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Mesozoic mafic dikes in the Gan-Hang tectonic belt (GHTB) provide an opportunity to explore both the nature of their mantle source(s) and the secular evolution of the underlying Mesozoic lithospheric mantle in the region. The geochronology and primary geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of Group 1 (middle section of GHTB) and Group 2 (the rest of the section) dolerite dikes spanning the GHTB were investigated. K–Ar ages indicate that dikes of both groups were emplaced during the Cretaceous (131–69 Ma). The dikes are doleritic in composition and are enriched in both large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g. Rb, Ba, and Pb) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), with a wide range of Eu anomalies, but are depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g. Nb, Ta, and Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). Dikes sampled in the middle section of the GHTB (Group 1) show more pronounced REE differentiation and a greater contribution from crustal material than those from the east and west sections (Group 2) and are similar to GHTB volcanic rocks in exhibiting a slight enrichment in LREEs. The dolerites are further characterized by a wide range in 87Sr/86Sr i ?=?0.7041–0.7110, 143Nd/144Nd i ?=?0.511951–0.512758, ?Nd t ?=?–10.4 to?+5.6, and Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb i ?=?18.1–18.3, 207Pb/204Pb i ≈ 15.6, and 208Pb/204Pb i ?=?38.2–38.7). The dikes have undergone fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and Ti-bearing phases, except for dikes from the Anding area, which possibly experienced fractionation of plagioclase. Geochemically, all the dike samples originated from mantle sources ranging in composition from depleted to enriched that contained a component of foundered lower crust; crustal contamination during the ascent of these magmas was negligible. In the context of the late Mesozoic lithospheric extension across South China, mafic dike magmatism was likely triggered by the reactivation of deep faults, which promoted foundering of the lower crust and subsequent mantle upwelling in the GHTB.  相似文献   

Titanite occurs as an accessory phase in a variety of igneous rocks, and is known to concentrate geologically important elements such as U, Th, rare earth element (REE), Y and Nb. The differences in the abundances of the REEs contained in titanite from granitoid rocks could reflect its response to changes in petrogenetic variables such as temperature of crystallization, pressure, composition, etc. Widespread migmatization in the granodiorite gneisses occurring to the east of Kolar and Ramagiri schist belts of the eastern Dharwar craton resulted in the enrichment of the REEs in titanite relative to their respective host rocks. A compositional influence on the partitioning of REEs between titanite and the host rock/magma is also noticed. The relative enrichment of REEs in titanite from quartz monzodiorite is lower than that found in the granodioritic gneiss. Depletion of REE and HFSE (high field-strength elements) abundances in granitic magmas that have equilibrated with titanite during fractional crystallization or partial melting has been modelled. As little as 1% of titanite present in residual phases during partial melting or in residual melts during fractional crystallization can significantly lower the abundances of trace elements such as Nb, Y, Zr and REE which implies the significance of this accessory mineral as a controlling factor in trace element distribution in granitoid rocks. Sm–Nd isotope studies on titanite, hornblende and whole rock yield isochron ages comparable to the precise U–Pb titanite ages, invoking the usefulness of Sm–Nd isochron ages involving minerals like titanite.  相似文献   


