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Gksu Delta is an important wetland where the Gksu River reaches to sea in the eastern of the town Tasucu-Ice1. The delta is classified as a Wetland of International Impor-tance according to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. The amount of fertilizers used in this area was 7200 tons in 2006. These pollutants affect the surface and groundwater quality negatively. The intensively used fertilizers and pesticides contain not only N- and P compounds but also some heavy metals. The contents of all pol-lutants in surface waters were determined for four different seasons between 2006 and 2008 and with these data a Geographic Information System (GIS) has been constructed by using Map Info. From the photometric heavy metal analysis, it is inferred that the excess concen-tration of Fe, Ni, Mn, Mo and Cu at some locations is the cause of undesirable quality for drinking purposes. The source of excess concentration of various heavy metals is the agri-cultural activities and fertilizers. It is determined that in all periods between 2006 and 2008 the heavy metals and other pollutants in the fertilizers and pesticides transported easily to river water with irrigation return flow. The organic pollutants, including COD, BOD, NH3 and NO3 followed the sharply increasing trends from Silifke city to Mediterranean Sea. The water quality of Gksu River is modeled and determined that the waste water discharge of 10,700 m3/day from Silifke city does not create a serious problem because of the high amount of flow rate of Gksu River. 相似文献
基于GIS的水质数值模拟——以上海市苏州河为例 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
水质模型一旦应用于某一实际水体就必然与区域水环境相联系,因此对包括污染源在内的各种水环境系统要素进行空间分析具有重要意义。本文以上海污染最为严重的水体苏州河为例,在大量实地调查获得的苏州河污染源资辩,水文水质同步监测数据,区域人口数据的基础上,开发并建立了苏州河水环境信息系统,并以此为技术支持.运用水质数值模拟及其与GIS相结合的技术,研究了苏州河水体水质的时空变化规律。证实在苏州河市区段存在着一条明显的污染带,并论述了这条污染带在苏州河涨落潮的不同流场作用下,在河道内不断往复运动的规律。 相似文献
根据河(湖)长制工作需要,考虑到GIS技术在空间数据采集、处理方面的独特优势,借助Arc Hydro Tools工具,提出了一种基于GIS的河(湖)长制"一张图"绘制及编码方法。研究表明:(1)半自动化人机交互的制图方法保证了河段空间位置准确性,且工作效率高于传统的纯人工制图,适用于大范围水系绘制;(2)河段编码规则把河段细分到行政村级别,满足了不同河段与各级河长相对应的业务需求;(3)该方法为河(湖)长制"一张图"的制作提供了从输入到输出的整套解决方案。 相似文献
整合GIS的生态环境建模与EDSS研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
围绕生态环境的空间问题建模及模型集成机制,综合评述了环境建模及其应用软件的研究现状和发展趋势,对比分析了生态环境模型与GIS集成的多种方式,重点讨论了当前环境决策支持系统的开发策略和研究热点,并结合本体技术和语义网服务展望了未来环境决策支持系统解决方案的特征。 相似文献
基于RS与GIS的三峡库区(重庆段)人居环境适宜性评价 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
To explore geographical differences in quantitative characteristics and spatial pat-tern of human settlements environmental suitability (HSES) in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA),terrain,climate,hydrology,vegetation and other natural factors were selected to build the livable environmental evaluation,and the quantitative analysis was conducted through Remote Sensing(RS) and Geographic Informational System (GIS) to reveal geo-graphical characteristics and spatial patterns of HSES.The results are obtained as follows:(1) inhabitants of the TGRA of Chongqing are concentrated in the area with moderate high HSES,which is 78% of the total population distributed in 48% of the study area;(2) the HSES is closely related to the terrain,and it forms an arc-banded spatial succession pattern:relatively low in the northeast and the southeast while comparatively high in the west and the south;(3) large numbers of people are distributed in the area with low suitability (with higher population density than the average of the western China),but economic development level in these areas is quite low.Moreover,these areas are ecological sensitive and fragile,many kinds of eco-environmental problems have been caused by human activities.Therefore,population migration and layout are reasonable options for the development of these areas. 相似文献
一种基于GIS的森林分类专家系统(FCGES)理论与方法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
张洪亮 《云南地理环境研究》2000,12(1):54-58
GIS与ES的结合,是GIS发展的重要方向.在GIS基础上建立森林分类专家系统(FCGES)更是林业系统一个崭新的研究领域.通过阐述FCGES的概念及基于贝叶斯概率的一种专家算法,对其设计与实现过程进行了初步探讨. 相似文献
