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为实现对高密度、宽频带流动地震台阵地震检测能力的实时、不同深度评估,本研究采用"基于概率的完整性震级"(PMC)方法,以西昌流动地震台阵为例,对2013-01-13—2014-05-14期间平均的地震检测能力、不同震源深度检测能力,以及某一时刻的实时地震检测能力进行了评估.结果表明,PMC方法可识别地震观测资料处理中人为因素对地震检测能力的影响,不同震源深度下地震的检测能力存在差异,其中H=7.5 km时,"网内"的完整性震级MP可达ML0.8,而在H=15.0 km和25.0 km时,"网内"的MP分别为ML1.0和ML1.4.在示例的2014-01-14时刻,非正常运行的台站造成地震检测能力的变化可被清晰识别出.此外,与MAXC和EMR等其它常用方法的对比表明,这些方法可能过高估计了地震台阵的检测能力.  相似文献   

Because ambient seismic noise provides estimated Greenos function (EGF) between two sites with high accuracy, Rayleigh wave propagation along the path connecting the two sites is well resolved. Therefore, earthquakes which are close to one seismic station can be well located with calibration extracting from EGF. We test two algorithms in locating the 1998 Zhangbei earthquake, one algorithm is waveform-based, and the other is traveltime-based. We first compute EGF between station ZHB (a station about 40 km away from the epicenter) and five IC/IRIS stations. With the waveform-based approach, we calculate 1D synthetic single-force Greenos functions between ZHB and other four stations, and obtain traveltime corrections by correlating synthetic Greenos functions with EGFs in period band of 10-30 s. Then we locate the earthquake by minimizing the differential travel times between observed earthquake waveform and the 1D synthetic earthquake waveforms computed with focal mechanism provided by Global CMT after traveltime correction from EGFs. This waveform-based approach yields a location which error is about 13 km away from the location observed with InSAR. With the traveltime-based approach, we begin with measuring group velocity from EGFs as well as group arrival time on observed earthquake waveforms, and then locate the earthquake by minimizing the difference between observed group arrival time and arrival time measured on EGFs. This traveltime-based approach yields accuracy of 3 km, Therefore it is feasible to achieve GT5 (ground truth location with accuracy 5 km) with ambient seismic noises. The less accuracy of the waveform-based approach was mainly caused by uncertainty of focal mechanism.  相似文献   

Long-time cross correlation of ambient noise has been proved as a powerful tool to extract Green's function between two receivers.The study of composition of ambient noise is important for a better understanding of this method.Previous studies confirm that ambient noise in the long period (3 s and longer) mostly consists of surface wave,and 0.25-2.5 s noise consists more of body waves.In this paper,we perform cross correlation processing at much higher frequency (30-70 Hz) using ambient noise recorded by a small aperture array.No surface waves emerge from noise correlation function (NCF),but weak P waves emerge.The absence of surface wave in NCF is not due to high attenuation since surface waves are strong from active source,therefore probably the high ambient noise mostly consists of body wave and lacks surface wave.Origin of such high frequency body waves in ambient noise remains to be studied.  相似文献   

In this study, a composite source model has been used to calculate the realistic strong ground motions in Beijing area, caused by 1679 MS8.0 earthquake in Sanhe-Pinggu. The results could provide us the useful physical parame-ters for the future seismic hazard analysis in this area. Considering the regional geological/geophysical background, we simulated the scenario earthquake with an associated ground motions in the area ranging from 39.3°N to 41.1°N in latitude and from 115.35°E to 117.55°E in longitude. Some of the key factors which could influence the characteristics of strong ground motion have been discussed, and the resultant peak ground acceleration (PGA) distribution and the peak ground velocity (PGV) distribution around Beijing area also have been made as well. A comparison of the simulated result with the results derived from the attenuation relation has been made, and a suf-ficient discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of composite source model also has been given in this study. The numerical results, such as the PGA, PGV, peak ground displacement (PGD), and the three-component time-histories developed for Beijing area, have a potential application in earthquake engineering field and building code design, especially for the evaluation of critical constructions, government decision making and the seismic hazard assessment by financial/insurance companies.  相似文献   

More than 50 000 tons of CO2 have been injected at Ketzin into the Stuttgart Formation, a saline aquifer, at approximately 620 m depth, as of summer 2011. We present here results from the 1st repeat 3D seismic survey that was performed at the site in autumn 2009, after about 22 000 tons of CO2 had been injected. We show here that rather complex time‐lapse signatures of this CO2 can be clearly observed within a radius of about 300 m from the injection well. The highly irregular amplitude response within this radius is attributed to the heterogeneity of the injection reservoir. Time delays to a reflection below the injection level are also observed. Petrophysical measurements on core samples and geophysical logging of CO2 saturation levels allow an estimate of the total amount of CO2 visible in the seismic data to be made. These estimates are somewhat lower than the actual amount of CO2 injected at the time of the survey and they are dependent upon the choice of a number of parameters. In spite of some uncertainty, the close agreement between the amount injected and the amount observed is encouraging for quantitative monitoring of a CO2 storage site using seismic methods.  相似文献   

