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 Sediment geochemistry of a shallow (6-m average) reservoir (Lake Waco) was evaluated for the spatial distribution of major and trace elements. Sixty bottom and core samples along a 21-km transect within the reservoir, 18 overbank sediment samples, and 8 rock types in the drainage area were collected and analyzed for major (Al, Ca, Fe) and trace elements (As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, Zn). Elemental concentrations in the reservoir sediments closely correspond to concentrations in the regional rocks and represent a mixture of overbank sediment composition of the tributaries. Elemental concentrations were statistically regressed against Al concentrations in order to establish regional baseline levels and thereby distinguish natural from anthropogenic sources. Spatial geochemical trends, considered in terms of element-to-Al ratio versus V-to-Al ratio, relate to the natural and anthropogenic sources contributing to the elemental concentrations. The spatial elemental distribution in the reservoir, which receive sediments from two mineralogically contrasting basins, reflect textural and mineralogical transition within the reservoir and suggest a progressive mixing of sediment from the tributaries. The spatial elemental distribution and sediment texture suggest that the sediment-source, which determines the sediment-type, has a greater influence on the major- and trace-element distributions in shallow reservoir sediments than bathymetry. Received: 25 September 1997 · Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Sulphide and carbonate minerals from nine bituminous coal seams of a Paralic Series were investigated by means of polished-section microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and absorption spectral analyses. In addition to syngenetic accumulations of kaolinite, illite and quartz, diagenetic veinlets of subhedral pyrite and marcasite most often occur in vitrinite clast fissures and in post-tectonic fissures, nests and lenses with fusinite. Epigenetic anhedral and subhedral grains of ankerite, dolomite, siderite and calcite are also frequently found in post-tectonic veins. Pyrite replaced some of the marcasite grains and it dominates in older coal seams in the Flora Beds as compared with the Grodziec Beds. Occasionally there are anhedral and subhedral galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite grains among coal macerals as well as cerussite among post-tectonic carbonate veins. They all represent the only minerals that are abundant in definite chalcophile elements (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn). In addition to the minerals just mentioned, the elements occurred in pyrite and ankerite grains, which contained inclusions of fusinite and other minerals (among others, clay and carbonate minerals in pyrite, pyrite in carbonates). Although there is a low content of minerals accumulating Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, the minerals significantly influence the average concentration of elements in the coal seams. In the Grodziec Beds, mineral matter, especially carbonates and sulphides, determines (>50%) the concentration of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in coal. The basic part of Cd, Co and Ni in the coal seams of the Grodziec Beds and of Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in coal seams of the Flora Beds originates from organic matter. These regularities can be important, from an ecological perspective, in stating whether the coals investigated are useful for combustion and in chemical processing.  相似文献   

Milazzo Peninsula soils and substrates are extremely variable, composed of acidic, mafic and ultramafic metamorphic rocks, carbonatic sedimentary rocks, and sometimes volcanic rocks, thus contributing to a mixed influence on their chemical composition. Moreover, the region is highly polluted due to atmospheric releases from anthropogenic activities, such as refinery industry. In addition, emissions of airborne particles from volcanic eruptions are also likely to fall to the ground and provide trace elements to the soils. The purpose of this study is to distinguish between anthropogenic and geogenic sources contributing to the concentrations of metals in soils by studying their distribution in major and trace elements in relation to substrates. As regards geogenic sources, the major elements composition of soils comes firstly from metamorphic rocks, secondly from carbonates, and to a minor extent from volcanic rocks. Enrichment factors calculations relative to substrate rocks, and using Th as reference element, show that the soils are enriched in As, Pb, Zn, and Ni. Rare earth elements (REEs) patterns normalized to substrate rocks exhibit enrichment in light REEs and a positive anomaly in Gd, indicating anthropogenic contributions in the soil composition. REE ratios and trace elements were plotted to investigate the relationships between anthropogenic sources and substrates in soils compositions. The graphs of La/Ni vs La/Gd and La/Ce vs La/Nd show that soils plot on a line toward substrate rocks on one side, and toward an end member which is represented by a spent catalyst and atmospheric particles emitted by refinery activities. Plots of La vs Cr, and V vs La show similar trends, whereas plots of Zn vs Ni and Pb vs V suggest that another end member, which is unidentified, contributes to soil enrichment in Zn and Pb. A binary mixing model applied to the most Zn enriched soil suggests that anthropogenic inputs from refinery emissions may have contributed to 16% of the anomalies in La/Gd. These results suggest that the trace element composition of Milazzo's peninsula soils partly bears the signature of atmospheric emissions of the refinery.  相似文献   

