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洋中脊-地幔柱、地幔柱-海沟与海沟-洋中脊相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由热点假说的提出发展到静态地幔柱学说和动态地幔柱模式,到现在研究较多的大型火成岩省、脊-柱相互作用和脊-沟相互作用,海底构造研究取得了巨大进步。柱-脊相互作用可导致洋中脊的分段、跃迁与石化过程,反之,洋中脊的变化也可导致地幔柱的形态与直径等发生变化。洋中脊与地幔柱相遇可以出现不同的柱-脊相互作用。地幔柱除可以出现在离散型板块边缘外,还可以随板块迁移进入俯冲带,并出现柱-沟相互作用。地幔柱在俯冲带出现的位置不同,因而其对俯冲过程的影响和作用效果也相应不同,目前提出了6种地幔柱与海沟或俯冲带相互作用的可能模式。脊-柱相互作用和脊-沟相互作用对传统的板块俯冲作用过程是个重要突破。  相似文献   

作为超慢速扩张脊的代表,西南印度洋中脊(SWIR)因其独一无二的地形地貌特征、洋壳结构、洋壳增生机制、岩浆和热液活动以及深部动力学过程,近30年来成为国内外研究的热点区域。基于近年来对SWIR玄武岩、辉长岩及橄榄岩的岩石学和地球化学研究成果总结,重点探讨了沿SWIR轴向(大尺度)以及单个洋脊分段(小尺度)的岩石地球化学变化特征及其影响因素,阐述了SWIR的岩浆供应及洋壳增生模式。其中,在9°~16°E斜向扩张脊,以构造作用为主的洋脊扩张模式导致了更宽的洋壳增生带和显著的地球化学异常;而在50°~51°E脊段,发育了强烈的火山活动,其成因机制包括克洛泽热点与洋中脊相互作用、微热点、古老熔融事件的残留地幔再熔融等几种观点。此外,西南印度洋中脊龙旂热液区(~49.7°E)的最新研究表明,其热液循环路径与拆离断层的发育密不可分,热液流体循环最深可达莫霍面以下6 km。因此,在今后的一段时间,应进一步加强SWIR不同空间尺度地幔源区性质、洋中脊构造与岩浆作用过程、热点-洋中脊相互作用和岩浆-热液活动与成矿等主要科学问题的研究。  相似文献   

洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)的微量元素成分和同位素比值具有变化范围大的特点,这些变化很难简单地用地幔部分熔融和结晶分异等岩浆演化过程来解释。传统观点认为洋中脊玄武岩的地球化学成分的多样性是由其下部地幔成分的大尺度不均一性决定的。这种地幔不均一性则是外来物质的加入造成的,如再循环的地壳物质、下大陆岩石圈、交代的岩石圈和外地核等成分加入到上地幔中。在本研究中,我们对大西洋洋中脊的玄武岩展开研究工作,评估了玄武岩源区的温压条件并综合对比了微量元素和同位素比值。靠近地幔柱的洋中脊玄武岩的地球化学和同位素成分具有较大的变化。地幔柱对洋中脊地区的影响范围可以达到1400公里,但并不是每个地幔柱都能够影响其周围1400km范围内的所有洋中脊脊段。未受地幔柱影响的洋中脊玄武岩成分和地幔潜在温度均没有异常表现。我们认为上述现象是由于地幔柱柱头形状不同造成的。地幔柱的流动形状可以分为管状和饼状两种,饼状地幔柱影响其周围的地幔是没有方向性的,而管状地幔柱对其周围地幔的影响在方向上具有选择性。沿着大西洋中脊的玄武岩的元素和同位素比值变化较大,暗示其源区具有较高的不均一性。我们认为该地区地幔不均一性主要是由于上地幔中加入了俯冲板片和拆沉下地壳造成的。另外,地幔柱的活动也不容忽视,它们影响了其周围部分洋脊段的成分变化。  相似文献   

