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物质点法(MPM)属于一种无网格数值计算方法,它可导入各种土体本构模型,考虑土体流固耦合行为,能够有效模拟土质滑坡大变形及超大变形。本文介绍了物质点法基本原理、控制方程与求解格式;基于5种物质点法的多孔介质表征模型,简要回顾了土质滑坡运动全过程物质点法模拟的最新研究进展。采用单套单相物质点模型,对深圳“12·20”人工堆填土滑坡全过程进行了物质点法模拟,使用了线性加载方式确定初始应力场,并使用了Drucker-Prager屈服准则弹塑性本构模型、GIMP算法与MUSL求解格式。模拟结果表明,该边坡发生失稳后,最大滑距达510m,滑坡范围纵向间距为1050m,最小滑坡角5.95°,均与观测结果相吻合。土体内部等效塑性应变区的演化趋势显示,滑坡机制为渐进式破坏,具体表现为:坡趾土体首先沿基岩界面发生剪切破坏,随后坡顶出现拉张裂隙,坡趾与坡顶塑性区分别沿基岩界面向坡体内部发育,形成贯通滑动面后滑动加速,超大变形出现。物质点法模拟滑坡运动全过程有助于理解滑坡致灾行为,可为滑坡防治提供参考。  相似文献   

大型滑坡灾害往往带来巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,开展滑坡灾害全过程数值模拟研究对滑坡风险定量评估具有重要意义。本文采用更新拉格朗日控制方程的物质点法,基于Drucker-Prager屈服准则下的理想弹塑性模型,考虑孔隙水压力效应推导等效内摩擦角,建立深圳“12 ·20”滑坡二维物质点法数值模型,再现了该滑坡失稳、运动和冲击过程。采用K均值聚类算法结合物质点的相对位移识别滑裂面,对滑坡运动过程中特征物质点速度变化进行分析,并参考泥石流冲击压力计算方法对滑坡运动物质的冲击压力和冲击荷载进行了初步计算。结果表明,物质点法模拟分析获得的深圳滑坡滑裂面形态、失稳和运动特征、冲击强度和堆积形态等与实际观察结果吻合较好,是再现滑坡稳定—失稳—运动—冲击—停积全生命周期的可靠数值模拟方法。  相似文献   

本文借助物质点软件(Anura 3D),设置接触算法和流固耦合,基于M-C强度准则,对南地中海真实海底滑坡的运动全过程进行了模拟反分析,得到该海底滑坡滑动接触面的综合摩擦系数为0.052,该滑坡从坡脚处开始,逐渐向内部发展,形成整块滑坡体后,滑坡体整体沿着斜坡加速滑动,在第15 s时,达到最大速度14.52m s-1,之后由于摩擦阻力下滑力,滑坡体开始减速,第21s时,滑坡体整体滑到平缓地段(坡度为1.1),下滑力接近于0,不同质点的速度具有差异,因而发生在水平方向上的扩散型滑移,在第57s时速度降为0,滑动中止,最终滑距为420.3m。提出海底滑坡接触面的综合摩擦系数()的概念,借助去表征海底滑坡滑动过程中海水混入引起的土体软化和滑水现象,并应用于海底滑坡运动全过程的模拟,这种分析方法为海底滑坡运动全过程的模拟提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

采用显式物质点法模拟高速远程滑坡的破坏过程。计算方法采用广义插值物质点法,计算流程采用MUSL格式,本构关系采用基于Drucker-Prager屈服准则下的弹塑性模型。首先,利用泡沫铝材料模型试验验证了物质点法模拟大变形问题的有效性。其次,构建远程滑坡模型,模拟远程滑坡的整个破坏过程,讨论了内摩擦角对大变形滑坡滑距的影响。结果表明,内摩擦角对远程滑坡的滑距起着决定性的作用,内摩擦角的减小,滑坡的滑距越大。从土体强度理论分析,土体内摩擦角越小,对应于非饱和土体的三轴不固结不排水剪切试验的强度,说明土体的固结效果和排水效果较差。因此对于一些杂填土边坡,要保证土体完全固结和排水,否则极易产生高速远程滑坡。  相似文献   

