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I derive a second-order local relation between the redshift-space mass density field and the real-space velocity field. This relation can be useful for comparisons between the cosmic density and peculiar velocity fields, for a number of reasons. First, relating the real-space velocity directly to the redshift-space density enables one to avoid the Ω-dependent reconstruction of the density field in real space. Secondly, the reconstruction of the three-dimensional velocity field in redshift space, questionable because of its vorticity, is also unnecessary. Finally, a similar relation between the galaxy density field and the velocity field offers a way to break the Ω-bias degeneracy in density–velocity comparisons, when combined with an additional measurement of the redshift-space galaxy skewness. I derive the latter relation under the assumption of non-linear but local bias; accounting for stochasticity of bias is left for further study.  相似文献   

In Paper I of this series, we introduced the spherical collapse (SC) approximation in Lagrangian space as a way of estimating the cumulants ξ J of density fluctuations in cosmological perturbation theory (PT). Within this approximation, the dynamics is decoupled from the statistics of the initial conditions, so we are able to present here the cumulants for generic non-Gaussian initial conditions, which can be estimated to arbitrary order including the smoothing effects. The SC model turns out to recover the exact leading-order non-linear contributions up to terms involving non-local integrals of the J -point functions. We argue that for the hierarchical ratios S J , these non-local terms are subdominant and tend to compensate each other. The resulting predictions show a non-trivial time evolution that can be used to discriminate between models of structure formation. We compare these analytic results with non-Gaussian N -body simulations, which turn out to be in very good agreement up to scales where σ ≲ 1.  相似文献   

Using third-order perturbation theory, we derive a relation between the divergence of the peculiar velocity and the density. Specifically, we compute the expectation value of the divergence given density. Our calculations assume Gaussian initial conditions and are valid for Gaussian filtering of the evolved density and velocity fields. The mean velocity divergence turns out to be a third-order polynomial in the density contrast. We test the power-spectrum dependence of the coefficients of the polynomial for scale-free and standard CDM spectra and find it rather weak. Over scales larger than about 5  h −1 Mpc, the scatter in the relation is small compared with that introduced by random errors in the observed density and velocity fields. The relation can be useful for recovering the peculiar velocity from the associated density field, and also for non-linear analyses of the anisotropies of structure in redshift surveys.  相似文献   

An analytical model is presented for the post-collapse equilibrium structure of virialized objects that condense out of a low-density cosmological background universe, either matter-dominated or flat with a cosmological constant. This generalizes the model we derived previously for an Einstein–de Sitter (EdS) universe. The model is based upon the assumption that cosmological haloes form from the collapse and virialization of 'top-hat' density perturbations, and are spherical, isotropic and isothermal. This leads to the prediction of a unique, non-singular, truncated isothermal sphere (TIS), a particular solution of the Lane–Emden equation (suitably modified when Λ≠0) . The size and virial temperature are unique functions of the mass and redshift of formation of the object for a given background universe. The central density is roughly proportional to the critical density of the universe at the epoch of collapse. This TIS model is in good agreement with observations of the internal structure of dark-matter-dominated haloes on scales ranging from dwarf galaxies to X-ray clusters. It also reproduces many of the average properties of haloes in simulations of the cold dark matter (CDM) model to good accuracy, suggesting that it is a useful analytical approximation for haloes that form from realistic initial conditions. Our TIS model matches the density profiles of haloes in CDM N -body simulations outside the innermost region, while avoiding the steep central cusp of the latter which is in apparent conflict with observations. The TIS model may also be relevant to non-standard CDM models, such as that for self-interacting dark matter, recently proposed to resolve this conflict.  相似文献   

