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余先川  张冠鹏  姚旺 《江苏地质》2019,43(1):103-110
地球化学数据元素间的相关分析具有重要意义。地球化学数据是一种不遵循正态分布的成分数据,其封闭特征存在挖掘和分析的困难和障碍,因此许多传统的统计方法不适合使用。主要通过元素值的趋势分析了地球化学元素之间的相关关系,并提出了形态相关系数的概念。该方法不需要数据服从正态分布,可以忽略闭包特征的影响。实验表明,该方法简单、稳定、准确,可以显示数据元素之间的关系。此外,方法计算过程消除了回溯,因此适用于大数据的实时和动态分析。  相似文献   

目前RGMapGIS系统在地质行业已被广泛应用。这里主要论述了利用RGMapGIS系统相对Suffer、MapGIS、GeoExplor软件处理地球化学数据和制作地球化学图件的优势,并简单地介绍了操作步骤,实现了简单、高效、准确的计算标准差、异常下限等参数和绘制等值线图、平剖图等,有助于对异常正确的解译分析,为下一步地质勘查工作确定了靶区。  相似文献   

地球化学背景与地球化学基准   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
探讨了地球化学背景和地球化学基准的概念、含义和确定方法.认为随着地球化学的发展,地球化学背景的概念和含义都发生了很大的变化,由初期的注重其“量”到目前的关注其“质”,研究的目的不同,背景值的确定途径也不同.无论是地球化学背景还是地球化学基准,共同之处在于它们独特的参考功能,正是这种参照性质使地球化学背景和地球化学基准的研究在进行环境质量评价和环境立法时具有重要的理论意义和实用价值.  相似文献   

地球化学数据的定和化及其在系统误差校正中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地球化学数据间的系统误差,既影响了图幅的拼接,又因破坏了多元总体的相关结构而干扰到地球化学数据的统计分析。针对这一问题,这里分析了地球化学数据的定和特点,探讨了系统误差校正的定和化处理方法。同时,结合实例说明了该方法的实际应用效果,并验证了定和化方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Software for presentation of geochemical data on maps has been integrated into a user-friendly package, ALKEMIA, at the Geological Survey of Finland (GSF). ALKEMIA contains procedures for generating dot maps, colour surface maps, shaded relief maps, and vector images, and for interpolating and smoothing irregularly gridded data. Combining dots and colour surfaces provides a means of visually integrating up to three variables on a map, revealing the spatial relationships between them. The methods employed are described in detail, particularly the moving weighted median, which has been widely used at the GSF for interpolating and smoothing geochemical and other numerical data. Several geochemical and oncological atlases and series of maps have been produced with these methods.  相似文献   

In the 1:50,000 mineral-resource assessments for regions of different rock types, the application of universal kriging to process geochemical prospecting data, obtained from different sampling media, can provide much useful information for evaluating mineralization potential. The method has succeeded in effectively separating local anomalies from the regional background, objectively extracting useful information, and improving the analysis of the metallogenic and ore-controlling factors, thereby playing an important role in qualitative and quantitative predictions. In 1:50,000 mineral-resource assessment it is advantageous to use universal kriging in the processing of geochemical prospecting data because universal kriging has many advantages compared to other oreassessment methods.  相似文献   

区域化探数据处理的几种分形方法   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
地球化学变量兼有随机性、确定性和区域结构性的特征,传统的数学方法难以精确地描述地球化学变量的空间分布规律,而新兴的分形几何是刻画空间不规则形体的一种比较有效的工具,且分维值可以表征空间不规则形体的确定性本质。基于分形原理,提出含量-总量法、空间分形插值法和分形趋势面法3种新的分形技术,应用于区域化探数据处理。在几个典型矿区应用后发现,上述分形方法不仅可以有效地模拟地球化学变量的空间分布特征,而且在保留原始有效异常信息的基础上可以更合理地区分地球化学变量的背景与异常,具有发现和强化弱异常信息的重要功效。  相似文献   

如何利用Excel处理化探数据   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用Excel可以实现对化探数据多种项目的处理,如正态性检验;背景值及异常下限的确定;一元及多元回归分析;相关系数(R型聚类分析)以及一次趋势分析等,操作直观,目前在没有流行地质行业软件的情况下,不失为一种较为可取的选择。通过这种方法,可以较为简洁地实现对一定数量化探数据的处理,为地质找矿工作提供了化探方面的可靠依据。  相似文献   

