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The oldest dinosaur assemblages of Thailand deposit in continental sedimentary rocks of the Nam Phong Formation. Not only Isanosaurus attavipatchi was discovered but at least two more species of basal sauropods were found. A partial skeleton from Phu Hin Tan locality refers to sauropod taxon A. It is different from Isanosaurus and shares some characteristics with basal sauropods in the Early Jurassic. The sauropod taxon B was found in Non Sra Ard locality. Base on postcranial skeleton, sauropod taxon B shares some characteristics of the family Vulcanodontidae. Moreover, several fragments of the sauropods specimen are also found in Pha Khok Wang Yang and Phu Noi localities. All of the evidences above indicate that there are a highly diversity of sauropods in the Nam Phong Formation. At least three sauropod species (including Isanosaurus) were found in the Nam Phong formation. The issue about the age of the Nam Phong has been debated for a long time between the Triassic and Jurassic age. All of sauropodomorphs, in this study, are more likely the Early Jurassic period dinosaurs than the Triassic period dinosaurs. And they have deposited in the upper part of Nam Phong Formation.  相似文献   

Locating suitable caves and stalagmites for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic studies can be challenging. Isotopic geochemical analyses, albeit commonly performed for palaeoclimatic reconstruction, are also time consuming and costly. Therefore, petrographic and non‐destructive morphological studies on speleothems are desirable to facilitate sample selection for further analysis. In this study, 20 caves were surveyed in Ban Rai district, Uthai Thani province in western Thailand. After external physical observations in the field, three stalagmite samples were collected from Tham Nam Cave to test their potential for palaeoclimatic research. Firstly, the stalagmites were scanned by X‐ray computed tomography (CT scanning) and subsequently the CT images were compared with petrographic inspections. Columnar fabrics show the highest density, whereas closed and open dendritic fabrics have medium and the lowest densities, respectively. Layers near the top and bottom of the three stalagmites were dated by U‐Th mass spectrometric techniques. All three samples were deposited between c. 87 and c. 105 ka ago; therefore, they are probably the oldest stalagmites that have been reported so far from mainland Southeast Asia. However, their physical features indicate that all the samples have suffered from postdepositional dissolution, and are unlikely to be suitable for palaeoclimatic research. The internal dissolution feature of stalagmites, however, cannot be identified by visual inspection of uncut samples. We hereby argue that CT images are useful to characterize stalagmite petrography, in particular fabric, porosity and density. Such features can be used to select the ideal plane of a stalagmite for sectioning, to maximize the chances of robust climatic reconstruction.  相似文献   

产于泰国半岛班关坤村附近的叶肢介化石原鉴定为 Pseudograpta cf.yuzhongensis Chen,P.jialingensisDuan,P.siamensis Duan,P.sp.,Paleoleptestheria chinensis Chen和 Palaeolmnadia?sp.等 5个属种或未定种 ,认为其时代为中侏罗世晚期。现经重新研究 ,发现这些叶肢介化石生长带上的网孔状装饰网壁相对较粗 ,网孔较深 ,孔径比 Euestheria ziliujingensis叶肢介群的分子要稍大一些 ,但远比 Pseudograpta或 N estoria叶肢介群的要小 ,基本上可以归入 Paleoleptestheria?chinensis叶肢介群 ,其生物地理区系属于古地中海水系 ,与中国西南湖群中侏罗世晚期的叶肢介动物群关系最为密切 ,其生存时代与北方地理区系的 Pseudograpta叶肢介动物群大致平行  相似文献   

