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A 3D structural model for the entire southwestern Baltic Sea and the adjacent onshore areas was created with the purpose to analyse the structural framework and the sediment distribution in the area. The model was compiled with information from several geological time-isochore maps and digital depth maps from the area and consists of six post-Rotliegend successions: The Upper Permian Zechstein; Lower Triassic; Middle Triassic; Upper Triassic–Jurassic; Cretaceous and Cenozoic. This structural model was the basis for a 3D backstripping approach, considering salt flow as a consequence of spatially changing overburden load distribution, isostatic rebound and sedimentary compaction for each backstripping step in order to reconstruct the subsidence history in the region. This method allows determination of the amount of tectonic subsidence or uplifting as a consequence of the regional stress field acting on the basin and was followed by a correlation with periods of active salt movement. In general, the successions above the highly deformed Zechstein evaporites reveal a thickening trend towards the Glückstadt Graben, which also experienced the highest amount of tectonic subsidence during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Two periods of accelerating salt movement in the area has been correlated with the E–W directed extension during the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic and later by the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion, suggesting that the regional stress field plays a key role in halokinesis. The final part of this work dealt with a neotectonic forward modelling in an attempt to predict the future topography when the system is in a tectonic equilibrium. The result reveals that many of the salt structures in the region are still active and that future coastline will run with a WNW–ESE trend, arguing that the compressional stresses related to the Alpine collision are the prime factor for the present-day landscape evolution.  相似文献   

Heat flow and lithospheric thermal regime in the Northeast German Basin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
New values of surface heat flow are reported for 13 deep borehole locations in the Northeast German Basin (NEGB) ranging from 68 to 91 mW m− 2 with a mean of 77 ± 3 mW m− 2. The values are derived from continuous temperature logs, measured thermal conductivity, and log-derived radiogenic heat production. The heat-flow values are supposed free of effects from surface palaeoclimatic temperature variations, from regional as well as local fluid flow and from thermal refraction in the vicinity of salt structures and thus represent unperturbed crustal heat flow. Two-D numerical lithospheric thermal models are developed for a 500 km section along the DEKORP-BASIN 9601 deep seismic line across the basin with a north-eastward extension across the Tornquist Zone. A detailed conceptual model of crustal structure and composition, thermal conductivity, and heat production distribution is developed. Different boundary conditions for the thickness of thermal lithosphere were used to fit surface heat flow. The best fit is achieved with a thickness of thermal lithosphere of about 75 km beneath the NEGB. This estimate is corroborated by seismological studies and somewhat less than typical for stabilized Phanerozoic lithosphere. Modelled Moho temperatures in the basin are about 800 °C; heat flow from the mantle is about 35 to 40 mW m− 2. In the southernmost part of the section, beneath the Harz Mountains, higher Moho temperatures up to 900 to 1000 °C are shown. While the relatively high level of surface heat flow in the NEGB obviously is of longer wave length and related to lithosphere thickness, changes in crustal structure and composition are responsible for short-wave-length anomalies.  相似文献   

The stress regime in a Rotliegend reservoir of the Northeast German Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In-situ stresses have significant impact, either positive or negative, on the short and long term behaviour of fractured reservoirs. The knowledge of the stress conditions are therefore important for planning and utilization of man-made geothermal reservoirs. The geothermal field Groß Schönebeck (40 km north of Berlin/Germany) belongs to the key sites in the northeastern German Basin. We present a stress state determination for this Lower Permian (Rotliegend) reservoir by an integrated approach of 3D structural modelling, 3D fault mapping, stress ratio definition based on frictional constraints, and slip-tendency analysis. The results indicate stress ratios of the minimum horizontal stress S hmin being equal or increasing 0.55 times the amount of the vertical stress S V (S hmin ≥ 0.55S V ) and of the maximum horizontal stress S Hmax ≤ 0.78–1.00S V in stress regimes from normal to strike slip faulting. Thus, acting stresses in the 4,100-m deep reservoir are S V  = 100 MPa, S hmin = 55 MPa and S Hmax = 78?100 MPa. Values from hydraulic fracturing support these results. Various fault sets of the reservoir are characterized in terms of their potential to conduct geothermal fluids based on their slip and dilatation tendency. This combined approach can be adopted to any other geothermal site investigation.  相似文献   

