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基于GRSFAI的阿里地区浅层地下水富集性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了进一步验证GRSFAI的有效性和普适性,为下一步实现地下水富集性自动化提取技术提供技术理论支撑,充分利用地下水资源以及有效的给水保障提供参考依据,选择西藏阿里地区及周边区域作为研究区,采用GRSFAI分析方法对该研究区的浅层地下水富集性展开研究。研究得到研究区内一级、二级、三级富水区面积分别为495 km2、1511km2、4542 km2,各占总面积的2.8%、8.5%和25.4%,该结果并在最具代表意义的一级富水靶区狮泉河区域得到了实地调查验证。分析认为:GRSFAI能较好地反映地下水富集程度,利用该指数对地下水富集性进行评估是可靠的,并具有良好的普遍适用性。  相似文献   

在全面认识苏锡常浅层地下水水文地质条件的基础上,对区内的各种与浅层地下水防污染有关的地质环境因素进行判别,选择含水层厚度、包气带岩性、水位埋深、含水层顶板厚度做为评价的4个因素,以G IS软件ArcInfo为主要工具,通过信息量的空间叠加分析,进行浅层地下水系统防污染性能评价。通过实际水质分析数据,验证了方法的合理性,旨在为加强浅层地下水资源管理提供指导。  相似文献   

为更方便、有效的勘察干旱半干旱地区的浅层地下水信息,以辽宁省朝阳市区域为研究区,以2004~2010年TM多光谱数据为基础,利用修正归一化水体差异指数提取了多年的地表土壤湿度信息。通过对土壤湿度信息分级并对植被、岩石以及地表水体进行掩模处理,得到了土壤湿度信息的分级图。同时,为了比较土壤湿度较大地区地下水的赋存信息,进行了实地考察并对比水文地质资料,认为基本与遥感所得结论一致,证明了该方法在半干旱地区的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

为解决小尺度区域、缺水地区岛屿的浅层地下水富集性评估的相关问题,以岛屿为例,提出以GF-1与DEM等数据为数据源,选取岩性,地貌,坡度,植被覆盖度,地表温度,水域密度和土壤湿度,共7个指标进行提取,构建了该地区浅层地下水富集性遥感评估模型,得出了浅层地下水富集性等级图5级,并通过实测井中或泉水的水量对结果进行了验证。结果表明,评估结果满足误差精度要求,该方法能够对小尺度岛屿地区进行浅层地下水富集性评估。  相似文献   

文章以地下水质量标准为基础,结合鄂尔多斯白垩系盆地水资源现状,构建了研究区地下水水质评价指标体系,并对国标中部分指标限值提出了修正建议。通过建立浅层地下水水质模糊综合评价模型,对研究区地下水水质进行了综合评价,并以GIS为平台,对水质空间分布状况及其规律进行了研究。结果表明:总硬度、硫酸盐、溶解性总固体、氯化物指标的水化学分布对研究区地下水水质的影响最为明显,同时,盆地浅层地下水水质总体上相对较好,大部分地区地下水水质优于Ⅳ类,完全满足生活生产用水要求。  相似文献   

尹喜霖  王子东 《地下水》2004,26(1):17-19,37
从20世纪70年代开始.系统方法被引进到地下水资源的评价、开发和管理中.但至今地下水系统分析也尚未形成完整的体系.也是水文地质难以解决的问题之一.本文以三江平原地区为例,对浅层地下水系统的划分进行了探讨.相信这一研究成果能开地下水系统研究之先河.  相似文献   

基于GIS的DRASTIC下辽河平原地区地下水防污性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵旭  陈曦 《地质与资源》2015,24(4):394-398
在运用基于GIS的DRASTIC评价方法,对下辽河平原潜水的防污性进行评价的过程中,分析了影响下辽河平原固有防污性的最主要的7个水文地质参数,分别评价各个因子.利用GIS的空间分析功能中区对区的合并分析功能,依次对各单指标分级图进行区合并操作,合并后生成区文件,绘制出防污性分布图.结果表明,防污性能较差区主要分布在下辽河平原河谷地带,面积2 993.51 km2,占全区总面积的12.78%.评价结果有利于合理利用土地,有效保护地下水资源和防止地下水污染.  相似文献   