China’s continental crust (CCC) has an average thickness of 47km, with the upper continental crust (CUCC) being 31 km and the sedimentary layer(CSL) 5 km in thickness. The CCC, CUCC and CSL measure 12.437 × 10−17, 8.005 × 10−17 and 1.146 × 1017 metric tons in mass, respectively. The mass ratio of the upper continental crust to the lower one is 1.8:1. The element abundances were calculated for the CCC, CUCC and CSL respectively in terms of the chemical compositions of 2246 samples of various types and some complementary trace element data. The total abundance of 13 major elements accounts for 99.6% of the CCC mass while the other minor elements only account for 0.4%. REE characteristics, the abundance ratios of element pairs and the amounts of ore-forming elements are also discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

 A total of 26 geographically and hydrologically diverse sediment samples were collected from 12 major rivers in eastern China. The <63-μm fraction of the sediments was analysed for both total concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd, and their associations with various geochemical phases. The geographical variations of sediment-bound trace metals can be related to the bedrock types and weathering processes in the corresponding river basins. The rivers in southern China had notably higher concentrations of trace metals in sediments because of abundant non-ferrous mineral deposits and stronger weathering process in the region. A large proportion of trace metals in these sediments was associated with iron and manganese oxides and organic matter. Relative low levels of trace metals were found in river sediments in northern China, and a significant proportion of the metals was bound to organic matter, carbonates, and the residual fraction. The sediments in the Yellow River, originating from special loess, had the lowest concentrations of trace metals. Most of the trace metals were associated with the carbonates and residual phases. Received: 24 March 2000 · Accepted: 11 July 2000  相似文献   

麻粒岩的形成及其对大陆地壳演化的贡献   总被引:17,自引:17,他引:17  
麻粒岩是地球中最重要的岩石类型之一,它的形成主要受地热条件的控制。麻粒岩的形成可以与大陆碰撞、大陆拉张以及大陆弧模式相联系。麻粒岩在某种程度上,还是下地壳的同义词。通过麻粒岩地体地及火山岩中麻粒岩捕虏体的研究,使人们对地球深部的物质组成和结构有了直接的了解。麻粒岩在陆壳的形成和演化中具有举足轻重的地位。陆核说、陆壳垂直增生或横向增生说,都以麻粒岩作为重要的岩石学依据。  相似文献   

