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Summary A variety of LREE-rich minerals are associated with late magmatic-stage platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization [(PGE + Au) = 300 ppb) in unsheared clinopyroxenite and gabbro proximal to sheared amphibolite in the Boston Creek Flow (BCF) Al-depleted komatiitic basalt, Archean Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario. The LREE-rich minerals are LREE-rich apatite (La2O3 + Ce2O3 1.5 wt%), LREE-rich epidote (Ce, La: 12 wt% REE), and bastnaesite [(Ce,La)(CO3)(F,OH)]. The LREE-rich apatite forms rare zones in altered apatite grains and discrete, multifaceted micrometric-sized grains. LREE-rich epidote forms large (up to 100 ,m), compositionally zones grains in amphibolitized plagioclase. Bastnaesite forms areas marginal to and veinlets within the LREE-rich epidote and analyses are characterized by up to 0.4 wt% Cl. Compared to other unsheared rocks from the flow, the REE-rich mineral host rocks contain: intermediate REE contents (REE = 38 to 71 ppm), Ba contents (up to 240 ppm), and U/Th values (0.3 to 7.2); variable Cl contents (21 to 60 ppm); and slightly elevated 34S values (up to 3.3). In contrast, the sheared amphibolite is characterized by low contents of REE (REE = 25 ppm), Cl (15 ppm), Ba (20 ppm), U (0.5 ppm), and Th (0.4 ppm), and a distinctive chondrite-normalized whole-rock REE pattern profile [(La/Sm)n = <2 and (Tb/Yb)n = < 1).The restricted occurrence, textures and chemical compositions of the LREE-rich minerals are interpreted as the result of mobilization and localized concentration of the LREE by hydrothermal fluids during greenschist facies contact metamorphism. LREE-rich epidote represents LREE redistribution accompanying the breakdown of plagioclase during abnormally intense amphibolitization and shear deformation within the flow at the peak of greenschist facies contact metamorphism. LREE-rich apatite and bastnaesite represent LREE mobilization and very localized reprecipitation during later stage, retrogressive amphibolitization. The low chlorine contents of the LREE-rich minerals and their host rocks suggest that complexing with Cl was only of minor importance in the concentration of LREE.The spatial association of the LREE-rich minerals with the PGE mineralization reflects concentration of shear deformation and amphibolitization at this stratigraphic level within the flow. The attendant hydrothermal fluid activity induced limited mobilization and reconcentration of PGE in veinlets and fractures within the mineralization. The low Cl suggests that complexing with Cl was not of importance in the PGE mobilization, nor in the late magmatic-stage mineralization process.
Seltene Erd-Minerale in Assoziation mit Platinvererzung im Archaischen Boston Creek Flow, Ontario
Zusammenfassung Verschiedene LSEE-reiche Minerale kommen zusammen mit spätmagmatischer Platinvererzung (PGE + Au = 300 ppb) in Klinopyroxeniten und Gabbro, in engster Nachbarschaft mit zerschertem Amphibolit im Al-verarmten, komatiitischen Basalt des Boston Creek Flow (BCF), im archaischen Abitibi Grünstein-Gürtel, Ontario, vor. Die LSEE- reichen Minerale sind LSEE-reicher Apatit (La2O3 + Ce2O3 > 1.5 Gew.%), LSEE-reicher Epidot (Ce, La: 12 Gew.% SEE), und Bastnaesit ((Ce, La) (CO3)(F, OH)). Der LSEE-reiche Apatit bildet Zonen in umgewandelten Apatitkörnern und auch individuelle, flächenreiche Körner, die einige Mikron groß sind. LSEE-reicher Epidot bildet große (bis zu 100 m) Körner mit zonierter Zusammensetzung in amphibolitisierten Plagioklasen. Bastnaesit bildet randliche Bereiche von, und Gängchen in LSEE-reichem Epidot. Analysen zeigen bis zu 0.4 Gew.%. Cl. Verglichen mit anderen unzerscherten Gesteinen aus dem BCF, enthalten die Wirtsgesteine der SEE-reichen Minerale: intermediäre SEE-Gehalte (SEE = 38 bis 71 ppm), Ba-Gehalte von bis zu 240 ppm und U/Th-Werte von 0.3 bis 7.2. Wechselnde Cl-Gehalte (21 bis 60 ppm) und etwas erhöhte 34S-Werte (bis zu 3.3). Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt der zerscherte Amphibolit niedrige Gehalte von SEE (SSE = 25 ppm), Cl (15 ppm), Ba (20 ppm), U(0.5 ppm), und Th (0.4 ppm), sowie charakteristische Chondrit-normalisierte SEE-Verteilungsmuster ((La/Sm)n = <2 und (Tb/Yb)n = < 1).Das beschränkte Vorkommen, die Texturen und die chemische Zusammensetzung der LSEE-reichen Minerale werden als Ergebnis der Mobilisierung und örtlichen Konzentration von LSEE durch hydrothermale Fluide während einer Kontaktmetamorphose unter Bedingungen der Grünschiefer-Fazies interpretiert. LSEE-reicher Epidot ist das Ergebnis von LSEE Umverteilung im Zusammenhang mit dem Zerfall von Plagioklas während besonders intensiver Amphibolitisierung und Scherungsdeformation innerhalb des Basalt-Ergusses zum Höhepunkt der Kontaktmetamorphose. LSEE-reicher Apatit und Bastnaesit gehen auf LSEE-Mobilisierung und sehr lokale Wiederausfällung während retrograder Amphibolitisierung während eines späteren Entwicklungsstadiums zurück. Die niedrigen Chlorgehalte der LSEE-reichen Minerale und ihrer Wirtsgesteine weisen darauf hin, daß die Bildung von Chlorid-Komplexen bei der Konzentration von LSEE nur eine geringe Rolle gespielt hat.Die räumliche Verbindung von LSEE-reichen Mineralen mit der PGE-Vererzung dürfte auf die Verbindung von Scher-Deformationen und Amphibolitisierung in diesem stratigraphischen Niveau innerhalb des Basaltes zurückgehen. Die begleitende hydrothermale Fluid-Aktivität führt zu beschränkter Mobilisierung und Anreicherung von PGE in Gängen und Sprüngen innerhalb der Vererzung. Die niedrigen Chlorgehalte weisen darauf hin, daß Chlorid-Komplexe weder bei der PGE-Mobilisierung, noch bei der spätmagmatischen Vererzung von Bedeutung gewesen sind.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The Northern Ultramafic Centre (NUC) of the Lac des Iles Complex, Northwest Ontario hosts several platinum group element (PGE) occurrences, including the Sutcliffe Zone, which consists of four subparallel, stratiform PGE-enriched intervals exposed within the cyclically layered eastern flank of the NUC. Field relationships, mineral paragenesis and lithogeochemistry allowed for the identification of 14 cyclic cumulate sequences of two distinct types – Cyclic unit type A (CUA) and Cyclic unit type B (CUB). CUA-type and CUB-type units are interpreted to have formed from a Si-enriched and Si-poor parent magmas, respectively. PGE-enriched intervals occur in four of the CUA-type cyclic units (CUA-5, -6, -8 and -11). PGE enriched intervals are commonly associated with websterite, olivine websterite and gabbronorite containing primary disseminated sulfide (0.2–2 vol%) which are dominated by pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and pentlandite with minor cubanite, and troilite. In hydrothermally altered rocks enriched in PGE, primary sulfides are locally partially replaced by secondary chalcopyrite, sphalerite, heazlewoodite, and chalcocite. Palladium occurs either in solid solution with primary pentlandite or is associated with platinum group minerals (PGM) such as Pd-plumbide, Pd-telluride, and Pt-bismuthotelluride. PGMs commonly occur within primary sulfides, at contacts between primary sulfide–silicate minerals, or in association with secondary serpentine and actinolite. Gold and silver typically occur as electrum that exhibits similar textural characteristics and mineralogical associations as the PGMs.Two different chemostratigraphic patterns of PGE, Cu and S enrichment can be recognized among the mineralized CUA cycles: The first (top-loaded) occurs near the top of CUA cycles (CUA-6, -8 and -11) in websterite and/or gabbronorite, just below the levels at which CUB magmas were emplaced. The second (middle-loaded), occurs midway through the lower cycle (CUA-5) in the olivine websterite, which is overlain by CUA-6. Within the four mineralized intervals, PGE tenors average 643 ppm Pd + Pt (in 100% sulfide), Pd/Pt and Pd/Ir ratios range from 0.9 to 3.5 and 35 to 537, respectively, and S/Se ratios range between 500 and 6000. The highest PGE tenors (4377 ppm Pd + Pt) are found in the lowermost interval in serpentinized olivine websterite and have an average Pd/Pt ratio of 3.5 and a S/Se ratio of approximately 2000.It is proposed that orthomagmatic processes of fractional crystallization and dynamic magma recharge were the dominant mineralization processes triggering sulfide-saturation and PGE concentration at the Sutcliffe Zone. Textural relationships between PGM, sulfide minerals, and primary and secondary hydrous silicates suggest that late magmatic to postcumulus hydrothermal fluid infiltration occurred locally during and after sulfide mineralization of the PGE-enriched intervals. However, these fluids had a minimal effect on the distribution of PGE in the Sutcliffe Zone. The Sutcliffe Zone shares many similarities with classic stratiform PGE deposits in terms of Pd/Pt ratio, high PGE tenors, low abundance of sulfide, and PGM assemblages. However, it is distinguished from most stratiform PGE deposits by its tectonic environment and lithostratigraphic position and by the intimate spatial association of the two parental magmas that are interpreted to have been responsible for the observed chemostratigraphy and PGE enrichment.  相似文献   