通过在苏锡常地区选择典型地段进行浅层地下水开采试验工作,从浅层地下水水文地质条件(含水层展布、岩性、厚度、水质)综合分析其开发利用前景,提出了合理的浅层地下水开采方式及地下水的利用方向,对于保护深层水资源,防止地面沉降及土壤盐渍化有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

通过分析某花岗岩体场地地质环境条件,认为该场地地下坑道渗水主要受地形和断裂构造两个因子控制。利用ArcGIS地理信息系统软件基于地形数据提取了地表坡度、地表汇流累积量两个指标,基于地表构造填图提取了断裂密度指标,并分别生成专题图层。分别赋予这三个指标不同的权值,进行叠加运算,生成叠加图像用于评价某场地地下水富集情况,然后再根据富水断裂的产状来预测不同地段地下坑道的渗水可能性。现场调查验证表明,评价图具有较强的使用价值。  相似文献   

干旱是影响黄淮海平原区农业发展的主要因素之一。自然地理及水文地质条件决定了该区水利建设总的方针是“井灌为主,井渠结合”,井灌又以浅井为主,故研究主要为农田供水服务的大区域浅层水资源评价问题已成为迫切需要解决的课题。一九七六年,中国科学院,水电部,国家地质总局下达了“商丘地区浅层地下水资源评价攻关”研究项目,目的在于总结类似黄淮海平原区浅层水资源评价内容、方法和步骤。  相似文献   

Jordan with its limited water resources is currently classified as one of the four water-poor countries worldwide. This study was initiated to explore groundwater potential areas in Tulul al Ashaqif area, Jordan, by integrating remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and multicriteria evaluation techniques. Eight thematic layers were built in a GIS and assigned using multicriteria evaluation techniques suitable weights and ratings regarding their relative contribution in groundwater occurrence. These layers include lithology, geomorphology, lineaments density, drainage density, soil texture, rainfall, elevation, and slope. The final groundwater potentiality map generated by GIS consists of five groundwater potentiality classes: very high, high, moderate, low, and very low. The map showed that the study area is generally of moderate groundwater potentiality (76.35 %). The very high and high potential classes occupy 2.2 and 12.75 % of study area, respectively. The validity of results of this GIS-based model was carried out by superimposing existing hand dug wells on the final map. The single parameter sensitivity test was conducted to assess the influence of the assigned weights on the groundwater potential model, and new effective weights were derived. The resulted groundwater potentiality map showed that the area occupied by each of the groundwater potentiality classes has changed. However, the study area remains generally of moderate groundwater potentiality (70.93 % of the study area). The area occupied by the very high and high potential classes comprises 4.53 and 18.56 % of the study area, respectively.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a valuable natural resource for drinking, domestic, livestock use, and irrigation, especially in arid and semi-arid regions like the Garmiyan belt in Kurdistan region. The Awaspi watershed is located 50 km east of Kirkuk city, south Kurdistan, Iraq; and covers an area of 2146 km2. The paper presents result of a study aimed at: (1) mapping and preparing thematic layers of factors that control groundwater recharge areas, and (2) determination of sites suitable for groundwater recharge. We used available data such as geological map, groundwater depth map, digital elevation model (DEM), Landsat 8 imagery, and tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) data for this study. These data, supplemented by slope features, lithology, land use land cover, rainfall, groundwater depth, drainage density, landform, lineament density, elevation and topographic position index, were utilized to create thematic maps to identify suitable areas of groundwater recharge, using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to weight, rank, and reclassify these maps in the ArcGIS 10.3 environment, to determine the suitable sites for groundwater recharge within the Awaspi watershed. Fifty-five percent of the total area of the watershed was found to be suitable for groundwater recharge; whereas 45% of the area was determined to have poor suitability for groundwater recharge, but can be used for surface water harvesting.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to investigate the application of the probabilistic-based frequency ratio (FR) model in groundwater potential mapping at Langat basin in Malaysia using geographical information system. So far, the approach of probabilistic frequency ratio model has not yet been used to delineate groundwater potential in Malaysia. Moreover, this study includes the analysis of the spatial relationships between groundwater yield and various hydrological conditioning factors such as elevation, slope, curvature, river, lineament, geology, soil, and land use for this region. Eight groundwater-related factors were collected and extracted from topographic data, geological data, satellite imagery, and published maps. About 68 groundwater data with high potential yield values of ≥11 m3/h were randomly selected using statistical software of SPSS. Then, the groundwater data were randomly split into a training dataset 70 % (48 borehole data) for training the model and the remaining 30 % (20 borehole data) was used for validation purpose. Finally, the frequency ratio coefficients of the hydrological factors were used to generate the groundwater potential map. The validation dataset which was not used during the FR modeling process was used to validate the groundwater potential map using the prediction rate method. The validation results showed that the area under the curve for frequency model is 84.78 %. As far as the performance of the FR approach is concerned, the results appeared to be quite satisfactory, i.e., the zones determined on the map being zones of relative groundwater potential. This information could be used by government agencies as well as private sectors as a guide for groundwater exploration and assessment in Malaysia.  相似文献   

