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Laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb zircon geochronology of detrital zircons from a contact metamorphic sample of the Brixen Quartzphyllite from the innermost part of the contact aureole adjacent to the Brixen granodiorite yielded three different Precambrian concordia ages: zircon cores and an older generation of zircons give a maximum age of 2,023 ± 31 Ma, zircon rims and a younger generation of single grains yield a concordia age of 882 ± 19 Ma. A third generation of single zircon grains yields an age of 638 ± 20 Ma. In contrast to Austroalpine quartzphyllite complexes from the Eastern Alps neither Cambrian/Ordovician (570–450 Ma) nor Carboniferous (360–340 Ma) ages on single zircons have been observed so far in these samples. These ages provide evidence of a complex pre-Variscan evolution of the Southalpine basement since these data suggest a possible affinity of the Southalpine basement to Gondwana-related tectonic elements as well as to a possible Cadomian hinterland. This study shows that dating detrital zircons of the Brixen Quartzphyllites has great potential for providing age constraints on the complex geological evolution of the Southalpine basement.  相似文献   

The Santa Catalina Mountains, SE Arizona, was one of the first metamorphic core complexes to be described. Despite its status as a type example, relatively little is known about precise ages and origins of the intrusive rocks that make up most of the crystalline core. U–Pb and Hf isotopic data by laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry from zircons and Nd isotopic results from whole rocks were obtained for 12 granitoids ranging from 1,440 to 26 Ma. Results confirm that the 1.44-Ga Oracle Granite extends through the Catalina Range as variably mylonitic granite and banded gneiss. Laramide intrusions (67–73 Ma) display initial εNd values ?5 to ?8 and εHf from ?7.5 to ?9. Magmatic ages for the prominent white granite sills of the Wilderness suite are 46–57 Ma, in agreement with Terrien (2012), and these granites have initial εNd values ?8 to ?10 and εHf from ?7 to ?14. Lastly, the undeformed Catalina Granite has an age of 26 Ma, with an initial εNd and εHf of ?6 and ?8, respectively. Our Nd results agree with limited results from Farmer and DePaolo (89:10141–10160, 1984). Although the Catalina Granite seems to have a significant juvenile component based on Nd and Hf, most of the Laramide and Wilderness intrusions contain Nd and Hf compositions lying close to the evolution of 1.44-Ga Oracle Granites, a fact that is confirmed by the U–Pb data, which show both 1.7- and 1.4-Ga zircon cores in these samples, with 1.4 Ga as the dominant core age. In order to become the dominant source of most of the 72–45-Ma magmas, the Oracle pluton must not only extend across the whole Catalina region, but also have abundant deep-seated equivalents to provide magma sources.  相似文献   

Contact metamorphism has been recognized along a 4 km wide belt adjacent to the shallow‐dipping eastern margin of the Arthursleigh Tonalite, an Early Devonian pluton of the Marulan Batholith, eastern New South Wales. In Ordovician psammitic and pelitic rocks three zones of progressive contact metamorphism range from muscovite + biotite + chlorite assemblages in the outer zone to K‐feldspar + cordierite assemblages adjacent to the pluton and in metasedimentary xenoliths. Retrograde phenomena include extensive replacement of metamorphic minerals by ‘sericite’ and chlorite. Calcareous metasediments adjacent to the tonalite typically contain assemblages of quartz + calcic plagioclase + ferrosalite + sphene, or wollastonite + calcite + diopside with minor grossularite and vesuvianite. Thermal effects in volcanic rocks along the western margin of the pluton are confined to recrystallization of the groundmass.