By means of facial, stratigraphic, petrographic, geochemical and geochronological studies we characterize the Garamilla Formation, cropping out in the western Nordpatagonian Massif.The studies of these volcanic rocks reveal an Early Jurassic volcanic episode formed by three volcanic units that change from normal calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline series. Other geochemical features reveal a progressive change from an initial subduction-related volcanism to one intraplate-related volcanism.This volcanic episode is temporally and geochemically equivalent to those volcanic units located in half-grabens in several areas of the Neuquén Basin.The volcanic units were erupted into different structural designs. A portion of its depocenter was interpreted as a transtensional half-graben, whereas the other exhibits a trapdoor structure. The lineament trends that bound the volcanic system were also recognized in western Nordpatagonian Massif, and were assigned to the Gondwanide Orogeny.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘中小盆地(包括苏干湖盆地)是中国西部潜在的油气资源战略接替区,前期工作揭示了在柴北缘西段发育具有一定生油潜力的中生界烃源岩。沉积特征和沉积环境分析对于研究烃源岩及储集层分布具有重要意义。但有关柴北缘西段沉积特征和沉积环境的认识相对较少,制约了油气勘探工作的进一步开展。通过野外露头观测、钻测井资料分析以及地球化学测试等技术手段,初步落实了柴北缘西段侏罗系的沉积体系和沉积环境,为今后的油气勘探提供了依据。研究表明,苏干湖盆地早中侏罗世发育扇三角洲—湖泊沉积,晚侏罗世发育辫状河,物源可能主要来自北部祁连山;赛什腾山南缘侏罗纪发育沼泽—三角洲—湖泊沉积体系,富含煤层,物源来自西北和东北;冷湖一带早侏罗世主要发育湖西山组深湖—半深湖沉积,物源可能来自西北部阿尔金山附近。泥岩样品沉积地化分析显示研究区整体为还原环境,不同采样点样品的稀土元素配分模式具有相似性。构造-沉积演化分析表明,早侏罗世柴达木盆地北缘西段初始断陷,湖盆沉积中心位于冷湖一带;中侏罗世中期(对应于大煤沟组四段)苏干湖盆地内部裂陷成盆,沉积中心向东转移,后期(对应于七段)湖泛形成大湖盆。侏罗系烃源岩主要发育于大煤沟组五段至七段湖平面上升时期。  相似文献   

黑龙江西部大兴安岭地区侏罗纪地层研究程度不高,以往中侏罗世含煤地层的确定主要借助于与吉林西部万宝组的对比。近年来随着新一轮大兴安岭地区含煤及油气地层的区域地质调查工作的开展,笔者在大兴安岭地区中段的龙江盆地(黑龙江省龙江县以西)发现一套新的中侏罗世含煤地层,该地层由砂砾岩和火山碎屑岩夹煤层组成。文中对龙江盆地万宝组火山岩夹层内2件凝灰岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年分析,获得凝灰岩形成时代,其年龄分别为(165.2±1.7) Ma和(162.1±1.6) Ma;笔者采得的植物大化石为Neocalamites Coniopteris Raphaelia组合,时代显示为早-中侏罗世;孢粉化石经初步鉴定,时代倾向于早-中侏罗世;综合同位素年龄及地层古生物研究,笔者认为龙江盆地万宝组的形成时代为中侏罗世晚期。地球化学分析显示:万宝组凝灰岩具有高Si、Al,低Ca、P过铝质钙碱性火山岩特点,富集轻稀土元素,配分曲线呈平缓右倾型,并具有明显负Eu异常;富集大离子亲石元素Cs、Th、U,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ti、Zr,反映火山岩为壳源成因类型。万宝期火山活动可能与古太平洋板块俯冲作用和蒙古-鄂霍茨克缝合带演化双重作用有关,而与蒙古-鄂霍茨克缝合带演化联系更密切。目前中侏罗统万宝组是油气勘探的重要新层系,本研究不仅为大兴安岭东坡地区中侏罗世含煤地层的划分、对比提供同位素年代学和生物地层学依据,而且为龙江盆地形成演化历史及油气资源勘查提供了基础地质新资料。  相似文献   