A model of the gravitationally evolved dark matter distribution, in the Eulerian space, is developed. It is a simple extension of the excursion set model that is commonly used to estimate the mass function of collapsed dark matter haloes. In addition to describing the evolution of the Eulerian space distribution of the haloes, the model allows one to describe the evolution of the dark matter itself. It can also be used to describe density profiles, on scales larger than the virial radius of these haloes, and to quantify the way in which matter flows in and out of Eulerian cells. When the initial Lagrangian space distribution is white noise Gaussian, the model suggests that the Inverse Gaussian distribution should provide a reasonably good approximation to the evolved Eulerian density field, in agreement with numerical simulations. Application of this model to clustering from more general Gaussian initial conditions is discussed at the end.  相似文献   

We use the spherical collapse (SC) approximation to derive expressions for the smoothed redshift-space probability distribution function (PDF), as well as the p -order hierarchical amplitudes S p , in both real and redshift space. We compare our results with numerical simulations, focusing on the     standard CDM model, where redshift distortions are strongest. We find good agreement between the SC predictions and the numerical PDF in real space even for     , where σ L is the linearly evolved rms fluctuation on the smoothing scale. In redshift space, reasonable agreement is possible only for     . Numerical simulations also yield a simple empirical relation between the real-space PDF and the redshift-space PDF: we find that for     , the redshift-space PDF, [ P δ ( z )], is, to a good approximation, a simple rescaling of the real-space PDF, P [ δ ], i.e.,     where σ and σ ( z ) are the real-space and redshift-space rms fluctuations, respectively. This result applies well beyond the validity of linear perturbation theory, and it is a good fit for both the standard CDM model and the ΛCDM model. It breaks down for SCDM at     , but provides a good fit to the ΛCDM models for σ L as large as 0.8.  相似文献   

If a magnetic field is frozen into a plasma that undergoes spherical compression, then the magnetic field B varies with the plasma density ρ according to   B ∝ρ2/3  . In the gravitational collapse of cosmological density perturbations, however, quasi-spherical evolution is very unlikely. In anisotropic collapses the magnetic field can be a much steeper function of gas density than in the isotropic case. We investigate the distribution of amplifications in realistic gravitational collapses from Gaussian initial fluctuations using the Zel'dovich approximation. Representing our results using a relation of the form   B ∝ρα  , we show that the median value of α can be much larger than the value  α= 2/3  resulting from spherical collapse, even if there is no initial correlation between magnetic field and principal collapse directions. These analytic arguments go some way towards understanding the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

We apply the reconstruction technique of Nusser & Dekel to the recently available Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey (PSCz) in order to subtract the non-Gaussianities that are expected to develop in the mild non-linear regime of gravitational evolution. We study the evolution of isodensity contours defined using an adaptive smoothing algorithm, in order to minimize the problems derived from the non-commutativity of the smoothing operator and the time-evolution operator. We study the topology of these isodensity contours and concentrate on the evolution of the amplitude drop of the genus compared to a Gaussian field with an identical power spectrum, in order to quantify the level of phase-correlation present in the field. In order to test the method and to quantify the level of statistical uncertainty, we apply the method to a set of mock PSCz catalogues derived from the N -body simulations of two standard cold dark matter (CDM) models, kindly granted to us by the Virgo consortium. We find the method to be reliable in recovering the correct amplitude drops. When applied to PSCz, the level of phase correlations observed is very low on all scales ranging from 5 to 60  h −1 Mpc, providing support to the theory that structure originated from Gaussian initial conditions.  相似文献   

We present extensive tests of the fast action method (FAM) for recovering the past orbits of mass tracers in an expanding universe from their redshift-space coordinates at the present epoch. The tests focus on the reconstruction of present-day peculiar velocities using mock catalogues extracted from high-resolution N -body simulations. The method allows for a self-consistent treatment of redshift-space distortions by direct minimization of a modified action for a cosmological gravitating system. When applied to ideal, volume-limited catalogues, FAM recovers unbiased peculiar velocities with a one-dimensional, 1σ error of ∼220 km  s−1  , if velocities are smoothed on a scale of  5 h −1  Mpc. Alternatively, when no smoothing is applied, FAM predicts nearly unbiased velocities for objects residing outside the highest density regions. In this second case the 1σ error decreases to a level of ∼150 km  s−1  . The correlation properties of the peculiar velocity fields are also correctly recovered on scales larger than  5 h −1  Mpc. Similar results are obtained when FAM is applied to flux-limited catalogues mimicking the IRAS PSC z survey. In this case FAM reconstructs peculiar velocities with similar intrinsic random errors, while velocity–velocity correlation properties are well reproduced beyond scales of  ∼8 h −1  Mpc. We also show that FAM provides better velocity predictions than other, competing methods based on linear theory or the Zel'dovich approximation. These results indicate that FAM can be successfully applied to presently available galaxy redshift surveys such as IRAS PSC z .  相似文献   