The regional geology indicates confining pressures of approximately 1 kbar at the time of emplacement of the tonalite. Contact metamorphic temperatures were estimated from two‐feldspar geothermometry to attain a maximum of approximately 590°C for rocks in the innermost zone of the aureole and 700°C for the xenoliths. Fluid compositions attending progressive contact metamorphism were water‐rich (Xco2<0.2) and, during cooling, these fluids probably account for the extensive retrograde hydration observed in the aureole.  相似文献   

The comment of Green et al. debates the interpretation of the temperature of the H2O-saturated peridotite solidus and presence of silicate melt in the experiments of Till et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 163:669–688, 2012) at <1,000?°C. The criticisms presented in their comment do not invalidate any of the most compelling observations of Till et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 163:669–688, 2012) as discussed in the following response, including the changing minor element and Mg# composition of the solid phases with increasing temperature in our experiments with 14.5?wt% H2O at 3.2?GPa, as well as the results of our chlorite peridotite melting experiments with 0.7?wt% H2O. The point remains that Till et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 163:669–688, 2012) present data that call into question the H2O-saturated peridotite solidus temperature preferred by Green (Tectonophysics 13(1–4):47–71, 1972; Earth Planet Sci Lett 19(1):37–53, 1973; Can Miner 14:255–268, 1976); Millhollen et al. (J Geol 82(5):575–587, 1974); Mengel and Green (Stability of amphibole and phlogopite in metasomatized peridotite under water-saturated and water-undersaturated conditions, Geological Society of Australia Special Publication, Blackwell, pp 571-581, 1989); Wallace and Green (Mineral Petrol 44:1–19, 1991) and Green et al. (Nature 467(7314):448–451, 2010).  相似文献   

Seven phases of deformation are recognised in Dalradian metasediments within the NW aureole of the Main Donegal Granite. Major NW facing F2 folds (the Aghla Anticline and Errigal Syncline) refold an originally NW facing slaty cleavage, which is usually parallel to bedding. D3 structures cross-cut the major F2 folds and verge and face to the SE on their normal limbs. A fourth phase of deformation intensifies towards the granite contact and is shown to be broadly coeval with intrusion and responsible for a major structure in the aureole. Three later phases are variably developed throughout the aureole. The kinematics of F4 folds in relation to the granite intrusion are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Porphyroblastic schists in the thermal aureole of the Victor Harbor Granite at Petrel Cove, in the southern Adelaide Fold Belt, South Australia, preserve a record of sequential cordierite, andalusite, staurolite, fibrolite, chlorite and muscovite growth (along with biotite+plagioclase+quartz+ilmenite) during progressive deformation. A P–T pseudo‐section appropriate to biotite‐saturated assemblages in KFMASH shows that the sequence of mineral reactions records increasing pressure of at least 1 kbar (from c. 3 to c. 4 kbar) during cooling from around 580 °C. Heating at pressures below c. 3 kbar is inferred for growth of early formed cordierite porphyroblasts, and is attributed in part to the thermal effects of granite emplacement, while the pressure increase is attributed to tectonic burial accruing from ongoing deformation. The ‘anticlockwise’P–T path is consistent with convergent deformation being focussed as a consequence of heating, as to be expected for a lithospheric rheology that is strongly temperature dependent.  相似文献   

The tin‐ and tantalum‐bearing pegmatites of the Bynoe area are located in the western Pine Creek Geosyncline. They are emplaced within psammopelitic rocks in the contact aureole of the Two Sisters Granite. The latter is a Palaeoproterozoic, fractionated, granite with S‐type characteristics and comprises a syn‐ to late‐orogenic, variably foliated, medium‐grained biotite granite and a post‐orogenic, coarse‐grained biotite‐muscovite granite. The pegmatites comprise a border zone of fine grained muscovite + quartz followed inward by a wall zone of coarse grained muscovite + quartz which is in turn followed by an intermediate zone of quartz + feldspar + muscovite. A core zone of massive quartz is present in some occurrences. Feldspars in the intermediate zone are almost completely altered to kaolinite. This zone contains the bulk of cassiterite, tantalite and columbite mineralization. Fluid inclusions in pegmatitic quartz indicate that early Type A (CO2 + H2O ± CH4) inclusions were trapped at the H2O‐CO2 solvus at P~100 MPa, T~300°C (range 240–328°C) and salinity ~6 wt% eq NaCl. Pressure‐salinity corrected temperatures on Type B (H2O + ~20% vapour), C (H2O + < 15% vapour) and D (H2O + halite + vapour) inclusions also fall within the range of Type A inclusions. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope data show that kaolin was either formed in isotopic equilibrium with meteoric waters or subsequent to its formation, from hydrothermal fluid, underwent isotopic exchange with meteoric waters. Fluid inclusion waters from core zone quartz show enrichment in deuterium suggesting metamorphic influence. Isotope values on muscovite are consistent with a magmatic origin. It is suggested that the pegmatites were derived from the post‐orogenic phase of the Two Sisters Granite. Precipitation of cassiterite took place at about 300°C from an aqueous fluid largely as a result of increase in pH due to feldspar alteration.  相似文献   

