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重庆市奉节天坑地缝岩溶景观特征及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天坑地缝风景名胜区位于重庆市奉节县南部,发育有小寨天坑、天井峡地缝式岩溶峡谷等独特的岩溶景观。多次中外联合探险和地质科学综合调查发现,它们发育在一个流域面积280km^2、落差1600m的岩溶水文地貌系统中,前者深662m,口径626m,容积11900万m^3;后者延续长度6162m,最大深度229m,最小宽度1m。与世界同类型岩溶景观对比分析,得出以下结论:小寨天坑是目前世界上形态典型、规模最大的天坑,天井峡地缝属较为罕见的地缝式岩溶峡谷。它们具有较高的美学观赏价值和科学研究价值,是一种珍贵的岩溶地质遗迹和景观旅游资源,具有稀缺性、典型性、系统性和不可再生性的自然遗产属性,具有进入世界自然遗产的自然条件。  相似文献   

广西环江喀斯特世界自然遗产提名地是贵州荔波喀斯特世界自然遗产地的拓展地。环江喀斯特地貌发育演化受岩性、地质构造、断层、节理、裂隙和地下水文系统等因素影响。岩层由纯度较高的石灰岩和白云岩等可溶性碳酸盐岩构成,地壳运动使该地抬升,岩层受力发生褶皱并隆起断裂,断层节理发育;降雨、较高的温度以及地表-地下水对可溶性岩石进行侵蚀-溶蚀作用,使侵蚀基准面下降,河流下切,地表因长时间受剥蚀和溶蚀,地貌演化由幼年期经青年期进入壮年晚期。发育成峰丛谷地、洼地、峡谷及峰林洼地、谷地、盆地和多层洞穴等为主的形态多样的锥状喀斯特地貌景观。环江喀斯特自寒武纪以来经历了形成山间盆地和石炭系巨厚碳酸盐岩的沉积成岩阶段及喀斯特化作用,地貌发育演化经过3个主要阶段,即褶皱断块山地―盆地形成阶段、喀斯特峰丛―峰林发育阶段和喀斯特峡谷形成阶段。演化模式遵循峰丛洼地→峰丛谷地→峰丛峡谷→峰林洼地→峰林谷地地有序正向演替规律。揭示了热带-亚热带锥状喀斯特地貌发育主要阶段及演化过程。  相似文献   

在对都安地下河公园区域地质背景及喀斯特景观特征进行分析和研究的基础上,系统探讨了都安喀斯特及地苏地下河系、都安天窗群、峰丛峰林等典型喀斯特景观的形成演化过程,认为都安喀斯特正处于地下和地表喀斯特彼此制约,却又相互协调、同步共生的特殊发育时期;揭示了古近纪以来,暂时性地表流水、地表河等各种地表流水与地下河间,历经独立、袭夺、改道、相连等阶段,对应地下与地表喀斯特间,由地表地下各向分散独立成景→地表地下各向单一网络式成景→地表地下统一网络式成景,并逐渐形成彼此对应喀斯特景观的演化序列和过程。其中,地表喀斯特作用,由强→弱,由主角→配角,并从西北侧至东南侧逐渐演化、分异,形成高峰丛深洼地→中峰丛洼地→低峰丛洼地→高峰林谷地→低峰林谷地5种不同且依次过渡的地表喀斯特地貌;地下喀斯特作用,则由弱→强,配角→主角,逐渐形成庞大、复杂的地下河喀斯特地貌——地苏地下河系;地下与地表间,由彼此独立→整体相互制约、协同共生,并形成由500多个天窗组成的天窗群。因此,公园既是全球展现地下河喀斯特景观美景的杰出代表地之一,又是全球地下河喀斯特地貌演化的杰出范例,还是展示地下与地表喀斯间彼此制约,却又协同共生发育的典型参照地。  相似文献   

广西凤山岩溶国家地质公园典型地质遗迹景观价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西凤山岩溶国家地质公园是我国西南喀斯特旅游资源的富集带,岩溶遗迹景观种类多、规模宏大、特色鲜明。园区内的岩溶洞穴、天生桥、天坑和天窗等4类典型地质遗迹景观与国内外同类景观对比,洞穴通道规模世界最大、巨型洞穴厅堂数量多、密度大;形态巨大、景观奇特的地下河三门海天窗、以高大石笋为代表的洞穴沉积物世界罕见,世界上最大的洞内天生桥,均具有很高的美学观赏价值和科学价值,地质遗迹景观资源的典型性、稀有性、自然性均在同类地质遗迹中名列前茅。  相似文献   

宋晓东 《地理教学》2020,(6):F0002-F0002,F0003
重庆武隆天生三桥景区位于重庆市武隆区城区东北20千米处,同时也是世界规模最大、最高的串珠式天生桥群。天龙桥为天坑一桥,青龙桥为天坑二桥,黑龙桥为天坑三桥。这三座平均高度300米以上的天然石拱桥呈纵向排列,规模宏大、气势磅礴,横跨在羊水河峡谷之上,将两岸山体连在一起。三座天然石拱桥之间有青龙天坑、神鹰天坑两个天坑,形成了"三桥夹两坑"的世界奇特景观。  相似文献   

