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淮河上游全新世黄土及其沉积动力系统研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
对淮河上游禹州YPC剖面与陇东XJN剖面和关中盆地JYC剖面黄土沉积物进行的分析对比,发现淮河上游地区全新世黄土-土壤剖面与陇东和关中盆地具有相同的沉积和成壤变化过程,但磁化率明显低于陇东和关中盆地,而粒度明显比陇东和关中盆地粗。分析认为,淮河上游和黄土高原地区分属不同的风力系统,有不同的粉尘源区。淮河上游是近源风尘沉积物,粉尘主要来源于黄河下游泛滥平原的风沙地带。其粉尘产生和搬运的动力与黄土高原显著不同,它主要是冬半年华北平原盛行的东北风力系统。  相似文献   

Palaeoflood hydrology study is a leading subject in global change study. Through field investigation in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River, palaeoflood slackwater deposits(SWD) were found in the bedrock gorges of the Yunxi reach. The results of field observation, laboratory analysis including particle-size distribution and magnetic susceptibility, and comparison with modern flood deposits, the SWD were identified as the most typical Holocene palaeoflood deposits of the Hanjiang River. By using stratigraphic correlation and OSL dating method, the palaeoflood event was dated to be 3200–2800 a BP at the turn from the middle to late Holocene. According to the palaeoflood peak stage and hydraulic parameters, the peak discharges of the palaeoflood were reconstructed as 48,830–51,710 m3/s by using the slope-area method. At same time, the flood peak discharges of 1983, 2005 and 2010 severe floods were reconstructed with the same method and hydraulic parameters in the same cross section. The error between the reconstructed and gauged discharges was 1.99%–4.21%. This showed that the reconstructed palaeoflood peak discharges were reliable. The flood peak discharge-frequency relationship at 10,000-year time scale was established by a combination of the gauged flood, historical flood and palaeoflood hydrological data. These results are very important for hydraulic engineering and flood mitigation on the Hanjiang River.  相似文献   

Yangshao culture is the most important mid-Holocene Neolithic culture in the Yellow River catchment,and thus,a study on the impact of human activities on the environment is important.In the current study,the distribution pattern of the cultivated land in late Yangshao culture is reconstructed using GIS tool and site domain analysis(SDA).The results show that the cultivated land during 5.5-5.0 ka BP was mainly distributed in the Weihe River valley,Luohe River valley,northwestern Henan Plain,Fenhe River valley and eastern Gansu region,especially concentrated in the Xi’an-Baoji line of the Weihe River valley.At that time,at least 37,000 km 2 of lands were reclaimed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River,and 132,000 km 2 of lands were affected by agricultural activities.Human activities had become the driving force of land use/land coverage.Charcoal records indicate that the ancestors of Yangshao culture burnt forests for reclamation,leading to the decrease of arbor pollen at 5 ka BP in core areas of the Yangshao culture.The areas that were significantly affected by human activities accounted for 3.2% of the Yangshao culture influenced area,while the moderately affected areas accounted for 20.1% of Yangshao culture influenced area.Meanwhile,92% of the land areas on the edge and outside of the Yangshao culture influenced area were not affected by human activities.The arbor pollen in these areas did not decrease until 4.0 ka BP.  相似文献   

Based on field surveys, soil samples were collected at the YPC site, Yuzhou City, Henan Province for analysis of contents of major and trace elements and their variations with XRF and comparison with the curves of magnetic susceptibility, pH value distribution, loss on ignition and particle-size distribution. It was concluded that the dust source of loess in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River Basin was different from that in the Loess Plateau. And the Holocene pedogenic environmental changes in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River Basin were revealed. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40571154; No.40471119 Author: Li Xinyan (1978–), Ph.D, specialized in resource exploitation and environmental science.  相似文献   

颖河上游全新世黄土-古土壤物质来源研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
淮河支流颖河上游嵩山东麓丘陵台地与河流阶地一典型全新世黄土-古土壤剖面磁化率、粒度成分和 >0.1 mm粒级百分比含量分析结果显示, 该地黄土磁化率明显偏低, 粒度比黄土高原地区粗, 表明该地黄土具有不同的粉尘源区, 由不同风力系统形成。深入论证分析揭示出颖河上游黄土是近源风尘沉积物, 粉尘主要来源于孟津以东黄河冲积、洪积扇的松散河流沉积物。黄河下游的频繁决口、改道、泛滥沉积为风沙活动提供了丰富的物源, 形成风沙活动的动力是东北风。3 100 a B.P.以后气候趋于干旱, 黄河下游泛滥频率增加, 风沙活动范围扩大, 沙尘暴活动强烈。  相似文献   

