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A new theropod dinosaur, Shidaisaurus jinae gen. et sp. nov., has been described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton. The specimen was found near the base of the Upper Lufeng Formation (early Middle Jurassic) in Yunnan, China. It is the first theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan. Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable from other Jurassic theropods by certain features from the braincase, axis, and pelvic girdle. The absence of any pleurocoels in the axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic theropods from China. Most Chinese taxa of Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been well described; a further detailed study will be necessary for us to determine their phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus jinae.  相似文献   

A new theropod dinosaur,Shidaisaurusjinae gen.et sp.nov.,has been described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton.The specimen was found near the base of the Upper Lufeng Formation(early Middle Jurassic)in Yunnan,China.It is the first theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan.Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable from other Jurassic theropods by certain features from the braincase,axis,and pelvic girdle.The absence of any pleurocoels in the axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic theropods from China.Most Chinese taxa of Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been well described;a further detailed study will be necessary for us to determine their phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus jinae.  相似文献   

<正>A new dinosaur Chuxiongosaurus lufengensis gen.et sp.nov.is erected based on a nearly complete skull.The taxon is characterized by the lacrimal perpendicular to the ventral margin of the upper jaw,which is similar to that of Thecodontosaurus;a depression present on the dorsal profile of the snout behind the naris;the rostral profile of the maxilla slopes continuously towards the rostral tip;and the presence of 25 dentary teeth.It also displays prosauropod characters such as a relatively long skull,the slope of the maxillary rostral profile,and teeth that do not have basically constricted crowns.The new specimen is more basal than Anchisaurus and represents the first basal sauropod dinosaur from the Early Jurassic of China.  相似文献   

通过云南中部禄丰地区侏罗系磁性地层学研究,建立了滇中侏罗系磁极性地层柱,为国内及该地区侏罗系地层单元的时代划分与对比提供了基础资料。依据磁性地层学研究的结果,修订了滇中侏罗系的顶界和上、中侏罗统的界线,建立了中、下侏罗统和侏罗系—三叠系界线数据。经对比发现,滇中侏罗系古地磁极与扬子地块侏罗系古地磁参考极之间有较大差异,反映滇中地块自侏罗纪以来曾向南发生了明显移动,产生过顺时针旋转。  相似文献   

is paper is concerned with the geochemical features of major elements,transition metal elements,large ion lithophile elements,rare-earth elements and Sr isotopes in alkaline-ul-trabasic rocks in the Jijie complex of Lufeng,Yunnan Province,which is located in southern Sichuan-Yunnan rift zone,one of Luoci alkaline-ultrabasic complexes in central Ynnnan,Moreover,its origin pertaining primary magma,magma soure region,fractional crystallization,etc.are also discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

Vertebrate fossils of Yunnan are only previously known by a few tragmentaryfinds belonging to early Tertiary and Plio-Pleistocene age. In October 1938, Mr. M.N. Bien of the Geological Survey of China discovered a rich fossiliferous formationwith two levels of vertebrate remains. Most of the well-preserved fossils were derivedfrom the lower level and contain remains of Dinosaurs which are still under the  相似文献   

(1) Through the discovery of determinable fossils in the so-called "RedBeds" at Lufeng, Yunnan, parts of these beds have been accurately dated. (2) The name "Shihmen Series" is proposed for the unfossiliferouscapping escarpment sandstones. (3) The name "Lufeng Series" is proposed for the fossiliferous bedswhich lie disconformably under the Shihmen Series and unconformably abovethe pre-Cambrian Metamorphic Series (in the Lufeng area).  相似文献   

关谷透 《世界地质》2010,29(1):6-15
云南禄丰下侏罗统下禄丰组产出一新的原蜥脚类孙氏细细坡龙(Xixiposaurus suni gen.et sp.nov.),其特征为:侧视头骨背缘向前强烈倾斜,下颌高度大于齿骨最小高度的两倍,颈椎体中第四颈椎体最长,耻骨裙宽度大于肠骨的耻骨突,股骨第四转子侧视具有V形切口。其系统位置比较进步,是禄丰发现的原蜥脚类中最进步的一种。  相似文献   

正 From the "Red Beds" at Lufeng, Yunnan, two forms of Saurischia, Lufengosaurus huenei and Gyposaurus sinensis, have been described heretofore: Recently, a well-preserved skeleton of an undoubtedly new type of another  相似文献   

Some Triassic Sections From Mileh,Yunnan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Abstract: A skull and a series of associated cervical vertebrae (ZLJ0112) discovered from the Lower Lufeng Formation (Lower Jurassic) are determined as a juvenile specimen of Lufengosaurus huenei Young 1941 based on amended autapomorphies. Differences between ZLJ0112 and the holotype (sub-adult specimen) are considered as ontogenetic characteristic changes of L. huenei. Since some of these differences are present in other prosauropod dinosaurs (i.e., forms of the maxillary vascular foramen are irregular; the frontal contribution to the dorsal margin of the orbit is substantial; the frontal contribution to the supratemporal fossa is absent; the supratemporal fenestra is visible in lateral view; the supraoccipital inclined at 75 degrees; the parasphenoid rostrum lies level with the occipital condyle; the retroarticular process is short; the axial postzygapophysis project caudally beyond the end of the centrum) they may be common ontogenetic changes in prosauropod dinosaurs.  相似文献   

