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The NW–SE-striking Northeast German Basin (NEGB) forms part of the Southern Permian Basin and contains up to 8 km of Permian to Cenozoic deposits. During its polyphase evolution, mobilization of the Zechstein salt layer resulted in a complex structural configuration with thin-skinned deformation in the basin and thick-skinned deformation at the basin margins. We investigated the role of salt as a decoupling horizon between its substratum and its cover during the Mesozoic deformation by integration of 3D structural modelling, backstripping and seismic interpretation. Our results suggest that periods of Mesozoic salt movement correlate temporally with changes of the regional stress field structures. Post-depositional salt mobilisation was weakest in the area of highest initial salt thickness and thickest overburden. This also indicates that regional tectonics is responsible for the initiation of salt movements rather than stratigraphic density inversion.Salt movement mainly took place in post-Muschelkalk times. The onset of salt diapirism with the formation of N–S-oriented rim synclines in Late Triassic was synchronous with the development of the NNE–SSW-striking Rheinsberg Trough due to regional E–W extension. In the Middle and Late Jurassic, uplift affected the northern part of the basin and may have induced south-directed gravity gliding in the salt layer. In the southern part, deposition continued in the Early Cretaceous. However, rotation of salt rim synclines axes to NW–SE as well as accelerated rim syncline subsidence near the NW–SE-striking Gardelegen Fault at the southern basin margin indicates a change from E–W extension to a tectonic regime favoring the activation of NW–SE-oriented structural elements. During the Late Cretaceous–Earliest Cenozoic, diapirism was associated with regional N–S compression and progressed further north and west. The Mesozoic interval was folded with the formation of WNW-trending salt-cored anticlines parallel to inversion structures and to differentially uplifted blocks. Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic compression caused partial inversion of older rim synclines and reverse reactivation of some Late Triassic to Jurassic normal faults in the salt cover. Subsequent uplift and erosion affected the pre-Cenozoic layers in the entire basin. In the Cenozoic, a last phase of salt tectonic deformation was associated with regional subsidence of the basin. Diapirism of the maturest pre-Cenozoic salt structures continued with some Cenozoic rim synclines overstepping older structures. The difference between the structural wavelength of the tighter folded Mesozoic interval and the wider Cenozoic structures indicates different tectonic regimes in Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic.We suggest that horizontal strain propagation in the brittle salt cover was accommodated by viscous flow in the decoupling salt layer and thus salt motion passively balanced Late Triassic extension as well as parts of Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary compression.  相似文献   

The salt tectonics of the Glueckstadt Graben has been investigated in relation to major tectonic events within the basin. The lithologic features of salt sections from Rotliegend, Zechstein and Keuper show that almost pure salt is prominent in the Zechstein, dominating diapiric movements that have influenced the regional evolution of the Glueckstadt Graben. Three main phases of growth of the salt structures have been identified from the analysis of the seismic pattern. The strongest salt movements occurred at the beginning of the Keuper when the area was affected by extension. This activation of salt tectonics was followed by a Jurassic extensional event in the Pompeckj Block and Lower Saxony Basin and possibly in the Glueckstadt Graben. The Paleogene–Neogene tectonic event caused significant growth and amplification of the salt structures mainly at the margins of the basin. This event was extensional with a possible horizontal component of the tectonic movements. 3D modelling shows that the distribution of the initial thickness of the Permian salt controls the structural style of the basin, regionally. Where salt was thick, salt diapirs and walls formed and where salt was relatively thin, simple salt pillows and shallow anticlines developed.  相似文献   