橄榄石微量元素原位分析的现状及其应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着高精度EMPA和LA-ICP-MS分析技术的发展和矿物微量元素测试精度的提高,利用橄榄石中的微量元素示踪地幔部分熔融、地幔交代作用、岩浆早期结晶过程等地质问题成为近年来一个新兴的研究方向。一系列开拓性的研究发现也被陆续的发表,主要涉及橄榄石中Ni、Co、Al、Cr、Zn、Ti、Li、V、Sc、Mn、Ca和P等元素的示踪使用。一些卓有成效的示踪方法为:Ca、Al、Ti、Ni及Mn能够很好的用于区分橄榄石捕掳晶和斑晶;橄榄石-尖晶石地幔演化趋势线(OSMA:olivine-spinel mantle array)图解可以用于表征岩浆源区的亏损程度;玄武岩中橄榄石斑晶的Li同位素及Li含量可以很有效地指示岩浆源区是否存在地壳物质再循环及地幔交代作用;橄榄石斑晶中Ni、Ca、Mn、Cr和Al协变关系图解可以识别岩浆的辉石岩源区;利用橄榄石捕掳晶中Zr和Sc的含量差异特征可将橄榄岩中三种最主要的类型(尖晶石橄榄岩、石榴石橄榄岩以及尖晶石-石榴石橄榄岩)区分开来;一些元素的比值或组合(例如Ni/Co、Fe/Mn、V/Sc、Zr和Sc、Ca和Ti)可以指示源区交代作用、岩浆作用过程及氧化状态;基于橄榄石中Al、Cr及Ca的地质温度计可以为推算地幔热状态提供新方法;基于橄榄石分离结晶Fo-NiO演化线的原始岩浆计算模型可以较好的推算原始岩浆成分;利用橄榄石的环带及微量元素的扩散机制可以判别更多岩石成因信息,如识别交代介质、熔体类型以及地质构造背景等。基于上述最新研究的相关资料和已有成果,本文对橄榄石微量元素的地球化学示踪方法做系统性的归纳整理,并对橄榄石微量元素赋存状况、橄榄石微量元素测试方法、橄榄石微量元素的使用条件及需注意的问题等进行讨论,为读者在做相关研究时提供参考。  相似文献   

位于扬子板块西南缘的"川滇黔接壤铅锌矿集区"是我国西南大面积低温成矿域的重要组成部分,麻栗坪铅锌矿床位于该矿集区昭通-曲靖成矿带中段,是近年来滇东北地区新发现的铅锌矿床。本文以麻栗坪铅锌矿不同硫化物为研究对象,通过LA-ICPMS原位点测试和元素Mapping分析,尝试揭示该矿床中Ge、Cd和In等微量元素在不同硫化物中分布规律与赋存状态。本次研究发现,麻栗坪矿床不同硫化物中富集的微量元素明显不同,闪锌矿主要富集Mn、Cu、Sn、Cd、In和Ge,而方铅矿主要富集Ag、Sb和Se,黄铁矿则富集As、Co和Ni。闪锌矿是分散元素Ge、In和Cd的主要载体矿物,且Cd、Ge、In、Mn、As、Sb和Ag以类质同象形式赋存于闪锌矿中;而Cu则主要以类质同象形式存在,部分Cu以黄铜矿的显微包裹体形式赋存于闪锌矿中,其中以类质同象赋存于闪锌矿中Cu和Ge呈现明显的相关性,可能暗示其与Zn的置换方式为:3Zn2+Ge4++2Cu+。总体上,该矿床闪锌矿以富集Cd、Ge,贫Fe、Mn、Co、Sn为特征,这些微量元素组成与典型MVT型矿床基本一致,明显有别于喷流沉积和岩浆热液型矿床,而与中低温条件下形成的闪锌矿微量元素组成相似。结合该矿床后生成矿特征明显等地质地球化学研究成果,我们认为该矿床应属于MVT型铅锌矿床。值得注意的是,该矿床闪锌矿相对富集In,可能暗示其形成具有特殊性,这可能与其成矿流体在长距离运移过程中所流经地层有关,该类流体活化萃取了基底地层的中-酸性岩浆岩或火山碎屑岩中的In,致使矿床中闪锌矿相对富集In。  相似文献   

