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河北省中南部农田孢粉组合特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
庞瑞洺  许清海  丁伟  张生瑞 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1345-1354
河北省中南部82 个农田表土花粉组合研究表明:农田花粉组合不仅有农作物花粉类型,也有临近山区的植物成分。山区农田乔木花粉含量与浓度高于平原,对平原的影响随距离增加而降低,距太行山0~50 km 松属花粉含量为20%~30%,50~100 km 为10%~20%,100~150 km 增至20%~30%,海滨区降至16%以下,平原中部含量增加可能与焚风效应有关;山区至平原乔木花粉含量空间上的变化,可能类似于历史时期人类活动介入森林区后时间上的变化。山区和平原灌木花粉含量较低,但主要成分不同,山区以胡颓子科、榛属、虎榛子较常见,平原区蔷薇科、葡萄科花粉相对较多。平原区草本花粉含量高出山区,其中藜科花粉由山区向平原逐渐增高,可能反映人类活动不断增强的特征。山区中华卷柏含量高于平原,但平原区高达7%。中华卷柏不易被风搬运,推测平原区农田的中华卷柏可能是平原沉积时由河流从山区搬运而来。相同类型农业单元乔木、灌木花粉和蕨类百分比山区一般高于平原,草本低于平原;不同类型农业单元乔木、草本百分比平原区相近,山区差异较大。山区乔木花粉含量差异主要受草本类型影响,平原区草本花粉组合差异主要是农作物花粉(人工禾本科、十字花科) 含量的差异;不同农业单元孢粉浓度差异主要为草本花粉浓度不同。  相似文献   

河北太行山区土地利用/覆被变化及其环境效应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据1996-2001年土地调查数据,分析太行山区土地利用变化特征。阐述城乡建设用地增加、土地过度垦殖、林草覆盖减少导致水土流失加剧、耕层土壤遭到破坏、水利设施受损、水旱灾害频繁等不良后果。对不同土地覆被盖度下的减灾效应进行比较,提出发展生态农业的对策与建议。  相似文献   

太白山北坡花粉通量与表土花粉研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
太白山北坡各森林植被带乔木花粉百分比多高于45%,与植被组成类似。高山草甸带捕捉器样品乔木花粉百分比低于15%,与植被组成一致,但表土花粉组合中乔木花粉百分比高于50%,外来花粉数量较多,进行高山带古环境研究应予注意。太白红杉林花粉通量最低,高山灌丛草甸最高。落叶栎林带表土花粉浓度最低,红桦林带最高。表土中松、冷杉属花粉百分比远高于花粉捕捉器,表明其在表土中有较好的保存能力。落叶松属和杜鹃花科花粉在表土及捕捉器中百分比均较低,表明对植被指示性良好。栎属与桦属花粉通量类似,但桦属花粉浓度大于栎属,表明栎属较桦属易于保存。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地南缘尼雅剖面的孢粉组合与环境   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钟巍  舒强  熊黑钢 《地理研究》2001,20(1):91-96
根据尼雅剖面孢粉含量的分析,结合^14C年代、δ^13C和低步磁化率X1f值的变化,探讨了位于塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘尼雅地区近4000年来的气候环境演化。结果表明,近4000年来,此地区气候持续干旱,但期间仍有几次相对湿润的波动,即在约3600aBP前后(1650BC)、2500-1900aBP(550BC-50AD)和1400-1000aBP(550-950AD)期间,生态环境湿润程度有所增加。研究还表明,干旱区孢粉分析结果对于古植被、古气候环境的恢复以及古人类活动变迁的推测可提供较为有用的信息,剖面中1.70-1.60m(100BC-50AD)孢粉组合禾本科花粉含量的峰值很可能是古人类生产活动的影响所至。  相似文献   

53 pollen traps and surface samples were collected in order to detect the characteristics of pollen assemblages and their relationships with vegetation and climate in 16 forest communities located in 10 mountains in northern China. The results show that 72% of the pollen taxa (80 taxa) are the same between the traps and the surface samples. The dominant taxa in the plant communities are consistent with the main pollen taxa in the pollen assemblages at the same sites. In Pinus plant communities, both Pinus pollen influx and concentration are higher, indicating the high pollen productivity and good pollen preservation ability of Pinus. In Picea and Abies plant communities, Picea and Abies have lower pollen influxes but higher concentrations, suggesting their low pollen productivities but better pollen preservation abilities. In Betula and Quercus plant communities, Betula and Quercus have higher pollen influxes but lower concentrations, revealing their high pollen productivities but poor pollen preservation abilities. The study of relationships between pollen and vegetation with discriminant analysis shows that pollen assemblages from both trap and surface samples can reflect the characteristics of different communities and distinguish different ecological areas, but surface samples can reflect the dominant components of communities much better than the traps. The study on correlations between pollen assemblages and climate with DCCA reveals that significant correlations exist between pollen assemblages and mean temperature of the coldest month (r = 0.84 for trap samples, r = 0.72 for surface samples), and then annual mean precipitation (r = 0.73 for trap samples, r = 0.71 for surface samples).  相似文献   