糜梅  陈衍景  孙亚莉  王焰  江合中 《岩石学报》2009,25(11):2769-2775
河南周庵超基性岩体蕴含大型Ni-Cu-(PGE)硫化物矿床,矿化带位于超基性岩体边缘与围岩的接触带.周庵超基性岩体轻稀土富集,其La/Sm_N比值为1.3~4.7,Sm/Yb_N比值为1.9~4.4,显示一定程度的LREE/HREE分异.原始地幔标准化的微量元素配分型显示弱的负Nb异常.岩体的M含量为70×10~(-60~2120×10~(-6),Cu含量为15×10~(-6)~1056×10~(-6);矿石的Ni含量为2592×10~(-6)~6549×10~(-6),Cu含量为1147×10~(-6)~3239×10`(-6).矿石的Ni/Cu比值(2.0~2.3)低于岩石样品(5-83).强蚀变矿化样品的PGE元素含量高于弱蚀变样品约一个数量级,所有样品的Pd/Ir和Pt/Ir比值高,Pd/Ir=1.4~21,Pt/Ir=2.4~22,表明PPGE相对IPGE富集.上述特征显示周庵岩体是构造侵位的地幔岩,岩体与围岩发生了较强烈的物质交换,含水流体交代作用导致了岩体-围岩物质交换和岩体边缘矿化.  相似文献   