Sub-micron scale distributions of trace elements in zircon   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Sub-micron scale zoning of Ti concentrations and correlations between concentrations of Ti and other trace elements (P, Ce, and Y) and cathodoluminescent (CL) banding is observed in natural zircons. Ion images were made using the Caltech Microanalysis Center’s CAMECA NanoSIMS 50L with an O primary beam focused to ~300 nm on the sample surface. The high spatial resolution of this technique allows for interrogation of chemical variations at or below the scale of CL banding in natural zircons. Images produced in this manner display two types of correlations among Ti, P, Ce, and Y (which appears to be a proxy for CL intensity): strong (correlation coefficients >0.8) and subtle (correlation coefficients ~0.15–0.4). Strongly correlated images, which display Ti variations of ca. a factor of 3 between adjacent CL bands and overall elevated trace element concentrations in CL-dark bands, were found within an oscillatory-zoned, trace element enriched sector of a CL sector-zoned zircon. Three possible causes for such correlations include: temperature-dependent equilibrium partitioning, trace element partitioning limited by diffusion in the host melt and surface-controlled, non-equilibrium growth. Comparison of our data with the expected results of these processes suggests that: (1) Ti partitioning in zircon is dependent upon non-equilibrium effects in addition to temperature and/or (2) the incorporation of elements that co-vary with Ti in zircon (e.g., Y, P and Ce) is also temperature-dependent. Sub-micron scale, high-Ti regions are also found within Proterozoic Adirondack and >4 Ga Jack Hills zircons as well as trace element enrichments (including Ti) along cracks within Jack Hills zircons.  相似文献   

Removal of trace elements from landfill leachate by calcite precipitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spontaneous precipitation of secondary calcite (CaCO3) has been observed in 25 samples of landfill leachate-polluted stream waters. During the 6-month precipitation experiment, the formation of calcite acts as a principal trace-element scavenging process. The concentrations of Fe, Sr, Ba and Mn and other trace elements in solution significantly decreased as calcite formed during the experiments. The PHREEQC-2 geochemical code indicated high supersaturation of the initial leachate-polluted waters with respect to calcite. The chemical/mineralogical study (SEM/EDS, XRD, ICP MS) revealed that this newly formed calcite contains considerable amounts of metals and metalloids removed from solution. Such a geochemical process can be considered to be important for spontaneous decontamination in landfill-affected environments (stream sediments, soils) or landfill technical facilities (settling basins). This removal takes place especially during dry periods with low rain precipitation, when the landfill waters exhibit both higher alkalinity and higher trace element concentrations.  相似文献   

大宝山铜矿是青藏高原东南缘哀牢山-金沙江构造带西北部雪龙山成矿带中典型的浅成中低温热液型铜矿床.矿石和围岩的PGE和微量元素地球化学分析结果表明从围岩、矿化围岩到矿石:1)∑PGE、δRh逐渐增加,PPGE/IPGE、Pd/Ir、Pt/Ir和δPt逐渐降低.在铂族元素原始地幔标准化图解上,岩、矿石中Os、Ir、Ru和Pd具有相似的演化趋势,而矿石Rh正异常、Pt负异常明显不同于围岩.在δRh-Cu和∑PGE-Cu关系图上,Cu含量与8Rh和∑PGE呈明显的正相关关系,而在δPt-Cu关系图上表现为明显的负相关关系;2)稀土总量、轻/重稀土比值、δCe逐渐减小,Eu和Nb、Ta、Sr、Hf、Zr的亏损程度逐渐增大,矿石中大离子亲石元素存在不规律性的变化.这些特征揭示出大宝山铜矿矿石与围岩在PGE和微量元素地球化学特征上存在明显的差异.结合矿区内矿体呈脉状、受顺糜棱面理发育的脆韧性构造破碎带控制,围岩蚀变强度较弱、规模小和矿区内新生代同构造岩浆岩脉发育,以及主要矿石矿物δ34S值主要集中在+ 1.3‰~-5.2‰之间,部分落在-8.2‰~-12.8‰范围的特点,说明大宝山铜矿中的成矿物质主要来源于新生代岩浆期后热液,围岩的贡献很小.大宝山铜矿与矿区内新生代同构造岩浆岩脉同为雪龙山韧性剪切带隆升过程中形成的产物,岩浆分异产生的含矿流体在上升过程中与地下流体混合导致物理化学条件发生明显的改变,促使成矿物质沿构造破碎带晶出形成矿脉.  相似文献   

