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采用改造的GDS全自动环境岩土渗透仪,分别以自来水和模拟渗滤液为试验用水,开展不同温度和围压下黏土渗透性能试验。研究表明,当温度从20℃升高至50℃时,渗透系数增大,最大增幅为3.5倍;当围压从50k Pa增大至200k Pa时,渗透系数从10-6cm/s数量级减小至10-8cm/s数量级。在温度和围压一定时,模拟渗滤液作用下黏土的渗透系数略大于自来水试验结果,二者最大比值为2.8。随着温度的升高,土中吸附结合水膜变薄,且土样体积减小,在两种效应的共同作用下,固有渗透率不是定值,相应条件下50℃与20℃固有渗透率的比值在0.72~2.99之间变化。在本试验条件下,渗透系数随温度的变化主要是由水动力黏滞系数的变化引起,但是在低围压、自来水试验时理论推算渗透系数小于实测值,高围压下理论推算值大于实测值。  相似文献   

以颗粒状和粉末状膨润土防水毯(GCLs)为对象,运用GDS (global digital systems)全自动渗透仪开展渗透试验,研究CaCl_2溶液作用下GCLs渗透性能的温度效应,初步探讨其机理。试验表明:当水化液为0.05mol/L的CaCl_2溶液时,两种GCLs渗透系数随温度升高呈现增大趋势;当水化液为去离子水时,颗粒状GCL渗透系数随温度升高而减小,粉末状GCL渗透系数随温度升高而增大。去离子水情况下,膨润土吸附结合水量随温度升高而减小;CaCl_2溶液作用下,吸附结合水量较去离子水情况大幅降低。当CaCl_2溶液浓度一定时,膨润土膨胀指数随温度升高而略有增大;当温度一定时,膨润土膨胀指数随CaCl_2溶液浓度升高而显著减小。以去离子水进行试验时:颗粒状和粉末状GCLs渗透系数随温度的变化主要影响因素为凝胶态蒙脱石数量,其次为流体黏滞系数和吸附结合水量;颗粒状GCLs膨润土孔隙结构越不均匀,凝胶态蒙脱石数量的影响就越显著,导致渗透系数随温度升高而减小、固有渗透率随温度升高显著降低。以CaCl_2溶液进行试验时,两种GCLs渗透系数随温度变化的主要受流体黏滞系数和吸附结合水量的影响,而受凝胶态蒙脱石数量的影响较小。孔隙溶液性质、温度和膨润土类型均对GCLs的防渗性能具有重要影响。  相似文献   

黏性土渗透性温度效应实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王媛  施斌  高磊  刘瑾 《工程地质学报》2010,18(3):351-356
由于全球气候变暖、城市热岛效应加剧和核废料地质处置等原因,温度对黏性土工程性质的影响日益受到关注。本文在实验的基础上,采用直接测量法,对南京下蜀土、淤泥质土以及混合土3种试样,进行了5°~45°温度下的变水头渗透实验,分析了温度对黏性土渗透性的影响。实验结果表明:温度对3种试样的渗透性均有较大影响。温度越高,渗透性越大;试样的密度越大,渗透系数随温度变化率越低;在3种试样中,混合土的渗透系数高于淤泥质土和下蜀土的对应值,而淤泥质土的渗透系数又略大于下蜀土。最后对黏性土渗透性的温度效应机理进行了分析,认为水的动力黏滞性,黏粒的双电层厚度以及土的微结构三方面因素的共同作用引起了黏性土渗透性的温度效应。  相似文献   

何俊  万娟  王宇 《工程地质学报》2012,20(3):397-402
压实黏土干燥过程中产生的裂隙可能对渗透性能有较大影响。通过室内模拟试验研究发现,裂隙面积率、裂隙总长度和裂隙宽度随含水率减小而增大。压实黏土中裂隙可分为主裂隙和次裂隙2类,次裂隙出现前后裂隙参数的变化速率有较大差异。较宽裂隙在湿化后不能完全愈合,干湿循环过程使压实黏土产生了不可逆的变化。采用试验筒壁上涂阿尔代胶的方法可以有效模拟土样中裂隙的形成,并能较好地防止侧漏。渗透试验发现,一次干湿循环导致压实黏土的渗透系数增大将近2个数量级。湿化过程中干燥裂隙不能完全愈合及微裂隙的形成可能是导致渗透系数增大的主要原因。  相似文献   