黄河源区径流对气候变化的响应及未来趋势(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This study examines the hydrological and meteorological data of the source region of the Yellow River from 1956 to 2010 and future climate scenarios from regional climate model (PRECIS) during 2010-2020. Through analyzing the flow variations and revealing the climate causes, it predicts the variation trend for future flows. It is found that the annual mean flow showed a decreasing trend in recent 50 years in the source region of the Yellow River with quasi-periods of 5a, 8a, 15a, 22a and 42a; the weakened South China Sea summer monsoon induced precipitation decrease, as well as evaporation increase and frozen soil degeneration in the scenario of global warming are the climate factors, which have caused flow decrease. Based on the regional climate model PRECIS prediction, the flows in the source region of the Yellow River are likely to decrease generally in the next 20 years.  相似文献   

 通过地处亚洲中部干旱区的新疆伊犁河谷塔克尔莫乎尔沙漠沉积剖面(TKP)73块孢粉样品的鉴定分析,结合光释光(OSL)测年数据,获取了TKP沉积剖面晚全新世(约3.78~0 ka BP)植被变化特征与古气候历史。TKP剖面孢粉资料揭示出该研究区3.7 ka BP以来经历了多次的气候干湿波动,大致以2.2 ka BP为界,分为前后两个时期,前期孢粉总浓度较低,平均仅有5粒·g-1,主体表现为沙漠,气候整体干旱; 后期孢粉总浓度明显增加,平均为85粒·g-1,为荒漠植被,并存在4个相对干湿的变化阶段; 最近0.3 ka BP以来,孢粉总浓度并不十分丰富(33粒·g-1),整体表现变干的趋势。TKP剖面孢粉资料反映的晚全新世干湿波动与其他相邻区域具有较好的可比性,具有区域一致性特征。在小冰期时TKP剖面表现为冷湿的气候特征,有可能是受到中高纬度北大西洋气候变化的影响。  相似文献   

甜水沟全新世黄土-古土壤序列风化程度及意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对大荔人遗址的甜水沟剖面(TSG)全新世黄土-古土壤序列中常量元素含量、磁化率和Rb/Sr比值进行了研究和比对。结果表明:在TSG剖面发育过程中,Ca、Mg、Na表现为迁移淋失,Si、K呈现弱富集特征,Fe的迁移不明显;磁化率、钾钠比、硅铝铁率、SiO2/(MgO+CaO)(、CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3的分布随地层的变化而同步变化。上述变化指示古土壤S0形成时期,化学风化程度强烈和气候温暖湿润,黄土L0和Lt堆积时期,风化成壤作用较弱和气候相对干旱,而全新世晚期可能曾出现过一次较为暖湿的次级气候变化。  相似文献   

Based on field surveys, soil samples were collected at the YPC site, Yuzhou City, Henan Province for analysis of contents of major and trace elements and their variations with XRF and comparison with the curves of magnetic susceptibility, pH value distribution, loss on ignition and particle-size distribution. It was concluded that the dust source of loess in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River Basin was different from that in the Loess Plateau. And the Holocene pedogenic environmental changes in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River Basin were revealed.  相似文献   

淮河上游全新世风成黄土-土壤物质来源研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过对淮河上游地区河南新郑全新世黄土—古土壤剖面磁化率和粒度的测量分析,揭示了淮河上游地区沙质黄土和古土壤的物质来源。该区黄土—古土壤磁化率明显低于黄土高原区,而粒度明显比黄土高原区粗,属于沙质黄土。通过两地区粒度分布的对比,揭示了它们有不同的粉尘源区,分属于不同的风成系统。淮河上游地区黄土是近源风尘沉积物,粉尘主要来源于孟津以东黄河冲积、洪积扇的松散河流沉积粉沙,实质是黄土高原水土流失的产物。黄河的频繁决口、改道、泛滥沉积为其提供了丰富的物源,其粗颗粒粉尘产生和搬运堆积的动力是东北风。淮河上游地区全新世早期粉尘是近源粗颗粒堆积,堆积速率可达18.6cm/ka,是黄土高原南部地区的2.3倍。  相似文献   

在野外考察研究的基础上,在河南禹州全新世黄土-古土壤剖面系统采样,利用X-荧光光谱仪测定了常量元素的含量,并与磁化率、粘粒含量及碳酸钙含量变化曲线对比发现:常量元素氧化物(Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、MgO)含量随土壤地层呈现有规律变化,即在古土壤层(S0)中含量最高,表土层(MS)中次之,在黄土层(L1、Lt、L0)中最低;Na2O在古土壤层淋失,在黄土层相对富集。深入分析表明,淮河上游全新世黄土为风力沉积物,来源于黄河下游泛滥平原的风沙活动和沙尘暴沉积。在古土壤层和表土层形成时期,气候温暖湿润,虽然仍然有沙尘暴发生,但是成壤作用和次生粘化作用较强;在黄土层堆积时期,气候干旱寒冷,黄河下游泛滥平原植被稀疏,风沙活动和沙尘暴强烈,风化成壤作用极其微弱。这些化学成分含量与磁化率相关性很强,表明它们主要受全新世气候与成壤环境变化的控制。  相似文献   

