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A multivariate probability transformation between random variables, known as the Nataf transformation, is shown to be the appropriate transformation for multi-Gaussian kriging. It assumes a diagonal Jacobian matrix for the transformation of the random variables between the original space and the Gaussian space. This allows writing the probability transformation between the local conditional probability density function in the original space and the local conditional Gaussian probability density function in the Gaussian space as a ratio equal to the ratio of their respective marginal distributions. Under stationarity, the marginal distribution in the original space is modeled from the data histogram. The stationary marginal standard Gaussian distribution is obtained from the normal scores of the data and the local conditional Gaussian distribution is modeled from the kriging mean and kriging variance of the normal scores of the data. The equality of ratios of distributions has the same form as the Bayes’ rule and the assumption of stationarity of the data histogram can be re-interpreted as the gathering of the prior distribution. Multi-Gaussian kriging can be re-interpreted as an updating of the data histogram by a Gaussian likelihood. The Bayes’ rule allows for an even more general interpretation of spatial estimation in terms of equality for the ratio of the conditional distribution over the marginal distribution in the original data uncertainty space with the same ratio for a model of uncertainty with a distribution that can be modeled using the mean and variance from direct kriging of the original data values. It is based on the principle of conservation of probability ratio and no transformation is required. The local conditional distribution has a variance that is data dependent. When used in sequential simulation mode, it reproduces histogram and variogram of the data, thus providing a new approach for direct simulation in the original value space.  相似文献   

Estimation or simulation? That is the question   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The issue of smoothing in kriging has been addressed either by estimation or simulation. The solution via estimation calls for postprocessing kriging estimates in order to correct the smoothing effect. Stochastic simulation provides equiprobable images presenting no smoothing and reproducing the covariance model. Consequently, these images reproduce both the sample histogram and the sample semivariogram. However, there is still a problem, which is the lack of local accuracy of simulated images. In this paper, a postprocessing algorithm for correcting the smoothing effect of ordinary kriging estimates is compared with sequential Gaussian simulation realizations. Based on samples drawn from exhaustive data sets, the postprocessing algorithm is shown to be superior to any individual simulation realization yet, at the expense of providing one deterministic estimate of the random function.  相似文献   

The all-important process of data integration calls for algorithms that can handle secondary data often defined as nonlinear averages of the primary (hard) data over specific areas or volumes. It is suggested to approximate these nonlinear averages by linear averages of a nonlinear transform of the primary variable. Kriging of such nonlinear transforms, followed by the inverse transform, allows exact reproduction of all original data, both of point support and nonlinear volume averages. In a simulation mode, the previous cokriging provides the mean and variance of a conditional distribution from which to draw a simulated value, which is then backtransformed into a simulated value of the primary variable. The nonlinear averaged data values are then reproduced exactly. The direct sequential simulation algorithm adopted does not call for using any Gaussian distribution.  相似文献   

Conditioning realizations of stationary Gaussian random fields to a set of data is traditionally based on simple kriging. In practice, this approach may be demanding as it does not account for the uncertainty in the spatial average of the random field. In this paper, an alternative model is presented, in which the Gaussian field is decomposed into a random mean, constant over space but variable over the realizations, and an independent residual. It is shown that, when the prior variance of the random mean is infinitely large (reflecting prior ignorance on the actual spatial average), the realizations of the Gaussian random field are made conditional by substituting ordinary kriging for simple kriging. The proposed approach can be extended to models with random drifts that are polynomials in the spatial coordinates, by using universal or intrinsic kriging for conditioning the realizations, and also to multivariate situations by using cokriging instead of kriging.  相似文献   

Consideration of order relations is key to indicator kriging, indicator cokriging, and probability kriging, especially for the latter two methods wherein the additional modeling of cross-covariance contributes to an increased chance of violating order relations. Herein, Gaussian-type curves are fit to estimates of the cumulative distribution function (cdf) at data quantiles to: (1) yield smoothed estimates of the cdf; and (2) to correct for violations of order relations (i.e., to correct for situations wherein the estimate of the cdf for a larger quantile is less than that for a smaller quantile). Smoothed estimates of the cdf are sought as a means to improve the approximation to the integral equation for the expected value of the regionalized variable in probability kriging. Experiments show that this smoothing yields slightly improved estimation of the expected value (in probability kriging). Another experiment, one that uses the same variogram for all indicator functions, does not yield improved estimates.Presented at the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the IAMG, Prague, Czech Republic, October 10–15, 1993.  相似文献   

