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金刚石在自然界中非常稀缺,是极其珍贵的矿产资源。其中,变质成因的金刚石陆续在世界范围内多个超高压变质带被发现,更新了人们对超高压变质作用和板块构造运动的认识,推动了超高压变质带动力学的研究,引起了学术界的广泛关注。然而,对于变质成因金刚石的形成机制,还未形成一致的认识。本文在综述前人研究成果的基础上,介绍了金刚石形成的大地构造背景,研究了其形成所需的地质环境和物理化学条件,并着重对超高压变质带金刚石成因机制进行了探讨,全面分析了温压条件、XCO2、fO2对变质成因金刚石形成的影响。对比发现,当变质作用的峰期压力达到金刚石稳定域且具有较高的温度时(压力> 3 GPa,温度为600~1 000℃),有利于金刚石的形成,C-O-H流体中的较高CO2含量和较低氧逸度也是超高压变质带金刚石形成的必需因素。另外,金刚石形成后折返早期的降温作用有利于其保存。  相似文献   

大别-苏鲁超高压和高压变质带构造演化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
大别—苏鲁是世界上超高压 (UHP) ( >2 .7GPa)和高压 (HP)变质岩石出露最为广泛的地区。通过区域研究 ,尤其是在选择的 30多个关键位置上不同尺度构造记录的深入观察 ,结合已有的可利用的变质、热事件及同位素年代学资料分析 ,揭示出它们曾遭受过一个复杂的从深俯冲到折返构造演化历程 ,识别出 5个主要的构造变质事件 :( 1)由块状榴辉岩中发育的微弱面理和线理所代表的第 1期变形变质事件 (D1) ;( 2 )面状榴辉岩中发育的含拉伸线理的透入性主面理、中小型鞘状褶皱及网络状韧性剪切带 ,代表第 2期构造变质事件 (D2 ) ;( 3)第 3期变形事件主体发生于麻粒岩 /角闪岩相后成合晶形成之后 ,主要构造记录是区域性陡倾斜面理及不均一置换的成分层、榴辉岩透镜体及布丁群、面理内褶皱、网状韧性剪切带系统以及减压部分熔融作用形成的混合岩和含榴花岗质岩石组构 ;( 4)区域性的碰撞期后地壳韧性薄化及剪张作用 (D4)形成缓倾斜角闪岩相主面理及线理、穹状及弧形构造和多层韧性拆离带 ,它们主导了现今观察到的大别—苏鲁超高压和高压变质带的区域构造几何图像 ;( 5 )第 5期构造热事件 (D5)表现为不均一断块抬升、红色沉积盆地发育及大规模的岩体和岩脉就位 ,代表造山晚期的构造揭顶及坍陷作用 ,该期构造控制着造山带  相似文献   

苏鲁高压-超高压变质地体南缘高压与超高压变质带接触关系的确定对该地区构造格局的建立具有重要的意义。研究表明苏鲁高压-超高压变质地体南缘高压变质带内的锦屏群底部含砾岩层不整合覆盖于超高压变质带南部的朐山花岗片麻岩之上,含砾岩层中的砾石虽然经历了后期的塑性变形改造,但其地质特征仍展示出地层下部层位沉积砾石特有的性质。此外,同位素年代学研究揭示出朐山花岗片麻岩与锦屏群变质岩的原岩分别形成于859Ma和814Ma。这些都说明锦屏群变质岩与下伏朐山花岗片麻岩原岩之间的接触关系为角度不整合。在后期的构造运动过程中它们一起经历了高压-超高压变质变形作用,折返过程中锦屏群变质岩向北西西方向逆冲,形成叠加于不整合接触面的韧性剪切带。  相似文献   