中国喀斯特天坑研究起源、进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
喀斯特天坑是20世纪末首先在中国南方峰丛和峰林喀斯特地区中发现的一种特殊且宏大的地表负地形,由于具有独特的科学价值和旅游价值,自被发现以来便引起了国内外地貌学者和地质学者的高度关注。对于喀斯特天坑(tiankeng)能否显著区别于其它普通漏斗,而成为一种独立的喀斯特地貌类型,国内外学者已从形态学、成因学、演化发生学等方面进行了深入探究,但仍未取得完全共识。国内外学者在其分类、形成与演化机制、发育条件、地质年代判定、岩溶生态环境等一系列问题上,也进行了较深入的探讨与激烈的争论。同时,对于喀斯特天坑价值的讨论以及开发与保护方面的研究也正引起国内外学者越来越多的关注。为此,论文围绕中国喀斯特天坑的研究阶段、研究进展、价值和开发与保护等主要议题进行了系统性的梳理与评述,进而提出中国喀斯特天坑当前研究中存在的问题和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

规模宏大的地表负地形——喀斯特天坑具有巨大的容积和陡峭圈闭的岩壁,在坑底形成异于坑外的独特微生境,是研究物种组成和多样性的理想场所,但目前鲜少对喀斯特天坑植物群落的生态过程及其空间变化特征进行探讨。本研究以云南沾益大毛寺原生天坑植物群落为研究对象,通过游动分割窗技术以及边缘效应值、边缘效应强度和β多样性指数的计算,对原生天坑"坑边缘—坑壁—坑底"的生态交错带进行定量判定,探讨垂直环境梯度上植物群落物种多样性变化特征及天坑内外物种多样性边缘效应特征。研究结果表明,原生天坑"坑边缘—坑壁—坑底"垂直梯度上的生态交错带出现在坑壁中域位置,宽度大约为40 m,是连接天坑内外生态系统的一个特殊生态过渡带;天坑内外植物群落在坑壁出现"断裂",存在不同于一般生态交错带的"边缘负效应";基于β多样性指数,垂直环境梯度上植物物种更替率总体呈上升趋势,坑底与坑边缘的植物群落物种组成存在较大差异,坑底拥有更高的物种丰富度和多样性,具有重要的物种多样性保护库价值。  相似文献   

税伟  郭平平  朱粟锋  冯洁  孙祥  李慧 《地理科学》2022,42(7):1295-1306
以云南省沾益自然保护区内典型而宏大的喀斯特中度退化天坑——深陷塘为例,分析了该天坑地下森林的34种木本植物的8个功能性状的变异程度,并从种内和种间水平进一步探究功能性状变异与科类群、生活型、生长型和生态因子的关系及土壤因子对植物性状变异的解释效应。结果表明:天坑地下森林内分布的木本植物具有叶厚度大、比叶面积较小、叶干物质含量较高的特点;灌木植物性状种间变异普遍小于乔木,植物性状变异程度在常绿和落叶间相差不大,大部分叶性状的种内种间变异大于小枝性状;天坑内植物性状的平均种内变异系数达23.45%,相较于其他非喀斯特区域的植被类型,其性状种内变异幅度较低,表明喀斯特天坑区域的植物具有较小的形态可塑性;土壤养分是决定样地尺度上群落性状变异的主导环境因素,但物种系统发育历史及其生活史特性也是该地带性植被功能性状变异的内生动力。综上,表明天坑地下森林的木本植物物种在长期演化过程中,其功能性状及其变异程度受非生物环境因素、系统发育过程、生活史策略等的综合影响。研究结果可为负地形的喀斯特天坑的物种避难所价值提供材料和证据,为提升云南高原喀斯特生态脆弱区和自然保护区生态系统服务功能、科学开展天坑外部区域和地带性植被的生态恢复工作提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江下游围绕喜马拉雅山东端最高峰南迦巴瓦峰(7782m)作奇特的马蹄形大拐弯,连续的深切割在青藏高原东南斜面上,长达496.3km,最深达5382m,是世界上最大的峡谷。它的论证和被发现,是20世纪末一次重大的地理发现。大峡谷是适应板块缝合构造带发育的构造谷,它还是南来水汽进入青藏高原的最大通道,它所造就的独特自然环境和地理景观,以及以生物和水力为主的丰富自然资源,是人类共同的财富。进行世界最大峡谷的地学、生物学理论与应用的系统研究,对大峡谷的开发、规划、永续利用提供科学依据,建立大峡谷自然保护区是当务之急。  相似文献   

最近一个时期,我国江苏、广东、江西、浙江、广西、四川等地相继出现地表局部塌陷形成坑洞的情况,有网友戏称为“天坑”。而地球的另一端似乎也不平静,南美洲危地马拉也出现了一个直径30米的巨大“天坑”。  相似文献   