The ash yield and concentrations of twenty-four minor and trace elements, including twelve potentially hazardous trace elements were determined in Mukah coal from Sarawak, Malaysia. Comparisons made to the Clarke values show that Mukah coal is depleted in Ag, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, Se, U, and V. On the other hand, it is enriched in As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sb, Th, and Zn. Among the trace elements studied, V and Ba are associated predominantly with the clay minerals. Manganese, Cr, Cu, Th, and Ni are mostly bound within the aluminosilicate, sulphide and/or carbonate minerals in varying proportions, though a portion of these elements are also organically bound. Arsenic, Pb and Sb are mostly organically bound, though some of these elements are also associated with the sulphide minerals. Zinc is associated with both the organic and inorganic contents of the coal. Among the potentially hazardous trace elements, Be, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, Se, and U may be of little or no health and environmental concerns, whereas As, Cr, Pb, Sb and Th require further examination for their potential health and environmental concerns. Of particular concern are the elements As, Pb and Sb, which are mostly organically bound and hence cannot be removed by physical cleaning technologies. They escape during coal combustion, either released as vapours to the atmosphere or are adsorbed onto the fine fly ash particles.  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of trace elements in the coastal sea sediments and water of Maslinica Bay (Southern Adriatic), Croatia and possible changes in marine flora and foraminifera communities due to pollution were investigated. Macro, micro and trace elements’ distributions in five granulometric fractions were determined for each sediment sample. Bulk sediment samples were also subjected to leaching tests. Elemental concentrations in sediments, sediment extracts and seawater were measured by source excited energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). Concentrations of the elements Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb in bulk sediment samples taken in the Maslinica Bay were from 2.1 to over six times enriched when compared with the background level determined for coarse grained carbonate sediments. A low degree of trace elements leaching determined for bulk sediments pointed to strong bonding of trace elements to sediment mineral phases. The analyses of marine flora pointed to higher eutrophication, which disturbs the balance between communities and natural habitats.  相似文献   

相山铀矿田的成矿流体性质和来源存在争议,为进一步探讨相山铀矿田成矿流体的性质和来源,本文对相山铀矿田西部的居隆庵铀矿床和北部的沙洲铀矿床中的新鲜围岩、蚀变围岩及矿石的微量、稀土元素含量及其变化进行了研究。结果显示:在含较多热液成因萤石的居隆庵铀矿床中,从新鲜围岩到蚀变围岩到矿石,Zr、Hf含量先降低再升高;而在含少量热液萤石的沙洲铀矿床中,新鲜围岩、蚀变围岩和矿石的Zr、Hf含量基本一致。鉴于富F流体易汲取岩石中的Zr、Hf,因此,这两个矿床中不同类型样品Zr、Hf含量的不同变化趋势,可能与居隆庵铀矿床的成矿流体富F、而沙洲铀矿床的成矿流体相对贫F有关。这两个铀矿床中矿石的稀土配分曲线与其各自的新鲜及蚀变围岩的稀土配分曲线形态相似但又存在差异,说明每个矿床的新鲜围岩、蚀变围岩和矿石之间的稀土元素既具有继承性、又受到不同性质的流体的影响。居隆庵铀矿床中矿石显示Eu负异常,可能主要是继承了围岩的Eu负异常;沙洲铀矿床中矿石Eu显示弱负异常至弱正异常的特征,可能与围岩中斜长石因热液蚀变作用而释放出的Eu的进入流体有关。基于新鲜围岩、蚀变围岩及矿石的U和REE研究,推断居隆庵铀矿床成矿流体中U和REE均以F的络合物形式迁移;但沙洲铀矿床中铀矿石品位较低,可能是与流体中相对贫F有关。  相似文献   

