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Carlos M. Ordens Vincent E. A. Post Adrian D. Werner John L. Hutson 《Hydrogeology Journal》2014,22(4):795-805
Model conceptualisation is a key source of uncertainty in one-dimensional recharge modelling. The effects of different conceptualisations on transient recharge predictions for the semi-arid Uley South Basin, South Australia, were investigated. One-dimensional unsaturated zone modelling was used to quantify the effect of variations of (1) lithological complexity of the unsaturated zone, and (2) representation of preferential flow pathways. The simulations considered ranges of water-table depths, vegetation characteristics, and top soil thicknesses representative for the study area. Complex lithological profiles were more sensitive to the selected vegetation characteristics and water-table depth. Scenarios considering runoff infiltration into, and preferential flow through sinkholes resulted in higher and faster recharge rates. A comparison of modelled and field-based recharge estimates indicated that: (1) the model simulated plausible recharge rates, (2) only the models with preferential flow correctly reproduced the timing of recharge, and (3) preferential flow is probably redistributed in the unsaturated zone rather than passing to the water table directly. Because different but equally plausible conceptual models produce widely varying recharge rates, field-based recharge estimates are essential to constrain the modelling results. 相似文献
Groundwater recharge in a sedimentary basin in semi-arid Mexico 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
Recharge mechanisms and the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater in a semi-arid, 6,840-km2, intermountain basin in central Mexico were investigated using stable isotopes and major chemical constituents. Ionic ratio analysis helped to conceptualize and quantify in part the subsequent geochemical evolution in the aquifer system. Mass balance models (PHREEQC) were used to interpret and rectify the geochemical properties of the aquifer. The recharge conditions have not changed noticeably during the last several thousands of years. The recharge mechanisms are accompanied by leaching of meteoric salts on and near the ground surface during major rain events, which previously accumulated after minor rain events. Rapid and diffuse infiltration can be excluded. Indirect infiltration from wadis (arroyos) and depressions (playas) with little mixing in shallow groundwater contrasts with a high degree of mixing for water with deep circulation. The prevailing source of major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) is weathering of carbonates and albite, followed by exchange reactions on clays and hydroxides. Ca2+/Na+ exchange may interchange along the flow path with reverse (Na+/Ca2+) exchange, although the Ca2+/Na+ option is prevalent. Meteoric Ca and Mg inputs are relatively small; however, meteoric Na is insignificant. Irrigation return flow plays an important role in the western part of the study area, giving rise to elevated sulfate and chloride concentrations.
Resumen Se han investigado los mecanismos de recarga y la evolución hidroquímica de las aguas subterráneas en una cuenca semiárida e intermontanosa de México central, de 6.840 km2. Para ello, se han utilizado isótopos estables y los constituyentes químicos mayores. El análisis de las relaciones iónicas ha servido para conceptuar y cuantificar en parte su evolución geoquímica posterior dentro del sistema acuífero. Se ha recurrido a modelos de balance de masas (PHREEQC) para interpretar y rectificar las propiedades geoquímicas del acuífero. Las condiciones de recarga no han cambiado de forma apreciable durante los últimos miles de años. Los mecanismos de recarga se ven acompañados por el lixiviado de las sales meteóricas sobre y cerca de la superficie del terreno durante los episodios principales de lluvia, las cuales son acumuladas en episodios menores de lluvia. Se puede excluir la infiltración rápida y difusa. La infiltración indirecta desde arroyos ( wadis) y depresiones ( playas), que apenas se mezcla con las aguas subterráneas someras, contrasta con un elevado nivel de mezcla con el agua de circulación profunda. La fuente dominante de cationes mayores (calcio, magnesio, sodio, potasio) es la meteorización de los carbonatos y albita, mientras que las reacciones de intercambio en las arcillas e hidróxidos son menos importantes. El intercambio ión calcio-ión sodio puede ser reemplazado a lo largo de una línea de flujo por el intercambio opuesto (ión sodio-ión calcio), aunque la primera es prioritaria. Las aportaciones meteóricas de calcio y magnesio son relativamente pequeñas, mientras que la de sodio es insignificante. Los retornos de riego desempeñan un papel importante en la parte occidental del área de estudio, dando lugar a concentraciones elevadas de sulfato y cloruro.