This paper introduces geostatistical approaches (i.e., kriging estimation and simulation) for a group of non-Gaussian random fields that are power algebraic transformations of Gaussian and lognormal random fields. These are power random fields (PRFs) that allow the construction of stochastic polynomial series. They were derived from the exponential random field, which is expressed as Taylor series expansion with PRF terms. The equations developed from computation of moments for conditional random variables allow the correction of Gaussian kriging estimates for the non-Gaussian space. The introduced PRF geostatistics shall provide tools for integration of data that requires simple algebraic transformations, such as regression polynomials that are commonly encountered in the practical applications of estimation. The approach also allows for simulations drawn from skewed distributions.  相似文献   

 A thorough understanding of the characteristics of transmissivity makes groundwater deterministic models more accurate. These transmissivity data characteristics occasionally possess a complicated spatial variation over an investigated site. This study presents both geostatistical estimation and conditional simulation methods to generate spatial transmissivity maps. The measured transmissivity data from the Dulliu area in Yun-Lin county, Taiwan, is used as the case study. The spatial transmissivity maps are simulated by using sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS), and estimated by using natural log ordinary kriging and ordinary kriging. Estimation and simulation results indicate that SGS can reproduce the spatial structure of the investigated data. Furthermore, displaying a low spatial variability does not allow the ordinary kriging and natural log kriging estimates to fit the spatial structure and small-scale variation for the investigated data. The maps of kriging estimates are smoother than those of other simulations. A SGS with multiple realizations has significant advantages over ordinary kriging and even natural log kriging techniques at a site with a high variation in investigated data. These results are displayed in geographic information systems (GIS) as basic information for further groundwater study. Received: 27 August 1999 · Accepted: 22 February 2000  相似文献   

Multigaussian kriging is used in geostatistical applications to assess the recoverable reserves in ore deposits, or the probability for a contaminant to exceed a critical threshold. However, in general, the estimates have to be calculated by a numerical integration (Monte Carlo approach). In this paper, we propose analytical expressions to compute the multigaussian kriging estimator and its estimation variance, thanks to polynomial expansions. Three extensions are then considered, which are essential for mining and environmental applications: accounting for an unknown and locally varying mean (local stationarity), accounting for a block-support correction, and estimating spatial averages. All these extensions can be combined; they generalize several known techniques like ordinary lognormal kriging and uniform conditioning by a Gaussian value. An application of the concepts to a porphyry copper deposit shows that the proposed “ordinary multigaussian kriging” approach leads to more realistic estimates of the recoverable reserves than the conventional methods (disjunctive and simple multigaussian krigings), in particular in the nonmineralized undersampled areas.  相似文献   

Geostatistical Mapping with Continuous Moving Neighborhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An issue that often arises in such GIS applications as digital elevation modeling (DEM) is how to create a continuous surface using a limited number of point observations. In hydrological applications, such as estimating drainage areas, direction of water flow is easier to detect from a smooth DEM than from a grid created using standard interpolation programs. Another reason for continuous mapping is esthetic; like a picture, a map should be visually appealing, and for some GIS users this is more important than map accuracy. There are many methods for local smoothing. Spline algorithms are usually used to create a continuous map, because they minimize curvature of the surface. Geostatistical models are commonly used approaches to spatial prediction and mapping in many scientific disciplines, but classical kriging models produce noncontinuous surfaces when local neighborhood is used. This motivated us to develop a continuous version of kriging. We propose a modification of kriging that produces continuous prediction and prediction standard error surfaces. The idea is to modify kriging systems so that data outside a specified distance from the prediction location have zero weights. We discuss simple kriging and conditional geostatistical simulation, models that essentially use information about mean value or trend surface. We also discuss how to modify ordinary and universal kriging models to produce continuous predictions, and limitations using the proposed models.  相似文献   

A combination of factorial kriging and probability field simulation is proposed to correct realizations resulting from any simulation algorithm for either too high nugget effect (noise) or poor histogram reproduction. First, a factorial kriging is done to filter out the noise from the noisy realization. Second, the uniform scores of the filtered realization are used as probability field to sample the local probability distributions conditional to the same dataset used to generate the original realization. This second step allows to restore the data variance. The result is a corrected realization which reproduces better target variogram and histogram models, yet honoring the conditioning data.  相似文献   

