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This study presents a novel mathematical model for analysis of non-axisymmetrical solute transport in a radially convergent flow field with scale-dependent dispersion. A two-dimensional, scale-dependent advection–dispersion equation in cylindrical coordinates is derived based on assuming that the longitudinal and transverse dispersivities increase linearly with the distance of the solute transported from its injected source. The Laplace transform finite difference technique is applied to solve the two-dimensional, scale-dependent advection–dispersion equation with variable-dependent coefficients. Concentration contours for different times, breakthrough curves of average concentration over concentric circles with a fixed radial distance, and breakthrough curves of concentration at a fixed observation point obtained using the scale-dependent dispersivity model are compared with those from the constant dispersivity model. The salient features of scale-dependent dispersion are illustrated during the non-axisymmetrical transport from the injection well into extraction well in a convergent flow field. Numerical tests show that the scale-dependent dispersivity model predicts smaller spreading than the constant-dispersivity model near the source. The results also show that the constant dispersivity model can produce breakthrough curves of averaged concentration over concentric circles with the same shape as those from the proposed scale-dependent dispersivity model at observation point near the extraction well. Far from the extracting well, the two models predict concentration contours with significantly different shapes. The breakthrough curves at observation point near the injection well from constant dispersivity model always produce lesser overall transverse dispersion than those from scale-dependent dispersivity model. Erroneous dimensionless transverse/longitudinal dispersivity ratio may result from parametric techniques which assume a constant dispersivity if the dispersion process is characterized by a distance-dependent dispersivity relationship. A curve-fitting method with an example is proposed to evaluate longitudinal and transverse scale-proportional factors of a field with scale-dependent dispersion. 相似文献
An empirical hyperbolic scale-dependent dispersion model, which predicts a linear growth of dispersivity close to the origin and the attainment of an asymptotic dispersivity at large distances, is presented for deterministic modelling of field-scale solute transport and the analysis of solute transport experiments. A simple relationship is derived between local dispersivity, which is used in numerical simulations of solute transport, and effective dispersivity, which is estimated from the analysis of tracer breakthrough curves. The scale-dependent dispersion model is used to interpret a field tracer experiment by nonlinear least-squares inversion of a numerical solution for unsaturated transport. Simultaneous inversion of concentration-time data from several sampling locations indicates a linear growth of the dispersion process over the scale of the experiment. These findings are consistent with the results of an earlier analysis based on the use of a constant dispersion coefficient model at each of the sampling depths. 相似文献
It has been known for many years that dispersivities increase with solute displacement distance in a subsurface. The increase of dispersivities with solute travel distance results from significant variation in hydraulic properties of porous media and was identified in the literature as scale‐dependent dispersion. In this study, Laplace‐transformed analytical solutions to advection‐dispersion equations in cylindrical coordinates are derived for interpreting a divergent flow tracer test with a constant dispersivity and with a linear scale‐dependent dispersivity. Breakthrough curves obtained using the scale‐dependent dispersivity model are compared to breakthrough curves obtained from the constant dispersivity model to illustrate the salient features of scale‐dependent dispersion in a divergent flow tracer test. The analytical results reveal that the breakthrough curves at the specific location for the constant dispersivity model can produce the same shape as those from the scale‐dependent dispersivity model. This correspondence in curve shape between these two models occurs when the local dispersivity at an observation well in the scale‐dependent dispersivity model is 1·3 times greater than the constant dispersivity in the constant dispersivity model. To confirm this finding, a set of previously reported data is interpreted using both the scale‐dependent dispersivity model and the constant dispersivity model to distinguish the differences in scale dependence of estimated dispersivity from these two models. The analytical result reveals that previously reported dispersivity/distance ratios from the constant dispersivity model should be revised by multiplying these values by a factor of 1·3 for the scale‐dependent dispersion model if the dispersion process is more accurately characterized by scale‐dependent dispersion. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Aleksey S. Telyakovskiy Gastão A. Braga Satoko Kurita Jeff Mortensen 《Advances in water resources》2010