赵兵  刘希军  李政林  时毓  招传  覃显著 《岩石学报》2022,38(9):2848-2864

桂西地区基性岩与峨眉山大火成岩省(ELIP)有高度的时空耦合性,对于理解ELIP时空分布、岩石成因及岩浆硫化物演化与成矿具有重要的意义。本文通过对桂西地区马雄辉绿岩年代学、铂族元素(PGE)及Sr-Nd-Hf同位素研究来揭示其岩浆起源和演化以及岩浆硫化物的成矿作用。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,马雄辉绿岩的锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为257.1±1.3Ma (MSWD=0.108),形成于晚二叠世;马雄辉绿岩具有与ELIP高Ti玄武岩相似的主微量元素和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素特征以及比ELIP高Ti玄武岩较高的Ti/Y比值,并且形成于熔融深度更深(~3.5GPa)和部分熔融程度较低(< 8%)的熔融环境,是峨眉山地幔柱外带岩浆作用的产物;马雄辉绿岩Cu/Pd比值高而稳定,呈现亏损Ir亚组(IPGE)富集Pd亚组(PPGE)的左倾型PGE配分特征,IPGE含量和ELIP高Ti玄武岩相近,而PPGE含量比ELIP高Ti玄武岩亏损,表明其岩浆在上升侵位中未发生明显的饱和硫化物熔离,PGE的分异主要受S不饱和条件下的橄榄石和铬铁矿结晶分异控制,不利于Cu-Ni-PGE硫化物成矿。


