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This paper proposes the use of change‐in‐phase measurements of a multiple‐satellite‐tracking NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and an antenna periodically moving in a platform's plane to determine the platform's orientation. Available test data are used to demonstrate the orientation‐determination capability of GPS using the proposed procedure. The expected accuracy using satellite multiplexing receivers currently completing development is also discussed.  相似文献   

Information on the vertical chlorophyll structure in the ocean is important for estimating integrated chlorophyll a and primary production from satellite. For this study, vertical chlorophyll profiles from the Benguela upwelling system and the Angola-Benguela front were collected in winter to identify characteristic profiles. A shifted Gaussian model was fitted to each profile to estimate four parameters that defined the shape of the curve: the background chlorophyll concentration (B 0), the height parameter of the peak (h), the width of the peak (σ) and the depth of the chlorophyll peak (zm ). A type of artificial neural network called a self-organizing map (SOM) was then used on these four parameters to identify characteristic profiles. The analysis identified a continuum of chlorophyll patterns, from those with large surface peaks (>10 mg m?3) to those with smaller near-surface peaks (<2 mg m?3). The frequency of occurrence of each chlorophyll pattern identified by the SOM showed that the most frequent pattern (~12%) had a near-surface peak and the least frequent pattern (~2%) had a large surface peak. These characteristic profile shapes were then related to pertinent environmental variables such as sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll, mixed layer depth and euphotic depth. Partitioning the SOM output map into environmental categories showed large peaks of surface chlorophyll dominating in water with cool temperature, high surface chlorophyll concentration and shallow mixed layer and euphotic depth. By contrast, smaller peaks of subsurface chlorophyll were in water with warmer temperature, lower surface chlorophyll concentration, intermediate mixed layer and deep euphotic depth. These relationships can be used semi-quantitatively to predict profile shape under different environmental conditions. The SOM analysis highlighted the large variability in shape of vertical chlorophyll profiles in the Benguela. This suggests that an ideal typical chlorophyll profile, as used in the framework of biogeochemical provinces, may not be applicable to this dynamic upwelling system.  相似文献   

We investigated the composition, recycling, and mass accumulation rates of sediments along a transect in the Southern Ocean located from 66°S to 57°S at 170°W. This transect also corresponds to the location of a sediment trap mooring line. The sediments at the seven sites studied range from largely terrigenous material to nearly pure (>90%) biogenic silica. CaCO3 is a minor but persistent component at most sites. Mass accumulation rates have been determined on the basis of excess 230Th in the sediments, i.e., 230Th-normalized accumulation rates. The influence of redistribution of sediments on the sea floor has been estimated from 14C analyses. The recycling of material delivered to the sediments has been characterized on the basis of pore water studies that make extensive use of both in situ sampling and shipboard extractions. The influence of the highly variable rates of input of particulate matter that characterize much of the Southern Ocean upon pore water gradients and fluxes across the sediment water interface has been considered.We find only poor correspondence between BSiO2 burial fraction (=burial/particulate flux), a quantifiable measure of preservation efficiency, and BSiO2 particulate rain along the transect. However, preservation does appear to be closely linked to a combination of sedimentation rate and particulate rain.The burial fraction of BSiO2 is small relative to benthic rain (5–19%). Despite the small fraction buried, burial flux normalized to (sedimentation rate)1/2 appears to provide a very consistent means of predicting benthic particulate rain over a large range of rain rates, including data from a number of different studies and environments. At sites with BSiO2 rain 250 mmol m−2 yr−1 the average difference between predicted and observed rain is 25–30%. Such rain rates occur in many marine areas, particularly the Southern Ocean, with the result that this relationship potentially provides a means of estimating BSiO2 benthic rain over prolonged periods in the past on the basis of readily measured sediment parameters.At the southern-most deep ocean station, the particulate flux was characterized by an extremely high Corg/CaCO3 ratio (>10), but this high ratio does not appear to have a substantial influence on CaCO3 burial. CaCO3 is preserved in the sediments at this site despite a particulate flux with a 10-fold excess of Corg above that required for complete dissolution in the sediments. The unexpectedly high preservation of CaCO3 is due largely to the very steep Corg oxidation rate profile at this site. As a result, a large fraction of the organic matter oxidized in the sediments does so in close proximity to the sediment–water interface where most of the metabolic CO2 is neutralized by CO32− from the overlying water, rather than by the dissolution of sedimentary CaCO3.Diagenetic modeling indicates that at several of the stations, the remineralization fluxes of carbonate species across the sediment–water interface may not have been at steady state as a result of the highly pulsed nature of particulate rain in this environment. We estimate that at the time of our sampling it is possible that near-interface fluxes could have been a factor of 1.6–2 times the annual average.At every site on the transect, the burial fluxes of detrital material are substantially greater than the detrital particulate rain measured in the sediment traps, by as much as a factor of 40. Detrital burial is bimodal, being greatest at the southern and northern extremes of the transect. We postulate that the excess of burial over particulate rain in the south reflects the contribution of ice rafted debris at these high latitudes. Increases in the supply at the northern stations must have a different source. We believe that the excess at these stations is material eroded from the sea floor to the west, possibly on the Campbell Plateau, and advected by currents to the northern portion of the transect at depths below the shallow traps.  相似文献   

