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气候变化及其对植被净初级生产力的影响是全球变化研究的核心内容之一。基于空间化的CENTURY生物过程模型,分析1981-2010年内蒙古草地净初级生产力(NPP)的时空演变规律及其对关键气候因子的敏感性特征。结果表明:近30年内蒙古草地大部分区域NPP呈下降态势但趋势并不显著,全区平均降速约为1.17 g C/m2·a;NPP年代际变化时空差异较大,1980s至1990s约69.65%的区域NPP下降,1990s至2000s NPP下降加剧,下降面积较前者扩大了17.50%;NPP对降水与温度的敏感性特征空间异质性较强,但总体上区域降水减少可能是近30年内蒙古草地NPP下降的主要因素,温度升高同样会导致草地NPP下降,但作用程度较小。  相似文献   

美国荒野风景河流体系是全球最早建立的河流保护地类型。经过50年发展,其完善的体系呈现出一定空间分布特征。将线状国家荒野风景河流(NWSR)抽象为点状单元,对208个NWSR单元进行空间计算,并与自然生态和社会经济等因素进行叠加分析。结果表明,美国已有40个州分布NWSR,其中以俄勒冈等3个州的数量分布最多,且集中分布于特定的区域:西部的太平洋海岸、落基山脉和山间高地3个自然地理区;极地、温湿润、干旱3个Ⅰ级生态区;太平洋西北部、加利福尼亚、阿拉斯加及五大湖4个流域。NWSR线密度与州域的人口密度、经济水平相关性不强,但与大坝建设密切相关。荒野思想影响了法案制定,法案指导了遴选标准,遴选标准又进一步影响了NWSR的空间分布。研究对中国的借鉴意义在于:应当明确保护地指导思想、关注价值突出区域、确定合适遴选标准、重视保护地系统规划等。  相似文献   

Short-term changes in Eastern Mediterranean precipitation affecting flow regime were documented in Nahal Oren, a 35 km2 ephemeral stream in Mt. Carmel, a 500 m high mountain ridge located at the NW coast of Israel. The rainy winter of the Mediterranean type climate (Csa) in Mt. Carmel is characterized by average annual rainfall of 550 mm at the coastal plain to 750 mm at the highest elevation while the summer is hot and dry. Stream flow generates after accumulated rainfall of 120–150 mm while “large floods”, defined as flows with peak discharge of > 5 m3 s− 1 and/or > 150,000 m3 in volume, are generated in response to rainfall of over 100 mm. Hence, large floods in Nahal Oren stream occur not earlier than December. Precipitation and flow data were divided into two sub-periods: 1957–1969 and 1991–2003 and compared to each other. The results indicate a clear increase in the frequency of large floods, their magnitudes and volumes during the second period with no parallel change in the annual precipitation. Similarly, an increase in storm rainfall–runoff ratio from < 5% to > 15% and a decrease in the threshold rainfall for channel flow by 16–25% were documented. These short-term variations in flooding behavior are explained by the clear decrease in the length of the rainy season and by the resulting significant shortening in the duration of the dry-spells. The increase in the number of large rainfall events and the large floods in each hydrological year together with the increasing number of years with no floods indicate strengthening of their uncertainty of behavior.  相似文献   

The chemistry of precipitation, snow pack and surface water has been analysed on 205 samples collected during the 2001 field season at 25 selected sites within the Latnjavagge drainage basin in arctic–oceanic northern Swedish Lapland. Additionally, daily discharge and yield of dissolved solids have been calculated for several subcatchments and the entire Latnjavagge catchment during the years 2000, 2001 and 2002. Chemical water analysis included the components Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Cl, NO3, SO42− and PO43−, with SO42− and Ca2+ being the dominant ones in the surface water. Solute concentrations and chemical denudation were low, but showed significant differences within the basin. In areas of shade, longer snow cover, frozen ground and thin regolith, concentrations over the summer were perceptible but so low that solutes brought into the basin from precipitation could be detected in the surface water. In one locality, it was even found that lake water could reflect snowmelt to such an extent that the solute concentration was less than that of summer precipitation. The highest concentrations were found at a radiation-exposed, W-facing, vegetated, moderately steep slope with relatively thick regolith that was thawed at the time of snowmelt in early June. In such well-drained sites with continuous subsurface water flow, a maximum of contact between water and mineral particles could take place. The concentration values revealed differences in the rate of thawing of frozen ground between shaded areas and/or areas at higher altitude on the one hand and radiation-exposed areas on the other. A comparison with published results from Kärkevagge a few kilometres to the northwest as well as from other periglacial locations indicates that the chemical denudation values from Latnjavagge are more representative of periglacial oceanic environments than the values from the Kärkevagge catchment, which shows especially high chemical denudation rates. The investigation in Latnjavagge stresses the importance of spatial variability within even small catchments of homogeneous lithology as it demonstrates that solute concentrations from different subbasins can differ substantially dependent on exposure to radiation, duration of snow cover and frozen ground conditions, regolith thickness and possibly also to vegetation cover and slope angle as factors steering water turbulence and retention of drainage.  相似文献   

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