台风暴雨型土质滑坡演化过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台风暴雨型滑坡是我国东南丘陵山地主要的滑坡类型,揭示其失稳演化规律对东南丘陵山地台风暴雨型土质滑坡监测预警具有重要的理论及实际意义。本文以福建泉州德化石山滑坡为研究对象,结合现场地质勘察资料,建立滑坡物理与数值模型对其变形演化过程进行模拟,探究边坡失稳涉及的渗流和变形位移等规律。研究结果表明:(1)初期雨水以垂直入渗坡体为主,且入渗速率较大;后期入渗速率随坡体饱和度增加而减小。有前期小降雨的情况下,坡脚位置更易出现积水饱和现象;(2)雨水入渗是导致坡体稳定性下降的主要原因:在暴雨工况中E3(模拟全程降雨为暴雨雨强100 mm·d-1)中,稳定系数保持下降,从1.197降至1.125;在双峰暴雨工况E4(前期30 mm·d-1小雨强降雨,后期100 mm·d-1暴雨雨强降雨)中,小雨强降雨过程中稳定系数基本保持不变,从1.197降至1.188,当暴雨一开始,稳定系数骤降至1.060;(3)台风暴雨型滑坡位移演化过程具有阶段性特征:压缩沉降微变形阶段,该阶段位移曲线变化平缓,基本不发生位移;匀速变形阶段,该阶段位移匀速增长,位移速率不变;加速变形阶段,加速变形直至失稳阶段,破坏迅速,具有突发性,曲线呈非线性;(4)当前期发生小雨强降雨(降雨强度≤30 mm·d-1),后期突发大暴雨雨强降雨(降雨强度≥100 mm·d-1)情况下滑坡的发生具有突变性,在试验中暴雨初期位移骤增20 mm,而后快速发展到90 mm左右。  相似文献   

通过现场调查、室内试验,分析头屯河区二号台地某土质滑坡形成原因、滑动机制。斜坡临空面坡脚前期受灌溉饱水、浸泡坡脚,坡体裂缝渗透增强,产生渗透压力。右岸人工弃碴堆积,原有沟谷中水被挤向左岸而浸泡坡脚,起到软化坡脚的作用,后期坡面泥流整体在沟谷中水上以"气垫船"的形式继续运移。当有弱透水层时,水长期浸泡斜坡土体,坡体中饱水区域由坡脚向上扩展,在灌溉+降雨诱发条件下坡体变形、失稳、突滑。建议尽快抽排滑坡上游坡脚积水,隔离栏杆下设过水涵管排水,停止右岸人工弃渣的堆积、并做支护,在下游沟谷开阔处可考虑修小型储水池,便于就地储备绿化用水。  相似文献   

为了分析地形因子对坡脚型滑坡运动参数(最大水平运动距离Lmax、坡脚运动距离L、等效摩擦系数f)的影响,建立不同滑坡规模的运动参数非线性统计模型进行反演分析,分析结果表明:(1)不同滑坡规模下,最大运动距离Lmax、坡脚运动距离L、等效摩擦系数f均主要受滑坡高差(H)和斜坡坡度(α)的影响。(2)随滑坡规模的增大,Lmax、L受β的影响逐渐减弱,表现为坡脚阻止效应的减弱;f受β的影响逐渐增大,表现为滑坡运动能力改变。(3)随滑坡规模的增大,Lmax、f受γ的影响逐渐增大,表现为堆积场地的微地貌效应显著增强。最后,基于主要地形参数(H、α、β、γ)和滑坡规模(V)建立的最大水平运动距离预测统计模型,具有较好的预测精度和一定的适用性。  相似文献   

赵洲  魏江波 《煤田地质与勘探》2017,45(6):111-116,122
以颗粒流离散元为研究方法对勉县杨家湾十组堆积层滑坡破坏方式与运动过程进行数值模拟研究。通过PFC2D双轴模拟试验所标定的岩土体宏观模拟参数与室内试验所获取的宏观实测参数进行对比,确定堆积层滑坡所需的颗粒细观参数,然后将标定的细观参数代入堆积层滑坡模型,对滑坡破坏方式及运动过程进行模拟研究。结果表明:滑坡破坏在初始阶段蠕滑变形累积,滑坡体挤压坡脚,直至坡脚产生剪切破坏,并向上牵引发展,使得滑坡整体顺接触面破坏下滑并堆积于坡脚,表现为典型的牵引式渐进破坏,结果与实际情况基本吻合。研究认为,采用颗粒流方法对堆积层滑坡破坏与运动过程的模拟研究具有较高的适用性,对该类滑坡防治具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