以模拟矿山渗滤液作为渗透溶液,使用柔性壁渗透仪,在不同有效应力条件下测定土工合成黏土衬垫(geosynthetic clay liner,GCL)的渗透系数。试验结果表明:矿山渗滤液作用下GCL渗透系数升高的幅度与其所受有效应力的大小紧密相关;当有效应力为24 kPa时,矿山渗滤液的渗透使GCL的渗透系数升高至1.52810-′m/s,比控制样(自来水渗透)的渗透系数高340倍,不能满足《一般工业固体废物贮存、处置场污染控制规范》对防渗层渗透系数的要求(k≤1.0910-′m/s)。而当有效应力为93、162、231和438 kPa时,矿山渗滤液的持续作用使GCL的渗透系数只分别升高了26、21、14和10倍,且全部满足规范要求。研究结果表明,在对矿山废弃物处置场中GCL的防渗性能进行评估时,必须考虑GCL试样在场地中的受力状态。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场中渗滤液的作用可能对压实黏土衬垫及地基土的力学性质产生一定的影响,但目前研究成果存在矛盾之处。以CaCl2溶液和苯酚溶液作为渗滤液中无机和有机污染物的代表,对添加10%钠基膨润土的压实黏土进行力学性质的试验研究。结果表明,(1)两种模拟渗滤液的作用使土的压缩性增强,抗剪强度降低。(2)苯酚对压实黏土力学性质的影响更为显著,不排水强度约为自来水和0.05mol·L-1CaCl2溶液的55%。(3)土样初始孔隙比相同时,溶液作用下扩散双电层变薄造成孔隙变大,可能是产生这种现象的主要原因。(4)模拟渗滤液的作用对压实黏土衬垫及地基土具有不利的影响。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场中渗滤液的作用可能对压实黏土衬垫及地基土的力学性质产生一定的影响,但目前研究成果存在矛盾之处。以CaCl2溶液和苯酚溶液作为渗滤液中无机和有机污染物的代表,对添加10%钠基膨润土的压实黏土进行力学性质的试验研究。结果表明,(1)两种模拟渗滤液的作用使土的压缩性增强,抗剪强度降低。(2)苯酚对压实黏土力学性质的影响更为显著,不排水强度约为自来水和0.05molL-1CaCl2溶液的55%。(3)土样初始孔隙比相同时,溶液作用下扩散双电层变薄造成孔隙变大,可能是产生这种现象的主要原因。(4)模拟渗滤液的作用对压实黏土衬垫及地基土具有不利的影响。  相似文献   

温度和有效应力对砂岩渗透性影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨温度和有效应力对渗透性的影响,在不同温度水平和不同有效应力水平下进行了砂岩的渗透率试验。根据试验结果,初步分析了温度和有效应力对砂岩渗透率及其水力传导系数的影响。试验结果表明,砂岩的渗透率及其水力传导系数都是温度和有效应力的函数:在温度一定的条件下,砂岩的渗透率和水力传导系数均随有效应力的增加而呈负指数规律减小;在有效应力一定的条件下,砂岩的渗透率随温度的升高而减小,但水力传导系数与温度之间的关系函数并非单调函数。因此,在工程实践中不考虑温度和有效应力对岩石 (体)渗透性的影响是不合适的。  相似文献   

在Rowe和Fleming提出的用以计算淤堵时间简化模型的基础上,针对填埋场排水层淤堵时空分布特征,合理地作了进一步假设和推导,得到了可以反映淤堵发展的简化模型,推导出了排水层渗透系数的变化规律。采用水量平衡的单元分析方法,建立了淤堵条件下最高水位计算模型,获得了排水层最高水位深度的计算方法,并与稳态、瞬态方法进行比较。结果表明,无淤堵时得到的结果与瞬态结果一致,且都趋于稳态结果;淤堵较严重时水位受到显著影响,必须考虑淤堵。通过参数分析发现,前期渗透系数越小(后期越大)、排水距离越长、入渗速度越快、离子浓度越高,则淤堵对水位的影响越严重,同时提出考虑淤堵条件下改进排水系统的设计建议。  相似文献   

