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文章对晰脚类恐龙的分类进行了探讨,提出了新的分类方案,即将晰脚类划分为2个超科、7个科。它们分别为勺齿晰龙超科Bothrosauropodoidea,包含火山齿龙科Vulcanodontidae,鲸龙科Cetiosauridae,腕龙科Brachiosauridae,圆顶龙科Camarasauridae和马门溪龙科Mamenchisauridae;圆齿晰龙超科Homalosauropodoidea  相似文献   

马门溪龙属(Mamenchisaurus)的分类位置及演化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
文章对马门溪龙属的分 类位置进行讨论。认为它应归属于勺齿蜥龙超和产中的马门溪龙科,从而对蜥脚类科一级的分类提出了新的划分方案。文章对马门溪龙属的演化进行了探讨,提出其祚应为中侏罗世的峨眉龙属。  相似文献   

四川盆地晚侏罗世晰脚类一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章记述了在四川盆地上侏罗沙溪庙组采到的一批巨型昕脚类恐 龙化石新材料,建立了一种新-井研马门溪龙。新种的发现进一步证明了马门溪龙属及马门溪龙科的分类位置应归的勺齿晰龙超科。  相似文献   

记辽宁一新翼龙化石(喙嘴龙亚目)   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
姬书安  季强 《江苏地质》1998,22(4):199-206
记述了辽宁北票四合屯炒米甸子组中一新翼龙化石,该翼龙个体极小,两翼展开仅约40cm。化石具有同形齿、长尾、极短的翼掌骨和非常发育的后肢第Ⅴ趾等特征,因而无疑可归入喙嘴龙亚目喙嘴龙科(Rhamphorhynchidae),并代表一新属种弯齿树翼龙(Dendrorhynchuscurviden-tatusgen.etsp.nov.)。该化石是我国及东亚晚侏罗世喙嘴龙类翼龙的首次记录,它的发现有力地表明包括中华龙鸟和孔子鸟在内的辽西四合屯化石层的地质时代应为晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

1938年 ,中国著名古生物学家杨钟健在云南省昆明市郊对采自禄丰盆地上三叠统下禄丰组的小型兽足类恐龙头骨前部及下颌骨等一批骨骸化石进行了研究 ,鉴定其属一种腔骨龙。为纪念揭开抗日战争序幕的芦沟桥事变 ,将其命名为芦沟龙。分类位置 :爬行纲 (Reptilia) ,晰臀目 (Saurischia) ,包计龙科 (Podokesauridae)。特征 :大小如鸵鸟。头骨较小且吻长。鼻孔小且位靠前。眼眶圆 ,眶前孔三角形。下颌细长且下缘直。前上颌骨和上颌骨分别有 5颗、10颗牙齿。牙齿侧扁且微向后弯 ,呈匕首状 ,后缘具小锯齿。生性 :成…  相似文献   

姬书安 《西北地质》1996,17(2):10-13
甘肃玉门大山口晚二叠世早期原始恐头兽类化石,与俄罗斯Ⅰ、Ⅱ带和南非Eodicynodon-Tapinocaninus组合带中Anteosauridae科的原始属种极其接近,表明当时东亚、东欧、南非之间相互连接或有陆地相通,脊椎动物群可自由交流。  相似文献   

Research on Complexity of Surface Undulating Shapes of Rock Joints   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTIONThemechanicalbehaviorofrockjointsisacomplexsys-temwhichiscontroledbyalotoffactors.FromtheJRC-JCSmodel(BartonandCh...  相似文献   

五台山地区寒武纪地层及三叶虫动物群(3):属种描述王绍鑫,张进林(山西省地质矿产局区域地质调查队)(地质矿产部天津地质矿产研究所)3属种描述(B)无肩虫超科AnomocaraceaPoulsen,1927原附栉虫科ProasaphiscidaeCha...  相似文献   

江苏南部Z-8井高家边组胞石生物地层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对Z-8井志留系高家边组地层中胞石的研究,共鉴定3属8种,从上到下共确立了Conochitinatruncata带、C.rosica带和Bursachitinarectangularis带3个胞石带,进行了地层对比,并指出C.rossica带在本区高家边组地层中是首次发现。  相似文献   