There are voluminous ultrahigh pressure-related orthogneisses and minor metamorphic supracrustal rocks in the northeastern Sulu UHP terrane (NSL), East China. The tectonic affinities of the supracrustal rocks are crucial for unravelling the deep continental subduction processes and locating the tectonic suture between the South China (SCB) and North China (NCB) blocks. In this contribution, we report new zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotope data for the supracrustal rocks and metagabbros in the Zeku region of the NSL. In the Zeku region, the supracrustal rocks are spatially associated with granitic gneisses, metagabbros, and eclogites. Detrital zircon U–Pb analyses yield ages between 3.39 and 0.65 Ga that cluster as three major age populations including (1) 2.15–1.68 Ga with two subpeaks at ~1.83 Ga and~1.97 Ga, (2) 2.45–2.15 Ga with a peak at ~2.37 Ga, and (3) 0.79–0.65 Ga. In addition, there is a small age population between 3.39 and 2.61 Ga. The youngest age population of 0.79–0.65 Ga indicates that the Zeku supracrustal rocks must have been deposited after 650 Ma rather than during the Palaeoproterozoic as previously thought. The 210–190 Ma metamorphic ages suggest that the Zeku rocks were affected by Triassic collision–subduction and exhumation. Most of the Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic zircons have negative εHf(t) values and two-stage Hf model ages concentrating at 2.4–3.4 Ga (peak at ~2.9 Ga), indicating that source rocks of these zircons were mainly derived from recycling of ancient crustal material. These ages, together with the Hf isotopic compositions and rock assemblages, indicate that the Zeku supracrustal rocks were mainly derived from the Precambrian basement rocks of the northern Yangzte Block and have a tectonic affinity to the SCB, rather than the NCB. Our results, together with previously published data, suggest that there are two types of supracrustal rocks with different zircon U–Pb ages and tectonic affinities in the NSL. On the basis of new data, we suggest that the surface boundary between the SCB and NCB in the Jiaodong Peninsula is a complicated tectonic mélange zone rather than a single fault.  相似文献   

Gneissic rocks in the Chinese Altai Mountains have been interpreted as either Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks or Precambrian basement. This study reports geochemical and geochronological data for banded paragneisses and associated gneissic granitoids collected along a NE–SW traverse in the northwestern Chinese Altai. Petrological and geochemical data suggest that the protoliths of the banded gneisses were possibly immature sediments with significant volcanic input and that the gneissic granitoids were derived from I-type granites formed in a subduction environment. Three types of morphological features can be recognized in zircons from the banded gneisses and are interpreted to correlate with different sources. Zircons from five samples of banded paragneiss cluster predominantly between 466 and 528 Ma, some give Neoproterozoic ages, and a few yield discordant Paleoproterozoic to Archean ages. Zircon Hf isotopic compositions indicate that both juvenile/mantle and crust materials were involved in the generation of the source rocks from which these zircons were derived. In contrast, zircons occur ubiquitously as elongated euhedral prismatic crystals in the four samples of the gneissic granitoids, and define single populations for each sample with mean ages between 380 and 453 Ma. The general absence of Precambrian inheritance and positive zircon ?Hf values for these granitoids suggest insignificant crustal contribution to the generation of the precursor magmas. Our data can be interpreted in terms of a progressive accretionary history in early to middle Palaeozoic times, and the Chinese Altai may possibly represent a magmatic arc built on a continental margin dominated by Neoproterozoic rocks.  相似文献   

This work presents an integrated study of zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotope along with whole-rock geochemistry on Silurian Fengdingshan I-type granites and Taoyuan mafic–felsic intrusive Complex located at the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block, filling in a gap in understanding of Paleozoic I-type granites and mafic-intermediate igneous rocks in the eastern South China Craton (SCC). The Fengdingshan granite and Taoyuan hornblende gabbro are dated at 436 ± 5 Ma and 409 ± 2 Ma, respectively. The Fengdingshan granites display characteristics of calc-alkaline I-type granite with high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7093–0.7127, low εNd(t) values ranging from −5.6 to −5.4 and corresponding Nd model ages (T2DM) of 1.6 Ga. Their zircon grains have εHf(t) values ranging from −2.7 to 2.6 and model ages of 951–1164 Ma. The Taoyuan mafic rocks exhibit typical arc-like geochemistry, with enrichment in Rb, Th, U and Pb and depletion in Nb, Ta. They have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7053–0.7058, εNd(t) values of 0.2–1.6 and corresponding T2DM of 1.0–1.1 Ga. Their zircon grains have εHf(t) values ranging from 3.2 to 6.1 and model ages of 774–911 Ma. Diorite and granodiorite from the Taoyuan Complex have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7065–0.7117, εNd(t) values from −5.7 to −1.9 and Nd model ages of 1.3–1.6 Ga. The petrographic and geochemical characteristics indicate that the Fengdingshan granites probably formed by reworking of Neoproterozoic basalts with very little of juvenile mantle-derived magma. The Taoyuan Complex formed by magma mixing and mingling, in which the mafic member originated from a metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Both the Fengdingshan and Taoyuan Plutons formed in a post-orogenic collapse stage in an intracontinental tectonic regime. Besides the Paleozoic Fengdingshan granites and Taoyuan hornblende gabbro, other Neoproterozoic and Indosinian igneous rocks located along the southeastern and western margin of the Yangtze Block also exhibit decoupled Nd–Hf isotopic systemics, which may be a fingerprint of a previous late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic oceanic subduction.  相似文献   

