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Cambrian trace fossils and worm like impressions are described herein from the three stratigraphic units of Tal Group of rocks exposed along the track from Maldeota to Dhaulagiri in Gopi-Chand-Ka Mahal sec-tion, Mussoorie syncline. The upper 10 m thick sand-stone succession (Arenaceous Member) of Deo-Ka- Tibba Formation (lower Tal Group) contains high den-sity and low diversity Skolithos pipe rock. The Sko-lithos pipe rock in sandstone succession of Arenaceous Member (Deo-Ka-Tibba Formation) indicates shallow marine condition under sand shifting environment of deposition. Higher in the succession, in calcareous Member (Deo-Ka-Tibba Formation), Cruziana ichno-facies occurs in association with Monomorphichnus, Planolites and Paleophycus.  相似文献   

An ichnofossil assemblage is preserved in sediments of the Middle Bhuban Formation,Surma Group,of Miocene age from the Durtlang and Chanmari sections,Aizawl district,Mizoram,northeastern India.The studied sections comprise a thick,bioturbated and thinly bedded sandstone–silty shale facies.The preserved ichnofossils show high density and low diversity with the assemblage represented by feeding and resting traces,i.e.,Psilonichnus upsilon Frey et al.,1984,Ophiomorpha isp.,Teichichnus spiralis Mikulá.1990,Skolithos isp.,Palaeophycus isp.,and other horizontal burrows.Sedimentary structures associated with these traces are mainly cross bedding,flaser bedding and slump structures.Considering the distribution of the Psilonichnus ichnogenus across an integrated ichnological–sedimentological framework,the stratigraphic interval of the Middle Bhuban Formation,in which they occur,are interpreted to have been deposited under a shallow,marginal-marine channel complex dominated by tidal channels developed in quiet,brackish-water portions of a delta plain.  相似文献   

Normal faults on mesoscopic scale are observed in the Panjal Thrust Zone in the Dalhousie area of western Htmachal. The boundary between the southern margin of the Higher Himalaya Crystalline (HHC) of Zanskar and the Chamba syncline sequence is also described as a normal fault, referred to as Bhadarwah Normal Fault in the Bhadarwah area of Doda district on the basis of field mapping and shear sense criteria using S-C fabric and porphyroblast rotation. The occurrence of these normal faults suggests that the extensional tectonic regime was not restricted only to the Zanskar shear zone area but that it also occurs south of the Higher Himalayan range. This suggests NE-directed subhorizontal extension and exhumation of deeper level rocks of Higher Himalaya Crystallines.  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜精细观测,在贵州遵义松林地区早寒武世黑色岩系剖面,于其底部的硅质页岩中发现了可能的细菌状化石,直径200~500 nm,形态不一,具有细菌的大小和形状,有机碳含量丰富,大部分细菌含磷.通过与已有报道中具相似形态生物体的对比,认为其可能是原生的、具有细菌生物结构的微生物小球体(Microbioids),本文称之为细菌状化石.这类细菌状化石可以赋存于石英颗粒表面、石英颗粒间,甚至嵌入石英颗粒中.据前人的模拟实验推测,细菌在石英颗粒沉淀过程中可能起到过重要促进作用,这从微观上为硅质岩的形成提供了新信息.  相似文献   

早寒武世初期沂沭断裂带地震效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早寒武世初期,随着从古沂沭海峡向西海侵的发展,鲁西地区沉积了厚度不等的主要由砂岩、泥岩和碳酸盐岩组成的滨海、潟湖及浅海相沉积,其层位属下寒武统底部的李官组和朱砂洞组.在它们沉积过程中,沂沭断裂带正发生着伴有频繁海底地震的构造裂陷活动,使海底沉积物在自沂沭断裂带向西200 km范围内产生了不同的地震效应,形成了各种地震成...  相似文献   