The Ross of Mull pluton consists of granites and granodioritesand intrudes sediments previously metamorphosed at amphibolitefacies. The high grade and coarse grain size of the protolithis responsible for a high degree of disequilibrium in many partsof the aureole and for some unusual textures. A band of metapelitecontained coarse garnet, biotite and kyanite prior to intrusion,and developed a sequence of textures towards the pluton. InZone I, garnet is rimmed by cordierite and new biotite. In ZoneII, coarse kyanite grains are partly replaced by andalusite,indicating incomplete reaction. Coronas of cordierite + muscovitearound kyanite are due to reaction with biotite. In the higher-gradeparts of this zone there is complete replacement of kyaniteand/or andalusite by muscovite and cordierite. Cordierite chemistryindicates that in Zone II the stable AFM assemblage (not attained)would have been cordierite + biotite + muscovite, without andalusite.The observed andalusite is therefore metastable. Garnet is unstablein Zone II, with regional garnets breaking down to cordierite,new biotite and plagioclase. In Zone III this breakdown is welladvanced, and this zone marks the appearance of fibrolite andK-feldspar in the groundmass as a result of muscovite breakdown.Zone IV shows garnet with cordierite, biotite, sillimanite,K-feldspar and quartz. Some garnets are armoured by cordieriteand are inferred to be relics. Others are euhedral with Mn-richcores. For these, the reaction biotite + sillimanite + quartz garnet + cordierite + K-feldspar + melt is inferred. Usinga petrogenetic grid based on the work of Pattison and Harte,pressure is estimated at 3·2 kbar, and temperature atthe Zone II–III boundary at 650°C and in Zone IV asat least 750°C. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; disequilibrium  相似文献   

The Wyangala Batholith, in the Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales, is pre‐tectonic with respect to the deformation that caused the foliation in the granite, and was emplaced during a major thermal event, perhaps associated with dextral shearing, during the Late Silurian to Early Devonian Bowning Orogeny. This followed the first episode of folding in the enclosing Ordovician country rocks. Intrusion was facilitated by upward displacement of fault blocks, with local stoping. Weak magmatic flow fabrics are present. After crystallization of the granite, a swarm of mafic dykes intruded both the granite and country rock, possibly being derived from the same tectonic regime responsible for emplacement of the Wyangala Batholith. A contact aureole surrounding the granite contains cordierite‐biotite and cordierite‐andalusite assemblages. Slaty cleavage produced in the first deformation was largely obliterated by recrystallization in the contact aureole.

Postdating granite emplacement and basic dyke intrusion, a second regional deformation was accompanied by regional metamorphism ranging from lower greenschist to albite‐epidote‐amphibolite facies, and produced tectonic foliations, termed S and C, in the granite, and a foliation, S2, in the country rocks. Contact metamorphic rocks underwent retrogressive regional metamorphism at this time. S formed under east‐west shortening and vertical extension, concurrently with S2. C surfaces probably formed concurrently with S and indicate reverse fault motion on west‐dipping ductile shear surfaces. The second deformation may be related to Devonian or Early Carboniferous movement on the Copperhannia Thrust east of the Wyangala Batholith.  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility anisotropy technique was applied to 50 sites, comprising 280 core samples from the Shap Granite and the surrounding country rocks from both within and outside the thermal aureole. The magnetic fabrics of individual cores from the granite pluton indicate preferred orientations of non-equi-dimensional magnetite grains. This fabric developed during the slow ascent and consequent cooling of the magma. The sites from the metamorphic rocks from the immediate contact with the Shap Granite show weak axial shortening directions which are subnormal to the granite contact. Core samples from the surrounding Ordovician and Silurian rocks within the thermal metamorphic aureole but further from the granite have oblate magnetic- fabric ellipsoids with subvertical magnetic foliations trending approximately NE-SW, parallel to the regional Caledonian cleavage planes. This suggests that the magnetic fabric observed in the granite is primary with respect to the time of emplacement of the magma, and that this emplacement post-dates the main compressive phase of the Caledonian Orogeny. The effect of the granite on the country rock is mainly thermal metamorphism with mechanical deformation limited to a very narrow strip around the granite.  相似文献   

