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地下水易污染性分析是合理开发利用地下水资源、保护地下水环境的一项重要的基础性工作.长期以来针对潜水含水层易污染性的研究进行的较为深入,而对承压含水层易污染性的研究较为少见.同时,易污染性评价方法又以经验方法为主,受人为主观因素影响较大,因此需要通过对承压含水层污染机理进行研究,以减少人为主观因素对评价结果的影响.本文以单井开采承压含水层为例,通过分析承压含水层受污染的原因,以单位面积上越流补给量占开采量的比重为承压含水层易污染性指数,在建立越流区承压水向完整井稳定运动的微分方程的基础上,得到易污染性指数的解析表达式,并分析了各参数对易污染性的影响,使承压含水层易污染性评价有了一定的理论依据,对合理开发利用承压含水层有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

尹道谦 《贵州地质》2001,18(1):44-47
以贵阳市金关片区地下越流排污工程为例,充分利用水环境功能差异和有利的自然地理条件,采取地下隧道工程,改变污水流向,以达到饮用水源保护与经济协调发展的目标。  相似文献   

This study reviews the distribution of groundwater salinity in an arid desert transition zone. By combining field experiments and computer simulation models we make a comprehensive analysis of the formation mechanism of fresh groundwater in relation to the paleogeographic conditions of lithofacies, the geochemical characteristics of the aquifer media, salt deliverability in the vadose zone and prevailing hydrodynamic conditions. The results demonstrate that (1) the lacustrine facies deposition stratum of the Huanhe formation in the Cretaceous system provides a brackish-salt groundwater environment; (2) the average salinity of parent rocks are approximately 440 mg/kg and 4 371 mg/kg in the Quaternary eolian sand and the Cretaceous Huanhe formation respectively, suggesting that parent rocks are the principal controlling factor in the distribution of groundwater quality given that mineral and chemical composition of the eolian sand is simpler than that of the Huanhe formation; (3) average groundwater flow rates are approximately 0.25 m/d and 0.1 m/d in eolian sand and Huanhe formation aquifers respectively, indicating that hydrodynamic conditions play an important role in driving in the formation and evolution of fresh groundwater; (4) The salinity deliverability in the vadose zone overlying the aeolian sand and Huanhe formation aquifers are approximately 15.97 mg/L and 220.42 mg/L respectively, signifying that the combination of lithology and salt content of vadose zone, rainfall infiltration, evapotranspiration and concentration heavily influence the formation, distribution and evolution of groundwater quality. This study can provide a scientific basis for the sustainable development and utilization of groundwater resources in arid areas.  相似文献   

本文在前人工作的基础上,通过进一步的地质、水文地质调查,地球物理勘探,水文地质钻探,在阿拉善北部苏宏图寻找了可资应用的地下淡水,依据地貌、地层结构、地质构造和补径排特征分析了该区地下淡水的赋存和运移机制,对于同类干旱区地下水的勘查具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

华北平原深层地下水超采程度计算与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
华北平原深层地下水的超采已引起了一系列的环境地质问题。为了从区域上认识深层地下水的超采情况以及由此引发的环境地质问题,分别以地下水开采潜力系数(深层地下水可利用量/现状开采量)、地面沉降量、多年平均水位下降速率为指标对地下水超采情况进行了计算和分析。结果表明,不同方法的计算结果具有一定的一致性。从区域上来看,深层地下水总体上处于超采状态,已无开采潜力。地下水开采程度指标采用以2003年为现状年的开采量,因此更多反映的是开采程度现状。利用地面沉降和多年平均水位下降速率计算的超采结果更多地反映了深层地下水开采历史所产生的环境地质问题。  相似文献   