The mollusc Watsonella crosbyi was studied on the basis of material from the lower Cambrian Dahai Member of the Zhujiaqing Formation in eastern Yunnan, China and the Pestrotsvet Formation of the Aldan River region in the Siberian Platform. This fossil had been excessively described under different names in the literature, such as Heraultia varensalensis Cobbold, 1935, H. sibirica Missarzhevsky, 1974, Heraultipegma yunnanensis He and Yang, 1982, H. yannanese He and Yang, 1982, Watsonella yunnanensis, W. crosbyi Grabau, 1900, etc. Taxonomic revision shows that other species are junior synonyms of W. crosbyi. Analysis of functional morphology implies that W. crosbyi may be rather a helcionelloid than a rostroconch since its univalved conch is untorted endogastric and lacks a rostrum and a true internal pegma. Replicas of the original microstructures preserved on the surfaces of phosphatic internal moulds confirm that the shell consists of two layers. The inner layer is lamello-fibrillar, and the outer layer is spherulitic prismatic. The widespread geographical occurrences in both siliciclastic and carbonate rocks of the late Terreneuvian indicate that W. crosbyi is an important index fossil for global correlations and subdivision of the Cambrian Series 1 (Terreneuvian). The first appearance datum (FAD) of W. crosbyi is suggested to be a potential GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) candidate marker for defining the base of the Cambrian Stage 2.  相似文献   

核形石是微生物岩的一种,长期受到地质学家的广泛关注。目前在核形石的展布模式、沉积环境以及微生物特征和形成机制方面的研究仍显不足。北京西郊丁家滩剖面地层出露良好且保存完整,其寒武系昌平组的早期高位体系域主要沉积在潮下-潟湖环境中。受控于三级以下海平面以及水动力条件,早期高位体系域自下而上发育了三套形态各异的核形石层。第一套毫米级核形石零星分布于早期高位体系域下部,不具明显核心,包壳内见大量泥晶物质及砂屑、生屑。第二套厘米级-亚厘米级椭球状核形石集中分布于早期高位体系域中部,具有明显核心,包壳主要由亮纹层、菌纹层、生屑层和包壳层组成。第三套厘米级椭球/叶状核形石集中分布于早期高位体系域上部,具有明显核心,包壳主要由亮纹层组成,菌纹层含量较少。镜下鉴定结果表明由亮/暗纹层交互而成的核形石包壳具有不同的显微/超微结构,代表了微生物席与沉积环境的不同互动方式。分析其形成环境可知,北京西郊丁家滩剖面寒武系昌平组以核形石为主的微生物岩,生物灭绝事件是其直接成因,但也许不是决定性因素。  相似文献   

The analysis is based on the elemental geochemistry, 13C, 18O isotope and lithology combination of the black shale, a set assemblage mud and carbon of lithology , in East Guizhou. The coordinated change in spider diagrams of race elements suggests those elements have the same source. The 13C, 18O isotopes, mode of REE partition and characteristic enrichment of elements assemblage in carbonaceous shale show that the deep thermal fluid is added, and the shelf sea basin edge with distribution of hydrothermal activity is propitious to precipitation of ore elements. Evidence from the 34S isotope and redox-sensitive elements show that the hydrostatic hypoxia environment is also conducive to precipitation of elements. The lithologic features (phosphorus, coal-bearing layers) and high content of organic carbon indicate that the deposits are influenced by the upwelling ocean current.  相似文献   

The Marwar Supergroup of the Bikaner-Nagaur Basin is composed of sediments deposited from the late Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) to Upper Cambrian. The Nagaur Sandstone Formation of the Nagaur Group (uppermost division of the Marwar Supergroup) preserves trace fossils significant for establishing Early Cambrian biostratigraphic zones and depositional facies. Fifteen ichnospecies (and eight ichnogenera) identified in the Nagaur Sandstone Formation include “Treptichnus” pedum, Cruziana cf. tenella, Cruziana isp., Diplichnites ispp. A, B, and C, Gyrophyllites isp., Lockeia isp., Merostomichnites isp., Monomorphichnus gregarius isp. nov., Monomorphichnus isp., Planolites isp., Psammichnites isp., Rusophycus bikanerus isp. nov., Rusophycus cf. carbonarius, Rusophycus isp. and radial trace fossils.These trace fossils belong to ethological categories pascichnia, repichnia, cubichnia, and fodinichnia and represent arthropod and worm-like burrowing biota. The assemblage and a regional comparison with contemporaneous trace fossils in the eastern Gondwanan realm suggest that the sequence in the study area belongs to the Cruziana tenella Ichnozone and to Stage 2 (upper part of Terreneuvian), however the Middle Cambrian is not excluded. The trace fossil assemblage belongs to the archetypal Cruziana ichnofacies. Cross bedded sandstone, mud cracks and rainprints in the ichniferous strata of the Nagaur Sandstone Formation indicate deposition in an intertidal sand flat with channels that was exposed episodically.  相似文献   