依据钻井、露头及岩心资料,结合区域地质特征,详细研究了川西前陆盆地下侏罗统白田坝组沉积相和岩相古地理特征。结果表明,川西前陆盆地下侏罗统白田坝组主要发育冲积扇相、曲流河相、湖泊三角洲相和湖泊相4种沉积相类型。冲积扇相主要发育扇中和扇端两个亚相,扇根不发育;曲流河相发育河道和洪泛平原两个亚相;湖泊三角洲相发育三角洲平原、三角洲前缘两个亚相,前三角洲亚相不发育;湖泊相主要发育滨浅湖亚相和半深湖亚相,深湖亚相不发育。龙门山前缘的邛崃、安县、江油、旺苍、南江等地冲积扇广泛发育,大小、形状不同的冲积扇连接叠覆构成冲积扇群。在安县地区发育的冲积扇往东砾石由粗变细,逐渐过渡到河流的砂岩相。在金堂、三台等地河流入湖形成三角洲相沉积,并由三角洲进入湖泊沉积区,构成冲积扇-河流-三角洲-湖泊的沉积模式。  相似文献   

The Eurogeul is the shipping-lane gully in front of Rotterdam harbour. Due to the combination of suction-dredging and fishing activities, diverse faunae are found on its bottom. This paper briefly describes the fauna, consisting of 13 terrestrial mammals and six marine mammal species. Radiocarbon dating gave two time-periods from which the bones originate: ca. 37,500–48,500 BP, and ca. 7–8000 BP. Pollen sampling gave similar results (respectively, an interstadial before the Last Glacial Maximum, and the Early Holocene Boreal period). Human artefacts dating from the Boreal period add to our understanding of the Quaternary history of the southern North Sea area.  相似文献   

川西中侏罗统致密砂岩次生孔隙成因分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孟万斌  吕正祥  刘家铎  曹烈 《岩石学报》2011,27(8):2371-2380
基于岩石学观察,运用铸体薄片鉴定、扫描电镜分析、矿物烃类包裹体成分分析,结合储层特征,研究了川西中侏罗统致密砂岩次生孔隙的形成机制。结果表明,川西中侏罗统为典型的无生烃能力的红色碎屑岩地层,上沙溪庙组砂岩气藏气源主要来自纵向上距该气藏约1000~3000m的下伏上三叠统须家河组含煤层系,储层平均孔隙度9.6%,平均渗透率0.177×10-3μm2,为远源致密砂岩气藏。次生溶蚀孔隙对储层总面孔率的贡献达60%,其对砂岩面孔率的贡献大于原生孔隙。砂岩中沥青的分布及高岭石的分布、地层水的证据以及次生矿物烃类包体成分等表明,次生孔隙主要由有机酸对长石溶蚀形成,有机酸主要有3种来源,一是下伏须家河组烃源层生烃过程中排出的有机酸沿断裂和裂缝向上运移进入上沙溪庙组,二是从须家河组运移上来的烃类与上沙溪庙组储层中的氧化剂反应生成的有机酸,三是上沙溪庙组泥岩脱水形成的有机酸。其中以前两种有机酸形成的溶蚀孔隙最为重要,而第三种来源的有机酸由于其形成的孔隙少且保存下来的很少,对储层的意义不大。区域流体势、断裂和裂缝的发育都为下伏上三叠统须家河组有机酸进入上沙溪庙组储层提供了有利条件。控制次生孔隙形成和分布的主要地质因素是砂岩中受物源控制的易溶组分含量、沉积相、储层所处的古构造位置以及断裂、裂缝的发育情况。  相似文献   