Contact metamorphism of greenschist facies Neoproterozoic turbidites by the Cretaceous Bugaboo Batholith in southeastern British Columbia has resulted in a well‐developed contact aureole. The aureole is about 1 km wide and can be divided into three main zones: (i) spotted phyllite zone, extending from the first appearance of spots of cordierite or andalusite to the last occurrence of primary chlorite; (ii) cordierite + andalusite + biotite zone, comprising hornfelses or schists with abundant porphyroblasts of cordierite and andalusite and, at higher grades, fibrolitic sillimanite; and (iii) K‐feldspar zone, characterized by hornfelses and schists that, in the inner part of this zone, are variably migmatitic. Four parts of the aureole were examined, three of which are characterized by schists, and one of which (Cobalt Lake area) is characterized by hornfelses and has exceptional exposure and comparatively unaltered rocks. Petrographic, modal, mineral‐compositional and whole rock‐compositional data were collected from the Cobalt Lake transect, allowing the prograde reaction sequence to be inferred. Notable features of the aureole at Cobalt Lake include: initial development of andalusite and plagioclase at the expense of paragonite‐rich white mica; a narrow interval across which cordierite, andalusite and biotite increase markedly at the expense of chlorite; gradual development of andalusite and biotite at the expense of cordierite and muscovite upgrade of chlorite consumption; and near‐simultaneous development of andalusite + K‐feldspar and sillimanite, the latter indicating a pressure of contact metamorphism of ~3 kbar. In other parts of the aureole, the development of sillimanite downgrade of the initial development of K‐feldspar suggests slightly higher pressures of contact metamorphism. Lack of correspondence between the observed sequence of reactions in the aureole and those predicted thermodynamically suggests that modifications to some of the thermodynamic data or activity–composition models may be required. Textural features in the aureole suggest the influence of kinetic factors on metamorphic recrystallization, including: (i) deformation‐catalysed reaction in the schists compared to the hornfelses, as indicated by different mineral‐growth sequences inferred from microstructures, and (ii) heating rate‐controlled recrystallization, as indicated by the decrease in grain size of hornfelses with increasing metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