Résumé Les mécanismes de recharge et lévolution hydrochimique de leau souterraine dans un bassin de montagne de 6 840 km2 en zone semi-aride, dans le centre du Mexique, ont été étudiés au moyen des isotopes stables et des composés chimiques majeurs. Lanalyse des rapports ioniques a aidé à conceptualiser et à quantifier en partie lévolution géochimique qui en résulte, dans le système aquifère. Des modèles de bilan de masse (PHREEQC) ont été utilisés pour interpréter et corriger les propriétés de laquifère. Les conditions de recharge nont pas changé notablement au cours des derniers millénaires. Les mécanismes de recharge sont accompagnés, durant les épisodes majeurs de précipitation, dun lessivage, à la surface du sol et à son voisinage, de sels météoriques accumulés auparavant pendant les petits épisodes de pluie. Linfiltration rapide et diffuse peut être exclue. Linfiltration indirecte à partir des oueds (arroyos) et des dépressions (playas) avec un faible mélange dans la nappe superficielle contraste avec le degré élevé de mélange de leau avec les circulations profondes. La source prépondérante des cations majeurs (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) est laltération des carbonates et des feldspaths ; léchange de cations avec les argiles et les hydroxydes est moins important. Léchange de Ca2+ avec Na+ peut sinverser le long des axes découlements pour donner un échange de Na+ avec Ca2+, bien que le cas Ca2+/Na+ soit prépondérant. Les apports météoriques de Ca et de Mg sont relativement faibles, cependant que celui de Na météorique est insignifiant. Lécoulement par retour dirrigation joue un rôle important dans la partie occidentale de la région étudiée, produisant un accroissement des concentrations élevées en sulfate et en chlorure.相似文献
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(6):441-450
In humid subtropical regions, baseflow is mainly governed by aquifer discharges and this dynamic is fed by groundwater recharge. To better comprehend the watershed groundwater recharge using a large-scale approach, two watersheds located over the Serra Geral Aquifer System (Southern South America) were studied. Three different groundwater recharge methods were utilized to study the baseflow: a simplified water budget, a hydrograph separation using the Eckhardt filter with different ways of obtaining the BFImax parameter, and the MGB–IPH hydrological model, which is unprecedented in being used for this purpose. These methods showed a general mutual convergence, where recharge magnitude remained similar in most methods. The MGB–IPH model proved to be a useful tool for understanding the occurrence of groundwater recharge. Uncertainties associated with the representativity of interflow demonstrated by hydrograph separation and shown in the model may indicate that the groundwater recharge estimate could be lower than those obtained considering hydrograph numerical filters. 相似文献
Marios Sophocleous 《Hydrogeology Journal》2005,13(2):351-365
Sustainable use of groundwater must ensure not only that the future resource is not threatened by overuse, but also that natural environments that depend on the resource, such as stream baseflows, riparian vegetation, aquatic ecosystems, and wetlands are protected. To properly manage groundwater resources, accurate information about the inputs (recharge) and outputs (pumpage and natural discharge) within each groundwater basin is needed so that the long-term behavior of the aquifer and its sustainable yield can be estimated or reassessed. As a first step towards this effort, this work highlights some key groundwater recharge studies in the Kansas High Plains at different scales, such as regional soil-water budget and groundwater modeling studies, county-scale groundwater recharge studies, as well as field-experimental local studies, including some original new findings, with an emphasis on assumptions and limitations as well as on environmental factors affecting recharge processes. The general impact of irrigation and cultivation on recharge is to appreciably increase the amount of recharge, and in many cases to exceed precipitation as the predominant source of recharge. The imbalance between the water input (recharge) to the High Plains aquifer and the output (pumpage and stream baseflows primarily) is shown to be severe, and responses to stabilize the system by reducing water use, increasing irrigation efficiency, adopting water-saving land-use practices, and other measures are outlined. Finally, the basic steps necessary to move towards sustainable use of groundwater in the High Plains are delineated, such as improving the knowledge base, reporting and providing access to information, furthering public education, as well as promoting better understanding of the publics attitudinal motivations; adopting the ecosystem and adaptive management approaches to managing groundwater; further improving water efficiency; exploiting the full potential of dryland and biosaline agriculture; and adopting a goal of long-term sustainable use.