Abstract The Lancang metamorphic terrane consists of an eastern low- P/T belt and a western high- P/T belt divided by a N–S-trending fault. Protoliths of both units are mid–late Proterozoic basement and its cover. The low- P/T belt includes the Permian Lincang batholith, related amphibolite facies rocks of the Damenglong and Chongshan groups, and Permo-Triassic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. Most whole-rock Rb–Sr isochron and U–Pb zircon ages of the Lincang batholith are in the range 290–279 and 254–212 Ma, respectively. Metamorphism of the low- P/T belt reaches upper amphibolite with local granulite facies (735°C at 5 kbar), subsequently retrogressed at 450–500°C during post-Triassic time. The high- P/T rocks grade from west to east from blueschist through transitional blueschist/greenschist to epidote amphibolite facies. Estimated P–T conditions follow the high- P intermediate facies series up to about 550–600°C, at which oligoclase is stable. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of sodic amphibole in blueschist is 279 Ma.
The paired metamorphic belts combined with the spatial and temporal distribution of other blueschist belts lead us to propose a tentative tectonic history of south-east Asia since the latest Precambrian. Tectonic juxtaposition of paired belts with contrasting P–T conditions, perhaps during collision of the Baoshan block with south-east Asia, suggests that an intervening oceanic zone existed that has been removed. The Baoshan block is a microcontinent rifted from the northern periphery of Gondwana. Successive collision and amalgamation of microcontinents from either Gondwana or the Panthalassan ocean resulted in rapid southward continental growth of c. 500 km during the last 200 Ma. Hence, the Lancang region in south-east Asia represents a suture zone between two contrasting microcontinents.  相似文献   

阿尔金高压变质岩带的特征及其构造意义   总被引:68,自引:30,他引:68  
阿尔金构造带存在两条高压变质岩带,一条为高压变泥质岩带,出露在阿尔金中段北部红柳沟-拉配泉东西向蛇绿混杂岩带之中的贝克滩东侧,东西向展布约几公里;另一条为榴辉岩带,出露在阿尔金南缘的江格萨依南-米兰河上游一带的北东向隆起带上,断续延伸约200km.区域构造背景、高压变质岩石的变质历史及顺时针型P-T轨迹和年代学研究表明,这些高压变质岩石的形成应与板块俯冲、碰撞活动有关,它们分别代表了显生宙初塔里木板块东南缘的两次俯冲-碰撞活动.这一成果为阐明阿尔金左行走滑断裂系的早期演化及板块增生提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

The Cordilleran orogen in south-eastern Alaska includes 14 distinct metamorphic belts that make up three major metamorphic complexes, from east to west: the Coast plutonic–metamorphic complex in the Coast Mountains; the Glacier Bay–Chichagof plutonic–metamorphic complex in the central part of the Alexander Archipelago; and the Chugach plutonic–metamorphic complex in the northern outer islands. Each of these complexes is related to a major subduction event. The metamorphic history of the Coast plutonic–metamorphic complex is lengthy and is related to the Late Cretaceous collision of the Alexander and Wrangellia terranes and the Gravina overlap assemblage to the west against the Stikine terrane to the east. The metamorphic history of the Glacier Bay–Chichagof plutonic–metamorphic complex is relatively simple and is related to the roots of a Late Jurassic to late Early Cretaceous island arc. The metamorphic history of the Chugach plutonic–metamorphic complex is complicated and developed during and after the Late Cretaceous collision of the Chugach terrane with the Wrangellia and Alexander terranes. The Coast plutonic–metamorphic complex records both dynamothermal and regional contact metamorphic events related to widespread plutonism within several juxtaposed terranes. Widespread moderate-P/T dynamothermal metamorphism affected most of this complex during the early Late Cretaceous, and local high-P/T metamorphism affected some parts during the middle Late Cretaceous. These events were contemporaneous with low- to moderate-P, high-T metamorphism elsewhere in the complex. Finally, widespread high-P–T conditions affected most of the western part of the complex in a culminating late Late Cretaceous event. The eastern part of the complex contains an older, pre-Late Triassic metamorphic belt that has been locally overprinted by a widespread middle Tertiary thermal event. The Glacier Bay–Chichagof plutonic–metamorphic complex records dominantly regional contact-metamorphic events that affected rocks of the Alexander and Wrangellia terranes. Widespread low-P, high-T assemblages occur adjacent to regionally extensive foliated granitic, dioritic and gabbroic rocks. Two closely related plutonic events are recognized, one of Late Jurassic age and another of late Early and early Late Cretaceous age; the associated metamorphic events are indistinguishable. A small Late Devonian or Early Mississippian dynamothermal belt occurs just north-east of the complex. Two older low-grade regional metamorphic belts on strike with the complex to the south are related to a Cambrian to Ordovician orogeny and to a widespread Middle Silurian to Early Devonian orogeny. The Chugach plutonic–metamorphic complex records a widespread late Late Cretaceous low- to medium/high-P, moderate- T metamorphic event and a local transitional or superposed early Tertiary low-P, high-T regional metamorphic event associated with mesozonal granitic intrusions that affected regionally deformed and metamorphosed rocks of the Chugach terrane. The Chugach complex also includes a post-Late Triassic to pre-Late Jurassic belt with uncertain relations to the younger belts.  相似文献   

