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Be stars show both emission and absorption profiles in the optical part of the spectrum, and these are found to vary with the time. Some of the shifts in profiles were earlier interpreted as Doppler shifts. However, some of the shifts of features in both emission and absorption line profiles may be artifacts due to superposition of an emission profile arising from an Hii region around a binary compact object, and a profile due to the Be star. This interpretation of shifts in line profiles has the advantage over the conventional Doppler-shift interpretation in so far as it does not need the oscillation of a large mass of circumstellar gas, and leads to the observed correlation between radial velocity (RV) variations and V/R variations.  相似文献   

Frequency analyses over two or more seasons are presented for several pulsating sdB stars. These results indicate that amplitude variations in sdBV stars might be common and occur on timescales from less than a day to years. It is not clear whether such variations are a result of real amplitude modulation or of the fact that very close frequencies have not all been resolved. In either case, it would appear to be necessary to carry out reasonably extensive studies before one can claim to have resolved “all” frequencies, and to exhibit care before selecting frequencies for ‘ $\dot{P}$ ’ studies.  相似文献   

After briefly recalling basic facts about the metallicity gradients inspiral galaxies, we summarize two recent N-body gas-dynamical modelsthat implement a non-instantaneous gas recycling and point our their potential for an improved treatment of the chemical evolution ingalactic disks.  相似文献   

Two sets of model atmosphere spectra have been used to determine variations of effective temperature, surface gravity, and radius from multicolour indices measured for pulsating stars. The two model atmosphere sets led to surface parameters that differ by consideraby more than the measurement uncertainties.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

All the radial velocities (RV) available in the literature since the beginning of the century for the Be stars EW Lac, 28 Tau, Tau, KX And, KY And, CX Dra and 88 Her, are assembled. When possible, a periodogram analysis has been performed to search for eventual periodic phenomena.The following conclusions have been drawn: EW Lac could be a spectroscopic binary with a period of about 40 years; 28 Tau shows some indications of regular long-term RV variations on the time scale of decades; a probable recurrent shell activity of Tau could be hypothesized. Some useful indications for KX and KY And are given, whereas it is not possible to draw any conclusion for CX Dra and 88 Her owing to the lack of data.  相似文献   

Sinusoidal variations in bothV - andB-bands were detected in some flare stars of the UV Ceti type outside of flares. This detection has confirmed the light variation detection in Johnson'sV -band in EV Lac at quiet-state luminosity by Pettersen (1980) with a cyclic period equals about 4 . d 378 and an amplitude of about 0 . m 07. An interpretation of these short cyclic periods is that they are due to intensity modulations from a photospheric spot group as a result of stellar equatorial rotations. A short period of 14 days with an amplitude of 0 . m 099 was detected inB-band in AD Leo. For the two flare stars, BD+55° 1823 and DO Cep in bothV- andB-bands, cyclic periods of more than 3 days and less than 17 days with amplitudes more than 0 . m 090 and less than 0 . m 250 have been registered. A significant contribution has been found in the flare star EV Lac in bothV- andB-bands at its quiescent-state luminosity where the detected cyclic periods are agreed with that which was detected by Pettersen (1980) in the same flare star in Johnson'sV-band, about 4 days. Furthermore, we found the same cyclic period in the colour index,B - V (about 4 days) which strengthens starspot phenomenon. This colour index period could not be detected by Pettersen (1980).  相似文献   

Previous first-order analytic treatments of rotation acting upon stellar equilibria are extended to include later, post-Helium burning, stages of stellar evolution. Strong differential rotation is capable of substantially increasing the photon luminosities of post-main sequence stars, and thus accelerating their evolution. On the other hand, uniform rotation reduces the photon flux for a wide range of stellar interior types and conditions. Similar conclusions are drawn regarding the effects of rotation on the emission of neutrinos in pre-collapse phases of evolution. A brief discussion of the gravitational radiation emitted during these phases is also given.  相似文献   

In the framework of the direct photometric problem we obtained an analytical representation of the light variations of spotted stars adopting quadratic limb-darkening law. The btained results can be a basis for the solution of the inverse photometric problem for spotted late FK Com-type giants.  相似文献   

Fifteen Be, 5 Bn, and 1 B stars were monitored during 10 nights in March–April 1988 by means of photoelectricubvy photometry. At least 80% of the Be stars were found variable. Tentative periods between 0.3 and 4.3 days were derived for 13 stars of our entire sample. In all cases the stars are bluest when brightest. Variations in B0-B5e stars are, in average, of larger amplitude than in B5-B9e stars. Bn stars show, in general, variations of smaller amplitude than Be stars. We discuss these results in terms of the current models on short-term photometric variability. In addition, from the observed period distribution we deduce the existence of intrinsically slow Be rotators. We propose the rotation of slightly displaced poles of a weak global dipolar magnetic field as responsable for the rapid periodic light variations.Based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

