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利用2003年台风季节T213L31的12时10天预报分析了国家气象中心全球中期数值预报模式系统T213L31对台风路径的预报能力,并就如何改进其对台风路径的预报能力进行了探讨。结果表明,在台风季节,T213L31模式在近57%的预报中对台风路径有预报,但初始位置误差较大。没有预报的区域主要集中在13~20°N,120°E以东的台风生成较为集中的地方,而此区域恰好不存在常规观测资料。对于目前仍采用OI分析的T213L31中期预报系统,常规观测资料在此区域的匮乏是其在此台风集中生成区预报能力较弱的主要原因。为了改进T213L31对台风路径的预报能力,本文就增加常规观测、加入人造台风模型进行了数值试验。试验结果显示,有限的常规观测对T213L31对台风的预报能力有明显提高。人造台风的加入无疑会改善T213L31在无常规资料区的预报,也会改善T213L31在资料较丰富地区的短期台风路径预报能力(36小时以内预报),而对较长时效预报的影响则有好有坏。  相似文献   

台风路径实时数值预报的初步试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
根据国家气象中心建立的台风路径数值预报试验系统,引入了模型台风。模型台风是利用获得的场面参数构成的,然后再叠加到客观分析场上作为台风路径预报的初始场。引入模型台风后,无论是台风中心位置还是其流场、质量场与实际观测比较接近,且预报效果有一定提高。利用模型台风对1992年Eli(9205号)和Janis(9210号)台风进行了实时的预报试验。结果表明对这二个台风的移动趋势基本上能预报出来,预报的台风路径与实况进行了对比,并与气候持续预报作了比较,效果较好。  相似文献   

南海台风路径预报试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘春霞  周家斌 《气象》1995,21(8):26-29
利用预测误差平方和最小准则的逐步算法对台风路径进行拟合和预测试验,试验结果表明PRESS方法得到的模型具有较强的预测能力,因而,PRESS方法同逐步回归一样,也是一种预报台风路径客观有效的方法。  相似文献   

应用卫星云导风进行台风路径预报试验   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
在国家气象中心台风数值预报业务系统中引入国家卫星气象中心提供的卫星云导风资料,进行三项预报试验.首先用卫星云导风资料厂正客观分析风场;其次将云导风资料加人到输对称的人造台风模型风场上,使之产生非对称风场、在前两项试验的基础上进行相应的质量场调整,使之形成较协调的客观分析场和非对称的人造台风模型。试验结果表明:卫星云导风资料订正客观分析风场对台风路径预报有明显改进;用云导风形成人造台风模型非对称风场对台风路径预报也有所改进;对订正后的客观分析场进行质量场调整可进一步提高台风路径预报的精度,而对非对称人造台风模型进行质量场调整,对减小台风路径预报误差作用不明显。  相似文献   

台风路径统计预报的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用数值预报产品并采用多种预报方案相结合建立了台风路径的统计释用综合预报模式,从而提高了台风路径预报的技巧。经1994年台风季节业务试用,其预报性能比原有的统计预报模式有较大的提高,试验表明,充分利用在预报时可得到的数值预报输出产品的采用多种方案集成是改进台风路径客观的有效途径。  相似文献   

南海异常路径台风预报的数值试验   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用广州热带海洋气象研究所最近发展的热带有限区台风数值预报模式,对1991年登陆广东的9116号强热带风暴(Joel)进行了数值预报试验。结果表明:模型台风的加入,模式水平和垂直分辨率的提高,物理过程的完善,能大大提高台风路径的预报准确率。  相似文献   

台风路径预报集成方法的一个试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用集成预报方法改造台风路径预报,取得明显效果。对常用的台风路径预报相似模式(TSF)及Markov型相似模式(MTSF)所做预报试验表明,经集成方法改进后的MTSF,TSF,其预报能力有明显提高。  相似文献   

