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On the basis of gap's temporal-spatial characteristics in and around source area before an earthquake, we propose a method to estimate characteristic parameters (characteristic distance and time) in the region-time-length (RTL) algorithm and introduce the method of correlation coefficient developed by some authors in 2006 to determine the characteristic parameters. The anomalous seismic activities before four moderately strong earthquakes occurred in the northwestern and southwestern China in recent years are studied by the two methods. The results show that the method to estimate characteristic parameters advanced in this paper is a simple one, which possesses a physical meaning and is well applicable to the four moderately strong earthquakes studied.  相似文献   

On the basis of gap's temporal-spatial characteristics in and around source area before an earthquake, we propose a method to estimate characteristic parameters (characteristic distance and time) in the region-time-length (RTL) algorithm and introduce the method of correlation coefficient developed by some authors in 2006 to determine the characteristic parameters. The anomalous seismic activities before four moderately strong earthquakes occurred in the northwestern and southwestern China in recent years are studied by the two methods. The results show that the method to estimate characteristic parameters advanced in this paper is a simple one, which possesses a physical meaning and is well applicable to the four moderately strong earthquakes studied.  相似文献   

The lightning-induced-damages in the mid-latitude regions are usually caused during severe thunder-storms. But the discharge parameters of natural lightning are difficult to be measured. Five lightning flashes have been artificially triggered with the rocket-wire technique during the passage of two severe thunderstorms. The discharge current and close electric field of return stroke in artificially triggered lightning have been obtained in microsecond time resolution by using current measuring systems and electric field change sensors. The results show that the five triggered lightning flashes include 1 to 10 return strokes, and the average return stroke current is 11.9 kA with a maximum of 21.0 kA and a mini-mum of 6.6 kA, similar to the subsequent return strokes in natural lightning. The half peak width of the current waveform is 39 μs, which is much larger than the usual result. The peak current of stroke Ip (kA) and the neutralized charge Q(C) has a relationship of Ip = 18.5Q0.65. The radiation field of return stroke is 5.9 kV·m-1 and 0.39 kV·m-1 at 60 m and 550 m, respectively. The radiation field decreases as r -1.119 with increase of horizontal distance r from the discharge channel. Based on the well-accepted transmission line model, the speed of return stroke is estimated to be about 1.4×108 m·s-1, with a variation range of (1.1―1.6)×108 m·s-1. Because of the similarities of the triggered lightning and natural lightning, the results in this article can be used in the protection design of natural lightning.  相似文献   

ThepatterncharacteristicsofthetendencyvariationsofearthresistivityanditsrelationtoearthquakesHe-YunZHAO(赵和云)(EarthquakeResear...  相似文献   

ThemutationsequenceofearthresistivityandearthquakesXin-HengLIU(刘心恒)andYun-ShengZHOU(周郧生)(SeismologicalBureauofYunnanProvince,...  相似文献   

StochasticmodelofbedrockearthquakemotionanddeterminationofitsparametersDi-TaoNIU(牛荻涛)(Xi'anUniversityofArchitecturalSciencean...  相似文献   

What is a credible seismic precursor in observation of deformation? A real seismic precursor ought to be resulted from the variations in the earth strain and stress. The deformation observation can provide the information during earthquake gestation and occurrence period for us. Usually the seismic precursors can be divided into field and epicentral region precursors. The precursor information is very useful for seismic prediction from epicentral region or near epicentral region. Micro-deform…  相似文献   

The viscosity of earth medium can explain many geophysical phenomena. The uplifting velocity of Ti- betan Plateau may be caused by extrusion of the low viscosity channel in middle and lower crust[1]. The post-deformation after earthquake also relates to the rheology of earth medium[2]. The aftershock sequence is considered a process of strain release after stress dropped[3]. There are two kinds of models in the study of rheological character of crustal medium, elastoplas- only when the forced…  相似文献   