Indicator principal component kriging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An alternative to multiple indicator kriging is proposed which approximates the full coindicator kriging system by kriging the principal components of the original indicator variables. This transformation is studied in detail for the biGaussian model. It is shown that the cross-correlations between principal components are either insignificant or exactly zero. This result allows derivation of the conditional cumulative density function (cdf) by kriging principal components and then applying a linear back transform. A performance comparison based on a real data set (Walker Lake) is presented which suggests that the proposed method achieves approximation of the conditional cdf equivalent to indicator cokriging but with substantially less variogram modeling effort and at smaller computational cost.  相似文献   

An Alternative Measure of the Reliability of Ordinary Kriging Estimates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper presents an interpolation variance as an alternative to the measure of the reliability of ordinary kriging estimates. Contrary to the traditional kriging variance, the interpolation variance is data-values dependent, variogram dependent, and a measure of local accuracy. Natural phenomena are not homogeneous; therefore, local variability as expressed through data values must be recognized for a correct assessment of uncertainty. The interpolation variance is simply the weighted average of the squared differences between data values and the retained estimate. Ordinary kriging or simple kriging variances are the expected values of interpolation variances; therefore, these traditional homoscedastic estimation variances cannot properly measure local data dispersion. More precisely, the interpolation variance is an estimate of the local conditional variance, when the ordinary kriging weights are interpreted as conditional probabilities associated to the n neighboring data. This interpretation is valid if, and only if, all ordinary kriging weights are positive or constrained to be such. Extensive tests illustrate that the interpolation variance is a useful alternative to the traditional kriging variance.  相似文献   

We compared the performance of sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) and Markov-Bayes simulation (MBs) using relatively small samples taken from synthetic datasets. A moderate correlation (approximately r = 0.70) existed between a continuous primary variable and a continuous secondary variable. Given the small sample sizes, our objective was to determine whether MBs, with its ability to incorporate the secondary information, would prove superior to SgS. A split-split-plot computer experiment was conducted to compare the two simulation methods over a variety of primary and secondary sample sizes as well as spatial correlations. Using average mean square prediction error as a measure of local performance, sGs and MBs were roughly equivalent for random fields with short ranges (2 m). As range increased (15 m) the average mean square prediction error for sGs was less than or equal to that for MBs, even when number of noncollocated secondary observations was twice the number of collocated observations. Median variance within nonoverlapping subregions was used as a measure of the local heterogeneity or surface texture of the image. In most situations sGs images more faithfully reflected the true local heterogeneity, while MBs was more erratic, sometimes oversmoothing and sometimes undersmoothing.  相似文献   

Empirical Maximum Likelihood Kriging: The General Case   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Although linear kriging is a distribution-free spatial interpolator, its efficiency is maximal only when the experimental data follow a Gaussian distribution. Transformation of the data to normality has thus always been appealing. The idea is to transform the experimental data to normal scores, krige values in the “Gaussian domain” and then back-transform the estimates and uncertainty measures to the “original domain.” An additional advantage of the Gaussian transform is that spatial variability is easier to model from the normal scores because the transformation reduces effects of extreme values. There are, however, difficulties with this methodology, particularly, choosing the transformation to be used and back-transforming the estimates in such a way as to ensure that the estimation is conditionally unbiased. The problem has been solved for cases in which the experimental data follow some particular type of distribution. In general, however, it is not possible to verify distributional assumptions on the basis of experimental histograms calculated from relatively few data and where the uncertainty is such that several distributional models could fit equally well. For the general case, we propose an empirical maximum likelihood method in which transformation to normality is via the empirical probability distribution function. Although the Gaussian domain simple kriging estimate is identical to the maximum likelihood estimate, we propose use of the latter, in the form of a likelihood profile, to solve the problem of conditional unbiasedness in the back-transformed estimates. Conditional unbiasedness is achieved by adopting a Bayesian procedure in which the likelihood profile is the posterior distribution of the unknown value to be estimated and the mean of the posterior distribution is the conditionally unbiased estimate. The likelihood profile also provides several ways of assessing the uncertainty of the estimation. Point estimates, interval estimates, and uncertainty measures can be calculated from the posterior distribution.  相似文献   

