess the reliability of the measures. For this purpose, the database includes all the information needed to describe the instrument performance, such as the sand pack size and casing diameter of open-standpipe piezometers for evaluating their time lag, and the calibration curves of transducers with the possibility of their updating. The position of the non-functioning instruments is identified through the analysis of the electrical signal and spatial displays, while the analyses of the redundancy and coherence of measures is used for detecting doubtful data. Database and webGIS were applied to the monitoring data of an embankment of the Adige River in Northern Italy. The database and webGIS system has proved to be a suitable and effective tool for the management and validation of real-time data and periodical field measurements.  相似文献   

In this paper, the updating of rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning systems (EWSs) is presented. Rainfall thresholds are widely used in regional-scale landslide EWSs, but the efficiency of those systems can decrease during the time, so a periodically updating should be required to keep their functionality. The updating of 12 of the 25 thresholds used in the EWS of Tuscany region (central Italy) is presented, and a comparison between performances of new and previous thresholds has been made to highlight the need of their periodical update. The updating has been carried out by collecting ca. 1200 new landslide reports (from 2010 to March 2013) and their respective rainfall data, collected by 332 rain gauges. The comparison has been made by the use of several statistical indexes and showed a marked increasing in the performances of the new thresholds with respect to previous ones.  相似文献   

枣庄市中区岩溶塌陷特征与成因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在已有研究成果的基础上并通过现场调研,系统总结出了枣庄市中区岩溶塌陷特征,即岩溶塌陷的形成与分布在空间上具有方向性,在时间上具有阶段性与集中爆发期。岩溶洞隙发育情况、覆盖层条件和水文动态资料综合分析结果表明,枣庄十里泉地区岩溶塌陷的形成原因主要是真空吸蚀作用。   相似文献   

In this paper, the interaction of double‐periodical cracks is accurately solved based on the isolating analysis procedure, superposition principle, pseudo‐traction method, Chebyshev polynomial expansion and crack‐surface collocation technique. The jump displacement crossing crack faces, the average additional strain and therefore the effective compliance of the double‐periodically cracked plate are directly determined. The numerical results for axial‐symmetrically distributed double‐periodical cracks, general double‐periodical cracks with one collinear direction as well as two sets of double‐periodical cracks with same size and square distribution are given in this paper. And the partial typical numerical results are compared with the previous works. The analysis shows that the anisotropy induced by the general double‐periodical cracks is generally not orthogonal anisotropy. Only when the double‐periodical cracks are axial‐symmetrically distributed, is the anisotropy orthogonal. In this special cases, the effective engineering constants (consist of effective elastic modulus, the effective Poisson's ratio, the effective shear modulus) of cracked plate versus crack spacing, in the plane stress and plane strain conditions, respectively, are analysed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浙江桐庐上奥陶统堰口组岩石特征及沉积环境分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
浙江桐庐地区上奥陶统堰口组主要为一套灰色细砂岩、粉砂岩与深灰色-灰黑色泥岩、粉砂质泥岩的韵律性薄互层, 底部发育2~3层灰色中-厚层的砾岩, 其砂泥岩薄互层中发育有典型的脉状、波状和透镜状层理及韵律层理。这种砾岩过去一直被认为是底砾岩, 其上的砂泥岩韵律性薄互层被认为是典型的古代潮坪沉积。野外调查并结合区域地质资料分析结果表明, 堰口组沉积环境应为较深水斜坡环境,而非浅水海岸环境;其底部的砾岩应为富基质的碎屑流沉积,而不应是底砾岩;中上部的砂泥岩韵律性薄互层应为较深水斜坡上的内潮汐沉积,而不是浅水潮坪沉积。这一内潮汐沉积具有典型的对偶层双向递变层序, 可能为内潮汐的大潮和小潮周期性变化的结果,这是在中国首次识别出的古代内潮汐沉积。  相似文献   

王文丽  王兰民  王谦 《冰川冻土》2014,36(4):895-901
在周期温度边界条件下,冻土呈现出与常温边界不同的融化固结特性. 基于融化固结理论提出了一种适用于周期温度边界条件下融化固结计算的数值模拟方法,并通过试验验证了该方法的有效性. 通过对比分析试验及数值结果表明,提出的数值方法能够很好地描述周期温度边界条件下冻土的融化固结特性. 同时,融化深度和变形均随时间呈现出阶梯型的变化趋势. 这是周期温度边界下土体融化固结行为最显著的特点. 随着冻融次数的增加,融化深度和变形均趋近于常温边界条件下的结果,这表明若干个冻融循环后周期温度边界对融化固结行为的影响将逐渐消失.  相似文献   

The study area, the middle part of Inner Mongolia including Hohhot city, Baotou city, Wulanchabu city, Ordos city, Bayannaoer city and Wuhai city, is one of typical eco-geographical transition zones in China. Using monthly precipitation data (1961–2003) from 45 meteorological stations in the study area, this paper analyzes characteristics and tendencies of annual and seasonal rainfall variations, and reveals multi-time scales structures of these time series through wavelet analyses; also, the periods of annual and seasonal precipitation series are identified, and the periodical oscillations and points of abrupt change at the principal period scale are discovered. The results show that annual precipitation varies in a large range, and has an ascending tendency at an increasing rate of 1.482 mm/10a; the multi-time scales periodical oscillations are clear; differences in tendencies, ranges and decadal precipitation anomalies exist within each decade during 1961–2000. The seasonal allocation of overall annual precipitation is extremely uneven; in terms of tendencies of seasonal precipitation, winter and spring have upward trends while summer and autumn have downward tendencies; distinctions in tendencies, ranges and decadal precipitation anomalies among each seasons are in existence within each decade during 1961–2000. The periodical oscillations of each seasonal precipitation time series are also evident. The research results not only provide convincing evidence for global climate change research, but also facilitate the understanding of specific natural process and pattern to make steps to rehabilitate and reconstruct vegetation, and contribute to fulfill the sustainability of water management.  相似文献   

Since the eighteenth century, pioneer seismologists have used information from the periodical press to compile their lists of European earthquakes. A systematic reading of three eighteenth century periodicals –Gaceta de Madrid (1701–1750), Gazeta de Lisboa (1715–1751) and Mercure de France (1732–1763) – has been carried out in the frame of the EC project ‘Review of Historical Seismicity in Europe (RHISE)’. The retrieval of earthquake records provides data on European and Mediterranean earthquakes. Sources and records are here analysed to verify their reliability and to understand the significance of the earthquake information they supply. Special attention has been paid to earthquakes that affected Italian territory, by means of a comparison between records and space-time, intensity parameters of the Italian seismic catalogue: this comparison shows that about 45% of the earthquakes mentioned by the periodicals are unknown in the Italian catalogue, and that 30% of them are damaging earthquakes.  相似文献   

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