The sustainable development and management of groundwater resource needs quantitative assessment, based on scientific principle and recent techniques. In the present study, groundwater potential zone is being determined using remote sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques using various thematic layers viz. geomorphology, geology, drainage density, slope, rainfall, soil texture, groundwater depth, soil depth, lineament and land use/ land cover. The Analytic Hierarchy Approach (AHP) is used to determine the weights of various themes for identifying the groundwater potential zone based on weights assignment and normalization with respect to the relative contribution of the different themes to groundwater occurrence. Finally, obtained groundwater potential zones were classified into five categories, viz. low, medium, medium-high, high and very high potential zone. The result depicts the groundwater potential zone in the study area and found to be helpful in better development and management planning of groundwater resource.  相似文献   

Drought risk assessment using remote sensing and GIS techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Beginning with a discussion of drought definitions, this review paper attempts to provide a review of fundamental concepts of drought, classification of droughts, drought indices, and the role of remote sensing and geographic information systems for drought evaluation. Owing to the rise in water demand and looming climate change, recent years have witnessed much focus on global drought scenarios. As a natural hazard, drought is best characterized by multiple climatological and hydrological parameters. An understanding of the relationships between these two sets of parameters is necessary to develop measures for mitigating the impacts of droughts. Droughts are recognized as an environmental disaster and have attracted the attention of environmentalists, ecologists, hydrologists, meteorologists, geologists, and agricultural scientists. Temperatures; high winds; low relative humidity; and timing and characteristics of rains, including distribution of rainy days during crop growing seasons, intensity, and duration of rain, and onset and termination, play a significant role in the occurrence of droughts. In contrast to aridity, which is a permanent feature of climate and is restricted to low rainfall areas, a drought is a temporary aberration. Often, there is confusion between a heat wave and a drought, and the distinction is emphasized between heat wave and drought, noting that a typical time scale associated with a heat wave is on the order of a week, while a drought may persist for months or even years. The combination of a heat wave and a drought has dire socio-economic consequences. Drought risk is a product of a region’s exposure to the natural hazard and its vulnerability to extended periods of water shortage. If nations and regions are to make progress in reducing the serious consequences of drought, they must improve their understanding of the hazard and the factors that influence vulnerability. It is critical for drought-prone regions to better understand their drought climatology (i.e., the probability of drought at different levels of intensity and duration) and establish comprehensive and integrated drought information system that incorporates climate, soil, and water supply factors such as precipitation, temperature, soil moisture, snow pack, reservoir and lake levels, ground water levels, and stream flow. All drought-prone nations should develop national drought policies and preparedness plans that place emphasis on risk management rather than following the traditional approach of crisis management, where the emphasis is on reactive, emergency response measures. Crisis management decreases self-reliance and increases dependence on government and donors.  相似文献   