高盐变质流体对我国绿岩带金矿的制约   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
谢奕汉  范宏瑞 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):661-664
高盐变质流体为绿岩带原岩在变质 -混合岩化过程中产生的液体 ,其含盐度高达 30~ 40 wt% Na Cl,富含 K、Na、Ca、Mg碱金属离子 ,K/ Na≈ 1,呈强碱性 ,有利于绿岩中 Au的活化和迁移 ,使绿岩带起到金的矿源层作用 ,并且间接地控制了变质期后绿岩型金矿的形成和分布 ,控制了绿岩型金矿的规模大小  相似文献   

东天山三条高压变质带地质特征和流体作用   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
刘斌  钱一雄 《岩石学报》2003,19(2):283-296
微板块活动边缘常常产生高压变质作用,我们在东天山地区发现了三条高压变质带,分别出露在南天山北缘、中天山北缘和北天山南缘的早古生代至晚古生代地层中,它们是天山微板块多期次俯冲-碰撞-拼贴作用的产物。(南天山北缘铜花山高压变质带中有不同变异的蓝闪石类高压矿物,蓝闪石Ar~(40)/Ar~(39)同位素测定为360Ma年龄,而在同一带的西部的榆树沟有C型和B型的榴辉岩分布。中天山北缘乌斯特沟-米什沟高压变质带中发现了青铝闪石,同一阶段生成的多硅白云母为345Ma的年龄;北天山南缘后峡高压变质带中以出露在石炭世地层中钠闪石和多硅白云母为特征,三条高压变质带均经历过三个变质-变形作用阶段:①高压变质;②退变质;③韧性-脆性变质变形作用。) 流体活动与微板块构造作用密切相关,不同构造阶段有不同的变质-变形作用和矿物-流体反应:①高压变质作用阶段:微板块碰撞阶段产生不同的进变质作用,主要发生脱挥发组分的矿物反应,含水矿物转化成无水或少水矿物。南天山北缘有两次微板块与洋壳碰撞-俯冲作用,第一次碰撞-俯冲的热力学条件是:中-高温、高压和埋藏深度较大(540~720℃,0.92~1.29GPa,35~>50km),导致榴辉岩的生成,除了大量挥发组分逸出以外,另有不少熔体产生,变质矿物以捕获大量熔体和少量气-液流体包裹  相似文献   

The Hercynian mobile belts in Central Asia comprise the Hercynian proper and the Late Hercynian (Indosinian) belts separated by the South Gobi microcontinent, the origin of which is related to the evolution of the South Mongolian and Inner Mongolian basins with the oceanic crust. Crystalline complexes within these belts occur as tectonic sheets of a variety of sizes. At the early stages, the metamorphic grade of these complexes reached conditions of high-temperature subfacies of amphibolite and locally developed granulite facies. In tectonic terms, the Hercynian belt of metamorphic rocks is situated at the margin of the North Asian Caledonian continent and extends from the southeast to the northwest along the southern slope of the Gobi, Mongolian, and Chinese Altai to East Kazakhstan, where metamorphic rocks are localized in the Irtysh Shear Zone. All these rocks are combined into the South Altai metamorphic belt of more than 1500 km in extent. Another belt of isolated outcrops of crystalline rocks conventionally combined into the Indosinian South Gobi metamorphic belt is traced along the junction of the Hercynides with the South Gobi microcontinent. The high-grade metamorphic rocks within both belts are not fragments of an ensialic Caledonian or older basement. These rocks were formed 390–360 and 230–220 Ma ago as a result of the closure of the Tethian South Mongolian and Inner Mongolian oceanic basins (Paleotethys I and Paleotethys II). The spatial position of the South Altai and South Gobi metamorphic belts is caused by the asymmetric structure of the Tethian basins, where active continental margins are expressed most distinctly along their northern parts, while passive margins extend along the southern parts (in present-day coordinates).  相似文献   