通过岩心观察与测井相分析,结合地震反射资料,认为塔里木盆地塔北地区侏罗系为冲积扇、辫 状河、三角洲与湖泊沉积体系。下侏罗统阳霞组主要发育冲积扇和辫状河沉积。其中冲积扇主要发育于盆地的 边缘,即研究区西部的英买力、北部的轮台及其西侧、东部的库南地区。冲积扇岩性主要为灰白、灰绿、灰褐 和紫红色块状砾岩、砾状砂岩及含砾砂岩,砾石成分复杂,分选差,磨圆程度低。多个冲积扇向盆地内演化为 辫状河沉积,发育各种交错层理与平行层理,其岩性为灰色、灰白色粗砂岩及含砾粗砂岩、细砾岩,垂向上具 有非常典型的下粗上细的 “ 二元结构” ,自然电位和自然伽马曲线具有明显的箱形特征,辫状河主体自西向东发 育。到阳霞组沉积晚期,在草湖地区演化为薄层细砂岩与泥岩互层的湖泊和含煤湖沼沉积;中侏罗统克孜勒努 尔组为三角洲沉积;上侏罗统普遍被剥蚀。早-中侏罗世盆地经历了水体由浅到深的沉积演化。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘走滑-冲断构造特征及其油气勘探思路   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
处于阿尔金左行走滑构造带东缘的柴北缘,过去一致认为是个前陆逆冲带,并对其逆冲构造特征作了大量的研究。通过本次的野外地质勘察和深部地震测线研究,证实柴达木盆地北缘的主要变形样式为走滑-挤压构造,具有挤压推覆特征的同时伴生有走滑构造,并且主要断层系统沿走向滑动的距离远大于沿倾向冲断推覆的距离,从而建立了柴北缘走滑-逆冲构造的地质模型;这对其地震解释有指导作用。从柴达木盆地的构造变形时间序列和演变特征从西向东依次扩展、构造活动从老变新,认为柴北缘的走滑-逆冲构造受阿尔金山大型走滑构造和祁连山剧烈的逆冲挤压构造共同控制。最后研究了柴北缘的走滑-逆冲构造特征对油气勘探的意义,加强勘探评价冷湖—南八仙走滑逆冲构造带的翼部断块圈闭和赛什腾山南缘逆冲推覆体下伏地层。  相似文献   

张云鹏  李玉宏  郭望  韩伟  魏建设  李永红 《地质通报》2023,42(10):1640-1651
柴北缘侏罗系页岩的有机碳含量高、厚度大、分布广,但有机质成熟度总体处于未成熟—低成熟阶段,制约了研究区页岩气的表征与评价。通过开放体系下的加热实验,系统刻画了不同温度下的页岩有机质孔隙发育特征及演化过程。分析认为,热模拟温度200~400℃是有机质孔隙发育的优势温度区间,孔隙数量多,从微孔到宏孔都非常发育,孔隙间可形成网状连通。之后随着温度进一步升高,孔隙会出现"塌陷"现象,对页岩气的赋存起到抑制作用。与此同时,有机质的孔隙发育也具有不均一性,不同有机质显微组分孔隙发育能力存在差异,以镜质组、壳质组等为主的有机质显微组分孔隙发育较迟缓,有机质转化不彻底,而以沥青质体、藻类体、无定形体等为主的有机质显微组分孔隙发育时间早、强度大、孔隙之间的连通性好,是页岩气储集空间的主要贡献者。另外,结合能谱分析,认为元素的重量百分比及Ca、Mg等碱土元素的含量也是影响有机质孔隙发育的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文基于实测锆石(U-Th)/He和磷灰石裂变径迹年龄的联合热史模拟明确了米仓山隆起自新元古代以来的构造-热演化史。米仓山隆起前寒武系样品锆石(U-Th)/He年龄和磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分别为190~138 Ma和106.1~120.6 Ma,均小于地层年龄或成岩结晶年龄,有效地记录了早期热信息。热史模拟结果表明米仓山隆起自新元古代以来主要经历了早侏罗世—早白垩世和晚中新世至今两期快速冷却事件,分别与扬子-华北板块碰撞和印度-欧亚板块碰撞的东扩作用有关,而白垩纪—早中新世的缓慢冷却过程则与当时的古夷平面发育有关。本文不仅丰富完善了川北地区构造-热演化成果,而且对于该地区下一步油气勘探具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

四川盆地北部地区以下三叠统嘉陵江组四段-五段的大套膏岩层为分割层,将其分为上下两个构造层,上构造层断裂以膏岩层作为主滑脱层,上、下构造层断裂均终止于膏岩层。区内东部构造运动最为强烈,断裂非常发育。中部地区上构造层断裂相对发育,下构造层不发育。西部受构造运动影响最小,断裂不发育。断裂样式主要表现为"Y"或反"Y"字型组合、"树枝状"、平行及对冲断裂等。三叠系主要在平昌-达州-宣汉一带发育北东-南西向断裂,通江以东地区以北西-南东走向为主,中部平昌-龙岗一带受力复杂,断裂走向较不规律,元坝地区发育有南北走向断裂,往西断裂逐渐不发育。全区可划分为7大构造带,其中米仓山前缘褶皱构造带包含了西部九龙山背斜和东部通南巴构造; 川北凹陷构造带仅在上构造层有少量断裂发育; 川北平缓构造带上构造层发育大量中小型断裂; 大巴山前陆盆地构造带属于断褶发育的凹陷带; 川东高陡构造带构造变形强烈,上构造层多发育披覆背斜及较陡断背斜,下构造层发育断背斜并伴有断堑、断垒特征。该地区下构造层断裂发育开始于印支早期构造运动,印支中后期断裂活动进一步加强; 上构造层断裂发育始于印支中后期构造运动,盆地北部整体开始抬升使雷口坡组顶部遭受剥蚀; 燕山期上、下构造层断裂进一步发育,山前褶皱构造带挤压变形强烈,构造格局基本定型,喜马拉雅山期运动对研究区构造具有叠加改造作用。  相似文献   