翁通爪哇高原、凯尔盖朗高原与沙茨基海隆是全球三大洋底高原, 是大量岩浆喷发到地表的结果, 火山面积分别达1.90×106、1.25×106、0.53×106km2。本文详细分析了该三大洋底高原的地形、剩余地幔布格重力异常(residual mantle Bouguer anomaly, RMBA)与重力反演的相对地壳厚度, 并结合地质与地球化学特征约束进行对比研究。结果显示, 翁通爪哇高原、凯尔盖朗高原与沙茨基海隆分别高出周围海底约4.3、5、4km, 相应的地幔布格重力异常最大变化值分别为250、330、200mGal, 以及相应的相对地壳厚度变化分别为11、13、9km, 表明形成三大洋底高原的岩浆量远远大于正常洋中脊的岩浆量。此外, 三大洋底高原皆形成于洋中脊附近。Nd、Pb、Hf同位素比值分析表明, 翁通爪哇高原的玄武岩组分为洋岛玄武岩; 凯尔盖朗高原大部分类似于洋岛玄武岩, 并含有洋中脊玄武岩组分; 沙茨基海隆的玄武岩组分主要为东太平洋海隆正常洋中脊玄武岩, 却又存在少量位于全球洋岛玄武岩范围内。这些特征揭示了三大洋底高原可能形成于“地幔柱-洋中脊相互作用”。对此本文提出了两种模式: 一为洋中脊被地幔柱拖拽至其上方; 二为洋中脊之下的软流圈受到地幔柱影响, 从而产生超常熔融与超厚地壳。  相似文献   

国际洋中脊研究的发展态势及热点分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对洋中脊研究的国际研究战略与计划进行分析,具体包括综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)、国际洋中脊协会(InterRidge)和国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)的相关研究规划和资助项目。此外,结合洋中脊研究论文的文献计量学研究,使用社会网络分析法、VOSviewer和Histcite软件综合分析了洋中脊研究的国际发展趋势及研究热点。美国的洋中脊研究实力最强。中国近3年的发文比例非常高,表明越来越关注该领域的研究。中国洋中脊研究的主要合作对象是美国。热液生态系统与洋中脊岩石地球化学研究目前是该领域的研究热点。本分析结果可以为我国的洋中脊研究和相关决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文研究了亚丁-欧文-卡尔斯伯格脊(AOC)三联点邻近洋脊的玄武岩样品在主量、微量元素和Pb-Sr-Nd同位素特征上的差异和联系并分析其原因。结果表明,AOC附近卡尔斯伯格脊和希巴洋脊的玄武岩均为正常型洋脊玄武岩(N-MORB),起源自亏损地幔,其中卡尔斯伯格脊的样品较希巴洋脊样品更亏损;欧文洋脊玄武岩样品为洋岛玄武岩(OIB)特征,其地幔源区可能有残余陆块物质的混染;亚丁洋脊玄武岩样品类型包括N-MORB、E-MORB和可能的大陆玄武岩,与洋壳形成过程中大陆岩石圈物质的贡献程度有关。除了卡尔斯伯格脊外,阿法热点对各洋脊的岩浆均有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

慢速、超慢速扩张洋中脊三维地震结构研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
慢速与超慢速扩张洋脊是研究岩浆活动、构造运动、热液循环等相互作用的最佳场所;其复杂的三维空间的地震结构是构建构造动力学机制的基础.文章首先结合国际深海研究发展趋势,回顾了慢速扩张洋脊的三维地震结构研究进展,发现慢速扩张洋中脊与快速洋脊相似,也存在岩浆房或熔融体;然后,重点结合我国2010年1-3月首次在西南印度洋洋中脊开展的三维地震探测实验,提出了今后超慢速洋中脊的重要研究方向;此次地震数据初步处理结果表明,数据质量良好,为下一步三维层析成像研究打下坚实基础;相信此次研究将在超慢速扩张洋脊的形成演化机制上取得突破性进展,提升我国在国际大洋中脊研究中的地位.  相似文献   

太平洋洋底虽然有大规模的洋底高原和大量大大小小的海山,但西北太平洋的Shatsky海隆不管在构造位置上,还是在理解洋底高原成因所特有的重要证据上,都是独一无二的,对研究太平洋各隆起形成的机制有重要参考价值.目前,对Shatsky海隆的形成有3种主要假说:(1)地幔柱头假说;(2)洋中脊假说;(3)陨星撞击假说.这些假说...  相似文献   

