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Gamma-ray scintillation spectrometry is often the method of choice for determination of the heat-producing elements (HPE's) uranium, thorium and potassium. This article updates the procedure, describing modern equipment and proposing revised measurement calculations and error analysis. New equations for calculating HPE concentrations and applicable errors from gamma-ray spectra allow for standards that contain all three HPE's, rather than requiring that there be only one element in each of three standards. The equations also account automatically for all peak interferences and quantify the error effects of varying counting times. Errors obtained from repeated analyses and distributions of paired analyses compare favorably with those obtained from the equations. The possibility and potential magnitude of secular disequilibrium can be evaluated simultaneously with an analysis by utilizing the low-energy part of the gamma-ray spectrum (<0.123 MeV). The factor that is calculated to test for secular disequilibrium also provides a first-order correction for its effects. Repeated analysis of a single sample crushed to varying degrees provides a test of the effects of net sample density on gamma-ray determinations. Uranium and thorium show no variation with sample density in the range studied, but potassium does show a variation, a result that has been observed before. This effect has been explained as a result of source attenuation due to potassium determination utilizing the lowest-energy gamma-rays (1.461 MeV), which should be most susceptible to source absorption. However, in the analyses presented here the energy range utilized for thorium is lower (0/916-0.969 MeV), but no source absorption effects are observed. The effect of the potassium variation observed on determination of heat production is negligible, however, and corrections are inadvisable.  相似文献   

The interaction of a powerful cosmological gamma-ray burst (GRB) with a dense molecular cloud is modeled. Two-dimensional gas-dynamical flows were computed for various configurations of the cloud. In the spherically symmetrical case, the gas velocity does not exceed $ \sim 2 \times 10^3 \sqrt {E/1.6 \times 10^{53} } km/s$ km/s. If the GRB precursor has an anisotropic wind, a conical cavity can form in the nearby region of the molecular cloud. The propagation of the gamma-ray pulse in this cavity leads to the formation of a rapidly moving hot clump of matter, with the gas velocity reaching 1.8 × 104 km/s for gamma-ray energy of E = 1.6 × 1053 erg. In all the computations, the velocity of the moving material is much lower than the velocity of light, the volume of gas affected by the motion is small, and the influence of the gas motions on the light curve of the optical afterglow is insignificant.  相似文献   

The typical spectra of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are discussed in the context of the compactness problem for GRB sources and how it is resolved in the popular fireball model. In particular, observational (model-independent) constraints on the collimation of the gamma-rays and the dependence of the collimation angle on the photon energy are considered. The fact that the threshold for the creation of e ? e + pairs depends on the angle between the momenta of the annihilating photons in the GRB source provides an alternative solution to the compactness problem. A new approach to explaining GRBs, taking into account the angular dependence for pair creation, is proposed, and the main features of a scenario describing a GRB source with a total (photon) energy smaller or of the order of 1049 erg are laid out. Thus, we are dealing with an alternative to an ultra-relativistic fireball, if it turns out (as follows from observations) that all “long” GRBs are associated with normal (not peculiar) core-collapse supernovae. The effects of radiation pressure and the formation of jets as a consequence of even a small amount of anisotropy in the total radiation field in a (compact) GRB source are examined in this alternative model. Possible energy-release mechanisms acting in regions smaller or of the order of 108 cm in size (a compact model for a GRB) are discussed. New observational evidence for such compact energy release in the burst source is considered.  相似文献   

We consider the influence of a non-dipolar magnetic field on the gamma-ray emission from the polar regions of a radio pulsar. The pulsar is treated in a Goldreich-Julian model with a free flow of charge from the surface of the neutron star. When finding the intensity of the gamma-ray radiation of the pulsar tube, both curvature gamma-ray radiation from the primary electrons and non-resonance inverse Compton scattering of thermal photons from the polar cap on primary electrons are taken into account. When finding the height of the upper plate of the pulsar diode, we included only positrons created by the curvature radiation of primary electrons. We assumed that the polar cap is heated by the return positron current. The influence on the gamma-ray emission of variations in both the radius of curvature of the magnetic force lines and in the electric field due to the non-dipolarity of the magnetic field were taken into account. The presence of even weak non-dipolarity of the magnetic field leads to a sharp decrease in the intensity of the gamma-ray emission from the pulsar tube at energies 1–100 MeV, while the intensity of the inverse Compton radiation (at energies 1–100 GeV) varies only relatively weakly.  相似文献   