We present and compare whole-rock and zircon O and Pb isotopic compositions for the Hannuoba granulite xenoliths and Mesozoic intermediate-to-felsic igneous rocks from the Zhangjiakou region, northern margin of the North China Craton, northeast China. The xenoliths have an overall Pb isotopic range similar to rocks from the regionally exposed Neoarchaean granulite terrain. Mesozoic zircons from different types of granulite xenoliths have a narrow range of δ18O values (6.0–7.7‰) higher than normal mantle δ18O values (~5.7‰). Mesozoic intermediate–felsic igneous rocks have O and Pb isotopic compositions indistinguishable from the Hannuoba intermediate–mafic granulite xenoliths. Our new data suggest that the Mesozoic igneous rocks and granulite xenoliths are genetically linked and that both were derived from the late Neoarchaean lower crust. This argues against previous proposals that the granulite xenoliths are either products of Mesozoic basaltic underplating or formed by mixing between mantle-derived and pre-existing crustal magmas.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope data integrated in this study for magmatic and metamorphic rocks from the Hida Belt,southwest Japan,lead to a new understanding of the evolution of the Cordilleran arc system along the ancestral margins of present-day Northeast Asia.Ion microprobe data for magmatic zircon domains from eight mafic to intermediate orthogneisses in the Tateyama and Tsunogawa areas yielded weighted mean ~(206)Pb/~(238)U ages spanning the entire Permian period(302–254 Ma).Under cathodoluminescence,primary magmatic growth zones in the zircon crystals were observed to be partially or completely replaced by inward-penetrating,irregularly curved featureless or weakly zoned secondary domains that mostly yielded U–Pb ages of 250–240 Ma and relatively high Th/U ratios( 0.2).These secondary domains are considered to have been formed by solid-state recrystallization during thermal overprints associated with intrusions of Hida granitoids.Available whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotope data as well as zircon age spectra corroborate that the Hida Belt comprises the Paleozoic–Mesozoic Cordilleran arc system built upon the margin of the North China Craton,together with the Yeongnam Massif in southern Korea.The arc magmatism along this system was commenced in the Carboniferous and culminated in the Permian–Triassic transition period.Highly positive εHf(t) values( +12) of late Carboniferous to early Permian detrital zircons in the Hida paragneisses indicate that there was significant input from the depleted asthenospheric mantle and/or its crustal derivatives in the early stage of arc magmatism.On the other hand,near-chondritic εHf(t) values(+5 to-2) of magmatic zircons from late Permian Hida orthogneisses suggest a lithospheric mantle origin.Hf isotopic differences between magmatic zircon cores and the secondary rims observed in some orthogneiss samples clearly indicate that the zircons were chemically open to fluids or melts during thermal overprints.Resumed highly positive zircon εHf(t) values(+9) shared by Early Jurassic granitoids in the Hida Belt and Yeongnam Massif may reflect reworking of the Paleozoic arc crust.  相似文献   