Correcting the Smoothing Effect of Estimators: A Spectral Postprocessor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The postprocessing algorithm introduced by Yao for imposing the spectral amplitudes of a target covariance model is shown to be efficient in correcting the smoothing effect of estimation maps, whether obtained by kriging or any other interpolation technique. As opposed to stochastic simulation, Yao's algorithm yields a unique map starting from an original, typically smooth, estimation map. Most importantly it is shown that reproduction of a covariance/semivariogram model (global accuracy) is necessarily obtained at the cost of local accuracy reduction and increase in conditional bias. When working on one location at a time, kriging remains the most accurate (in the least squared error sense) estimator. However, kriging estimates should only be listed, not mapped, since they do not reflect the correct (target) spatial autocorrelation. This mismatch in spatial autocorrelation can be corrected via stochastic simulation, or can be imposed a posteriori via Yao's algorithm.  相似文献   

Compensating for estimation smoothing in kriging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Smoothing is a characteristic inherent to all minimum mean-square-error spatial estimators such as kriging. Cross-validation can be used to detect and model such smoothing. Inversion of the model produces a new estimator—compensated kriging. A numerical comparison based on an exhaustive permeability sampling of a 4-ft2 slab of Berea Sandstone shows that the estimation surface generated by compensated kriging has properties intermediate between those generated by ordinary kriging and stochastic realizations resulting from simulated annealing and sequential Gaussian simulation. The frequency distribution is well reproduced by the compensated kriging surface, which also approximates the experimental semivariogram well—better than ordinary kriging, but not as well as stochastic realizations. Compensated kriging produces surfaces that are more accurate than stochastic realizations, but not as accurate as ordinary kriging.  相似文献   

On unbiased backtransform of lognormal kriging estimates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lognormal kriging is an estimation technique that was devised for handling highly skewed data distributions. This technique takes advantage of a logarithmic transformation that reduces the data variance. However, backtransformed lognormal kriging estimates are biased because the nonbias term is totally dependent on a semivariogram model. This paper proposes a new approach for backtransforming lognormal kriging estimates that not only presents none of the problems reported in the literature but also reproduces the sample histogram and, consequently, the sample mean.  相似文献   

Multigaussian kriging aims at estimating the local distributions of regionalized variables and functions of these variables (transfer or recovery functions) at unsampled locations. In this paper, we focus on the evaluation of the recoverable reserves in an ore deposit accounting for a change of support and information effect caused by ore/waste misclassifications. Two approaches are proposed: the multigaussian model with Monte Carlo integration and the discrete Gaussian model. The latter is simpler to use but requires stronger hypotheses than the former. In each model, ordinary multigaussian kriging gives unbiased estimates of the recoverable reserves that do not utilize the mean value of the normal score data. The concepts are illustrated through a case study on a copper deposit which shows that local estimates of the metal content based on ordinary multigaussian kriging are close to the optimal conditional expectation when the data are abundant and are not dominated by the global mean when the data are scarce. The two proposed approaches (Monte Carlo integration and discrete Gaussian model) lead to similar results when compared to two other geostatistical methods: service variables and ordinary indicator kriging, which show strong deviations from conditional expectation.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new geostatistical methodology that accounts for roughness characteristics when downscaling fracture surface topography. In the proposed approach, the small-scale fracture surface roughness is described using a “local roughness pattern” that indicates the relative height of a location compared to its surrounding locations, while the large-scale roughness is considered using the surface semivariogram. By accounting for both components–the minimization of the local error variance and the reproduction of the local roughness characteristics–into the objective function of simulated annealing, the fracture surface topography downscaling process was improved compared to standard geostatistical methodologies such as ordinary kriging and sequential Gaussian simulation. Downscaled topography data were then assessed in terms of prediction errors and roughness distribution.  相似文献   

A new and simple method is proposed to obtain estimates of recovery functions: the Bi-Gaussian approach. Existing methods estimate recovery functions with conditional distributions where the conditioning set is all the data available. Here instead the simple kriging estimate of the Gaussian transform is proposed to be used. Results in the point recovery case are identical to the multi-Gaussian approach of Verly (1983, 1984), whereas in the non-point-support situation, an approximation is derived which saves computer time as compared to employing the strict multi-Gaussian hypothesis. Two examples compare favorably with the well-established disjunctive kriging method (discrete Gaussian model).  相似文献   

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