云南禄丰鹅头厂铁铜矿床是滇中地区著名的元古宙含铜富铁矿床之一,矿床中除了铁、铜等资源外,还伴生少量的稀土组分。本文利用国际上矿物与地质行业前沿的矿物自动分析测试方法——矿物表征自动定量分析系统(AMICS),结合扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDS)显微结构原位分析技术,完成了常规岩矿鉴定手段难以完成的矿物定量识别和鉴定,首次在禄丰鹅头厂铁铜矿床中发现了氟碳钙铈矿、氟碳铈矿、褐钇铌矿等独立的稀土矿物。其中,氟碳钙铈矿主要富集在条纹条带状矿石中,分布极不均匀,局部富集,主要呈微细粒半自形至它形粒状晶体,多为微细粒的不规则粒状集合体,与磁铁矿间隙中的方解石和绿泥石等脉石矿物紧密共生,在氟碳钙铈矿颗粒中普遍含有呈板状或柱状、片状、针状的微细粒氟碳铈矿;褐钇铌矿也主要富集在条纹条带状矿石中,呈细小的不规则粒状,与铁氧化物边缘缝隙中的绿泥石等脉石矿物紧密共生。X射线能谱分析表明,氟碳钙铈矿和氟碳铈矿富含轻稀土元素,以Ce、Nd、La为主,含量一般Ce La Nd,含少量Pr、Y等元素;褐钇铌矿中主要金属元素有Nb、Y、Ce、Nd、Fe、Ti、Mg、Ca、U等,其中Nb的含量较高,稀土元素以Y为主,并含少量Ce、Nd等。稀土矿物的发现,对探讨该矿床及整个滇中地区前寒武纪(中元古代)铁-铜(-稀土)矿床的成因有着一定的指示意义。根据矿床中稀土-铁氧化物的产出特征和区域成矿地质背景,结合前人研究成果,认为鹅头厂矿床中稀土-铁氧化物的形成与Columbia超大陆裂解时的深部(地幔)岩浆活动有关,并受到多期次后期热液事件的叠加改造。  相似文献   

记述了云南省禄丰县腰站乡下侏罗统禄丰组2个恐龙足迹,命名了棋盘张北足迹(Changpeipus pareschequier ichnosp. nov.)一新种。这是在禄丰组中首次发现恐龙足迹化石,重新观察并修订了张北足迹一属的属征。滦平张北足迹(Changpeipus luanpingeris)应为石炭张北足迹(Changpeipus carbonicus)的亚成年个体,为同物异名。此前被认为是石炭张北足迹(Changpeipus carbonicus)前足迹的IVPP V2472 2a,应为其未成年体的后足迹。张北足迹与卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus)类似。综合种种特征,棋盘张北足迹(新种)的造迹恐龙很可能为禄丰组的腔骨龙类(Coelophysoidea)  相似文献   

氯氧镁铝石(Koenenite)是一种少见矿物,最初发现于德国Gttingen。后来,F.里勒(F.Rinne)、R.库恩(R.Kühn)、H.-H.洛斯(H.-H.Lohse)、R.奥勒曼)R.Allmann)等人先后都作过报导,而在我国还是首次发现。氯氧镁铝石结构比较特殊,性质上是一个多变的矿物。  相似文献   

吴根耀 《地层学杂志》1996,20(2):114-122
滇西地区属三江印支造山带,前侏罗系地层问题可分为两类:一是变质岩地区常见的,如把 S_n(n≥1)当成 S_0等;二是造山带地区特有的,如因未认识蛇绿混杂、重力滑塌和化石再沉积等而曲解化石的地层和相指示意义,一个群里包括了一系列叠置的构造岩片中的不同时代、不同建造背景的岩石等。造山带常是一构造大拼盘,因而其地层工作需要新的理论武装:造山带地层学。  相似文献   

从脊椎动物化石角度论云南曲靖下、中泥盆统界线   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据早期脊椎动物化石证据及生物地层对比,云南曲靖穿洞组的时代为晚Emsian期。该地区下、中泥盆统界线应划在穿洞组与海口组之间,或从穿洞组顶部穿过。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Sauropod dinosaurs were group of gigantic quadrupedal herbivores. This group includes the largest terrestrial animals ever to have existed. More than 120 genera have been proposed, however, many of these are now considered to be of dubious validity. Currently, approximately 100 genera are accepted as valid (Upchurch et al., 2004a). The sauropod dinosaur described herein was collected from Jiangyi (Fig. 1), Yuanmou County of Yunnan Province by the Yunnan Provincial Institute…  相似文献   

滇黔桂古岩溶型金矿认识获得突破   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗允义 《中国地质》2001,28(5):46-47
经过十多年系统的找矿勘查和科研攻关,我国滇黔桂地区微细粒浸染型金矿的成矿机理、成矿规律的研究取得了突破性进展。1996~1999年间,由广西地矿局总工程师、教授级高级工程师陈开礼等提出并组织实施的“桂西古风化壳金矿成矿条件及其规律性研究”课题,取得了重大认识性突破,在近年桂西地区找矿生产实践中经受住了考验,其成果已处于国内领先地位。自滇黔桂地区发现微细粒浸染型金矿以来地质工作者对该类型金矿进行了艰苦而卓有成效的研究。尤其是广西地矿局投入巨额资金对桂西北地区的地层、构造、岩浆岩等基础性地质要素进行…  相似文献   

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