对泰缅毗邻区比洛克锡钨矿区含矿石英脉进行了流体包裹体分析。包裹体岩相学研究表明,流体主要为富液相包裹体和H2 O-CO2三相包裹体。显微测温分析结果显示,均一温度为200~350℃,盐度(w (NaCl))为0.43%~12.42%,石英脉中H2 O-CO2三相包裹体成矿压力为102~350mPa,估算成矿深度在0.34~1.37 km。这些数据表明,石英脉型钨锡矿主要形成于岩浆演化晚期的中高温岩体顶部。结合前人稳定同位素等分析结果,认为比洛克锡钨矿存在4个矿化阶段:(1)早期高温产于细粒花岗岩内的黑钨矿±锡石±黄铁矿矿化;(2)与石英±钾长石脉有关的黑钨矿矿化;(3)叠加在中期钾化和钨矿化上的云英岩型锡矿化;(4)晚期中高温(220~350℃)低盐度(< 5% NaCleq.)混合流体为主的石英脉型钨锡矿化。结合研究区的区域构造演化及岩浆演化特征研究,建立了比洛克锡钨矿的找矿模型,并对该区进一步找矿提出建议。  相似文献   

四川盆地西部侏罗纪沉积相及油气分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
四川盆地西部侏罗纪为内陆盆地,除其北缘早侏罗世有湖沼相外,主要为河流相与湖泊相,邻龙门山区发育冲积扇,其余地区发育冲积平原相和泛滥平原相。依据湖泊积水状况,将湖泊相细分为时令湖相、间歇湖相和长年湖相。印支期,甘孜-阿坝造山带形成,四川盆地由湿热气候演变为干燥、炎热气候;并使早侏罗世-中侏罗世早期成为长年湖泊环境。受燕山早中期构造运动影响,河流相、时令湖相与间歇湖相发育。长年湖相形成了侏罗系重要的生储油层系。河流相的粗碎屑岩成为储层,时令湖相与间歇湖相的泥质岩成为盖层,组成了侏罗系中上统多个储盖组合。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1108-1118
The paper contains recent information on the history of the earth's magnetic field in the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, obtained in paleomagnetic exploration of the key paleontological sections of sea deposits in the Bay of Anabar and Khatanga basin. Six paleomagnetic zones in the Valanginian were found for the first time, as well as alternation of paleomagnetic zones in Middle and Lower Jurassic rocks. Comparison of paleomagnetic sections of different regions indicates inversions of the magnetic field of the earth. The pole position was calculated for the Lower Valanginian: λ = = 174° E; Φ = 63.2° N. Possibility is seen for the use of rocks possessing high magnetic viscosity and low values of Q and of the collapse field, for paleomagnetic purposes. – Authors.  相似文献   

The Jurassic succession of western Iraq includes the Ubaid, Hussainiyat, Amij, Muhaiwir, and Najmah formations. Each formation is composed of basal clastic unit overlain by upper carbonate unit. Extensive and huge erosional unconformity occurred at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary due to marked shifting of structural (E–W) strike of the Triassic (Rhaetic) Zor Hauran Formation to (NE–SW) Jurassic formations. Sea level falling (lowstand system tracts) would result in the progradation of the land on the expense of the sea forming the recognizable progradation of the fluvial and deltaic deposits of the lower clastic units of the Jurassic formations, whereas sea level rising (highstand system tract), i.e., sea prograding, causes deposition of the carbonate units of the Jurassic formations system. This progradation resulted to various carbonate environments of deposition ranging from subtidal, intertidal, to supratidal. The main target on most of the exploration blocks in the western part of Iraq focused on the lower Paleozoic successions, whereas prospects in Triassic, Jurassic, and lower Cretaceous targets are less extensive but may have significant potential on certain blocks in both stratigraphic and structural traps. The western part of Iraq was subjected to intermittent pulses of uplifting (sea regression) and subsidence (sea transgression) to form the Jurassic basin system in the area. The Jurassic formations lack the characteristics of petroleum systems. In contrast, in the central and northern parts of Iraq, the Jurassic formations (Najmah and Gotnia formations) were deposited in subsiding basins in which the reservoir and sealed evaporitic rocks existed. In turn, in the western desert of Iraq, the Jurassic formations lack these petroleum system characteristics. Hence, it can be proposed that the petroleum–nonpetroleum inflection could be proposed in the east of area km 160.  相似文献   