The pre-Alpine structural and geological evolution in the northern part of the North German Basin have been revealed on the basis of a very dense reflection seismic profile grid. The study area is situated in the coastal Mecklenburg Bay (Germany), part of the southwestern Baltic Sea. From the central part of the North German Basin to the northern basin margin in the Grimmen High area a series of high-resolution maps show the evolution from the base Zechstein to the Lower Jurassic. We present a map of basement faults affecting the pre-Zechstein. The pre-Alpine structural evolution of the region has been determined from digital mapping of post-Permian key horizons traced on the processed seismic time sections. The geological evolution of the North German Basin can be separated into four distinct periods in the Rerik study area. During Late Permian and Early Triassic evaporites and clastics were deposited. Salt movement was initiated after the deposition of the Middle Triassic Muschelkalk. Salt pillows, which were previously unmapped in the study area, are responsible for the creation of smaller subsidence centers and angular unconformities in the Late Triassic Keuper, especially in the vicinity of the fault-bounded Grimmen High. In this area, partly Lower Jurassic sediments overlie the Keuper unconformably. The change from extension to compression in the regional stress field remobilized the salt, leading to a major unconformity marked at the base of the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A 3D structural model for the entire southwestern Baltic Sea and the adjacent onshore areas was created with the purpose to analyse the structural framework and the sediment distribution in the area. The model was compiled with information from several geological time-isochore maps and digital depth maps from the area and consists of six post-Rotliegend successions: The Upper Permian Zechstein; Lower Triassic; Middle Triassic; Upper Triassic–Jurassic; Cretaceous and Cenozoic. This structural model was the basis for a 3D backstripping approach, considering salt flow as a consequence of spatially changing overburden load distribution, isostatic rebound and sedimentary compaction for each backstripping step in order to reconstruct the subsidence history in the region. This method allows determination of the amount of tectonic subsidence or uplifting as a consequence of the regional stress field acting on the basin and was followed by a correlation with periods of active salt movement. In general, the successions above the highly deformed Zechstein evaporites reveal a thickening trend towards the Glückstadt Graben, which also experienced the highest amount of tectonic subsidence during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Two periods of accelerating salt movement in the area has been correlated with the E–W directed extension during the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic and later by the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion, suggesting that the regional stress field plays a key role in halokinesis. The final part of this work dealt with a neotectonic forward modelling in an attempt to predict the future topography when the system is in a tectonic equilibrium. The result reveals that many of the salt structures in the region are still active and that future coastline will run with a WNW–ESE trend, arguing that the compressional stresses related to the Alpine collision are the prime factor for the present-day landscape evolution.  相似文献   

Numerical studies of ductile deformations induced by salt movements have, until now, been restricted to two-dimensional (2D) modelling of diapirism. This paper suggests a numerical approach to model the evolution of three-dimensional (3D) salt structures toward increasing maturity. This approach is also used here to restore the evolution of salt structures through successive earlier stages. The numerical methodology is applied to study several model examples. We analyse a model of salt diapirs that develop from an initial random perturbation of the interface between salt and its overburden and restore the evolved salt diapirs to their initial stages. We show that the average restoration errors are less than 1%. An evolutionary model of a 2D salt wall loaded by a 2D pile of sediments predicts a decomposition of the salt wall into 3D diapiric structures when the overburden of salt is supplied by 3D synkinematic wedge of sediments. We model salt extrusion feeding a gravity current over the depositional surface and estimate an average rate of extrusion and horizontal velocity of salt spreading. Faulting of the overburden to salt overhangs initiates new secondary diapirs, and we analyse the growth of these secondary diapirs. We also study how lateral flow effects the evolution of salt diapirs. The shape of a salt diapir can be very different if the rate of horizontal flow is much greater than the initial rate of diapiric growth solely due to gravity. We discuss the applicability of the results of the models to the evolution of Late Permian salt structures in the Pricaspian basin (Russia and Kazakhstan). These structures are distinguishable into a variety of styles representing different stages of growth: salt pillows, diapirs, giant salt massifs, 2D diapiric walls and 3D stocks complicated by large overhangs. The different sizes, shapes and maturities of salt structures in different parts of the Pricaspian basin reflect areal differences in salt thickness and loading history. Our results suggest that the numerical methodology can be employed to analyse the evolution of all salt structures that have upbuilt through younger ductile overburdens.  相似文献   