The remotely sensed data provides synoptic viewing and repetitive coverage for thematic mapping of natural resources. In the present study hydrogeomorphological mapping has been carried out in Kakund watershed, Eastern Rajasthan for delineating groundwater potential zones. IRS-1D LISS III Geocoded FCC data in conjunction with Survey of India toposheet (1:50000 scale) and field inputs were used for thematic mapping. Geomorphic units identified through visual interpretation of FCC include: alluvial plain, plateau, valley fills, intermontane valleys, burried pediment, residual hills, and linear ridges. In addition, lineaments were mapped since they act as conduit for groundwater recharge. Majority of the lineaments trends NE-SW and a few along NW-SE directions and are confined to the southern and southeastern parts of the watershed. Based on hydrogeomorphological, geological and lineament mapping the Kakund watershed has qualitatively been categorized into four groundwater potential zones, viz. good to very good, moderate to good, poor to moderate and very poor to poor. The study reveals that only 10.97% of the area has good to very good, 35.41% area with moderate to good, 49.04 % of the area has poor to moderatel, while remaining 4.57% has poor to very poor groundwater potential.  相似文献   

Systematic planning for groundwater exploration using modern techniques is essential for the proper utilization, protection and management of this vital resource. Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images, a geographic information system (GIS), a watershed modeling system (WMS) and weighted spatial probability modeling (WSPM) were integrated to identify the groundwater potential areas in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. Eight pertinent thematic layers were built in a GIS and assigned appropriate rankings. Layers considered were: rainfall, net groundwater recharge, lithology or infiltration, lineament density, slope, drainage density, depth to groundwater, and water quality. All these themes were assigned weights according to their relative importance to groundwater potentiality and their corresponding normalized weights were obtained based on their effectiveness factors. The groundwater potentiality map was finally produced by WSPM. This map comprises five gradational groundwater potentiality classes ranging from very high to very low. The validity of this unbiased GIS-based model was tested by correlating its results with the published hydrogeological map of Egypt and the actual borehole yields, where a concordant justification was reached. The map declared that the Sinai Peninsula is generally of moderate groundwater potentiality, where this class encompasses an area of 33,120?km2 which represents 52% of its total area.  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate artificial recharge of groundwater by using remote sensing technology, geographical information systems, and groundwater surveys. This study is part of the King Fahd project for rainfall and runoff water harvesting, within the premises of Alilb Dam in Diriyah to the west of Riyadh. Digital elevation models were obtained with the help of aerial photography from the year 2007. These models were used to delineate watershed. Average rainfall was calculated using isoheytal method, and the area of each of the storage lakes was measured using SPOT 5 satellite images from 2007. Fluctuations in groundwater levels, evaporation, and infiltration rates were used to determine the water balance for the purpose of estimating of artificial recharge. Artificial recharge rates were found to surpass natural recharge from rainfall. Recharge wells caused a reduction in the effect of evaporation on storage lakes and helped in supplying water to the groundwater reservoir. Moreover, 80% and 86% of the rainwater was found to be available for artificial recharge in Alilb at 2005 and 2007, respectively. The study recommends the establishment of strategic projects for water storage using artificial recharge wells, an increase in the number of monitoring wells around the dams, and the monitoring of hydrochemical changes in groundwater both before and after the artificial recharge. It also recommends the erection of a weather station in the northwest of Wadi Hanifa.  相似文献   

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