We have studied the long-term variations of Mira type variables observed with Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment telescope (ROTSE-IIId) between 2004 and 2009 located at TÜB?TAK National Observatory (TUG) in Antalya, Turkey. The actual pulsation periods, variability amplitudes, epochs of maximums and light curves of selected 70 Mira type variables already defined in the SIMBAD database were investigated. In these variables, 17 periods are identified for the first time.  相似文献   

Über lange Zeiten erstreckte Beobachtungen einiger Ap-Sterne ergeben deutliche säkulare Variationen der effektiven magnetischen Feldstärke, welche – neben anderen Interpretationsmöglichkeiten – auf die Präzessionsbewegung des Sterns zurückgeführt werden können. Die Präzession eines durch Rotation abgeflachten Sterns wird durch die Orbitalbewegung eines Begleiters mit einer gegen die Rotationsachese des Sterns geneigten Bahnebene oder durch Rotation der inneren gegenüber den äußeren Schichten des Sterns um unterschiedlich geneigte Achsen verursacht.  相似文献   

The utility of pulsations for the investigation of the structure and evolution of subdwarf B stars is considerable. However, the small number of detected modes generally limits the potential for a traditional seismological analysis such as that carried out for the Sun. Therefore, it is crucial to acquire additional primary data to characterise the stellar oscillations more completely. We review recent studies of radial velocity amplitudes and introduce new multi-colour photometry of small-amplitude sdBV stars. We also discuss a set of models for radial velocity and colour variations and demonstrate how these may be used to infer the spherical and azimuthal degrees of observed pulsations.  相似文献   

The quantification of stochastic substructures seen propagating away from the centers of emission lines of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars is extended using the powerful, objective technique of wavelet analysis. Results for the substructures in one WR star so far show that the scaling laws between (a) flux and velocity dispersion and (b) lifetime and flux, combined with (c) their mass spectrum, strongly support the hypothesis that we are seeing the high mass tail-end distribution of full-scale supersonic compressible turbulence in the winds. This turbulence sets in beyond a critical radius from the star and shows remarkable similarity to the hierarchy of cloudlets seen in giant molecular clouds and other components of the ISM.The velocity dispersion is larger on average for substructures (interpreted as density enhanced turbulent eddies) propagating towards or away from the observer, suggesting that the turbulence is anisotropic. This is not surprising, since the most likely force which drives the windand the ensuing turbulence alike, radiation pressure, is directed outwards in all directions from the star. It is likely that a similar kind of turbulence prevails in the winds of all hot stars, of which those of WR stars are the most extreme.The consequences of clumping in winds are numerous. One of the most important is the necessary reduction in the estimate of the mass-loss rates compared to smooth outflow models.  相似文献   

The paper briefly describes the purpose and features of the Japanese project ILOM (In-situ Lunar Orientation Measurement) in which it is planned to install the zenith telescope with a CCD lens on one of the poles of the Moon for the observation of stars in order to determine the physical libration of the Moon (PhLM). The studies presented in this paper are the result of the first stage of the theoretical support of the project:
  1. The compilation of the list of stars within the field of view of the telescope during the precessional motion of the lunar pole.
  2. Modeling and analysis of the behavior of stellar tracks during the observation period.
  3. Simulation and testing of the sensitivity of the measured selenographic star coordinates to changes in the parameters of the dynamic model of the Moon and the elastic parameters of the lunar body.
Direct and inverse PhLM problems are discussed. Within the scope of the direct problem visible “daily parallels” and one-year star tracks are calculated. Their behavioral features when observed from the lunar surface are shown. At this stage of the simulation selenographic star coordinates for the four models of the gravitational field of the Moon have been compared, i.e., the model constructed on the basis of the lunar laser ranging (LLR), GLGM-2, LP150Q, and SGM100h. It is shown that even when comparing modern models LP150Q and SGM100h stellar tracks differ from the arc by more than 10 ms of arc. At the stage of the inverse problem, the manifestation of viscoelastic properties of the Moon in selenographic coordinates has been studied. In the spectrum of the simulated residual differences harmonics have been identified which can serve as indicators to refine parameters, Love number k 2 and the delay time characterizing the viscous properties of the lunar body.  相似文献   

In the framework of the direct photometric problem we obtained analytic expressions describing the light variations of spotted stars in case of arbitrary limb-darkening law. These could be used as a basis for solution of the inverse photometric problem for arbitrary types of rotating stars characterized by surface spots.  相似文献   

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