基于对立统一与质量互变定理的可变模糊评价方法引入海水水质综合评价,构建基于对立统一与质量互变定理的海洋环境质量可变模糊评价模型,首先分析可变模糊评价方法的原理和方法,然后结合GIS栅格数据在表达空间信息方面具有的独特优势,以栅格数据为基础,利用地理信息系统空间叠置分析、地理信息系统空间建模等计算,建立基于多源栅格数据的海水环境可变模糊综合评价模型,得到莱州湾2004~2010年海水环境空间分布图。实践证明,该模型应用于海水水质综合评价是完全可行的,为海洋环境领域的多目标综合评价与决策提供了新的思路与方法。 相似文献
基于GIS的中国可持续人居功能分区评价(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在中国1km×1km栅格尺度人居环境自然适宜性分类评价和分县尺度人口空间集聚程度分级评价的基础上,结合中国分县资源环境承载力和区域经济发展水平和发展潜力,确立了中国可持续的人居功能分区评价模型,提出了中国可持续发展的人居功能分区方案。研究表明:中国可持续的人居功能分区空间分布呈现东南半壁优于西北半壁的格局;人居功能强可持续地区面积约139.75×104km2,占国土面积的14.66%,相应人口4.3亿,接近总人口的1/3,主要分布在东南沿海、长江中下游地区、四川盆地、黄淮海平原以及东北平原的部分地区;人居功能较强可持续地区面积约193.61×104km2,占国土面积的1/5,相应人口3.2亿,接近总人口的1/4,主要分布在三江平原、辽河平原、山东半岛等地;可持续地区面积210.19×104km2,约占国土面积的22%,相应人口3.7亿,占总人口的28.24%,主要分布在呼伦贝尔高原、黄土高原和云贵高原等地,零星见于藏东南谷地和柴达木盆地等地区;较弱可持续地区,面积约145.85×104km2,占国土面积的15.30%,人口1.4亿,约占总人口的11%,零散分布于黄土高原、川滇高原和云贵高原的部分地区;弱可持续地区面积约263.86×104km2,约占国土面积的27.68%,相应人口0.4亿,接近总人口的3%,主要分布在青藏高原、西北荒漠以及川滇高原北部地区。 相似文献
本文通过上海安亭国际汽车城规划信息系统构建的实例,探讨了如何从系统需求分析人手,借助地理信息系统(GIS)技术设计地块或小区域功能信息系统的思路和过程。同时,对于利用GIS建立城市规划信息系统的一般方法与问题作了一定的探讨。 相似文献
This study used the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) to simulate nutrients, dissolved oxygen (DO), and chlorophyll-a dynamics in the Shenandoah River basin and performed an uncertainty analysis to examine the complexity of these variables in water quality estimation and their influence on the Shenandoah River. Significant progress has been made; however, nutrient loads emitted into the Shenandoah River from nonpoint sources remain high. Modeling of three points on the Shenandoah River in Virginia and West Virginia provides an ideal case study since the river is classified by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality as being impaired. The results of a sensitivity test show that model error decreases with increasing model complexity and sensitivity. The model predicted DO values that tended to be close to the measured data, while total nitrogen and phosphorus tended to be overemphasized. Our results examine the importance of temperature, stream flow, and velocity in influencing water quality between seasons and levels on the different sections of the watershed. 相似文献
Monitoring land changes is an important activity in landscape planning and resource management. In this study, we analyze urban land changes in Atlanta metropolitan area through the combined use of satellite imagery, geographic information systems (GIS), and landscape metrics. The study site is a fast-growing large metropolis in the United States, which contains a mosaic of complex landscape types. Our method consisted of two major components: remote sensing-based land classification and GIS-based land change analysis. Specifically, we adopted a stratified image classification strategy combined with a GIS-based spatial reclassification procedure to map land classes from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes acquired in two different years. Then, we analyzed the spatial variation and expansion of urban land changes across the entire metropolitan area through post classification change detection and a variety of GIS-based operations. We further examined the size, pattern, and nature of land changes using landscape metrics to examine the size, pattern, and nature of land changes. This study has demonstrated the usefulness of integrating remote sensing with GIS and landscape metrics in land change analysis that allows the characterization of spatial patterns and helps reveal the underlying processes of urban land changes. Our results indicate a transition of urbanization patterns in the study site with a limited outward expansion despite the dominant suburbanization process. 相似文献