Resumen El uso sostenible de aguas subterráneas debe garantizar tanto que el recurso futuro no esté amenazado por sobreutilización como que los ambientes naturales dependientes del recurso sean protegidos (ie el flujo base de los arroyos, la vegetación ripariana, los ecosistemas acuáticos y los pantanos). El manejo adecuado de los recursos de aguas subterráneas requiere información precisa con respecto a los influjos (recarga) y descargas (bombeo y descarga natural) en cada cuenca de aguas subterráneas de tal manera que se pueda estimar o reevaluar el comportamiento de largo plazo del acuífero y su tasa de sotenibilidad. En un primer paso hacia esta meta, este trabajo destaca algunos estudios claves de recarga de aguas subterráneas en las llanuras altas de Kansas. Dichos estudios se concentran en diferentes escalas: estudios regionales del presupuesto para aguas del suelo y modelos de aguas subterráneas, estudios de recarga de aguas subterráneas a nivel provincial y estudios locales experimentales de terrenos que incluyen algunos interesantes descubrimientos nuevos. Estas investigaciones comparten el énfasis en los presupuestos de partida y las limitaciones así como en los factores ambientales que afectan los procesos de recarga. El impacto general de las irrigaciones y cultivos sobre la recarga es un obvio incremento en el monto de recarga y en muchos casos excede a la precipitación como la fuente principal de recarga. Se puede observar que el desequilibrio entre el influjo de agua (recarga) del acuífero de las llanuras altas y la descarga (bombeo y flujos base de los arroyos principalmente) es severo. Asimismo, se describen las respuestas para estabilizar el sistema a través de la reducción del uso de agua por medio del incremento de la eficiencia de las irrigaciones y de la adopción de las prácticas de ahorro de agua y del uso de tierras así como otras medidas adicionales. Finalmente se describen los pasos básicos necesarios para evolucionar hacia el uso sostenible de las aguas subterráneas en las llanuras altas de Kansas. Estos pasos están constituidos por una mejora del conocimiento base, comunicar y proporcionar fácil acceso a la información, mejorar el conocimiento público general así como promover un mejor entendimiento de las motivaciones para las actitudes de la comunidad, adoptar los enfoques administrativos de ecosistemas y administración adaptable en el manejo de las aguas subterráneas, continuar las mejoras del uso eficiente del agua, explotar el potencial de la agricultura de terrenos áridos y biosalina y adoptar como meta el uso sostenible a largo plazo.