台风路径集合预报试验   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
基于T63L9模式,利用BGM法进行了台风路径的集合预报试验,并对集合预报中的一个关键技术—繁殖长度进行了研究。结果表明:相对于控制预报,利用增长模繁殖法制作的集合预报对台风路径预报的技巧水平有了很大提高。集合预报中采用不同的繁殖长度对台风路径预报效果有一定影响。繁殖长度取2 d和3 d集合预报效果相对于控制预报都有很大提高。繁殖长度取为2 d时,集合离散度较小,取为3 d时较合理,取为4 d时,离散度较大。对台风路径的预报采用集合选择平均后,繁殖2 d和繁殖3 d的集合预报系统的预报效果都优于控制预报。从综合集合预报效果分析,繁殖长度取为3 d更合适。当集合预报中繁殖长度取为3 d时,在预报的前3天,台风路径集合预报误差基本维持在100 km,第4天误差也只接近300 km。相对于控制预报,集合预报的改进率在预报的2~4 d基本超过了60%,甚至可达到70%。  相似文献   

台风路径人工智能预报方法的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
台风路径人工智能预报方法的研制蒋乐贻费亮(上海市气象科学研究所,上海200030)人工智能预报方法是一种新方法.在研制专家系统的基础上,根据人工智能内容,结合气象预报特点及所要求的预报精度,研制了台风路径人工智能预报方法.此方法把计算机模式识别技术与...  相似文献   

转向台风路径的预报与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朴贤雄  杨平章 《气象科学》1993,13(2):131-136
本文以大气动力学为基础,结合经验公式提出一个预报台风路径的模式,並应用於8605(Nancy)和8615(Vera)两个转向台风路径的预报。预报结果和对预报结果的分析对台风路径业务预报有参考意义。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The tropical cyclone is one of destructive weather systems that affect China most seriously. The destruction includes strong winds, heavy rain and storm surges. The key to mitigate them is whether we could predict the track accurately and on a timely basis. A number of coastal countries have adopted numerical forecast operation models that have long valid duration. For instance, in the limited-area spectral models and global spectral models currently running in the Meteo…  相似文献   

A new method, BDA perturbing, is used in ensemble forecasting of typhoon track. This method is based on the Bogus Data Assimilation scheme. It perturbs the initial position and intensity of typhoons and gets a series of bogus vortex. Then each bogus vortex is used in data assimilation to obtain initial conditions. Ensemble forecast members are constructed by conducting simulation with these initial conditions. Some cases of typhoon are chosen to test the validity of this new method and the results show that: using the BDA perturbing method to perturb initial position and intensity of typhoon for track forecast can improve accuracy, compared with the direct use of the BDA assimilation scheme. And it is concluded that a perturbing amplitude of intensity of 5 hPa is probably more appropriate than 10 hPa if the BDA perturbing method is used in combination with initial position perturbation.  相似文献   

The GRAPES-TCM is used to make ensemble prediction experiments for typhoon track. Three kinds of ensemble schemes are designed for the experiments. A total of 109 experiments are made for the nine typhoons in 2011 and the integral time is 72 h. The experiment results are shown as follows. In the three ensemble schemes, on the whole, scheme 1 has the best track prediction. Its average absolute track error and overall deviations of typhoon moving speed and moving direction are all the smallest in the three schemes. For both scheme 1 and scheme 2, they are all smaller than those of their control predictions. Both of their ensemble predictions show superiority to their deterministic predictions. Overall, compared with the observations, the typhoon moving directions of the three schemes mainly skew to the right, and in the late integration they mainly tend to be relatively slow. In the three schemes, the track dispersion of scheme 1 is the largest and that of scheme 3 the smallest. In scheme 1 it is much larger than in schemes 2 and 3. The difference of dispersion between scheme 2 and scheme 3 is small. The track dispersions of the three schemes are all much smaller than their rational dispersions. Compared with the eight domestic and overseas operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, scheme 1 has better predictions than the other seven operational models except ECMWF NWP model. Scheme 1 has the value of operational application.  相似文献   