We investigate the cross-talk between the two key components of tidal-torque theory, the inertia ( I ) and shear ( T ) tensors, using a cosmological N -body simulation with thousands of well-resolved haloes. We find that the principal axes of I and T are strongly aligned , even though I characterizes the protohalo locally while T is determined by the large-scale structure. Thus, the resultant galactic spin, which plays a key role in galaxy formation, is only a residual due to ∼10 per cent deviations from the perfect alignment of T and I . The   T – I   correlation induces a weak tendency for the protohalo spin to be perpendicular to the major axes of T and I , but this correlation is erased by non-linear effects at late times, making the observed spins poor indicators of the initial shear field.
However, the   T – I   correlation implies that the shear tensor can be used for identifying the positions and boundaries of protohaloes in cosmological initial conditions – a missing piece in galaxy formation theory. The typical configuration is of a prolate protohalo lying perpendicular to a large-scale high-density ridge, with the surrounding voids inducing compression along the major and intermediate inertia axes of the protohalo. This leads to a transient sub-halo filament along the large-scale ridge, whose subclumps then flow along the filament and merge into the final halo.
The centres of protohaloes tend to lie in ∼1 σ overdensity regions, but their association with linear density maxima smoothed on galactic scales is vague: only ∼40 per cent of the protohaloes contain peaks. Several other characteristics distinguish protohaloes from density peaks, e.g. they tend to compress along two principal axes while many peaks compress along three axes.  相似文献   

We evaluate the success of linear tidal-torque theory (TTT) in predicting galactic-halo spin using a cosmological N -body simulation with thousands of well-resolved haloes. The protohaloes are identified by tracing today's haloes back to the initial conditions. The TTT predictions for the protohaloes match, on average, the spin amplitudes of the virialized haloes of today, if linear growth is assumed until ∼ t 0/3, or  55–70  per cent of the halo effective turn-around time. This makes it a useful qualitative tool for understanding certain average properties of galaxies, such as total spin and angular momentum distribution within haloes, but with a random scatter of the order of the signal itself. Non-linear changes in spin direction cause a mean error of ∼50° in the TTT prediction at t 0, such that the linear spatial correlations of spins on scales ≥1  h −1 Mpc are significantly weakened by non-linear effects. This questions the usefulness of TTT for predicting intrinsic alignments in the context of gravitational lensing. We find that the standard approximations made in TTT, including a second-order expansion of the Zel'dovich potential and a smoothing of the tidal field, provide close-to-optimal results.  相似文献   

Upcoming surveys for galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect are potentially sensitive enough to create a peculiar velocity catalogue. The statistics of these peculiar velocities are sensitive to cosmological parameters. We develop a method to explore parameter space using N -body simulations in order to quantify dark matter halo velocity statistics which will be useful for cluster peculiar velocity observations. We show that mass selection bias from a kinetic Sunyaev–Zel'dovich velocity catalogue forecasts rms peculiar velocities with a much more complicated  Ωm  dependency than suggested by linear perturbation theory. In addition, we show that both two-point functions for velocities disagree with linear theory predictions out to  ∼40  h −1 Mpc  separations. A pedagogical appendix is included developing linear theory notation with respect to the two-point peculiar velocities functions.  相似文献   