Although the term ‘geochemical baseline’ appears in the international geochemical mapping programmes IGCP 259 and 360, it has never been well defined. Several considerations relevant to such a definition are discussed. A geochemical baseline for an element refers to its natural variations in concentration in the surficial environment. Geochemical baselines were studied in Finland by comparing results from regional geochemical mapping programmes based on samples of till, clay and organic stream sediment. The geochemical background changes regionally with the basic geology and locally with the type and genesis of the overburden. Baseline concentrations depend on sample material collected, grain size and extraction method. In Finland, concentrations of potentially harmful elements tend to be higher in fine-grained marine and lacustrine sediments than in glacial till. Concentrations are also systematically higher in the < 0.06 mm fraction than in the < 2 mm size fraction of till samples. Only small proportions of the total heavy metal concentrations in Finnish marine clays are bioavailable. Geochemical baselines are needed for environmental legislation and political decision-making, especially in the assessment of contaminated soil. In many areas of Finland, natural concentrations of several heavy metals exceed the guide or limit values designated for contaminated soils. Thus baselines must always be verified in any assessment of sites for contamination.  相似文献   

A spatial analysis method for geochemical anomaly separation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One purpose of using statistical methods in exploration geochemistry is to assist exploration geologists in separating anomalies from background. This always involves two types of negatively associated errors of misclassification: type I errors occur when samples with background levels are rejected as background; and type II errors occur when samples with anomalous values are accepted as background. A new spatial statistical approach is proposed to minimize errors of total misclassification using a moving average technique with variable window radius. This method has been applied for geochemical anomaly enhancement and recognition as demonstrated by a case study of Au and Au-associated data for 698 stream sediment samples in the Iskut River area, northwestern British Columbia. Similar results were obtained using the fractal concentration-area method on the same data. By employing spatial information in the analysis, the process of selecting anomalies becomes less subjective than in more traditional approaches.  相似文献   

利用1∶200 000地球化学数据,从整个成矿地球化学环境的角度出发,最大限度地开发、挖掘三十九种化学元素中每个元素以及元素组合所蕴含的矿化信息,为成矿远景区预测提供更加翔实的地球化学依据,是地球化学工作者的研究任务之一。MAPGIS功能强大,其地图库管理模块为多幅1∶200 000地球化学异常图的拼接提供了技术支持。这里论述了1∶200 000地球化学数据的特征和MAPGIS的地图库管理的功能,并记述了在实际工作中应用MAPGIS的地图库管理对多幅1∶200 000地球化学异常图的拼接,实现了对1∶200 000地球化学数据的另一种应用方式。  相似文献   

Univariate and multivariate statistical methods were evaluated using published multi-element stream sediment data from southwestern and northern New Brunswick. The statistical distributions of elements do not obey Ahrens' law of lognormality; eleven of thirteen elements investigated for the Bathurst-Jacquet River area are not lognormally distributed at the 0.05 level of significance. The distributions are positively skewed and leptokurtic and consist of aggregate populations which represent mineral deposits, bedrock, and many other physiographic factors; some of these populations are normally distributed. The efficiency of the Pearson correlation coefficient varied and was compared to nonparametric correlation. Various methods of factor analysis were evaluated and the structure of the factors was similar to the subjective groupings derived from the correlation matrices. Comparison of correlation coefficients and factor models derived from the log-transformed and untransformed Bathurst-Jacquet River data showed that background associations were enhanced by the log transformation at the expense of associations representing mineralization. Q-mode factor matrices could not be satisfactorily interpreted without recourse to the mapping of the factor loadings. The maps produced were inferior to simple concentration maps. An iterative technique was developed for discriminant analysis to refine the sample training groups representing mineralized and background terrain; repeated discriminant analysis after misclassified samples were eliminated altered the inherent character of the training groups. Trend surface analysis was found to give goodness of fits of the trend equations comparable to the fits expected from random numbers. The method was mathematically inappropriate for the type of data used. The goal of exploration geochemical statistical analysis should be to discriminate and sort populations representing mineralized and background populations by classification or filtering techniques.  相似文献   

区域化探数据包含丰富的地质信息,可用于浅覆盖区区域地质填图。笔者系统研究了浅覆盖区水系沉积物化学成分与基岩化学成分的关系,利用水系沉积物氧化物成分,以区域岩石化学成分为约束,提出了基岩化学成分推断方法;根据水系沉积物与其矿物化学成分间质量平衡关系,提出了基岩矿物组成推断方法。在此基础上提出了地球化学推断地质图的编制方法,并在典型森林-沼泽浅覆盖区进行了试验,地质调查和钻探工程验证了该方法的有效性。充分利用区域化探资料,提取地质填图信息,是提高浅覆盖区地质填图质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