Women,Politics, Elections,and Citizenship   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Significantly more women than men are registered voters in the United States, and a higher proportion of women voters actually cast ballots on election day. Yet the 106th Congress (1999-2001) includes only 56 women members, 12% of the total membership of the House and Senate. Likewise, women hold only 22% of the total seats in state legislatures. The purpose of this article is to examine this paradox. It first examines the history of the women's movement in the United States. It then turns to an evaluation of women's progress in gaining elected office. Finally it considers three primary obstacles to women gaining equitable representation: solidarity among women, political culture, and the single-member district system now employed in the United States.  相似文献   

Geography,Race, and Quantification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews how race, quantification, and raced quantification have been used and written about in geography. Its two primary arguments are that race should be more central in the discipline and that a reluctance to address ontological and epistemological issues has left quantitative geography methodologically impoverished. These two issues merge in an examination of two cases where race is employed as a variable in quantitative models. The critique of these cases is not meant as a condemnation of quantitative geography but as an instructive example on which to construct a critical quantitative geography. The article ends by stressing the importance of quantification in geography and by presenting exemplars of race-critical quantification.  相似文献   

This study examines the experiences of geography graduates who work in business, government, and nonprofit organizations. We analyzed 352 logs from eighty-two professionals detailing professional activities, challenges, and opportunities during one work week each month, over a period of six months. Our analysis explores interpersonal relationships and working conditions affecting participants’ progress toward work goals, workplace climate, and professional identity. Geographic information systems and technology accounted for more than half of the geographic skills respondents reported using on the job, and administrative and leadership factors were the most commonly cited types of transferable skills. Professional geographers value collaborative workplaces as well as opportunities to work independently with the confidence of their supervisors, and their sense of a professional identity is enhanced when they feel valued and are recognized for their work. Professional development activities are important because they reinforce geographers’ sense of positively contributing to their organizations, enhance interpersonal interactions, facilitate work on specific projects, and expand individuals’ knowledge and skills. Moreover, our findings suggest that nearly half of the reported workplace difficulties could potentially be reduced or eliminated as a result of more and better professional development. Nonetheless, many employers do not consistently provide opportunities for professional development to their employees. Based on our analysis, we contend that professional development is a beneficial investment for lifelong learning, from undergraduate and graduate education throughout the entire course of a professional career.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):210-211

This study aims to theoretically investigate the notion of critical thinking for a more just understanding of self and “others” in global geographical learning. It focuses on the kinds of injustice in the world which are driven by our relationships with “others.” By drawing on the literature of critical education, philosophy of education, and geography education, this study reveals how universal notions of criticality tend to easily undermine those perceived as global others and may highlight, in deficit mode, their perceived differences. Instead, the study presents the imperative of deconstructive thinking for a more just world. The article concludes by proposing a teaching strategy for alternative criticality which strives for justice in school geography.  相似文献   

The artesian springs of Tule Valley are similar to those of adjacent Snake Valley and Fish Springs Flat based on conductivity and temperature. All three valleys support Ranidae amphibians and the leechErpobdella punctata. The artesian springs in Snake Valley and Fish Springs Flat contain six and two species of fish and contained up to 18 and 12 species of mollusk respectively, whereas Tule Valley artesian springs contain neither fish nor mollusks. The leechesHelobdella stagnalis, Glossiphonia complanata, andHaemopis grandis were found in Snake Valley whereasHelobdella triserialis, Theromyzon rude, andHaemopis marmorata were found in Tule Valley. These springs which were covered by Lake Bonneville to a depth of several hundred meters, 16 000 BP., became isolated after the paleolake desiccated 13 000 years BP. The marsh snailCatinella is found above the paleolake level in Snake and Tule Valley and has not penetrated to the valley floor habitats once covered by the paleolake, whereas another marsh snailOxyloma has penetrated into these habitats in Snake Valley. The leech and molluscan distributions in Tule, Snake and Fish Springs Valleys suggest that the paleolake did not allow for much movement among the valleys, and successful passive aerial transport has not occurred after the paleolake desiccation 13 000 years BP. Paleozoological models are proposed to explain the presence and absence of these species in Tule Valley. Both lateral movement (along paleolake shorelines) and vertical movement (to new habitats formed after the desiccation of the paleolake) by amphibians, mollusks and leeches is restricted in large terminal lakes and is species dependent in both spatial and temporal scales of the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

A substantial literature in social sciences, including law and society, examines the intersections of research ethics and institutional review board (IRB) frameworks. Although geographers have engaged this literature, we argue that further involvement in ethical and regulatory discussions will advance opportunities for better understanding and negotiating the complex subjectivities produced in the IRB structure. Drawing on illustrative experiences of researchers, we focus specifically on the institutions convening IRBs, the researchers, and the human “subjects” produced in the IRB process. We conclude with a call for greater open discussion of the power dynamics, subjectivities, and challenges of formal ethical research structures.  相似文献   

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