Jon Day   《Marine Policy》2008,32(5):823-831
An increasing number of scientists and resource managers recognise that successful marine management approaches, including marine spatial planning (MSP), cannot occur without effective monitoring, evaluation and adaptation. These basic components are necessary to ensure that any marine planning or marine management measures are both effective and efficient. While a number of fundamental principles for marine monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management exist, there are varying levels of understanding about how these should be undertaken and what they may achieve. Challenges include the development of realistic and measurable objectives and indicators against which effectiveness can be practically measured. The matter becomes even more complicated as the focus of marine planning and management strategies changes from ‘single species’ to ‘habitats’ and ‘ecosystems’ that may enable a diversity of permitted uses consistent with a variety of overall objectives. Over the last 30 years, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) has successfully established a multiple-use spatial management approach that allows both high levels of environmental protection and a wide range of human activities. Drawing on this unique long-term experience in the GBRMP, this article discusses key aspects of effective monitoring and evaluation, and summarises lessons learned from over two decades of adaptive management.  相似文献   


An investigation is made to present analytical solutions provided by a three-dimensional displacement approach for analysis of bucket foundations subjected to vertical and lateral loads in cohesive soils. The nonlinear vertical and lateral stiffness coefficients along the skirt of the bucket foundation in nonhomogeneous soil are presented using three-dimensional solutions for vertical and lateral loads and taking into account the dependence of stiffness coefficients on the shear strain. The vertical, lateral, and rocking stiffness coefficients on the base of the skirt of a bucket foundation are obtained from the solutions of hollow rigid cylindrical punch acting on the surface of a soil. The ultimate vertical stress of a soil under the base of a bucket foundation subjected to vertical and moment loads is presented analytically by considering only compression and ignoring tension on the base. The vertical and lateral yields along the skirt and the compression and shear failures on the base are taken into account in analysis of ultimate load capacities. Envelopes of the combined ultimate horizontal and moment load capacities of a bucket foundation in clay are shown. Relationships between ultimate lateral and moment load capacities and the embedment ratio (skirt length to diameter) are presented.  相似文献   

The assessment of fishing effort is a vital part of fisheries management. However, assessing fishing effort by small-scale local fleets is often problematic, partly because of the complex socio-economic and cultural factors that govern the labour patterns of different fisheries employing different fishing practices. Often, official statistics produced by governmental agencies do not fully capture these factors, so a more holistic understanding of regional fisheries is required. Some contribution by social anthropologists is thus called for, in order to assess actual fishing effort and the trend of regional changes in fishing activities.  相似文献   