The Xinjie mafic-ultramafic layered intrusion in the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP) hosts Cu-Ni-platinum group element (PGE) sulfide ore layers within the lower part and Fe-Ti-V oxide-bearing horizons within the middle part. The major magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE sulfide ores and spatially associated cumulate rocks are examined for their PGE contents and Re-Os isotopic systematics. The samples yielded a Re-Os isochron with an age of 262 ± 27 Ma and an initial 187Os/188Os of 0.12460 ± 0.00011 (γOs(t) = −0.5 ± 0.1). The age is in good agreement with the previously reported U-Pb zircon age, indicating that the Re-Os system remained closed for most samples since the intrusion emplacement. They have near-chondritic γOs(t) values ranging from −0.7 to −0.2, similar to those of the Lijiang picrites and Song Da komatiites. Exceptionally, two samples from the roof zone and one from upper sequence exhibit radiogenic γOs(t) values (+0.6 to +8.6), showing minor contamination by the overlying Emeishan basalts.The PGE-rich ores contain relatively high PGE and small amounts of sulfides (generally less than 2%) and the abundance of Cu and PGE correlate well with S, implying that the distribution of these elements is controlled by the segregation and accumulation of a sulfide liquid. Some ore samples are poor in S (mostly <800 ppm), which may due to late-stage S loss caused by the dissolution of FeS from pre-existing sulfides through their interaction with sulfide-unsaturated flowing magma. The combined study shows that the Xinjie intrusion may be derived from ferropicritic magmas. The sharp reversals in Mg#, Cr/FeOT and Cr/TiO2 ratios immediately below Units 2-4, together with high Cu/Zr ratios decreasing from each PGE ore layer within these cyclic units, are consistent with multiple magma replenishment episodes. The sulfides in the cumulate rocks show little evidence of PGE depletion with height and thus appear to have segregated from successive inputs of fertile magma. This suggests that the Xinjie intrusion crystallized from in an open magma system, e.g., a magma conduit. The compositions of the disseminated sulfides in most samples can be modeled by applying an R factor (silicate-sulfide mass ratio) of between 1000 and 8000, indicating the segregation of only small amounts of sulfide liquid in the parental ferropicritic magmas. Thus, continuous mixing between primitive ferropicritic magma and differentiated resident magma could lead to crystallization of chromite, Cr-bearing magnetite and subsequently abundant Fe-Ti oxides, thereby the segregation of PGE-rich Cu-sulfide.When considered in the light of previous studies on plume-derived komatiites and picrites worldwide, the close-to-chondritic Os isotopic composition for most Xinjie samples, Lijiang picrites and Song Da komatiites suggest that the ferropicritic magma in the ELIP were generated from a plume. This comprised recycled Neoproterozic oceanic lithosphere, including depleted peridotite mantle embedded with geochemically enriched domains. The ascending magmas thereafter interacted with minor (possibly <10%) subducted/altered oceanic crust. This comparison suggests that the komatiitic melts in the ELIP originated from a greater-than normal degree of melting of incompatible trace element depleted, refractory mantle components in the plume source.  相似文献   

铂族元素矿床的主要类型、成矿作用及研究展望   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
铂族元素(PGE)矿床的研究在过去几十年取得了重要的进展.它可以赋存于不同的岩石类型、形成于不同的时代.内生PGE矿床与不同的岩浆类型及热液活动有关.由于铂族元素特殊的化学性质,比较稳定且难熔于普通的酸、碱等,故铂族元素成矿具有特殊性.PGE矿床可划分为岩浆型、热液型、火山块状硫化物型(VMS)和外生型四大类型.岩浆型又可分为铜镍硫化物型、铬铁矿型和磁铁矿型,热液型主要有斑岩型和夕卡岩型,外生型包括黑色页岩型和砂铂矿型.本文讨论了各岩浆演化过程中:(i)硅酸盐和氧化物的分异,(ii)富Fe矿物(橄榄石、辉石、磁铁矿、铬铁矿)的分异,(iii)岩浆的混染,(iv)不同成分、硫不饱和的岩浆的混合等,都可以导致岩浆中硫达到饱和,一旦形成不混熔硫化物熔体,硫化物富集,将形成有经济价值的PGE矿床.同时,成矿还受温度、Ni和Cu含量、体系中其它组分和硫逸度的控制.岩浆后期的热液蚀变会改变PGE的含量和品位,但典型的铂矿床一般没有遭受热液蚀变作用的显著影响.本文指出了铂族元素矿床研究存在的主要问题.如PGE矿床的物质来源、PGE演化过程中的分配规律、铂族元素矿物(PGM)的赋存状态,并对以后的发展前景做了展望,指出西藏(蛇绿岩套铬铁矿亚类和俯冲增生弧斑岩型Cu-Au矿)和新疆(碰撞后二叠纪岩浆Cu-Nj硫化物型和黑色页岩型)是我国寻找PGE矿床的最有利地区.  相似文献   

大别造山带祝家铺辉长岩的铂族元素特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用镍锍火试金法结合ICP-MS分析了祝家铺14个辉长岩样品中的Ir,Ru,Rh,Pt和Pd的含量。结果显示其PGE的含量较低,原始地幔标准化后的PGE分布模式呈正斜率型,PPGE相对原始地幔略微亏损,而IPGE强烈亏损,Pd/Ir值(22—138)远高于相应的地幔比值,表明铂族元素发生了分异。对祝家铺辉长岩的铂族元素研究表明,在其源区发生过硫化物的分异作用,地壳的混入可能促进了硫化物的饱和。祝家铺辉长岩中铂族元素的分异是因为在地幔部分熔融和岩浆演化过程中,PPGE主要受硫化物控制,而Ir则存在于非硫化物相如尖晶石、可能还有合金之中。  相似文献   