在川西高原沿甘孜-理塘构造带新发现一套侏罗纪地层,厘定为立洲组和瑞环山组。立洲组由陆源碎屑岩和基性火山岩建造组成,属山间坳陷—河湖相—滨海相沉积环境;瑞环山组为浅海碳酸盐台地沉积环境,广泛发育包括含生物礁灰岩在内的碳酸盐岩建造。立洲组含植物孢粉化石,瑞环山组含丰富的珊瑚、水螅、层孔虫、腹足、苔藓、藻类等化石,自下而上可划分为Verrucosisporites sp.-Punctatisporites sp., Thecosmilia cf .weberi -Pyotethmos cf. discus和Cladocoropsis mirabilis -Bauneia sp.三个生物组合带。以立洲组中的孢粉和柱状节理玄武岩(Ar-Ar法)194.8Ma的年龄值为依据,将该组的时代暂定为早—中侏罗世;瑞环山组生物化石丰富,其时代属晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

中侏罗统沙溪庙组沉积体系的研究对川西拗陷中段气藏的勘探和开发具有重要的指导意义。通过物源研究、地震分析得出该区沙溪庙组可划分为东、西两个沉积体系,西部龙门山短轴物源控制的沉积体系主要由冲积扇-冲积平原(辫状河)-辫状河三角洲-湖泊等亚相组成;东部的长轴物源控制的沉积体系主要由冲积平原(曲流河)-曲流河三角洲-湖泊等亚相组成。这一新的认识对川西拗陷中段中侏罗统沙溪庙组的深入勘探和已发现气藏的开发具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

闽西-赣南早-中侏罗世盆地及其火成岩特征   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
闽西-赣南地区早、中侏罗世陆相盆地带东起福建永定,经江西寻乌到龙南,断续延伸约250km,宽60~80km.受后期构造破坏和花岗岩浆侵入影响,现呈肢解散碎的残留盆地面貌.盆地边界特征和盆区岩层节理测量统计结果反映该区自晚三叠世以来,先后经历了近S-N向水平挤压(T3-J1E),S-N向垂向挤压、近E-W向水平伸展(J1L-J2),SE-NW向挤压(K1)和近E-W向挤压、S-N向伸展(K2)等复杂的演化过程.早-中侏罗世强烈的拉张-断陷作用导致盆区大量双峰式火山岩的喷发,其基性端员玄武岩的颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄值为170±1Ma,酸性端员流纹岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄为179Ma~165±2Ma.流纹岩具有高的SiO2、Al2O3、K2O含量,ANKC值>1.1;轻稀土富集、稀土总量高,铕亏损,具明显Eu负异常;富集Rb、Th,贫化Ba、Ti、P、Nb、Zr等特点,属富钾过铝火山岩类.与之共生的玄武岩则以富硅贫碱为特征,轻稀土轻度富集,铕异常不明显;弱富集Rb、Ba、Th、Ce,贫Nb、Zr、Y,配分样式呈上凸型,属拉斑系列玄武岩类,反映一种后造山的陆内裂谷环境.闽西-赣南地区盆山格局的形成经历过多期地球动力学演化前中生代近E-W向古亚洲构造域的基底阶段,晚三叠世-早侏罗世早期挤压造山阶段,早侏罗世晚期-中侏罗世裂谷盆地阶段,早白垩世太平洋构造域对本区的置换和改造阶段,包括早期的火山-岩浆活动和晚期的伸展断陷盆地作用.  相似文献   