ATOVS 不同卫星资料在台风模拟中的同化试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)开发的中尺度模式WRF(ARW)V3.2 及其三维变分同化系统WRF-3DVAR,以1011 号超强台风“ 凡亚比” 为个例,采用连续循环同化的方法对ATOVS 卫星资料进行同化试验,探讨了同化ATOVS 不同卫星资料对“ 凡亚比” 模拟的影响。结果表明,强度影响方面:同化ATOVS不同资料均可有效改善台风强度,台风中心海平面气压平均偏差从42 hPa 下降到18 hPa,但不同资料间的差异并不显著,平均在6 hPa 以内,这表明仅同化ATOVS 资料对台风强度的改善相对有限。路径影响方面:(1)不同卫星的同一种传感器资料效果略有不同,同化NOAA-18 和NOAA-15 的AMSU-A 资料效果较好,NOAA-16 的AMSU-A 效果较差;同化NOAA-15 和NOAA-16 的AMSU-B 资料效果相当,且均优于AMSU-A 资料。(2) 同一颗卫星不同传感器资料的差异较大,同化AMSU-B 资料的改善较为明显,HIRS-3 次之,AMSU-A较差,而同时同化不同资料并没有带来更为明显的改善。(3) 同时同化多颗卫星ATOVS 资料的试验表明,将多种资料引入到同化系统的同时,也带来相应的累积误差,因而仅同化一颗卫星可能比同时同化两颗或三颗卫星ATOVS 资料的效果要好。   相似文献   

The MM5, which is the PSU/NCAR mesoscale nonhydrostatic limited-area model, and its adjoining modeling system are used in this paper. Taking T106 analysis data as background field the authors generate an optimal initial condition of a typhoon by using two bogus data assimilation schemes, and conduct some numerical simulating experiments. The results of No.9608 typhoon (Gloria) show that the optimal initial field have some dramatic improvements, such as inaccurate position of typhoon center, weaker typhoon circulation and incomplete inner structure of the typhoon, which are caused by shortage of data over the sea. Some improvements have been made in the track forecast. Through several comparing experiments, the initialization optimized by BDA scheme is found to be more reasonable than GFDL scheme and its typhoon track forecast is better.  相似文献   

A predictive model for 24-120 h track of the tropical cyclone over the South ChinaSea is set upusing the predictors of CLIPER and with reference to those of EOF and CCA. This EOF-and CCA-basedmodel is compared with dependent and independent samples in veritring forecasts'Analpees appltwg themethods to 500-hPa geopotential heights have shown that the CCA method is able toconcentrate moreoriginal information of variable fleld that has the best global correlation withtropical cyclone track andthus reduces more efficiently error arisen in forecast,despite that can0nicaldistribution of weighted vari-able coefficients derived by it is less well-defined or smoothed of a spacialpattern as is done by eigenvec-tor in the EOF method. The verification indicates a certain degree of skill in both track predictive model,though better results are yielded in the CCA-based one, whose mean vector errorare 159.27, 314.84,524.12, 813.03, and 987.12 km, respectively for periods of 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h. The modelmakes an objective approach for prediction of short-and medium-range track of tropical cyclone in theSouth China Sea.  相似文献   

台风Maggie路径异常的数值研究   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
台风Maggie(1999年)是近年来比较特殊的一个台风,所有台风预报中心均未能准确预报其登陆前的异常路径。通过两个数值试验揭示了台风Maggie路径异常的原因。即Maggie路径异常的主要原因是它与邻近的一个热带气旋相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

分析了NCEP资料和SAMIL-R42L9中热带大气季节内(30~60天)振荡(ISO)的季节变化特征及其与平均气候场季节变化的关系。NCEP资料的分析表明:热带地区大气ISO在空间分布上存在明显的季节变化,大气ISO的季节变化与平均背景场的季节变化有明显的一致性。在空间分布上,热带大气ISO的活动对暖的SST、强的对流活动、西风、强的降水和低层水汽辐合有很强的依赖性。大气环流模式SAMIL-R42L9基本能够再现热带大气ISO空间分布上的季节转换特征,尤其在动力场(纬向风)上表现得最为明显。但对基本气候态季节变化的模拟,对不同的物理量有明显的差异。模式结果表明:热带大气ISO动力因子的季节性比热力因子的季节性对平均背景场的依赖性更大,模式不能很好地反映NCEP资料表现出来的ISO对平均背景场的强依赖性,同时也说明热带大气ISO的季节性可能并不完全依赖于平均背景场的季节变化。  相似文献   

Typhoon Maggie (1999) interacted with another tropical depression system and moved along a west-southwest track that is somewhat abnormal during its pre-landing stage. Two numerical experiments are carried out in this paper to study the effect of the interaction on the track of typhoon Maggie using the mesoscale numerical weather prediction model system with a tropical cyclone bogusing scheme developed by Center for Coastal and Atmospheric Research, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Results show that the cyclone system interacting with Maggie is the main factor for the abnormal track of Maggie.  相似文献   

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