The aim of the study is the analysis of runoff and water quality changes in the Upper Oder River Basin above the Krapkowice gauging station (catchment area A = 10 720.6 km2).The issue of water quality is of particular importance to Poland, which has comparatively poor water resources compared with many countries of the European Union (EU). What is more, large pollutant loads in the upper course of the Oder pose huge problems for water consumers and users in its middle and lower course (including Germany) and pollute the Baltic Sea.Changes in 7 indices of water pollution, including BOD5 and COD (synthetic indices), sulphates, chlorides and suspended matter (mineral substances) and nitrates and phosphates (biogenic substances), were investigated for 8 monitoring sites. The study spans the period before and after political transformation in Poland and the Czech Republic, which significantly altered the economies of these countries. In addition, the patterns of runoff changes were analysed at 3 gauging stations: Chałupki, Krzyżanowice and Miedonia, which were also water quality monitoring points. The analysis encompassed 2 periods: 1970–2000 and 1991–2000.The results demonstrated that poor water quality in the Oder improved significantly during the 1990s, as the result of closure of many industries and plants, improvement of sewage treatment and noticeable increases in runoff causing greater dilution of pollutants.As the EU Water Framework Directive is implemented, better water and sewage management can be expected that will contribute to further improvement of water quality in the Oder. However, problems that remain to be solved are the issues of saline mine waters and surface washings and the long-term accumulation of many hazardous substances in bottom sediments in rivers and reservoirs. 相似文献
基于GIS的伊犁河流域生态环境质量评价与动态分析 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
生态环境质量评价是一项综合性、系统性研究工作,是合理开发利用资源、制定经济社会可持续发展规划和生态环境建设与保护对策的前提和基础。借助GIS技术,以县级行政区划为单元,利用2002和2004年遥感监测数据,运用综合指数评价法,从生物丰度、植被盖度、水网密度、土地退化和污染负荷5个方面,对伊犁河流域8县1市的环境质量现状进行了评价,结果表明:各县级行政区生态环境质量总体较为均衡,均处于一般等级水平,其中流域上游的新源县、巩留县和特克斯县相对较好。在此基础上探讨了生态环境质量综合评价指标体系在干旱区的适用性,比较分析2年期间不同生态环境质量等级的土地覆盖变化,数据表明伊犁河流域生态环境质量呈现"局部有所改善、总体缓慢退化"的趋势,并分析了研究区生态环境质量变化的内在原因。 相似文献
John J. Drake 《Applied geography (Sevenoaks, England)》1981,1(4):287-296
Iron mining in the Schefferville, Quebec, area has resulted in the disruption of some small surface drainage systems and the discharge of large amounts of pumped groundwater into them. Major ion concentrations in surface waters is controlled by the occurrence of the Denault (dolomite) formation, and little change is caused by the mining activities. Acidification of some of the waters by acid precipitation is a potential problem, but no health hazards are likely to accrue from the effects of iron mining on the surface water quality. 相似文献
黄河重要水源补给区甘南高原气候变化及其对生态环境的影响 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
利用甘南高原黄河重要水源补给区气候资料和生态观测资料及统计资料,分析研究区域气候变化特征及其草原湿地生态环境效应。结果表明,甘南高原黄河重要水源补给区降水量年际变化呈下降趋势,降水量的年际变化存在6~7a、15a的周期振荡特征。甘南高原黄河重要水源补给区气温年际变化呈上升趋势,增温速度大于全国增温速度。1980年之后持续偏暖,草地年干燥指数变化呈显著上升趋势。气候变化是草原生态退化的自然诱发因素,而超载过牧、滥采滥挖、人为破坏、生物链失衡等环境蠕变是造成生态退化的人为因素,二者共同作用导致黄河首曲草原湿地水资源锐减、生物多样性减少、生态环境退化。 相似文献
Nutrient over-enrichment of estuarine environments is increasing globally. However, it is difficult to determine the eutrophication trend in estuaries over long periods of time because long-term monitoring records are scarce and do not permit the identification of baseline environmental conditions. In this study, preliminary diatom based transfer functions for the inference of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in east-Australian sub-tropical estuaries were developed to address the deficiency in knowledge relating to historical estuary water quality trends. The transfer functions were created from a calibration set consisting of water quality and associated surface sediment diatom assemblage data from fifty-two sub-tropical estuaries in New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. Following data screening processes, Canonical Correspondence Analysis confirmed that TP and TN both explained significant, independent variation in the diatom assemblages. Variance partitioning, however, indicated that the TP was confounded with and may receive some strength from TN. WA and WA-PLS 2 component models for TP that included all calibration set sites yielded statistically weak results based on the jack-knifed r 2 scores $ \left( {r_{\text{jack}}^{{^{ 2} }} \, = 0.22\;{\text{and}}\;0. 