1 Regional geology Bayan Har Middle Permian palaeo-seamounts are located in the area of Zaling Lake, near the source of Yellow River (Fig.1). The main strata outcropped in this area are Triassic sandstone and slate. Some Mid-dle Permian limestone blocks are towering above the Triassic sandstone and slate, which become one par-ticular topographical scenery in this area. These lime-stone blocks are distributed not only in Bayan Har but also in A’nyêmaqên and the southern slope of East …  相似文献   

Thespatialcharacteristicoftheshort┐termandimminentanomaliesofwaterradonbe┐foreearthquakeinthemainlandofChinaXUE-BINDU(杜学彬),X...  相似文献   

FieldofverticalcrustaldeformationinNorthChinaandthefeatureofitsdynamicevolution王若柏,洪汉净,许忠淮,耿世昌,孙东平,韩月萍Ruo-BaiWANG;Han-JingHON...  相似文献   

Elastic wave velocity measurement in rocks at high pressures and high temperatures plays a key role in researching the state, properties and movement of the earth interior materials. Nowadays dehydration is believed to be as one of the most important reasons responsible for the abnormality of seismic velocity (Kern, 1982; Ito, 1990; Christensen, 1989; Popp, Kern, 1993; SONG, et al, 1996; ZHOU, 1998; ZHAO, et al, 1996). Geophysical, geochemical and mineralogical data have revealed that on…  相似文献   

Introduction The degree of earth-resistivity anisotropy was described (MAO, et al, 1995, 1998) as follows: 31EWSN1011-==niinSrr n=6 (1) where rNS and rEW are monthly mean values of earth resistivity in the direction of NS and EW, respectively, S is the half-year value. Equation (1) shows that if rNS=rEW, then S =0 and the electrical property of medium is isotropic; if rNSrEW, then S0 and the electrical property of medium is anisotropic. When S increases, the anisotropy of electri…  相似文献   

Thefracturecharacteristicofthe1989Datong-YanggaoearthquakesequenceSi-ChangZHANG(张四昌),Gui-LingDIAO(刁桂苓)andLi-MinYU(于利民)(Sefrmo...  相似文献   

~~Preliminary study on variation characteristics of ocean tide dynamic stress in crust and its relationship with earthquakes@陆明勇$China Center for Earthquake Disaster Emergency and SAR,Beijing 100049,China @郑文衡$Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China①Strong earthquake catalogues in China. Earthquake catalogues reported monthly by Center for Analysis and Prediction, CEA. ①YI Zhi-gang. Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administrati…  相似文献   

Introduction The earthquake is, in essence, the rupture process of crustal medium under the tectonic stress. Statistically, the macrofracture of homogeneous material is caused by the rapid increment of microfracture numbers and their collusion between one another. The macrofracture (development No.2 JIANG Hai-kun, et al: RTL ALGORITHM IN EARTHQUAKE PRECURSOR 165of main fault) is resulted from the avalanche-like growth of microf…  相似文献   

ThephysicalimplicationofcodaamplituderatioanditspossibleapplicationTIAN-ZHONGZHANG(张天中)YUN-SHENGMA(马支生)RONG-LIANGHUANG(黄蓉良)In...  相似文献   

Thecrustalfluidevolutionandthecausesofearthquakes(Ⅲ)CHANG-FANGXU(徐常芳)InstituteofGeology,StateSeismologicalBureau,Beijing1000...  相似文献   

The equilibrium ratios of the major solar component of the tide S2 and of the component K2, which have very close frequencies, seldom follow a linear trend when one extrapolates from that of the lunar component M2. This is due to the different damping of the resultant of S2 and K2 during their six-month interference cycle, compared to that of the other components: it gives to K2 a value larger than expected, while the reverse hold for S2. It is unlikely that radiational effects are the cause of such behaviour as is currently believed.  相似文献   

TheabnormalmantleanddeeptectonicprocessinthesouthernregionofNorthChinaPlainShi-YuGAO(高世玉),Hong-XiangHU(胡鸿翔)andShanDING(丁山)(In...  相似文献   

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