We have determined the S, Se, Cu and La contents through a complete stratigraphic section of the Bushveld Complex. The principle aim was to determine which phases controlled these elements. S, Se and Cu show positive correlations, but these elements do not correlate with La. In most cases, the concentration of S, Se and Cu in rocks containing greater than 800 ppm S can be modeled by segregation of a Fe–Ni–Cu sulfide liquid from a fractionating magma. As the magma evolved, Se and Cu were depleted by the continual segregation of sulfide liquid and the S/Se and S/Cu of the rocks increased. The Se/Cu ratio is higher in the more evolved rocks, which suggests that Se has a slightly lower partition coefficient than Cu into sulfide liquid (1,200 versus 1,700). The Lower and lower Critical Zone of the complex contains on average only 99 ppm S. The low S content of these rocks has led some authors to suggest that these rocks do not contain cumulate sulfides, despite the fact that they are moderately enriched in PGE. These samples fall along the same trend as the S-rich samples on the S-versus-Se plot and the S/La and Se/La ratios are greater than the initial magmas suggesting that despite the low S contents cumulate sulfides are present. Three models may be suggested in order to explain the low S content in the Lower and Critical Zone rocks: (a) the sulfides that were present have migrated away from the cumulate pile into the footwall or center of the intrusion; (b) the magma was saturated in sulfides at depth and during transport some sulfides lagged in embayments; (c) the rocks have lost both S and Se at high temperature. The first two models have important implications for exploration.  相似文献   

The structure of the sulfide-bearing sequence of the Kivakka basic-ultrabasic layered intrusion of the Olanga group (northern Karelia) was investigated. The chemical and quantitative mineralogical compositions of rocks were statistically processed using factor and cluster analysis. We distinguished two sulfide levels consistently extending parallel to the strike of layering in the massif. The exact boundaries of these levels could not be defined because of the patchy distribution of sulfide minerals. The highest contents of sulfide pockets were observed near the top and base of each sulfide level. The extension of the zones with high sulfide concentrations along the strike allows us to consider them as horizons. The sulfide-bearing rocks are norites with varying mineral proportions. They may differ in the association of cumulus phases (bronzite and bronzite-plagioclase). It was shown that the specific features of the structure of the sulfide levels and horizons do not inherit the structural patterns of the silicate matrix and are not correlated with the chemical composition of rocks.  相似文献   

Calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), occurring in chondritic meteorites and considered the oldest materials in the solar system, can provide critical information about the environment and time scale of creation of planetary materials. However, interpretation of the trace element and isotope compositions of CAIs, particularly the light elements Li, Be, and B, is hampered by the lack of constraint on melilite-melt and spinel-melt partition coefficients. We determined melilite-melt and spinel-melt partition coefficients for 21 elements by performing controlled cooling rate (2 °C/h) experiments at 1 atmosphere pressure in sealed platinum capsules using a synthetic type B CAI melt. Trace element concentrations were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and/or laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Melilites vary only slightly in composition, ranging from Åk31-43. Results for the partitioning of trace elements between melilite and melt in three experiments and between spinel and melt in two experiments show that partition coefficients are independent of trace element concentration, are in good agreement for different analytical techniques (SIMS and LA-ICP-MS), and are in agreement with previous measurements in the literature. Partition coefficients between intermediate composition melilites and CAI melt are the following: Li, 0.5; Be, 1.0; B, 0.22; Rb, 0.012; Sr, 0.68; Zr, 0.004; Nb, 0.003; Cs, 0.002; Ba, 0.018; La, 0.056; Nd, 0.065; Sm, 0.073; Eu, 0.67; Er, 0.037; Yb, 0.018; Hf, 0.001; Ta, 0.003; Pb, 0.15; U, 0.001; Th, 0.002. Site size energetics analysis is used to assess isovalent partitioning into the different cation sites. The Young’s modulus deduced from +2 cations partitioning into the melilite X site agrees well with the bulk modulus of melilite based on X-ray diffraction methods. The changes in light element partitioning as melilite composition varies are predicted and used in several models of fractional crystallization to evaluate if the observed Li, Be, and B systematics in Allende CAI 3529-41 are consistent with crystallization from a melt. Models of crystallization agree reasonably well with observed light element variations in areas previously interpreted to be unperturbed by secondary processes [Chaussidon, M., Robert, F., McKeegan, K.D., 2006. Li and B isotopic variations in an Allende CAI: Evidence for the in situ decay of short-lived 10Be and for the possible presence of the short-lived nuclide 7Be in the early solar system. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta70, 224-245], indicating that the trends of light elements could reflect fractional crystallization of a melt. In contrast, areas interpreted to have been affected by alteration processes are not consistent with crystallization models.  相似文献   