Determination of the peak thermal condition is vital in order to understand tectono-thermal evolution of the Himalayan belt. The Lesser Himalayan Sequence (LHS) in the Western Arunachal Pradesh, being rich in carbonaceous material (CM), facilitates the determination of peak metamorphic temperature based on Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material (RSCM). In this study, we have used RSCM method of Beyssac et al. (J Metamorph Geol 20:859–871, 2002a) and Rahl et al. (Earth Planet Sci Lett 240:339–354, 2005) to estimate the thermal history of LHS and Siwalik foreland from the western Arunachal Pradesh. The study indicates that the temperature of 700–800 °C in the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) decreases to 650–700 °C in the main central thrust zone (MCTZ) and decreases further to <200 °C in the Mio-Pliocene sequence of Siwaliks. The work demonstrates greater reliability of Rahl et al.’s (Earth Planet Sci Lett 240:339–354, 2005) RSCM method for temperatures >600 and <340 °C. We show that the higher and lower zones of Bomdila Gneiss (BG) experienced temperature of ~600 °C and exhumed at different stages along the Bomdila Thrust (BT) and Upper Main Boundary Thrust (U.MBT). Pyrolysis analysis of the CM together with the Fission Track ages from upper Siwaliks corroborates the RSCM thermometry estimate of ~240 °C. The results indicate that the Permian sequence north of Lower MBT was deposited at greater depths (>12 km) than the upper Siwalik sediments to its south at depths <8 km before they were exhumed. The 40Ar/39Ar ages suggest that the upper zones of Se La evolved ~13–15 Ma. The middle zone exhumed at ~11 Ma and lower zone close to ~8 Ma indicating erosional unroofing of the MCT sheet. The footwall of MCTZ cooled between 6 and 8 Ma. Analyses of PT path imply that LHS between MCT and U.MBT zone falls within the kyanite stability field with near isobaric condition. At higher structural level, the temperatures increase gradually with PT conditions in the sillimanite stability field. The near isothermal (700–800 °C) condition in the GHS, isobaric condition in the MCTZ together with Tt path evidence of GHS that experienced relatively longer duration of near peak temperatures and rapid cooling towards MCTZ, compares the evolution of GHS and inverted metamorphic gradient closely to channel flow predictions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bereits vor der Intrusion des Leuchtenberger Granits waren seine Rahmen-gesteine unter den Bedingungen der Amphibolit-Fazies regionalmetamorph eingeformt worden, wobei sich folgende Paragenesen bildeten: Muscovit + Biotit + Granat ± Sillimanit ± Staurolith (+ Quarz + Plagioklas) Muscovit + Biotit ± Kalifeldspat (+ Quarz + Plagioklas).Die Kontaktmetamorphose führt in den äußeren Bereichen der Aureole zur Paragenese Muscovit + Andalusit + Cordierit + Biotit (+ Quarz + Plagioklas), die der Hornblende-Hornfels-Fazies entspricht.In der inneren Kontaktzone werden die p-t-Bedingungen einer höhergradierten Hornfelsfazies erreicht, die sich in der Paragenese ± Kalifeldspat + Sillimanit + Cordierit ± Almandin + Biotit (+ Quarz + Plagioklas) dokumentiert.Die zonale Anordnung der Mineral-Paragenesen im Kontakthof läßt sich durch quantitative Verbreitungskarten anschaulich machen (150 Modalanalysen aus 59 Fundpunkten). Phasenbeziehungen und Mineralreaktionen werden anhand von AKF- und AFM-Diagrammen diskutiert, für deren Aufstellung 19 Mineralanalysen neu ausgeführt wurden.Durch den Vergleich mit derzeit verfügbaren experimentellen Unterlagen lassen sich die p-t-Bedingungen im Steinacher Kontakthof abschätzen. Danach ist ein Druckbereich von 1,5–3 kbar am wahrscheinlichsten. Mit der Bildung der höchst-gradierten Hornfelse waren 550° C sicher überschritten, während nach dem Jaeger-Modell 700° C als alleroberste Temperaturgrenze anzusehen ist. In der innersten Kontaktzone muß man mit geringen O2-Partialdrucken rechnen.
The gneiss-hornfelses of Steinach, Oberpfalz (Bavaria)
The southern margin of the Leuchtenberg granite massive is surrounded by a thermal aureole in which banded gneisses and mica schists have been transformed into hornfelses containing andalusite, sillimanite, cordierite, and almandine.Before the intrusion of the granite, the country rocks had undergone regional metamorphism to give mineral assemblages typical of the amphibolite facies: Muscovite + biotite ± K-feldspar + quartz + plagioclase in the banded gneisses and muscovite + biotite + garnet ± sillimanite ± staurolite + quartz + plagioclase in the mica schists.In the outer zone of the aureole, contact metamorphism produced the assemblage: Muscovite + andalusite + cordierite + biotite + quartz + plagioclase, corresponding to the hornblende-hornfels facies.In the inner zone of the aureole, increasing temperatures yielded the high grade assemblages: K-feldspar + sillimanite + cordierite ± almandine + biotite + quartz + plagioclase sillimanite + cordierite ± almandine + biotite + quartz + plagioclase.The zonal arrangement of the mineral assemblages within the Steinach aureole is shown in quantitative distribution maps of andalusite, contact-metamorphic sillimanite, cordierite, and contact-metamorphic garnet respectively, based on 150 modal analyses (from 59 points, Fig. 1). Andalusite (Fig. 10) reaches its maximum at about 200–400 m from the granite border and, toward it, is more and more substituted by sillimanite (Fig. 11). On the other hand, contact metamorphic sillimanite goes to the outer zone of the aureole almost as far as andalusite. This means that the sillimanite isograd passed across the andalusite zone during the contact metamorphism. Cordierite (Fig. 12) shows a constant increase from the margin to the innermost zone of the aureole, as does contact metamorphic garnet (Fig. 13). Phase relations and mineral reactions are discussed in terms of AKP- and APM-diagrams (Figs. 14, 15, 17, 18) based on 19 new mineral analyses (Tables 5–9).With respect to the experimental data so far available, possible P-T-conditions within the Steinach aureole have been discussed. The transition from the low to the high grade assemblages took place very near to the cross-over point of the andalusite/sillimanite equilibrium curve and the breakdown curve of muscovite + quartz in the P-T-diagram (Figs. 16, 19).This gives a minimum H2O-pressure of 1 kbar. In the innermost contact zone, temperatures must have exceeded 550° C, which is in good agreement with recent oxygen-isotope data as well as with Jaeger's model. As is shown by the ore mineral assemblages, studied in polished sections (Table 10), the oxygen activity in the high grade hornfelses was low.