In order to constrain the timing and petrogenesis of both the hosting rocks and the inner mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) of the Liangnong pluton, SE China, we have performed a series of bulk-rock geochemistry, zircon U–Pb, and Hf isotopic analysis, respectively. Zircon laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry U–Pb isotopic analysis yielded ages of 106.3 ± 1.1 Ma for the granodiorite and 103.9 ± 1.6 to 105 ± 1.8 Ma for monzogranite phases within the hosting pluton, as well as an age of 104.7 ± 0.8 Ma for the associated MMEs. The host rocks are metaluminous, have A/CNK values of 0.91–1.09, contain relatively high concentrations of SiO2 and K2O, are enriched in Rb, Th, Ba, Zr, and Hf, are depleted of Sr, P, Ti, Nd, and Ta, contain high concentrations of the rare earth elements (REE) and the light REE, and have moderately negative Eu anomalies (Eu*/Eu = 0.6–0.8). In comparison, the MMEs contain high concentrations of Al2O3, FeO, MgO, and TiO2, are relatively enriched in Ba, U, and Sr, and are depleted in Th, Nd, and Zr. They have lower total REE concentrations and higher Eu*/Eu values than the hosting granites. The zircons within the hosting granites have Hf crustal model ages (TDMC) that show a peak at 1.29–1.85 Ga. Zircons within the MMEs have different εHf(t) values (–3.7 to +4.9) than the zircons within the hosting granites (–10.8 to –1.9). The results indicate that the MMEs and the hosting granites crystallized from magmas with different sources, thereby showing that the Early Cretaceous magmatism in the coastal areas of SE China was generated by the widespread injection of mantle-derived magmas caused by rollback of the subducting palaeo-Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1548-1561
The location of the suture zone between the South China and Indochina blocks in northwest Vietnam has been under debate for decades. Generally, the boundary between these blocks has been placed along (1) the Ailaoshan–Red River zone or (2) the Song Ma zone. The Sin Quyen Formation, lying between these zones, was previously regarded as a Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoic sequence. It comprises its provenance and tectonic affinity. We analysed detrital zircons from two paragneisses and one migmatite of the Sin Quyen Formation employing laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb dating techniques. U–Pb ages of these zircons show three main periods of zircon formation: ~2.7–3.0, ~2.2–2.5, and ~1.8 Ga, suggesting that Sin Quyen rocks were mainly derived from Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean basement units. Inasmuch as the South China basement comprises rocks of similar ages, we conclude that the Sin Quyen Formation belongs to that block. Our new data strengthen the view that the suture between the South China and Indochina blocks is located within the Song Ma zone. In addition, zircons with U–Pb ages >3.0 thousand million years represent the oldest minerals reported in northwest Vietnam so far, indicating the existence of Mesoarchaean crustal remnants in this region.  相似文献   

Amphibolites occur in a number of localities in the Cathaysia Block, some of them have been migmatised and their protoliths represent basaltic magmas erupted in various tectonic settings. Four migmatised amphibolites were collected from Jiangxi and Fujian Provinces. Cathodo-luminescence images of zircons extracted from the representative amphibolites show unzoned or sector-zoned structure. LA-ICP-MS analysis indicates that most zircons have high Th/U ratios and yield U–Pb zircon ages of 446 ± 5, 435 ± 2, 434 ± 4 and 423 ± 2 Ma, respectively. Lu–Hf isotopic analysis on these zircons gives Hf model ages ranging from 900 to 1200 Ma. Based on lithological observations and previously published geochronological data, we interpret that these U–Pb ages record an important tectonothermal event that led to the migmatization. This early Paleozoic (Caledonian) tectonothermal event in the Southeastern China has a great tectonic implication for the evolutionary history of the Cathaysia Block.  相似文献   

Liu  Shen  Feng  Caixia  Fan  Yan  Chen  Xiaoqing  Yang  Yuhong  Zhao  Huibo  Coulson  Ian M. 《中国地球化学学报》2020,39(6):862-886
Acta Geochimica - This work reports an important episode of extensional, mafic magmatism that impacted the North China Craton (NCC) during the Permo-Triassic and influenced the evolution of this...  相似文献   