Analysing the paleostress field in sedimentary basins is important for understanding tectonic processes and the planning of drilling campaigns. The Subhercynian Basin of northern Germany is a perfect natural laboratory to study the paleostress field in a developing foreland basin. The simple layer-cake geometry of the basin-fill is dominated by several piercing and non-piercing salt structures. We derived the paleostress field from the orientation of fracture sets, faults, slickensides and stylolites. On a regional scale, the basin-fill is characterized by a horizontal compressional paleostress vector that is mainly NNE-SSW-oriented, which reflects the Late Cretaceous inversion phase in Central Europe. We show that the local paleostress field is distinctly perturbated due to the salt structures. Along the edge of the salt pillows, the maximum horizontal paleostress vector is deflected by up to 90° from the regional trend. In the case of the Elm salt pillow, it forms a radial pattern. Restoration of balanced cross-sections demonstrates at least 9 % of the shortening of the north-western part of the Subhercynian Basin was achieved by folding. The salt structures in the north-western Subhercynian Basin are the result of varying stress conditions. Initial extension in the Triassic caused first salt movements that prevailed during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Most important is the Late Cretaceous contractional phase that shortened the diapirs and led to the formation of the salt pillows between diapirs due to detachment folding. We derive four main controlling factors for such salt-dominated contractional basins: (1) the wedge-shape basin-fill is the product of the dynamic load at the southern margin of the basin, (2) a basal salt layer fed the diapirs and acted as a detachment horizon during the later shortening, (3) detachment folding was the dominating deformation mechanism during contraction, and (4) the pre-existing diapirs controlled the position of the detachment folds.  相似文献   

A 3D backstripping approach considering salt flow as a consequence of spatially changing overburden load distribution, isostatic rebound and sedimentary compaction for each backstripping step is used to reconstruct the subsidence history in the Northeast German Basin. The method allows to determine basin subsidence and the salt-related deformation during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion and during Late Triassic–Jurassic extension. In the Northeast German Basin, the deformation is thin-skinned in the basinal part, but thick-skinned at the basin margins. The salt cover is deformed due to Late Triassic–Jurassic extension and Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion whereas the salt basement remained largely stable in the basin area. In contrast, the basin margins suffered strong deformation especially during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion. As a main question, we address the role of salt during the thin-skinned extension and inversion of the basin. In our modelling approach, we assume that the salt behaves like a viscous fluid on the geological time-scale, that salt and overburden are in hydrostatical near-equilibrium at all times, and that the volume of salt is constant. Because the basement of the salt is not deformed due to decoupling in the basin area, we consider the base of the salt as a reference surface, where the load pressure must be equilibrated. Our results indicate that major salt movements took place during Late Triassic to Jurassic E–W directed extension and during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic NNE–SSW directed compression. Moreover, the study outcome suggests that horizontal strain propagation in the salt cover could have triggered passive salt movements which balanced the cover deformation by viscous flow. In the Late Triassic, strain transfer from the large graben systems in West Central Europe to the east could have caused the subsidence of the Rheinsberg Trough above the salt layer. In this context, the effective regional stress did not exceed the yield strength of the basement below the Rheinsberg Trough, but was high enough to provoke deformation of the viscous salt layer and its cover. During the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic phase of inversion, horizontal strain propagation from the southern basin margin into the basin can explain the intensive thin-skinned compressive deformation of the salt cover in the basin. The thick-skinned compressive deformation along the southern basin margin may have propagated into the salt cover of the basin where the resulting folding again was balanced by viscous salt flow into the anticlines of folds. The huge vertical offset of the pre-Zechstein basement along the southern basin margin and the amount of shortening in the folded salt cover of the basin indicate that the tectonic forces responsible for this inversion event have been of a considerable magnitude.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of salt diapirism: influence of the tectonic regime   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Several selected seismic lines are used to show and compare the modes of Late-Cretaceous–Early Tertiary inversion within the North German and Polish basins. These seismic data illustrate an important difference in the allocation of major zones of basement (thick-skinned) deformation and maximum uplift within both basins. The most important inversion-related uplift of the Polish Basin was localised in its axial part, the Mid-Polish Trough, whereas the basement in the axial part of the North German Basin remained virtually flat. The latter was uplifted along the SW and to a smaller degree the NE margins of the North German Basin, presently defined by the Elbe Fault System and the Grimmen High, respectively. The different location of the basement inversion and uplift within the North German and Polish basins is interpreted to reflect the position of major zones of crustal weakness represented by the WNW-ESE trending Elbe Fault System and by the NW-SE striking Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone, the latter underlying the Mid-Polish Trough. Therefore, the inversion of the Polish and North German basins demonstrates the significance of an inherited basement structure regardless of its relationship to the position of the basin axis. The inversion of the Mid-Polish Trough was connected with the reactivation of normal basement fault zones responsible for its Permo-Mesozoic subsidence. These faults zones, inverted as reverse faults, facilitated the uplift of the Mid-Polish Trough in the order of 1–3 km. In contrast, inversion of the North German Basin rarely re-used structures active during its subsidence. Basement inversion and uplift, in the range of 3–4 km, was focused at the Elbe Fault System which has remained quiescent in the Triassic and Jurassic but reproduced the direction of an earlier Variscan structural grain. In contrast, N-S oriented Mesozoic grabens and troughs in the central part of the North German Basin avoided significant inversion as they were oriented parallel to the direction of the inferred Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary compression. The comparison of the North German and Polish basins shows that inversion structures can follow an earlier subsidence pattern only under a favourable orientation of the stress field. A thick Zechstein salt layer in the central parts of the North German Basin and the Mid-Polish Trough caused mechanical decoupling between the sub-salt basement and the supra-salt sedimentary cover. Resultant thin-skinned inversion was manifested by the formation of various structures developed entirely in the supra-salt Mesozoic–Cenozoic succession. The Zechstein salt provided a mechanical buffer accommodating compressional stress and responding to the inversion through salt mobilisation and redistribution. Only in parts of the NGB and MPT characterised by either thin or missing Zechstein evaporites, thick-skinned inversion directly controlled inversion-related deformations of the sedimentary cover. Inversion of the Permo-Mesozoic fill within the Mid-Polish Trough was achieved by a regional elevation above uplifted basement blocks. Conversely, in the North German Basin, horizontal stress must have been transferred into the salt cover across the basin from its SW margin towards the basins centre. This must be the case since compressional deformations are concentrated mostly above the salt and no significant inversion-related basement faults are seismically detected apart from the basin margins. This strain decoupling in the interior of the North German Basin was enhanced by the presence of the Elbe Fault System which allowed strain localization in the basin floor due to its orientation perpendicular to the inferred Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary far-field compression.  相似文献   

