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This paper summarizes the analysis of the radio observations of the solar eclipse at wavelengths 3.2, 11.1 and 21 cm in Xinjiang, on 1968 Sept. 22. From the observations, we have determined the flux densities, angular diameters and heights of the localized radio sources on the solar disk, circumstances of the radio eclipse, equivalent radius of the radio Sun and certain features of a small radio burst that occurred during the eclipse. We have also investigated the correlation between the flux density of the localized sources and the activity of the active regions, as measured by the integrated brightness of plages and the sunspot area.  相似文献   

We observed the behavior of the pointer of an asymmetric torsion balance (TB) at solar eclipse dates and on other off-eclipse days. A peculiar reaction of the miniature TB different from its reaction at off-eclipse time was recorded for some solar eclipses. The relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun are among the possible factors affecting the position of the TB pointer. A time shift between the maximum phase of a solar eclipse and the maximum TB reaction was detected. We conclude that base observations of such phenomena from different points of the terrestrial globe are necessary.  相似文献   

Spectral characteristics of medium-sized solar radio events   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peak intensities at different frequencies, as reported by several solar radio patrol stations, are used to study the spectrum at the time of maximum intensity of medium-sized solar radio events that cover both the centimetric and metric frequency bands. Two types of spectrum can be distinguished: a V-type of spectrum, where the straight lines, that can be drawn to represent the centimetric and the metric branches, meet each other at a frequency somewhere in the decimetric frequency range and a Jump-type of spectrum, where a discontinuity occurs somewhere in the low-frequency part of the decimetric spectrum. The aspect of the radio response at 600 MHz may have a character which is more centrimetric or more metric. Its character tends to correspond to the spectral branch (metric or centimetric) to which, according to the spectrum, the 600 MHz burst belongs. It is concluded that the centimetric and the metric branch of a cm/m-event are largely independent of each other. It is suggested that a Jump-type of spectrum occurs if some condition relating to the coronal magnetic field is fulfilled.  相似文献   

The diameter of the Sun may be measured at the time of a solar eclipse. We have performed an exhaustive search of the astronomical literature to find all existing observations of solar eclipses suitable for this purpose. We have also taken new observations by new techniques. We have undertaken a project to reduce them systematically, and in an automated, self-consistent way. This will produce determinations of the solar radius at the times of solar eclipses from 1715 to the present. Re-reduction, using newer ephemerides, of observations made in 1984 shows that the component of the residuals caused by the ephemeris is substantially reduced. This paper summarizes the research plan, outlines the detailed astronomical features included in the calculations, and presents the results available.  相似文献   

The eclipse was observed at two microwave frequencies, 7 GHz and 22.2 GHz, and has shown the presence of polarized regions, suggesting also excess of left-handed polarized radiation from the solar northern hemisphere. Difference in eclipsing times at the two frequencies for an active center near the limb is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in solar radio-brightness temperature were derived at 2.8,19.3 and 22.2 GHz from the observations of radio flux during the total eclipse of 1980 February 16. High-resolution MEM spectra of the brightness temperature fluctuations at the three frequencies showed periodicities ranging from 3.5 min to 128 min. Between 3.5 min and 14.6 min there are several periodicities of comparable significance common to the three operating frequencies. If the corresponding variations in brightness temperature are assumed to result from spatial variations in the solar radio emission, the observed periodicities imply scale sizes in the range 76000 km to 320000 km.  相似文献   

A highly anisotropic packet of solar electron intensities was observed on 6 April 1971 with a sensitive electrostatic analyzer array on the Earth-orbiting satellite IMP-6. The anisotropies of intensities at electron energies of several keV were factors 10 favoring the expected direction of the interplanetary magnetic lines of force from the Sun. The directional, differential intensities of solar electrons were determined over the energy range 1–40 keV and peak intensities were 102 cm–2 s–1 sr–1 eV–1 at 2–6 keV. This anisotropic packet of solar electrons was detected at the sattelite for a period of 4200 s and was soon followed by isotropic intensities for a relatively prolonged period. This impulsive emission was associated with the onsets of an optical flare, soft X-ray emission and a radio noise storm at centimeter wavelengths on the western limb of the Sun. Simultaneous measurements of a type III radio noise burst at kilometric wavelengths with a plasma wave instrument on the same satellite showed that the onsets for detectable noise levels ranged from 500 s at 178 kHz to 2700 s at 31.1 kHz. The corresponding drift rate requires a speed of 0.15c for the exciting particles if the emission is at the electron plasma frequency. The corresponding electron energy of 6 keV is in excellent agreement with the above direct observations of the anisotropic electron packet. Further supporting evidence that several-keV solar electrons in the anisotropic packet are associated with the emission of type III radio noise beyond 50R is provided by their time-of-arrival at Earth and the relative durations of the radio noise and the solar electron packet. Electron intensities at E 45 keV and the isotropic intensities of lower-energy solar electrons are relatively uncorrelated with the measurements of type III radio noise at these low frequencies. The implications of these observations relative to those at higher frequencies, and heliocentric radial distances 50R , include apparent deceleration of the exciting electron beam with increasing heliocentric radial distance.Research supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contracts NAS5-11039 and NAS5-11074 and grant NGL16-001-002 and by the Office of Naval Research under contract N000-14-68-A-0196-0003.  相似文献   