For certain initial and boundary conditions the Boussinesq equation, a nonlinear partial differential equation describing the flow of water in unconfined aquifers, can be reduced to a boundary value problem for a nonlinear ordinary differential equation. Using Song et al.'s (2007) [7] approach, we show that for zero head initial condition and power-law flux boundary condition at the inlet boundary, the solution in the form of power series can be obtained with Barenblatt's (1990) [2] rescaling procedure applied to the power series solution obtained in Song et al. (2007) [7] for the power-law head boundary condition. Polynomial approximations can then be obtained by taking terms from the power series. Although for a small number of terms the newly obtained approximations may be worse than polynomial approximations obtained by other techniques, any desired accuracy can be achieved by taking more terms from the power series. 相似文献
As is frequently cited, dispersivity increases with solute travel distance in the subsurface. This behaviour has been attributed to the inherent spatial variation of the pore water velocity in geological porous media. Analytically solving the advection–dispersion equation with distance-dependent dispersivity is extremely difficult because the governing equation coefficients are dependent upon the distance variable. This study presents an analytical technique to solve a two-dimensional (2D) advection–dispersion equation with linear distance-dependent longitudinal and transverse dispersivities for describing solute transport in a uniform flow field. The analytical approach is developed by applying the extended power series method coupled with the Laplace and finite Fourier cosine transforms. The developed solution is then compared to the corresponding numerical solution to assess its accuracy and robustness. The results demonstrate that the breakthrough curves at different spatial locations obtained from the power series solution show good agreement with those obtained from the numerical solution. However, owing to the limited numerical operation for large values of the power series functions, the developed analytical solution can only be numerically evaluated when the values of longitudinal dispersivity/distance ratio eL exceed 0·075. Moreover, breakthrough curves obtained from the distance-dependent solution are compared with those from the constant dispersivity solution to investigate the relationship between the transport parameters. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that a previously derived relationship is invalid for large eL values. The analytical power series solution derived in this study is efficient and can be a useful tool for future studies in the field of 2D and distance-dependent dispersive transport. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We have developed a new method to analyze the power law based non-Darcian flow toward a well in a confined aquifer with and without wellbore storage. This method is based on a combination of the linearization approximation of the non-Darcian flow equation and the Laplace transform. Analytical solutions of steady-state and late time drawdowns are obtained. Semi-analytical solutions of the drawdowns at any distance and time are computed by using the Stehfest numerical inverse Laplace transform. The results of this study agree perfectly with previous Theis solution for an infinitesimal well and with the Papadopulos and Cooper’s solution for a finite-diameter well under the special case of Darcian flow. The Boltzmann transform, which is commonly employed for solving non-Darcian flow problems before, is problematic for studying radial non-Darcian flow. Comparison of drawdowns obtained by our proposed method and the Boltzmann transform method suggests that the Boltzmann transform method differs from the linearization method at early and moderate times, and it yields similar results as the linearization method at late times. If the power index n and the quasi hydraulic conductivity k get larger, drawdowns at late times will become less, regardless of the wellbore storage. When n is larger, flow approaches steady state earlier. The drawdown at steady state is approximately proportional to r1−n, where r is the radial distance from the pumping well. The late time drawdown is a superposition of the steady-state solution and a negative time-dependent term that is proportional to t(1−n)/(3−n), where t is the time. 相似文献
A new benchmark semi-analytical solution is proposed for the verification of density-driven flow codes. The problem deals with a synthetic square porous cavity subject to different salt concentrations at its vertical walls. A steady state semi-analytical solution is investigated using the Fourier–Galerkin method. Contrarily to the standard Henry problem, the cavity benchmark allows high truncation orders in the Fourier series and provides semi-analytical solutions for very small diffusion cases. The problem is also investigated numerically to validate the semi-analytical solution. The obtained results represent a set of new test case high quality data that can be effectively used for benchmarking density-driven flow codes. 相似文献
Jui‐Sheng Chen 《水文研究》2010,24(7):934-945
Analytical solutions for contaminant transport in a non‐uniform flow filed are very difficult and relatively rare in subsurface hydrology. The difficulty is because of the fact that velocity vector in the non‐uniform flow field is space‐dependent rather than constant. In this study, an analytical model is presented for describing the three‐dimensional contaminant transport from an area source in a radial flow field which is a simplest case of the non‐uniform flow. The development of the analytical model is achieved by coupling the power series technique, the Laplace transform and the two finite Fourier cosine transform. The developed analytical model is examined by comparing with the Laplace transform finite difference (LTFD) solution. Excellent agreements between the developed analytical model and the numerical model certificate the accuracy of the developed model. The developed model can evaluate solution for Peclet number up to 100. Moreover, the mathematical behaviours of the developed solution are also studied. More specifically, a hypothetical convergent flow tracer test is considered as an illustrative example to demonstrate the three‐dimensional concentration distribution in a radial flow field. The developed model can serve as benchmark to check the more comprehensive three‐dimensional numerical solutions describing non‐uniform flow contaminant transport. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