超慢速扩张洋中脊具有不同于其他扩张速率洋中脊的特征,表现为剧烈变化的洋壳厚度和典型的非岩浆段。本文对前人研究的洋中脊岩浆形成关键因素和迁移聚集模式进行综合分析,结合实际地球物理和地球化学的观测数据,探讨了超慢速扩张洋中脊岩浆从地幔源区形成、迁移汇聚、形成洋壳的整个地质过程,进一步指出了影响洋壳结构的关键控制因素。研究结果表明,超慢速扩张洋中脊沿轴洋壳厚度的变化受岩浆补给量和迁移汇聚的共同制约。其中,岩浆补给量受控于洋中脊的地幔潜热、地幔成分和扩张速率的变化;岩浆迁移和汇聚过程则与超慢速扩张洋中脊密集的分段特征和阻渗层的空间结构密切相关。  相似文献   

热液活动,特别是高温流体释放,通常与轴部存在岩浆房(AMC)有关,然而这种关系尚未得到系统的验证。通过对6个区域性较长(长度在170—560km之间)的洋脊段进行连续的AMC以及热液羽流调查,就有可能定量比较热液活动的分布、强度与AMC范围、深度以及在部分站位岩浆熔融程度之间的关系。这六个区域性洋脊的扩张速率在55—145mm/a之间,共包含20个次级的洋脊段。在洋脊段尺度上(除去受到热点影响的加勒帕戈斯扩张中心),热液羽流的发生率随着AMC的发生率(AMCr,r^2=0.64)增加而线性增加。对所研究的6个区域性洋脊段而言,热液羽流的发生率随着AMC的深度减小而增加(AMCZ,r^2=0.66)。在次级洋脊段尺度上,热液羽流的发生率与AMCr(r^2=0.12)以及AMCz(r^2=0.25)相关性很差。最后在亚段尺度上,或者在局部尺度上(0.75km长的区间内),热液羽流的强度随着AMCz的变浅而增强(r^2=0.85)。羽流强度越强的区间也就越接近它们的海底来源,其中68±13%直接位于AMC之上。这种分布与现在已知的40个高温喷口场中至少有37个位于AMC之上的分布相似。现在的数据能够允许我们验证AMC与热液活动相互之间关系的假设。尽管现存的数据很少,不支持如下假设:熔融富集的岩浆透镜体优先发育强烈的、持续周期长的热液喷发。同时,在任何洋脊段也未能为如下提议找到证据:在段尺度上,热液冷却的增加可以在局部亚段上降低AMCz。在慢速洋脊,岩浆房存在的证据相当稀少,然而这些数据却与那些具有更快扩张速率洋脊的数据相一致。对所有扩张速率洋脊的观察结果表明,几乎所有的高温热液场均与岩浆或者推断的岩浆有关;而“热岩”或者非岩浆热源不足以引起高温热液喷发。  相似文献   

The Ulleung Basin (Tsushima Basin) in the southwestern East Sea (Japan Sea) is floored by a crust whose affinity is not known whether oceanic or thinned continental. This ambiguity resulted in unconstrained mechanisms of basin evolution. The present work attempts to define the nature of the crust of the Ulleung Basin and its tectonic evolution using seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction data recorded on ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs). Although the thickness of (10 km) of the crust is greater than typical oceanic crust, tau-p analysis of OBS data and forward modeling by 2-D ray tracing suggest that it is oceanic in character: (1) the crust consists of laterally consistent upper and lower layers that are typical of oceanic layers 2 and 3 in seismic velocity and gradient distribution and (2) layer 2C, the transition between layer 2 and layer 3 in oceanic crust, is manifested by a continuous velocity increase from 5.7 to 6.3 km/s over the thickness interval of about 1 km between the upper and lower layers. Therefore it is not likely that the Ulleung Basin was formed by the crustal extension of the southwestern Japan Arc where crustal structure is typically continental. Instead, the thickness of the crust and its velocity structure suggest that the Ulleung Basin was formed by seafloor spreading in a region of hotter than normal mantle surrounding a distant mantle plume, not directly above the core of the plume. It seems that the mantle plume was located in northeast China. This suggestion is consistent with geochemical data that indicate the influence of a mantle plume on the production of volcanic rocks in and around the Ulleung Basin. Thus we propose that the opening models of the southwestern East Sea should incorporate seafloor spreading and the influence of a mantle plume rather than the extension of the crust of the Japan Arc.  相似文献   