Decameter wavelength radio emission is finely structured in solar bursts. For their research it is very important to use a sufficient sensitivity of antenna systems. In this paper we study an influence of the radiotelescope‐antenna effective area on the results of decameter solar radio observations. For this purpose we compared the solar bursts received by the array of 720 ground‐based dipoles and the single dipole of the radiotelescope UTR‐2. It is shown that a larger effective area of the ground‐based antenna allows us to measure a weaker solar emission and to distinguish a fine structure of strong solar events. This feature has been also verified by simultaneous ground‐ and space‐based observations in the overlapping frequency range (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Chinese Spectral Radio Heliograph(CSRH) is an advanced aperture synthesis solar radio heliograph, independently developed by National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It consists of 100 reflector antennas,which are grouped into two antenna arrays(CSRH-I and CSRH-II) for low and high frequency bands respectively. The frequency band of CSRH-I is 0.4–2 GHz and that for CSRH-II is 2–15 GHz. In the antenna and feed system, CSRH uses eleven feeds to receive signals coming from the Sun. The radiation pattern has a lower side lobe and the back lobe of the feed is well illuminated. The characteristics of gain G and antenna noise temperature T affect the quality of solar radio imaging. For CSRH, the measured G is larger than 60 d Bi and T is less than 120 K. After CSRH-I was established, we successfully captured a solar radio burst between 1.2–1.6 GHz on 2010 November12 using this instrument and this event was confirmed through observations with the Solar Broadband Radio Spectrometer at 2.84 GHz and the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite. In addition, an image obtained from CSRH-I clearly revealed the profile of the solar radio burst. The other observational work involved the imaging the Fengyun-2E geosynchronous satellite which is assumed to be a point source.Results indicate that the data processing method applied in this study for deleting errors in a noisy image could be used for processing images from other sources.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of type III radio bursts from spacecraft separated by 0.43 AU have been made using the solar orbiters HELIOS-A and HELIOS-B. The burst beginning at 19:22 UT on March 28, 1976 has been located from the intersection of the source directions measured at each spacecraft, and from burst arrival time differences. The source positions range from 0.03 AU from the Sun at 3000 kHz to 0.08 AU at 585 kHz. The electron density along the burst trajectory, and the exciter velocity (=0.13c) were determined directly, without the need to assume a density model as has been done with single-spacecraft observations. The separation of HELIOS-A and -B has also provided the first measurements of burst directivity at low frequencies. For the March 28 burst the intensity observed from near the source longitude (HELIOS-B) was 3–10 dB greater than that from 60° west of the source (HELIOS-A).  相似文献   

We have investigated common burst spectral features for the 20th cycle of solar activity. The maximum daily radio fluxes in 8 frequency ranges are analysed. For every year the classification of these daily spectra is obtained by cluster analysis methods. There are two spectral minima for average spectra of clusters (in frequency ranges 4–3 and 0.5–0.25 GHz). As a rule their positions do not change during the solar cycle.Every annual spectrum of weak bursts has three minima (in frequency ranges 4–3, 2–1, and 0.5–0.25 GHz). The positions of these minima remain invariable during the solar cycle. But anuual spectra of strong bursts depend essentially on the phase of solar activity.The basic features of most burst spectra can be explained by gyrosynchrotron radiation of thermal and nonthermal electrons and plasma radiation at the plasma frequency and its second harmonic.  相似文献   

A slowly evolving, flaring loop was observed by the UVSP, XRP, and HXIS instruments onboard SMM on June 10, 1980. Simultaneous radio observations from Toyokawa (Japan) are also available. The SMM instruments have an angular resolution ranging from 3 to 30 arc sec by which the loop structure may be determined. It appears that these observations cannot be accounted for by a single loop model even assuming a variable temperature and pressure. The additional presence of a hot and tenuous isothermal plasma is necessary to explain the harder emission (HXIS). X-ray and UV data are used to fit the differential emission measure as a function of temperature and a model of the flare is deduced, which is then checked against radio data. An estimate of the heating function along the loop and of the total energy content of the loop is also given.  相似文献   