Prof. S. Matthes (Würzburg) möchte ich für das lebhafte, fördernde Interesse an dieser Arbeit sowie für die Überlassung von Proben und von Geräten der DFG meinen herz-lichen Dank aussprechen. Wesentlichen Anteil am Gelingen dieser Untersuchung hat auch Prof. B. W. Evans, dem ich für die freundschaftliche Aufnahme in Berkeley, für die ständige Bereitschaft zur Diskussion und für wertvolle Anregungen zu großem Dank verpflichtet bin. Weiter danke ich Prof. W. Schreyer (Bochum) und Prof. F. J. Turner (Berkeley) für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskripts sowie Mr. L. K. Burns (Berkeley), Dr. A. Peters und Dr. P. Richter (Würzburg) für wichtige Hinweise bei der Analytik. Die Untersuchungen an der Mikrosonde in Berkeley wurden durch ein Stipendium der Deutschen Forschungs-gemeinschaft ermöglicht; das Gerät stand durch die Unterstützung der National Science Foundation (grant GA 500) zur Verfügung. Beiden Organisationen sei für ihre Hilfe gedankt.

Textlich gekürzte, aber um neue Untersuchungsergebnisse erweiterte Fassung einer Habilitationsschrift, angenommen im Januar 1968 von der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Würzburg.  相似文献   

This study provides new structural data that show that the Adaminaby Group is part of the Narooma accretionary complex and has been overprinted by HT/LP metamorphism associated with Middle Devonian Moruya Suite intrusions. The grade of metamorphism based on Kübler Indices is the same in the Wagonga and Adaminaby Groups at Batemans Bay inferring that these rocks were involved in the same accretionary event. White micas in slates of the Adaminaby Group record apparent K–Ar ages of 384.6 ± 7.9 Ma and 395.8 ± 8.1 Ma. These ages are believed to represent the age of Middle to Upper Devonian Buckenbowra Granodiorite. Kübler Index values indicate lower epizonal (greenschist facies) metamorphic conditions and are not influenced by heating in metamorphic aureoles of the plutons. All b cell lattice parameter values are characteristic of intermediate pressure facies conditions although they are lower in the metamorphic aureole of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite than in the country rock, defining two areas with dissimilar baric conditions. East of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite, b cell lattice parameter values outside the contact aureole (x = 9.033 Å; n = 8) indicate P = 4 kb, and assuming a temperature of 300°C, infer a depth of burial of approximately 15 km for these rocks with a geothermal gradient of 20°C/km. In the metamorphic aureole of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite, b cell lattice parameter values (x = 9.021 Å; n = 41) indicate P = 3.1 kb inferring exhumation of the Adaminaby Group rocks to a depth of approximately 11 km prior to intrusion. A geothermal gradient of 36°C/km operated in the aureole during intrusion. An extensional back-arc environment prevailed in the Adaminaby Group during the Middle to Upper Devonian.  相似文献   