古近系沙河街组是阳信洼陷最重要的生烃层段.其湖盆充填具阶段性和沉积演化的旋回性,形成了由沙四段、沙三段与沙一段组成的复合生烃系统和不同的地球化学特征.利用Rock-Eval生油岩评价仪、色谱-质谱仪等实验分析技术对不同层系样品进行了地球化学特征分析研究,其中生烃潜力指标包括有机碳含量(TOC)、残余生烃潜量(S1 S2)、氢指数IH、氯仿沥青"A";成熟度指标包括热解峰温Tmax、奇偶优势参数OEP、饱和烃轻重比(C21 C22)/(C28 C29)及∑C21-/∑C22 、镜质体反射率Ro、莫烷/藿烷及甾烷生物标志物参数C29ββ(ββ αα)、C29ααα20S(20S 20R);古环境指标包括异构烷烃参数Pr/Ph、Pr/n-C17、Ph/n-C18及伽马蜡烷等.结果表明,沙四段为弱还原-还原性的半深湖沉积,沉积了一套中等厚度、分布局限的烃源岩(TOC平均为1.5%),其较深位置的烃源岩基本进入成熟阶段,多形成成熟油;沙三段属弱还原-还原性的半深湖-深湖环境,其烃源岩中有机质丰度较高(TOC平均为3.5%),大部分烃源岩处于未成熟-低成熟状态,主要形成未熟油;沙一段为湖水咸化、还原性的半深湖相环境,其烃源岩中有机质丰度高(TOC平均为5%左右),但处于未成熟阶段,主要生成生物气.  相似文献   

Sloped areas calculated from a GIS raster file, such as a digital elevation model, are smaller than the true surface area, because they are projected to a planimetric plane. In mountainous regions this sloped area under‐estimation (SAUE) can have significant consequences on hydrological calculations. A sensitivity analysis is conducted, using the ACRU agro‐hydrological modelling system in a small watershed in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA, to investigate the sensitivity of the SAUE on key elements of the hydrological cycle, including precipitation depth, April snow depth, August soil moisture deficit, actual evapotranspiration depth, and runoff depth. The sensitivity analysis is based on 224 unique combinations of slope, soil and land cover types, elevation with associated precipitation depths, and north and south facing radiation regimes. Results revealed an increasing influence of the SAUE on all hydrological processes with increasing slope steepness. Distinct differences and magnitudes between different land cover types, different elevations, and, in particular, different exposition were quantified. Actual evapotranspiration increases with SAUE, while runoff decreases. April soil water is simulated to decrease with an increase in SAUE. Finally, a comparison of a streamflow simulation of a small and steep alpine watershed with and without consideration of the SAUE is carried out. The sloped area of the small watershed is under‐estimated by 20·9%, and the difference in simulated runoff is 12·3%. When the SAUE was not considered, runoff was simulated to be higher, the associated coefficient of determination was slightly lower, and the slope of the regression line was flatter. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, numerous induced seismic events have occurred in the proximity of the natural gas field in Northern Germany. To monitor the seismicity and to asses the seismic hazard potential, a local monitoring network was installed in the area. Focusing on the seismicity hazard assessment, a major challenge is the characterisation of potential site effects due to local soil characteristics. This is quantitatively performed by estimating the shear-wave velocity (V s) variation with subsurface layer thickness. Such local effects can only be covered with a coarse spatial resolution due to the limited number of monitoring stations. Profiles were determined at three test sites (Langwedel, Walle and Bomlitz) by using a combined approach of small aperture 2D array ambient noise and small-scale active 1D measurements. The high-resolution frequency-wavenumber (HRFK), spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) methods were applied to the recorded ambient noise and active seismic data using various array sizes supplemented by the active measurements. This jointly allowed obtaining phase velocity dispersion curves covering a wide frequency range from 2 up to 32 Hz. The inversion of the obtained dispersion curves results in average S-wave velocity profiles down to depths of 70 m, identifying thin near-surface layers of a few meters as well as thicker layers of tens of meters in greater depth. A comparison with available borehole data shows a good correlation with the layering. Additionally, to asses the impact of a seismic event at the test sites, PGV estimations for various seismic events were performed. The final results of the test surveys demonstrate that the combined approach represents a suitable tool for near-surface characterisation, which can be used to improve the seismic hazard assessment in the area of the natural gas fields in Northern Germany.  相似文献   