An accurate prediction of solute infiltration in a soil profile is important in the area of environmental science, groundwater and civil engineering. We examined the infiltration pattern and monitored the infiltration process using a combined method of dye tracer test and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in an undisturbed field soil (1 m × 1 m). A homogeneous matrix flow was observed in the surface soil (A horizon), but a preferential flow along macropores and residual rock structure was the dominant infiltration pattern in the subsurface soil. Saturated interflow along the slopping boundaries of A and C1 horizons and of an upper sandy layer and a lower thin clay layer in the C horizon was also observed. The result of ERT showed that matrix flow started first in A horizon and then the infiltration was followed by the preferential flows along the sloping interfaces and macropores. The ERT did not show as much detail as the dye‐stained image for the preferential flow. However, the area with the higher staining density where preferential flow was dominant showed a relatively lower electrical resistivity. The result of this study indicates that ERT can be applied for the monitoring of solute transportation in the vadose zone. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Abstract An analytical solution of planar flow in a sloping soil layer described by the linearized extended Boussinesq equation is presented. The solution consists of the sum of steady-state and transient-series solutions, the latter in a separation-of-variables form, and can satisfy an arbitrary initial condition via collocation; this feature reduces the number of series terms, making the solution efficient. Key parameter is the dimensionless linearization depth η o (R), R being the dimensionless recharge. The variable η o (R), not the slope, characterizes the flow as kinematic or diffusive, and R ≈ 0.2 demarcates the two regimes. The transient series converges rapidly for large η o (large R, near-diffusive flow) and slowly as η o → 0 (kinematic flow). The quasi-steady (QS) state method of Verhoest & Troch is also analysed and it is shown that the QS depth profiles approximate the transient ones well, only if Δt exceeds a system-dependent transition time between flow states (possibly >>1 day). In an application example for a 30-day recharge series, the QS solution differs from the transient one by as much as 20% (RMSE = 15%), does not track recharge changes as well and fails to conserve mass. 相似文献
An aquifer containing a skin zone is considered as a two-zone system. A mathematical model describing the head distribution is presented for a slug test performed in a two-zone confined aquifer system. A closed-form solution for the model is derived by Laplace transforms and Bromwich integral. This new solution is used to investigate the effects of skin type, skin thickness, and the contrast of skin transmissivity to formation transmissivity on the distributions of dimensionless hydraulic head. The results indicate that the effect of skin type is marked if the slug-test data is obtained from a radial two-zone aquifer system. The dimensionless well water level increases with the dimensionless positive skin thickness and decreases as the dimensionless negative skin thickness increases. In addition, the distribution of dimensionless well water level due to the slug test depends on the hydraulic properties of both the wellbore skin and formation zones. 相似文献
This paper presents analytical solutions for steady-state, compressible two-phase flow through a wellbore under isothermal conditions using the drift flux conceptual model. Although only applicable to highly idealized systems, the analytical solutions are useful for verifying numerical simulation capabilities that can handle much more complicated systems, and can be used in their own right for gaining insight about two-phase flow processes in wells. The analytical solutions are obtained by solving the mixture momentum equation of steady-state, two-phase flow with an assumption that the two phases are immiscible. These analytical solutions describe the steady-state behavior of two-phase flow in the wellbore, including profiles of phase saturation, phase velocities, and pressure gradients, as affected by the total mass flow rate, phase mass fraction, and drift velocity (i.e., the slip between two phases). Close matching between the analytical solutions and numerical solutions for a hypothetical CO2 leakage problem as well as to field data from a CO2 production well indicates that the analytical solution is capable of capturing the major features of steady-state two-phase flow through an open wellbore, and that the related assumptions and simplifications are justified for many actual systems. In addition, we demonstrate the utility of the analytical solution to evaluate how the bottomhole pressure in a well in which CO2 is leaking upward responds to the mass flow rate of CO2-water mixture. 相似文献