Zircon textures and micro-chemical compositions precisely record the origin and petrogenesis of granitoids, which are crucial for evaluating crustal growth and reworking, thermal and geodynamic evolution. Zircons in peraluminous granitoids from the three largest 820 Ma complexes (Guibei, Yueyang and Jiuling) in the Jiangnan Fold Belt in South China are used to constrain their sources and petrogenetic processes. Zircons in the Guibei granitoids have complex internal structures. Nearly all magmatic and inherited zircons have similar εHf (?6.8 to +5.6) and δ18O values (8.8–11.6 ‰) and dominantly lie between εHf evolution vectors for a crust created between 1.7 and 2.1 Ga, suggesting that the Guibei granitoids were produced by partial melting of recycled heterogeneous supracrustal material. However, the Yueyang granitoids contain zircons with high εHf (?0.5 to +9.7) and relatively low δ18O values (5.9–8.4 ‰) and two-stage model ages of 1.1–1.8 Ga, and thus may have been formed by melting of mafic rocks from the lower crust. The Jiuling granitoids and their enclaves contain more complex zircons with more variable εHf (?7.2 to +9.7) and δ18O values (7.0–10.6 ‰), and lie along the mixing trend between the above-proposed infracrustal and supracrustal granitoids. Therefore, the Neoproterozoic peraluminous granitoids in the Jiangnan Fold Belt were produced by melting and mixing of continental crust. Compared with extremely low (≤4 ‰) and negative δ18O values of Neoproterozoic igneous zircons formed in its northern active continental margin, the high δ18O peraluminous granitoids in the southeastern Yangtze Block are considered to have been formed by melting of hydrothermally unaltered continental crust triggered by asthenosphere upwelling in the Nanhua back-arc basin.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,24(4):1599-1606
Direct radiometric dating of the Lower/Middle Permian epochs has not been well accomplished. Shales and bedded cherts of the geologically well-documented Middle Permian Gufeng Formation are exposed in the Chaohu area, Anhui province, South China. Through detailed field examination and mapping of the Gufeng stratigraphic section, we found at least four volcanic ash beds within the basal shale strata. This new discovery indicates the existence of prominent volcanic activity during Gufeng sedimentation and provides the opportunity to precisely date the age of the Middle Permian. Zircon grains separated from two near-basal horizon yield LA‐ICP‐MS U–Pb ages of 272.0 ± 5.5 Ma (MSWD = 2.6) and 271.5 ± 3.3 Ma (MSWD = 1.7). As the first precise isotopic age (272 Ma) of the Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in South China, our data offer precise geochronological constraints for the division and correlation of Middle Permian not only in South China but also worldwide.  相似文献   

Late Mesozoic dioritic and quartz dioritic plutons are widespread in the Daye region, eastern Yangtze craton, eastern China. Detailed geochronological, geochemical, and Sr–Nd isotopic studies have been undertaken for most of these plutons, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive understanding in the age, genesis and geodynamical control of the extensive magmatism. SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicate that the plutons were emplaced in the range of latest Jurassic (ca. 152 Ma) to early Cretaceous (ca. 132 Ma), which was followed by dyke emplacement between 127 and 121 Ma and volcanism during the 130–113 Ma interval. Both diorites and quartz diorites are sodic, metaluminous, high-K calc-alkaline, and characterized by strongly fractionated, sub-parallel REE patterns without obvious Eu anomalies. The rocks are enriched in highly incompatible elements and large ion lithophile elements, but depleted in high field strength elements. Samples of diorite and quartz diorite have similar Sr–Nd isotopic compositions that are consistent with the early Cretaceous basalts and mafic intrusions throughout the eastern Yangtze craton. The geochemical and isotopic data, together with results of geochemical modeling, indicate an enriched mantle source for the plutonic rocks. The quartz diorites have geochemical signatures resembling adakites, such as high Al2O3 (15–19 wt.%), Sr (630–2,080 ppm), Na2O (>3.5 wt.%), negative Nb–Ta anomalies, low Y (7–19 ppm), Yb (0.5–1.8 ppm), Sc (5–15 ppm), and resultant high Sr/Y (45–200) and La/Yb (31–63) ratios. Genesis of the adakitic quartz diorites is best explained in terms of low-pressure intracrustal fractional crystallization of cumulates consisting of hornblende, plagioclase, K-feldspar, magnetite, and apatite from mantle-derived dioritic magmas. Mantle-derived magmatism broadly coeval with that of the Daye region also is widespread in other regions of the eastern Yangtze craton, reflecting large-scale melting of the lithospheric mantle during the Late Mesozoic. The large-scale magmatism was most likely driven by lithospheric extension associated with thinning of lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern China continent.  相似文献   

