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INTRODUCTIONDuring the 1960s, Bjerknes (1966, 1969) first noted that there had been strong relationshipbetween the tropical Pacific SST and atmospheric circulation. SST anomaly could affect tropicalatmospheric circulation by the Walker Circulation, and affect extratropical atmospheric circulationby the Hadley Circulation. When there was a "warm" event in the eastern tropical Pacific, ascending and sinking branch of the Hadley Circulation would strengthen, subtropical highs (SHs)and …  相似文献   

南北半球副热带高压对赤道东太平洋海温变化的响应   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文利用1974年1月到1996年12月重分析(NOAANCEP-NCARCDAS-1)全球500hPa位势高度场资料,及同期赤道太平洋各海区SST资料,研究了南北半球副热带高压的变化特征及其对赤道东太平洋SST变化的响应。结果表明,全球副热带高压的变化及对SST的响应,在南北两个半球有很好的一致性。全球副热带高压强度的变化与超前3个月SST的正相关最为显着。对SST响应最强烈的区域主要在南北纬30°之间的低纬,低纬地区局地SST对副热带高压也有强烈的影响。从10°到30°纬度,对SST的响应分别落后于赤道2~9个月。在中、高纬大气环流的响应表现为波列特征,对暖SST及冷SST的响应波列基本相反,但对暖SST的响应更为显着。海温和副热带高压的月际持续性有明显的季节变化,副热带高压9-10月的相关障碍可能与NinoC区SST8-9月的相关障碍低点有关。  相似文献   

The vertical resolution of LICOM1.0 (LASG/IAP Climate System Ocean Model, version 1.0) is adjusted by increasing the level amount within the upper 150 m while keeping the total of levels. It is found that the eastern equatorial Pacific cold tongue is sensitive to the adjustment. Compared with the simulation of the original level scheme, the adjusting yields a more realistic strucature of cold tongue extending from the coast of Peru to the equator, as well as a temperature minimum at Costa Rica coast, north of the cold tongue. In the original scheme experiment, the sharp heating by net surface heat flux at the beginning of spin-up leads to a great warming in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. The weak vertical advection due to a too thick mixed layer in the coarse vertical structure also accounts for the warm bias. The fact that most significant improvements of the upper 50 m temperature appear at the region of the thinnest mixed layer indicates the necessity of fine vertical resolution for the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. However, the westward extension of equatorial cold tongue, a defect in the original scheme, gets even more serious in the adjusting scheme due to the intensified vertical velocity and hence vertical advection in the central-eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Abstract-In this paper, the monthly averages and deviations of temperature, pressure, tonal wind, specific humidity, cloud rover and the components of heat budget have been remputed on the equatorial (5°S-3°N) Pacific surface (EPS) based on the 2*×2* grid data of CORDS from 1950 to 1987 and the evolutions of tt0ese elements have been provided. Two feedback mechanisms of El Nino-La Nina cycle which include the dynamic, thermal and hydrological processes in the coupled air-sea system are verified. During El Nino, the pressure gradient and trade wind decreased on the EPS, the sensible and latent heat exchanges enlarged on the central-eastern EPS, the water vapor and cloud cover rose in the atmo sphere, the net longwave radiation and incident solar radiation decreased and the net gain (loss) of the heat reduced (increased) on the central and eastern EPS:During La Nina the circumstances were opposite  相似文献   

This study uses temperature and salinity time series acquired with taut-line moorings in the western equatorial Pacific to investigate water mass behavior on the thermocline layer. Basically, it is insufficient to trace water mass variation by the original discrete depth coordinate data because of relatively high variability of density at fixed depth near the thermocline. A reconstruction method based on the density surface motion caused by tidal forcing was used to derive continuous profiles of temperature and salinity from vertically discrete measurements at fixed depths. This method can represent detailed vertical salinity structures and their variation, especially along the potential density surface of 24.8σθ, where the salinity maximum of South Pacific tropical water (SPTW) appeared. Variability around the 24.8σθ surface at each site was as large as that observed at the surface, which suggests a strong influence of SPTW behavior. High salinity along the 24.8σθ surface within the equatorial band of the western Pacific appeared during boreal fall-winter at sites far from New Guinea. In contrast, high salinity appeared near New Guinea during the boreal spring-summer. These features suggest the influence of the New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent. Over longer time scales, several higher salinity events were observed. The most pronounced salinity event occurred during 2007–2008. Interannual variation of the salinity anomaly along the 24.8σθ surface was negatively correlated with the Niño 3.4 sea surface temperature anomaly. A long-term salinity anomaly shift from negative to positive occurred around the end of 2002. The relationship with decadal variation in subtropical cell transport is also discussed.  相似文献   

赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常是研究ENSO(El Ni?o-South Oscillation)的重要指标。本文利用海洋再分析数据,着眼于西太平洋暖池暖水体三维结构的年际变异特征,分析西太平洋暖池水体变动与赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常的关联性,并从前期西太平洋暖池三维暖水体的结构演变及其在上层海洋质量与热量配置中的作用角度,探究了赤道中东太平洋关键Ni?o分区海表温度异常变化的内在一致性,以期为ENSO的预测预报提供新的思路和依据。分析表明,ENSO尺度上西太平洋暖池三维结构变异主模态表现为暖水体平均约以170oE为轴的纬向时空振荡,其可超前赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化约达6个月,并以在赤道中东太平洋及附近海域形成双舌状异常"暖池"为显著特征。前期暖池暖水体的纬向振荡是赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化的重要前兆信息之一。作为海洋中ENSO暴发的重要源区和驱动因子,西太平洋暖池纬向振荡通过在中东太平洋形成不同强度(泛指暖水量及其深度和范围等的大小)的异常"暖池",进而在上层海洋质量和热量的纬向配置中起关键性作用,并且可能与不同EI Ni?o事件的触发机制密切相关,从这种意义上讲,不同ENSO事件的发生和发展存在一定的同源一致性。  相似文献   

This special issue is the third and final volume containing results from the JGOFS Process Study in the equatorial Pacific. Most of the Study in the equational Pacific. Most of the contributions evolved either from the US JGOFS workshop in 1994 on the equatorial Pacific in Scottsdale, AZ or from the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Carbon Cycle of the Equatorial Pacific in 1995 in Noumea, New Caledonia.  相似文献   

石强  蒲书箴  苏洁  尹杰 《海洋学报》1999,21(3):40-50
将两层约化重力原始流体动力方程耦合气候月平均风场,数值计算流场基本能够正确反映热带太平洋上层主流系和温跃层的空间分布和季节变化.在气候平均条件下,东太平洋125°W附近经向风应力可激发出高阶混合Rossby重力波.海洋高阶赤道Kelvin波流速模态可从西太平洋边界传播到东太平洋边界,而高阶赤道Kelvin波温跃层模态从西太平洋边界东传后,在中太平洋受到高阶混合Rossby重力波诱发的西传温跃层扰动的阻挡.  相似文献   

利用一个斜压两层海洋模式解析地研究了赤道东、西太平洋对信风张弛的响应特征.研究表明:当赤道上空偏东信风张弛或转为西风时,由于打破了海洋原来的平衡关系,结果在赤道东、西太平洋的温跃层附近产生了扰动并开始传播.西太平洋温跃层附近的扰动向东传播的速度远大于东太平洋扰动向西传播的速度,而且与东太平洋温跃层扰动向西传播的狭窄范围和小振幅相比,西太平洋温跃层扰动向东传播的范围和强度均很大.这与最近几次强厄尔尼诺增暖事件暖水从赤道西太平洋向赤道中、东太平洋的迅速传播特征是一致的.  相似文献   

In this paper, interannual variations of the ocean dynamic height over the tropical Pacific are diagnosed using three-dimensional temperature and salinity fields from Argo profiles, with a focus on the...  相似文献   

本文应用Hadley Center提供的全球最新海表温度资料,分析探讨了赤道太平洋和印度洋-南海(简称印-南)暖池区域海表面温度异常(SSTA)与西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)变化的关系,结果表明,赤道东太平洋SSTA和印-南暖池区域SSTA对副高的影响存在明显的时空分布差异,它们二者对副高变化存在协同作用的影响。前者对副高的影响始于超前一年的春季,持续到当年的春季。后者则始于前冬,持续到当年的夏季。赤道东太平洋SSTA对副高的影响主要通过对经向环流影响所致,印-南暖池区域SSTA对副高影响的主要途径是通过经向环流和水汽输送,前者主要体现在对对流层中低层经向Hadley环流的影响,而后者主要体现在对对流层低层经向季风环流及其伴随的水汽输送的影响,它们二者对副高的影响机理存在不同。作者提出了赤道东太平洋和印-南暖池区域SSTA对副高存在协同影响作用,并通过最优子集回归分析,建立了副高异常变化的预测模型,对2015年5-8月副高强度进行了预测,其结果是5-8月的副高强度较常年偏强,扣除超强台风的影响,预测结果正确,由此可以认为,本文建立的预测模型是可靠的。这一工作的特点是强调了赤道东太平洋和印-南暖池的协同作用对副高持续性的影响,为副高异常变化及其降水的预测提供更为可靠的依据。  相似文献   