Résumé Lutilisation durable de leau souterraine doit permettre non seulement que la pérennité de leau ne soit pas menacée, mais aussi que les environnements naturels qui dépendent de cette ressource, tels que la végétation riveraine, les écosystemes aquatiques et les milieux humides, soient protégés. Afin dassurer une gestion appropriée des ressources en eau souterraine, une information précise concernant les entrées (recharge) et les sorties (décharge naturelle et pompage) deau dans chacun des bassins est nécessaire afin que le comportement à long terme de laquifère et le taux de pompage durable puissent être estimés. En guise dinitiative, ce travail illustre certaines études clé concernant la recharge de leau souterraine à plusieurs échelles dans les hautes plaines du Kansas. Ces études comprennent le bilan sol-eau et la modélisation numérique à léchelle régionale, létude de la recharge des nappes souterraines à léchelle du comté, des études expérimentales à petite échelle et certaines découvertes originales. Lors de la présentation de ces études, lemphase est portée sur les hypothèses et limitations ainsi que sur les facteurs environmentaux qui affectent les processus de recharge. En général, les effets de lirrigation et de lagriculture sur la recharge sont daugmenter considérablement le taux de recharge, et dans plusieurs cas, dexcéder les précipitations comme principale source de recharge. Le déséquilibre entre les intrants deau (recharge) et entrants (pompage et écoulement de base dans les rivières) dans laquifère des hautes plaines est très important. Les résultats des efforts de stabilisation du système aquifère en diminuant lutilisation deau, en améliorant lefficacité des techniques dirrigation, en adoptant des pratiques dutilisation du territoire qui réduisent lutilisation deau et en adoptant certaines autres mesures sont présentés. Enfin, les étapes de base nécessaires afin datteindre une utilisation durable de leau souterraine dans les hautes plaines sontexposées. Elles comprennent lamélioration des connaissance de base, lapromotion dune meilleure compréhension de la motivation et de lattitudedu public, ladoption dune approche de gestion de leau souterraineadaptable et basée sur les écosystèmes, lamélioration de lefficacitédutilisation de leau, lexploitation du plein potentiel de lagriculturebiosaline et en milieu aride, et ladoption dun objectif pourlutilisation durable à long terme.相似文献
Groundwater recharge and evolution in the Quaternary aquifer beneath the Dunhuang Basin was investigated using chemical indicators, stable isotopes, and radiocarbon data to provide guidance for regional water management. The quality of groundwater and surface water is generally good with low salinity and it is unpolluted. The dissolution of halite and sylvite from fine-grained sediments controls concentrations of Na+ and K+ in the groundwater, but Na+/Cl− molar ratios >1 in all samples are also indicative of weathering of feldspar contributing to excess Na+. The dissolution of carbonate minerals yields Ca2+ to the groundwater, thereby exerting a strong influence on groundwater salinity. The δ18O and δ2H values in unconfined groundwater are enriched along the groundwater flow path from SW to NE. In contrast, confined groundwater was depleted in heavy isotopes, with mean values of −10.4‰ δ18O and −74.4‰ δ2H. Compared with the precipitation values, all of the groundwater samples were strongly depleted in heavy isotopes, indicating that modern direct recharge to the groundwater aquifers in the plains area is quite limited. The unconfined water is generally young with radiocarbon values of 64.9–79.6 pmc. In the northern basin, radiocarbon content in the confined groundwater is less than 15 pmc and an uncorrected age of ∼15 ka, indicates that this groundwater was recharged during a humid climatic phases of the late Pleistocence or early Holocene. The results have important implications for inter-basin water allocation programmes and groundwater management in the Dunhuang Basin. 相似文献
Molla Demlie Stefan Wohnlich Frank Wisotzky Birhanu Gizaw 《Hydrogeology Journal》2007,15(6):1169-1181
Hydrochemical, multivariate statistical and inverse hydrogeochemical modeling techniques were used to investigate groundwater
recharge, flow and the hydrochemical evolution within the Akaki volcanic aquifer system, central Ethiopia. The hydrochemical
and multivariate statistical techniques are mutually supportive and the extracted information was analyzed together with environmental
isotope data. Results reveal five spatial groundwater zones with defined hydrochemical facies, residence times, stable isotopic
signals and hydrochemical evolution. These zones are designated as the (1) Intoto, (2) central, (3) Filwuha fault, (4) south
zones and (5) a highly polluted sub-sector identified within the central zone. Both the hydrochemical and multivariate statistical
analyses have shown the central sub-sector as being spite of differentially polluted by , Cl− and and its tritium content shows recent recharge. Due to the fact that the main recharge source is precipitation, the hydrochemical
