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The Lower Pliocene volcanic rocks occurring in the Gölcük area of SW Turkey exhibit alkaline major element trends with a general potassic character. The development of volcanism can be divided into 2 major stages such as trachytic ancient lavas/domes and tephriphonolitic, trachyandesitic to trachytic Gölcük eruptions (ignimbrites, lava/dome extrusions, phreatomagmatic deposits, and finally, young domes). Volcanic rocks consist primarily of plagioclase, clinopyroxene (which ranges in composition from diopside to augite and are commonly zoned), biotite, and phlogopite. Amphibole phenocrysts are restricted to the pyroclastic deposits. Pseudoleucites are also seen only in the lava/dome extrusions. Oxides and apatites are common accessory phenocryst phases. As would be expected from their potassic–alkaline nature, the volcanic rocks of the Gölcük area contain high amounts of LILE (Ba, Sr, Rb and K), LREE, and Zr. Concentrations of compatible elements such as Cr, Ni and V are very low, possibly indicating fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene. Correlation of SiO2, Rb/Sr and MgO with 87Sr/86Sr (0.703506–0.704142) exhibit an increasing trend in the direction of crustal contamination. However, the isotopic compositions of Sr are not as high to indicate a high level of crustal contamination. Geochemical data are consistent with the derivation of Gölcük volcanic rocks from a metasomatized and/or enriched lithospheric mantle source during crustal extension in the area. This metasomatism was probably occurred by fluids released from the northward subduction between African and Eurasian plates during Tertiary, as the Gölcük volcanic rocks display features of island-arc magmas with having high Ba/Nb (>28) ratios, and Nb and Ti depletions. Lower Pliocene volcanism in the Gölcük was response to extensional tectonics.  相似文献   

Abstract Elemental and isotopic compositions of noble gases extracted from the bore hole water in Osaka plain, central Japan were examined. The water samples were collected from four shallow bore holes (180-450 m) and seven deep bore holes (600-1370 m) which have been used for an urban resort hot spring zone. The water temperatures of the deep bore holes were 22-50°C and that of the shallow bore holes, 13-23°C. The elemental abundance patterns show the progressive enrichment of the heavier noble gases compared with the atmospheric noble gas composition except for He, which is heavily enriched in deep bore hole water samples. 3He/4He ratios from the bore holes reaching the Ryoke granitic basement were higher than the atmospheric value (1.4 × 10−6), indicating a release of mantle He through the basement. The highest value of 8.2 × 10−6 is in the range of arc volcanism. On the other hand, the bore holes in sedimentary rocks overlying the basement release He enriched in radiogenic 4He, resulted in a low 3He/4He ratio of 0.5 × 10−6. 4He/20Ne and 40Ar/36Ar ratios indicate that the air contamination is generally larger in shallow bore holes than in deep ones from each site. The helium enriched in mantle He is compatible with the previous work which suggested up-rising magma in 'Kinki Spot', the area of Osaka and western Wakayama, in spite of no volcanic activity in the area. A model to explain an initiation of magma generation beneath this area is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract   Abundant peridotite xenoliths have been found in pyroclasitics of Avacha (Avachinsky) volcano, the south Kamchatka arc, Russia. They are mostly refractory harzburgite with or without clinopyroxene: the Fo of olivine and Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio of spinel range from 91 to 92 and from 0.5 to 0.7, respectively. They are metasomatized to various extents, and the metasomatic orthopyroxene has been formed at the expense of olivine. The metasomatic orthopyroxene, free of deformation and exsolution, is characterized by low contents of CaO and Cr2O3. The complicated way of replacement possibly indicates low viscosity of the metasomatic agent, namely hydrous fluids released from the relatively cool slab beneath the south Kamchatka arc. This is a good contrast to the north Kamchatka arc, where the slab has been hot enough to provide slab-derived melts. High content of total orthopyroxene, 40 vol% on average, in metasomatized harzburgite from Avacha suggests silica enrichment of the mantle wedge, and is equivalent to some subcratonic harzburgite. Some subcratonic harzburgites therefore could have been formed by transportation of subarc metasomatized peridotites to a deeper part of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

CO2 fluid inclusions in mantle minerals are an im-portant source for us to get the information of mantle fluids. Fluid inclusions are mainly composed of CO2, with minor CO, H2O, CH4, N2, H2S, SO2, F, etc., which were demonstrated by lots of Raman spec-trometer analyses in recent years. In contrast, there are very few researches on CO2-bearing melt inclusions since it is more difficult to do so. The available studies have found that the primary CO2-bearing melt inclu-sions are basaltic …  相似文献   

