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Short-term climate changes in Southern Chile are investigated by a multi-proxy analysis of a 53-cm-long sedimentary sequence selected among eight short cores retrieved in Lago Puyehue (Chile, 40°S). This core contains a 600-yr-long undisturbed record of paleo-precipitation changes. Two measurement methods for sediment density, organic matter and biogenic silica contents are compared and the most appropriate techniques are selected. Together with aluminium and titanium concentrations, grain size and geochemical properties of the organic matter, these proxies are used to demonstrate paleo-precipitation changes around 40°S. Increase of terrigenous particle supply between A.D. 1490 and A.D. 1700 suggests a humid period. Contemporaneously, δ13C data show increasing lake productivity, in response to the high nutrient supply. The A.D. 1700-1900 interval is characterized by a decreasing terrigenous supply and increasing δ13C values, interpreted as a drying period. The magnetic susceptibility signal, reflecting the terrigenous/biogenic ratio, demonstrates that similar variations occur in all the undisturbed sedimentary environments of Lago Puyehue. The A.D. 1490-1700 wet period is associated with the onset of the European Little Ice Age (LIA) and interpreted as its local signature. This work supports the fact that the LIA was a global event, not only restricted to the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Between the Late Jurassic and the Middle Miocene, widespread magmatism, tectonic events and hydrothermal mineralization characterized the geological evolution of the Atacama segment of the South American Andes. A characteristic feature of this zone is the coincidence in time and space between subduction-generated igneous activity, crustal deformation and mineralization in the magmatic arcs, which formed longitudinal belts migrating eastward.Mineralization in the last 140 Ma is generally restricted to four longitudinal metallogenic belts, in which hydrothermal activity was channelled along crustal-scale faults (1) the Atacama Fault System, along which Early Cretaceous Cu-Au-bearing breccia pipes, veins and stockwork were formed; (2) the Inca do Oro Belt, which contains Upper Cretaceous low sulphur precious metal epithermal mineralization, and Middle Eocene Cu-Mo-Au-bearing breccia pipes; (3) the West Fissure System, which hosts Upper Eocene to Early Oligocene porphyry copper deposits and high sulphur precious metal epithermal mineralization; and (4) the Maricunga Belt, when contains Upper Oligocene to Middle Miocene high sulphur precious metal epithermal deposits and Au-rich porphyry mineralization.  相似文献   

A 13.94-m-long sediment core, collected from a medium-sized lake in the Qilian Mountains (NE Tibetan Plateau, China), was analysed palynologically at 81 horizons. The interpretation of indicator taxa yielded various vertical shifts of the vegetation belts. These palaeovegetation results have been checked with lake surface pollen spectra from 8 lakes representing different altitudinal vegetation belts. Our main findings are the following: A short period of the late Marine Isotope Stage 3 (around ∼46,000 yr ago) was characterized by interglacial temperature conditions with a tree line above its present-day altitude. During the LGM, the vicinity of the lake was not covered by ice but by sparse alpine vegetation and alpine deserts, indicating that the climate was colder by ∼4-7°C than today. Markedly higher temperatures were inferred from higher arboreal pollen frequencies between ∼13,000 and ∼7,000 yr ago with a Holocene temperature optimum and a maximal Picea-Betula mixed-forest expansion between ∼9,000 and ∼7000 yr ago, when temperatures exceeded the present-day conditions by at least 1-2°C. Alpine steppes and meadows and sub-alpine shrub vegetation dominated around the lake since the middle Holocene, suggesting that vegetation and climate conditions were exceptionally stable in comparison to previous periods.  相似文献   

The Coastal Accretionary Complex of central Chile constitutes the product of early Carboniferous to Late Triassic subduction at the rear of Chilenia, a continental terrane likely derived from Laurentia and accreted to southwestern margin of Gondwana during the Mid to Late Devonian. The complex contains basaltic metavolcanic sequences of the subducted oceanic lithosphere accreted to the active margin. In this paper, we address the tectonic setting of these rocks by means of a geochemical study in the coastal area of Pichilemu region, central Chile. The accreted fragments of oceanic crust occupy different structural levels, exhibit variable metamorphic grade, and have geochemical fingerprints that reveal a compositional heterogeneity of the subducted oceanic crust. The amphibolites have N to E-MORB compositions. Greenschist units include N-MORB and E-MORB transitional to OIB, and blueschists and greenschists interleaved within a single metavolcanosedimentary sequence have OIB signatures. Neodymium isotopic systematics indicate depleted and enriched mantle sources, whereas strontium isotopic systematics indicate seawater/rock interaction. The variety of rocks suggests formation in an oceanic setting characterized by shallow and deep mantle sources, such as plume-influenced ridge. Based on the geological, petrological, geochemical, and isotopic characteristics, we propose that the metavolcanic protoliths of the Pichilemu region formed relatively close to the western margin of the Chilenia terrane during the initial stage (late Cambrian–Early Devonian) of seafloor development and drifting of this continental block. Geochemical similarities with oceanic units accreted to the active margin south of the Pichilemu region indicate a regional pattern of the oceanic crust subducted under the Palaeozoic Chilean margin between, at least, 34°S and 39°S latitude, strongly supporting the activity of a mantle plume. This, in turn, can be correlated with the location of the Pacific plume generation zone in early Palaeozoic era, corroborating a Laurentian origin for the Chilenia terrane.  相似文献   

Global tracing of the key surfaces of Triassic deposits may contribute significantly to the understanding of the common patterns in their accumulation. We attempt to define synthems – disconformity-bounded sedimentary complexes – in the Triassic successions of southern South America (southwestern Gondwana, Brazil and Argentina) and the Western Caucasus (the northern Neotethys, Russia), and then to trace their boundaries in the adjacent regions and globally. In southern South America, a number of synthems have been recognized – the Cuyo Basin: the Río Mendoza–Cerro de las Cabras Synthem (Olenekian–Ladinian) and the Potrerillos–Cacheuta–Río Blanco Synthem (Carnian–Rhaetian); the Ischigualasto Basin: the Ischichuca-Los Rastros Synthem (Anisian–Ladinian) and the Ischigualasto–Los Colorados Synthem (Carnian–Rhaetian); the Chaco–Paraná Basin: the Sanga do Cabral Synthem (Induan), the Santa Maria 1 Synthem (Ladinian), the Santa Maria 2 Synthem (Carnian), and the Caturrita Synthem (Norian); western Argentina: the Talampaya Synthem (Lower Triassic) and the Tarjados Synthem (Olenekian?). In the Western Caucasus, three common synthems have been distinguished: WC-1 (Induan–Anisian), WC-2 (uppermost Anisian–Carnian), and WC-3 (Norian–lower Rhaetian). The lower boundary of WC-1 corresponds to a hiatus whose duration seems to be shorter than that previously postulated. The synthem boundaries that are common to southwestern Gondwana and the Western Caucasus lie close to the base and top of the Triassic. The Lower Triassic, Ladinian, and Upper Triassic disconformities are traced within the studied basins of southern South America, and the first two are also established in South Africa. The Upper Triassic disconformity is only traced within the entire Caucasus, whereas all synthem boundaries established in the Western Caucasus are traced partly within Europe. In general, the synthem boundaries recognized in southern South America and the Western Caucasus are correlated to the global Triassic sequence boundaries and sea-level falls. Although regional peculiarities are superimposed on the appearance of global events in the Triassic synthem architecture, the successful global tracing suggests that planetary-scale mechanisms of synthem formation existed and that they were active in regions dominated by both marine and non-marine sedimentation.  相似文献   

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