Aurelia coerulea is a bloom forming jellyfish that first appeared before 1980 in the western and southern Korean seas and which has been blamed for huge economical losses in all fields of marine activities. As a preventive measure to reduce economical losses, polyp removal was undertaken at Lake Shihwa, Lake Saemangeum, and Masan Bay, Korea. In the course of efforts during 2 years to remove polyps, polyps were surveyed, quantified, and removed. In these areas, the initial total polyp abundance was 5.04 × 109 and 46.25% of them were removed; Lake Shihwa the highest rates of removal and Lake Saemangeum the lowest. These efforts to remove polyps prevented the appearance of 1.20 × 109 medusae, corresponding to 78.28 × 106 kg. The cost of polyp removal was evaluated and compared with that of medusae removal. The ratio between the cost of polyp removal and that of medusae removal ranged between 0.78–3.14%, indicating large cost savings for polyp removal undertakings. However, the effect of polyp removal varied from positive to none, and we assumed that the cleared surface for polyp removal, quantity of removed polyp, and existence of polyps’ hotspots in neighboring areas were the causes of the non-effectiveness of polyp removal undertakings.  相似文献   

The potential of heterotrophs to degrade aromatic hydrocarbons derived from oil in water and sediments in the northern North Sea around the Brent, Beryl, Forties and Murchison oilfields and at a number of stations, from the Forties field to the Firth of Forth, was estimated using 1-14C naphthalene and 7, 10-14C benzo(a)pyrene. The degradation of uniformly labelled 14C mixed 1-amino acids was used as a measure of total heterotrophic activity. Results showed that microorganisms have the potential to degrade the smaller aromatic hydrocarbon molecules rapidly in the water column and in surface sediments. Close to the Beryl platform, where diesel-washed drill cuttings have been continuously dumped, the rate of input of hydrocarbons to the sediment has exceeded the rate of degradation. Mineralization of benzo(a)pyrene, estimated in the sediments only, was minimal. Close to production platforms the biodegradation rate of mixed 1-amino acids showed no increase comparable with that found for naphthalene, suggesting that existing microbial populations had not increased but adapted to degrade oil in water and sediments.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and inorganic nutrient concentrations were determined in samples from an area encompassing the Northeast Water Polynya from June to August 1993. In June, still ice-covered polynya area surface waters (PySW) had significantly higher (p<0.05) DOC concentrations (110 μM, n=68) than surface water outside the polynya area (96 μM, n=6). Melting ice and ice algae are suggested as DOC sources. DOC concentrations found in this study are consistent with other studies showing higher DOC concentrations in the Arctic than in other ocean areas. As the productive season progressed, DOC concentrations in Polynya surface water (PySW) decreased (p<0.05) from 110 to 105 μM, while DON concentrations increased (p<0.05) from 5.6 to 6.1 μM, causing a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the C : N ratios of DOM from spring (C : N ratio 20) to summer (C : N ratio 17). We found a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the DOM C : N ratio in all water masses within the polynya area as the productive season progressed. DON was the largest fraction of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) in PySW and surface waters outside the polynya area. TDN was calculated as the sum of DON, nitrate, nitrite and ammonium concentrations. DON increased (p<0.05) from 62% to 73% of TDN in PySW from spring to summer, a result of increasing DON concentrations and decreasing inorganic nitrogen concentrations over the productive season. The seasonal accumulation of DON and the corresponding decrease in nitrate concentrations in waters with primary production indicate that it is important to take the DON pool into account when estimating export production from nitrate concentration decreases in surface waters. PySW TDN concentrations decreased (p<0.05) from 9.1 (n=61) to 8.6 μM (n=60) from spring (May 25 through June 19) to summer (July 1 through July 27). The seasonal decrease in surface water TDN concentrations corresponded to increases in TDN concentrations in deeper water masses within the Polynya. Most of the TDN increase in deep water was in the form of DON. A possible explanation is that PON was dissolved (partially remineralized) in the water column at mid depths, causing increases in the DON concentration. Transfer of N from PySW (with a short residence time in the polynya area) to Polynya Intermediate Water and deep waters of the Norske and Westwind Trough with multi-year residence times keeps N from leaving the polynya area. In spring, nutrients from degradation of OM in PyIW could support primary production. The role of PyIW as an OM trap could be important in supporting primary production in the polynya area.  相似文献   