Abstract   Spinel lherzolite is a minor component of the deep-seated xenolith suite in the Oki-Dogo alkaline basalts, whereas other types of ultramafic (e.g. pyroxenite and dunite) and mafic (e.g. granulite and gabbro) xenoliths are abundant. All spinel lherzolite xenoliths have spinel with a low Cr number (Cr#; < 0.26). They are anhydrous and are free of modal metasomatism. Their mineral assemblages and microtextures, combined with the high NiO content in olivine, suggest that they are of residual origin. But the Mg numbers of silicate minerals are lower (e.g. down to Fo86) in some spinel lherzolites than in typical upper mantle residual peridotites. The clinopyroxene in the spinel lherzolite shows U-shaped chondrite-normalized rare-earth element (REE) patterns. The abundance of Fe-rich ultramafic and mafic cumulate xenoliths in Oki-Dogo alkali basalts suggests that the later formation of those Fe-rich cumulates from alkaline magma was the cause of Fe- and light REE (LREE)-enrichment in residual peridotite. The similar REE patterns are observed in spinel peridotite xenoliths from Kurose and also in those from the South-west Japan arc, which are non-metasomatized in terms of major-element chemistry (e.g. Fo > 89), and are rarely associated with Fe-rich cumulus mafic and ultramafic xenoliths. This indicates that the LREE-enrichment in mantle rocks has been more prominent and prevalent than Fe and other major-element enrichment during the metasomatism.  相似文献   

Both the 34 value and the total S content of products from Vulture Volcano, Italy are mainly controlled by the separation of S gases, predominantly SO2, from high f O2magmas containing S predominantly as SO 2- 4 . The addition of evaporites to such magmas appears to be a relatively uncommon and limited phenomenon. The total S content of the most primitive product of Vulture Volcano (5600 mg/kg) is very high. The high 34S value of 4 indicates an origin through the partial melting of a mantle containing high S, enriched in 34S of unknown origin.  相似文献   

New geochemical and 40Ar/39Ar age data are presented from the Neogene volcanic units of the Karaburun Peninsula, the westernmost part of Western Anatolia. The volcanic rocks in the region are associated with Neogene lacustrine deposition and are characterized by (1) olivine-bearing basaltic-andesites to shoshonites (Karaburun volcanics), high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and latites (Yaylaköy, Arma?anda? and Kocada? volcanics) of ~ 16–18 Ma, and (2) mildly-alkaline basalts (Ovac?k basalt) and rhyolites (Urla volcanics) of ~ 11–12 Ma. The first group of rocks is enriched in LILE and LREE with respect to the HREE and HFSE on N-MORB-normalised REE and multi-element spider diagrams. They are comparable geochemically with volcanic rocks in the surrounding regions such as Chios Island and other localities in Western Anatolia. The Ovac?k basalt is geochemically similar to the first stage early–middle Miocene volcanic rocks but differs from NW Anatolian late Miocene alkali basalts.  相似文献   

Tetsuo  Irifune 《Island Arc》1993,2(2):55-71
Abstract Phase transformations in model mantle compositions and those in subducting slabs have been reviewed to a depth of 800 km on the basis of recent high-pressure experimental data. Seismic velocity and density profiles in these compositions have also been calculated using these and other mineral physics data. The nature of the seismic velocity and density profiles calculated for a pyrolite composition was found to generally agree with those determined by seismic observations (e.g. PREM). The locations of the seismic discontinuities at 400 and 670 km correspond almost exactly to the depths where the transformations of the olivine component to denser phases take place. Moreover, the steep gradients in the seismic velocity/density profiles observed between these depths are qualitatively consistent with those expected from the successive transformations in the complementary pyroxene-garnet component in the pyrolite composition. Further, the calculated seismic velocity and density values agree well with those observed in the upper mantle and mantle transition region within the uncertainties attached to these calculations and observations. Pyrolite or peridotite compositions are thus most likely to represent the composition of the mantle above 670 km depth, although some degrees of chemical heterogeneity may exist in the transition region. The observed sharp discontinuous increases of seismic velocities and density at this depth may be attributed either to the phase transformation to a perovskite-bearing assemblage in pyrolite or to chemical composition changes. Density profiles in subducted slabs have been calculated along adequate geotherms assuming that the slabs are composed of the former oceanic crust underlain by a thicker harzburgitic layer. It is shown that the former oceanic crust is substantially less dense than the surrounding pyrolite mantle at depths below 670 km, while it is denser than pyrolite in the upper mantle and the transition region. The subducted former oceanic crust may be trapped in this region, forming a geochemically enriched layer at the upper mantle-lower mantle boundary. Thick and cool slabs may penetrate into the lower mantle, but the chemically derived buoyancy may result in strong deformation and formation of megalith structures around the 670 km seismic discontinuity. These structures are consistent with those detected by recent seismic tomography studies for subduction zones.  相似文献   