and environmental isotope data clearly indicated that the central and southern sectors are also recharged from domestic waste
water and leakage from water mains and reservoirs. Inverse hydrogeochemical modeling demonstrated reactions of silicate minerals
in a CO2 open system and precipitation of kaolinite, chalcedony, and rare calcite satisfy the observed change in water chemistry from
north to south following the regional flow direction.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Résumé Des techniques relevant de l’hydrochimie, des statistiques multivariées et de la modélisation inverse hydrogéochimique, ont été utilisées dans le cadre de l’étude de la recharge des eaux souterraines, de l’écoulement et de l’évolution hydrochimique dans le système volcanique aquifère d’Akaki au centre de l’Ethiopie. Les techniques hydrochimiques et multivariées se supportent mutuellement et l’information extraite a été analysée avec les données isotopiques environnementales, des temps de résidence, des signaux isotopiques stables et une évolution hydrochimique. Ces zones ont été désignées comme le (1) Intoto, (2) le centre, (3) la faille de Filwuha, (4) les zones sud et (5) un sous-secteur fortement pollué identifié dans la zone centrale. Les analyses statistiques hydrochimiques et multivariées ont montré que le sous-secteur central a été différemment pollué par , Cl− et , tandis que la teneur en tritium montre une recharge récente. Malgré le fait que la principale source de recharge soit les précipitations, les données hydrochimiques et isotopiques indiquent clairement que les secteurs centres et sud sont également rechargés par les eaux usées domestiques et les fuites de réservoirs et canalisations d’eau. La modélisation hydrogéochimique inverse a démontré les réactions des minéraux silicatés dans un système ouvert au CO2, et la précipitation de kaolinite, de calcédoine, et la rareté de la calcite satisfont les changements observés dans la chimie de l’eau du nord vers le sud en suivant la direction régionale de l’écoulement.
Resumen Se utilizaron la hidroquímica y técnicas de modelación hidrogeoquímica inversa y estadística multivariada, para investigar la recarga del agua subterránea, el flujo y la evolución hidroquímica, dentro del sistema acuífero volcánico Akaki, Etiopía Central. La hidroquímica y las técnicas estadísticas multivariadas se complementan entre si y la información así extraída se analizó junto con los datos de isótopos ambientales. Los resultados revelan cinco zonas diferentes de agua subterránea, con facies hidroquímicas, tiempos de residencia, improntas isotópicas estables y una evolución hidroquímica definidas. Estas zonas se designan como (1) Intoto, (2) Central, (3) Falla de Filwuha, (4) las Zonas del sur y (5) un sub-sector altamente contaminado identificado dentro de la zona central. Tanto los análisis estadísticos multivariados como la hidroquímica, han mostrado al sub-sector central como contaminado diferencialmente por , Cl− y y su contenido de tritio muestra una recarga reciente. A pesar del hecho que la fuente principal de recarga es la precipitación, los datos de hidroquímica y de isótopos ambientales indican que los sectores central y del sur, también se recargan a partir de agua doméstica usada y del goteo de las conducciones del acueducto y de sus reservorios. El modelamiento hidrogeoquímico inverso demostró reacciones de minerales silicatados en un sistema de CO2 abierto, y la precipitación de caolinita, calcedonia, y rara vez de calcita, satisfacen el cambio observado en la química de agua del norte a sur, siguiendo la dirección del flujo regional.相似文献
Ibrahimu Chikira Mjemah Marc Van Camp Kristine Martens Kristine Walraevens 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2011,63(3):559-569
Dar-es-Salaam City gets water supply from surface water and groundwater. The groundwater is used to supplement surface water
supply and has increasingly become a major source of water supply in the city. The study area comprises three major parts:
the central coastal plain with quaternary fluvial–deltaic sediments, the deltaic Mio-Pliocene clay-bound sands and gravels
in the northwest and southeast and the Lower Miocene fluviatile sandstones of Pugu Hills in the west of the study area. The
main objective of this study was to quantify the integrated water balance. The major source of renewable groundwater in the
aquifer is rainfall. Hence, the average recharge of 256.2 mm/year (for the year 2006) to the aquifer was estimated using the
balance method of Thornthwaite and Mather, which is equal to 99.4 hm3/year for the whole alluvial aquifer. This value was balanced with total groundwater abstraction of 8.59 hm3/year, baseflow to rivers of 75.7 hm3/year and discharge into the sea (15.11 hm3/year). 相似文献
Russell S. Crosbie James L. McCallum Glen R. Walker Francis H. S. Chiew 《Hydrogeology Journal》2012,20(2):245-261