Bolometric light curves for the afterglow resulting from the passage of a gamma-ray burst through a molecular cloud are computed. The profile and duration of the afterglow light curve depend strongly on the distribution of matter in the cloud, the degree of collimation of the gamma-ray radiation, and the observing conditions. The peak can be reached as soon as seven days (the gamma-ray burst is located at some distance from the center of a molecular cloud with small-scale density enhancements), or as long as one to three years (the gamma-ray burst is located at the center of a uniform molecular cloud) after the burst. The bolometric luminosity of the re-radiated signal can reach 6.5 × 1042 erg/s.  相似文献   

The effect of the radius of the tube of open magnetic-field lines on the gamma-ray curvature radiation from the polar regions of a radio pulsar with a non-dipolar magnetic field is analyzed. The pulsar is considered in a polar-cap model with free electron emission from the neutron-star surface. The effect of the non-dipolar magnetic field on the radius of curvature of the field lines and the field intensity is taken into account. In connection with the creation of electron-positron pairs, we take into account only the birth of pairs by curvature radiation in the magnetic field. The small non-dipolarity of the field enables the radio pulsar not to turn off, even after a considerable decrease in the pulsar-tube radius. For instance, with a 20% non-dipolarity (ν = 0.2), a pulsar with B = 1013 G and P = 0.5 s can still operate even for a fivefold decrease in the pulsar-tube radius. A maximum is observed in the dependence of the electrostatic potential in the diode on the non-dipolarity parameter ν at ν ~ 0.5–0.7. The pulse profile in non-thermal X-ray emission for ν ~ 0.5–0.7 may look virtually the same as for ν ~ 0.1–0.2. Decreases in the pulsar-tube radius could be due to a structure of currents in the magnetosphere that results in the pulsar diode on the neutron-star surface occupying only a small fraction of the pulsar tube, with the remainder of the tube containing an outer annular gap. The pulsar-tube size is also affected by the presence of a circum-pulsar disk. A change in the pulsar-tube radius could also be due to an external magnetic field, associated with either a magnetic white dwarf or a circum-pulsar disk.  相似文献   

Mafic orthopyroxene monzodiorite (jøtunite) lithologies are exposed in the St. Urbain plutonic suite as a marginal facies to quartz mangerite and massif anorthosite intrusive bodies and as dikes within a variety of host rocks. High concentrations of Ti, Fe, P, K, Ba, Nb, La, Ce, Zn, Ga, Zr and Y characterize these rocks and are distinctive of many mafic lithologies associated with anorthosite massifs worldwide. Characteristically low concentrations of Ni and Cr, in conjuction with low Mg numbers, have been used by previous investigators as evidence for either partial melting of mafic granulitic lower crust or extensive fractional crystallization of a mantle-derived magma. In an attempt to distinguish between these competing models, we note that jøtunite display many features that bear a strong resemblance to continental tholeiitic flood basalts, including chemical signatures on normalized multi-element (‘spider’) diagrams. Ratios of incompatible trace elements and patterns on rare earth and ‘spider’ diagrams collectively indicate that the jøtunite rocks were derived from an enriched, rather than depleted, mantle source. Enrichment may have occured by subduction-derived fluids or by mixture with a plume component prior to partial melting so that isotopic and trace-element compositions are decoupled. Small amounts of partial melting of mafic granulite has been advanced as an alternative model; we show, however, that the experimental data on which this model is built are not applicable. Our preferred model begins with partial melting of a trace-element enriched mantle source that fractionates olivine at high to moderate pressures. Increasing concentrations of P (and Ti) eventually caused a contraction of the olivine stability field in favor of orthopyroxene. Fractional crystallization may yield the series of rocks from anorthosite, leuconorite, oxide-apatite gabbronorite, to jøtunite. Mafic magmas emplaced into continental crust are typically attributed to incipient rifting or mantle upwelling, which are features common to many models for the genesis of anorthosite and related rocks.  相似文献   