The southern Qiangtang magmatic belt was formed by the north-dipping subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean during Mesozoic. To better understand the petrogenesis, time–space distribution along the length of this belt, 21 samples of several granitoid bodies, from west to east, in the Bangong Co, Gaize, Dongqiao and Amdo areas were selected for in-situ zircon U–Pb dating, Hf isotopic and whole-rock chemical analyses. The results suggest a prolonged period of magmatic activity (185–84 Ma) with two major stages during the Jurassic (185–150 Ma) and the Early Cretaceous (126–100 Ma). Both the Jurassic and Cretaceous granitoids are high-K calc-alkaline I-type rocks, except the Cretaceous two-mica granite from Amdo in the east, which belongs to S-type. The granitoids are generated from different source materials as indicated by zircon Hf isotopic compositions. The Bangong Co and Dongqiao granitoids show high zircon εHf(t) values of − 1.3–13.6 with younger TDMC ages of 293–1263 Ma, suggesting a relatively juvenile source; whereas the Gaize and Amdo granitoids have low εHf(t) values of − 16.1–2.9 with older TDMC ages of 999–2024 Ma, indicating an old crustal contribution. These source rocks melt at different P–T conditions as suggested by Sr/Y ratio and TZr. The Sr/Y ratio of both stage granitoids increases with decreasing age. However, the TZr of the Jurassic granitoids decreases, whereas the TZr of the Cretaceous granitoids increases with decreasing age. The contrasting geochemical signatures of these granitoids may be controlled by the varying contribution of slab-derived fluids involved in the generation of the Jurassic and Cretaceous granitic magmas; i.e. increasing amount of fluids in the Jurassic, whereas decreasing amount of fluids in the Cretaceous. Therefore, it is proposed that the Jurassic and Cretaceous magmatism may be related to subduction and closure of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean, respectively. The age pattern of the Jurassic and Cretaceous granitoids suggests an oblique subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean and a diachronous collision between the Lhasa and Qiangtang blocks.  相似文献   

Post-orogenic mafic rocks from Northeast China consist of swarms of dolerite dikes. We report a new U–Pb zircon age, as well as whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic data. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb zircon analysis yielded an age of 210.3 ± 1.5 million years (i.e. Triassic) for these mafic dikes. Most Dalian mafic rocks exhibit low K2O + Na2O contents, and span the border between alkaline and calc-alkaline rock associations in the total alkali–silica diagram. The investigated dikes are also characterized by relatively high (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.7061–0.7067) and negative ?Nd (t) (?4.7 to??4.3) and ?Hf (t) values (?4.1 to??1.1), implying that they were derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle source. The mafic dikes are characterized by relatively low MgO (4.65–5.44 wt.%), Mg# (41–44), and compatible element content [such as Cr (89.9–125 ppm) and Ni (56.7–72.2 ppm)], which are the features of an evolved mafic magma. No evidence supports the idea that the mafic rocks were affected by significant assimilation or crustal contamination during emplacement. We conclude that the dolerites formed in a post-orogenic extensional setting, related to lithospheric delamination or ‘collapse’ of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), also termed the Xingmeng Orogenic Belt in China.  相似文献   

The South China Block was built up by the assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks along the Neoproterozoic Jiangnan Orogenic Belt. The timing of the Jiangnan Orogeny remains controversial. The widespread orogeny–related Neoproterozoic angular unconformity that separates the underlying folded Sibao (ca.1000–820 Ma) and overlying Danzhou (ca.800–720 Ma) Groups was investigated. Six sedimentary samples, below and above the unconformity in three distal localities (Fanjingshan, Madiyi, and Sibao) yield detrital zircon with UPb ages ranging from 779 ± 16 Ma to 3006 ± 36 Ma, with a prominent peak at ca. 852 Ma. The youngest ages of 832 ± 11 Ma and 779 ± 16 Ma are revealed for the underlying Sibao and overlying Danzhou Groups, respectively. The detrital zircon UPb age relative probability plot of the Jiangnan Orogen matches well with those of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks since ca. 865 Ma. Integrating geological, geochemical and geochronological results, we suggest that the Paleo–South China Ocean began to subduct under the Yangtze block at ca. 1000 Ma, and was partly closed at ca. 865 Ma. Afterwards, the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks initially collide at 865 Ma, forming the Jiangnan Orogen. This collision resulted in not only the folding of the Sibao Group, but also sediment deposition in a syn-collisional setting, which makes the upper part of the Sibao Group. The youngest S-type granite dated at ca. 820 Ma that intruded in the Sibao Group marks the late stage of the Jiangnan Orogeny.  相似文献   