The key for understanding the dynamics of the Northeast German basin is the knowledge of its present-day structures. Our studies are focused on the complex geometry and evolution of this basin by the aid of numerical models. To support this task, it was necessary to consider and integrate all available geoscientific information. Based on borehole data, depth maps and on results of isostatic modelling we derived a 3D model of the basin structure. A smoothed map of the regional gravity field (after Grosse and Conrad, 1990) completed the data base. By means of 3D gravity modelling, the initial model structure was modified to fit in the geophysical data set.An important characteristic of the Northeast German Basin is the presence of Upper Permian Zechstein salt. The salt domes and walls related to the postdepositional mobilisation of the salt layer cause pronounced negative gravity anomalies. This effect is considered as a central problem in this study. In order to investigate possible causes of gravimetric anomalies, we studied the influence of different crustal depth levels. We applied a 3D gravity stripping approach to eliminate the gravimetric effects caused by sedimentary fill of the basin and to separate density anomalies within the sedimentary fill from the influence of deeper levels in the crystalline crust. Complementary, we calculated the downward continuation of the gravimetric field to the basin floor and compared the outcome with the results obtained by 3D stripping. The good fit between the calculated gravity anomalies and the measured anomalies confirms the applicability of the approach. Additionally, we interpreted the Bouguer anomalies in terms of crustal density distribution and discuss the model concerning its consistency with other geophysical data considering the first results of the seismic reflection experiment DEKORP BASIN96.  相似文献   

滇西兰坪中新生代盆地广泛发育盐岩层系。通过对金顶超大型铅锌矿区的露天采厂和地下采坑的最新野外调查及大量钻孔资料的综合分析,研究区盐岩层系具有多期、多阶段运动的特点,厚度分布极不均一,它们作为区域推覆构造作用的滑脱层,对盐上层构造变形起着重要控制作用,形成一系列储矿构造。研究表明,矿区盐构造主要包括盐枕、盐背斜、盐焊接、盐穿刺、盐推覆、盐岩滑脱-断层相关褶皱组合等多种盐构造变形样式。这些盐构造的形成演化及变形机制主要受到推覆挤压缩短作用、基底断层作用和塑性流动汇聚作用、盐下和盐上层断裂滑脱作用等控制,主要沿推覆断裂构造带呈串珠状分布。金项矿区盐构造分为两个阶段:古新世–始新世挤压–拗陷层内变形阶段,形成盐枕、隆升较低的盐背斜等整合型盐构造;渐新世的逆冲推覆–盐岩滑脱阶段,受强烈的挤压推覆作用而形成盐墙、盐株等盐穿刺型构造。盐构造不同阶段的变形演化对金属元素富集成矿起到关键作用,其流动变形而形成的盐构造圈闭促使了金属聚集成矿。  相似文献   