Some of the islets in the eastern Beibu Gulf are covered by Quaternary volcano strata. The rock samples from these islets mainly consist of quartz tholeiites (at Shenjiandao), olivine tholeiites (at Linshidao and Xieyang- dao) and alkali basalts (at Yangpubi and Jianshidao), and basically represent four periods of the Quaternary volcanism of Hainan Island and its adjacent regions. Except for the samples from Shenjiandao, most of the Quaternary volcanics of these islets belong to alkali magma series. The trace element characteristics of all of these samples show they are OIB (oceanic island basalt) -like, which implies that their deep geodynamic setting may be related to a mantle plume. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions show that the mantle source beneath the Quaternary strata can be regarded as a result of binary mixing between a depleted, DMM (de- pleted MORB mantle)-like source and an enriched mantle type 2 (EM2). The EM2 may be originated from the Hainan mantle plume, and has been metasomatized by carbonaceous fluids released from ancient re- cycled oceanic crust at an asthenospheric mantle level. These features, together with typical trace element ratios, reflect that the parent magma was not subjected to crustal contamination during its ascent to the surface. This study provides further petrological and geochemical evidence for the existence of the Hainan mantle plume.  相似文献   

利用主装药的化学痕迹特性,应对水下爆炸物跟踪与定位技术需求,建立了仿真模型,完成模拟UUV在水中环境对化学羽流追踪及源头定位的过程.所建模型可以通过更改流场信息、羽状物扩散条件等方式,形成不同形式的化学羽流,模拟出不同环境下的化学羽流运动特性.通过水中仿真实验,验证UUV采用追踪方法对不同环境下的化学羽流追踪和定位的有...  相似文献   

地幔柱产生岩浆的核幔交界部位相当于"岩浆洋",下地幔与上地幔、上地幔与软流圈之间的岩浆流通道相当于"岩浆河流",岩浆由软流圈经岩石圈喷出地表的通道相当于"岩浆小溪",在它们之间都会有许多的"岩浆支流",其中有的"支流"将这些"河流"与"河流"或"河流"与"小溪"联系起来.洋脊分段现象是由于地幔柱中存在横向的"岩浆支流"...  相似文献   

The study of different magmatic provinces between the Resolution fracture zone (33°S–131°W) and the Pacific–Antarctic Ridge (PAR) axis (37°S–111°W) suggests that similar processes of interaction between hotspot and spreading axial magmatism occurred 20–25 Ma and 0–5 Ma ago. There is evidence of this process from the changes in composition observed in the lavas erupted near 400–300 km between the present day PAR axis (37°S–111′W) and the eastern tip of the Foundation Seamount (FS) hotspot near 36°20′S–114°W where the last alkali enriched volcanics [K/Ti>0.30, Zr/Y>6 and (Ce/Yb)N>4] have erupted. This transitional province between the PAR and the FS consists of volcanic cones built on several volcanic ridges (<200 km in length) which have erupted less enriched volcanics such as E-[K/Ti=0.25–0.33, Zr/Y=5–6 and (Ce/Yb)N=3–4] and T-[K/Ti=0.11–0.25, Zr/Y=2–4 and (Ce/Yb)N=1–2] MORBs than those from the FS. It is also noticed that there is a general decrease in the degree of the basalt alkalinity (more T-MORBs) towards the PAR axis. The limit of the FS hotspot influence corresponds to the area where the VR intersect the PAR axis for a distance of about 100 km along its strike between 37°10′S and 38°20′S. Indeed, the lava erupted further to the north and to the south of these latitudes contains N-MORBs [K/Ti=0.05–0.11, Zr/Y<3 and (Ce/Yb)N=<2]. Many Old Pacific Seamounts (OPS, >20 Ma) also built on volcanic ridges are identified west (>1200 km from the PAR axis) of a Failed Rift Propagator (FRP) forming the eastern boundary of the ancient Selkirk microplate. Some of these seamounts made of alkali basalts were built during the initiation of the FS hotspot 20–23 Ma ago. The interaction and the influence (thermal) of mantle plume magmatism with the ancient spreading ridge of the Farallon–Pacific plates was responsible for the eruptions of the T-MORBs and andesitic lavas. This situation is comparable to that presently observed on the PAR axis where silicic lavas are also erupted in association with T-MORBs.  相似文献   