Chlorine-labelled Bunker C oil was used to measure the differential accumulation in various fish tissues between a hydrocarbon and a hydrocarbon/oil dispersant mixture. There is an increased movement of the emulsified oil across the gill structure although accumulation by this tissue is similar for both test conditions. The liver and kidney showed significantly higher levels of the oil/dispersant mixture whereas muscle accumulations were less dramatic. The amounts of Bunker C found in the gills, liver and kidney were considerably higher than that found in the muscle. Consideration was given to the varying capability of the blood to carry polar, compared with non-polar, compounds.  相似文献   

以14:00时离水辐亮度作为背景光强度,模拟355nm激光雷达测量不同深度水层叶绿素a荧光的信噪比.分析体积衰减系数c、辐照度衰减系数k、散射系数b和透明度盘深度(SDD)的关系.最后模拟532nm激光雷达测量悬移质浓度的最大测量深度和误判率小于10%时的最大海底探测深度随SDD的变化.  相似文献   

The straits connect two large water bodies show highly strong and stratified currents related to meteorological, morphological and hydrodynamic conditions. In some cases, spatial and temporal changes of the stratified currents and their thickness, direction and magnitude are so complex. This complexity directly affects the circulation pattern in the region, water exchange between both ends of the straits and migration of fish species. In order to understand general characteristics of this kind of straits and identifying the complexity of the hydrodynamics of the region and evaluate the secondary currents and recirculation need long term, intensive, field work and measurement studies. As an example of this kind of hydrodynamically complex straits, Bosphorus strait is selected for a field study. The Bosphorus strait has a strongly stratified two-layer system and a unique case of the maximal exchange regime typical of strait flows, which is largely determined by conditions at the Black Sea. Although the Bosphorus strait has distinct two-layer stratification with an associated two-layer system exchange, no continuous current measurements have been made so far, previous measurements all having been random sampling.In this paper, a detailed measurement program has been applied to Bosphorus strait. In the measurement program, a short-term current profile measurement at selected locations at southern part of the strait has been conveyed. Additionally a long-term measurement of current profile has been performed at a selected critical location (in front of the Dolmabahçe Palace) where a recirculation flow exists in the strait. The scope of this paper is to present the techniques and the results of analysis of measurement data. In the measurements the current profile (magnitude and direction) has been determined at every 1 m depth intervals from the surface to the sea bottom at 3 min duration at every hour. Measurements provide that lower-layer flows in northward direction from the Sea of Marmara towards the Black Sea, whereas the upper-layer flow comes from the Black Sea and flows towards the Sea of Marmara in the opposite direction of lower layer. The Bosphorus strait exhibits distinctive features associated with variations in its width and depth. The meandering features of Bosphorus also cause recirculation flows. These results of measurements are presented, discussed and compared with previous studies.  相似文献   

Horizontal water velocities were measured using three current meters moored at the levels of 5, 18, and 30 m depth in the oriental side of Concepción Bay (36°40′S; 73°02′W), an almost rectangular, shallow bay off central Chile, connected with the open sea through two mouths.The large momentum transfer from the wind to the water causes variations of the internal volume of the bay generating circulation layers having almost anti-parallel directions. Northerly winds carry superficial water into the bay, causing a compensating flow leaving the bay near its bottom. Winds from the SW, on the other hand, cause an outgoing circulation layer in the surface and a circulation layer entering into the bay near the bottom. During wind calm periods, longer than 12 h, the two layers disappear, leaving a current system comprising only one circulation layer. The response time necessary for the generation or dissipation of these layers, which fluctuates between 1 and 7 h, depends on the initial conditions of the bay and on the intensity, direction and persistence of the wind.  相似文献   