违规临时地表堆载将引起地层附加应力,对既有盾构隧道产生不利的影响,严重者将导致隧道结构破坏。现有方法多是将隧道简化为搁置于Winkler地基的Euler-Bernoulli梁,不能考虑隧道的剪切变形和隧道埋深对基床反力系数的影响。针对既有研究的不足,提出考虑隧道剪切效应和隧道埋深的地表堆载下既有盾构隧道变形和受力的简化解析解。将既有盾构隧道简化为搁置于Winkler地基的Timoshenko梁,地基反力系数考虑隧道埋深的影响。通过三维有限元模型和已发表工程案例的实测数据,验证所提方法的正确性及适用性。通过参数分析发现,在荷载中心与隧道中心距离较近情况下,浅埋盾构隧道将发生较大的沉降变形;提高等效抗弯刚度和基床反力系数可以减少隧道沉降变形。而增大等效剪切刚度对隧道的沉降变形贡献较小,但是可以明显减小管片之间的错台变形。该研究成果可为合理预测地表堆载对既有盾构隧道的影响提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

四川泸定昔格达组以半成岩为主,工程地质特性复杂,在高陡斜坡中常发生浅层蠕滑变形,在强降雨作用下失稳后可转化为泥石流。本文以四川省泸定县海子坪环环村滑坡为例,基于遥感解译、地面调查、数值模拟等方法,对滑坡发育特征、潜在失稳模式和滑坡-泥石流运动过程进行分析。结果表明,环环村滑坡主要发育于昔格达组内,以深度3~5 m的浅层变形为主,整体处于蠕滑变形阶段。滑坡平面上分为强变形区(A区)和弱变形区(B区),体积分别约为5.5×104 m3、5.8×104 m3,在不同降雨条件下,存在仅有A区下滑和A区牵引B区一起下滑并转化为沟道泥石流2种致灾模式。当仅有A区失稳下滑时,最远运动距离可达1325 m,最大堆积厚度为5.2 m,最大运动速度41.6 m/s,滑坡破坏沟口居民区及道路。当A区和B区同时失稳下滑时,最远运动距离可达1345 m,最大堆积厚度为7.7 m,最大运动速度为44.3 m/s,滑体最远能够冲至河流对岸,形成高约3 m的滑坡坝。研究结果对于深化浅层滑坡-泥石流远程致灾效应的认识和防灾减灾具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, the material point method (MPM) is presented as a tool for simulating large deformation, gravity-driven landslides. The primary goal is to assess the interaction of these flow-like events with the built environment. This includes an evaluation of earthen mounds when energy dissipating devices are placed in the path of a snow avalanche. The effectiveness of the embankments is characterized using displacement, velocity, mass, and energy measures. A second example quantifies the force interaction between a landslide and a square rigid column. Multiple slide approach angles are considered, and various aspects of the impact force are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultimate capacity of anchors is determined using the material point method (MPM). MPM is a so‐called meshless method capable of modelling large displacements, deformations and contact between different bodies. A short introduction to MPM is given and the derivation of the discrete governing equations. The analysis of a vertically loaded anchor and one loaded at 45° is presented. The load–displacement curves are compared to that obtained from experiments and the effect of soil stiffness and anchor roughness is investigated. The results of the vertically loaded anchor are also compared to an analytical solution. The displacement of the soil surface above the anchor was measured and compared to the numerical predictions. Convergence with mesh refinement is demonstrated and the effect of mesh size and dilatancy angle on the shear band width and orientation is indicated. The results show that MPM can model anchor pull out successfully. No special interface elements are needed to model the anchor–soil interface and the predicted ultimate capacities were within 10% of the measured values. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the probabilistic analysis of landslides in spatially variable soil deposits, modeled by a stochastic framework which integrates the random field theory with generalized interpolation material point method(GIMP). Random fields are simulated using Cholesky matrix decomposition(CMD) method and Latin hypercube sampling(LHS) method, which represent material properties discretized into sets of random soil shear strength variables with statistical properties. The approach is applie...  相似文献   