Measurements of frequency fluctuations in radio signals generated by the GALILEO spacecraft from January 6 to 11, 1997 are presented and analyzed. The passage of a coronal mass ejection observed by the SOHO/LASCO coronagraph on January 6, 1997 through the radio-communication path between the spacecraft and a ground station was recorded. Radio sounding was carried out at a carrier frequency of 2295 MHz at a heliocentric distance of about 32 solar radii, with the signal being received at three ground stations. As the mass ejection intersected the propagation path, the mean frequency of the signal increased and several-hour-long frequency fluctuations were enhanced. A spectral analysis of the frequency fluctuations shows that the regime and level of plasma turbulence are substantially different in different sections of the quiet solar wind and the disturbed plasmoid. A correlation between the intensity and temporal spectrum of the frequency fluctuations is found. The plasma density in the leading part of the coronal mass ejection exceeds the mean background value by more than an order of magnitude. Our correlation analysis of the frequency fluctuations recorded simultaneously at two widely separated measuring points shows that two flow components with different velocities—the quiet solar wind and a perturbed stream—crossed the communication path. The radio-sounding data are compared with observations of the coronal mass ejection by the SOHO/LASCO coronagraph and plasma measurements near the Earth’s orbit using the WIND satellite. A pronounced correlation is found between the variations in the mean frequency of the sounding signal and the plasma density in near-Earth space.  相似文献   

Flow-like mass movements in granular materials are among the most serious natural hazards, systematically producing huge amounts of damage and numerous victims, especially when involving volcanic soils. This is the case of the events in Southern Italy in May 1998, when rainfall triggered many destructive landslides along the slopes of a carbonate massif mantled by pyroclastic soils. Due to the complexity of the occurred phenomena, a shared interpretation of their triggering stage is still not available.

As a contribution to the topic, the paper initially discusses the geological and geomorphological features of the massif combining them in three hillslopes models. The models are then associated to the hydrogeological features and anthropogenic factors in order to define six typical landslides source areas that are not casually distributed on the massif. The study subsequently focuses on the most frequent type of source areas, associated to the largest unstable soil volumes and longest run-out distances. For these source areas, the triggering mechanism is discussed, with an example of geotechnical validation being proposed for a well monitored mountain basin. The geotechnical modelling at site scale confirms the geological analyses at massif scale and provides further insights into the events, thus highlighting the potential of a multidisciplinary approach for the interpretation of very complex slope instability phenomena.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the maximum values of the variable component of the radio source J0157+7442 is presented. The flux densities obtained on the RATAN-600 radio telescope at centimeter wavelengths in 2009 and 2010 are minimum for all observations of the source, and it was assumed that the variable component was absent in these years. After subtracting these RATAN-600 data from the upper envelope of all available flux density data, the spectrum of the variable component was obtained. The form of the spectrum of the variable component is typical of a nonuniform, spherically symmetric source with synchrotron self-absorption.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the radio source S5 0716+714 were obtained in BV RI filters from January 20, 1998 to January 9, 2001 with Zeiss-600 and Zeiss-1000 telescopes of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The light curves in all the bands are synchronous, providing evidence for the real variability of the object in timescales, from hundreds of days to 5–10 min. No time shift between events in the adjacent filters was detected. The variability spectrum at frequencies of 0.003–100 d?1 (3.5 × 10?8–1.1 × 10?3 Hz) is close to that of a flicker noise. The optical spectral index α (Sv α) varies from ?1.59 at the minimum to ?1.13 at the maximum brightness. Measurements of linear polarization in BV R carried out on April 12–13, 2000 confirmed a high degree of polarization and rapid fluctuations of the polarization in a timescale of 15–30 min, whose amplitude decreases at red wavelengths. All the optical properties of the source, its compactness, the absence of spectral lines, the high degree of polarization, and very rapid fluctuations of the brightness, polarization, and spectral index, suggest a synchrotron origin for optical radiation. It may be that we are observing the radiation from a group of very compact bodies (~10?10 arcsec) at various stages of their evolution.  相似文献   