Results from 1110 paired CaCO3 and bulk density measurements from cores raised from the eastern equatorial Pacific permit formulation of well constrained CaCO3-DBD relationships for that region. The cores lie along a N-S transect at 110°W from 10°N to 3°S underneath the different currents of the equatorial current system and along an E-W transect from 110° to 90°W, at approximately 3°S. Two distinct, crescent-shaped dry bulk density-CaCO3 relationships are observed. For equal CaCO3 percentages, sediments from those sites at 110°W, which are situated in the high productivity zone, have lower dry bulk density. Cores raised from closer to shore have relatively greater DBD.  相似文献   

Unusual large-scale phytoplankton blooms in the equatorial Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unusual large-scale accumulations of phytoplankton occurred across 10,000 km of the equatorial Pacific during the 1998 transition from El Niño to La Niña. The forcing and dynamics of these phytoplankton blooms were studied using satellite-based observations of sea surface height, temperature and chlorophyll, and mooring-based observations of winds, hydrography and ocean currents. During the bloom period, the thermocline (nutricline) was anomalously shallow across the equatorial Pacific. The relative importance of processes that enhanced nutrient flux into the euphotic zone differed between the western and eastern regions of the blooms. In the western bloom region, the important vertical processes were turbulent vertical mixing and wind-driven upwelling. In contrast, the important processes in the eastern bloom region were wave-forced shoaling of nutrient source waters directly into the euphotic zone, along-isopycnal upwelling, and wind-driven upwelling. Advection by the Equatorial Undercurrent spread the largest bloom 4500 km east of where it began, and advection by meridional currents of tropical instability waves transported the bloom hundreds of kilometers north and south of the equator. Many processes influenced the intricate development of these massive biological events. Diverse observations and novel analysis methods of this work advance the conceptual framework for understanding the complex dynamics and ecology of the equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   

Using data collected during cruises of the JGOFS equatorial Pacific Study in March/April and October of 1992 at the equator (140°W), we examine the downward transport of carbon by three size classes of die] migrant mesozooplankton (200–500 gm, 500–1000 μm and 1000–2000 gm). In addition to respiratory carbon flux, we consider the flux due to mortality of migrators below the euphotic zone. Diel migrant mesozooplankton biomass was estimated from the difference between nighttime and daytime biomass within the euphotic zone. Except for a four-day period early in the March/April cruise, mesozooplankton nighttime biomass was significantly larger than daytime biomass within the euphotic zone during both cruises. We estimate that the downward flux of carbon from the euphotic zone due to mesozooplankton die] vertical migrators was an average of 0.6 mmol Cm−2 d−1 and 1.1 mmol C m−2 d−1 during the March/April and October cruises, respectively. Addition of this flux to the gravitational particle sinking flux estimated from234Th measurements during the same period results in a 31 % increase in the carbon export flux from the euphotic zone in the equatorial Pacific during the March/April cruise and a 44% increase in the October cruise. The migratory flux is strongly dependent on whether feeding takes place below the euphoric zone, the length of time migrators spend in the deep waters, and the mortality rate of migrators.  相似文献   

During the IOP (Intensive Observation Period) of TOGA/COARE (Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere/Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment) from December 1992 to February 1993, four Japanese moored ADCPs (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers) measured vertical profiles of three-component velocities at the stations 2S (2°S, 156°E), 2N (2°N, 156°E), 154E (0°N, 154°E) and 147E (0°N, 147°E). Power spectra of the surface current showed a pronounced peak having a period of around 14 days for both the zonal and meridional velocities at the stations 2S and 2N near the equator, and for only the meridional velocity at the equator. This 14-day phenomenon is considered to be a kind of equatorial wave of the first baroclinic mode, from a comparison of the result of the vertical mode analysis and the vertical distribution of the standard deviation of band-pass filtered velocity fluctuations. A dispersion relationship obtained from the horizontal mode analysis of this wave confirmed that the 14-day phenomenon is a mixed Rossby-gravity wave with the westward propagating phase speed and eastward propagating group velocity. From the cross-spectral analysis of velocity data, the average phase speed and wavelength of the wave were estimated as 3.64 m s−1 and 3939 km, respectively, for station pair 2S∼147E. These values were in good agreement with the average phase speed and wavelength of 3.58 m s−1 and 3836 km estimated from the dispersion curve and the observed period. A northerly wind burst blew over all the mooring sites during the middle of the observation period. The mixed Rossby-gravity wave, which is anti-symmetric for the zonal velocity about the equator, is likely to be forced by this northerly wind burst crossing the equator. Generation of the oceanic mixed Rossby-gravity wave of the first baroclinic mode is discussed in association with the atmospheric Rossby wave having the same period.  相似文献   