Modelling the build-up of haloes is important for linking the formation of galaxies with cosmological models. A simple model of halo growth is provided by Press–Schechter (PS) theory, where the initial field of density fluctuations is smoothed using spherically symmetric filters centred on a given position to obtain information about the likelihood of later collapse on varying scales. In this paper the predicted halo mass growth is compared for three filter shapes: Gaussian, top-hat and sharp k -space. Preliminary work is also presented analysing the build-up of haloes within numerical simulations using a friends-of-friends group finder. The best-fit to the simulation mass function was obtained using PS theory with a top-hat filter. By comparing both the backwards conditional mass function, which gives the distribution of halo progenitors, and the distribution of halo mergers in time, the build-up of haloes in the simulations is shown to be better fitted by PS theory with a sharp k -space filter. This strengthens previous work, which also found the build-up of haloes in simulations to be well matched to PS theory with a sharp k -space filter by providing a direct comparison of different filters and by extending the statistical tools used to analyse halo mass growth. The usefulness of this work is illustrated by showing that the cosmological evolution in the proportion of haloes that have undergone recent merger is predicted to be independent of mass and power spectrum and to only depend upon cosmology. Recent results from observations of field galaxies are shown to match the evolution expected, but are not sufficiently accurate to distinguish usefully between cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

We present a simple model for the shape of the distribution function of galaxy peculiar velocities. We show how both non-linear and linear theory terms combine to produce a distribution which has an approximately Gaussian core with exponential wings. The model is easily extended to study how the statistic depends on the type of particle used to trace the velocity field (dark matter particles, dark matter haloes, galaxies), and on the density of the environment in which the test particles are located. Comparisons with simulations suggest that our model is accurate. We also show that the evolution of the peculiar velocities depends on the local, rather than the global, density. Since clusters populate denser regions on average, using cluster velocities with the linear theory scaling may lead to an overestimate of the global value of Ω0. Conversely, using linear theory with the global value of Ω0 to scale cluster velocities from the initial to the present time results in an underestimate of their true velocities. In general, however, the directions of motions of haloes are rather well described by linear theory. Our results help to simplify models of redshift-space distortions considerably.  相似文献   

We study the possibility of correctly identifying, from the smooth galaxy density field of the PSC z flux-limited catalogue, high-density regions (superclusters) and recovering their true shapes in the presence of a bias introduced by the coupling between the selection function and the constant radius smoothing. We quantify such systematic biases in the smoothed PSC z density field and after applying the necessary corrections we study supercluster multiplicity and morphologies using a differential geometry definition of shape. Our results strongly suggest that filamentary morphology is the dominant feature of PSC z superclusters. Finally, we compare our results with those expected in three different cosmological models and find that the Λ cold dark matter (CDM) model (ΩΛ=1−Ωm=0.7) performs better than Ωm=1 CDM models.  相似文献   

We present a simple and intuitive approximation for solving the perturbation theory (PT) of small cosmic fluctuations. We consider only the spherically symmetric or monopole contribution to the PT integrals, which yields the exact result for tree-graphs (i.e. at leading order). We find that the non-linear evolution in Lagrangian space is then given by a simple local transformation over the initial conditions, although it is not local in Euler space. This transformation is found to be described by the spherical collapse (SC) dynamics, as it is the exact solution in the shearless (and therefore local) approximation in Lagrangian space. Taking advantage of this property, it is straightforward to derive the one-point cumulants, ξJ, for both the unsmoothed and smoothed density fields to arbitrary order in the perturbative regime. To leading-order this reproduces, and provides us with a simple explanation for, the exact results obtained by Bernardeau. We then show that the SC model leads to accurate estimates for the next corrective terms when compared with the results derived in the exact perturbation theory making use of the loop calculations. The agreement is within a few per cent for the hierarchical ratios S J  = ξ J J −12. We compare our analytic results with N -body simulations, which turn out to be in very good agreement up to scales where σ ≈ 1. A similar treatment is presented to estimate higher order corrections in the Zel'dovich approximation. These results represent a powerful and readily usable tool to produce analytical predictions that describe the gravitational clustering of large-scale structure in the weakly non-linear regime.  相似文献   