The installation of displacement piles in sand leads to severe changes in the stress state, density and soil properties around the pile tip and shaft, and therefore has a significant influence on the pile bearing capacity. Most current numerical methods predicting pile capacity do not take installation effects into account, as large deformations can lead to mesh distortion and non-converging solutions. In this study, the material point method (MPM) is applied to simulate the pile installation process and subsequent static pile loading tests. MPM is an extension of the finite element method (FEM), which is capable of modelling large deformations and soil-structure interactions. This study utilizes the moving mesh algorithm where a redefined computational mesh is applied in the convective phase. This allows a fine mesh to be maintained around the pile tip during the installation process and improves the accuracy of the numerical scheme, especially for contact formulation. For the analyses a hypoplastic constitutive model for sand is used, which takes into account density and stress dependent behaviour. The model performs well in situations with significant stress level changes because it accounts for very high stresses at the pile tip. Numerical results agree with centrifuge experiments at a gravitational level of 40 g. This analysis confirms the importance of pile installation effects in numerical simulations, as well as the proposed numerical approach’s ability to simulate installation and static load tests of jacked displacement piles.  相似文献   

Because of the multiple layers of dissimilar materials and large deformations involved in the subsidence of a landfill system, large-scale computer simulation of the geomechanical response to subsidence with the use of conventional numerical methods are problematic. The Material Point (MPM), which was recently developed for dynamic problems such as penetration and perforation, is a newly emerging numerical method. The MPM is modified in this paper to simulate the geomechanical response of a landfill cover system that includes a geomembrane under quasi-static loading conditions. Sample problems, for which an analytical solution is available with certain assumptions, are considered to demonstrate the proposed solution procedure. Future work is discussed based on current research results. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic fully coupled formulation for saturated and unsaturated soils that undergo large deformations based on material point method. Governing equations are applied to porous material while considering it as a continuum in which the pores of the solid skeleton are filled with water and air. The accuracy of the developed method is tested with available experimental and numerical results. The developed method has been applied to investigate the failure and post‐failure behaviour of rapid landslides in unsaturated slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration using two different bedrock geometries that lie below the top soil. The models show different failure and post‐failure mechanisms depending on the bedrock geometry and highlight the negative effects of continuous rain infiltrations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以膨润土为基材,添加沸石、黄铁矿制备高压实集成回填材料,采用渗析法和汽相法分别测得其在不同温度及自由、侧限条件下的土水特征曲线( SWCC),并采用SWCC模型对实验数据进行拟合.结果表明:低吸力范围内,施加相同的初始吸力,最终测得50℃试样含水率>20℃对应含水率,原因是温度影响渗析法所测吸力值及试样饱和后的微观结构;高吸力范围内,同一吸力值80℃对应的含水率最小,土水特征曲线斜率随温度升高而增大.应力状态对土水特征曲线的影响,在低吸力范围内显著,而高吸力范围内则影响不大.这与材料的微观结构有关.Van Genuehten模型对实测数据的拟合效果最佳.  相似文献   

论滑带土强度特征及强度参数的反算法   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
郑明新 《岩土力学》2003,24(4):528-532
通过分析滑坡不同发育阶段及不同滑带部位滑带土的强度特征,论述目前使用的滑带土强度反算法的基本原理和适用条件,进而提出了结合滑坡状态来综合确定滑带土强度的修正方法,指出它是获取滑带土强度参数的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to formulate and validate an accurate MPM approach for the numerical simulation of the large displacement of membranes containing soil. In the proposed approach, the membrane is discretised by a surface mesh that allows accurate simulation of membrane stresses. The membrane is free to move through a three‐dimensional grid for a continuum consisting of tetrahedral elements. The approach is applied to model a geocontainer being released from a split barge, taking into account the frictional contact between the geotextile and the barge. No‐slip contact is assumed between the geotextile and the soil inside. The effect of geocontainer interaction is investigated by dropping a second container. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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