The first successful radio astronomical results of measurements of the magnetic field of solar prominences are presented. The accuracy of polarization and magnetic field observations is 3 · · 10−4 and 2 G, respectively. The observations were made by the 22-meter radio telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory at wavelengths of 8 and 13.5 mm. It has been found that the value of the magnetic fields coincides with the optical one (from 7 to 30 G), but the image of radio polarization differs from the intensity.  相似文献   

J. Köppen 《Solar physics》1975,42(2):325-332
Observations of a sunspot during and after a partial solar eclipse are described. The amount of scattered light confirms the existence of a spread function component with a half width of 10″. The observations also indicate the possibility of severely underestimating this component by aureole measurements. Umbral continuum intensities of 0.10 I in the red spectral region were directly measured, the correction for scattered light amounts to 0.02 I . Intensities calculated with four umbral models are larger than the observed values, indicating this sunspot to be cooler by some 100 K. The wings of two strong Ca i lines are equally explained by the models of Henoux, Kneer, and Stellmacher/Wiehr. Yun's model can be ruled out because of too high a temperature.  相似文献   

The required electron density to excite a type III solar burst can be predicted from different theories, using the low frequency radio observations of the RAE-1 satellite. Electron flux measurements by satellite in the vicinity of 1 AU then give an independent means of comparing these predicted exciter electron densities to the measured density. On this basis, one theory predicts the electron density in closest agreement with the measured values.NAS/NRC Postdoctoral Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

An observational program at the Sacramento Peak Observatory in 1965 provided high-dispersion spectra of the solar chromosphere in several spectral regions simultaneously. These regions included various combinations of the spectral lines Hα, Hβ and H?, the D3-line of Hei, the infrared triplet of Oi, and the H- and K-lines and the infrared triplet of Caii. With the use of an image slicer the observations were made simultaneously at two heights in the solar chromosphere separated by several thousand kilometers. From these data we draw the following conclusions:
  1. Emission of different lines arises in the same chromospheric features. The intensity ratio of lines of different elements varies significantly from spicule to spicule. For the H- and K-lines of ionized calcium, this ratio remains constant, independent of wavelength throughout the line, overall intensity, and height in the chromosphere. Two rare-earth lines in the wing of the H-line show no spicular structure at all.
  2. The line-of-sight velocities of many features reverse as a function of time, although most spicules show velocities in only one direction. The simultaneous spectra at two heights show most spicules to have the same line-of-sight velocity at both. There may be an additional class of features, mostly rapidly moving, whose members have line-of-sight velocities that increase with height. These features comprise perhaps 10% of the total. Velocity changes occur simultaneously, to within 20 sec, at two heights separated by 1800 km, indicating velocities of propagation of hundreds of km/sec. The velocity field of individual features is often quite complicated; many spectral features are inclined to the direction of dispersion, implying that differential mass motions are present.
  3. The existence of anomalously broad H and K profiles is real. Even with high dispersion and the best seeing, such profiles are not resolved into smaller features. The central reversal in K, H and Hα appears to remain unshifted when the wings are displaced in wavelength, indicating that the reversal is non-spicular.

We present a study of type III activity at meter- decameter wavelengths in the preflare phase of the 1986 February 3 flare using data obtained with the Clark Lake Multifrequency Radioheliograph. We compare this activity with similar type III burst activity during the impulsive phase and find that there is a displacement of burst sources between the onset and end times of the activity. A comparison of this displacement at three frequencies suggests that the type III emitting electrons gain access progressively to diverging and different field lines relative to the initial field lines. The energetics of the type III emitting electrons are inferred from observations and compared with those of the associated hard X-ray emitting electrons. The soft X-ray data from SMM-XRP shows enhanced emission measure, density and temperature in the region associated with the preflare type III activity.On leave from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India.  相似文献   

Based on the observations of solar eclipses performed on the RT-22 radio telescope at CrAO in the wavelength range 2.0–3.5 cm, we consider the fine spatial structure of the microwave emission from the quiet Sun. We have established that the positions of compact radio sources with a typical size of about 7″.0 and coronal bright points coincide. The mean radio flux exceeds the level of the quiet Sun by 0.28 sfu. The brightness temperatures increase with wavelength and lie within the range 0.3–2.7 MK. Evidence for a nonthermal nature of the emission from compact radio sources has been obtained.  相似文献   

Observations at 9 mm wavelength of the partial solar eclipse of February 25th 1971 were made to investigate possible limb brightening of the Sun. The results obtained show that less than 5% of the solar disc power can be contained in any such brightening.  相似文献   

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