In semi-arid areas, episodic recharge can form a significant part of overall recharge, dependant upon infrequent rainfall events. With climate change projections suggesting changes in future rainfall magnitude and intensity, groundwater recharge in semi-arid areas is likely to be affected disproportionately by climate change. This study sought to investigate projected changes in episodic recharge in arid areas of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, using three global warming scenarios from 15 different global climate models (GCMs) for a 2030 climate. Two metrics were used to investigate episodic recharge: at the annual scale the coefficient of variation was used, and at the daily scale the proportion of recharge in the highest 1% of daily recharge. The metrics were proportional to each other but were inconclusive as to whether episodic recharge was to increase or decrease in this environment; this is not a surprising result considering the spread in recharge projections from the 45 scenarios. The results showed that the change in the low probability of exceedance rainfall events was a better predictor of the change in total recharge than the change in total rainfall, which has implications for the selection of GCMs used in impact studies and the way GCM results are downscaled. 相似文献
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is a tool available to water-resources managers that assists agencies to secure water supplies and protect aquifers and groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the face of climate change and growing water demand. Yet few natural-resources managers have access to a coordinated set of policies that enable the potential benefits of MAR to be fully realised in urban and rural areas. This paper reviews contemporary Australian water-resource policies and systematically applies a refined set of ‘robust separation of rights’ principles based on secure entitlements, annual allocations and end-use obligations to guide the coordination of policies specific to each of the four operational processes central to MAR schemes: source water harvesting, aquifer recharge, recovery of stored water and end use. Particular attention is given to the formulation of policies relating to the recovery of water, including the feasibility for market exchange of permanent and temporary rights to recover recharged water, as these have the potential to greatly expand the role of MAR. Aquifer characteristics, existing groundwater extractions and potential third party effects need to be taken into account in determining both recovery entitlements and annual allocations. A transitional pathway to implement novel MAR policies is suggested. 相似文献
Andrew J. W. Biggs 《Hydrogeology Journal》2011,19(3):719-726
Salt accessions from artesian and sub-artesian bores have been calculated for the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin (QMDB), Australia, using available water chemistry, licensing data and a number of assumptions. The majority (~90%) of the salt accessions come from sub-artesian bores used for irrigation (including intensive livestock) purposes. Historically, free-flowing artesian bores in the west of the basin have contributed large quantities of salt, but their contributions have declined with capping and piping of these bores. The highest salt yields (t/km2) are in the Condamine catchment, which also contains 70% of the bores in the region. Groundwater salt accessions are considerably less than atmospheric (rainfall) accessions in all catchments except the Condamine. Further expansion of the coal seam gas industry may substantially increase non-cyclic groundwater accessions, further reducing catchment salt export/import ratios. 相似文献
The Kucuk Menderes River Basin in western Turkey has been facing continuous groundwater-level decline for decades. Previous studies have suggested that, to avoid aquifer depletion in the basin, artificial recharge structures should be constructed. To assess artificial aquifer recharge potential in one of the subbasins, a two-dimensional (2-D) groundwater model was set up using SEEP/W software. The material functions and parameters used in the model for both saturated and unsaturated conditions were taken from previous studies. The model has been calibrated under transient conditions. The excess runoff volume that could be collected in the recharge basins was estimated from flood frequency analysis. Various scenarios were simulated to observe the change in groundwater level and storage with respect to different exceedance probabilities. Simulation results suggest that a significant increase in groundwater storage is achieved by applying surface artificial-recharge methods. In addition to the recharge basins, to reinforce the effect of artificial recharge, simulations are repeated with underground dam construction at the downstream side of the basin. Although groundwater storage is increased with the addition of the dam, the increase in groundwater storage was not sufficient to warrant the construction. 相似文献