The earthquake in Central Finland on 16November 1931 and its aftershock the sameday are investigated. It is the strongestevent known to have occurred in this areaand thus of importance for understandingthe seismicity there. The originalmacroseismic questionnaires werere-examined using statistical analysis andtaking into account the recommendations forintensity assessments according to theEuropean Macroseismic Scale (EMS-92,-98).The data were augmented with contemporarypress reports. Test theory was applied whenpreprocessing the data, and intensityassessment was carried out by means ofcorrespondence analysis. Differentapproaches were applied to determine themacroseismic field and trace theisoseismals. Some of the practical problemsinvolve the treatment of audibleobservations. The macroseismic magnitudeswere estimated at 4.3 (±0.2) for themain shock and 3.7 (±0.2) for itslargest aftershock. Despite the smallmagnitudes, earthquake light sightings werealso reported for the events.  相似文献   

深反射地震剖面法为了获取深部结构特征常常采取大的偏移距采集数据.目前公开发表的相关资料中,鲜有利用深反射地震炮集数据获取近地表的结构特征.为此,本文通过正演测试了相关数据处理流程,即利用有限差分正演了起伏地表模型的大偏移距地震单炮弹性波场特征,通过共检波点域面波信号F-K频谱叠加构建新方法,从深反射地震数据集中提取了高品质的多阶面波频散曲线,再利用多阶面波联合反演获得了近地表的结构特征.在前述正演流程基础上,利用跨越班公湖—怒江缝合带的SinoProbe深反射地震剖面中的实际炮集数据,求取了基阶和一阶瑞利波频散曲线,联合反演后得到近地表横波速度结构.该结果与初至波走时反演获取的纵波速度结构具有较好的一致性,且在近地表的浅层分辨率较纵波速度结构特征更高,而更与已有地质认识相吻合.本文提供的相关数据处理流程表明利用深反射地震炮集数据,也能够获取近地表浅层的横波速度结构.  相似文献   

Sedimentological analysis of particle size data from a hillslope profile in mid-Wales allows the identification of two distinct upper slope units. These are described and analyzed in greater detail for clay and organic matter distribution. The original slope subdivision is substantiated by the results and the major differences in soils between the upper units are attributed to drainage contrasts.  相似文献   

Water losses from snow intercepted by forest canopy can significantly influence the hydrological cycle in seasonally snow‐covered regions, yet how snow interception losses (SIL) are influenced by a changing climate are poorly understood. In this study, we used a unique 30 year record (1986–2015) of snow accumulation and snow water equivalent measurements in a mature mixed coniferous (Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris ) forest stand and an adjacent open area to assess how changes in weather conditions influence SIL. Given little change in canopy cover during this study, the 20% increase in SIL was likely the result of changes in winter weather conditions. However, there was no significant change in average wintertime precipitation and temperature during the study period. Instead, mean monthly temperature values increased during the early winter months (i.e., November and December), whereas there was a significant decrease in precipitation in March. We also assessed how daily variation in meteorological variables influenced SIL and found that about 50% of the variation in SIL was correlated to the amount of precipitation that occurred when temperatures were lower than ?3 °C and to the proportion of days with mean daily temperatures higher than +0.4 °C. Taken together, this study highlights the importance of understanding the appropriate time scale and thresholds in which weather conditions influence SIL in order to better predict how projected climate change will influence snow accumulation and hydrology in boreal forests in the future.  相似文献   

We studied the contributions of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and amphibole to the P‐wave velocity properties of gabbroic mylonites of the Godzilla Megamullion (site KH07‐02‐D18) in the Parece Vela Rift of the central Parece Vela Basin, Philippine Sea, based on their crystal‐preferred orientations (CPOs), mineral modes, and elastic constants and densities of single crystals. The gabbroic mylonites have been classified into three types based on their microstructures and temperature conditions: HT1, HT2 and medium‐temperature (MT) mylonites. The P‐wave velocity properties of the HT1 mylonite are dominantly influenced by plagioclase CPOs. Secondary amphibole occurred after deformation in the HT1 mylonite, so that its effect on P‐wave velocity anisotropy is minimal due to weak CPOs. Although the HT2 mylonite developed deformation microstructures in the three minerals, the P‐wave velocity properties of the HT2 mylonite are essentially isotropic, resulting from the destructive interference of different P‐wave velocity anisotropy patterns produced by the distinct CPOs of the three constituent minerals (i.e., plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and amphibole). The P‐wave velocity properties of the MT mylonite are influenced mainly by amphibole CPOs, whereas the effect of plagioclase CPOs on P‐wave velocity anisotropy becomes very small with a decrease in the intensity of plagioclase CPOs. As a result, the gabbroic mylonites tend to have weak P‐wave velocity anisotropy in seismic velocity, although their constituent minerals show distinct CPOs. Such weakness in the whole‐rock P‐wave velocity anisotropy could result from the destructive contributions of the different mineral CPOs with respect to the structural framework (foliation and lineation). These results show that amphibole has a high potential for P‐wave velocity anisotropy by aligning both crystallographically and dimensionally during deformation in the hydrous oceanic crust. The results also suggest that the effect of a hydrous phase on P‐wave velocity anisotropy within the detachment shear zone in a slow‐spreading oceanic crust varies depending on the degree of deformation and on the timing of hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

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