In the upper Schelde estuary in 2002, phytoplankton biomass and community composition were studied using microscopic and pigment analyses. Chlorophyll a concentration was a good predictor of phytoplankton biomass estimated from cell counts and biovolume measurements. The phytoplankton carbon to chlorophyll a ratio, however, was often unrealistically low (<10). CHEMTAX was used to estimate the contribution of the major algal groups to total chlorophyll a. The dominant algal groups were diatoms and chlorophytes. While diatom equivalents in chlorophyll a predicted diatom biomass relatively well, chlorophyte equivalents in chlorophyll a were only weakly related to chlorophyte biomass. The pigment-based approach to study phytoplankton overestimated phytoplankton biomass in general and chlorophyte biomass in particular in late autumn and winter, when phytoplankton biomass was low. A possible explanation for this overestimation may be the presence of large amounts of vascular plant detritus in the upper Schelde estuary. Residual chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and lutein in this detritus may result in an overestimation of total phytoplankton and chlorophyte biomass when the contribution of phytoplankton to total particulate organic matter is low.  相似文献   

A study of inorganic iodine speciation in the waters of seven Croatian coastal caves is described. These are anchialine caves as they are connected hydraulically with Adriatic Sea surface water, with the tide inside the cave rising and falling with that outside, but replenishment of the water is restricted by the karst rock. In effect, the water in the cave probably acts more like a piston, and although moving slightly vertically, has a long residence time compared to a fully-flushing cave. Anchialine environments display a number of unusual features, e.g., a well-developed pycnocline, hypoxia and endemic fauna. Iodate and iodide were determined by differential pulse voltammetry and cathodic stripping square wave voltammetry, respectively. Low iodide concentrations (< 10 nM) have been consistently identified in the bottom water of the caves where concentrations of 90–100 nM would ordinarily be expected from intrusion of Eastern Adriatic surface seawater. Where total inorganic iodine concentrations behave conservatively with salinity the loss of the iodide implies oxidation to iodate. As iodide oxidation remains one of the enduring academic problems of the marine iodine system the study of iodine in anchialine caves may help unravel it. Iodate reduction was observed in mid-water, at the halocline, and mechanisms for the reduction involving either respiration or chemolitho-autotrophic bacteria are considered. The respiration mechanism is favoured because of enhanced alkalinity found in the near surface waters of the caves.  相似文献   

A total of 150 samples were collected at a 10-days' anchor station in the Bornholm basin (55° 31.1′N, 15° 32.1′E) and analyzed for dissolved (< 0.4 μm) and particulate trace metals. For dissolved Mn, large gradients have been found in the vertical distribution with minimum concentrations (< 0.2 μgl?1) in the halocline zone and considerably higher values in the deep waters (up to 50 μgl?1). Ultrafiltration studies indicate that dissolved Mn is probably present as Mn2+ in the oxygenated bottom layer. The primary production process was not evident in the particulate Mn profile; the suspended particulate material (SPM), however, shows a considerable enrichment with depth, apparently due to Mn-oxide precipitation.The distribution of dissolved Fe was rather homogeneous, with average concentrations throughout the water column between 0.86 and 1.1 μgl?1, indicating that the oxidation of Fe2+ ions released from the sediments must already be complete in the very near oxidation boundary layer. Relatively high concentrations of particulate Fe were actually measured in the bottom layer, with the maximum mean of 11.2 μgl?1 at 72 m. Similarly to Mn, the profile of particulate Fe does not reflect the SPM curve of the eutrophic layer. On average, about 70% of the total Fe in surface waters was found to be particulate.The average concentrations of dissolved Zn, Cd and Cu were found to be rather homogeneous in the water column but showed a relatively high variability with time. A simplified model on trace-metal uptake by phytoplankton indicates no significant change in dissolved metal concentrations during the period of investigation. On average, only 1.7% Zn, 3.3% Cd and 9.8% Cu of the total metal concentrations were found in particulate form. SPM analyses showed significant correlations of Zn, Cd and Cu with Fe, indicating that particulate iron is an important carrier for particulate trace metals in Baltic waters.  相似文献   

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