在精准温控动三轴试验系统上开展了不同温度及不同升温路径饱和黏土剪切试验研究,探讨了不同温度对饱和软黏土不排水剪切特性的影响,分析不同升温固结方式对饱和软黏土孔压发展、体变、强度以及模量的影响规律。试验结果显示:在4~76 ℃试验研究范围内,环境温度升高导致饱和软黏土的不排水剪切强度有所减少,但温度升高对土体模量增加影响明显,温度T和模量ET关系可用ET = 2.69T 0.3表达;升温变化时正常固结黏土产生超孔隙水压力并随着温度增大而增大,升温热固结后土的剪切强度将明显提高,且排水状态下升温固结对土剪切强度增长小于升温完成后再固结情况;土体从26 ℃分别升高20、40 ℃时,升温引起的超孔压比分别为0.41、0.61,剪切峰值强度分别增加8.23%、22.37%。研究表明:升温幅值增大会使土体热固结程度越大,升温分级越多,热固结也越充分,其对应的体变、强度增长率则越大;同时最终温度及热固结路径对其剪切相转换特征存在影响,升温越高、热固结路径越多其剪胀性越明显,但温度变化范围、固结分级、热固结路径总体上对孔隙水压力的发展基本不产生影响。  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductivity(K) of fractured or porous materials is associated intimately with water flow and chemical transport. Basic concepts imply uniform flux through a homogeneous cross-sectional area. If flow were to occur only through part of the area, actual rates could be considerably different. Because laboratory values ofK in compacted clays seldom agree with field estimates, questions arise as to what the true values ofK are and how they should be estimated. Hydraulic conductivity values were measured on a 10×25 m elevated bridge-like platform. A constant water level was maintained for 1 yr over a 0.3-m thick layer of compacted clay, and inflow and outflow rates were monitored using 10×25 grids of 0.3-m diameter infiltration rings and outflow drains subtending approximately 1×1 m blocks of compacted clay. Variography of inflow and outflow data established relationships between cores and blocks of clay, respectively. Because distributions of outflow rates were much less and bore little resemblance to the distributions of break-through rates based on tracer studies, presence of macropores and preferential flow through the macropores was suspected. Subsequently, probability kriging was applied to reevaluate distribution of flux rates and possible location of macropores. Sites exceeding a threshold outflow of 100×10–9 m/s were classified as outliers and were assumed to probably contain a significant population of macropores. Different sampling schemes were examined. Variogram analysis of outflows with and without outliers suggested adequacy of sampling the site at 50 randomly chosen locations. Because of the potential contribution of macropores to pollutant transport and the practical necessity of extrapolating small plot values to larger areas, conditional simulations with and without outliers were carried out. Simulated scenarios based on all available data compared well with conditional simulations based on randomly chosen locations.This paper was presented at MGUS 87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 14 April 1987.  相似文献   

Microstructure and hydraulic conductivity of a compacted lime-treated soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under a given compaction energy and procedure, it is known that maximum dry density of a soil is lowered due to lime addition. This modification of maximum dry density could alter the hydraulic conductivity of the soil. The main object of this study was to assess the impact of lime-stabilization on a silt soil microstructure and then on saturated hydraulic conductivity. An investigation at the microscopic level with mercury intrusion porosimetry showed that lime treatment induced the formation of a new small class, with a diameter lower than 3 × 103 Å in the compacted soil. This class is responsible for the difference in dry density between the treated and the untreated sample after compaction. It is shown that this small pores class was not altered by the compaction water content, the compaction procedure or the dry density. As in untreated soils, only the larger pores were modified by the compaction water content and the compaction procedure in the lime treated samples. The hydraulic conductivity appeared to be only related to the largest pores volume of the tested silt, regardless of lime treatment. Therefore, this study demonstrated that even if addition of lime resulted in a dramatic change of the maximum dry density of the tested silty soil, its effect on hydraulic conductivity is limited.  相似文献   

As one of the most important properties of compacted bentonite used as buffer/backfill materials, hydraulic conductivity is influenced by various factors including temperature, microstructure and suction (or degree of saturation), etc. Based on the readily available results of both temperature-controlled water-retention tests and unsaturated infiltration tests under confined (constant volume) conditions, influences of temperature and microstructure variations on unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of the compacted Gaomiaozi (GMZ01) bentonite were analyzed. Then, a revised unsaturated hydraulic conductivity model considering temperature effects and microstructure changes was developed. With this proposed model, prediction and comparison were made on the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of the compacted GMZ01 bentonite at 20 °C. Results show that water-retention capacity of compacted GMZ01 bentonite decreases as temperature increases and the degree of the temperature influence depends on suction. Under confined conditions, influence of hydration on microstructure of compacted GMZ01 bentonite depends on pore size. The proposed model can well describe the variations of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with suction at different temperatures. However, further improvement of the proposed model is needed to account for the phenomenon of inter-aggregate pores clogging that occurred at the initial stage of hydration of compacted GMZ01 bentonite under confined conditions.  相似文献   

以颗粒状钠基膨润土防水毯为研究对象,采用改造的GDS全自动环境岩土渗透仪开展渗透试验,研究温度和压力对渗透系数的影响。研究表明:低围压下膨润土防水毯的渗透系数随温度的增加而减小,温度较高时趋于平缓或略有增大;围压增为100 kPa时,渗透系数随温度的增加而增大。固有渗透率随温度的增加而减小;低围压下固有渗透率减小更显著,仅考虑流体物理性质变化的渗透系数估算值与实测值有很大差异。膨润土吸附结合水量随温度的升高而减小,不能解释膨润土防水毯渗透系数和固有渗透率随温度的变化规律。当温度升高时,粒间孔隙减小且颗粒状膨润土分解成凝胶态蒙脱石颗粒,在低围压下凝胶态蒙脱石颗粒层间距离减小,是渗透系数和固有渗透率随温度的升高而减小的主要原因。  相似文献   