控制地面沉降条件下天津深层地下水资源持续利用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
天津平原大强度开采深层地下水引发严重的地面沉降.根据地下水位和地面沉降监测结果分析,第四系中更新统和下更新统是深层地下水持续利用的最佳层位.当水位埋深控制在35~40m,引发的地面沉降量小于10mrrda,深层地下水开采资源为26 755×104m3/a,平均资源模数为2.90×104m3/(a·km2).与1991-2000年平均开采量相比,资源量减少了43.1%,而地面沉降量可以减少68.3%.长期大强度开采深层地下水提高了粘性土的固结程度.保持历史开采层位,稳定开采量,使水位稳定在地面沉降临界水位附近,是深层地下水资源持续利用,控制地面沉降的有效措施.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge(SGD)is being increasingly recognized as a significant source of nutri-ent into coastal waters,and generally comprises two components:submarine fresh groundwater dis-charge(SFGD)and recirculated saline groundwater discharge(RSGD).The separate evaluation of SFGD and RSGD is extremely limited as compared to the conventional estimation of total SGD and associated nutrient fluxes,especially in marginal-scale regions.In this study,new high-resolution radium isotopes data in seawater and coastal groundwater enabled an estimation of SGD flux in a typical marginal sea of the Yellow Sea.By establishing 226Ra and 228Ra mass balance models,we obtained the SGD-derived radium fluxes,and then estimated the SFGD and RSGD fluxes through a two end-member model.The results showed that the total SGD flux into the Yellow Sea was equivalent to approximately 6.6 times the total freshwater discharge of surrounding rivers,and the SFGD flux accounted for only 5.2%-8.8%of the total SGD.Considering the nutrient concentrations in coastal fresh and saline groundwater,we obtained the dissolved inorganic nutrient fluxes(mmol m-2 yr-1)to be 52-353 for nitrogen(DIN),0.21-1.4 for phosphorus(DIP),34-226 for silicon(DSi)via SFGD,and 69-262 for DIN,1.0-3.9 for DIP,70-368 for DSi via RSGD,with the sum of nutrient fluxes equaling to(1.8-9.3)-fold,(1.3-5.6)-fold and(2.0-9.5)-fold of the riverine inputs.Compared to the conventional estimation of the total SGD flux,the nutrient fluxes derived from the separation of SFGD and RSGD were(1.6-2.1),(1.6-1.8)and(4.0-4.9)times lower for DIN,DIP and DSi,respectively,indicating that the estimates by separating SFGD and RSGD could be conservative and representative results of the Yellow Sea.Furthermore,we suggested that SGD played an important role in nutrient sources among all the traditional nutrient inputs sources,providing 15%-48%,33%-68%and 14%-43%of the total DIN,DIP and DSi input fluxes into the Yellow Sea,and the high nutrient stoichiometric ratios(i.e.,DIN/DIP)in SGD probably contributed to the increasing ratios in the Yellow Sea.In addition delivering large amounts of nutrient into the Yellow Sea,SGD would create primary productivity of 10-49,1.6-6.8 and 8.8-42 g C m-2 yr-1 based on N,P and Si,which were equivalent to 5.2%-27%,0.9%-3.7%and 4.7%-23%of the total primary productivity,respectively.In par-ticular,the SFGD-derived DIN flux can be converted to primary productivity of 4.2-28 g C m-2 yr-1 thus demonstrating the disproportionately large role of SFGD in ecological environment of the Yellow Sea rel-ative to its flux.Therefore,we conclude that SGD,particularly SFGD,plays an important role as a nutrient source for the Yellow Sea,and not only affects nutrient budgets and structures but also enhances the pri-mary productivity.  相似文献   

本文以近年来在西宁盆地人畜饮用供水地下水勘查示范工程取得的最新资料为基础,通过对区内碎屑岩类储水构造模式的研究,分析研究区内干旱缺水村镇地下淡水赋存规律与形成机理,以期为类似地区居民基本生活饮用水的解决提供依据.  相似文献   

许多地区地下水是生态稳定的重要支撑或补充,确定地下水补给地表植被的临界埋深对地下水管理和生态安全至关重要。以西辽河平原为例,主要研究成果如下:①根据地下水补给植被原理划分包气带水分运动结构,描述地下水补给植被的作用机理和物理过程,定义地下水补给植被的临界埋深及相关物理概念。②根据植被根系吸收潜水蒸发的物理机制,地下水面附近由毛管水上升形成的潜水影响层是临界埋深计算的关键。③推导土壤毛管有效孔径计算推理公式,通过构建土壤微结构模型求解推理公式中的孔隙特征参数,解决毛管水最大上升高度的精确计算难题;④结合不同群落植被根系层厚度,形成地下水补给植被的临界埋深计算模型。⑤通过野外调查和观测试验实证,表明计算结果可靠,研究成果在科尔沁草原得到了及时应用。  相似文献   

针对德州长期过量开采深层水导致地下水位不断下降、地面沉降等环境地质问题,以深层地下水动态、地面沉降监测及其对应的粘性地层为主要研究对象,应用水文地球化学、地下水动力学和同位素技术方法,初步查明深层水主要形成于末次冰期盛期的大气降水补给;考虑地面沉降条件下,开采资源中20.6%的侧向径流补给和越流补给来自区域径流系统,反映深层地下水具有一定的更新能力;含水层弹性释水占17.5%,其中61.9%来自粘性土的压密释水,这是产生地面沉降的直接原因。  相似文献   

开采条件下河北平原中部咸淡水界面下移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河北平原中部上层咸水入侵下层淡水已造成局部地下水污染,本文调查统计了地下水质监测资料和2700多眼深井孔的测井物探资料。以水化学方法和数理统计方法,从水文地质条件和地下水开采利用状况入手,对研究区咸淡水界面下移的机理进行了分析。结果认为,咸淡水界面从20世纪70年代以来年均下移约0.4m,开采地下水造成上下层水头压力变化,加大上部浅层水向下越流是其主要原因之一。  相似文献   

针对德州长期过量开采深层水导致地下水位不断下降、地面沉降等环境地质问题,以深层地下水动态、地面沉降监测及其对应的粘性地层为主要研究对象,应用水文地球化学、地下水动力学和同位素技术方法,初步查明深层水主要形成于末次冰期盛期的大气降水补给;考虑地面沉降条件下,开采资源中20.6%的侧向径流补给和越流补给来自区域径流系统,反映深层地下水具有一定的更新能力;含水层弹性释水占17.5%,其中61.9%来自粘性土的压密释水,这是产生地面沉降的直接原因。  相似文献   

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