In the Lesser Himalayan region of Garhwal, an elongate, NW-SE trending zone of mylonitic rocks is developed along the Singuni Thrust within the metasedimentary formation of the Deoban-Tejam Belt. Detailed petrography of various mylonitic rocks indicates that a quartz and felspar porphyry was emplaced along the Singuni Thrust. This was initially metamorphosed in the almandine-amphibolite facies before profound ruptural or cataclastic and crystalloblastic deformation evolved mylonitic rocks in the green schist facies. Southwesterly dipping foliation and an equally prominent mica lineation plunging in the same direction are developed in these mylonitic rocks. The quartzite is also intensely cataclastically deformed in the green schist facies and is highly schistose with a prominent mica lineation normal to the trace of Singuni Thrust, Uttarkashi Thrust and Main Central Thrust in the ‘a’ direction of tectonic transport. In quartzite and mylonitic rocks, a probable contemporaneous development of the metamorphic and structural elements has been postulated along the Singuni Thrust during large scale tectonic movements. Normally exposed Gamri Quartzite is more metamorphosed near its base along the Singuni Thrust and Uttarkashi Thrust while the intensity of deformation increases near the top of normally exposed quartzite along the Main Central Thrust and, thus, signifying the role of thrusting in cataclastically deforming the rocks and contributing to the phenomenon of widespread reversal of metamorphism in the Lesser Himalaya.  相似文献   

A study of the water and sediment chemistry of the Nainital, Bhimtal, Naukuchiyatal and Sattal Lakes of Kumaun, has shown that the water of these lakes are alkaline and that electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid and bicarbonate HCO 3 are much higher in Nainital than in the other three lakes. The weathering of limestone lithology and anthropogenic pollution, the latter due to the very high density of population in the Nainital valley, are the primary sources of enhanced parameters. The low pH of Nainital Lake water is due to low photosynthesis and enhanced respiration, increasing CO2 in the water and the consequent enhancement of Ca2+ and HCO 3 . The dissolved oxygen in Nainital Lake is less compared to other lakes, indicating anoxic conditions developing at the mud–water interface at depth. The PO 4 3− content in Nainital is higher (124 μg/l), showing an increasing trend over time leading to eutrophic conditions. The trace metals (Cu, Co, Zn, Ni, Mn, and Sr) are present in greater amounts in the water of Nainital Lake than in the other three lakes, though Fe and Cr are high in Bhimtal and Fe in Naukuchiyatal. The higher abundance is derived from the leaching of Fe–Mg from metavolcanic and metabasic rocks. Most of the heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Mn, Fe, Sr, and Zn) significantly enrich the suspended sediments of the lakes compared to the bed sediments which due to their adsorption on finer particles and owing to multiple hydroxide coating and organic content, except for Fe, which is enriched in the bed sediments. The high rate of sedimentation, 11.5 mm/year in Nainital, compared to Bhimtal with 4.70 mm/year, Naukuchiyatal with 3.72 mm/year, and Sattal with 2.99 mm/year, has resulted in shorter residence time, poor sorting of grains, and lesser adsorption of heavy metals, leading consequently, their depletion in the bed sediments of Nainital Lake.  相似文献   