Numerous studies on the potential of hydrocarbon generation by the rocks of the sedimentary cover of the northern Precaspian Basin are based either on the interpolation of measurements from a relatively sparse boreholes network or on the numerical estimations of the history of development of the hydrocarbon potential under the assumption of a steady temperature gradient both with depth in the sedimentary cover and with time during basin evolution. By the example of sedimentary sections from the northeastern part of the Precaspian Basin, variations in thermal history and petroleum formation conditions were numerically analyzed for the rocks underlying the salt complex of the basin. Variations in the temperature gradient and thermal properties of the rocks with depth and time were accounted for in the modeling. Numerical reconstructions of the thermal and maturation history of sedimentary sections from the basin were used to estimate the influence of evaporite sequences on the thermal history, the maturation level of organic matter, and the hydrocarbon generation potential of the subsalt complex of the basin. The calculations showed that this influence could be significant, but there remained an uncertainty related to the absence of reliable data on the time and rate of salt diapir formation.  相似文献   

A numerical groundwater model of the Nubian Aquifer System was established to prove the influence of rising seawater levels on the groundwater salinity in northern Egypt over the last 140,000 years. In addition, the impact of a groundwater recharge scenario for these 140,000 years, involving climatic change, on the saltwater/freshwater interface was investigated. Saltwater intrusion induced by rising water levels of the Mediterranean Sea led to salinisation from the Mediterranean Sea to the Qattara depression. This modeling approach was supported by a density-driven model setup and calculation. The modelled saltwater/freshwater interfaces partially fitted the observed ones, especially in the southern half of the Qattara depression. In other parts of the northern Nubian Aquifer System, the ingression of salt water was modelled adequately, but in the west, small regions of the measured interface were not. The development in the Qattara depression (Egypt) and Sirte basin (Libya) were investigated in more detail. The different behaviour in the Sirte basin may be due to high evapotranspiration rates in some former periods, salt solutions from the pre-Quaternary layers or saltwater infiltration from sabkha-like recent salt-bearing sediments.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东北部发现的多个砂岩型铀矿床均赋存于侏罗系直罗组下段砂岩中。前人对已知铀矿床分布区直罗组的沉积学研究程度相对较高,但对盆地北部直罗组大区域沉积体系展布与演变、物源供给特征等的研究仍较为薄弱。文中在大量钻井资料分析、野外剖面实测等基础上,将盆地北部砂岩型铀矿含矿层段直罗组下段细分为2个亚段。在直罗组中识别出河流和三角洲相沉积,认为直罗组下段下亚段主要发育砾质、砂质辫状河沉积,东北部地区发育辫状河三角洲沉积;直罗组下段上亚段主要发育砂质辫状河和曲流河沉积;直罗组上段则以曲流河沉积为主。结合前人研究工作,认为源岩物质组成、有利沉积相带和气候条件对鄂尔多斯盆地北部砂岩型铀矿的成矿均具有重要控制作用。对盆地北部直罗组沉积特征及其演化的整体认识,可为该区砂岩型铀矿床的进一步勘查提供重要的沉积学依据。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘锡铁山-长山梁古近纪沉积演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
柴达木盆地北缘大柴旦镇锡铁山-长山梁古近系—新近系实测剖面沉积相研究显示:锡铁山剖面古近系路乐河组沉积相自下而上为辨状河-辨状河三角洲-滨浅湖-洪积扇,总体上表现为进积-退积-进积的沉积旋回;长山梁剖面古近系干柴沟组沉积相自下而上为由辫状河三角洲-滨浅湖相构成的三个进积-退积旋回,岩性总体上为由粗到细的退积型序列。锡铁山剖面路乐河组古水流方向为NNW向,其东南方向的锡铁山为物源区;长山梁剖面路乐河组和干柴沟组古水流方向为SSE向,其物源为北侧的南祁连山脉。  相似文献   