A 3D structural modelling of the Permian–Mesozoic Polish Basin was performed in order to understand its structural and sedimentary evolution, which led to basin maturation (Permian–Cretaceous) and its tectonic inversion (Late Cretaceous–Paleogene). The model is built on the present-day structure of the basin and comprises 13 horizons within the Permian to Quaternary rocks. The analysis is based on 3D depth views and thickness maps. The results image the basin-scale symmetry, the perennial localization of the NW–SE-oriented basin axis, the salt movements due to tectonics and/or burial, and the transverse segmentation of the Polish Basin. From these observations, we deduce that salt structures are correlated to the main faults and tectonic events. From the model analysis, we interpret the stress conditions, the timing, and the geometry of the tectonic inversion of the Polish Basin into a NW–SE-oriented central horst (Mid-Polish Swell) bordered by two lateral troughs. Emphasis is placed on the Zechstein salt, considering its movements during the Mesozoic sedimentation and its decoupling effect during the tectonic inversion. Moreover, we point to the structural control of the Paleozoic basement and the crustal architecture (Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone) on the geometry of the Polish Basin and the Mid-Polish Swell.  相似文献   

We analyse the effect of fluid flow on the recent thermal field for the Brandenburg region (North German Basin) which is strongly affected by salt structures. The basin fill is modified by a thick layer of mobilized salt (Zechstein, Upper Permian) that decouples the overburden from deeper parts of the lithosphere and is responsible for thermal anomalies since salt has a distinctly higher thermal conductivity than the surrounding sediments and is impermeable to fluid flow. Numerical simulations of coupled fluid flow and heat transfer are carried out to investigate the influence of fluid flow on the shallow temperature field above the Zechstein salt, based on the finite element method. A comparison of results from conductive and coupled modelling reveals that the temperature field down to the low-permeable Triassic Muschelkalk is influenced by fluids, where the shallow low-permeable Tertiary Rupelian-clay is absent. Overall cooling is induced by forced convective forces, the depth range of which is controlled by the communication pathways between the different aquifers. Moreover, buoyancy-induced effects are found in response to temperature-dependent differences in the fluid density where forced convective forces are weak. The range of influence is controlled by the thickness and the permeability of the permeable strata above the Triassic Muschelkalk. With increasing depth, thermal conduction mainly controls the short-wavelength pattern of the temperature distribution, whereas the long-wavelength pattern results from interaction between the highly conductive crust and low-conductive sediments. Our results provide generic implications for basins affected by salt tectonics.  相似文献   