We address the growing controversy about the tectonic setting in which Jurassic magmatism of Iran occurred: arc or continental rift. In the Ghorveh area of the northern Sanandaj Sirjan zone (SaSZ), the Ghalayan metabasites are interlayered with marble and schist and locally cut by acidic dikes. Zircon U-Pb dating of the metabasitic rocks shows that these crystallized at ca. 145–144 Ma ago in the Late Jurassic (Tithonian). This complex was metamorphosed in the lower greenschist facies, however, some protolithic structures such as pillow lava and primary minerals are preserved. The metabasites are tholeiites with low SiO2 (45.6–50.5 wt.%), moderate Al2O3 (11.3–17.0 wt.%), and high TiO2 (0.7–2.9 wt.%) and Fe2O3 (9.4–14.1 wt.%). The Ghalayan metabasites are enriched in Light rare earth elements (LREEs) without significant Nb, Ta, Pb, Sr and Ba anomalies, similar to modern continental intra-plate tholeiitic basalts such as Afar and East African rifts. The Ghalaylan metabasites show wide ranges for 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.7039–0.7077) and positive εNd(t) values (+0.1 to +4.6). These isotopic compositions are similar to those expected for slightly depleted subcontinental lithospheric mantle sources. Independently built discrimination diagrams indicate an intra-continental rifting regime for the source of Jurassic metabasites in the northern SaSZ. Geochemical and tectonic evidence suggests that rifting or a mantle plume was responsible for volcanic activity in the Upper Jurassic SaSZ. Considering the variation of ages of basaltic volcanism along the SaSZ, we suggest that Ghalayan basaltic magmatism reflected a submarine volcano that formed as part of the late stage continental rift, similar to Afar in the East African Rift system. Our results indicate that an extensional tectonic regime dominated SaSZ tectonics in the Middle to Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

川西地区在晚侏罗世遂宁期处于稳定坳陷阶段,构造活动相对较弱,主要沉积一套稳定的鲜紫红色泥(页)岩夹长石岩屑细-粉砂岩地层,构成了一个相对独立和完整的沉积旋回。根据不同级次基准面旋回分析,川西遂宁组可划分出1个长期层序、3个中期层序(对应于遂宁组的3个岩性段)和十余个短期层序。以各中期层序的上升和下降相域为编图单元编制的沉积相图表明:遂宁期川西地区以广泛发育被湖湾分隔的曲流河三角洲沉积体系为特征,并形成各自相对独立的储、盖组合和油气聚集成藏条件。遂宁期沉积演化具明显受基准面旋回控制的继承性,遂宁期早期(遂宁组一段沉积时期),基准面不断上升,沉积作用以进积→加积为主,沿龙门山前缘发育有小型冲积扇或带状剥蚀区,向前分别在丰谷、新都、回龙镇各发育1套大且稳定的三角洲;遂宁期中期(遂宁组二段沉积时期),随着基准面由缓慢上升转为下降,沉积作用由加积→退积→加积演化,遂宁期早期形成的3个三角洲分裂成4~5个发育较均衡的三角洲;遂宁期晚期(遂宁组三段沉积时期),随着基准面不断下降,沉积作用由加积→进积演化,三角洲不断向湖推进,同时,由于受陆源物质供给不均衡的影响,该时期川西地区三角洲发育有较大变化,除在德阳发育1个较稳定的三角洲外,在新都发育的三角洲逐渐消亡,而在新津则由浅湖沉积逐渐演变为大型三角洲沉积。  相似文献   

在川西高原沿甘孜-理塘构造带新发现一套侏罗纪地层,厘定为立洲组和瑞环山组。立洲组由陆源碎屑岩和基性火山岩建造组成,属山间坳陷—河湖相—滨海相沉积环境;瑞环山组为浅海碳酸盐台地沉积环境,广泛发育包括含生物礁灰岩在内的碳酸盐岩建造。立洲组含植物孢粉化石,瑞环山组含丰富的珊瑚、水螅、层孔虫、腹足、苔藓、藻类等化石,自下而上可划分为Verrucosisporites sp.-Punctatisporites sp., Thecosmilia cf .weberi -Pyotethmos cf. discus和Cladocoropsis mirabilis -Bauneia sp.三个生物组合带。以立洲组中的孢粉和柱状节理玄武岩(Ar-Ar法)194.8Ma的年龄值为依据,将该组的时代暂定为早—中侏罗世;瑞环山组生物化石丰富,其时代属晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

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