Parameters of 100 radio pulsars detected outside the radio range (he pulsars) are compared with those of pulsars radiating only in the radio (n pulsars). The periods of he pulsars are, on average, appreciably shorter than those of n pulsars: 〈P〉 = 0.10 and 0.56 s, respectively. The distribution of the magnetic field at the light cylinder is shifted toward higher magnetic fields for the pulsars with high-energy radiation, compared to the distribution for pulsars radiating only in the radio. The magnetic fields at the light cylinder are 〈B lc〉 = 9×103 G for he radio pulsars, and 〈Blc〉 = 56 G formost purely radio pulsars. This suggests the generation of high-energy nonthermal radiation in radio pulsars at the peripheries of their magnetospheres. The distribution of the spin-energy loss rate dE/dt is uniform for he pulsars, and is characterized by a higher average value \(\left( {\left\langle {\log \frac{{dE}} {{dt}}} \right\rangle = 35.53} \right) \) , compared to n pulsars, \(\left( {\left\langle {\log \frac{{dE}} {{dt}}} \right\rangle = 32.60} \right) \) . The spatial distribution of he pulsars is nonuniform: they form two well separated clouds.  相似文献   

Shear wave splitting measurements in South Kamchatka during the 3-year period (1996–1998) in which the Kronotsky Earthquake (M=7.7, December 5, 1997) occurred are used to determine anisotropic parameters of the subduction zone and shear wave splitting variations with time. The local small seismic events recorded at the Petropavlovskaya IRIS station (PET) were analyzed. The dominant azimuths of the fast shear wave polarizations for the 3-year period are defined within N95±15°E, which are consistent with the general Pacific Plate motion direction. Modeling of fast shear wave polarizations shows that HTI model with the symmetry axis oriented along N15°E±10° fit well the observed data for events the focal depths of which are less than 80 km. For the greater depths, the orthorhombic symmetry of medium is not excluded. The anisotropy coefficient increases generally with depth from 1–2% in the crust to 4–7.5% in the subducting plate. Variations in time delays show a general increase up to 10–15 ms/km during 1996–1997 before the large crustal earthquake series (M≈5.5–7) in the Avacha Bay and before the Kronotsky Earthquake. Analysis of fast S-wave azimuths of mantle events reveals a temporal cyclic variation. The most regular variations are observed for fast azimuths of deep events with a period of about 172 days over the 3-year period. The fast polarizations of crustal events behave comparatively stable. It is assumed that the major instabilities in stress state are localized in the descending slab and influenced the upper mantle and comparatively stable crust.  相似文献   

Neoarchean orogenic gold deposits, associated with the greenstone-granite milieus in the Dharwar Craton include(1) the famous Kolar mine and the world class Hutti deposit;(2) small mines at HiraBuddini, Uti, Ajjanahalli, and Guddadarangavanahalli;(3) prospects at Jonnagiri; and(4) old mining camps in the Gadag and Ramagiri-Penakacherla belts. The existing diametric views on the source of ore fluid for formation of these deposits include fluids exsolved from granitic melts and extracted by metamorphic devolatilization of the greenstone sequences. Lode gold mineralization occurs in structurally controlled higher order splays in variety of host rocks such as mafic/felsic greenstones, banded iron formations, volcaniclastic rocks and granitoids. Estimated metamorphic conditions of the greenstones vary from lower greenschist facies to mid-amphibolite facies and mineralizations in all the camps are associated with distinct hydrothermal alterations. Fluid inclusion microthermometric and Raman spectroscopic studies document low salinity aqueous-gaseous(H_2O + CO_2 ± CH_4 + NaCl) ore fluids,which precipitated gold and altered the host rocks in a narrow P-T window of 0.7-2.5 kbar and 215-320℃. While the calculated fluid O-and C-isotopic values are ambiguous, S-isotopic compositions of pyrite-precipitating fluid show distinct craton-scale uniformity in terms of its reduced nature and a suggested crustal sulfur source.Available ages on greenstone metamorphism, granitoid plutonism and mineralization in the Hutti Belt are tantamount, making a geochronology-based resolution of the existing debate on the metamorphic vs.magmatic fluid source impossible. In contrast, tourmaline geochemistry suggests involvement of single fluid in formation of gold mineralization, primarily derived by metamorphic devolatilization of mafic greenstones and interlayered sedimentary rocks, with minor magmatic contributions. Similarly, compositions of scheelite, pyrite and arsenopyrite point toward operation of fault-valves that caused pressure fluctuation-induced fluid phase separation, which acted as the dominant process of gold precipitation,apart from fluid-rock sulfidation reactions. Therefore, results from geochemistry of hydrothermal minerals and those from fluid inclusion microthermometry corroborate in constraining source of ore fluid,nature of gold transport(by Au-bisulfide complex) and mechanism of gold ore formation in the Dharwar Craton.  相似文献   