彭光照 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):113-123
自贡地区涵盖侏罗纪3个不同时期的恐龙动物群组合。早侏罗世是恐龙动物群的萌发阶段,以原蜥脚类和原始蜥脚类恐龙共存为主要特征,属禄丰蜥龙动物群范畴;中侏罗世蜀龙动物群具有过渡性质,代表恐龙动物群的繁荣阶段,特点是原蜥脚类绝迹,原始的蜥脚类和进步的蜥脚类共同成为动物群的主要成员,并开始出现一些特化的蜥脚类,肉食龙类和鸟脚类成为动物群的重要成员,剑龙类开始出现;晚侏罗世马门溪龙动物群代表恐龙动物群发展的鼎盛阶段,特点是成渝龟类被蛇颈龟类所取代,原始的蜥脚类已消亡,特化的长颈型的马门溪龙类为主要成员,肉食龙类、鸟脚类和剑龙类向大型化发展。自贡地区侏罗纪恐龙动物群的兴衰和更替与四川盆地古地理环境和古气候的变迁密切相关。  相似文献   

Abstract: The structure and orientation of the posterior extremity (tail club) of the caudal vertebrae of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis Young and Chao, 1972 from the Upper Jurassic Shangshaximiao Formation has been analyzed to determine the tail club function using Finite Element Analysis. Of the four caudal vertebrae composing the tail club, the second largest (C"1") was probably the most proximal, and is fixed with the preceding sequence of the caudal vertebrae, whereas the smallest (C"4") is free and forms the termination of the tail club. Our analysis also suggests that the tail club is more efficient in lateral swinging rather than up-and-down motion, and that the best region for the tail club to impact is at the spine of the largest of the four caudals (C"2"), with a maximum load for impact at about 450 N. The tail club of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis probably also had limitations as a defense weapon and was more possibly a sensory organ to improve nerve conduction velocity to enhance the capacity for sensory perception of its surroundings.  相似文献   

吉林九台白垩系一新的蜥脚类恐龙   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
记述了蜥脚类恐龙(Sauropoda)中一新的属种—西地九台龙(Jiutaisaurusxidiensisgen.etsp.nov.),包括18个相关节的尾椎及13个脉弧。化石产于吉林九台白垩纪泉头组的紫色-杂色砂岩中。其主要特征为:中部尾椎椎体两侧出现前后延长的棱脊,前-中部尾椎双凹型,神经弓位于椎体前半部,脉弧不分叉,血管孔长度约占脉弧长度的1/2以上。新属种的发现对进一步研究白垩纪蜥脚类恐龙的系统演化、古地理分布等提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

概述了中国水文事业从有史以来至1990年的发展历程,以水利部门的水文工作为主,兼及其他部门有关水文工作状况。将历史划分古老文明,外来影响迅速发展,曲折前进 ,改进开放等五个时期叙述,而重点放在新中国成立后的三个时期。  相似文献   

在广西东攀二叠-三叠系界线剖面中发现了Domataceras guangxiensis, Lopingoceras guangdeensis Zhao,Liang et Zheng,Schizoloboceras fusuiensis, Agathiceras sp., Stacheoceras sp.,Pernodoceras robustum Chao et Liang,Dushanoceras cf.rotolarium Zhao, Liang et Zheng,Huananoceras cf.perornatum Chao et Liang,Qianjiangoceras sp.,Laibinoceras cf.compressum Yang,Glyptophiceras sp.,Lytophiceras cf. chamunda(Diener),Ophiceras tingi Tien,Ophiceras sp.化石.在剖面的第2~12-2层产Pernodoceras,Dushanoceras,Huananoceras和Qianjiangoceras化石,均为长兴期菊石带Pseudotirolites-Rotodiscoceras的共生化石.第12-3层产长兴期菊石Laibinoceras cf.compressum Yang.第13-1A~16层产Lytophiceras和 Ophiceras,为早三叠世菊石带Ophiceras-Lytophiceras的带化石.东攀剖面菊石的分布及其与华南其他地区的对比研究表明,广西东攀剖面二叠-三叠系界线位于第12-3层(厚55 cm)内部或者位于第13-1A层的底部.  相似文献   