The authors introduced two kinds of newly found soft-sediment deformation-synsedimentary extension structure and syn-sedimentary compression structure, and discuss their origins and constraints on basin tectonic evolution. One representative of the syn-sedimentary extension structure is syn-sedimentary boudinage structure, while the typical example of the syn-sedimentary compression structure is compression sand pillows or compression wrinkles. The former shows NW-SE-trendlng contemporaneous extension events related to earthquakes in the rift basin near a famous Fe-Nb-REE deposit in northern China during the Early Paleozoic (or Mesoproterozoic as proposed by some researches), while the latter indicates NE-SW-trending contemporaneous compression activities related to earthquakes in the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang remnant basin covering south Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi and eastern Yunnan in southwestern China. The syn-sedimentary boudinage structure was found in an earthquake slump block in the lower part of the Early Paleozoic Sailinhudong Group, 20 km to the southeast of Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, north of China. The slump block is composed of two kinds of very thin layers-pale-gray micrite (microcrystalline limestone) of 1-2 cm thick interbedded with gray muddy micrite layers with the similar thickness. Almost every thin muddy micrite layer was cut into imbricate blocks or boudins by abundant tiny contemporaneous faults, while the interbedded micrite remain in continuity. Boudins form as a response to layer-parallel extension (and/or layer-perpendicular flattening) of stiff layers enveloped top and bottom by mechanically soft layers. In this case, the imbricate blocks cut by the tiny contemporaneous faults are the result of abrupt horizontal extension of the crust in the SE-NW direction accompanied with earthquakes. Thus, the rock block is, in fact, a kind of seismites. The syn-sedimentary boudins indicate that there was at least a strong earthquake belt on the southeast side of the basin during the early stage of the Sailinhudong Group. This may be a good constraint on the tectonic evolution of the Bayan Obo area during the Early Paleozoic time. The syn-sedimentary compression structure was found in the Middle Triassic flysch in the Nanpanjiang Basin. The typical structures are compression sand pillows and compression wrinkles. Both of them were found on the bottoms of sand units and the top surface of the underlying mud units. In other words, the structures were found only in the interfaces between the graded sand layer and the underlying mud layer of the flysch. A deformation experiment with dough was conducted, showing that the tectonic deformation must have been instantaneous one accompanied by earthquakes. The compression sand pillows or wrinkles showed uniform directions along the bottoms of the sand layer in the flysch, revealing contemporaneous horizontal compression during the time between deposition and diagenesis of the related beds. The Nanpanjiang Basin was affected, in general, with SSW-NNE compression during the Middle Triassic, according to the syn-sedimentary compression structure. The two kinds of syn-sedimentary tectonic deformation also indicate that the related basins belong to a rift basin and a remnant basin, respectively, in the model of Wilson Cycle.  相似文献   

A dense grid of multichannel high-resolution seismic sections from the Bay of Kiel in the western Baltic Sea has been interpreted in order to reveal the Mesozoic and Cenozoic geological evolution of the northern part of the North German Basin. The overall geological evolution of the study area can be separated into four distinct periods. During the Triassic and the Early Jurassic, E–W extension and the deposition of clastic sediments initiated the movement of the underlying Zechstein evaporites. The deposition ceased during the Middle Jurassic, when the entire area was uplifted as a result of the Mid North Sea Doming. The uplift resulted in a pronounced erosion of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic strata. This event is marked by a clear angular unconformity on all the seismic sections. The region remained an area of non-deposition until the end of the Early Cretaceous, when the sedimentation resumed in the area. Throughout the Late Cretaceous the sedimentation took place under tectonic quiescence. Reactivated salt movement is observed at the Cretaceous Cenozoic transition as a result of the change from an extensional to compressional regional stress field. The vertical salt movement influenced the Cenozoic sedimentation and resulted in thin-skinned faulting.  相似文献   

利用地震剖面解释和构造编图,对滨里海盆地东缘中段下二叠统孔谷阶盐构造变形特征进行了分析。结果表明,孔谷阶含盐层系变形强烈,主要发育盐底辟、盐枕、盐滚、盐焊接、盐边凹陷和龟背构造等多种盐构造变形样式。不同盐构造规模差别较大,隆起幅度自东向西逐渐增大,平面展布具有明显的分带性。盐构造运动对周缘地层变形也产生了重要影响,形成了楔型褶皱地层,并导致盐间和盐上地层发育一些特征各异的断裂。盐构造运动受乌拉尔造山作用影响明显,强烈的盐构造活动主要发生在晚二叠世一三叠纪。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西部南北向构造的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塔里木盆地是介于青藏高原和天山造山带之间的一个刚性块体,前人在盆地内部相继发现了平行于周边造山带的构造和近东西向构造,并且对这些构造的特征、形成和演化进行了深入研究,但在塔里木盆地始终没有发现南北向构造。本次在塔里木盆地西部发现的南北向构造为断层转折褶皱和断层传播褶皱,主要形成于晚二叠世,反映了塔里木盆地在晚二叠世曾经受到来自西部的挤压作用。在印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的远距离效应影响下,吐木休克断裂带附近的南北向构造自古近纪以来又重新活动。  相似文献   