The Rhodope massif of Bulgaria and Greece is a complex of Mesozoic synmetamorphic nappes stacked in an Alpine active margin environment. A new analysis of the Triassic to Eocene history of the Vardar suture zone m Greece discloses its Cretaceous setting as a subduction trench. We present a geological traverse that takes into account these new observatons and runs from the Hellenides to the Balkans, i.e. from he African to the Eurasian sides of the Tethys ocean, respectively. The present review first defines the revisited limits of the Rhodope metamorphic complex. In particular, the lower part of the Serbo- Macedonian massif is an extension of the Rhodope units west of the Struma river. Its upper part is separated as the Frolosh greenschist unit, which underlies tectonic slivers of Carpathc-Balkanic type. Several greenschist units which locally yield Mesozoic fossils, follow the outer limits of the Rhodope. Their former attribution to a stratigraphic cover of the Rhodope has been proven false. They are divided into roof greenschists, which partly represent an extension of the Strandza Jurassic black shales basin, and western greenschists, which mostly derive from the Vardar Cretaceous olistostromic assemblage. The Rhodope complex of synmetamorphic nappes includes Continental Units and Mixed Units. The Continental Units comprise quartzo-feld-spathic gneisses in addition to thick marble layers. The Mixed Units comprise meta-ophiolites as large bodies or small knockers. They are imbricated, forming an open dome whose lower, Continental Unit constitutes the Drama window. The uppermost Mixed Unit is overlain by remnants of the European plate. The present-day structure results from combined large-scale thrust and exhumation tectonics. Regional inversions of synmetamorphic sense-of-shear indicate that intermediate parts of the wedge moved upward and forward with respect to both the lower and upper plates. A kinematic model is based on buoyancy-driven decoupling at depth between subducted continental crust and the subducting lithosphere. Continuing convergence allows coeval underthrusting of continental crust at the footwall, decoupling at depth, and upward-forward expulsion of a low-density metamorphic wedge above. The continental crust input and its upward return may have lasted for at least the whole of the Early Cretaceous, as indicated by isotopic ages and the deformation history of the upper plate. A Late Eocene marine transgression divides the ensuing structural and thermal evolution into a follow-up uplift stage and a renewed uplift stage. Revision of the limits of the Vardar belt in Greece first resulted in separating the Paikon mountain as a tectonic window below the Vardar nappes. It belongs to the western, Hellenic foreland into which a system of thrust developed downward between 60 and 40 Ma. The eastern limit is a dextral strike-slip fault zone that developed greenschist facies foliations locally dated at 50–40 Ma. Revision of the lithological components discloses the preponderance of Cretaceous volcano-detritic and olistostromic sequences that include metamorphite blocks of Rhodope origin. Rock units that belong to the Vardar proper (ophiolites, Triassic and Jurassic radiolarites, remnants of an eastern Triassic passive margin) attest for a purely oceanic basin. The Guevgueli arc documents the Jurassic change of the eastern Triassic passive margin into an active one. This arc magmatic activity ended in the Late Jurassic and plate convergence was transferred farther northeast to the subduction boundary along which the Rhodope metamorphic complex formed. We interpret the Rhodope and the Vardar as paired elements of a Cretaceous accretionary wedge. They document the tectonic process that exhumed metamorphic material from under the upper plate, and the tectonic-sedimentary process that fed the trench on the lower plate. The history of the Rhodope-Vardar pair is placed in the light of the history of the Tethys ocean between Africa and Europe. The Cretaceous subduction then appears as the forerunner of the present Hellenic subduction, accounting for several shifts at the expense of the lower plate. The Late Eocene shift, at the closure of the Pindos basin, is coeval with the initiation of new uplift and magmatism in the Rhodope, which probably document the final release of the low-density, continental root of the Rhodope from subduction drag.  相似文献   