Modelling climate-change impacts on groundwater recharge in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
Russell S. Crosbie James L. McCallum Glen R. Walker Francis H. S. Chiew 《Hydrogeology Journal》2010,18(7):1639-1656
A methodology is presented for assessing the average changes in groundwater recharge under a future climate. The method is applied to the 1,060,000 km2 Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) in Australia. Climate sequences were developed based upon three scenarios for a 2030 climate relative to a 1990 climate from the outputs of 15 global climate models. Dryland diffuse groundwater recharge was modelled in WAVES using these 45 climate scenarios and fitted to a Pearson Type III probability distribution to condense the 45 scenarios down to three: a wet future, a median future and a dry future. The use of a probability distribution allowed the significance of any change in recharge to be assessed. This study found that for the median future, climate recharge is projected to increase on average by 5% across the MDB but this is not spatially uniform. In the wet and dry future scenarios the recharge is projected to increase by 32% and decrease by 12% on average across the MDB, respectively. The differences between the climate sequences generated by the 15 different global climate models makes it difficult to project the direction of the change in recharge for a 2030 climate, let alone the magnitude. 相似文献
J. A. Dulhunty 《Australian Journal of Earth Sciences》2013,60(3-4):437-442
In late Pleistocene time Lake Dieri (ancestral ‘Greater Lake Eyre') was permanently filled during a wet climatic phase. Towards the close of Pleistocene time the watertable fell, Lake Dieri dried up, and its sediments deflated. Later the watertable rose, establishing ephemeral Lake Eyre in the deflated area, and Holocene sedimentation commenced. At about this time Lake Eyre tilted to the south and three sedimentary environments developed: (1) a saline playa environment without saltcrusts in the northern end of the lake, where water drains away before wholly evaporating; (2) a terminal salina environment in the south end, where evaporation of brines leaves saltcrusts overlying gypseous sediments; and (3) a saline flocculation environment between the playa and salina environments, where sediments are deposited by flocculation when muddy floodwater from the north meets highly saline water of the southern salina. In the northern playa environment, sedimentation is limited to the top of the capillary fringe above the watertable, below which sediments remain moist and protected from aeolian erosion, but above which they dry and blow out of the lake. In the southern salina environment sedimentation has not kept pace with the Holocene rise in watertable. If and when it does reach such a level, downward leaching of salt and deflation of exposed sediments is likely to occur. In the flocculation environment new deposits of clay are added but kept permanently wet by rising groundwater. When flocculated sediment builds too high, its excess is transferrred by surface water into the salina deposits to the south. 相似文献
The Quaternary coastal plain aquifer down gradient of the Wadi Watir catchment is the main source of potable groundwater in the arid region of south Sinai, Egypt. The scarcity of rainfall over the last decade, combined with high groundwater pumping rates, have resulted in water-quality degradation in the main well field and in wells along the coast. Understanding the sources of groundwater salinization and amount of average annual recharge is critical for developing sustainable groundwater management strategies for the long-term prevention of groundwater quality deterioration. A combination of geochemistry, conservative ions (Cl and Br), and isotopic tracers (87/86Sr, δ81Br, δ37Cl), in conjunction with groundwater modeling, is an effective method to assess and manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta aquifers. High groundwater salinity, including high Cl and Br concentrations, is recorded inland in the deep drilled wells located in the main well field and in wells along the coast. The range of Cl/Br ratios for shallow and deep groundwaters in the delta (∼50–97) fall between the end member values of the recharge water that comes from the up gradient watershed, and evaporated seawater of marine origin, which is significantly different than the ratio in modern seawater (228). The 87/86Sr and δ81Br isotopic values were higher in the recharge water (0.70,723 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,894, +0.94 < δ81Br < +1.28‰), and lower in the deep groundwater (0.70,698 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,705, +0.22‰ < δ81Br < +0.41‰). The δ37Cl isotopic values were lower in the recharge water (−0.48 < δ37Cl < −0.06‰) and higher in the deep groundwater (−0.01 < δ37Cl < +0.22‰). The isotopic values of strontium, chloride, and bromide in groundwater from the Wadi Watir delta aquifers indicate that