区域地球化学异常信息提取方法研讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李宝强  孙泽坤 《西北地质》2004,37(1):102-108
在一些以成矿区带或省区为单位的区域性地球化学异常信息提取工作中,所圈定的异常经常会出现"有矿没异常或有异常没矿"的信息错位现象,给地球化学评价工作造成一定的困难。本文借助实际资料,分析了造成这种现象的主要原因,并通过对几种解决这些问题的方法技术介绍对比,提出滑动平均标准化数值法,详细介绍了滑动平均标准化数值法的方法基础、优点、具体做法以及应用效果。  相似文献   

Kohonen neural network (KNN) and factor analysis are applied to regional geochemical pattern recognition for a Pb–Zn–Mo–Ag mining area around Sheduolong in Qinghai Province, China. Prior to factor analysis, the geochemical data are classified by KNN. The results demonstrate that the 4-factor model accounted for 67% of the variation in the data. Factor F1, a Pb–Zn–Mo factor and Factor F4, an Au–Ag factor, correlates with monzonitic granite intrusions and particularly with Pb–Zn–Mo–Ag mineralization within those rocks. Factor F2, an As–Co factor, correlates with metamorphic rocks of paleoproterozoic Baishahe formation. Factor F3, a Bi–Cu factor, correlates with granodiorite intrusions. The factor score maps suggest a revised location of faults and their mineralization significance in coarse geological map. The approach not only effectively interprets the geological significance of the factors, but also reduces the area of exploration targets.  相似文献   

Geochemical data obtained during mineral exploration often are biased by systematic as well as random errors; these may result in failures when usual methods of evaluation are used. This is true particularly in soil surveys carried out in regions where a long history of prospecting and mining activity has occurred and/or where aerial chemical pollution is likely to have occurred.A satisfactory evaluation of geochemical data even in such an unfavorable case requires sampling on a relatively dense grid and utilization of all available knowledge of types of mineralization. The evaluation procedure proposed consists of five consecutive phases: (1). Dividing the area of interest into subareas of a relatively homogeneous geological nature. (2). Processing by multivariate methods (factor analysis, in particular) without consideration of geographic relations. (3). A preliminary interpretation and search for a geochemical explanation of factors. (4). Processing of individual factors in two-dimensional geographic space by directional and frequency linear filtering methods. (5). Final interpretation and construction of a geochemical model. The procedure is illustrated by an example from a geochemical exploration survey in the vicinity of Píbram (Middle Bohemia).  相似文献   

多目标地球化学勘查样品分析方法配套方案   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
叶家瑜  张蕾 《地质通报》2006,25(6):41-744
对20世纪80年代全国区域化探扫面工作以来各大区、省、市地质实验室所研制的54种元素的不同分析方法进行对比研究.并与国际上所采用的分析方法进行类比,提出了适合中国国情的4套分析配套方案。  相似文献   

稳健统计学与地球化学数据的统计分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周蒂  陈汉宗 《地球科学》1991,16(3):273-279

Leveling geochemical data between map sheets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geochemical surveys are frequently assembled into larger, regional compilations. In some cases a boundary shift in the values for one or more elements may be observed at the join of adjacent surveys. This indicates that data for the affected elements are not consistent between the surveys. Where the same sampling medium has been used, the shift may be due to different crews/organizations, who varied in their sampling techniques. However, most commonly the shift is due to imperfect calibration of the analytical method used for samples from the different surveys. For example, there may have been a lack of proper analytical standardization between survey programs. To carry out leveling, bands are established on either side of the boundary between two surveys that show a shift. It is desirable that the bands have a close match in terms of geology and physiography. A quantitative method is presented to estimate the optimum width for these bands. Quantiles of the data within each band are calculated. The quantile pairs are plotted in XY space and a line fitted to express the relationship between the pairs of quantiles. The equation of this line is used to correct the shift between the two surveys. This method is tested on data for Mo in stream sediments, and pH of stream water, from two National Geochemical Reconnaissance Surveys in British Columbia.  相似文献   

浙江土壤地球化学基准值与环境背景值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以浙江省农业地质环境调查取得的区域地球化学资料(2002—2004年)为依据,遵循地球化学背景值的基本概念,根据成土母质类型将土壤地球化学基准值划分成13个统计单元,土壤环境背景值以浙北杭嘉湖与宁绍平原、浙东沿海温黄与温瑞平原、浙中金衢盆地区统计单元,在反复剔除异常数据后,获得了52种元素(氧化物)的平均值、标准离差和变异系数,为区域土壤环境质量标准的制订、土壤污染评价和治理修复提供了重要的地球化学依据。  相似文献   

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