The NW-SE oriented Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) has been thoroughly studied during the last 25 years, especially by means of well data and seismic profiles. We present the results of a first brittle tectonic analysis based on about 850 dykes, veins and minor fault-slip data measured in the field in Scania, including paleostress reconstruction. We discuss the relationships between normal and strike-slip faulting in Scania since the Permian extension to the Late Cretaceous–Tertiary structural inversions. Our paleostress determinations reveal six successive or coeval main stress states in the evolution of Scania since the Permian. Two stress states correspond to normal faulting with NE-SW and NW-SE extensions, one stress state is mainly of reverse type with NE-SW compression, and three stress states are strike-slip in type with NNW-SSE, WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW directions of compression.The NE-SW extension partly corresponds to the Late Carboniferous–Permian important extensional period, dated by dykes and fault mineralisations. However extension existed along a similar direction during the Mesozoic. It has been locally observed until within the Danian. A perpendicular NW-SE extension reveals the occurrence of stress permutations. The NNW-SSE strike-slip episode is also expected to belong to the Late Carboniferous–Permian episode and is interpreted in terms of right-lateral wrench faulting along STZ-oriented faults. The inversion process has been characterised by reverse and strike-slip faulting related to the NE-SW compressional stress state.This study highlights the importance of extensional tectonics in northwest Europe since the end of the Palaeozoic until the end of the Cretaceous. The importance and role of wrench faulting in the tectonic evolution of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone are discussed.  相似文献   

库车前陆褶皱冲断带中段第三系盐枕构造   总被引:16,自引:10,他引:16  
本文旨在探讨库车前陆褶皱冲断带盐枕构造的类型、分布、成因机制及其与油气聚集的关系。通过地震反射剖面的解释和石油地质条件综合分析,认为库车前陆褶皱冲断带由北而南依次发育残留盐枕、非稳态盐枕和稳态盐枕等 3类盐枕构造,沿克拉苏构造带和西秋立塔克构造带呈长条形带状分布,其成因受重力滑动、重力扩展、区域挤压和塑性流动作用的联合控制。从盐枕构造的演化序列和分布特征看,该区盐枕构造的主要特点表现为:北部盐枕形成较早,稳定性差,出现残留盐枕,盐枕规模较小;南部盐枕形成较晚,稳定性较强,形态相对完整,规模较大。库车前陆褶皱冲断带盐枕构造与油气聚集密切相关,伴随盐枕构造的形成,发育大量盐相关油气圈闭构造,沿盐枕构造成带状分布,同时盐枕构造巨厚的盐岩层为油气聚集提供了良好的封闭条件。  相似文献   

The Late Permian Zechstein Group in northeastern Germany is characterized by shelf and slope carbonates that rimmed a basin extending from eastern England through the Netherlands and Germany to Poland. Conventional reservoirs are found in grainstones rimming islands created by pre-existing paleohighs and platform-rimming shoals that compose steep margins in the north and ramp deposits in the southern part. The slope and basin deposits are characterized by debris flows and organic-rich mudstones. Lagoonal and basinal evaporites formed the seal for these carbonate and underlying sandstone reservoirs. The objective of this investigation is to evaluate potential unconventional reservoirs in organic-rich, fine-grained and/or tight mudrocks in slope and basin as well as platform carbonates occurring in this stratigraphic interval. Therefore, a comprehensive study was conducted that included sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, petrography, and geochemistry. Sequence stratigraphic correlations from shelf to basin are crucial in establishing a framework that allows correlation of potential productive facies in fine-grained, organic-rich basinal siliceous and calcareous mudstones or interfingering tight carbonates and siltstones, ranging from the lagoon, to slope to basin, which might be candidates for forming an unconventional reservoir. Most organic-rich shales worldwide are associated with eustatic transgressions. The basal Zechstein cycles, Z1 and Z2, contain organic-rich siliceous and calcareous mudstones and carbonates that form major transgressive deposits in the basin. Maturities range from over–mature (gas) in the basin to oil-generation on the slope with variable TOC contents. This sequence stratigraphic and sedimentologic evaluation of the transgressive facies in the Z1 and Z2 assesses the potential for shale-gas/oil and hybrid unconventional plays. Potential unconventional reservoirs might be explored in laminated organic-rich mudstones within the oil window along the northern and southern slopes of the basin. Although the Zechstein Z1 and Z2 cycles might have limited shale-gas potential because of low thickness and deep burial depth to be economic at this point, unconventional reservoir opportunities that include hybrid and shale-oil potential are possible in the study area.  相似文献   

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