Eric S.  Andal  Shoji  Arai  Graciano P.  Yumul Jr 《Island Arc》2005,14(3):272-294
Abstract   The Isabela ophiolite shows a complete ophiolite sequence exposed along the eastern coast of northern Luzon, the Philippines. It forms the Cretaceous basement complex for the northeastern Luzon block. This ophiolite is located at the northern end of a trail of ophiolites and ophiolitic bodies along the eastern margin of the Philippine Mobile Belt. This paper presents new findings regarding the nature and characteristics of the Isabela ophiolite. Peridotites from the Isabela ophiolite are relatively fresh and are composed of spinel lherzolites, clinopyroxene-rich harzburgites, depleted harzburgites and dunites. The modal composition, especially the pyroxene content, defines a northward depletion trend from fertile lherzolite to clinopyroxene-rich harzburgites and more refractory harzburgites. Variation in modal composition is accompanied by petrographic textural variations. The chromium number of spinel, an indicator of the degree of partial melting, concurs with petrographic observations. Furthermore, the Isabela ophiolite peridotites are similar in spinel and olivine major-element geochemistry and clinopyroxene rare earth-element composition to abyssal peridotites from modern mid-oceanic ridges. Petrological and mineral compositions suggest that the Isabela ophiolite is a transitional ophiolite subtype, with the fertile lherzolites representing lower sections of the mantle column that are usually absent in most ophiolitic massifs. The occurrence of the fertile peridotite presents a rare opportunity to document the lower sections of the ophiolitic mantle. The variability in composition of the peridotites in one continuous mantle section may also represent a good analogy of the melting column in the present-day mid-oceanic ridges.  相似文献   

The Monticchio Lakes Formation MLF is a newly identified carbonatite-melilitite tuff sequence which is exposed in the southwestern sector of the Vulture volcano. It is the youngest example ca. 0.13 m.y. of this type of volcanism in Italy, although other carbonatites of smaller volume, but with similar characteristics, have been discovered recently. This volcanic event occurred in isolation after a 0.35 m.y. period of inactivity at Vulture. The eruption produced two maar-type vents and formed tuff aprons mainly composed of dune beds of lapilli. Depositional features suggest that a dry surge mechanism, possibly triggered by CO2 expansion, was dominant during tuff emplacement. The MLF event involved a mixture of carbonatite and melilitite liquids which were physically separated before the eruption. Abundant mantle xenoliths are direct evidence of the deep-seated origin of the parental magma and its high velocity of propagation towards the surface. Often, these nodules form the core of lapilli composed of concentric shells of melilitite andror porphyritic carbonatite. Coarse-ash beds alternate with lapilli beds and consist of abundant lumps and spherulae of very fine-grained calcite immersed in a welded, highly compacted carbonatite matrix. Porphyritic carbonatite shells of the lapilli and fine-grained spherulae of calcite in the tuff matrix suggest incipient crystallisation of a carbonatite liquid in subvolcanic conditions and eruption of carbonatite-spray droplets. Dark coloured juvenile fragments mainly consist of melilite, phlogopite, calcite, apatite, perovskite, and häuyne crystals in a carbonatite or melilitite matrix. The rocks have an extremely primitive, ultramafic composition with very high Mga) 85. and Cr and Ni content 1500 ppm-. The calcite contains high SrO, BaO and REE of up to 1.5 wt.%. Similar compositions are typical of primary, magmatic carbonates which are found in both intrusive and extrusive carbonatites. The high modal Sr-Ba-REE-rich calcite, the typical mineralogy, and the high amount of Sr-group elements identify the carbonate component as a carbonatite. The very high Mga, mantle debris and C, O, He isotope ratios in the range of mantle values indicate a near-primary character for the carbonatite which is distinctive of a restricted group of extrusive carbonatites only found in continental rift areas.  相似文献   