黑龙江北部孙吴——嘉荫盆地沉积相类型及其演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对孙吴-嘉荫盆地淘淇河组、永安村组、太平林场组、鱼亮子组、乌云组和孙吴组露头剖面详细的沉积学研究,查明该盆地从淘淇河组到孙吴组发育的沉积相类型有冲积扇、辫状河、曲流河、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲、湖底扇和湖泊。冲积扇及扇三角洲主要发育于淘淇河组和孙吴组;辫状河及辫状河三角洲主要发育于鱼亮子组和乌云组;曲流河及曲流河三角洲主要发育于永安村组和太平林场组,各组均有湖泊相沉积发育。孙吴-嘉荫盆地从淘淇河组到乌云组,具有冲积扇-扇三角洲-湖泊→曲流河-曲流河三角洲-湖泊→辫状河-辫状河三角洲-湖泊→冲积扇-扇三角洲-湖泊的沉积演化规律,反映晚白垩-古新世构造活动性减弱,中-上新世孙吴组沉积时重又趋于活动。  相似文献   

宋倩  马青  董旭江  刘莹  高翔  曹康 《古地理学报》2016,18(5):731-742
应用层序地层学和沉积岩石学的原理与方法,深入分析塔里木盆地北部地区(塔北地区)轮南、哈拉哈塘和英买力3个构造单元逾百口钻井的岩心、薄片、测井等资料,结合主要构造运动及海平面变化的研究,建立塔北地区奥陶系层序地层格架,阐述格架内沉积特征及演化。根据区域性不整合界面划分2个二级层序(SSQ1,SSQ2),SSQ1包括下奥陶统—中奥陶统,SSQ2包括中奥陶统—上奥陶统;再根据岩性岩相转换面划分11个三级层序(OSQ1—OSQ11);进一步根据主要海泛面,划分海侵体系域(TST)和高位体系域(HST)。塔北地区奥陶纪沉积环境主要为浅海台地,经历了局限台地—开阔台地—淹没台地—台地边缘的演化过程,最终因陆源碎屑的注入破坏了台地的沉积环境,晚奥陶世塔北地区转为混积台地环境。  相似文献   

In an integrated analysis, metamorphic processes in the accreted crust, potential field anomalies, temperature field and subsidence history are summarized into a model for the development of the North German Basin. The model integrates observed phenomena such as the high nitrogen content in natural gases in Permian sandstone reservoirs and the structure of the crust with model calculations. Rock density increase, subsequent volume reduction and loss of volatiles during metamorphism lead to a depression at the surface of the Earth. The load of the sediments, which will be deposited in the depression, enhances the subsidence and the ongoing metamorphism. The model provides an alternative to the application of existing tectonic stretching models for the explanation of the subsidence of sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

乌尼特坳陷属于二连盆地五大坳陷之一,早白垩世在区域引张力下形成一系列地堑、半地堑,其伸展构造由伸展断层及变换构造组成。伸展断层中的主边界断层主要为铲式,混杂岩断陷带主边界断层多在混杂岩深层滑脱,复式向斜断陷带主边界断层多在浅层滑脱。平面上主边界断层表现为简单弧形或波状延伸,位移量通过变换断层及走向斜坡等进行调节/传递。首尾相连的断陷间主要以狭窄的背向型(divergent)及宽阔的相向型(convergent)变换带进行构造变换,穿过变换带断陷极性常常发生变化。早白垩世早期,乌尼特坳陷由多个相互独立的小型断陷组成;早白垩世中期,随着伸展量不断加大,相邻断陷边界断层逐渐侧向连接成为区域性边界断层,相邻断陷侧向连接成为大型复式断陷;早白垩世晚期,断陷群下沉坳陷进入后裂陷期。  相似文献   

跃南断裂带是塔里木盆地北部的一条形状奇特的断裂带,平面展布呈口袋状。在系统的地震资料解释的基础上,通过认真的断裂构造分析,认为跃南断裂带经历了二叠纪、二叠纪末—三叠纪和侏罗—白垩纪3期断裂作用的叠加。二叠纪大陆裂谷作用形成的一系列NE-SW和NW-SE走向的陡倾的正断层,组成一个共轭断裂系统。沿跃南断裂带的两组不同方向的正断层活动加强,并最终追踪、贯通,形成了口袋状的跃南断裂带。也就是说,跃南断裂带实际上是由NE-SW和NW-SE走向两组断层组合而成的。断裂带围限的地块相对抬升,形成一个大型的垒块。二叠纪末—三叠纪南天山碰撞造山作用引起的逆冲断层,叠加在二叠纪正断层之上,进一步强化了跃南断裂带,使之断距加大,围限的垒块进一步抬升。侏罗—白垩纪的正断层属于南天山造山后的伸展构造,见于跃南断裂带上方,规模不大,数量不多,对断裂带有一定的调整作用。  相似文献   

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