南苏鲁地区由 4个岩片组成 ,自西北至东南依次为正片麻岩岩片 (Ⅰ )、表壳岩岩片 (Ⅱ )、含蓝晶石石英岩大理岩岩片 (Ⅲ )和副片麻岩变火山岩片岩岩片 (Ⅳ )。上述构造岩片均经历了强烈的角闪岩相绿片岩相退变质作用的改造。采用激光拉曼、阴极发光和电子探针分析技术 ,对南苏鲁方圆约 380 0km2 范围内 93件锆石样品中的矿物包体进行了系统鉴定。结果表明 ,在第Ⅰ和Ⅱ岩片样品的锆石中均发现以柯石英为代表的超高压 (UHP)矿物包体 ,而在第Ⅲ和Ⅳ岩片锆石中则保存以文石和多硅白云母为代表的高压 (HP)矿物包体。由此推断 ,第Ⅰ和Ⅱ岩片应归属超高压变质带 ,而第Ⅲ和Ⅳ岩片应归属高压变质带。结合变质作用温压条件的研究结果 ,确定超高压岩石峰期变质温压条件为t=72 3~ 85 2℃ ,p≥ 2 .8× 10 3 MPa ;而高压变质岩石峰期变质温压条件为t =5 0 0~ 6 0 0℃ ,p =1.2× 10 3 ~ 2 .5× 10 3 MPa。最新区域填图结果表明 ,南苏鲁东海地区超高压和高压带之间的接触界线为一典型的韧性剪切带。  相似文献   

In the Gondwanian Moesia Plate and Balkanid terranes, accreted to the Palaeo-Europe during the Palaeozoic, the Late Permian—Early Triassic unconformity and the Triassic system are known only from deep boreholes. In the Chiren, Veslets and Golyamo Peshtene regions (Northern Bulgaria), an Early Triassic igneous activity results from eleven drills.

Trachytes, outpoured from sub aerial to shallow sea submarine vents, and later basalt breccias emplaced in shallow water conditions, represent the bimodal volcanic products.

The transitional anorogenic features of the volcanism are consistent with the extensional regime evidenced by the progressively subsiding depositional environment. The extensional Triassic event corresponds to development of branches of a composite rift system, propagating from the Karakaya basin to separate the Moesia with Balkanids p.p. and the Istanbul block to the North, from the Serbian— Macedonian—Thracian microplate with Balkanid p.p. to the south.  相似文献   

张建新  孟繁聪  于胜尧 《岩石学报》2010,26(7):1967-1992
在祁连-阿尔金造山带的南北两侧,分别出露有北祁连-北阿尔金HP/LT变质带和柴北缘-南阿尔金UHP变质带。北祁连-北阿尔金HP/LT变质带主要由蓝片岩、低温榴辉岩和高压变沉积岩所组成,榴辉岩形成的温压条件为420~570℃和2.0~2.5GPa,形成时代为510~440Ma。含硬柱石榴辉岩和含纤柱石高压变沉积岩的存在显示洋壳俯冲把大量水带到地幔深处。与HP/LT变质带伴生的早古生代蛇绿岩、俯冲增生杂岩、岛弧、弧后盆地等显示北祁连-北阿尔金为典型的早古生代增生造山带。柴北缘-南阿尔金UHP变质带由榴辉岩、石榴橄榄岩、高压麻粒岩及具有陆壳性质的正副片麻岩所组成,它们遭受了超高压变质作用(T700℃,P2.8GPa),UHP变质时代为500~420Ma,榴辉岩的原岩时代为750~850Ma,形成于新元古代的大陆裂谷环境。野外地质关系、岩石学及年代学研究显示柴北缘-南阿尔金HP-UHP变质带为大陆深俯冲作用的产物。在柴北缘-南阿尔金UHP变质带中,超高压榴辉岩和高压麻粒岩同时形成在不同的构造热环境中,构成大陆俯冲及碰撞造山带中的"双变质带",同时也显示柴北缘-南阿尔金造山带具有典型碰撞造山带的特征。祁连-阿尔金造山带南北两侧几乎同时发生增生造山作用和碰撞造山作用,构成由不同造山类型所组成的复合造山带。南北两侧的HP/LT变质带和UHP变质带以及可能存在的不同类型双变质带制约了祁连-阿尔金造山带早古生代的造山性质、造山类型以及造山机制。  相似文献   