Results of radio observations of the cosmic gamma-ray burst GRB 080319B at 8.45 GHz during the afterglow are reported. The observations were carried out on telescopes of the Zelenchukskaya and Svetloe Observatories of the Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Two outbursts in the radio brightness were detected in the afterglow of GRB 080319B. A total of 148 radio observations were performed at 3.5, 6.2, and 13 cm. The observations were conducted in a mode with smooth scanning in elevation, which was also used to update the flux densities of the primary reference sources. The first powerful radio outburst was recorded on March 28, 2008, 6.86d after the gamma-ray burst, when the maximum flux density was F 8.45 GHz = 44 ± 12 mJy. Almost two months later, a second increase in the radio brightness was observed. The flux density monotonically increased from 19 mJy (59.55d) to 34mJy (59.79d) over 6.5 h; 1.17 d later, the flux density fell to 12mJy.At this last epoch, the radio flux demonstrated variability within 3σ on timescales of 9d−10d. The detected radio brightness increases are interpreted in terms of MHD interactions of a fast plasma outflow with a cloud of inhomogeneous surrounding medium. This interaction is accompanied by restructuring of the relativistic plasma outflow; the analysis of this process has been carried out.  相似文献   

Maps of the radio source 3C 120 obtained from VLBA+ observations at 8.4 GHz at five epochs in January–September 2002 are presented. The images were reconstructed using the maximum entropy method and the Pulkovo VLBImager software package for VLBI mapping. Apparent superluminal motions of the brightest jet knots have been estimated. The speeds of jet knots decreases with distance from the core, changing from (5.40±0.48)c to (2.00±0.48)c over 10 mas (where c is the speed of light) for a Hubble constant of 65 km s?1 Mpc?1. This can be explained by interaction of the jet with the medium through which it propagates.  相似文献   

西秦岭赛什塘铜矿区内出露的三叠纪花岗质岩石有闪长玢岩、石英闪长岩、石英闪长玢岩、花岗斑岩和石英斑岩,其岩浆源区与形成构造环境可为古特提斯洋演化和区域成矿作用研究提供证据。岩石地球化学特征共同表明,这些花岗质岩石属于准铝质钙碱性-高钾钙碱性系列,为I型花岗岩;Mg#值变化较大(39~68),LREE富集,HREE亏损,(La/Yb)N比值介于8.50~22.9,具有Eu负异常,δEu介于0.28~0.78,同时富集大离子亲石元素Cs、Rb、K、Pb,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti,呈现出与典型俯冲作用密切相关岛弧花岗岩相一致地球化学特征。石英闪长玢岩和石英斑岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄分别为219.0±2.3Ma和220.0±2.0Ma,锆石εHf(t)分别为-4.5~-2.1和-2.5~+1.0,对应二阶段模式年龄分别为1392~1544Ma和1190~1415Ma。结合前人对西秦岭三叠纪花岗岩以及其南侧阿尼玛卿蛇绿混杂带研究成果,本文认为赛什塘铜矿区花岗质岩石与西秦岭同时期花岗岩形成于与古特提斯洋向北俯冲密切相关的大陆边缘弧环境,其岩浆源区为中元古代下地壳变基性岩,且岩浆可能受到地幔物质混染。  相似文献   

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