陕南寒武纪早期宽川铺生物群中保存的大量磷酸盐化动物胚胎化石为古生物研究开辟了一个新领域。目前已报道了囊胚期之后不同发育阶段的胚胎化石标本,并且初步建立了从光滑球形胚胎化石Olivooides到带有瘤刺的锥体化石Punctatus的发育序列,而对卵裂期的胚胎化石却鲜有报道。基于通过醋酸浸泡获得的多枚卵裂期、囊胚期及原肠胚期的三维化石标本,加上应用岩石切片技术获得的卵裂期胚胎化石的切片标本,共同见证了从单个卵细胞(Olivooides)经卵裂到囊胚、原肠胚的完整胚胎发育序列。新化石材料的发现,不仅填补了宽川铺生物群中卵裂期胚胎化石的空白,完善了从单个卵细胞(Olivooides)经卵裂到囊胚、原肠胚,再到孵化的锥形幼体(Punctatus)的完整胚胎发育序列,而且通过与贵州瓮安生物群中卵裂期细胞胚胎化石及一些现生的低等动物卵裂期胚胎的对比,对揭示Olivooides胚胎的卵裂过程和特点,探讨其亲缘关系,以及后生动物的早期演化提供了新的化石证据。  相似文献   

New Record of Palaeoscolecids from the Early Cambrian of Yunnan, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new palaeoscolecid, Guanduscolex minor Hu, Luo et Fu gen. et sp. nov., with preserved soft parts of introvert and intestines comes from the Lower Cambrian Guanshan fauna of Yunnan, South China. Microstructural details of the cuticle revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that each annulation bears three rows of plates and each plate bears 9-10 marginal and 4-5 central nodes. This discovery sheds new light on the relationships and evolutionary pathway of the palaeoscolecids and other early priapulids.  相似文献   

Cruziana及其相关的遗迹化石是由底栖三叶虫在沉积物表面停歇、爬行所留下的遗迹,一般认为产于潮下带至浅海陆棚环境,具有古水深指示意义。然而,本文通过对昆明民富二村下奥陶统红石崖组顶部含Cruziana rugosa遗迹化石群落层位的沉积环境分析却发现,Cruziana rugosa遗迹化石群落的沉积环境为潮上带—潮间带,说明三叶虫可以在短暂暴露环境中活动。三叶虫的这种适应性活动可能为节肢动物从海洋走向陆地做好了进化准备。  相似文献   

作为一种经常大于鲕粒的包覆颗粒类型,核形石以其不平滑的圈层被解释为微生物成因,区别于成因存在较大争议的鲕粒,而且常与鲕粒和其他类型的碳酸盐颗粒相互共生;作为一种在围绕着生物碎屑和非生物碎屑核心的序列式纹层化作用过程中形成的球形或假球型生物沉积构造,核形石还常常单独产出和分布,所以又被解释为微生物碳酸盐岩,或者被归为球状叠层石。在辽东半岛寒武系第二统碱厂组和馒头组之中,厘米级别大小的核形石密集发育在三级层序的顶部,成为一种时间特化的相。另外,以下重要特征将辽东半岛寒武系第二统的核形石特征化,包括:(1)与凝块和微凝块共生;(2)多为球状和椭球状;(3)由不均一的非纹层状致密泥晶和微亮晶构成;(4)核形石皮层以及核形石间凝块中发育特别的蓝细菌鞘钙化化石等。尽管穿越成岩作用过滤器去解释古代核形石复杂的形成机理存在着巨大的挑战,也尽管形成这些核形石的复杂生物膜钙化作用细节需要更加深入地研究才能得到更好地了解,但是,辽东半岛第二统碱厂组和馒头组核形石中直接的微生物化石证据,尤其是核形石内较为丰富的钙化蓝细菌鞘化石,使其成为一个了解光合作用生物膜建造核形石的典型实例。  相似文献   