贵州清镇蔡家坝铝土矿床赋矿层位为下石炭统九架炉组(C1jj),下伏地层中-上寒武统清虚洞组(∈2-3q)。本研究以九架炉组含铝岩系与顶底板为主要研究对象,通过对Be、Th、U、Sr、Ba、V、Ni、Cr、Zr等沉积环境指示性较强的微量元素以及稀土元素测试分析,结合Th/U、Ni/Cr、Sr/Ba等二元图解和稀土元素标准化图解综合研究,探讨研究区铝土矿床的物质来源、成矿环境及稀土分异控制因素。研究结果表明:1)研究区铝土矿床形成于以陆相沉积为主,海陆交互的还原环境,成矿作用为风化—沉积成因,有异地沉积等成矿物质多源特征,下伏中-上寒武统清虚洞组为矿区物源之一; 2)研究区含铝岩系ΣREE值最高831.63×10-6,ΣLREE/ΣHREE比值为4.68~13.77,表现为轻稀土富集型;3) pH值、粘土矿物以及Fe矿物可能共同主导了蔡家坝含铝岩系中REE的富集以及LREE和HREE的分异。  相似文献   

To understand the geochemical characteristics of the No.9 coal in the Daheng Mine of the Ningwu coalfield, the trace element analysis was conducted through X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The sedimentary environment was discussed according to the element geochemical parameters. The results show that Li, Ga, Hf, Zr, Nb, Th, and Ta are slightly enriched in the No. 9 coal of Daheng Mine. The average value of the rare earth elements and yttrium (∑REY) in coal here is 144.20 μg/g (excluding parting), which is higher than the average value of ∑REY in the world ’s coal and China ’s coal. The light rare earth elements (LREY) are enriched. The content of Eu was 0.12–2.10 μg/g with an average of 0.57 μg/g, and the Eu is obviously negatively abnormal. Most of the trace elements in the coal are positively correlated with the ash content, which shows that the occurrence of these trace elements is related to inorganic minerals. The results of sequential chemical extraction experiments show that rare earth elements mainly exist in coal in the form of aluminosilicate. The value of the Sr/Ba and the content of S reflect that the coal-forming environment was influenced by seawater. The values of V/Cr and Ni/Co reflect that the peat swamp is in an anaerobic environment and a strongly reducing environment during the coal-forming period.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering of basalts in the Putorana Plateau, Central Siberia, has been studied by combining chemical and mineralogical analysis of solids (rocks, soils, river sediments and suspended matter) and fluid solution chemistry in order to quantify CO2 consumption and to assess the major factors controlling basic rock weathering under permafrost-dominated taiga climate. The chemical status of  40 major and trace elements (TE) in pristine boreal rivers and interstitial solutions of permafrost soils has been investigated using in-field ultrafiltration procedure. This revealed strong relationships between concentration of TE and that of major inorganic components of colloids, i.e., Fe or Al. Decomposing plant litter and permafrost thawing are considered important sources of most major and trace elements in Arctic rivers during summertime.  相似文献   