The Eastern and Southeastern Asian regions witness the strongest land–ocean and lithosphere–asthenosphere interactions. The extreme diversity of geological features warrants a unified study for a better understanding of their geodynamic uniqueness and/or ubiquity from a regional perspective. In this paper we have explored a large coverage of potential field data and have detected high resolution Moho and Curie depths in the aforementioned regions. The oldest continental and oceanic domains, i.e. the North China craton and the Pacific and Indian Ocean have been found thermally perturbed by events probably linked to small-scale convection or serpentinization in the mantle and to numerous volcanic seamounts and ridges. The thermal perturbation has also been observed in proximity of the fossil ridge of the western Philippine Sea Basin, which shows anomalously small Curie depths. The western Pacific marginal seas have the lowest Moho temperature, with Curie depths generally larger than Moho depths. The contrary is true in most parts of easternmost Eurasian continent. Magmatic processes feeding the Permian Emeishan large igneous province could have also been genetically linked to deep mantle/crustal processes beneath the Sichuan Basin. The regionally elongated magnetic features and small Curie depths along the Triassic Yangtze-Indochina plate boundary suggest that the igneous province could be caused by tectonic processes along plate margins, rather than by a deep mantle plume. At the same time, we interpret the Caroline Ridge, the boundary between the Pacific and the Caroline Sea, as a structure having a continental origin, rather than as hotspot or arc volcanism. The surface heat flow is primarily modulated by a deep isotherm through thermal conduction. This concordance is emphasized along many subduction trenches, where zones of large Curie depths often correspond with low heat flow. Local or regional surface heat flow variations cannot be faithfully used in inferring deep thermal structures, which can be better constrained overall through Curie depths detected from surface magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

南海形成演化探究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过分析前人对南海的研究,对南海扩张期次、扩张脊结构、动力来源等几个关键研究问题进行探讨。认为应将南海放入到欧亚板块、印度一澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块三大板块相互作用的统一构造应力场中进行研究。利用FLAC软件,首次对南海及邻区进行数值模拟分析,并进一步探讨了南海的形成演化机制,认为南海的打开和扩张是印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞、地幔柱上涌以及太平洋板块向欧亚板块的俯冲共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

The results of the bathymetry simulation indicate the emplacement of the Mesozoic Arctic plume into the lithosphere of the Alpha-Mendeleev and Lomonosov ridges. The study also presents a model of the thermal subsidence to the asthenosphere. The calculated coefficients are compared with those obtained for the Greenland-Iceland and Iceland-Faeroe ridges, which were formed in response to hotspot activity. It was shown that the coefficients of the thermal subsidence in the central part of the Alpha-Mendeleev and Lomonosov Ridges are similar to those calculated for the Greenland-Iceland and Iceland-Faeroe ridges. This indicates the thermal regime of the subsidence of the Alpha-Mendeleev and Lomonosov ridges since the Early Miocene and the increased influence of the Arctic plume on the ridge genesis. The ridges are interpreted to have formed over a broad geological timeframe, from the late Cretaceous to the Cenozoic. A geothermal method, which is highly informative in terms of the age of the lithosphere, provides better constraints on the timing of ridge formation. The age estimates for the Alpha-Mendeleev (97–79 Ma) and Lomonosov ridges (69–57 Ma) derived from the geothermal data allowed us to draw a convincing conclusion about the genesis of these ridges.  相似文献   

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