The Early Cambrian Balang Formation is comprised of mudrock and shale, which was deposited in a shelf environment in the eastern part of Guizhou, south China. The Balang Fauna, which consists of seven phyla, occurs in the middle and upper parts of the Balang Formation. Arthropods are important constituents of the Balang Fauna and include a great number of trilobites, large bivalved arthropods, and newly-discovered well-preserved bradoriid fossils. The bradoriids present include three genera and four species : Comptaluta inflata (Cheng, 1974) emend Hou et al., 2002; Comptaluta kailiensis sp. nov., and Alutella elongeta sp. nov., Aluta sp. This faunal assemblage in the Balang Formation is distinguished from the Tsunyiella Chang, 1964, Songlinella Yin, 1978 and Kunmingella Hou, 1956 assemblage which occurs in the Niutitang and Mingxinsi formations of the Yangtze Platform in middle region of Guizhou and which is earlier than the Balang Formation in age. However, this assemblage resembles the Comptaluta pik, 1968 assemblage from the Early Cambrian Heilinpu Formation in Wuding County, Yuanan Province and from the Ordian Stage of the Cambrian of Australia. The great abundance of Comptaluta pik, 1968 and overall taxonomic diversity of the Comptaluta pik, 1968 assemblage set it distinctly apart from the Alutella Kobayashi et Kato, 1951 and Aluta Hou, 1956 assemblages of the Balang Formation. Alutella Kobayashi et Kato, 1951 and Aluta Hou, 1956 also occur in the Early Cambrian Niutitang Formation of the Yangtze Platform of Guizhou. Individual Bradoriids from the Balang Formation are characterized by large size (3 mm). The discovery of new Bradoriid assemblages not only expands the group’s geographical range and assemblage affinities, but also indicates that Bradoriids migrated eastward from shallow-water to deeper-water environments during the Early Cambrian, indicating that they were capable of life in deeper-water, and adaptation to a new ecological setting.  相似文献   

均一石以隐晶质岩性、无纹层与凝块结构发育为特征,与叠层石、凝块石、树形石并列为典型的微生物岩。然而,由于均一石在1995年命名以来很少在地层记录中得到识别和描述,并且缺乏现代实例的类比物,使得关于均一石的报道极具研究价值。为研究华北地台寒武系均一石沉积组构与形成环境特征,系统性地针对河北涞源祁家峪剖面芙蓉统长山组均一石生物丘进行研究。芙蓉统长山组从下部陆棚相钙质泥岩向上变浅至浅缓坡相厚层块状泥晶灰岩,组成了一个淹没不整合型三级层序。三级层序顶部的浅缓坡相厚层块状泥晶灰岩层,代表强迫型海退过程沉积,其内部发育一系列米级均一石生物丘。研究结果表明,这些生物丘主体为致密泥晶及少量微量晶组成,其中可见到附枝菌(Epiphyton)、葛万菌(Girvanella)、肾形菌(Renalcis)等钙化微生物化石。这些钙化微生物(蓝细菌)化石的出现,代表了显生宙第一幕蓝细菌钙化作用事件的证据,同时间接的说明均一石生物丘形成于蓝细菌主导的微生物席的钙化作用过程之中。同时,生物丘内还局部集中发育底栖鲕粒与草莓状黄铁矿颗粒,表明了生物丘形成过程中复杂的微生物沉积作用机制。因此,河北涞源长山组顶部的均一石生物丘,尽管泥晶和微亮晶是其基本构成,但是各种钙化蓝细菌化石以及底栖鲕粒与草莓状黄铁矿颗粒的局部出现表明了在蓝细菌主导的微生物席中复杂的微生物活动信号,成为了解生物丘形成机制、显生宙第一幕蓝细菌钙化作用事件的典型实例。  相似文献   

王约赵元龙  林日白王萍丽 《地质论评》2004,50(2):113-119,i001,i002
贵州台江凯里生物群中的遗迹化石Gordia marina Emmons常被保存在水母状化石Pararotadiscus guizhouensis Zhao and Zhu盘体的上下,构成凯里生物群生态特色之一。笔者认为,G.marina可能系蠕形类造迹动物在层面或近层面觅食或吞食富含有机物的沉积物所形成。生活于清澈陆棚环境一定水域的P.guizhouensis,由于突发性快速沉积事件的发生,改变了海水的物化条件,而被“毒死”,并随沉积物安静地沉落于弱氧化-还原环境的海底。在较为缓慢的腐烂过程中,营食沉积物的G.marina造迹生物觅食于P.guizhouensis盘体上下富含有机物的沉积物中。随着沉积物的增厚,P.guizhouensis生物尸体周围的微环境还原性增强,腐烂过程很快被终止,P.guizhouensis生物软体得以保存,浅层或层面觅食性造迹生物亦随即离去,留下其生活活动的潜穴。同时通过研究,还认为G.molassicd(Heer)与G.marina为同义名,可能为G.marina造迹生物的幼体。  相似文献   

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