Permeability exerts significant control over the development of pore pressure excess in the crust, and it is a physical quantity sensitively dependent on the pore structure and stress state. In many applications, the relation between permeability and effective mean stress is assumed to be exponential and that between permeability and porosity is assumed to be a power law, so that the pressure sensitivity of permeability is characterized by the coefficient and the porosity sensitivity by the exponent . In this study, we investigate experimentally the dependence of permeability on pressure and porosity in five sandstones with porosities ranging from 14% to 35% and we review published experimental data on intact rocks, unconsolidated materials and rock fractures. The laboratory data show that the pressure and porosity sensitivities differ significantly for different compaction mechanisms, but for a given compaction mechanism, the data can often be approximated by the empirical relations. The permeabilities of tight rocks and rock joints show relatively high pressure sensitivity and low porosity sensitivity. A wide range of values for and have been observed in relation to the mechanical compaction of porous rocks, sand and fault gouge, whereas the porosity sensitivity for chemical compaction processes is often observed to be given by 3. We show that since the ratio / corresponds to the pore compressibility, the different dependences of permeability on porosity and pressure are related to the pore structure and its compressibility. Guided by the laboratory data, we conduct numerical simulations on the development of pore pressure in crustal tectonic settings according to the models ofWalder andNur (1984) andRice (1992). Laboratory data suggest that the pressure sensitivity of fault gouge is relatively low, and to maintain pore pressure at close to the lithostatic value in the Rice model, a relatively high influx of fluid from below the seismogenic layer is necessary. The fluid may be injected as vertically propagating pressure pulses into the seismogenic system, andRice's (1992) critical condition for the existence of solitary wave is shown to be equivalent to >1, which is satisfied by most geologic materials in the laboratory. Laboratory data suggest that the porosity sensitivity is relatively high when the permeability is reduced by a coupled mechanical and chemical compaction process. This implies that in a crustal layer, pore pressure may be generated more efficiently than cases studied byWalder andNur (1984) who assumed a relatively low porosity sensitivity of =2.  相似文献   

A key requirement for any model of mantle evolution is accounting for the high 3He/4He ratios of many ocean island basalts compared to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts. The early, popular paradigm of primitive, undegassed mantle stored in a convectively isolated lower mantle is incompatible with geophysical constraints that imply whole mantle convection. Thus it has been suggested more recently that domains with high 3He/U ratios have been created continuously from the bulk mantle throughout Earth history. Such models require that the 3He/4He ratio of the convecting mantle was at least as high as the highest values seen in OIB at the time the OIB source was generated. These domains must also be created with sufficient He to impart distinctive He isotopic signatures to ocean island basalts. However, the He isotope evolution of the mantle has not been consistently quantified to determine if such scenarios are plausible.

Here a simple model of the He evolution of the whole mantle is examined. Using a wide range of possible histories of continental extraction and He degassing, the bulk convecting mantle was found to have had 3He/4He ratios as high as those seen in the Iceland hotspot only prior to 3 Ga. Such high 3He/4He ratios can only be preserved if located in domains that are not modified by convective mixing or diffusive homogenisation since that time. Further, there are difficulties in producing, with commonly invoked magmatic processes, domains with sufficiently high 3He/U ratios and enough 3He to be able to impart this signature to ocean island basalts. The results are consistent with models that store such He signatures in the core or a deep layer in the mantle, but are hard to reconcile with models that continuously generate high 3He/4He domains within the mantle.  相似文献   