The Xitian tungsten–tin (W–Sn) polymetallic deposit, located in eastern Hunan Province, South China, is a recently explored region containing one of the largest W–Sn deposits in the Nanling W–Sn metallogenic province. The mineral zones in this deposit comprise skarn, greisen, structurally altered rock and quartz-vein types. The deposit is mainly hosted by Devonian dolomitic limestone at the contact with the Xitian granite complex. The Xitian granite complex consists of Indosinian (Late Triassic, 230–215 Ma) and Yanshanian (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, 165–141 Ma) granites. Zircons from two samples of the Xitian granite dated using laser ablation-inductively coupled mass spectrometer (LA-ICPMS) U–Pb analysis yielded two ages of 225.6 ± 1.3 Ma and 151.8 ± 1.4 Ma, representing the emplacement ages of two episodic intrusions of the Xitian granite complex. Molybdenites separated from ore-bearing quartz-veins yielded a Re–Os isochron age of 149.7 ± 0.9 Ma, in excellent agreement with a weighted mean age of 150.3 ± 0.5 Ma. Two samples of muscovites from ore-bearing greisens yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 149.5 ± 1.5 Ma and 149.4 ± 1.5 Ma, respectively. These isotopic ages obtained from hydrothermal minerals are slightly younger than the zircon U–Pb age of 151.8 ± 1.4 Ma of the Yanshanian granite in the Xitian area, indicating that the W–Sn mineralization is genetically related to the Late Jurassic magmatism. The Xitian deposit is a good example of the Early Yanshanian regional W–Sn ore-forming event (160–150 Ma) in the Nanling region. The relatively high Re contents (8.7 to 44.0 ppm, average of 30.5 ppm) in molybdenites suggest a mixture of mantle and crustal sources in the genesis of the ore-forming fluids and melts. Based upon previous geochemical studies of Early Yanshanian granite and regional geology, we argue that the Xitian W–Sn polymetallic deposit can be attributed to back-arc lithosphere extension in the region, which was probably triggered by the break-off of the flat-slab of the Palae-Pacific plate beneath the lithosphere.  相似文献   

The coastal Changle-Nan’ao tectonic zone of SE China contains important geological records of the Late Mesozoic orogeny and post-orogenic extension in this part of the Asian continent. The folded and metamorphosed T3–J1 sedimentary rocks are unconformably overlain by Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks or occur as amphibolite facies enclaves in late Jurassic to early Cretaceous gneissic granites. Moreover, all the metamorphic and/or deformed rocks are intruded by Cretaceous fine-grained granitic plutons or dykes. In order to understand the orogenic development, we undertook a comprehensive zircon U–Pb geochronology on a variety of rock types, including paragneiss, migmatitic gneiss, gneissic granite, leucogranite, and fine-grained granitoids. Zircon U–Pb dating on gneissic granites, migmatitic gneisses, and leucogranite dyke yielded a similar age range of 147–135 Ma. Meanwhile, protoliths of some gneissic granites and migmatitic gneisses are found to be late Jurassic magmatic rocks (ca. 165–150 Ma). The little deformed and unmetamorphosed Cretaceous plutons or dykes were dated at 132–117 Ma. These new age data indicate that the orogeny lasted from late Jurassic (ca. 165 Ma) to early Cretaceous (ca. 135 Ma). The tectonic transition from the syn-kinematic magmatism and migmatization (147–136 Ma) to the post-kinematic plutonism (132–117 Ma) occurred at 136–132 Ma.  相似文献   

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