Almost all glaucophane and all lawsonite seem to have been formed by post-Palaeozoic regional metamorphism. Moreover, according toMiyashiro regional metamorphism of his kyanite-sillimanite type (= Dalradian or Barrovian type) was common in Palaeozoic time, whereas that of his andalusite-sillimanite type and low-pressure intermediate group (Buchan type) took place in orogenic belts of Precambrian as well as Palaeozoic and Mesozoic age.Augmentation of confining pressure by tectonic pressure played a similar role during all orogenic cycles. The differences between orogenic belts of different age seem to be confined to the earlier stages of metamorphism in each belt, with a tendency, progressive with decreasing age of the belt, toward development of high-pressure/low-temperature facies during an early stage of metamorphism in the younger belts. This tendency is ascribed to a secular decrease when comparing belts of different age — of the steepness of the geothermal gradients prevailing during similar early stages in the development of each belt, a decrease which itself may be mainly due to the secular decrease of the quantity of heat developed by radioactive processes. The occurrence ofMiyashiro's andalusite-sillimanite type and low-pressure intermediate group of regional metamorphism in orogenic belts of widely different age merely signifies that in all these belts granitic magma that was formed in depth, rose to higher levels.
Zusammenfassung Die gesamte Weltmenge Lawsonit und beinahe aller Glaukophan scheinen durch postpaläozoische Regionalmetamorphose gebildet zu sein. Weiterhin war Regionalmetamorphose vonMiyashiro's Kyanit-Sillimanit-Typus (= des Dalradian Typus) nach diesem Forscher eine gewöhnliche Erscheinung im Paläozoikum, während Metamorphose des Andalusit-Sillimanit-Typus und der Niederdruck-Zwischengruppe (Buchan-Typus) in Orogengürteln präkambrischen, wie auch paläozoischen und mesozoischen Alters stattfand.Steigerung des allseitigen Druckes durch tektonische Kompression spielte eine ähnliche Rolle während aller orogener Zyklen. Die Unterschiede zwischen Orogengürteln verschiedenen Alters scheinen auf die älteren Stadien von Metamorphose in jedem einzelnen Gürtel beschränkt zu sein, und zwar mit einer Tendenz — progressiv bei abnehmendem Alter des Gürtels — zu der Entwicklung von Hochdruck/Niedertemperatur-Fazies während eines frühen Stadiums der Metamorphose in den jüngeren Gürteln. Diese Tendenz wird einer säkularen Abnahme — bei Vergleich von Gürteln verschiedenen Alters — der Steilheit der geothermischen Gradienten während ähnlicher früherer Entwicklungsstadien zugeschrieben, eine Abnahme, die selbst hauptsächlich als Folge der säkularen Verringerung der radioaktiv generierten Wärmemenge gedeutet wird. Das Vorkommen vonMiyashiro's Andalusit-Sillimanit-Typus und Niederdruck-Zwischengruppe der Regionalmetamorphose in Orogengürteln stark verschiedenen Alters bedeutet nur, daß in allen diesen Gürteln in der Tiefe gebildetes granitisches Magma zu höheren Niveaus emporgestiegen ist.

Résumé La lawsonite et presque toujours le glaucophane semblent se former au cours d'un métamorphisme régional d'âge post-paléozoïque. En outre, d'aprèsMiyashiro, le métamorphisme régional du type dit à kyanite-sillimanite (= le type Dalradien ou Barrovien) était commun au Paléozoïque, tandis que celui du type dit à andalusite-sillimanite et du groupe dit intermédiaire à basse pression avait lieu dans des chaînes orogéniques d'âge tant précambrien que paléozoïque et mésozoïque.L'augmentation de la pression uniforme lors de la compression tectonique a joué le même rôle pendant chaque cycle orogénique. Les différences observées entre les chaînes orogéniques d'âges différents semblent être restreintes aux premiers stades de métamorphisme, avec une tendance, de plus en plus prononcée dans les chaînes de plus en plus récentes, vers le développement, au cours d'un premier stade, de facies à haute pression et basse température. Cette tendance est attribuée à la décroissance séculaire — en comparant des chaînes d'âge différent — du gradient géothermique au cours des premiers stades du développement de chaque chaîne, décroissance elle-même due à la diminution séculaire de la quantité de chaleur produite par les processus radioactifs. La présence du type de métamorphisme régional à andalusite-sillimanite, défini parMiyashiro et du groupe dit intermédiaire à basse pression dans des chaînes orogéniques d'âges très différents signifie simplement que, dans ces chaînes, le magma granitique formé en profondeur est monté à des niveaux plus élevés.

, . (Miyashiro- - ) .

Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Erich Bederke zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

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