程新彬 《地质与勘探》2015,51(4):713-721
内蒙古乌拉特后旗潮海地区具有较好的成矿前景,在潮海地区通过开展区域1∶5万地球化学测量及重点工作区1∶1万地球化学测量与成矿元素的空间分布特征研究,认为该区寻找Au及多金属矿的潜力较大。通过元素异常特征及传统地质大比例尺填图的综合方法,发现该区Au矿化可能与二长花岗岩区内部的石英脉及寒武系变质岩系密切相关,区内深大断裂亦为其控矿因素。依据元素区域地球化学异常特征,并结合区域大比例尺地质测量、地球物理特征划分出了乌兰敖包和萨音呼都格两个Au成矿远景区。  相似文献   

Abundant and diverse platinum-group minerals (PGM) occur throughout the Tertiary layered intrusion on Rum, Scotland. In this paper we document the distribution of PGM within the Eastern Layered Series (ELS) on Rum, which comprises 16 alternating units of olivine-dominant feldspathic peridotite grading to plagioclase-dominant allivalite. The PGM occur in six main chrome-spinel layers in the Eastern Layered Series and are clearly associated with minor concentrations of interstitial sulphides. Common PGM phases include: Pd–Cu alloys, Pt–Fe alloys, native Pt, laurite, moncheite, sperrylite, isomertiete, cooperite and braggite along with a large number of other less common arsenide, bismuthotelluride and sulphide phases. Analyses of the discrete chromitite layers yield up to ΣPGE + Au 2618 ppb. Although present throughout the 750-m-thick ELS, there are clear stratigraphical changes in the PGM assemblage. The presence of PGM in the ELS on Rum are interpreted as being caused by mantle melting associated with the proto-Icelandic `hot spot', followed by localised concentration because of the combined effects of magma mixing, sulphide-silicate liquid immiscibility and fractional crystallisation. Most of the PGM are magmatic in origin but some grains show evidence of hydrothermal alteration. Received: 27 November 1999 / Accepted: 27 April 2000  相似文献   

Mo-Bi mineralization occurs in subvertical and subhorizontal quartz-muscovite-± K-feldspar veins surrounded by early albitic and later K-feldspathic alteration halos in monzogranite of the Archean Preissac pluton, Abitibi region, Québec, Canada. Molybdenite is intergrown with muscovite in the veins or associated with K-feldspar in the alteration halos. Mineralized veins contain five main types of fluid inclusions: aqueous liquid and liquid-vapor inclusions, aqueous carbonic liquid-liquid-vapor inclusions, carbonic liquid and vapor inclusions, halite-bearing aqueous liquid and liquid-vapor inclusions, trapped mineral-bearing aqueous liquid and liquid-vapor inclusions. The carbonic solid in frozen carbonic and aqueous-carbonic inclusions melts in most cases at −56.7 ± 0.1 °C indicating that the carbonic fluid consists largely of CO2. All aqueous inclusion types and the aqueous phase in carbonic inclusions have low initial melting temperatures (≥70 °C), requiring the presence of salts other than NaCl. Leachate analyses show that the bulk fluid contains variable proportions of Na, K, Ca, Cl, and traces of Mg and Li. The following solids were identified in the fluid inclusions by SEM-EDS analysis: halite, calcite, muscovite, millerite (NiS), barite and antarcticite (CaCl2 · 6H2O). All are interpreted to be trapped phases except halite which is a daughter mineral, and antarcticite which formed during sample preparation (freezing). Aqueous inclusions homogenize to liquid at temperatures between 75 °C and 400 °C; the mode is 375 °C. Aqueous-carbonic inclusions homogenize to liquid or vapor between 210 °C and 400 °C. Halite-bearing aqueous inclusions homogenize by halite dissolution at approximately 170 °C. Aqueous inclusions containing trapped solids exhibit liquid-vapor homogenization at temperatures similar to those of halite-bearing aqueous inclusions. Temperatures of vein formation, based on oxygen isotopic fractionation between quartz and muscovite, range from 342 °C to 584 °C. The corresponding oxygen isotope composition of the aqueous fluid in equilibrium with these minerals ranges from 1.2 to 5.5 per mil with a mean of 3.9 per mil, suggesting that the liquid had a significant meteoric component. Isochores for aqueous fluid inclusions intersect the modal isotopic isotherm of 425 °C at pressures between 590 and 1900 bar. A model is proposed in which molybdenite was deposited owing to decreasing temperature and/or pressure from CO2-bearing, moderate to high salinity fluids of mixed magmatic-meteoric origin that were in equilibrium with K-feldspar and muscovite. These fluids resulted from the degassing of a monzogranitic magma and evolved through interaction with volcanic (komatiitic) and sedimentary country rocks. Received: 6 February 1997 / Accepted: 28 January 1998  相似文献   