Abstract The Hakkoda‐Towada caldera cluster (HTCC) is a typical Late Cenozoic caldera cluster located in the northern part of the Northeast Japan Arc. The HTCC consists of five caldera volcanoes, active between 3.5 Ma and present time. The felsic magmas can be classified into high‐K (HK‐) type and medium‐ to low‐K (MLK‐) type based on their whole‐rock chemistry. The HK‐type magmas are characterized by higher K2O and Rb contents and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios than MLK‐type magmas. Both magmas cannot be derived from fractional crystallization of any basaltic magma in the HTCC. Assimilation‐fractional crystallization model calculations show that crustal assimilation is necessary for producing the felsic magmas, and HK‐type magmas are produced by higher degree of crustal assimilation with fractional crystallization than MLK‐type magmas. Although MLK‐type magmas were erupted throughout HTCC activity, HK‐type magmas were erupted only during the initial stage. The temporal variations of magma types suggest the large contribution of crustal components in the initial stage. A major volcanic hiatus of 3 my before the HTCC activity suggests a relatively cold crust in the initial stage. The cold crust probably promoted crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization, and caused the initial generation of HK‐type magmas. Subsequently, the repeated supply of mantle‐derived magmas raised temperature in the crust and formed relatively stable magma pathways. Such a later system produced MLK‐type magmas with lesser crustal components. The MLK‐type magmas are common and HK‐type magmas are exceptional during the Pliocene–Quaternary volcanism in the Northeast Japan Arc. This fact suggests that exceptional conditions are necessary for the production of HK‐type magmas. A relatively cold crust caused by a long volcanic hiatus (several million years) is considered as one of the probable conditions. Intensive crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization promoted by the cold crust may be necessary for the generation of highly evolved HK‐type felsic magmas.  相似文献   

The exper imental results of the reactions between an alkaline basaltic melt and mantle orthopyroxenes under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions of 1300–1400 ℃ and 2.0–3.0 GPa using a six-anvil apparatus are reported in this paper. The reactions are proposed to simulate the interactions between melts from the asthenospheric mantle and the lithospheric mantle. The starting melt in the experiments was made from the alkaline basalt occurring in Fuxin, Liaoning Province, and the orthopyrox...  相似文献   

High-pressure polymorphs of olivine and enstatite are major constituent minerals in the mantle transition zone(MTZ).The phase transformations of olivine and enstatite at pressure and temperature conditions corresponding to the lower part of the MTZ are import for understanding the nature of the 660 km seismic discontinuity.In this study,we determine phase transformations of olivine(MgSi2O4) and enstatite(MgSiO3) systematiclly at pressures between 21.3 and 24.4 GPa and at a constant temperature of 1600℃.The most profound discrepancy between olivine and enstatite phase transformation is the occurency of perovskite.In the olivine system,the post-spinel transformation occures at 23.8 GPa,corresponding to a depth of 660 km.In contrast,perovskite appears at 23 GPa(640 km) in the enstatite system.The ~1 GPa gap could explain the uplifting and/or splitting of the 660 km seismic discountinuity under eastern China.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent geological investigations of the Isua Supracrustal Belt (3.8 Ga), southern West Greenland, have suggested that it is the oldest accretionary complex on earth, defined by an oceanic plate‐type stratigraphy and a duplex structure. Plate history from mid‐oceanic ridge through plume magmatism to subduction zone has been postulated from analysis of the reconstructed oceanic plate stratigraphy in the accretionary complex. Comparison between field occurrence of greenstones in modern and ancient accretionary complexes reveals that two types of tholeiitic basalt from different tectonic settings, mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) and oceanic island basalt (OIB), occur. This work presents major, trace and rare earth element (REE) compositions of greenstones derived from Isua MORB and OIB, and of extremely rare relict igneous clinopyroxene in Isua MORB. The Isua clinopyroxenes (Cpx) have compositional variations equivalent to those of Cpx in modern MORB; in particular, low TiO2 and Na2O contents. The Isua Cpx show slightly light (L)REE‐depleted REE patterns, and the calculated REE pattern of the host magma is in agreement with that of Isua MORB. Analyses of 49 least‐altered greenstones carefully selected from approximately 1200 samples indicate that Isua MORB are enriched in Al2O3, and depleted in TiO2, FeO*, Y and Zr at the given MgO content, compared with Isua OIB. In addition, Isua MORB show an LREE‐depleted pattern, whereas Isua OIB forms a flat REE pattern. Such differences suggest that the Early Archean mantle had already become heterogeneous, depending on the tectonic environment. Isua MORB are enriched in FeO compared with modern MORB. Comparison of Isua MORB with recent melting experiments shows that the source mantle had 85–87 in Mg? and was enriched in FeO. Potential mantle temperature is estimated to be approximately 1480°C, indicating that the Early Archean mantle was hotter by at most approximately 150°C than the modern mantle.  相似文献   


An isochemical uni-phase model of whole mantle convection has been developed in terms of which factors influencing the onset of time dependent chaotic behavior may be assessed. The model is spherical but restricted in generality to the analysis of axisymmetric solutions. In this paper we have employed it to examine the impact of compressibility and sphericity on the nature and onset of time dependence. Particular attention has been given to an examination of the impact that the onset of time dependence has upon the power law relation that connects the heat transfer (represented by the Nusselt number) to the strength of the thermal forcing (represented by the Rayleigh number). In order to obtain these results very extensive numerical simulations were required and the results themselves should be rather useful in the context of models of the thermal history of the planet.  相似文献   