吴胜华  孙冬阳  李军 《岩石学报》2020,36(1):245-256
华南包括两个世界级的W矿带,分别是南岭和江南造山带W成矿带。柿竹园W多金属矿床位于南岭地区,香炉山W矿床位于江南造山带东北部。两个矽卡岩W矿床都发育硫化物成矿阶段。但硫化物和成矿元素组成存在显著的差异。前者由含Pb、Zn、Ag硫化物和黝铜矿、银黝铜矿、含Ag斜方辉铅铋矿和铁硫锡铜矿硫盐组成;后者主要为磁黄铁矿。柿竹园远接触带Pb-Zn-Ag矿脉中硫化物(闪锌矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿和磁黄铁矿)较富集B、Mn、Cr、Sb、Sn和Hg,香炉山似层状矽卡岩和硫化物-白钨矿矿体中硫化物(磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿)较富集W、Se和Bi。两个矿床中黄铜矿、闪锌矿和方铅矿较富集Ag,黄铜矿、闪锌矿富集In和Sn,闪锌矿还富集Cd。两个矿床中的硫化物微量元素分析表明与矽卡岩W矿成矿相关的硫化物可载有多种微量元素。这些元素参与到硫化物中程度由多种因素控制。具体如下,硫化物中B含量高低与成矿相关岩体中B含量相关;在相对高温和还原条件下,硫化物中W含量较高;闪锌矿中Mn和Cd与Zn发生取代作用; Cr可以一定程度进入到硫化物中,并受成矿流体中Cr含量影响; Se与S发生了一定程度的取代进入硫化物,并受流体中它的含量控制; Bi在闪锌矿与黄铜矿易形成固溶体;硫化物中Sb含量受初始流体中它的含量影响,方铅矿中易包裹一定的辉锑矿(Sb_2S_3)或含Sb的硫盐矿物; Ag是否形成独立的矿物相和进入哪些硫化物中,取决于流体中Ag的初始含量和硫化物的沉淀次序;硫化物中Hg的含量受温度影响。  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) Taveiro and Aveiro Formations belong to the northern sector of the Lusitanian basin (Portuguese western margin). The Taveiro Formation was deposited in alluvial fans, including mud flow beds, lakes and sinuous rivers. The Aveiro Formation was deposited in a flat region with low hydrodynamics channels, with the formation of a barrier island-tidal system. The reconstruction of this sedimentary basin may be difficult due to its complex architecture. This work aims a methodology to be used in the reconstruction of Cretaceous sedimentary environments of the Lusitanian basin, through the establishment of geochemical patterns of different size fractions of those deposits. Chemical analysis was performed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), and the mineralogical composition obtained by X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The whole rock and different size fractions (? ≥ 125 μm, 63–125 μm, 20–63 μm, 2–20 μm and ? < 2 μm) of selected samples were studied aiming the rare earth elements (REE) and other trace elements distribution and its correlation with the grain size and mineralogy.The results obtained for the studied Cretaceous sediments showed that REE patterns and other trace elements distribution in the different size fractions may be used as a tool to differentiate deposits within and between sedimentary formations. Within the Taveiro Formation, REE are concentrated in the silt fractions (20–63 μm and 2–20 μm) of the Reveles deposit, and in the clay size fraction of S. Pedro deposit, which is richer in kaolinite. The 1st transition elements, particularly Zn, are correlated with the presence of smectite in the clay fraction of Reveles deposit. In the sand and silt size fractions (>2 μm) of samples from Taveiro Formation correlations were found between: Ga and 1st transition elements, and phyllosilicates; Cs and mica; and Rb and Ba, and K–feldspars.The Bustos deposit (Aveiro Formation) samples are very fine-grained and with a high proportion of the fine silt fraction where REE are concentrated, especially the heavy ones. Incorporation of MREE, Co and U in carbonates of the coarser fraction appears to occur. The abundances of the 1st transition elements, Ga and As, are correlated with phyllosilicates.Significant differences were found in the trace elements patterns of the various analysed size fractions of the Lusitanian basin of Cretaceous sediments, between and even within formations, which can be used as a methodological approach for a fine paleogeographic reconstruction.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mannar along the Tuticorin coast is a coral base of the southeast coast of India. To obtain a preliminary view of its environmental conditions, geochemical distribution of major elements (Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, P), trace elements (Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) and acid leachable elements (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) were analyzed in surface sediment samples from two seasons. Geochemical fractionation confirmed the lithogenic origin of metals, which were mainly associated with the detrital phase. The sediments in the gulf are sandy with abundant calcareous debris, which controls the distribution of total and acid leachable elements. Enrichment factors relative to crust vary by a magnitude of two to three and the presence of trace metals indicates the input of Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in both forms through industrial activities. Factor analysis supports the above observation with higher loadings on acid leachable elements and its association with CaCO3. The increase in concentration of trace metals (Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn) along the Gulf of Mannar indicates that the area has been contaminated by the input from riverine sources and the industries nearby. The present study indicates that other sources should be evaluated in the long-term monitoring program.  相似文献   

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