通过沿淮河上游野外考察,在毛集河口卢庄找到了一典型全新世古洪水滞流沉积物剖面,进行了系统采样和沉积学粒度分析及水文学恢复的研究工作。粒度分析表明,古洪水滞流沉积物(SWD)与上下层黄土-古土壤区别明显,粒度参数Q型聚类层次分明,其粒级组分以砂质为主,而黄土古土壤粒度以粗粉砂为主,SWD其粒度分形维数明显偏低,各沉积单元粒级组分端元特征明显,通过粒度特征能够很好地鉴别古洪水滞流沉积物层。水文学研究结果表明,自8 500 a以来,在淮和上游至少发生了6次特大洪水,根据各层SWD的厚度和产状关系推求出了其最大可能的洪峰水位,高于水平位10.03~14.36 m之间,据滞流回水环境状态下淮河河道相应的洪峰水位,采用恒定均匀流比降-面积法求得各期洪峰流量介于7 062.18~16 040.94 m3·s-1之间。研究结果对古洪水滞流沉积物鉴别和古洪水洪峰水位的恢复提供新的思路和方法,同时有效地延长了淮河上游洪水数据序列,可为淮河上游卢庄段全新世时间尺度上洪水流量-频率关系的建立提供参考数据。这对于淮河上游水利水电工程洪水设计和洪水资源化开发管理具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

雅砻江上游径流及影响因素关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究雅砻江上游径流的变化及其积雪、气温和降水对径流的影响,首先根据相关性将年径流周期分为枯水期、融雪影响期和汛期,其次,结合MODIS 8天积雪产品、研究区气温和降水数据,采用相关分析和归因分析法分析了径流与影响因素的相关性以及各影响因素对径流变化的影响程度,最后用逐步多元回归分析法得出枯水期和融雪影响期径流的预测方程。结果表明:2000-2014年间雅砻江上游径流整体呈上升趋势,冬季积雪面积的减少导致径流减少了24.89%,汛期降水增加导致径流增加了79.38%,采用相关分析和逐步多元回归方法可有效分析径流与影响因素的关系及影响程度。  相似文献   

近年来,岷江上游干旱河谷区土地环境和农产品污染问题日趋严重,耕地数量减少、质量下降,土地沙化形势严峻,阻碍区域和下游经济可持续发展。在分析该区脆弱山地生态基础上,探讨了土地环境的现状和演变。研究发现:土地环境的恶化是系统内在特性和外在干扰体综合作用的结果,内在的脆弱特性决定了土地系统对干扰的抗性差,退化后难以恢复,而强烈的人为干扰则加剧了系统的退化速度和进程。生态修复和重建应系统规划,综合治理,建立强有力的区际生态补偿机制,建设干旱河谷区高产优质农林业。  相似文献   

基于1961-2014 年岷江上游及其周边地区20 个气象站点的观测资料,运用Mann-Kendal非参数检验方法分析了研究区近50 a 的气候突变,结合DEM、土壤、水系、土地利用等数据构建了干旱河谷典型特征的诊断指标体系,准确地界定了岷江上游干旱河谷的范围并分析了其气候突变前后的变化。结果表明:(1)研究区气候突变的时间节点为1981 年,当前气候条件(1982-2014 年)下,岷江上游干旱河谷总长度约为151.63 km,面积约705.62 km2(占区域总面积的2.94%),主要分布于松潘镇江关以下,经茂县凤仪镇至汶川县绵褫间的岷江干流,以及黑水河谷和杂谷脑河谷等岷江支流的两侧。(2)当前气候条件下干旱河谷较气候突变前(1961-1980 年)覆盖河道两岸更宽的范围且向北延伸,长度增加20.87 km,面积增加81.61 km2;(3)气候变暖和土地利用方式的改变是引起岷江上游干旱河谷范围扩大的主要原因。  相似文献   

岷江上游山区聚落生态位垂直分异研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王青  石敏球  郭亚琳  张宇 《地理学报》2013,68(11):1559-1567
以岷江上游山区聚落为研究对象,采用生态位的方法,利用遥感资料和GIS技术,提取岷江上游山区空间信息,定量研究山区聚落生态位影响尺度、人口密度及民族类型带谱垂直分异特征,并建立民族聚落生态位类型图谱。研究表明:聚落生态位地理半径随着海拔升高而增大,其数值介于300~600 m;相反,聚落生态位人口密度却随着海拔升高而递减,其数值介于200~630 人/km2;聚落生态位地理半径和人口密度的垂直分异特征,是山区居民长期适应山地环境的结果,与民族类型及其生计方式密切相关。在流域尺度上,岷江上游作为我国西南地区的一条民族廊道,聚落生态位民族类型空间格局具有典型的带谱特征:藏族和回族聚落生态位均处于河流干支流的上部,羌族聚落生态位对应于干旱河谷和V型河谷上部的低半山缓坡地带,汉族聚落生态位位于岷江上游入口处的河谷地带。  相似文献   

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