扩散系数和渗透系数是设计与评价垃圾填埋场衬垫等环境工程研究时需要确定的重要参数。通过分析粘土衬垫材料中渗透系数和扩散系数的物理意义和确定方法,在土多孔介质微观结构分析的基础上得到渗透系数和扩散系数的关系表达式,并基于蒙脱石层间Poiseuille定律得到膨润土有效扩散系数的计算公式。验证表明,在一定精度范围内文中表达式是有效的。得出的渗透系数和扩散系数的关系表达式,对于根据已有渗透系数的研究成果来预测和分析扩散系数是有意义的。  相似文献   

Centrifuge tests were carried out to determine the effect of different alcohols and one glycol on a thin consolidated disc of clay. The evolution of changes in the clay hydraulic conductivity with time was investigated and other structural changes due to chemical attack were monitored. The findings presented here demonstrate that the hydraulic conductivity of the clay appear to be generally related to the polarity of the chemicals and the dielectric constant, with the exception of butanol. In the case of butanol at low flow rate and low stress level, the action of the chemical caused the clay to crack, with a consequent large increase in flow. This effect on the clay hydraulic conductivity could be used for improving pollution remediation especially when alcohols are associated with gasoline.  相似文献   

为了研究压实黄土中的水分垂直入渗规律和非饱和渗透系数函数,在实验室内利用一维土柱垂直入渗模型试验装置,对两组压实黄土土柱试样分别进行了常水头入渗和降雨入渗试验。得到主要结论如下:(1)常水头入渗试验中,累积入渗量和湿润锋前进距离都随入渗时间呈幂函数形式增长,累积入渗量和湿润锋前进距离之间存在线性关系。入渗率在入渗初期最大,之后随入渗时间而快速降低,并在土柱试样底部出水以后达到稳定,且与湿润锋前进距离呈反比关系。(2)降雨入渗试验中,得到两组试样入渗过程中土-水特征曲线数据,分别用van Genuchten模型和Fredlund-Xing模型对两组试样进行了特征曲线拟合。并利用瞬时剖面法处理了入渗过程中水分和水势传感器的监测数据,得到两组试样的非饱和渗透系数,并拟合得到非饱和渗透系数与体积含水率之间的指数函数关系式。同时,采用van Genuchten和Fredlund等渗透系数模型分别对两组试样的非饱和渗透系数进行预测,通过对比模型预测结果和瞬时剖面法实测值,发现van Genuchten渗透系数模型预测结果更接近实测值。  相似文献   

A bench scale study was conducted to assess the possibility and extent of biological clogging in compacted clayey soil exposed to high-strength leachate simulating conditions in a landfill. In two series of experiments, distilled–deionized water, slightly acidic water and fresh high-strength leachate were permeated through compacted clayey soil and the rate of infiltration was recorded. Colony-forming units per unit mass of soil were counted, and scanning electron microscope photographs were taken before and after termination of experiments. Results indicated that infiltration of leachate containing a very high concentration of organic matter followed a logistic fit indicating hydraulic clogging of the porous media. This was in agreement with a five order of magnitude greater bacterial growth compared to the original state of the soil and to cases where distilled–deionized and acidified water was used as the permeant. Water and acidified water infiltration followed a power fit indicating persistent infiltration through the end of experiments with no sign of clogging. Bacterial counts in these cases were similar to that of the original state of the soil. Photographs taken by scanning electron microscope also indicated formation of plate-like material within the soil texture in contrast to no change when water was used as the permeating fluid and to formation of holes when acidified water was infiltrated through the soil. It was concluded that biological clogging considerably reduced the rate of infiltration within compacted clayey soil shortly after exposure to high-strength leachate.  相似文献   

击实黏土抗拉强度研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对具有不同干密度和含水率的击实黏土试样进行直接拉伸试验、直接剪切试验,并量测试样的基质吸力,分析了含水率、干密度对土体抗拉强度的影响以及抗拉强度与抗剪强度参数、基质吸力之间的关系,讨论了击实黏土抗拉强度的形成机理。研究结果表明,在试验所涉及的含水率和干密度范围内,击实黏土的抗拉强度随干密度的增加而增加,随含水率的增大而减小,它们之间具有很好的线性关系;击实黏土的抗拉强度与基质吸力、黏聚力都具有明显的正相关关系,但这三者并不相等,在数值上基质吸力最大,黏聚力其次,抗拉强度最小;击实黏土的抗拉强度与其内摩擦角之间没有明显的相关性;击实黏土的抗拉强度主要来源于土粒间的联结,其次来源于土粒之间的咬合作用。  相似文献   

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