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The aim is to build a seasonal flood frequency analysis model and estimate seasonal design floods. The importance of seasonal flood frequency analysis and the advantages of considering seasonal design floods in the derivation of reservoir planning and operating rules are discussed, recognising that seasonal flood frequency models have been in use for over 30 years. A set of non-identical models with non-constant parameters is proposed and developed to describe flows that reflect seasonal flood variation. The peak-over-threshold (POT) sampling method was used, as it is considered to provide significantly more information on flood seasonality than annual maximum (AM) sampling and has better performance in flood seasonality estimation. The number of exceedences is assumed to follow the Poisson distribution (Po), while the peak exceedences are described by the exponential (Ex) and generalized Pareto (GP) distributions and a combination of both, resulting in three models, viz. Po-Ex, Po-GP and Po-Ex/GP. Their performances are analysed and compared. The Geheyan and the Baiyunshan reservoirs were chosen for the case study. The application and statistical experiment results show that each model has its merits and that the Po-Ex/GP model performs best. Use of the Po-Ex/GP model is recommended in seasonal flood frequency analysis for the purpose of deriving reservoir operation rules.  相似文献   


The design and operation of flood management systems require computation of flood hydrographs for both design floods and flood forecasting purposes, since observed data are usually inadequate for these tasks. This is particularly relevant for most developing countries, i.e. mainly for tropical catchments. One possible way of obtaining information about flood hydrographs is through the use of rainfall—runoff models. Two such models, namely the Bochum model and the Nash Cascade—Diskin Infiltration model, which are semi-distributed and lumped models, respectively, were used in the present study. These models were applied to two catchments in Kenya with drainage areas of 6.71 km2 and 26.03 km2. A set of 13 selected rainfall—runoff events was used to calibrate and validate the models. The physical parameters required by the models were derived from catchment characteristics using GIS and remote sensing data while the conceptual parameters were obtained by optimization. The flood hydrographs simulated using the parameters so derived indicated that it is possible to use the two models in this tropical environment.  相似文献   

叠前地震数据反演可以得到比常规叠后波阻抗反演更丰富、更有效的岩性信息,但叠前数据体的噪声及其它因素严重影响了AVO反演的稳定性,如何评估AVO反演结果的可靠性显得尤为重要.本文从贝叶斯理论出发,假定均匀先验分布、高斯噪音分布,推出不确定性分析方程,利用协方差矩阵中的方差描述反演问题的不确定性,模型研究显示反演不确定性与叠前信噪比、纵横波速度比、覆盖次数及反演采用的角度范围相关,方法预测的反演误差可定量解释反演结果的可靠性,为解释人员提供有效的质量监控手段.  相似文献   

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