The inherent heterogeneity of geological media often results in anomalous dispersion for solute transport through them, and how to model it has been an interest over the past few decades. One promising approach that has been increasingly used to simulate the anomalous transport in surface and subsurface water is the fractional advection–dispersion equation (FADE), derived as a special case of the more general continuous time random walk or the stochastic continuum model. In FADE, the dispersion is not local and the solutes have appreciable probability to move long distances, and thus reach the boundary faster than predicted by the classical advection–dispersion equation (ADE). How to deal with different boundaries associated with FADE and their consequent impact is an issue that has not been thoroughly explored. In this paper we address this by taking one-dimensional solute movement in soil columns as an example. We show that the commonly used FADE with its fractional derivatives defined by the Riemann–Liouville definition is problematic and could result in unphysical results for solute transport in bounded domains; a modified method with the fractional dispersive flux defined by the Caputo derivatives is presented to overcome this problem. A finite volume approach is given to numerically solve the modified FADE and its associated boundaries. With the numerical model, we analyse the inlet-boundary treatment in displacement experiments in soil columns, and find that, as in ADE, treating the inlet as a prescribed concentration boundary gives rise to mass-balance errors and such errors could be more significant in FADE because of its non-local dispersion. We also discuss a less-documented but important issue in hydrology: how to treat the upstream boundary in analysing the lateral movement of tracer in an aquifer when the tracer is injected as a pulse. It is shown that the use of an infinite domain, as commonly assumed in literature, leads to unphysical backward dispersion, which has a significant impact on data interpretation. To avoid this, the upstream boundary should be flux-prescribed and located at the upstream edge of the injecting point. We apply the model to simulate the movement of Cl− in a tracer experiment conducted in a saturated hillslope, and analyse in details the significance of upstream-boundary treatments in parameter estimation. 相似文献
This paper presents a semi-analytical method for studying the two-dimensional problem of elastic wave scattering by surface irregularities in a half-space. The new method makes use of the member of a c-completeness family of wave functions to construct the scattering fields, and then applies equal but opposite tractions to those of the foregoing constructed scattering fields on the horizontal surface of the half-space to produce additional scattering fields. These additional scattering fields are a series of Lamb's solutions. Thus the whole scattering field constructed in the series automatically satisfies the Navier equations, the condition of zero traction on the half-space surface, and the radiation boundary conditions at infinity. Using the traction-free conditions along the canyon surface, the coefficients of the series solutions are determined via a least-squares method. For incident P, SV, and Rayleigh waves, the numerical results are presented for the scattering displacements in the vicinity of a semi-circular canyon in the half-space. 相似文献
We consider the second-order differential equations ofP-SV motion in an isotropic elastic medium with spherical coordinates. We assume that in the medium Lamé's parameters , r
and compressional and shear-wave velocities , r, wherer is radial distance. With this regular heterogeneity both the radial functions appearing in displacement components satisfy a fourth-order differential equation which provides solutions in terms of exponential functions. We then consider a layered spherical earth in which each layer has heterogeneity as specified above. The dispersion equation of the Rayleigh wave is obtained using the Thomson-Haskel method. Due to exponential function solutions in each layer, the dispersion equation has similar simplicity, as in a flat-layered earth. The dispersion equation is further simplified, whenp=–2. We obtain numerical results which agree with results obtained by other methods. 相似文献
The solution describing the wellbore flow rate in a constant‐head test integrated with an optimization approach is commonly used to analyze observed wellbore flow‐rate data for estimating the hydrogeological parameters of low‐permeability aquifers. To our knowledge, the wellbore flow‐rate solution for the constant‐head test in a two‐zone finite‐extent confined aquifer has never been reported so far in the literature. This article is first to develop a mathematical model for describing the head distribution in the two‐zone aquifer. The Laplace domain solutions for the head distributions and wellbore flow rate in a two‐zone finite confined aquifer are derived using the Laplace transform, and their corresponding time domain solutions are then obtained using the Bromwich integral method and residue theorem. These new solutions are expressed in terms of an infinite series with Bessel functions and not straightforward to calculate numerically. A large‐time solution for the wellbore flow rate is therefore developed by employing the relationship of small Laplace variable versus large time variable and L'Hospital's rule. The result shows that the large‐time solution is identical to the steady‐state solution obtained after applying the Tauberian theorem into the Laplace domain solution. This large‐time solution can reduce to the Thiem equation in the case of no skin. Finally, the newly developed solution is used to investigate the effects of outer boundary distance and conductivity ratio on the wellbore flow rate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献