53 pollen traps and surface samples were collected in order to detect the characteristics of pollen assemblages and their relationships with vegetation and climate in 16 forest communities located in 10 mountains in northern China. The results show that 72% of the pollen taxa (80 taxa) are the same between the traps and the surface samples. The dominant taxa in the plant communities are consistent with the main pollen taxa in the pollen assemblages at the same sites. In Pinus plant communities, both Pinus pollen influx and concentration are higher, indicating the high pollen productivity and good pollen preservation ability of Pinus. In Picea and Abies plant communities, Picea and Abies have lower pollen influxes but higher concentrations, suggesting their low pollen productivities but better pollen preservation abilities. In Betula and Quercus plant communities, Betula and Quercus have higher pollen influxes but lower concentrations, revealing their high pollen productivities but poor pollen preservation abilities. The study of relationships between pollen and vegetation with discriminant analysis shows that pollen assemblages from both trap and surface samples can reflect the characteristics of different communities and distinguish different ecological areas, but surface samples can reflect the dominant components of communities much better than the traps. The study on correlations between pollen assemblages and climate with DCCA reveals that significant correlations exist between pollen assemblages and mean temperature of the coldest month (r = 0.84 for trap samples, r = 0.72 for surface samples), and then annual mean precipitation (r = 0.73 for trap samples, r = 0.71 for surface samples).  相似文献   

贺兰山西坡4个植被类型(荒漠草原、榆树疏林、青海云杉林、高山灌丛草甸)的18个表土样品和12个捕捉器样品花粉组合与周围植被对比研究表明,表土和捕捉器样品花粉组合能较好地代表当地的植被类型,但荒漠草原带、榆树疏林带和高山灌丛草甸带捕捉器样品花粉组合表现植物建群种比表土样品好,青海云杉林植被带表土样品花粉组合表现植物建群种比捕捉器样品好。松属、蒿属和藜科花粉表土样品花粉组合百分比高于捕捉器样品,表明这4种花粉类型易于在表土环境保存,蔷薇科、豆科和杨属捕捉器样品花粉组合百分比高于表土样品,表明这3种花粉类型不易在表土环境保存。捕捉器样品花粉组合反映植物多样性比表土样品好,绣线菊、百合科、毛茛科和石竹科花粉在捕捉器样品花粉组合出现,而在表土样品花粉组合均未发现。捕捉器样品花粉组合聚类分析结果显示不同植被带花粉组合差异明显,而表土样品花粉组合聚类分析只可区分荒漠草原植被和高山灌丛草甸植被。  相似文献   

河北省粮食生产灰色关联动态分析   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
许月卿  李秀彬 《地理研究》2002,21(3):339-346
根据 194 9~ 1998年各县 (市 )的统计资料 ,分析了河北省近 5 0年粮食生产的变化历程和空间差异 ,运用灰色系统理论对影响河北省粮食生产的诸因素进行关联动态分析 ,量化了粮食总产量与诸因子的关联程度 ,指出粮食单产、有效灌溉面积和粮食播种面积是影响河北省粮食生产的最重要因素 ,并提出了实现河北省粮食生产可持续发展的基本途径 ,为今后河北省农业可持续发展提供了参考依据  相似文献   

该文阐述河北省水资源由于自产地表水、入境水量减少 ,工农业用水量增加 ,缺水状况日益严重 ,生态环境恶化等问题。并提出加强水资源管理 ,利用经济杠杆 ,促进节水 ,南水北调 ,污水资源化 ,海水淡化等解决河北省水危机的对策措施  相似文献   

根据采自福建省中部戴云山脉亚高山水系源头地带(大致25°40′N,118°11′E)泥炭沉积洼地的孢粉纪录,对该地区亚热带山地植被近4000年来的变化进行了研究.孢粉记录和其他沉积资料显示,3个取样点的泥炭沉积开始于4000年前,很可能是全新世后期气候转冷的结果.在距今4000~1200年前期间,戴云山脉上部(海拔1300~1600m)的植被为亚热带针阔叶混交类型,优势种属包括Cryptomeria(柳杉)、Castanopsis(栲)、Quercus(栎)和Tsuga(铁杉)等.距今1200年前左右,该区域的植被发生了一次大的变化,表现在上述优势属种的孢粉在样品总孢粉数的比例突然下降,而Pinus(松),Gramineae(禾本科)以及Dicranopteris(芒萁)等属种的比例则提高了.这次剧烈的植被变化在其中的一个泥炭钻孔中留下了一层粘土记录,它代表了当时流域内植被受破坏后出现的严重土壤侵蚀.从泥炭沉积提取的孢粉记录还可以看出,研究区内广泛分布的松林是一种次生植被,它是人类不断干扰的结果.  相似文献   

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