Endolimnadiopsis rusconii sp. nov. is the first record of paleolimnadiopseid conchostracan from the lower Upper Triassic Cacheuta Formation, Mendoza Province, Argentina. An extended diagnosis of the genus Endolimnadiopsis Shen is presented, and some comments about its taxonomic position in Family Palaeolimnadiopseidae and Subfamily Asiolimnadiopseinae are also given. The paleobiological, paleobiogeographical, and evolutionary implications of this finding are briefly discussed. The find supports a close relationship between southamerican and asiatic conchostracan faunas. From an evolutionary point of view, the new species shows a combination of both characters, primitive and more advanced, that corresponds with a transitional form between primitive paleozoic to advanced mesozoic species. E. rusconii sp. nov. is compared with other paleolimnadiopseids such as Endolimnadiopsis eichwaldi Netshajev from the Upper Permian of Russia.  相似文献   

Between 1958 and his retirement in 1982, J.B. Sissons published some 80 articles and two books. The majority of these were devoted to aspects of the Quaternary geomorphology of Scotland, but many of his findings have much wider application. This paper reviews the six main areas in which Sissons made an outstanding research contribution. In approximate chronological order, these were as follows: (i) reassessment of the significance of meltwater channels and related fluvioglacial landforms (1958–1963); (ii) the deciphering of an extremely complex sequence of raised and buried shorelines and associated sea-level changes in eastern Scotland (1962–1972), together with reinterpretation of the age and origin of marine rock-cut platforms in western Scotland (1974–1982); (iii) work on the data banking of borehole records and the relevance of certain aspects of drift stratigraphy to engineering operations (1969–1971); (iv) research on the extent and chronology of the last Scottish ice sheet and associated readvances (1961–1982); (v) the reconstruction of the extent and palaeoclimatic implications of Loch Lomond Stadial glaciers (1972–1982); and (vi) investigation into aspects of landscape evolution in the Glen Roy area, including the formation of former lake shorelines, the catastrophic drainage of former ice dammed lakes and its effects, the interpretation of complex terrace sequences and the discovery of links between deglaciation, unloading, faulting, earthquakes and landslides (1978–1982). This paper also includes a complete list of Sissons' publications.  相似文献   

中国上石炭统滑石板阶   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
滑石板阶一名最初见于项礼文等 ( 1980 )的文章 ,阶名源自同名岩石地层单位——滑石板组 ,典型剖面位于贵州省盘县县城以东约 30 km的滑石板村。岩性以浅灰色厚层灰岩为主 ,局部夹白云岩 ,厚 315 .4 6 m。底界以化石 Pseudostaffella antiqua的始现为标志 ,顶界止于化石 Profusulinella priscoidea带之底。滑石板阶包含 2个带 Pseudostaffella antiqua- P. antiqua posterior带和 Pseudostaffella composita- P. paracompressa带 ;2个菊石带Reticuloceras guizhouense带及 Branneroceras branneri- Grastrioceras cf. cumbriensis带 ,还包含腕足类 Choristitesmansuyi- Plicatifera chaoi组合带。牙形刺仅在下部找到 ,归属于 N eognathodus symmetricus带。滑石板阶大致相当于国际地层表中的巴什基尔阶 ( Bashkirian)中部  相似文献   

本文记述山东莱阳盆地早白垩世莱阳组(K1l3)草蛉科的一个新属——龙草蛉属(Drakochrysa gen.nov.)。新属以其脉序特色而区别于相近的幻草蛉属(Nothochrysa),并修改了中草蛉属中一个种归入本新属。同时对草蛉科各个亚科的地史分布及新属的分类位置作了讨论。  相似文献   

A new dinosaur of Early Cretaceous age was recently discovered from the Mazongshan area of northwestern Gansu Province, China. The new dinosaur represents a new genus and species of Sauropoda, and is among the most basal members of Titanosauria. Its finding also suggests that titanosaurs might have originated in Asia no later than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

陈孟莪  曹瑞骥 《地质科学》1966,7(2):185-188
本文记述的古藻化石,是中国科学院地质研究所刘鸿允、刘钰等1960年夏在滇东马龙县纳章村震旦系灯影组底部采集的。笔者采用古藻类化石微体研究法对标本进行了较详细的研究,发现藻类微体构造保存良好,值得描述。  相似文献   

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