2 2 {\text{ respectively}}} \right) $ . Removal from the calibration set of 12 sites that had all PO4, NH4, NO2, and NOx concentrations below detection limit resulted in a substantial improvement in WA-PLS 2 component TP model scores $ \left( {r_{\text{jack}}^{{^{ 2} }} \; = \;\,0.69} \right) $ , indicating that this model is statistically robust, and thus suitable for down core nutrient reconstructions. Caution, however, is required when developing diatom based inference models in Australian estuaries as nutrient cycling processes may have the potential to influence diatom based transfer functions. The model reported on here provides a foundation for reconstructing nutrient histories in eastern Australian sub-tropical estuaries in the absence of monitoring data. 相似文献
The water quality in the surface microlayer (SML) and subsurface water (SSW) in the Guangzhou segment of Pearl River, a eutrophic urban river section in China, were analyzed. The spatial and temporal dynamics of nutrient concentrations, heavy metals and bacteria were examined from two sampling sites in monthly samples throughout 2010. The mean concentrations of total nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite were higher than 7.0 mg/L, 3.1 mg/L, 1.1 mg/L and 0.3 mg/L, while total phosphorus and orthophosphate were 0.5 mg/L and 0.1 mg/L, respectively. These results indicated that the water quality was rich in minerals and eutrophic. The mean concentrations of Mn and Fe were higher than 0.013 mg/L; and Ni, Cr and Pb were higher than 0.001 mg/L. The mean concentrations were in the order of Mn >Fe > Ni > Pb > Cr. The concentrations of heavy metals in the Guangzhou segment were lower than the limit of the surface water quality standards in China and the World Health Organization (WHO), but higher than the median values in the world’s freshwater. The density of bacteria ranged from 3.30×105 to 5.23×106 cells/mL, and the amount of cultivable heterotrophic bacteria ranged from 1.30×103 to 1.89×106 cfu/mL. Fecal coliform levels were beyond the V class of China water quality standard. The SML was enriched in nutrients, heavy metals and bacteria, with the maximum enrichment factor of 3.84 for nutrients, 8.00 for heavy metals, and 3.04 for bacteria, suggesting that the water quality of the SML of the Guangzhou segment of the Pearl River was more serious than in the SSW. 相似文献
珠江广州河段微表层与次表层水环境质量比较(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The water quality in the surface microlayer(SML) and subsurface water(SSW) in the Guangzhou segment of Pearl River, a eutrophic urban river section in China, were analyzed. The spatial and temporal dynamics of nutrient concentrations, heavy metals and bacteria were examined from two sampling sites in monthly samples throughout 2010. The mean concentrations of total nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite were higher than 7.0 mg/L, 3.1 mg/L, 1.1 mg/L and 0.3 mg/L, while total phosphorus and orthophosphate were 0.5 mg/L and 0.1 mg/L, respectively. These results indicated that the water quality was rich in minerals and eutrophic. The mean concentrations of Mn and Fe were higher than 0.013 mg/L; and Ni, Cr and Pb were higher than 0.001 mg/L. The mean concentrations were in the order of Mn Fe Ni Pb Cr. The concentrations of heavy metals in the Guangzhou segment were lower than the limit of the surface water quality standards in China and the World Health Organization(WHO), but higher than the median values in the world's freshwater. The density of bacteria ranged from 3.30×105 to 5.23×106 cells/mL, and the amount of cultivable heterotrophic bacteria ranged from 1.30×10 3 to 1.89×10 6 cfu/mL. Fecal coliform levels were beyond the V class of China water quality standard. The SML was enriched in nutrients, heavy metals and bacteria, with the maximum enrichment factor of 3.84 for nutrients, 8.00 for heavy metals, and 3.04 for bacteria, suggesting that the water quality of the SML of the Guangzhou segment of the Pearl River was more serious than in the SSW. 相似文献