Heat and mass transfer processes in the conduit of a thermochemical plume located beneath an oceanic plate far from a mid-ocean ridge (MOR) proceed under conditions of horizontal convective flows penetrating the plume conduit. In the region of a mantle flow approaching the plume conduit (in the frontal part of the conduit), the mantle material heats and melts. The melt moves through the plume conduit at the average velocity of flow v and is crystallized on the opposite side of the conduit (in the frontal part of the conduit). The heat and the chemical dope transferred by the conduit to the mantle flow are carried away by crystallized mantle material at the velocity v.The local coefficients of heat transfer at the boundary of the plume conduit are theoretically determined and the balance of heat fluxes through the side of the plume conduit per linear meter of the conduit height. The total heat generation rate, transmitted by the Hawaiian plume into the upper and lower mantle, is evaluated. With the use of regular patterns of heat transfer in the lower mantle, which is modeled on the horizontal layer, heated from below and cooled from above, the diameter of the plume source, the kinematic viscosity of the melt in the plume conduit, and the velocity of horizontal lower-mantle flows are evaluated and the dependences of the temperature drop, viscosity and Rayleigh number for the lower mantle on the diameter of the plume source are presented.  相似文献   

Yasushi  Mori  Tadao  Nishiyama  Takeru  Yanagi 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):28-39
Abstract   Reaction zones of 0.5–10.0 m thick are commonly observed between serpentinite and pelitic schist in the Nishisonogi metamorphic rocks, Kyushu, Japan. Each reaction zone consists of almost monomineralic or bimineralic layers of talc + carbonates, actinolite (or carbonates + quartz), chlorite, muscovite and albite from serpentinite to pelitic schist. Magnesite + quartz veins extend into the serpentinite from the talc + carbonates layer, while dolomite veins extend into the pelitic schist from the muscovite layer. These veins are filled by subhedral minerals with oriented growth features. Primary fluid inclusions yield the same homogenization temperatures (145–150°C) both in the reaction zone and in the veins, suggesting their simultaneous formation. Mass-balance calculations using the isocon method indicate that SiO2, MgO, H2O and K2O are depleted in the reaction zone relative to the protoliths. These components were probably extracted from the reaction zone as fluids during the formation of the reaction zone.  相似文献   

Peridotites exposed in the Yugu area in the Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea, near the boundary with the Okcheon Belt, exhibit mylonitic to strongly porphyroclastic textures, and are mostly spinel lherzolites. Subordinate dunites, harzburgites, and websterites are associated with the lherzolites. Amphiboles, often zoned from hornblende in the core to tremolite in the rim, are found only as neoblasts. Porphyroclasts have recorded equilibrium temperatures of about 1000°C, whereas neoblasts denote lower temperatures, about 800°C. Olivines are Fo90–91 in lherzolites and Fo91 in a dunite and a harzburgite. The Cr# (= Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio) of spinels varies together with the Fo of olivines, being from 0.1 to 0.3 in lherzolites and around 0.5 in the dunite and harzburgite. The Na2O content of clinopyroxene porphyroclasts is relatively low, around 0.3 to 0.5 wt% in the most fertile lherzolite. The Yugu peridotites are similar in porphyroclast mineral chemistry not to continental spinel peridotites but to sub‐arc or abyssal peridotites. Textural and mineralogical characteristics indicate the successive cooling with hydration from the upper mantle to crustal conditions for the Yugu peridotites. Almost all clinopyroxenes and amphiboles show the same U‐shaped rare earth element (REE) patterns although the level is up to ten times higher for the latter. The hydration was associated with enrichment in light REE, resulting from either a slab‐derived fluid or a fluid circulating in the crust. The mantle‐wedge or abyssal peridotites were emplaced into the continental crust as the Yugu peridotite body during collision of continents to form a high‐pressure metamorphic belt in the Gyeonggi Massif. The peridotites from the Gyeonggi Massif exhibit lower‐pressure equilibration than peridotites, with or without garnets, from the Dabie–Sulu Collision Belt, China, which is possibly a westward extension of the Gyeonggi Massif.  相似文献   

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