新兴的白钨矿面扫描技术对于解释矿物微量元素特征具有重要的指示意义。文章选择皖南地区东源斑岩型钨矿床中白钨矿为研究对象,利用面扫描和阴极发光图像技术对矿物微区结构和原位微量元素特征进行系统研究。分析结果显示,白钨矿具有核边结构且微量元素特征具有明显的分带性,同一白钨矿颗粒核部亏损Mo、Nb、Ta元素,富集REEs,而边部相反。在此基础上,文章通过系统的白钨矿单点微量元素分析,反演了成矿流体性质和演化过程,提出东源钨矿床成矿流体氧逸度逐渐增高,成矿流体富集F挥发分且F含量逐渐增加,成矿物质很可能有幔源组分加入。通过白钨矿面扫描和阴极发光图像查明矿物微区结构,进而开展了白钨矿微区微量元素单点分析,有可能对成矿流体和矿质来源作出合理的解释。  相似文献   

Chromite-rich lithologies in both the lower and the critical zones of the Bushveld Complex in the Potgietersrus area display flat, chondrite-normalized, platinum-group-element (PGE) concentration patterns, whereas those of associated sulphide-bearing, but chromite-poor rocks are considerably steeper. The low (Pt+Pd)/(Os+Ir+Ru) ratio in the chromite-bearing rocks is maintained irrespective of the amount of sulphide or chromite in the rock. This feature suggests that the partitioning of the individual PGE into PGE-bearing phases during conditions in the magma under which crystallization of chromite in excess of the normal cotectic amounts was favoured differed from conditions under which an immiscible sulphide liquid separated from the same magma in the absence of enhanced chromite crystallization. These changes in the partitioning coefficients of the individual PGE are considered to reflect changes in the solubility of these elements in response to variations in the intensive parameters in the magma necessary to bring about the enhanced crystallization of chromite.  相似文献   

For many years, high-grade metamorphism and multiphase deformation have discouraged mineral exploration in the Grenville terrain of the Canadian Shield. However, detailed studies of known zinc occurrences in the Grenville Supergroup metasediments of Quebec now reveal that mineralization is stratigraphically controlled and consistently limited to mapable lithologic units. Within the vast regions composed predominantly of calcitic marbles, zinc mineralization is found to be confined to the much more limited areas of dolomitic marble, and more precisely, to the lithologic transition from metaclastic beds to meta-dolomites. Massive sphalerite mineralization of the Balmat-type is very closely restricted to this contact zone, while disseminated sphalerite with sparse amounts of galena are commonly observed in the adjacent dolomite. With these guidelines, and with evidence that mineralization is fundamentally stratiform in nature, it has now been demonstrated that mineralized stratigraphic horizons can be located beyond the areas of previously known sphalerite showings, and consequently the potential for important discoveries of zinc mineralization in the Grenville Supergroup has become very attractive to the present-day mining industry.  相似文献   

Major and trace element data for the Tertiary, Shiant IslesMain Sill, NW Scotland, are used to discuss its complex internaldifferentiation. Vertical sections through the sill exhibitsharp breaks in chemistry that coincide with changes in texture,grain size and mineralogy. These breaks are paired, top andbottom, and correspond to the boundaries of intrusive units,confirming a four-phase multiple-intrusion model based on fieldrelations, petrography, mineralogy and isotopes. Whole-rockchemistry is consistent with this model and necessitates onlyminor revisions to the intrusive and differentiation mechanismspreviously proposed. The rocks contain strongly zoned minerals(e.g. olivine Fo70–5, clinopyroxene Mg# = 75–5,plagioclase An75–5) indicating almost perfect fractionalcrystallization, but whole-rock compositions do not show suchextreme variations. Thus, while residual liquids became highlyevolved in situ, they mainly became trapped within the crystalnetwork and did not undergo wholesale inward migration. Someinward (mainly upward) concentration of residual liquids didoccur to form a ‘sandwich horizon’, but the morevolatile-rich, late-stage liquids that did not crystallize insitu appear to have migrated to higher levels in the sill toform pegmatitic horizons. Parental liquid compositions are modelledfor the intrusive units and it is concluded that the originalparent magma formed by partial melting of upper mantle thatwas more depleted in LREE than the sources of most ScottishTertiary basaltic rocks. Incompatible trace elements in thepicrodolerite–crinanite intrusive unit support isotopeevidence that its parent magma was contaminated by crustal material.Attempts to reconcile the chemical characteristics of the sillwith a recently proposed petrogenetic model based on a singleintrusion of magma differentiated by novel, but controversial,processes fail comprehensively. It is predicted that the complexpetrogenetic history of the Shiant Isles sill is not unusualand could become the model for other large (>50 m thick)sills. KEY WORDS: alkali basalt; differentiation; geochemistry; multiple intrusion; Shiant Isles; sill  相似文献   