The geography of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) between 10°N and 6°S, redetermined by new surface ship surveys, is characterized by long spreading axes orthogonal to infrequent transform faults. Near 2°10N the EPR is intersected by the Cocos-Nazca spreading center at the Galapagos triple junction. The present pattern was established 27-5.5 m.y.b.p. by a complex sequence of rise-crest jumps and reorientations from a section of the Pacific-Farallon plate boundary. Transverse profiles of the rise flanks can be matched by thermal contraction curves for aging lithosphere, except between the triple junction and 4°S, where the east flank is anomalously shallow and almost horizontal. Most sections of spreading axis have the 10–30 km wide, 100–400 m high, axial ridge that is characteristic of fast spreading centers. However, within 60 km of the triple junction the rise crest structure is atypical, with an axial rift valley and elevated rift mountains, despite a spreading rate of 140 mm/yr. With the exception of this atypical section, the bathymetric profile along the spreading axis is remarkably even, with continuous, gentle slopes for hundreds of kilometers between major transform faults, where step-like offsets in axial depths occur. Most of the observations can be accommodated by a model in which the long spreading axes are underlain by continuous crustal magma chambers that allow easy longitudinal flow of magma, and whose size controls the style and dimensions of EPR crestal topography.Contribution of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, new series.  相似文献   

本文利用我国1979年1~2月和4~6月在中太平洋西部的考察资料,分析了赤道潜流区的温、盐分布及赤道潜流的流系特征,并给出了潜流区及其周围海区的流场结构。  相似文献   

Five assemblages of benthic foraminifers reflecting the changes in the properties of the intermediate water masses and the biological productivity during different periods of the last glacial-interglacial cycle are defined based on the abundances and relative contents of indicative species in the upper 9 m of giant Core MD02-2529 from the Cocos Ridge. High bioproductivity and low oxygen content in the bottom water layer and sediments are established for the interstadial period based on the high abundance of the species Uvigerina peregrina, U. hispida, and C. pachyderma (Assemblage I) and especially for the Last Glacial Maximum (Assemblage II) with the dominant role of the same species and E. smithi. The transition from the glaciation to the current interglacial (Termination I, Assemblage III) is characterized by a high share of the epifaunal species C. wuellerstorfi and H. subhaidingeri, which indicates enhanced hydrodynamic activity and ventilation of the intermediate water washing the bottom. The end of Termination I was marked by strengthened selective dissolution of carbonate microfossils due to the increased influx of fresh organic matter to the bottom and/or advection of more aggressive intermediate waters. The diverse Early Holocene assemblage (Assemblage IV) points to variable ecological niches, while the abundance of the infaunal U. hispida in Assemblage V indicates low productivity of the surface waters and a low oxygen concentration in the bottom sediments of the Late Holocene.  相似文献   

Based mainly on TOGA COARE data, that is, the CI''D data from R/V Xiangyanghong No.5 (Pu et al.,1993),the temperature and current data from the Woods Hole mooring and other deep current data, the layered numerical profiles of buoyancy frequency and mean current components are figured out.A numerical method calculating internal wave dispersion relation without background shear current, used by Fliegel and Hunkins (1975),is improved to be fit for the internal wave equation with mean currents and their second derivatives.The dispersion relations and wave functions of the long crested internal wave progressing in any direction can be calculated inveniently by using the improved method.A comparison between the calculated dispersion relation in the paper and the dispersion relation in GM spectral model of ocean internal waves (Garret and Munk, 1972) is performed.It shows that the mean currents are important to the dispersion relation of internal waves in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean and that the currents make the wave progressing co-directional with (against) the currents stretched (shrink).The influence of the mean currents on dispersion relation is much stronger than that of their second derivatives, but that on wave function is less than that of their second derivatives.The influences on wave functions result in the change of vertical wavenumber, that is, making the wave function stretch or shrink.There exists obvious turning depth but no significant critical layer absorption is found.  相似文献   

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