the main groundwater recharge source comes from the up gradient catchment along the main stream channel entering the delta. The solute-weighted mass balance mixing models show that groundwater in the main well field contains 4–10% deep saline groundwater, and groundwater in some wells along the coast contain 2–6% seawater and 18–29% deep saline groundwater.A three-dimensional, variable-density, flow-and-transport SEAWAT model was developed using groundwater isotopes (87Sr/86Sr, δ37Cl and δ81Br) and calibrated using historical records of groundwater level and salinity. δ18O was used to normalize the evaporative effect on shallow groundwater salinity for model calibration. The model shows how groundwater salinity and hydrologic data can be used in SEAWAT to understand recharge mechanisms, estimate groundwater recharge rates, and simulate the upwelling of deep saline groundwater and seawater intrusion. The model indicates that most of the groundwater recharge occurs near the outlet of the main channel. Average annual recharge to delta alluvial aquifers for 1982 to 2009 is estimated to be 2.16 × 106 m3/yr. The main factors that control groundwater salinity are overpumping and recharge availability. 相似文献
Groundwater recharge history and hydrogeochemical evolution in the Minqin Basin, North West China 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16
W.M. Edmunds Jinzhu Ma W. Aeschbach-Hertig R. Kipfer D.P.F. Darbyshire 《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(12):2148-2170
The Minqin Basin is a type area for examining stress on groundwater resources in the Gobi Desert, and has been investigated here using a combination of isotopic, noble gas and chemical indicators. The basin is composed of clastic sediments of widely differing grain size and during the past half century over 10 000 boreholes have been drilled with a groundwater decline of around 1 m a−1. Modern diffuse recharge is unlikely to exceed 3 mm a−1, as determined using unsaturated zone profiles and Cl− mass balance. A small component of modern (<50 a) groundwater is identified in parts of the basin from 3H–3He data, probably from irrigation returns. A clear distinction is found between modern waters with median δ18O values of 6.5 ± 0.5‰ and most groundwaters in the basin with more depleted isotopic signatures. Radiocarbon values as pmc range from 0.6% to 85% modern, but it is difficult to assign absolute ages to these, although a value of 20% modern C probably represents the late Pleistocene to Holocene transition. The δ13C compositions remain near-constant throughout the basin (median value of −8.1‰ δ13C) and indicate that carbonate reactions are unimportant and also that little reaction takes place. There is a smooth decrease in 14C activity accompanied by a parallel increase in 4He accumulations from S–N across the basin, which define the occurrence of a regional flow system. Noble gas temperatures indicate recharge temperatures of about 5.6 °C for late Pleistocene samples, which is some 2–3 °C cooler than the modern mean annual air temperature and the recharge temperature obtained from several Holocene samples. Groundwaters in the Minqin Basin have salinities generally below 1 g/L and are aerobic, containing low Fe but elevated concentrations of U, Cr and Se (mean values of 27.5, 5.8 and 5.3 μg L−1, respectively). Nitrate is present at baseline concentrations of around 2 mg L−1 but there is little evidence of impact of high NO3 from irrigation returns. Strontium isotope and major ion ratios suggest that silicate reactions predominate in the aquifer. The results have important implications for groundwater management in the Minqin and other water-stressed basins in NW China – a region so far destined for rapid development. The large proportion of the water being used at present is in effect being mined and significant changes are urgently needed in water use strategy. 相似文献
Ian Knowles Michael Teubner Aimin Yan Paul Rasser Jong Wook Lee 《Hydrogeology Journal》2007,15(6):1107-1118
A new inverse technique for modelling groundwater flow, based on a functional minimization technique, has been used to calibrate
a groundwater flow model of a subregion of the Port Willunga aquifer within the Willunga Basin in South Australia. The Willunga
Basin is the location of extensive viticulture, irrigated primarily by groundwater, the levels and quality of which have declined
significantly over the last 40 years. The new method is able to generate estimates of transmissivity, storativity and groundwater
recharge over the whole subregion as a time-varying continuous surface; previous methods estimate local discrete parameter
values at specific times. The new method has also been shown to produce accurate head values for the subregion and very good
estimates of groundwater recharge. Its ultimate goal will be to provide a new and invaluable tool for significantly improved
groundwater resource management.
Supported in part by US National Science Foundation grants, DMS-0107492 and DMS-0079478. 相似文献