Bateman  R. 《Mineralium Deposita》1985,20(3):154-158
Diapiric intrusion of the Cannibal Creek Granite into the metasediments of the Palaeozoic Hodgkinson Province, Queensland, formed a distinct and discrete set of aureole structures. The intensity of the aureole deformation increases towards the contact, and consists of a set of crenulations with mesoscopic folds, and a schistose cleavage within 500 m of the contact. The foliations in general parallel the intrusive contact, and are continuous with a foliation in the granite. Tin and tungsten mineralization is associated with this diapir. Mined at present as alluvials, the tin was probably originally derived from veins above cupolas of the pluton. Recognition of the structures formed by the intrusion of this diapiric granitoid can be useful in exploration. Assuming that aureole foliations are parallel to the contact in section, flat-lying foliations will indicate the location of the crestal region of a subsurface diapir. Careful mapping of aureole structures can identify areas where tin-tungsten mineralization is most likely to be found.  相似文献   


The Barry Granodiorite is a weakly deformed I‐type, and the Sunset Hills Granite is a moderately deformed S‐type, granite. Both granites were passively intruded into an already foliated greywacke and volcanic sequence. Emplacement may have been facilitated by faults related to the oblique opening of the late Early Silurian Hill End Trough. The granites display a dominant foliation which formed during the late Middle Devonian and subsequently was reoriented during the Early Carboniferous. The Barry Granodiorite and Sunset Hills Granite are on the margin of north‐south ductile shear zones related to the Wyangala Batholith. These granites and the adjacent Carcoar Granodiorite have undergone reorientation during movement on ductile shear zones either due to megakinking during late‐stage north‐south shortening, or southeastward movement of the southern margin of the west‐northwest‐trending Lachlan Transverse Zone.  相似文献   

The Sharang porphyry Mo deposit is the first discovered Mo porphyry‐type deposit in the Gangdese Metallogenic Belt. The orebody is hosted by the Eocene multi‐stage composite intrusive complex which is emplaced in the Upper Permian Mengla Formation and cut by the Miocene dykes. Granite porphyry is recognized as the ore‐bearing porphyry in the complex, which consists of quartz diorite, quartz monzonite, granite, prophyritic granite and post‐mineral lamprophyre. Granodiorite porphyry and dacite porphyry intrude the granite porphyry. Geochemical data indicate that Sharang complex has a High‐K calc‐alkalinc to shoshonitic, metaluminous to slightly peraluminous composition. The Sharang complex rocks are enriched in large ion lithophile elements, depleted in high‐field strength elements, Nb, Sr, P and Ti. REE patterns show slight enrichments in light REE relative to heavy REE and weak negative Eu anomalies. All rocks in this complex have a wide range of initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.705605~0.712496) and lower εNd(t) values (?0.61~?7.80). The geochemical data suggest highly oxidized‐evolved magma and old continental materials may have been the magma source for the Sharang intrusive complex that host porphyry Mo mineralization. Eocene pre‐ore and ore‐forming rocks at Sharang may have formed by partial melting of mantle wedge and by mixing with old continental crust at the lower crust level. In contrast the post‐ore rocks may have formed by partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

A Devonian granite complex intrudes Precambrian and Silurian siltstones and sandstones as well as (?) Cambrian volcanics and dunite.

Metamorphism of the Precambrian sediments is slight, and an andalusite‐bearing, pelitic hornfels is the only characteristic assemblage. The (?) Cambrian volcanics give rise to a variety of assemblages; (1) lime‐ and ferromagnesia‐rich (hypersthene — cummingtonite — labradorite; diopside — hornblende — labradorite); (2) magnesia‐rich (cordierite — hypersthene; cordierite — anthophyllite); (3) ultrabasic (olivine and/or pleonaste). Biotite (or phlogopite) is an almost invariable component, and garnet may also be present in these groups.

No significant metamorphism of the dunite is evident; minor development of veins and segregrations of aragonite, magnetite, phlogopite, brucite, chalcedony and antigorite may result from low‐grade hydrothermal activity Metamorphic assemblages in calcareous Silurian siltstones contain garnet, diopside, calcite and epidote.