Accepted 1998 January 26. Received 1998 January 26; in original form 1997 August 13This paper presents a stochastic approach to the clustering evolution of dark matter haloes in the Universe. Haloes, identified by a Press–Schechter-type algorithm in Lagrangian space, are described in terms of 'counting fields', acting as non-linear operators on the underlying Gaussian density fluctuations. By ensemble-averaging these counting fields, the standard Press–Schechter mass function as well as analytic expressions for the halo correlation function and corresponding bias factors of linear theory are obtained, extending the recent results by Mo & White. The non-linear evolution of our halo population is then followed by solving the continuity equation, under the sole hypothesis that haloes move by the action of gravity. This leads to an exact and general formula for the bias field of dark matter haloes, defined as the local ratio between their number density contrast and the mass density fluctuation. Besides being a function of position and 'observation' redshift, this random field depends upon the mass and formation epoch of the objects and is both non-linear and non-local. The latter features are expected to leave a detectable imprint on the spatial clustering of galaxies, as described, for instance, by statistics like the bispectrum and the skewness. Our algorithm may have several interesting applications, among which is the possibility of generating mock halo catalogues from low-resolution N -body simulations.  相似文献   

We discuss the influence of the cosmological background density field on the spherical infall model. The spherical infall model has been used in the PressSchechter formalism to evaluate the number abundance of clusters of galaxies, as well as to determine the density parameter of the Universe from the infalling flow. Therefore, the understanding of collapse dynamics plays a key role for extracting cosmological information. Here, we consider a modified version of the spherical infall model. We derive the mean field equations from the Newtonian fluid equations, in which the influence of cosmological background inhomogeneity is incorporated into the averaged quantities as the backreaction . By calculating the averaged quantities explicitly, we obtain simple expressions and find that, in the case of a scale-free power spectrum, density fluctuations with a negative spectral index make the infalling velocities slow. This suggests that we underestimate the density parameter when using the simple spherical infall model. In cases with the index n >0, the effect of background inhomogeneity could be negligible and the spherical infall model becomes a good approximation for infalling flows. We also present a realistic example with a cold dark matter power spectrum. In this case, the mean infall tends to be slow owing to the anisotropic random velocity.  相似文献   

Weak gravitational lensing surveys have the potential to probe mass density fluctuation in the Universe directly. Recent studies have shown that it is possible to model the statistics of the convergence field at small angular scales by modelling the statistics of the underlying density field in the highly non-linear regime. We propose a new method to model the complete probability distribution function of the convergence field as a function of smoothing angle and source redshift. The model relies on a hierarchical ansatz for the behaviour of higher order correlations of the density field. We compare our results with ray-tracing simulations and find very good agreement over a range of smoothing angles. Whereas the density probability distribution function is not sensitive to the cosmological model, the probability distribution function for the convergence can be used to constrain both the power spectrum and cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

We calculate the rate at which dark matter haloes merge to form higher mass systems. Two complementary derivations using Press–Schechter theory are given, both of which result in the same equation for the formation rate. First, a derivation using the properties of the Brownian random walks within the framework of Press–Schechter theory is presented. We then use Bayes' theorem to obtain the same result from the standard Press–Schechter mass function. The rate obtained is shown to be in good agreement with results from Monte Carlo and N -body simulations. We illustrate the usefulness of this formula by calculating the expected cosmological evolution in the rate of star formation that is due to short-lived, merger-induced starbursts. The calculated evolution is well-matched to the observed evolution in ultraviolet luminosity density, in contrast to the lower rates of evolution that are derived from semi-analytic models that do not include a dominant contribution from starbursts. Hence we suggest that the bulk of the observed ultraviolet starlight at z >1 arises from merger-induced starbursts. Finally, we show that a simple merging-halo model can also account for the bulk of the observed evolution in the comoving quasar space density.  相似文献   

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