Samples of 20 chromitite, 14 ultramafic and mafic rock, and 9 laterite and soil samples from the Precambrian Sukinda and Nausahi ultramafic complexes, Orissa, India were analyzed for platinum-group elements (PGE). The maximum concentrations are: palladium, 13 parts per billion (ppb); platinum, 120 ppb; rhodium, 21 ppb; iridium, 210 ppb; and ruthenium, 630 ppb. Comparison of chondrite-normalized ratios of PGE for the chromitite samples of lower Proterozoic to Archean age with similar data from Paleozoic and Mesozoic ophiolite complexes strongly implies that these complexes represent Precambrian analogs of ophiolite complexes. This finding is consistent with the geology and petrology of the Indian complexes and suggests that plate-tectonic and ocean basin developement models probably apply to some parts of Precambrian shield areas.  相似文献   

Platinum-group element (PGE) mineralisation within the Platreef at Overysel is controlled by the presence of base metal sulphides (BMS). The floor rocks at Overysel are Archean basement gneisses, and unlike other localities along the strike of the Platreef where the floor is comprised of Transvaal Supergroup sediments, the intimate PGE–BMS relationship holds strong into the footwall rocks. Decoupling of PGE from BMS is rare and the BMS and platinum-group mineral assemblages in the Platreef and the footwall are almost identical. There is minimal overprinting by hydrothermal fluids; therefore, the mineralisation style present at Overysel may represent the most ‘primary’ style of Platreef mineralisation preserved anywhere along the strike. Chondrite-normalised PGE profiles reveal a progressive fractionation of the PGE with depth into the footwall, with Ir, Ru and Rh dramatically depleted with depth compared to Pt, Pd and Au. This feature is not observed at Sandsloot and Zwartfontein, to the south of Overysel, where the footwall rocks are carbonates. There is evidence from rare earth element abundances and the amount of interstitial quartz towards the base of the Platreef pyroxenites that contamination by a felsic melt derived from partial melting of the gneissic footwall has taken place. Textural evidence in the gneisses suggests that a sulphide liquid percolated down into the footwall through a permeable, inter-granular network that was produced by partial melting around grain boundaries in the gneisses that was induced by the intrusion of the Platreef magma. PGE were originally concentrated within a sulphide liquid in the Platreef magma, and the crystallisation of monosulphide solid solution from the sulphide liquid removed the majority of the IPGE and Rh from it whilst still within the mafic Platreef. Transport of PGE into the gneisses, via downward migration of the residual sulphide liquid, fractionated out the remaining IPGE and Rh in the upper parts of the gneisses leaving a ‘slick’ of disseminated sulphides in the gneiss, with the residual liquid becoming progressively more depleted in these elements relative to Pt, Pd and Au. Highly sulphide-rich zones with massive sulphides formed where ponding of the sulphide liquid occurred due to permeability contrasts in the footwall. This study highlights the fact that there is a fundamental floor rock control on the mechanism of distribution of PGE from the Platreef into the footwall rocks. Where the floor rocks are sediments, fluid activity related to metamorphism, assimilation and later serpentinisation has decoupled PGE from BMS in places, and transport of PGE into the footwall is via hydrothermal fluids. In contrast, where the floor is comprised of anhydrous gneiss, such as at Overysel, there is limited fluid activity and PGE behaviour is controlled by the behaviour of sulphide liquids, producing an intimate PGE–BMS association. Xenoliths and irregular bands of chromitite within the Platreef are described in detail for the first time. These are rich in the IPGE and Rh, and evidence from laurite inclusions indicates they must have crystallised from a PGE-saturated magma. The disturbed and xenolithic nature of the chromitites would suggest they are rip-up clasts, either disturbed by later pulses of Platreef magma in a multi-phase emplacement or transported into the Platreef from a pre-existing source in a deeper staging chamber or conduit.  相似文献   

铂族元素(PGE)为中国急缺的矿产资源。近年来,国外(如俄罗斯)在黑色岩系内发现了非传统类型的PGE矿床,中国南方也发现了与黑色岩系有关的PGE矿化。黑色岩系将成为PGE和稀有金属的一种新来源。内蒙古中西部狼山一渣尔泰山地区属中元古代裂谷系,具有类似的区域成矿构造背景,黑色岩系极为发育,并在黑色岩系分布区发现有砂铂矿床、PGE重砂异常及一系列与黑色岩系有关的金铜多金属矿床等良好的找矿线索,具有寻找与黑色岩系有关的PGE矿床的找矿前景。  相似文献   

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