A characteristic feature of the contact metamorphic aureole is the occurrence of diopside‐rich bodies in granite, volcanic hornfels, quartzite and dunite host rocks.  相似文献   

Phenocryst assemblages of lavas from the long-lived Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster (AVC) have been probed to assess pressure and temperature conditions of pre-eruptive arc magmas. Andesite to dacite lavas of the AVC erupted throughout an 11-million-year, arc magmatic cycle in the central Andes in northern Chile. Phases targeted for thermobarometry include amphibole, plagioclase, pyroxenes, and Fe–Ti oxides. Overall, crystallization is documented over 1–7.5 kbar (~25 km) of pressure and ~680–1,110 °C of temperature. Pressure estimates range from ~1 to 5 kbar for amphiboles and from ~3 to 7.5 kbar for pyroxenes. Pyroxene temperatures are tightly clustered from ~1,000–1,100 °C, Fe–Ti oxide temperatures range from ~750–1,000 °C, and amphibole temperatures range from ~780–1,050 °C. Although slightly higher, these temperatures correspond well with previously published zircon temperatures ranging from ~670–900 °C. Two different Fe–Ti oxide thermometers (Andersen and Lindsley 1985; Ghiorso and Evans 2008) are compared and agree well. We also compare amphibole and amphibole–plagioclase thermobarometers (Ridolfi et al. 2010; Holland and Blundy 1994; Anderson and Smith 1995), the solutions from which do not agree well. In samples where we employ multiple thermometers, pyroxene temperature estimates are always highest, zircon temperature estimates are lowest, and Fe–Ti oxide and amphibole temperature estimates fall in between. Maximum Fe–Ti oxide and zircon temperatures are observed during the middle stage of AVC activity (~5–3 Ma), a time associated with increased eruption rates. Amphibole temperatures during this time are relatively restricted (~850–1,000 °C). The crystal record presented here offers a time-transgressive view of an evolving, multi-tiered subvolcanic reservoir. Some crystals in AVC lavas are likely to be true phenocrysts, but the diversity of crystallization temperatures and pressures recorded by phases in individual AVC lavas suggests erupting magma extensively reams and accumulates crystals from disparate levels of the middle to upper crust.  相似文献   

An existing model for the temporal and genetic relationships between the Kidston gold-bearing Breccia Pipe and the nearby Lochaber Ring Dyke Complex has been evaluated using in situ U–Pb and Hf-isotope analyses of zircon grains. The Oak River Granodiorite, the host rock to the Kidston Breccia Pipe, has 1,551?±?6 Ma old zircon cores overgrown by 417.7?±?2.2 Ma rims. The Black Cap Diorite and Lochaber Granite within the Lochaber Ring Dyke Complex have crystallisation ages of 350.7?±?1.3 and 337.9?±?2.6 Ma respectively. The gold-rich Median Dyke within the Kidston Breccia Pipe has a crystallisation age of 335.7?±?4.2 Ma, and thus is temporally related to the Lochaber Granite. However, zircon grains from the Median Dyke have less radiogenic Hf-isotope compositions (? Hf from ?7.8 to ?15.8) than those from the Black Cap Diorite ?Hf?=?0.4 to ?7.2) and the Lochaber Granite (? Hf?=??1.0 to ?7.5), but within the range defined by zircons from the Oak River Granodiorite ? Hf?=??8.0 to ?29.2). The Hf-isotope data thus rule out the proposed fractional crystallisation relationship between the Kidston gold-bearing rocks and the Lochaber Ring Dyke Complex. The Kidston Median Dyke may have been produced by mixing between Lochaber Granite magmas and magmas derived by remelting of the Oak River Granodiorite, which was itself derived from Proterozoic crust. There is no evidence for a juvenile component in the Lochaber Ring Dyke Complex or the Median Dyke. The gold enrichment in the Kidston rocks thus may reflect the multi-stage reworking of the Proterozoic crust, which ultimately produced the Carboniferous felsic magmas.  相似文献   

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